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Restrictions because they have concerns over law and order but on one hand we have the states come on the other they are all these restrictions now the thing is that. Everything will become if people are not to their homes so there has to that is not a sustainable solution there has to be a rights respect in which 100 a situation where people are able to speak to their loved ones have access to communications have access to essential supplies and have access to hospitals the scene of that instead what we are hearing are a number of unconfirmed reports unconfirmed reports of protests unconfirmed reports about excessive use of force and confirmed reports about arbitrary arrests including of Civil Society people so it is it is at this point of time this is not a sustainable solution and the Indian Government if they decided to take this action should want to place for i suspect in measures that ensures that these are able to look at their lives normally. Still ahead on aljazeera 4th time lucky for them all a center right candidate claims victory after a 3 previous failed bid for the presidency. Im stepping into frugal down to. Protect my. Arch. Cost 25. 00. Hello there still violence that little small southern and eastern portions of china we have seen some careless guys really across around into shanghai the remnants of Tropical Storm that came away the picture from this particular part of china however as we go through tuesday it is fairly unsettled a with a lot of rain stretching all the way from hong kong across through taiwan and also down still in toulouse on in the northern philippines by wednesday we see a little bit less rain still very unsettled but this should give a break between that more persistent rain and you can see a nice warm day up to shanghai 34 celsius and clear skies but the rains of sunday havea out towards across the west and she will central Western Areas of china then we head across to india now of course we have seen nothing but flooding rains here for the last a few weeks and it is now the turn of carola state to see the worst of some of this flooding and this is the situation these aeroshell give me a really good idea is just what the impact has been across the state over 160000. 00 people have had to be moved out of their homes and this landslide was responsible for the deaths of at least 50 people so it really is a very unpleasant situation weve got more rain in the forecast certainly through tuesday and then actually by the time we head to the middle of the weight those rains becoming rather more extensive all the way from go again right way down towards carola and pushing up to nepal and up into the northeast as well. On counting the cost a new currency to challenge the dollar facebooks global dominance faces challenges. Currency wars trying to let the one to appreciate his trump run up the trade war the economic and environmental costs of sand extract counting the costs on aljazeera. Millions of workers a being in slave in the british jones of india one i want to east explores how Satellite Technology is now just sit the 3. 0. Watching out to zurich as a reminder of our top stories this hour off flights in and out of hong kong airport have been canceled for the day after more than 5000. 00 protesters flooded into the arrivals hall over 100 flights have been canceled. Irans foreign minister says u. S. Military buildup in the gulf could threaten the entire region in an exclusive interview with aljazeera job and cirie warned that more international bustles in the area will lead to and security and argentinas currency asked flanged against the dollar after president rachel mockery suffered a major setback in his attempt to win reelection governing party all 15 percent less than opposition candidate Alberto Fernandez who secured more than 47 percent of the vote. And lot of moloch and servant of canada. Will be the next president Election Officials declared him the winner after early results showed him with a commanding lead over the center left contender and former 1st lady central torahs John Heilemann has more. What tamal is new president elect a 100 gym a day on his 4th attempt the man they called the eternal candidate has finally won we dont think im very happy happy and satisfied with the results with the confidence of the guatemalan people. But who is gemma today a conservative planes to resolve polls say a guatemalans top 2 concerns the 1st security danger theres a lot of crime and youre free to go out because there are many thieves giamatti plans to get tough bring in but the Death Penalty and restricting rights to gang members in jail. And the 2nd a lack of jobs that leads to Guatemala City more people to the u. S. Border than any of the country and probably why it is that all the way the problem is that since theres no work in guatemala many people migrate and sometimes its sad what happens to those who die or get killed while searching for a new future to help their family get. A taste promised to stop creating jobs by increasing tourism and Foreign Investment to build what he calls an economic wall its going to be tough inequality is deeply ingrained in a country thats the biggest economy in Central America but in which more than half the population live in poverty is way off confirming added to all this is an unexpected challenge a deal just signed by the outgoing president with the u. S. It says that migrants crossing the country mainly from honduras and el salvador have to ask for asylum in guatemala rather than continue to the states if its ratified it could mean tens of thousands of new arrivals mr jim at day doesnt want that deal but he may have to take it us a threatening tariffs of not. One other thing he doesnt want the u. N. Backed Anticorruption Commission which he graphed in the business and political elite hard hes shown no interest in renewing its mandate thats made him far from universally popular and occur. Struggling with impunity stilton from january when he takes office is 4 years to win over the dieties dont hold me. And the men more of accusations on the spanish side Spanish Island of grand canyon area canaria pardon me as a wildfire threatened several towns authorities had declared the fire contained on sunday but high winds caused it to flare up again overnight more than 200. 