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Theres cas thats one of the wells busiest airports. Bring trouble to a standstill china hands at serious consequences so with the disruption sway Public Opinion of the demonstrations and with beijings patience run out this is inside story. The welcome to the program. The protests a whole kong began 10 weeks ago sparked by a controversial extradition bill but theyve evolved into why the concerns about democracy in the summit of the most chinese territory the citys lead warnings up both hong kong stability in danger it is one of asias most important transport on financial hops and a mass sitting at a port to the consolation of flights business has a feeling the facts tourists numbers down on the stock markets fell to its lowest level in 7 months on tuesday. Has more from hong kong. Many passengers are still turning up tuesday evening at Hong Kongs International Airport to learn that their flights have indeed been cancelled they may be still here on the departure board but gradually this is all now turning red as it did indeed 24 hours ago when thousands of protesters came to this terminal and brought the departing flights to a standstill once again there was a call went out for protesters to come here but they didnt come in the same numbers but they were enough of them pushing trolleys many which got overturned here blocking the check in aisles to once again force the Airport Authority to cancel all of tuesdays remaining flights it has to be said that many of the protesters have now cleared out those trolleys are in the stacks many of those protesters it seems are now leaving the terminal having achieved their objective of bringing one of the worlds busiest a. B. A. Shin hubs to a standstill for a 2nd day running but it does remain to be seen just what impact this has on Public Opinion there are a lot of very angry passengers in this terminal this evening the hope for the authorities here is that as we saw 5 years ago when gradually there was a public disenchantment with the whole proDemocracy Movement that gradually this movement will the Public Opinion will be turned against this movement because of the disruption like this that it causes Robert Bright for inside story hong kong stiff executive is warning protests against sherpa dies in the citys safety. Holik monahan siple is violent no matter if its using violence or condoning violence will push hong kong down a path of no return we plunge Hong Kong Society into a very worrying and dangerous situation i believe that those who heard my words previously might have only half believed me but the situation in hong kong in the past week has made me very worried that we have reached this dangerous situation. Lets bring in our guest from Hong Kong Chris chang is a journalist and editor in chief of Hong Kong Free press an independent publication in nottingham professor steve turned director of the China Institute university of london and author of him warden history of hong kong also from hole called joseph chang political scientist and convener of the project office a group of alliance for true democracy welcome to the Program Chris what are the protesters trying to achieve here i would put it best of 5 demands which they did save the past 2 bombs it was on the floor busy theyll want the protests got the courage to write thats right name one or the process is to be released they want an independent investigation to audit events in the east and out of it be it versus the church mr steve why are they taking the protest now to the airport is it to put more pressure on the Chinese Government or its face to the proDemocracy Movement. Demonstration movement through the airport i think is aimed at causing maximum disruption and therefore seeking attention and. Domestically in hong kong and china as well boldly now they have achieved that objective and is now moving into a situation that. They. On down and they may well be getting a. Counterproductive result you have to push his own destructing gameport joseph disrupting the flights is it a move that could pay off or could potentially backfire with the anger among many people of other disruptions work to carry lerman ministration apparently is waiting for the kind of puppet opinion to turn against a protestant as example Democracy Movement counting on the fact that by the nuns and disruptions may end other people or at least make the people tired of the campaign but at the moment people in general are sympathetic aid of the program Opposition Movement because of the and legit emergency of trying members on july the 21st in june on New Territories and the Excessive Police by the nuns and their violent captivates as seen by the television and so on are in the recent days so at the moment. The proDemocracy Movement certainly still has the upper hand one can see the anger and challengers piece ended by the journalists during the press conference given by receiving secretary of is very morning chris i mean weve seen this before in the Umbrella Movement in 2014 and then the movement was Building Momentum southerly the general discontent started to take the steam out of this movement is a something that could be repeated once again here i think the major difference between now 24. 00 to 2014 possibly that obviously its taking quite quite so that pretty cost way that. Right now this process movement its about moving every way today we did have bolt ballroom could be another this shake so its hard to its for local residents to get tired of it although its already had a 2nd month with them its coming but i do agree that at the airport its a very fine line to walk how to dont send the tourists but also sued spread the essay supports or its so on process have been trying pretty well on monday to convey the message that maybe not so well on tuesday when it will come up with your take on whats. Steve now one of the main demands by the protesters is for chief executive kerry to step aside is this something which the Chinese Government is willing to negotiate do you think no no not in the foreseeable foreseeable future the Chinese Government and is is very unhappy with the performance of kerry last. I think we are probably going to have already and the stage where carol lam may not be fully in charge of the situation you know hong kong but on the other hand it Chinese Communist party will not show weakness and make the concession or removing kerry lamb that to a party and bring a slap in the face it would not be tolerated when it is all and after a decent interval the chances that they will remove kerry land but they