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They scouted mouse game continues through saturday evening around the streets of hong kong. Still ahead here now does their spiritual pinnacle as more than 2000000 gather for one of the Worlds Largest pilgrimage. Ethnic minorities in canada struggling to get life saving stem cell treatment well tell you why. Hello again its good to have you back we are picking up some clouds and some showers here across parts of pakistan over the next few days and scratchy that means here from saturday as well as into sunday expect to see some rain showers passing through and those temperatures hovering about 30 degrees but by the time we get towards monday we do seem some improving conditions for you there. Over here towards quaint city though a dry day in a windy day with a temperature of 46. 00 degrees now speaking of winds we did have a lot of winds here in doha over the last few days one break here on saturday where the winds did calm down but in for tree as we go from sunday and into monday we do expect those winds to start to pick up again attempt wise 44 degrees is our expected high here on sunday as well as into monday but notice all the clouds anywhere from the u. A. E. All the way down here towards misc ott and the rest of all mon we do expect those clouds to continue as we begin the week there well across much of the southern parts of the cape we are looking at fairly dry conditions but we are going to be with you know windy conditions as well a frontal boundary is pushing through capetown with some clouds there on sunday and that front will make its way towards durban by the time we get towards monday really drop those temperatures from 30 degrees all the way down here towards 1000 greece there johannesburg though is going to be quite a nice day with a temperature of 23 degrees in harare sun in your forecast at 25. Welcome back youre watching aljazeera time to recap our headlines now yemens internationally recognized government says its lost control of all 3 candidates in the southern port city of age and it says theyve been occupied by southern separatists. American financier Jeffrey Epstein is killed himself in his new york jail cell where he was being held on sex trafficking charges the 66 year old was accused of sexually abusing dozens of underage girls at homes in florida york between 20022005. A fuel tanker has exploded in tanzania at least 67 people have been killed the truck overturned in crowds arrived to gather the leaking fuel. Indian administered kashmir has been placed back under a 24 hour security lockdown after protests earlier on friday restrictions were eased briefly in srinagar on friday for prayers for about 20 minutes that was the 1st relaxation since new delhi revokes indian administered kashmir is autonomy earlier this week the limited lifting of the lockdown was met almost immediately with protests reuters reported up 210000 people gathered police fired tear gas and pellets fighting back with demonstrators the street 24 hour security lockdown was then reimposed Indian Officials now say any future easing will depend on whether there are any more protests. Yes tensions rise between india and pakistan violence usually escalates over the line that separates the People Living in the area usually find themselves caught in the crossfire. From the area. A serene and picturesque landscape just a few kilometers from the line of control between india and pakistan administered kashmir but for those living here. Their reality is very different. Of the sock was hit in the back by a stray bullet 2 months ago its a risk base by many people here who are caught in the crossfire between indian and Pakistani Forces but they say they cant leave. So we would we go bullets hit here all the time when the situation gets even a little bad bullets start flying but theres no option to leave my elderly parents are here apa zisha ins whatever we have is here live or die here. Down the road there are more signs of conflict 2 years ago this village was evacuated for months after it was hit by shells but people have returned and built reinforced concrete bunkers going to metres or more underground in case the firing escalates again and this time they say they will leave but youve got to. Well move the elders and the children from here but well stay we have the bunkers leave all lands and animals because we are dependent on them. Many here are forced to choose between life and livelihood this village is only about 3 kilometers from the line of control separating indian and pakistani administered kashmir despite the recent tensions most people here are deciding to stay if cross border firing intensifies but others who left before are scared to risk coming back. About a dozen kilometers from the border this school has been home to some villages for more than 2 years. After facing gunfire theyre not afraid of a little rain but they are scared going back to their homes i am going to go love i was aboard ok there was so much shooting our homes were destroyed all around here scared but theres no water no rations or file that my kids travel far from school life is hard here distant gunfire breaks the serenity locals know the danger of living here but many say trying to decide whether to leave or stay is like choosing between a rock and a hard place fares Jimmy El Al Jazeera indeed administered kashmir its just People Living in the districts region of kashmir say theyre afraid of escalating tension has obtained rare access to villages which divide the area. Reports from the line of control in pakistan administered kashmir. These explosions are what kashmiris fear the most. Disastrous safety been mortars and artillery shells hit the area. Both sides exchanged fire regularly across the line of control that divides india and pakistan. These images were filmed on the pakistani side just days before india revoked partial autonomy in the part of me to do overseas civilians and both sides have suffered when tension increases between the 2 militaries one child was killed and others were injured in needham valley in the latest shelling from the indian side. Pakistani soldiers to cluster munitions are used and hundreds of unexploded bombs are scattered over an area approximately 10 kilometers wide. But many homes were hit with traffic from artillery rounds. Of was a year or 2 particular care if we didnt see anything we just heard the sound of our house was filled with smoke my grandmother cars for a vehicle and then they took us to hospital the Pakistani Military did not allow us to film in the open because it says there is danger from