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Double thats much but a bit deeper commitment phobic to. The best so little i learned the studies not all of that ive seen her lobbyist via so were the 1st it up when yeah. I kinda have to put it in so thats funny but i had to face it you know and he said to me. Do you. Feel. A sense. You know were going to continue i left. The music. Because it was good to do it again. Like. It. They did this to him when. Well let me just thank. You so much for the cover but i know you are looking for. A fair argument for going to spend you. Behave. Even though. We. Dont know for sure which way tom would handle. This. Show your moment of the choice of the show you get. To. Know how to tell him good luck with that question only and she managed and youve done with of. The book we have deserved it because this is if you can go for it and see it with the kids and see it was the theme on that model for visit me a bunch of us and saved it was that to be a bus or bus though because these people because the. Im going to michoud. So. It could have sold me except in the. Whole. 15 c. The beer should have to. Do with. A man. Who gives a hash. But i dont know. If it is handy sez i only. Tessa i think ive been told has i havent heard or im a been a mistake. If the commission of them had thought about commissions you dont have to chop it money in a tight and manhole cover to send them an ominous his that is when im home alone that. You knew lose. Me i didnt have to handle. All of them so one more. Chance to. Look. At him and i found that. It is a bit. But i learned to. Give you my men and sickest so when a. Mission a boy had become with the time care made visual table because soon children and concludes. The group. Ready made them from the one the small enough to sleep 3. Legged when we had to do it would be wholly emphasis on me and my fellow mother and see by the power of. Her had been guests on them. Reginald out for a quick ceremony up and. Down while you know that he had one day your good but i had one dont you see as cant have. That youve got some i think it is and yet theres no doubt in my message thats never. Plan better and yes a ha ha ha but the idea of the dark if you are not able to do without it in life and then this is what the image was there i have to be in and be counted on. That nation as a lot of money is on it better now are they have our vision and i will have to handle it and im going to have it came and have come as they will i am no miss a lawyer. They dont have any ice on a fan or so they are. The hazard of. A minimum. Not dissimilar to. The museum. And most of them superficial dont has a 100. Phenomena that didnt get one of the memo on this so you can easily get a pretty pretty good kind of hedge ahead to feel completely out of the c. B. In the pit and im sure she and down knox doesnt like the looks of it because theyre not had not been lit up one who might ask but oh i know. We had a lot of the what us. They may have been. A moment is a big loss as she did to her then when its now gone over the head. Of the. Shareholders. And you know one of my own me. His chauffeur didnt you know the brain. Did. They became man and how do. You know what it out. On his head and im going to go but it was you that. 2 2 you know and this was so mad theyve never been seen as neighborhood just. A vehicle just im sure with the book. Years of is. If you want. To get in the. How do i really say that one of them a. House that i lived in brooklyn i had. Its. Better. To. Know that you cant believe it can simply use. This additional model to lose it in the money on the good lucrative sneakily much tension gnomes good news is that because they see your most who might assume that the. C m a chit of a model who could say im ancelotti and eddie if i could in my head goes for the model look at the tobacco in the house but what was left home was showing local messages a standard of plug be told fani n o l f o must feel is a result. Need. Not be a. Building that is the manager of the sun should be noted that it. Is the fact that a page and see faded has an have been mounted in the. Thing again. But it could still be a model for. A long time civilian or current to begin with the bomb be going. To. Begin to move to the mission and theres already been there should be that much. To you that can make it efficient just let them have ship dozens 3 and have. Adult and im going to be a knock it over to the next. Going to trash can it happen when i must become who lives there and i know nationalist if you thought of going to resign im just trying to like it is really back an experience that. Should titled known all of them. Soon in their you should still this should be the team it exists to give. Them a couple of them just the one dimension still good at the moment going to. Listen to them this. Way i know my musician im not trying to get you the god is the good life it will meet the love down. If you havent got it. Cool the consumer is pretty good about. Going the became a the common cause i will die. Or. Become heroes to me mr t. Is the. Good. Is it that men when the undie yesterday to get rides and dont let them in visitors or without it we have a twitter you are new and dear said it good on 1000 a 1000000000 on a half day and hold it in one instance there is no need for a day only to mining. Boom boom. Boom. Boom boom boom boom. Boom boom. Boom boom say year wed. Almost been a humans not only in our own serious news in. Ready ready building a new life on an entirely beach living off the sea and the last. A dream shared why so many but so few make it a reality. A Family Business led by a remarkable woman with a flair for cooking and a zest for living. My chin is yeah i didnt catch it on aljazeera. On counting the cost india 1. 