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Classical adrian began wednesday when southern separatists backed by the u. S. He fought against saudi backed government soldiers took control of the city. By saturday the separatists taken over the citys president ial palace as well as several military camps. A cease fire was called that evening for the eat Holiday Hours later saudi arabia warned the separatists to stop fighting then followed that warning with airstrikes in aden sent to create a district. In all at least 40 people have been killed in the latest fighting its actually kind of odd that you would have a cease fire so quickly because that allows the southern separatists to consolidate their gains rather than be ousted rather quickly and so it is its clear that saudi arabia believes it can mediate and find a solution here and im not so sure that they can do that easily the u. N. Humanitarian coordinator for yemen says its heartbreaking the families are mourning the deaths of their loved ones after dozens of People Killed since wednesday. This flag represents the southern separatists final to once again create an independent state of south yemen which existed from 1967 until 1990. And the recent fighting has exposed a rift in the Saudi Military Alliance that has been at war with us since 2015 but it may also open a new front in a war that has killed tens of thousands of people and its pushed the country to the brink of famine. Aljazeera. Who was an advocacy manager in yemen for the Norwegian Refugee Council she says the fighting is forcing foreign aid operations to shut down. Our main concern was that the fighting paralyzed humanitarian operations aid organizations and their stocks were i that affected by the violence or they were hiding in their basements because they were scared for their safety so and what else it did was that the quiting cut off eichel infrastructure so there was a water tank which was damaged which cut off the supply the Drinking Water for the civilians. So really what they are fighting has done is mean has meant is that it stopped the movement through on a tarion walk. But also the longer it went on formal it was also shutting down aid operation in other areas of the country we would like to continue to provide food water shelter i was just an odd and recently and visited a camp and people are living in terrible terrible conditions and they need all help so really our concern is if the fighting resumes it will shut down our operations not just in our den but the other areas of the south threaten the safety of lost often civilians and thats what we need to stop we need the situation to go back to normal so that we can provide the help that people need all right heres whats coming up for you on this news on. Tear gas and Arrests Police in hong kong out in full force as the protesters hold more rallies across the temperature the stock economic choice facing voters in argentina as they count ballots in a high stakes president ial primary and sports news as well the 2 men race for the thrilling finish will tell you came out on top in the austrian moto g. P. Right now that were looking at guatemala where polls will close within an hour in the Runoff Election for a new president the center right candidate. Giamatti. I was ahead of the former 1st Lady Sandra Torres in the prevote opinion polls this is his 4th bid for the presidency a new leader likely to face major challenges implementing a deal signed with the u. S. To turn guatemala into a buffer zone to stem migration will john holmes with us now in mexico city keeping an eye on things i imagine migration as it is across Central America will be a very big election issue. Yet huge in guatemala right now and one of the reasons you just talked about it a deal done with the United States now the details of that there are this migrants coming through guatemala many of them are going to be from honduras and el salvador they have to arsk for asylum in guatemala rather than go through to the United States if this deal is ratified by the Guatemalan Congress and that would mean that tens of thousands of people that before would be just passing through having to stay in guatemala and asked for asylum there now this is a country in which more than half the population lives in poverty and which almost a 1000000 children suffer from malnutrition so of course voters a many politicians as well are asking themselves how exactly is this going to happen and its going to work now the 2 candidates the left standing in the election of both said that theyre not happy about this but say that the outgoing president probably shouldnt have signed that deal but the United States is threatened tariffs if that deal isnt emplace so its yet to see how exactly theyre going to deal with that at some major issue the other one with migration is the fact that what the mother is actually the country itself which sort of sends most migrants to the United States they bring back a lot of money in remittances how exactly is quite to moloch going to stop that if it wants to and if it wants to avoid the anger of President Trump one of the candidates mr jemma they has talked about an. Economic war to stop them having to head north to deal with that poverty that i just talked about now the polls are actually closed well see shortly in the next couple of hours probably the preliminary results to take who has won the election and what exactly theyre going to do about these issues just tell me a little bit if you would john about the candidates themselves youve mentioned this to g. M. Out they do people will warm