00 firefighters are battling the blaze as its spreads towards a National Park Police Believe it was started by someone using Welding Equipment and have arrested one man. United states is expanding its military presence in northwestern syria alongside turkey in a bid to create a safe zone in the area 6 u. S. Officials landed in soundly or far on monday near the Turkish Border with syria a joint Operation Center is set to be established there it barker has more from gaza on tap in turkey. The Defense Ministry has confirmed the arrival of 6 u. S. Officials to the city of show on the close of the Syrian Border we have no idea who they are whether they are military officials or otherwise all this arrival is being interpreted as being all part of the creation of a joint command center that will eventually be a springboard to the creation of a safe zone in Northern Syria both the u. S. And turkey met for 3 days of talks in ankara last week at the conclusion of that was indeed to push ahead with the creation of a safe but that said the United States would happen incrementally over an unspecified period of time but the indication coming from turkeys Defense Ministry is that this command center could be online within a matter of days there has been a significant difference of opinion between the u. S. And turkey over the shape and dimensions of the safe soon the difference of opinion how deep it should be who should be in control of it and particularly strong differences over the white p. G. The kurdish fighters very much seen as a terrorist organization a threat to National Security by turkey been seen by the United States as an ally in the fight against eisel and they have indeed been heavily armed by america in recent weeks and months despite that the turkish government has repeatedly said that it would be prepared to go ahead with a unilateral incursion into Northern Syria to push the white b. G. Completely from the area the u. S. Last week said any decision to act unilaterally would be unacceptable still on sunday turkeys foreign minister reiterated that threat is very unclear at the moment despite the fact that the u. S. And turkey say that theyre going to Work Together on the creation of this saves how they are going to get over their differences of opinion when it comes to the white p. G. Saudi arabia is offering its full support to yemens government after Southern Separatists to effective control of aden theres been a flurry of diplomatic activity in riyadh the saudis crown prince as well as the king have met leaders from the u. A. E. And yemen saudi and the u. A. E. Are Coalition Partners and yemen the u. A. E. Is now urging dialogue despite backing the separatists for a major offensive over the weekend. Accordance opp africa temporarily suspended plans to investigate president s role in the post of for corruption a poster had been accused of deliberately Misleading Parliament over a 50000. 00 donation to his Leadership Campaign which he denies fame in miller has more from pretoria. President has managed to get a in interdict to stop the remedial action that was recommended by the Public Protector against him and thats linked to her reports that she said he had deliberately misled parliament when i answering questions around donations to his campaign when he was running for president of the African National congress on the Public Protector had said that the president assured to be referred to the Ethics Committee within parliament he that he had violated the executive ethics code and also she believes that there was enough evidence to indicate that there were this potentially Money Laundering involved in the movement of these Campaign Funds now this is something the president has denied he sought this interdict to prevent the remedial action from being implemented but is also wanting that report to be reviewed by the court he says the courts will decide whether or not the sir report should stand now the Public Protector has had difficulties in the past and some of the other reports where the Constitutional Court has also said that shes acted a conducted in in an improper conducted herself in an improper manner and is in fact also lied under oath no the spat between the Public Protector and him up or so is one thats dominated the public debate here in south africa there are a lot of questions being raised around what question still remark was a has to onslow with regard to Campaign Donations which all parties and political leaders we receive but also the agenda behind the public project there are media reports in observers who who say that the Public Protector has. A political agenda and that some of these reports that shes issued a unfounded and this has a great deal has more to do with the issues within the African National congress in that its a split party and that perhaps people behind the scenes who potentially want the president out but essentially shes been able to get that interdict and now those remedial action is on hold until that report is reviewed by the courts as one of the worlds most endangered species but the mountain gorillas of Central Africa are