will do so at their own true thing and as their only show and not as a concession to damage cynical see if i mean youve heard what chris has just said that the government is not going to cave in any time soon because its going to be just a further embarrassment for the government but odd to think that if the government insists on putting her still in place that could just show the people in hong kong for the government in china or the communist party does not really care about the demands of the people. The communist party of china is concerned 1st and foremost about staying in power in china and not allowing any challenge to look forward to communist Party Anywhere in the p. R. C. Be successful therefore there is simply no chance that she tipping will allow the demonstrators in hong kong to clearly wind against it how many is party whatever joseph are you of the same here. Probably so at the moment. The chinese authorities have clearly indicated a strong backing for kerry lamb and for her strategy of not polities not more concessions are strong crackdown on the proctor stirs and strong backing for the police. As weve spent waiting for the Public Opinion tide to turn because of beijing inspecting the Business Community has come out and strongly support to carry land an illustration i do agree with steve that chinese leaders do not want to be seen making concessions are to mass school and they are worried about the demonstration the facts are on other places on the National Minorities for example you noonan china and at the moment are the problem obviously is fair are aging and the time he and the caravan and mr asian are not prepared to negotiate and not be prepared to make any concessions and it has become a test of political will its chris the protest movement has had an impact on the economy which is now facing recession is this something that could further rich shape the whole proDemocracy Movement and the reaction from the Chinese Government. Im site. Of the accountancy sexist same hong kong economy its a very lucky one so its hard to sell or actually courses. Even if its a kind of that beat that it could be a major effect it could be a good us china trade war which caused me to troll it may not be protests maybe other factors may be housing so its very hard to tell whether the economy john time well check the reception on public for the protests reminding people of that in a recent poll 80 to say almost 80 percent of the interviewees agreed that the government should set up and the commission to look into whats happened since you have these 5 lives involved in the triads puffier so even if the protest weve been stopped on the street level theres still a lot of people on call that will think that the mon still has to be fulfilled because 80 percent its hot in the society not fairly to what is an 80 percent its steve but when you have saves dropping when you have people transferring their money overseas when you have. People pretty much concerned about what would happen in the near future is Home Congress king to lose its reputation as one of the safest most reliable commercial hubs in the region. Well hong kong is clearly taking a not in terms of its International Reputation but i think we have to separate 2 things i say my brand Global Financial Center Hong Kong can take a good bit of punishment is russia and the airport will one day or 2 a day is something which i think hong kong can stand and we then see something much more dramatic happening which essentially will amount to the Chinese Government is taking over initiations in hong kong then we are moving into a very different territory and the status of hong kong as a Global Financial center may well be. Not very much more betty we are not there yet now in terms of the Economic Statistics we need to bear you mind a day is always a elate factor before to figures who come and who and for most people in hong kong demonstrating they are not thinking about the economy and not interested in the economy most of the demonstrators are graduates while undergraduates who are not financially disadvantaged in hong kong they are not thinking about their Economic Future or. Joseph but businessman the. Hate it when they dont have a sense of visibility about the future theyre waiting to see what would be the reaction of the Chinese Government and they are also waiting to see what would be the next move or the protestors is of this lack of visibility something that could further erode International Trust in the economy. This known business men actually came out against the issue decision bill of rights at the beginning because the Business Community was also worried about the prospects of having to go to trial or be extradited to to china to face trial because they certainly do not have confidence in the judicial system of maine and china they are of course all the time in support of its capability and prosperity and they do not want to see disruptions in the economy and society so the Business Community very much front there by aging are have come out in support of the kerry down and illustration but before the hour prompting a big gain he actually might see our and independent commission of inquiry set up the hong kong General Chamber of commerce was a very good example of this but i think the Business Community is also aware of the deep would to problems as mentioned by stephen other people namely a lot of young people a lot of people at the Grassroots Level do not thing that prosperity has been beneficial to them in general that is to say they do not share it have not been able to share their thoughts of you konami wrong of you can cost purty in the territory chris during the 99. 