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Recorded a video statement declaring she hasnt been tortured in custody as well was arrested more than a year ago along with at least a dozen other womens rights activists Rights Groups say that she and 2 others were held in solitary confinement for months and subjected to physical abuse International Human rights lawyer toby cadman says despite reform saudi women are still treated like 2nd class citizens. I think one of the one of the things that were also seeing now is more and more women fleeing saudi arabia because of the draconian guardianship laws and various other group represents a number of saudi women who have sought to flee from saudi arabia and you are asked these women how has the situation changed since this this great announcement of reform with women being able to drive and even being allowed to go to the cinema those changes have had no Significant Impact and even what were seeing now is that the guardianship rules are supposed to be relaxed all removed within 3 months is that going to have any impact on womens lives in saudi arabia generally know that most women consider it will not because of the cultural problems that are faced. With women and even men who all are trying to exercise fundamental rights rights that we take for granted in a society which is a brutal dictatorship. Trump says he will delay new tariffs on chinese made products the u. S. President says he doesnt want to merican to have to pay more for things like laptops smartphones and video game console during the shopping season before christmas our White House Correspondent kimberly how has more. Financial markets are reacting positively to that news coming out of the u. S. Trade Representatives Office that there would be a delay in some of the tariffs put on chinese goods into the United States specifically when it comes to things like clothing toys even electronics now these are all things that americans buy and like to give as gifts during the busy december Holiday Shopping season now the president has been talking about this ongoing trade war with china and he says there is still optimism that this can be resolved that trade officials on both the u. S. Side and the chinese side have been talking and he feels there is still room for a deal. Right thank you. Very. Much. With the sticking points and resolving this dispute between the United States and china concerns about intellectual property theft and also currency devaluation the United States accusing china of just that also accusing china of not delivering on a promise to once again begin buying agricultural goods from u. S. Farmers who have taken a big hit when it comes to selling things like soybeans and pork. To china so the president expressing some concern and frustration on twitter but still saying that he expects china to follow through on the buying of Agricultural Products expressing some optimism for change but critics here in the United States saying that the president sort of outward expression of frustration the fact that the u. S. Trade representatives have dial back or delayed tariffs at least until december and some chinese products means that the u. S. May have lost its power in terms of negotiating that it has blinked if you will in this ongoing trade war and that the shift has now gone to china now having a stronger hand as the 2 sides attempt to try and resolve this dispute in ongoing negotiations farmers in the United States are facing their biggest challenge in decades as the trade war between the u. S. And china continues unions say prices are falling into man for goods from china has dropped and gallagher reports from iowa where the dispute has already cost the state an estimated 2000000000. 00. Iowa or is known as the tall cool and state part of the american rural heartland where agriculture and Food Production dominate the economy so he beads have been exported to china for decades but the trade war is changing all that in july china placed a 25 percent tariff on the crop and stocks piled up prices dropped and i was farmers have been called to the cross says you know corn and soybeans are 2 major crops that weve grown and people has just returned from china as part of a soybean growers delegation like many farmers in iowa shes being hit hard we knew someone had to deal with china something had to be done and you know we dont like how its going down because at the end of the day agriculture usually always takes it grows wos is been hampered by an unusually wet spring and is trying to deal with an outbreak of african swine fever the need to feed to make using soybeans has dropped. Several farmers have told us they feel trapped in the perfect storm theres reduced demand from china poor weather has led to a bad growing season and now theres a trade war with no end in sight there anyway farmers in iowa are keeping their heads above water is through government subsidies and many say theyre on fairly distributed and simply not enough economist to say that federal aid is only a short Term Solution so the longer this trade war goes on the tougher things get now lets go on what do you do professor chad hart says aid is needed for the long term trade strategy would be better Government Support is coming here is a nice injection if you will of care action a time that farmers are looking to pay some bills but at the same time too it doesnt address the long term issues of not having stable trade relationships farmers in our adjusting by finding new markets and planting alternative crops china is making similar moves importing from other nations there is a fear here though that the trade relationship between the u. S. And china