making a slow and fragile return from the brink of extinction Stephanie Decker reports from the mountains and rwanda the center of the conservation efforts if you didnt want to but were at the foot of the very good mountains and getting a briefing on how to behave around the mountain gorilla thats what everyone here has come to see and theyve paid 1500 dollars each to spend one hour with the great apes in their habitat you excited i am beyond excited this is the International Treasure that is being protected in rwanda and im so lucky to be able to experience it i cant wait and and and the cost is they put the concept where you think about it i think i think thats fair did limits access certainly to people who can afford it but i think by talking about what the mountain gorillas are providing for the communities that makes a lot of sense. This hike is not for the faint of heart its beautiful but challenging terrain we trekked uphill for over an hour. Our guide augustan shows us how gorillas get their water. And keep the energy high. And then. Right in front of us a family babies mothers and the impressive great big family man the silverback the young ones are curious we have to move back not to get too close. Others seem almost bored by our presence. Then a display of power. We walk around to get another view its incredible how close we are to his bout greatness and their bad acts just really watching us watch these great apes facing extinction just a couple of decades ago and their surprise could use the page numbers on the race. Before we know it the hour is up and its time to track back down so. Thanks so. Much for. Pace. Rwandas tourism policy were told is one of low volume high value visitor numbers are restricted and the prices high translates to 25. 00 per minute for the hours spent with the gorillas tourists actually who come to see the girl as i understand why weve done that understand that its all about conservation for the species and you can even see it in the in the in the last recent sessions that we did our strategy objects a proven to be the right way to do this weve seen a 26 percent increase in the number of individuals who are in the us so its working both on the conservation side and on the tourism side its a fragile Success Story critically endangered for years and now their status has been adjusted to endangered the latest census shows or just over a 1000 gorillas spanning rwanda uganda and the democratic republic of congo from just around 200 a few decades ago but that still doesnt seem a large number when you think that its the whole worlds entire population of these incredible animals Stephanie Decker aljazeera individual the mountains of rwanda. The director of the grillo organization a Nonprofit Group that focuses on saving gorillas from extinction she says the restrictor viewing measures are making a difference. On the let ninetys 22000 acres of. Insecticide people thought that didnt have any value of legs day then they realized that they do have and the people who have money to come see them but you cant open the environment needs to be. So. High prices. And also and 6 people dont see. You there and it isnt the one time you had in the film they saw in the film and every. Respect i have to talk remains intact they probably will survive but i just dont have a lot of needs what they need is to be given the space to afford the space to be able to read and write inspired. We get a moment visit our web site al jazeera dot com for all the days news and we have a wrap up of the headlines in just a bit dont go anywhere. In the headlines on aljazeera all flights leaving Hong Kong International airport had been canceled for the day thats after thousands of antigovernment protesters flooded into the arrivals hall or the 100. 00 flights have been affected but Authorities Say flights which were already checked in flights currently on the way to the city those are not affected it has more from hong kong airport. People here are carrying various banners and posters calling go by Police Brutality calling the Police Murderers and so on it is true the police did seem to adopt far tougher tactics in clearing away some days demonstrations and possibly it was a way of trying to maybe scare people into not coming out not taking part in illegal activities if that was the case then maybe they have to think again irans foreign minister has accused the u. S. Leading a military buildup in the gulf that could threaten to destabilize the region and an exclusive interview with al jazeera job its a reach said more International Vessels in the area would only lead to more and security argentinas president has called an emergency meeting with the Central Bank Governor after the peso plunged against the dollar the markets reacted following macro unexpectedly poor performance in sundays president ial primaries leftwing rival Alberto Fernandez came in more than 15 Percentage Points ahead of the president the 2 will face off in october as general election. Saudi arabia is offering its full support to yemens government after a Southern Separatist took effect of control of aden theres been a flurry of diplomatic activity in riyadh Saudi Crown Prince as well as the king of met leaders from the u. A. E. And yemen saudi and the u. A. E. Ur Coalition Partners in yemen in support of the government thousands of kashmiris have rallied in srinagar week after india removed the disputed territories autonomy they marched after prayers for the muslim holiday as the area remains under un president lock down with hundreds of thousands of soldiers out on the streets of court and south africa has temporarily suspended plans to investigate president Cyril Ramaphosa for corruption have been accused of deliberately Misleading Parliament over a 50000. 