to him and the other candidate the former 1st lady is there is there disillusionment with the choices whats it like. I think you sort of touched upon it when you said that hes campaigned 4 times so far this is for the presidency and obviously on the other of those times he didnt win hes not a man that universally popular is a former doctor he was also the head of the prison system in guatemala and he was accused and then acquitted after that of extra judicial killings while he was in that role hes a conservative but he is saying that he will grow jobs that will provide Economic Opportunities for people credits for farmers to try and stop people heading north the other candidate sunda thought is she is the exwife of a former president so shes a former 1st lady shes offering social aid programs that made her popular while she was the 1st lady but shes also got a bit of a checkered past shes been accused of elicit Campaign Funds in the last elections so these are 2 sorts of a little bit shopworn candidates were not seeing a fresh face hit really hit this time around and it ties into Something Else thats very important in guatemala right now there was Anti Corruption commission that was backed by the United Nations and it had a huge impact on what amount of politics it led to the next president being put in prison need the kind that it has seemed keen on continuing the work of that commission sort of really this is an election where theres a lot of disillusionment that is john homan looking at the guatemalan elections thank you were going to look at argentina now as well with votes being counted in a president ial primary vote which is seen as the 1st concrete measure of Voter Sentiment ahead of the president ial election in october polls have been predicting a tight race between president. And his main challenger alberto finance as both candidates have made promises to improve the economy of argentina. In buenos aires hello to you what sort of indication will these primaries when they come out give us about the actual next president of. A strong indication simply because voting here in argentina is obligatory the last time they held these primaries 4 years ago something over 75 percent of the electorate voted the others risk being fined or sanctioned in some other way so a strong indication but the fact that all the major parties have already chosen nec candid means that this is really an indorsement of that decision by the major parties the major coalitions so we will still get a very strong indication that will then give both the major candidates the incumbent president what is your black berry and his major challenger challenger but it often and is 2 and a half months until the end of october when the elect 1st round of elections and you know why the work on the promises that theyve made consolidate the support move ahead in that way a very strong indication we will see monday morning here how the markets react to these results when they finally come out were expecting the 1st results in about an hour or so from now so we will see the reaction from the from the electorate from the markets. To which way this vote is likely to go to tell the journal about former president Christina Kirshner who i understand is running as Vice President this time but i wonder how much of a shadow she casts over the whole the whole poll. What she was president for 8 years from 2007 to 2015 she was 1st lady for 4 years before that while her husband left the kitchen and was the president of argentina since your machree took over won the elections 4 years ago shes been very much in the background but in the run up to these elections she published her autobiography shes been traveling argentina she says to promote the book many see her as a campaigning for the elections she surprised many when it was announced that she was only the Vice President ial candidate working alongside our boat often and this many see that as a way of distancing herself perhaps for maintaining a slightly lower profile because of the allegations of corruption against a jury in her time in office she obviously denies all of those allegations that its a Political Campaign against her but this is all its a way of removing herself slightly from those allegations but she is still a major figure in argentina has been for a long time and will continue to be so one way or another 10 years from now in buenos aires well talk to you again soon thank you now dozens of people have been killed in severe flooding and storms across asia in China Typhoon like emails left at least 36 people dead or monsoon rains in pakistan and india have killed 160 and displaced another 165000 reports chalons. China has already see 9 typhoon so far in 2019 but according to News Agencies typhoon lekima is the strongest in use in Hangzhou City jayjay and province rivers became a raging destructive torrents rescue was in junior county made high risk efforts to save people from being swept away one was nearly swept away to. A 1000000 people have been moved from their homes. The storm is weakening after making landfall but its now headed to shanghai chinas biggest city devastating weather has lashed other parts of asia to this is karate and pakistan some people directed their anger at the government but. Had only one way traffic to because of the rainwater that collected outside its even entered our homes the authorities on bothered at election time they come to our doorstep asking for a vote but now theyre nowhere to be found. We havent had any electricity in the last 48 hours rain water has collected and in some areas its too much