posts like this one on the indian side behind me is the district of the trial of the proximity between pakistani and indian administered kashmir and how people are caught up in the violence in another village near to korti crossing there is an uneasy. Being close to the front line people here are under an ever present threat. They are trying to teach their children to forget their fear from the last time they were hit by mortar shells and. Here we live in danger our children are always scared we dont have the shells to hide in the night we cant sleep every time there are shelling our childrens education is affected because they cant get to school for weeks along the line of control like this one have begun to appear villagers here have been telling us that they have built these bases in case shells begin to drop from the indian side they want Indian Forces to stop targeting civilians and remind the pakistani government to live up to its promises to provide better security in the. Because theyre timely wont call a methodical while they can begin shelling at any time as they have done before all these bunkers were built with our own money and the government gave us nothing despite promises for compensation and funds to build shelters the disputed kashmir region is one of the worlds most dangerous flashpoints between Nuclear Armed rivals the region the right is an india and the one on the left is in pakistan its on to around 2000000 people and multiple un resolutions already exist on the issue but the latest crisis has again highlighted 72 years of failure in finding a solution for Kashmiris Tom and jerry down to 0 at the line of control pakistan administered kashmir. East libyan warlord Khalifa Haftar says his forces will observe a cease fire during the 4 day holiday starting on saturday the internationally recognized government in tripoli had already accepted a u. N. Request for a truce after us forces have been attempting to take the capital city since april or shortly before that cease fire announcement to United Nations employees were killed in a car bomb explosion in the eastern city of benghazi occurred moments before a u. N. Convoy passed through the area at least 10 other people were injured programs in mecca climbing mount arafats on the 2nd day of had they will pray and recite the koran before performing the stoning of the devil ritual more than 2000000 people are in saudi arabia for the religious gathering as one of the 5 pillars of islam professor of Religion International affairs and this time it studies at Georgetown University John Esposito explains how hard is an important time for healing divisions. The shop divisions that are taking place today along the lines of ethnicity and religion whether its in the western europe or in muslim countries with regard to the muslim world i think the messages to it is that it should address the current rivalry and division that increasingly is existing between iran and saudi arabia who are for influence because it also feeds then. And exacerbates a division between sunni and shia muslims and a lot of this is connected to what has been going on politically for example the the war in syria and particularly the who war in yemen the saudi see iran as a great influence there and the other side of it is iran sees the saudis as basically you know engaged in in warfare and and and killing both military and innocence and indeed much of the International Community has questioned that that kind of bombing so theres a a real kind of rivalry and tension within the region which can have a spillover effect chemical plants pollution in tune is it is causing devastating damage by environmental groups the country wants to increase phosphate exports by 50 percent they would chatter is in the coastal city of god as it has seen some of the worst pollution. Thisaway says was once considered as a World Heritage site by the United Nations it borders a bay that was a rich spawning ground marine life in the mediterranean but ammonia now hangs in the air above the palm trees as this Chemical Complex vents the toxic gases but used by using soft yuruk acid to process phosphates. Nasy her head see Association Formed to defend the u. S. Says he describes whats happening here as an act of industrial terrorism some of my over were getting diseases of all kinds like lung cancer cancer of the nose and sort brisk cant we be people every day because of these diseases. 13000 tons of chemicals and waste our channeled into the bay through this drain every day its making a desert out of the sea floor the residents here say before the chemical plants began operating the sea was so close the fish used to jump into the fields and their children used to swim amongst its problems ive been standing by this river of toxic sludge for just over half an hour now already my eyes are stinging in my throat feels wrong or its been flowing into the sea behind me for more than 40 years its killing everything it touches the locals have a name for it its called the fatal shore you dont see any crabs here nor any bird life above its hauntingly empty only the occasional pool with an algal bloom a line of black slime shows the High Water Mark the Tunisian Chemical Group which runs the complex claim they are taking measures to tackle the pollution abdel heloc has seen his living as a fisherman destroyed by the chemicals washing into the bay and his own health ruined by their city gas plumes hes now suffering from cancer of the colon is boats is rotting in the harbor which is becoming a graveyard for the trawlers any hope of the future has gone. The neighboring port transporting phosphate to the world though has never been busier. The sport has ruined everything its polluted the ear and the egret culture and is lead to a deserted vacation of the marine life in one of the main parks in the city of gabbers graffiti warns of dangers of air pollution a device which actually monitors the gases has been broken for years now. Its hanging in a road called environment of a new harms way down it a large rubbish dump an old rusting cars. Many here say the whole city seems to have lost hope David Chaytor Al Jazeera Gulbis now Stem Cell Therapy is proven to be an effective way to treat a range of diseases but in canada donations are mainly from people of european descent that pose a problem for some from other ethnic backgrounds daniel lack reports from toronto. Building diversity in canadas stem cell donor base happens here in testing clinics aimed at the countrys ethnic minorities around 2 thirds of registered donors are of european origin their cells probably wont help people