may never be the same again you guys have filters or like many in a state the president won comfortably in 2016 Bryan Sampson is generally in favor of trumps approach on trade with china as the months passed though his confidence is wavering politicians in general love to use a problem to your boat so i like him trying to solve problems check the boxes move on i hope thats what happens now but im not sure. The president of the American Farm Bureau Federation described the trade as a body blow to thousands of farmers trade not aid is a familiar refrain here but without a resolution the u. S. Is farming states may be facing a different landscape. And they go across as there are ames iowa. To Prison Guards who were assigned to watch jeffrey abstain before he died have been put on leave while the warden has been reassigned and he has financier is believed to have taken his long life in his cell in new york on saturday while awaiting trial on sex trafficking charges are supposed to check on him every 30 minutes as to new socialize with the likes of donald trump bill clinton and passes previously convicted of soliciting prostitution from a minor. Russia says its wearing a Nuclear Arms Race despite a rocket testing accident which caused a spike and radiation levels it happened on thursday in an arctic naval base in several ski northeast St Petersburg at least 5 people were killed and levels jumped up to 16 times the normal level but theres been no official explanation the facility is used to test fullest missiles used by Nuclear Submarine step and has more from moscow. Only 5 days after this mysterious explosion in the north of russia in the area of congleton we now know that the Weather Agency has measured radiation levels up to 16 times higher than normal in the city of suffered since where exactly this testing nearby took place the highest measurement was actually at a kindergarten so of course theres a lot of suspicion and also conspiracy theories going on here in russia about what exactly has happened the government has been very tight lipped the only thing that we heard from the Vice President ial spokesman was that people should just trust the information thats been conveyed to them by the russian authorities and also about these radiation levels he said that all the state agencies are working to make sure that the people are safe but of course a lot of people still remember what happened in chernobyl in 1986 there was of course a different scale of radiation there but also then there was an information blackout and thats exactly where people are really worried about the suspicion of course increased because the stories by the government has changed in the last 5 days initially the ministry of defense said there was no radiation then suddenly the local authorities admitted there was a short but quite high spike of radiation and then the the levels went back to normal initially there were 2 victims only there were 75. 00 scientists died at the site and then only on sunday the authorities sort of confirmed that there was a Small Nuclear powered engine that exploded theres also a lot of speculation about what exactly was being tested there and american observers have said that this is the this skyfall the new missile that the lighting to put in the boasted about last year saying that this could reach every corner of the planet because it is nuclear powered. With its low lying to rain and unpredictable weather bangladesh is more vulnerable than most countries to the effects of Climate Change its pushing farmers to revive a centuries old system for growing crops charging reports from. Low lying bangladesh is on the frontline of Climate Change its farm lands facing constant floods erosion and salinity to combat these farmers are using rafts which remains afloat for a period long enough to grow vegetables theres a lot of problems during high tide this area get flooded with little water remains during low tide this is why were using floating beds to grow vegetables floating platforms offer up to an additional 40 percent of arable land creating opportunities for poor lentulus farmers aquatic farming a century old practice in bangladesh that almost disappeared is making a comeback with limited resources and threats of Climate Change people here are now starting to appreciate the importance of environmentalists friendly traditional cultivation systems some of you know john can earn around 2. 50 for days more. Views are gunning for 2 lasers on the seeds then keep them in a shaded area to mature later we plant them in the floating beds with natural for us and sell them and ready in the markets farmers generally do not use chemical fertilizers or pesticides using this method so theres a greater demand for them. On these plants and vegetables are from the floating beds farmers bring them to us by boat so we think carry them again and boats and sell them a serious bizarre. This year floating sit bad have been used on 290 hectors a predisposes marshall an area there are now around 50000 people involved directly or indirectly in this type of farming in the district. This method of farming is getting really popular and its now practiced in at least 15 to 20 other districts farmers are making a good profitable one many poor bangladeshi farmers have now been given a financial lifeline by turning back the clock and relying once again on a traditional farming technique to protect their livelihood. Poor southwest bangladesh. The death toll from indias Monsoon Floods has risen to 202. 