we cant cook the government doesnt care if people suffer or die. Among the dead in the monsoon rains for 7 who were electrocuted and 3 killed by a roof collapse. There were dozens of deaths in the Indian States of carola in karnataka as well if. People could only watch as houses were destroyed by the water along with the many people pulled alive from the floods were those it was too late to save. The 10s of thousands moved to relief camps can only wait before its safe to return and find out whats left of their homes were chalons 0. Still ahead for you on this news on. Dozens of people injured in clashes between Israeli Security forces and palestinians. Im. Desperate need of help and that they have been abandoned by the venezuelan government and in sport. Serious punishment podium protests at the power Pan American Games in. I know that the heat is really on across southern sections of the United States not just that in fact the warnings in place right across texas up towards missouri down across into georgia and northern sections of florida so fitting. In these temperatures. Fading more like 42 degrees celsius it also comes with scattered thunderstorms generally in the afternoon hours further to the north its a very unsettled picture as you can see weve got a frontal system sliding through canada and what is bringing the rain with this and also at times of course. Couple of days that into that system working its way on to as new york as we head through. New york maybe ascott the thunderstorm in d. C. And then l. A. A nice couple of days a warm day on tuesday with a high the of 38 degrees celsius not looking bad across much of the caribbean the wind would. Want to show but for the most part just cloud and sunshine and then also fairly clear through much of cuba across into haiti the Dominican Republic the rain really is. Central areas down across dependable and pushing on towards nicaragua the usual showers and thunderstorms probably just cropping up later in the day really into southern areas of mexico so not a bad day mexico city 25. 00 degrees celsius mostly finding 26 sunny skies and have 32. Its very difficult as a shop or restaurant or to buy shrimp with the confidence that what youre serving is going to be good seafood by nature it is a high risk body sometimes through 3 production drones like you know that are not approved for us the f. D. A. Simply isnt casting a knock on the imported market to really find all of these violent bread to be taken at this time on aljazeera. Which is or will be is different because theres a majority about its views go to the root generally of a. Also this channel but the pads take the risk of a story i can. Still hold on. Going at it. Is setting out to give thanks to the reality on the ground and the reality on the ground can only be compared with the magic of the people and thats what we do i think thats what we do well. On the news here at aljazeera these are our top stories speaking exclusively to aljazeera pakistans Foreign Ministers accuse the Indian Government of a fascist mentality over its revocation of kashmirs autonomous status the leader of yemens assad and separatists say they are committed to a ceasefire in the port city of aden and are willing to work with the coalition actually taken control of the city after days of fighting exposed a rift in the alliance fighting the 30 rebels. And polls will close in about half an hour in guatemala a Runoff Election there for a new president the winner is likely to face major challenges implementing a deal with the u. S. Which in the country into a buffer zone against my question. Now is ready police have moved into a locks a mosque compound in occupied East Jerusalem following a standoff with palestinians at one of the gates to the site dozens were injured when officers set off some grenades and moved people out trouble began when right wing jewish groups demanded access to the compound on the muslim holiday of adolf. Force that has more. Chaos in a confrontation inside the mosque compound on the 1st day eat a lot of. Usually non muslims up by. Access on muslim holidays but for a 2nd time this summer significant dates for jews and muslims have overlapped and for a 2nd time Israeli Security forces decided to allow in jewish groups having said they would only do so if they assess the security situation is favorable. Towards hoke or may not if the extreme right wing government in the state is supporting the settlers to target the holy sites and to invade them in order to control and to judea zone they try continuously and repeatedly but we jerusalem people are resisting and we will fight on against these practices. Earlier on sunday tens of thousands of muslim worshippers had answered the call from the islamic walk the trust that operates the compound under the authority of jordan to pray in and around other local mosques were ordered closed to maximize numbers the muslim officials aware that right wing jewish nationalists have been demanding access to the site known to jews as the temple mount on t. Shirt but of the day jews mourn tragedies in their history including the destruction of the 1st and 2nd temples perhaps the key question about todays events is why the Israeli Security forces decided to change their minds in the early part of the day i decided to ban on was the ins entry to the al aqsa mosque compound for fear of friction a change that position and friction ensued anyway a Police Spokesman said the situation changed after they dispersed muslim worshippers using stun grenades tear gas and rubber bullets he denied that was a tactic to clear the