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Families theyre raising in this country. During the 2016 president ial race Donald Trumps campaign targeted North Carolina voters in hard hit and just really are living through the greatest job steps in the history of our world a truck that ministry will stop the jobs from leaving him and tried leaving North Carolina. Trump received 67 percent of the brutality and 73 percent Caldwell County record levels of support for republican president ial candidates trample saying stuff like bring manufacturing back they care about the Little People support for trumping the stalls or for americas past where evan invalides at near is classic car crews and on friday night i think trough 2 are great people or whatever but his policies are working for your average american i think a lot of people were looking for a big change and trump is not a politician he doesnt look at things the way. Typically called politicians look at us you think people in this area support President Trump in terms of his policy on immigration in america i think so id say 80 percent most of the people here were what you call ready locals they grew up and everything was literally white and thats where they want to be a country without borders is not a country. I mean if you look at it heaven has a wall and strict immigration policy held is not if you want to be here then you need to come in the correct white why do you think President Trump did so well in this area in the 2016 election truck comments that lets make America Great again can almost get our industry going lets get our main base we need to be making things. When donald trump talks about american carnage as he did in his inaugural speech he is talking about places like Caldwell County and lenore that resonates with those people because theres been an ending out of that as a faction tops that youre seeing a whole decline in the whole civic culture thats going on there thats why you have these these really deep seated problems like increases in suicide and opioid use and out of wedlock births and its not just those areas but all roared North Carolina and a lot of all america. The appeal of right wing populism in small town rural areas left behind by economic change plays a major role in the hyper partisanship in America Today but there is also a critical cultural dimension that became clear an elk in a town just an hour up the road we like small town values and we certainly appreciate in the cold with the bible these things are still very important and we dont want. That to change Stephen Harris was born and raised in el can and is now a columnist at the town newspaper so this is an area where evangelical christianity is very strong and he said President Trump supports or appears to support the traditional American Values or so important here you know were seeing things that our parents would never dream of would happen in america such as abortion and same sex marriage. White even jellicoe christians represent 26 percent of the american electorate there trumps most loyal block of support he has advanced their agenda on relations with israel judges abortion. Rights folks on the other side think that not taking action on Climate Change is immoral that not allowing people to choose who they want to marry you know is immoral do you respect that they feel that theyre standing on moral ground to do but if we do fall of the bible and its teachings that would be the best path to go and i would disagree that Climate Change is a moral issue its an economic issue its a battle over government control and taxes but its a moral issue if it affects our children if the planet becomes uninhabitable i dont believe that will happen its a big bet though its a big bet if we dont do anything and its a problem it is but you know we know that god is in control and will trust him for our future. The divide between white democrats and republicans is is really now between christians and people who are not religious at all in her book on civil agreement liana mason argues that the sorting of the parties along religious lines also from his extreme partisanship in the us and the eightys and ninetys we saw the religious right become involved in politics and they chose to unite with the Republican Party which means that now we wraps religion into partisanship as well and evangelical christians havent really been involved in politics before many in a group of people from heresies Community Felt religion was at the root of the visions in america theres a huge divide in urban areas and ruin a lot of it is based on religion you have great prayer in your schools its like when i went to school you did the pledge of allegiance 1st line you cant do that anymore nobody respects the flag you know theyve taken god out of their sign. Nomic message also resonated in elkan which was a textile mill that was the linchpin of the local economy you know he made promises of bringing back everybody sorta equated him with me you heard Different Things coming in. Monitoring this and being 1st things come around my own lets bring some tourists they have but i dont think its going to completely. Rule america struggles the president stokes partisan tensions with misleading claims about democratic support for Illegal Immigrants the democrat side. Free world Free Education but the right to. Their labels you know they should not try what is ours what we have and i think there should be very stringent awesome power since to. Keep the young from taking i am great sources are you concerned about the divisions in the country today. Its probably good workshop. But the day why is that people just keep digging in deeper into their professions its just youre a democrat or youre republican and theyre going to vote for that no matter what is or who are running there is a division one year to happen and you will continue to have you have your economic classes you have your races its the different religions and everybody believe in is them our way down and. I dont believe any president in history of this nation has been attacked more than donald trump. An evangelical leader who has been a vocal critic of democrats is the reverend Franklin Graham son of the adventurous billy graham who participated in President Trumps inauguration we met with him at the North Carolina headquarters of the Christian Relief organization he heads how concerned are you about the social and political divisions in America Today on her concern it is ripping some sections of our country almost apart and it shouldnt be i dont think where it is divided as we were in the civil war when the nation was ripped apart. And i hope that never happens again but it could who knows and you suggested that President Trump one because of divine intervention in unison that it was part of gods plan i believe that how its going to explain that he won the election everybody was against him dont you think mixing religion and politics like