00 as heavy rainfall continues to hit coastal regions in the west and south only half of the deaths have occurred in the state of carolina which was the worst hit around a 1000000 people are now in emergency camps and military has been deployed in some states for rescue relief. Check out the headlines right now on aljazeera china is condemning protests at hong kongs airport as a near terrorist acts after 2 men from the mainland were beaten by demonstrators on kongs Airport Authority says its now security an injunction to stop protesters from disrupting operations planes are flying again after thousands of demonstrators flooded terminal buildings causing mass cancellations the violent confrontations on tuesday when riot police moved in with the tongs and pepper spray robin pride is at hong kong airport. The hong kong accounts as office which has direct control over hong kong has condemned what took place here is terrorism but its interesting they use the word near terrorism terrorism obviously would be one of those reasons for him to be linked directly in taking a direct grip of this maybe even posing the Peoples Liberation army on to the streets but they do seem to be holding back and using the wood so i dont think weve reached chinas red line yet. Pakistan is marking its Independence Day but Prime Minister imran khan has also declared a day of solidarity with the people of kashmir tensions have been on the rise since last week when india effectively annexed that part of the country that it controls khan is now on his way to pakistan administered kashmir to address politicians there and according to the governor in the end controlled part of kashmir restrictions on freedom of movement in the region will be eased after indias Independence Day on thursday millions of kashmiris have been forced to stay indoors for a 10th straight day without working phones television or the internet donald trump says he will delay new tariffs on chinese made products and the us president says he doesnt want to merican to have to pay more for things like smartphones and video game console during the shopping season before christmas about 500. 00 refugees and migrants are stranded in the Mediterranean Sea after being rescued by 2 aid ships the ocean viking vessel picked up more than 350 of them on sunday and monday and the spanish ship open arms is carrying more migrants both ships have been at sea for 12 days waiting for port entry approval European Countries are arguing over who should take responsibility for them so the headlines keep it on aljazeera more to come and sad story is next. In one lifetime we cannot see everything and with our own. Testimony we know you witnessed it documentary. On aljazeera. Theres cast as one of the worlds busiest airports protests bring trouble to a standstill china hands at serious consequences so will the disruption sway Public Opinion of the demonstrations and would beijings patience run out this is inside story. Hello and welcome to the program. The protests a whole kong began 10 weeks ago sparked by a controversial extradition bill but theyve evolved into why the concerns about democracy in the scimitars of us chinese territory the citys leader is warning the protests are putting the whole kong stability in danger it is one of asias most important transport on financial hearts and a mass sitting at the airport led to the cancellation of flights businesses are feeling the effects tourist numbers are down and the stock markets fell to its lowest level in southern months on tuesday rob mcbride has more from hong kong. Many passengers are still turning up tuesday evening at Hong Kongs International Airport to learn that their flights have indeed been cancelled there maybe still here on the departure board but gradually this is all now turning red as it did indeed 24 hours ago when thousands of protesters came to this terminal and brought the departing flights to a standstill once again there was a call went out for protesters to come here but they didnt come in the same numbers but they were enough of them pushing trolleys many which got overturned here blocking the checkin aisles to once again force the Airport Authority to cancel all of tuesdays remaining flights it has to be said that many of the protesters have now cleared out those trolleys are in neat stacks many of those protesters it seems are now leaving the terminal having achieved their objective of bringing one of the worlds busiest a. B. A. Shin hubs to a standstill for a 2nd day running but it does remain to be seen just what impact this has on Public Opinion there are a lot of very angry passengers in this terminal this evening the hope for the authorities here is that as we saw 5 years ago when gradually there was a public disenchantment with the whole proDemocracy Movement that gradually this movement will the Public Opinion will be turned against this movement because of the disruption like this that it causes Robert Bright for inside story. Hong kong stiff executive is warning protests against jumper dies in the citys safety. Volek monahan siple is violent no matter if its using violence or condoning violence will push hong kong down a path of no return we plunge Hong Kong Society into a very worrying and dangerous situation i believe that those who heard my words previously might have only half believed me but the situation in hong kong in the past week has made me very worried that we have reached this dangerous situation. Lets bring in our guests from Hong Kong Chris chang is a journalist and editor in chief of Hong Kong Free press an independent publication in nottingham professor steve turned director of the China Institute university of london and author of a morden history of hong kong also from hole called joseph chang political scientist and convener of the project office a group of alliance for true