way for jewish groups saying Security Forces responded after chairs and stones were thrown at them there has been an increasingly vociferously movement on the religious right in israel for more access to the site a change to the status quo arrangements in force since the start of the Israeli Occupation in 1967 you had a glick is a leading voice in that movement and i asked him whether the decision to allow access was a political one by a government that wants to satisfy right wing voters ahead of septembers election mr nathanial last week told the police you do what you think is right im not going to get involved and if you say on line that he did it for political reasons you are lying to your crowd it has nothing to do with the decision was made at percy by the office of the police palestinians those see this as intensely political the senior p. L. O. Politician hamas accusing israel of recklessness and aggression designed to provoke religious and Political Tension this holy site is once again a flashpoint and a focal point in the conflict are a force that aljazeera occupied East Jerusalem. To libya where rocket fire has injured 3 people people near the main airport in the capital tripoli that is despite the declaration of a truce for the holiday the internationally recognized government based in the capital accepted the cease fire request from the u. N. Mission in libya ward cleaver hafter also committed his forces to a pause in hostilities because he launched the offensive to seize tripoli back in april more now from the one hand in tripoli. It seems that the ceasefire agreement proposed by the United Nations support the mission in libya and accepted by both warring factions in southern tripoli is not very firm as random rockets landed on sunday in densely Populated Areas and injuring a number of innocent civilians also airport the only operational airport in tripoli authorities there say that random rockets landed and it damaged part of the runway and they had to temporarily suspend until further notice we know that its been quiet on sunday on the front lines except one axes as military sources with the government of national called say that they they received model rockets fired the after forces in where they will be area in southern tripoli meanwhile they say that have those forces are mobilizing more troops ammunition and military vehicles coming from military bases in area and sent to libya towards have those forces locations in southern tripoli it seems that this temporary ceasefire agreement is not very firm as it could be breached by. Either one of the all of the warning the factions at any time of the annual religious pilgrimage to mecca known as the how jews drawing to a close for millions of muslims in saudi arabia it is the Worlds Largest religious gathering with more than 2000000. 00 people taking part this year the pilgrimage is mandatory for all muslims we must perform at least once in their lifetime. There will be 3 days of National Mourning in tanzania for the 70 people who died in a fuel tanker explosion funerals have been held for some of the victims of president john wolf when he has visited people injured in saturdays blast of the support from. Overwhelming grief. The tanzanian city of moral goro mourns the death of dozens of People Killed in a fuel tanker explosion coffins lined the funeral venue as families bury their loved ones. But i must say that i mean you know with the typically accurate he was about to leave the area but then the explosion happened and he tried to escape but it was too late he was already on fire burning and screaming. The vehicle overturned on saturday crowds of rush to collect leaking fuel moments after an explosion of bodies scattered on the ground many burned beyond recognition the government says d. N. A. Testing will be offered to let me down that we have enough doctors and d. N. A. Specialists so our team will make sure they do whatever it takes so that family members can identify the relatives and bury the. Survivors were flown to hospital in Dar Es Salaam for specialized treatment many have severe burns on over 80 percent of their body. Regardless of. When the fire started i began to run away but i got burnt when a man tripped on top of me i was able to push him off but then a 2nd person fell on me. President john mughal foully visited the injured and declared 3 days of National Mourning. And he. We have seen the patients some are doing very well but most important for us is tanzanians is to pray for the sick and for those who lost their lives. The explosion is the latest in a series of similar disasters that have killed dozens of east africans in recent years distraught families are now trying to cope with the pain as they say their final farewell. To the young aljazeera. News from russia now in the state the Communications Watchdog has asked google to stop advertising what it calls illegal mass events on its you tube video platform on saturday tens of thousands of russians stage the biggest opposition protests since 2011 demonstrators demanded the release of people detained at previous rallies where they were calling for free and Fair Elections the watchdog says failure by the tech giant to prevent the spread of information about these illegal mass protests will be seen as interference in russias Sovereign Affairs and more ukraines criticize the russian president Vladimir Putins visit to crimea on saturday a Foreign Ministry statement described the trip as a blatant violation of ukraines sovereignty and territorial integrity putin was attending approach kremlin motorcycle clubs annual