00 of the biggest defense spending is in the world but. I mean emerging superpower rampant security purely on imports plus with young people tap into the world of sports and streaming services we are pay t. V. Killing off. Counting the cost on aljazeera. Trust is fundamental to all our relationships we trust banks with our money talk to us without really small talk what happens to trust in a world today by all. As more and more decisions are made for us by these complex piece of code the question comes. In we trust on. The 1st of a 5 part series great question when youre trying to. Trust me im an algorithm on a. Cold. The United Nations Security Council has met to discuss the kashmir dispute for the 1st time in almost 50 years. Hello again im not seen any show of aljazeera life and also coming up. The iranian old trying to seize by British Forces more than a month ago gets ready to sail despise objections from the united states. Violence in zimbabwes capital as protesters defiant and on antigovernment demonstrations. And taking aim a gets more restrictive laws we visit a californian city this discovery declared itself a gun sanctuary. The crisis in india the ministers kashmir has been the subject of a United Nations Security Council consultation for the 1st time in almost 50 years the closed door meeting was requested by china and its Ambassador Says the members of the council a worried that the situation may get worse this all happened on the 12th day of indias crackdown on kashmir. Judging from what ive heard from the discussions of this occurred Council Members have expresident their serious concern concerning the Current Situation yet more. Kashmir they are also concerned about to dehumanize cities and there and also is the general wheel of members now that parties concerned should refrain from taking an e. U. In the latter action which might further away the tension there since the tension is already were a tense and very dangerous well after the Chinese Ambassador both the indian and the pakistani ambassador to the un speak to the media separately both sides stuck to their longstanding positions on the territory the voice of the kashmiri people the voice of people of occupied kashmir has been heard to be in the highest Diplomatic Forum of the word they are not alone their voices have been heard their plight their hardship they pinned their suffering the occupation and the consequences of that occupation has been heard in the u. N. Security council today the fact that this meeting took place is testimony to the fact that this is an internationally recognized dispute. There was an effort to stop this meeting from convening. And we are grateful to all 15 members of the u. N. Security council for the green to having this meeting. Were ready to edges these issues in a manner that states who have normal approaches to international ties should address them. And in our case we are committed to the same legs imminent its now for pakistan to make that commitment to stop terror to start ducks but we got 3 correspondents on the story. The hora who is in the indian capital new delhi come on hyder is in islamabad pakistan capital 1st said lets go to mike hanna is at the u. N. In new york and mike seem not to have been a terribly long meeting it was behind closed doors it was requested by the chinese but how significant is a a consultation of the 15 Security Council members in terms of of moving this dispute forward. Well it was significant in that last happened some 50 years ago where the India Pakistan question was actually discussed in the Security Council it was a very short meeting which indicated that very little was achieved one diplomat said that the outcome was dead on arrival the members of the council could not even agree on a joint statement to issue after their discussions the Chinese Ambassador met pointing out what he thought that joint statement should have contained basically calling on all parties to refrain from any unilateral action he was highly critical of india for destabilizing the region as a whole we heard too from the pakistan ambassador who insisted that the process is now moving forward making very clear that pakistan does not want to leave it there it will continue to try and get greater International Involvement in this ongoing dispute but the indian ambassador making very clear that that would not be the case as far as india is concerned continuing to insist on the long held in june policy of non recognition that this is a bilateral matter between india and pakistan any other moves are an internal indian matter which has nothing to do with any 3rd party basically throwing any cold water on any large amount of the u. N. Involvement in the disputed area all right mike hanna live at the u. N. In new york thank you very much his go to kemal hide in areas in the pakistan capital islamabad is im about and. Kemal despite this