democracy welcome to the Program Chris what are the protesters trying to achieve here i would put it best of 5 demands which they did save the past 2 bombs it was on the floor busy theyll want the protests got the carrots or ice thats right them one or the process is to be released they want an independent investigation to audit events in the east and how to be the 1st soccer coach was the city of one of the take in the protest now to the airport is it to put more pressure on the Chinese Government or its face to the proDemocracy Movement. Demonstration movement through the airport i think is aimed at causing maximum disruption and therefore seeking attention and. Domestically in hong kong and china as well goldie now they have achieved that objective and is now moving into a situation that. They. On down and they may well be getting a. Counterproductive result you have to push his own destructing import joseph disrupting the flights is it a move that could pay off or could potentially backfire with the anger among many people of other disruptions work to carry lerman ministration apparently is waiting for the kind of puppet or opinion to turn against a protestant as example Democracy Movement counting on the fact that by the nuns and disruptions may end other people or at least make the people tired of the planting but at the moment people in general are sympathetic gate of the program Opposition Movement because of the and legit emergence of triad members on july the 21st in june are in New Territories and the Excessive Police by the nuns and their violent captivates as seen by the television and so on are in the recent days so at the moment. The proDemocracy Movement certainly still has the upper hand one can see the anger and challengers fee center by the journalists during the press conference given by receiving secretary of is very morning chris i mean weve seen this before in the Umbrella Movement in 2014 and then the movement was Building Momentum southerly the general discontent started to take the steam out of this movement is a something that could be repeated once again here i think the major difference between now 24. 00 to 2014 possibly that obviously stating what occupies so that booty call cost way that. Right now this process movement its about moving every way today would be to have quote all repeat be another this shake so its hard to for local residents to get tired of it although its already a 2nd month with them its coming but i do agree that at the airport its a very fine line to walk how to dont send the tourists but also sued spread the message supports or its so on process have been trying pretty well on monday to convey the message that they did not so well on tuesday and they will come up with your take on whats. Steve now one of the main demands by the protesters is for chief executive kerry to step aside is this something which the Chinese Government is willing to negotiate do you think no no not in the foreseeable foreseeable future the Chinese Government and is is very unhappy with the performance of kerry in that. I think we are probably already and the stage where kerry lead may not be fully in charge of the situation and you know hong kong but on the other hand it Chinese Communist party will not show weakness and make the concession or removing kerry lamb that to a party and bring a slap in the face it would not be tolerated when it is all and after a decent interval the chances that they will remove kerry land but they will do so at their own time want to sing and have their own unique and not as a concession to damage cynical steve i mean youve heard what chris has just said that the government is not going to cave in any time soon because its going to be just a further embarrassment for the government but odd to think that if the government insists on putting her still in place that could just show the people in hong kong for the government in china or the communist party does not really care about the demands of the people. The communist party of china is concerned 1st and foremost about staying in power in china and not allowing any challenge to north florida economies. Anywhere in the p. R. C. Assessable therefore there is simply no chance that she can bring grow allow the demonstrators in hong kong to clearly wind against it how many whatever joseph are you the same here. Probably so at the moment. The chinese authorities have clearly indicated a strong backing for kerry lamb and for her strategy of no more policies no more concessions our strong crackdown on the proctor stirs and strong backing for the police. As weve spent waiting for the Public Opinion tide to turn it course of beijing inspecting the Business Community has come out and strongly support the kerry land and ministration i do agree with steve that chinese leaders do not want to be seen making concessions are to mass school and they are worried about the demonstration the facts are on other places on the National Minorities for example union and china and at the moment are the problem obviously is there are aging and the time he and the caravan and mr asian are not prepared to negotiate are not prepared to make any concessions and it has become a test of political will its chris the protest movement has had an impact on the economy which is now facing recession is this something that could further rich shape the whole proDemocracy Movement and the reaction from the Chinese Government. Sight of all baked from the a constant c. Sexist same hong kong economy its a very welcome one so its hard to sell or actually courses. Even if its a kind that has so beat that it could be a major effect it could be did us china trade war which