00 to 71st sovereignty of hong kong to china china told the world we have a model to sand which is basically one country to systems will be it will be part of the mainland however were give them theres a plan that legal status an independent police except for the fans and for diplomacy is. Is this an indication with the protests now in time in hong kong that china has faded in vats model i think which expanded view not just for hong kong we can look at how taiwan sees one country 2 systems both the Democratic Party the ruling party and the k. F. C. Party the Party Running for election both of them say step one country 2 systems over my dead body so taiwan has rejected one country to assess based on the situation hong kong and we can probably see that heyst and most importantly objection to beijing because one country 2 system itself was designed as a model that if you ship baby beijing we unite but taipei butts off to all the protests in 201426 in auckland 98 i dont think. We needed to cation taiwan to fund one country 2 systems work so that its. Important lessons from hong kong suit taiwan to other places whoa that has probably already see if the system is forming a part of what country. Off to the to appease and lay the fears of the people in hong kong. Well there are not very good options that the Chinese Government can easily take but they are options that the Chinese Government absolutely refused to take for example it will be there in the easy for the Chinese Government oil indeed it allowed the Hong Kong Government to simply withdraw it will be a carrier and said that the use of that theres no reason to not ritual and they can easily appoint a retired senior justice to be in charge of a commission of inquiry into order eventually these 2 and including the disturbances in the last few months and thats going to take a year maybe truly years when the commission to report and on that basis they can also then say that we are not charging Anybody Police or demonstrators until we have hurt the result of the commissions report that mood give them a significant period of time to cool things down and charge you who diffuse the situation it can be done without the Chinese Government accepting that it has some comfort in it in moms demonstrators but they will not do so because be seen us we condemn precision and kowtow injured demonstrators it is where we still are just if they do do you think the other side his government is facing more pressing now to reinvent the. Post of a chief executive wishes letter that by their toiled calos chosen by the Chinese Government where now the developments on the ground indicate that people are looking for Something Different for someone democratically elected in the universe a suffers for example. Well up from the hong kong peoples pawn up well be can easily tell the chinese leaders that hokum people the vast vast majority on people do not want to turn and 170 off a deterrent ory do not want to endanger state Security Hong Kong people simply book once to be one to be let alone so your tits heave it secondly if understands. Can keep hong kong people happy and able hong kong to feel their are their rights are. Protected it then there will be hope major contribution to the development of china rather then all the time trying to talk ages 9 very crossed at the moment the. In a crisis is already quite. Deep so youre part of me have to let our carrier and to step down so go there will be reorganization of the government not the secretary of justice but we see things on step down as well and then to give the shape and independent commission of you get an e. C. V. Be done but i think as we have already the its thing the chinese authorities are unwilling to make the kind of concessions it is a descent concern that given the deterioration in domesticity and International Environment of china chinese the this cannot be seen to be weak in dealing with the best and external crisis i see a point at reception on the view you have all said repeatedly of that you dont think china is genuine about about reforms and which brings the question to chris if the impasse continue is there and it can so that china might call in troops. Well i think that there is no beat the Chinese Court fluids because. We have seen booth and they said jen what theyre trying to do to solve the iran the border city seem to walk on but theyre only garrison it on call with the obvious side and thats the way that china works is that it if it can do something if we dont warn the public about it they will just do it considering the consequences but they did report the Financial Times in other places which seemed that the chinese army command that hong kong actually promised to the u. S. Side that this thing they people said that the chinese on the it would not be deployed on so if china it could be the ability to. Ignore all the International Consequences of being caught if the doc told us that if we will do so so i dont make the risk of the obvious high steve the a thing the Chinese Government will listen to the concerns voiced by the International Community britain and the u. S. And many other countries said its about time for the china to listen to the people of hong kong the Chinese Government should Pay Attention to what will not being sent in the International Community but that doesnt mean that they will do want the. International community in damage to do. With all due respect to chris i think he is completely wrong the idea that the Chinese Government will not use force in hong kong is totally unrealistic the Chinese Government is and has always been very clear that the garrison in hong kong is there to defend and fault chinas sovereignty although hong kong when the chinese leadership used the term kind of revolution to describe events in hong kong they are beginning to see hong kong as poss in a basic challenge to your florentine communist party in china that east a precondition ok damage to all i have obtained i have a last question very question to joseph busy less than a minute with you talking about the impact of the process movement on hong kong what kind of long term impact on china if the crisis continues it simply means that Economic Growth and longing will not guarantee political stability he certainly hope that Economic Growth to bring about genuine political reforms so that peoples rights peoples dignity will be respected this is exactly what hong kong people want and i think this is exactly the challenge that decide these leaders will have to face in egypt mediate a noncomputer thank you thanks to our guest joseph chance to sand and chris chunk and thank you to philosophy you can see the program again at a time by visiting our website aljazeera others call for further discussion go to our Facebook Page thats facebook dot com author was last a. J. And so i saw you can also join the conversation on twitter our handle is a. J. Its a story for me asham the whole team here in doha by phone at. From mother to daughter an ancient craft kept alive by a bustling matriarch. From start to finish. All traditions intertwined with new designs making this familys place unique in tunisia has rich tapestry. The thread on a. This is al jazeera. And that is our life from a headquarters in doha. Coming up in the next 60 Minutes Police clashed with protesters at the citys airport after a sit in canceled flights for a 2nd day. Markets react positively as u. S. President donald trump delaying some new tariffs against china

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