being a fairly short meeting it doesnt seem to that a great deal of agreement among the 15 members sitting around the table nonetheless pakistan presenting this as a significant victory in a 1st step in pakistans diplomatic campaign. Absolutely. Mike hanna mentioning the fact that this is 50. And for the 1st time in 50 years this issue has come back to the United Nations august on this claiming that this is a diplomatic dream and when decades export into view that this is no longer by a larger issue Needs International intervention i started this particular. Entity stingley buggiest on the Prime Minister imran khan called the us president. Just on Sports Vision on the situation from india unilateral action Saudi Foreign minister were going to look speaking off the United Nations Security Council meeting and say when decay did pakistans point of view that was indeed an internationally recognized dispute between india and pakistan so Strong Language coming from august on hailing days that we carry. On the. Foreign minister also said that he would be now calling in an important meeting i come on that would be the civilian leadership included to model what pakistan is future plans as florida diplomacy whats going on but in the meantime the situation remains ready and get any foreign minister or challenger throwing a challenge to the indian saying that. They should lifted restrictions and release the leadership to find out what the people of india. Had to say martin come live in islamabad thank you very much lets go to the indian capital now new Delhi New Delhi and tell them. Is that for us and the human rights situation with regard to the people of indian administered kashmir is one of the main issues in 10. Dealing with the subject there with the dispute at the moment weve heard that theres been no internet no telephones and many leaders have been detained under house arrest india did promise that there would be an easing of the restrictions after Independence Day what is the situation now. Well restrictions have been eased in an area called civil lines in stream which is the capital of indian administered kashmir and this is an area where the whos who of me live however in downtown which is where traditionally historically weve seen many protests the restrictions have not to be nice to that extent what we have learnt is that in another area. Hundreds collected and protested they came out with the sheets of paper. Route things on its expressing their disappointment of the decision of the Indian Government now the chief secretary off. To be Union Territory according to new governments decision. However actually said the restrictions would be eased in a gradual manner in a phased manner on monday the schools would open and over the weekend phone lines would restart however we were also written as a few hours ago a short while ago has been termed as a new blow to democracy by hold on the who has been the president of the leading Opposition Party in the country the Congress Party because as leaders i have actually been arrested one has been placed in house arrest this is the leader of the Congress Party in general and the spokesperson off his party in general has been detained he was going to address a press conference and the Police Detained both of them on the the system they were suspecting that possibly they could make some comments that the government of india would not like and it could do create further problems in the region so thats been labeled as a describe rather a new blow to democracy but i would on the. Other thank you very much indeed. The brother of the Afghan Taliban leader has been killed in a blast at a mosque in southwest pakistan it happened in the town of could that in the truck troubled baluchistan province is a region that has seen regular violence in recent years. Was a younger brother of high but. At least 4 more were killed dozens of other people were wounded and so far no one has claimed responsibility. And iranian supertankers seized by British Forces last month is preparing to leave gibraltar by sunday the Supreme Court in the british territory ordered its release on thursday a new crew is on board and the ship has a new name its sailing under the uranium flag now after its registration was switched from panama Andrew Simmons has the latest from. Its 44. 00 days now since the super tanker was graced warm as it was known then but to look at it now there are no names anywhere on this ship and theres no iranian flag bearer panamanian flag was removed black paint was put on all the markings and then there was an a lot of the ship was leaving and we heard the Radio Communications between the port and the captain of the ship the anchor was being lifted and then the reverse happened for no explanation whatsoever other than further Radio Communications in which the captain was given permission to put a platform the stern of the ship to actually put up a new marking and also he got permission to leave he was asked when he was leaving and he got permission to leave on sunday evening whether or not thats observe that could easily be another communication at any time and the ship is free to go. Its named adrian. The all the indications systems weve looked at still neighbors grace warm and the destination is a mediterranean no

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