caused me to troll it may not be protests maybe other factors may be housing so its very hard to tell whether the economy don terms were effect the perception of public or the protests reminding people of that in a recent poll 80 to say almost 80 percent of the interviewee state read that the government should set up and the commission to look into whats happened since you have these 5 lives involved in the triads puffier so even if the protest weve been stopped on the streets that will theres still a lot of people on call that will think that the mon still has to be fulfilled because 80 percent its hot in the society dr you surely know what is an 807 its steve but when you have a saves dropping when you have people transferring the money overseas when you have. People pretty much concerned about what would happen in the near future is home whisking to lose its reputation as one of the safest most reliable commercial hubs in the region. Well hong kong is clearly taking a not in terms of its International Reputation but i think we have to separate the 2 things i say my brain Global Financial Center Hong Kong can take a good bit of punishment is russia and the airport one day or 2 a day is something which i think hong kong can stand and we then see something much more dramatic happening which essentially will amount to the Chinese Government is taking over initiations in hong kong then we are moving into a very different territory and the status of hong kong as a Global Financial center may well be. Not very much more betty we are not there yet now in terms of the Economic Statistics we need to bear you mind a day is always a elate factor before to figures who come and who and for most people in hong kong demonstrating they are not thinking about economy and not interested in the economy most of the demonstrators are graduates what undergraduates who are not financially disadvantaged in hong kong they are not thinking about their Economic Future or. Joseph but businessman the hate it when they dont have a sense of visibility about the future theyre waiting to see what would be the reaction of the Chinese Government and they are also waiting to see what would be the next move or the protests as is of this lack of visibility something that could further erode International Trust in the economy. This known business men actually came out against the issue decision right at the beginning because the Business Community was also worried about the prospects of having to go to trial or be extradited to to china to face trial because they certainly do not have confidence in the judicial system of maine and china they are of course all the time in support of its capability and prosperity and they do not want to see disruptions in the economy and society so the Business Community very much from temporary aging are have come out in support of the carry down and illustration but before the. Prompting by the game he actually might see our and independent commission of inquiry set up the hong kong General Chamber of commerce was a very good example of this but i think the Business Community is also aware of the deep would to problems as mentioned by stephen other people namely a lot of young people a lot of people at the Grassroots Level do not thing that prosperity has been beneficial to them in general that is to say they do not share they have not been able to share their thoughts of you cannot be wrong of you can cost perky in the territory chris during the 99. 00 to 70. 00 sovereignty of hong kong to china china told the world we have a model to sell which is basically one country to systems will be it will be part of the mainland however were give them theres abundant legal status and as a pendant police except for the fence and for diplomacy is. Is this an indication with the protests now in time in hong kong that china has faded in that model i think which expanded view not just for hong kong we can look at how taiwan sees one country 2 systems both the Democratic Party the ruling party and the k. M. C. Party the potty running for election both of them say step one country 2 systems over my dead body so taiwan has rejected one country to assess based on the situation hong kong and we can probably see that is to most important rejection to beijing because one country to system itself was designed as a model that if you ship baby beijing people read night but taipei butts off to all the protests in 201426 in auckland 98 i dont think i need. A good kick asia taiwan debunks one country 2 systems will have a work so that its. Important lessons from hong kong suit taiwan to other places whoa that has probably already see if the system is forming a pond what country. Off to the to appease and lay the fears of the people in hong kong. Well they are not very good options that the Chinese Government can easily take but they are options that the Chinese Government absolutely refused to take for example it will be easy for the Chinese Government ojt indeed it allowed. Governments to simply withdraw it will be carried out and said that the use of that theres no reason to not withdrawal and they can easily appoint a. Senior justice to be in charge of a commission of inquiry into or to events lead these to and including the disturbances in the last few months and thats going to take a year maybe truly years when the commission to report on that basis they can also then say that we are not charging Anybody Police or demonstrators until we have hurt the result of the commissions report that give them a significant period of time to cool things down and todd to diffuse the situation it can be done to

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