festival on the peninsula the far right group reportedly receives funding from the russian government and has branches in several European Countries of course russia annexed crimea from ukraine back in 2014 a move most countries view as illegal. Police in hong kong are fire tear gas and charge with batons at protesters in an attempt to break up demonstrations across the territory protesters used a flash mob strategy of appearing at large shopping streets and train stations on sunday only to disperse them and then reappear in a different location this is now the 10th straight weekend of unrest in hong kong as robin brought. Another day of protest ending all those predictably in running street battles between protesters and police. This was the chimps or choi district of cowl loued where protesters had laid siege to the local Police Station. Police responded in force. Under a barrage of tear gas those protesters fell back those not quick enough were arrested. Some of them shouting out their names and identity numbers ha. We dont get paid to let others know what had happened to them the years. Normally busy with shoppers and tourists some passers by got caught up in the chaos. I the day had started peacefully large protest marches against the governments controversial extradition bill which has been suspended but is claimed by prodemocracy groups as evidence of further erosion of hong kongs freedoms within china from my home life is getting tougher in hong kong people are being ignored was done to get any decent people. Thinking they spro test across town lou was technically illegal but it didnt stop thousands from taking time. At the end most dispersed but others surrounded a Police Station and this is where many of the marches have ended up a Police Station where the officers are now simply barricaded inside demonstrators in a wall thats gradually making itself down towards here despite warnings from police just. The inevitable clash happened. The crowd being dispersed with rubber bullets and tear gas. Protestors have adopted a hit and run strategy moving in smaller groups from one skirmish to the next to create maximum disruption. Now into its 3rd month the strain on all sides is clearly showing increasing anger and violence from a minority of protesters and from police signs of stress at being on the front lines week after week of what is a political crisis. The battle in chimps choice ended in angry confrontations between police. Independent monitors. Journalists and local people. All locked in a seemingly endless summer of turmoil rob mcbride aljazeera hong kong a former Sri Lankan Defense chief launched his presidency bid got the buy rajapakse advance or restore security and to stamp out extremism making that pledge alongside his brother the former president Mahinda Rajapaksa well fernandez has the story now from colombo. A new chapter for the rajapaksa. Rajapaksa brother of the former president and the next defense secretary now the candidate for the sri lanka paper when the party expected later this. Moment i did not. Know i love my country im proud of my country and i have a vision for the future of this country. I value to support unity to give leadership to all kinds and bring peace happiness and prosperity to the motherland. Good rajapaksa led the military to victory over the tamil tigers ending 26 years of civil war he was given a free hand by his brother then president Mahinda Rajapaksa to do so. But accusations of human rights abuses and walk rains league his tenure. Many tamils in the north and east are still looking for answers about their missing relatives or those abducted under rajapakse as watch some complain of intimidation and harassment when they tried to speak up sherry in savior who has worked with these communities says his candidacy for president is causing concern hes seen terminator of dissent yes so in that context like an old people are a bit worried about i mean in any kind of dissent will not be tolerated so theres this space maybe there were like you know a bit of space for not just alone the Civil Society members but as public in general in the north and east or like oh area where the new medical minorities then living in that context that space where that is going to shrink rajapaksa seems to be aware of such concerns telling the Party Convention on sunday that the diversity of communities in sri lanka is a strength. Its taken one term for sri lankans who voted rajapaksa president out of office to look at his brother as a potential leader. The reason according to one political commentator lies with the current government which is not fulfilled peoples expectations the fear of that democracy of perry money has 4. 00 panels piers peoples prayer for a combo democracy be an order made for whatever i give up in a real person if you know that you know a political theory is free to be mobbed up in the field of gunfire the new candidate gives supporters some insight into his views on the countrys sovereignty security and the environment president ial elections must be hailed by december 8th. Those campaigning for go to are better rajapaksa say hes a terminator and will stamp out corruption and fraud but wont be an authoritarian leader thats something sri lankan voters will have to decide whether to believe or not when they choose then express didnt. Colomba. A shooting at a mosque in the norwegian capital is being investigated as a possible act of terror on saturday a gunman opened fire on the Noor Islamic Center in all slow before being overpowered by a civilian on

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