00 donation to his Leadership Campaign which he denies which are the headlines keep it here on aljazeera counting the cost is next. Hello im from Al Santa Maria and this is counting the cost on aljazeera your weekly look at the world of business and economics this week. On balance it sounds like a solid idea or a new world currency to challenge the dollar given its backed by facebook well its just not that simple you look at the challenges the social Network Faces from Government Central banks and. Also this week the currency war within the trade war china lets the one depreciate as donald trump slaps paging with the title of currency manipulator briggs it also takes another lump out of the pounds im going electric on 2 wheels is this the transport to reduce. Carbon footprint. The most valuable commodity in the world for the past 100 years the answer to that question would have been oil or maybe increasingly water but with the likes of amazon googles Parent Company alphabet and facebook becoming the worlds most valuable listed Companies Big data is now king the rise has been rapidly even regulated scrambling to keep up with the changing environment and now one of those protecting us wants to write another chapter at facebook hoping to introduce a Digital Currency called libra perhaps not surprising in the age of bitcoin but given facebook has abused the days or it has on billions of people and its failed to curtail the spread of online hate and generally has become a byword for distrust well many in policy circles are opposing the new crypto card. Because its also a threat to National Economies a facebook currency used by its 2000000000. 00 users could effectively create a new world currency a rival for the dollar maybe the yen or the euro and the loss of sovereignty is a huge concern for the likes of frances finance minister bruno mel in an interview with c. And b. C. He said quote we cannot accept a new currency having the exact same kind of power without the same kind of rules without the same kind of commitments and without the same kind of obligations. And even u. S. Treasury secretary steve has raised the issue of Money Laundering and funding of terrorism nations are already struggling to get Silicon Valley to pay its fair share of taxes too because social add growth slows facebook is now keen to tap into other areas you know revenues from Global Payments that is remittances electronic transfers all those Little Things they will exceed 3 trillion dollars every year but the a 2022 according to mckinsey already person to person payments in china have topped more than 17 trillion dollars this is when you use an app or an Online Service to transfer money and although facebook will own only one percent of the new currency labor tapping into the Global Payments market will make it very very rich with us now who is the chief markets analyst with think markets and name its great to have you with us i think just before we get into the real details that stay with the basics the difference between the likes of labor and say bitcoin which most people are well a little more familiar with labor is going to be the fastest manger cryptocurrency bush will be into and used by one Major Corporate or and prize whereas bet coin has not been introduced by any enterprise or any and its not controlled by anyone theres no governing body behind it coin it is completely decentralized and it is driven by the Community Price and everything with that respect is completely determined by the user i mean the supply is very much fixed anyway the only element which is which moves the price is in demand one of the most important things you mentioned there on the bit one side of things is that theres no regulation and thats i guess what people were fans of bitcoin like about it theres never going to be a way to properly regulate this is there and i guess is now controlled by humans. In a and m. Or by any set of a bank or a central bank it is a completely decentralized solution for the community for the uses and of course. Cannot clamp down we all know theyre trying their best to regulate it but everyone just completely failed to do that lets think frances finance minister has recently brought up this issue and talked about sovereignty what does he actually mean by that and again is that just well fanciful in the idea of protector and sees as youve just described them now leg in at the issue of labor as it is just its been ponselle march and it got so much attention because all the central bank is they no one particular element that we were and that we we we werent able to regulate or control bitcoin and we dont want the same thing happen for the labor which is correct of currency by the Biggest Social Network and then they then they already know that theyre find it incredibly difficult to find of regulations which can really surround this social media now because they know big corn has become a major success and it of course is a major threat to a central bank is the way that they regulate Monetary Policy or that is the way that they regulate other aspects of the political system so they dont want another wasnt of a major bitcoin coming into the market and then that means they will complete they will lose the control of all whatever they have in that respect this is perhaps more a sort of social commentary question but the fact that it is facebook you made the point there is this massive social network 2000000000 users the fact that it is facebook behind this is that whats got people worried the fact that people feel facebook can be trusted anymore because of what its done with users data in the past so when we say people unless you must be very clear. These people that