that can fuel polarization in the country to suggest that a president was chosen by god well i dont think its divisive i think its just a fact and if you think this is divisive take it up with god why do you feel you can give President Trump a pass when he committed adultery when it was like i mean i think its a president trying to pass on the 1st thats not something that is current in his life thats not since hes been president like bill clinton but you criticize president clinton for the lying at the time and now President Trump of course seems to lie regularly i dont i dont agree with you im not sure what youre talking about to be honest with you well i mean there have been Fact Checking about a lot of the president s comments who fill my website who fact checks the media and the media gives far more lives than what youre accusing the president of the line which when youre talking about fox or others im talking about all have a problem in this country are you concerned that Many Americans see President Trump as a divider rather than a night or i dont think is a divider i think he has a you and i in or he has certainly youre not. And and millions of people by name i mean people on both sides feel strongly that their moral positions are valid and that the other side is imposing on them how do you bridge that divide only god can do this i think of with all of us democrats and republicans would who would want to turn our faces back to god and ask for his help i think we can we can we can come through these problems very easily we have a constitution too in the constitution talks about freedom sure and has a moral foundation are you saying that the only morality that matters is the more audi of the bible yes. But not everyone interprets the bible the same way that a false mom narrative of religious nationalism and white evangelical is the seeks to make things ok as long as you against gay people get pretty for praying to school against womens right to choose for god what tax cut they say to you all right molly reverend barber who launched the moral monday movement in North Carolina is now spearheading the Poor Peoples Campaign a National Call for a moral revival youve got 62000000. 00 people working for less than 15. 00 an hour some have to get food stamps a living color because they work every day and they dont make a living wage Something Like their me people our health care a country cannot achieve to stand with that kind of gross any quality so were saying at this time for us to come together to fight for the heart and soul of this democracy. The extreme partisan environment in the u. S. Has people in charlotte where in the hosting the Republican Convention next year will be much different than when democrats gathered here in 2012 are you concerned that the political divisions today could lead to violence it did well. Know that it will we are concerned its going to being something totally different totally different temperatures of america from 2012 to 202030 different temperatures of america. Theres even worry that President Trump will contest the election if he loses in 2020 i think its a serious concern because he will think that he him and intimidate his way into staying in the white house as he was and he will be surrounded by conspiracy to you that democrats stole the election from him do you think america may be so divided today that its no longer capable of safeguard in democracy by impeaching a corrupt president as envisioned by the founders i dont think Richard Nixon would be impeached and todays environment i think people would say especially rally around the nixon parson lines im optimistic that these times are straightened out and and america will be only on an upward course in the future Stephen Harris his grandfather 5 generations back was gravesite was recently discovered was in the personal guard of the American Revolutionary war hero George Washington the 1st u. S. President do you think your President Trump loses the election that hell leave the white house. Sure yes of course they will everyone has before including George Washington and here he will what should the politicians be doing to try to overcome this vicious partisanship. Start talking about whats good for the country and not talk about winning. At every hearing that weve seen so far the Republican House members defend tromp the mechanism of impeachment only works if people on the president s party are willing to condemn him. And to vote to remove him which is what happened with nixon i havent seen any evidence that republicans are willing to do that today. To help protect trump as long as his voters are still supporting this is something that actually George Washington warned about and. Farewell address he actually said if we become too partisan we divide ourselves against our own nation and it will harm us if we put too much power into the party truly sacrificing the national greater good for the partisan victory. To train and equip the opposition in syria so they can help push back these terrorists be pulling power investigates how the us supplies soviet style weapons to its allies through private companies and the Us Government could wash their hands and say well we didnt know where it was coming from so weapon that was supplied by the Us Government may well end up being pointed at us soldiers yes absolutely we pick it up less than 2 months after the professional americas gone the secret pipeline to syria on al jazeera one of the really special things about working for aljazeera is that even as a camera woman i get to have so much empathy and contribution to a story i feel we cover this region better than anyone else would be what it is you know is that it turns out in the butt to be there because you have a lot of people that are divided on political issues we are we the people we live to tell the real story so ill just mended used to do we were indeed journalism we dont feel inferior to the audience across the globe. Rewind returns with a new series. I brand new paints on the past about using these documentaries i would compare the pool of onion and on the streets the heart on. The wrong rewind the games with faggots in city under siege. In one way shot 60 on aljazeera. Newsstand the differences. And the similarities of cultures across the world. Aljazeera. Im daryn jordan in doha with the top stories here on aljazeera separatists in southern yemen have agreed to a cease fire in the city of aden the Saudi Led Coalition called for the truce off to separate his forces took control of the president ial palace and military camps the southern port city is the temporary seat yemens internationally recognized government a womens a professor at George Washington university he says it isnt clear of saudi arabia can broker a deal. Its actually kind of odd that you would have a ceasefire so quickly because that allows the southern separatists to consolidate their gains rather than be ousted rather quickly and so it