were really talking about theyre regulated is right and yes they are concerned about this one that they cannot control because the news media or the way that we see news these days is not the same as it used to be back in old days now it is more open and its more transparent theres more element of being real and telling the truth and theres less censorship in this one i think the regulators wanted to make sure that yes the Money Laundering systems and Everything Else stays while in place but hair is a fact dollar is the biggest currency when it comes to Money Laundering and theres no doubt about that and then you cant even traced is transactions when it comes to anything on a block chain or on it over the respective cryptography such as bitcoin everything is very much traceable you know where the transaction happened if you really wanted to camp and down you can certainly clamp it down everything whatever you want so to answer your question precisely b. Yes they are concerned regulators arkansas and that ok i mean if facebook is coming up in the create a currency it is a major threat for the us system just a bit more on the back is if you like of libor yes facebook is the name there but there is this 100 member panel there as well which has the likes of visa are on board i guess thats understandable but then youve got the likes of you know the ride sharing apps the in the lifts for example what do they bring to the table was far as currency in banking goes yes like when it comes to the narrative of crypto currency is it adopts ability its about usability of that that that particular these particular functions becomes very important and this is why face very doesnt. Really want ok we just have this particular area and then this is where its going to be excepted now they want every Single Person all the Different Enterprises to be part of the net bag so its just like they want to have a daughter when i have pound i can go anywhere and then i can you know say they want to have the same concept they want to build an entire ecosystem around it and isnt that a good concept in a way you know were going to be talking about currencies later on this program particularly to do with with china. And the pound as well and the u. S. Dollars well the fact that there is all this volatility in the politics plays that role in all of that this idea or at least of a global currency which might be easier to use through facebook on the face of it maybe it is a good idea like innovation is always important for our ecosystem it always helps to make things more efficient so yes it is of significant importance that we should see these kind of innovative ideas these new you know way to technologies and currencies coming and merging buddie yes. There shouldnt be a wild wild west when it comes to then the should to some regulation make the entire regulator a framework even more better rather than just going in a completely new land and then everything just kind of starts of law now and so its a pleasure talking to you about this thank you so much for your time thank you. Now in the tip for tat trade war between china and the United States beijing may have landed a blow that even President Trump will find hard to counter after trump threatened to slap tariffs on 300000000000 dollars of its goods china let the Market Forces loose on its currency leaving washington to label beijing a currency manipulator scott hardly has more from beijing on what that means for the worlds 2nd largest economy. A new battleground in the intensifying trade war between the worlds 2 largest economies currency valuation the Chinese Government eased its control over the yuan allowing the currency to surpass the 7 per us dollar level for the 1st time in more than a decade that prompted the u. S. Treasury department to designate china as a currency manipulator something it hasnt done in 25 years with the yuan worth less chinese exports become cheaper allowing to compete better in the u. S. And across the world partly offsetting the u. S. Tariffs imposed on chinese imports but it will come at a cost to chinese consumers they will pay more for imports Chinas Central Bank is denying the u. S. Accusation saying its a protectionist practice. Some economists think china allowing more un volatility can only go so far china is trying to say that were not going to be berated by the us and a small reminder to escalation of the trade war and what china can do about a further escalation for china to use Exchange Rate as a weapon is highly unlikely because when a drops to say 7. 00 then it becomes a political issue. After share prices worldwide felt in reaction to chinas move some experts say the view inside china is not as pessimistic and a weaker you one was expected at some point in the past the u. S. Has been hesitating with the currency manipulator label over concern that it could trigger a trade war but were already in one so the consequences are low and the negotiations with the International Monetary fund could take up to a year and some feel that the i. M. F. Wont act against china despite the u. S. Accusation of manipulation when he starts mentioning the i. M. F. The question is what could he do there the i. M. F. Is a consentual organization theyre not going to take sides in fact 2 weeks ago they already issued their own statement about chinas currency and they said that it is and why with International Standards despite the arguments the u. S. Says its still planning for a visit from a chinese trade delegation in september now a better place to talk about all things currency then there are patel hes joining us now effects in global macro strategist at i care a good to have you with us

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