its clear that saudi really believes it can. And find a solution here and im not so sure that they can do that easily even giving their wealth and their status because the southern separatists have been trying to do this for a long time they have longstanding grievances and its not clear that there will be an easy deal to make i think this is also a story in many ways of what happens when a proxy war is fought and a power comes in and escalates the conflict but also in some ways stabilizes things on one side of the conflict and then leaves precipitously and what the u. S. Did in leaving precipitously is actually further escalate the conflict by leaving a different factions that they had supported stronger against other factions that they hadnt supported and they actually are to blame in part for this mess palestinians are praying at a lapsed mosque in occupied East Jerusalem for the 1st day of the muslim festival of. But its yet to be officially decided if jewish settlers will be allowed into the contested compound. The u. N. Secretary general has condemned the car bomb attack thats killed 3 United Nations employees in libya. Explosion in the eastern city of benghazi moments before a u. N. Convoy passed through the area the u. N. Security council has met to discuss the convoy attack and the wider situation in the country. I join now theres in condemning in the strongest terms todays attack on the u. N. Convoy in benghazi we send our deepest sympathy to the families of the victims the u. N. Exists to help and protect people and attack against its representatives is an attack on the International Community at large and we salute the work that this doing in libya at the same Time Assistant secretary general said scores of libyans have also been injured safely the libyan representative can convey my countrys condolences and sympathies to his country and to his People Security restrictions have been eased in indian administered kashmir to allow people to celebrate the most infest of all of her but Paramilitary Forces are still patrolling the streets of the capital should i go they were deployed before new delhi revoked the autonomy of the disputed region on monday telephone and Internet Connections are still cut off a lockdown was briefly lifted on friday and people immediately protested against indias actions. At least 70 people have been killed and Dozens Injured when a fuel tanker exploded in Tanzania People were trying to recover fuel from the overturned vehicle. At least 22 people have been killed in a 1000000 forced on their homes by a powerful storm that struck chinas ins coast from the chemo made landfall on saturday in the province of. The cause widespread damage landslides and flooding several people are still missing a gunman has opened fire in a mosque in norway injuring at least one person the suspect is now in custody earlier police said the body of a female relative of the suspect was found in a home near the mosque in oslo. The f. B. I. Is opening an investigation into the death of u. S. Financier jeffrey have steam he was found dead in the new york jail cell where he was being held on sex trafficking charges and protesters have rallied outside the Japanese Embassy in seoul angry with restrictions that japan has placed on south korean goods the trade dispute is threatening a military intelligence pact which in the countrys assaults government considers pulling out in protest over the sanctions. Well those were the headlines the news continues here on aljazeera after the father the son and the jet more on that stay with us. So its an option. That socialist features in the Football Team focused on isnt. That a man must just head to the ball so close with laundry. It would you still say if you and kid can walk into the bridges event will. Be about to go to the brits did they follow that they have this is all set. Lets hope because you dont listen since the end. On the tour met the lesions ha says it. All not been done to treat you. A long haul says i can i met. The holy show on the commode. Most of the men. Who sit on the family jihad. Just calling cooks levy cumbers want the assaults. Left to do something. That is your bosses you. Come up and say i yes she. Is she does somebody from your phone if you had said that if i need to call for it. Also. She is see did you give me his own phone the main menu. As he knew. It for noted what a love seat approved on board. The wood said going to a lot of this kind of box. Today they said well i got to meet our. Guys and the best son about that so. This will do so that all the the most of this on any of them im not going but its a day off. Chance for somebody you want to keep silent like that to be dont have a place you just saw him but on me. And he did to me tries dont you know western s. U. V. Yourself sure hope that i know your should. Shift over the nomination anymore and you put it on the paul false relation levy defeat it. I dont. Know. Why i would feel your book. Bags that. Was all i felt she was showing femi sign your. Left. That i. Just see that i meant. What theres one more credible in the context busk a. P. M. And those give up on think on the v. A. Hospital. Sit it you know give us your give up medical. Well as you. Know kiss your provoke her. Knee him is on michael a lot me you look at he said. No i want to milk it too tall if you dont its him is on a motor not making your body. Nor can you see north of us a little woods if you dont slow but steady quick if we attack her we do you she dont oh no no. Youre part of it. Of all. Asshole see. To confess your mission must sit there and i thought might stand the cover on this one but not push it just like on t. V. And yes it did. Not say the complete. With the monocle could come close of 7 young plus the celeb in the accent and so on here needs a clue just as it would have bought us that song. In fuck today to my peeps to see my association a. Lady does all fine if one cannot hear police you never need to follow them on. Them so. I dont know why i live in my sufi ghetto last time im on i want to visit minimise ward and model my tiny i live and the ive thought about what i mean that ive janish my legs. Let him do it but when you have one of those youre going to use a lot of your. Opinion of other people in the world of. The buddha how you should with a little. Down the flies you know how i could how and now they feel as if i killed the idea in your head now and there. Was no other body how could i mean what about right now is a popular guy they had all our hair garnished on the do you see what i mean they should have called it a sort of. Yellow sort of one. That i. Dont like. And i thought this is going to tell them the short of darkness to put all system of gun on the black Community Just did not imo most likely to get. You to get off it i. Guess if you have been. At least the most exciting thing wife to say as a mother in the. Shuffle

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