from other backgrounds organizers of this clinic for chinese canadians say theres been little outreach to their community some people are still reluctant to be tested or donate a pool of their chinese and to go chinese. Since we have been working on it for over 2 years now we have raised up to 7 percent but even 7 is and is not a big number its even more challenging to find a match for people of mixed backgrounds 13 year old ali is a vietnamese and afghan origin he has a plastic anemia a blood disease that can only be reliably cured by stem cell transplants 3 years of searching in canada and around the world have yet to find him a donor it haunts me daily. Its unbelievable if a patient you know is caucasian the chances of him or her having 6 or 7 or 8 possible matches on the registry to another patient because of their heritage lineage that they dont even want at all Marketing Executive made got leukemia in 2013 she needed stem cells but her vietnamese origin meant fewer donors but one did come forward miraculously she says and now she runs a campaign called swap the world and thats literally what she wants to do it is if it is a literal because everybody should get swab everybody should know about how stem cell donation works and its not only back and chatted up but were aiming the World Stem Cells can regenerate tissue and treat an increasing range of medical conditions but as long as cell donor registries dont reflect the societies around them doctors options are limited some. Donors can help people not just with blood cancers like looking years in the families but also with immune disorders genetic diseases by disorders of of other types and its quite a broad therapeutic field are younes anemia is in remission now and hes able to study play and behave much like other 13 year old boys but hell still probably need a stem cell transplant one day he and his family are waiting for a match down your lack near toronto. Now lets take you through some of the headlines here an aljazeera yemens internationally recognized government says its lost control of all its military camps in the southern port city of aden it says theyve been occupied by southern separatists. Has more from santa they have already taken control of a number of from military camps like part of military camp and also the other military comes specially the air at the president ial palace so the the there we have achieved many of their goals the Government Forces which are the president ial units have also withdrawn from a number of military camps there seems that the. Southern separatists council is achieving its goal after although they have started their. Rebellion against the internationally recognized government a fuel tanker has exploded in tanzania at least 67 people have been killed the truck had overturned and crowds arrived to gather the leaking fuel. The u. S. Department of justice has confirmed billionaire and convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein has been found dead in this new york jail cell it describes the death as an apparent suicide the f. B. I. Is investigating epstein was awaiting trial on charges of trafficking underage girls. In russia there have been more antigovernment protests in moscow and other cities for the 4th consecutive weekend more than 150 protesters have been arrested in their push for free and fair local elections next month its inside story now stay with us here on aljazeera. Could the Saudi Led Coalition in the yemen soon fall apart forces loyal to saudi arabia and those backed by the u. A. E. Have been fighting an eye then thats a significant turn in the countrys war so what does it all mean and how might it affect the conflict this is inside story. Hello and welcome to the program im homage enjoy him the war in yemen looks like its taking another drastic turn one that could change the makeup of the country as we know it today and shape how it functions in the future in a complicated turn of events and despite being part of the same Coalition Fighting who is the rebels forces loyal to the United Arab Emirates and those loyal to saudi arabia appear to have turned on each other fighting has been going on for days killing dozens as a battle for control of the Southern City of ivan intensifies the u. A. E. Backed Southern Transitional council once the Yemeni Government out and thats got the United Nations concerned caught in the middle as usual are civilians as Andrew Chapelle reports. As some residents of aden remain trapped in their homes to try and stay away from street battles theyre finding little protection at least 4 people were killed in southern separatists shelled this residential area north of the city and a day of fighting with the president ial guard. The u. A. E. Backed separatists and the saudi backed Government Troops are believed to be targeting each other with heavy weapons in a power play for the city. The u. N. Secretary general is calling on the parties to engage in an inclusive dialogue to resolve their differences and address the legitimate concerns of all yemenis and he says the conflict in yemen can only be resolved through a political solution. On friday the commander of the president ial guard Brigadier General sadat was filmed visiting the city center as was honeybun brake the deputy chairman of the Southern Transitional council who visited wounded troops in hospital an even break has become a central figure in the rebellion on august 1st the who attacked a military parade and. Killing scores of new recruits minear all youre facing here shortly before his death was a Top Commander of the Security Belt a u. A. E. Trained Paramilitary Force at his funeral there was an exchange of fire between the s. T. C. Aligned fighters and the president ial guards honeybun break then accused hardys forces of playing a role in the attack and on wednesday called on southern separatists to march on the president ial palace and topple the internationally recognized government of president ill drop 2 months or hadi the glue that ive been at all he and the security built forces are supported by the u. A. E. Which announced its withdrawal from yemen last month how does government has accused him of fomenting sedition saying this will only serve the who these they remain in control of the capital sana despite more than 4 years of war by the saudi u. A. E. Coalition residents there received some good news on friday the World Food Program has reached a deal with the who tease to resume food aid next week peace said. We will resume Food Distribution following the festival for the 850000 people inside the city who have not received food rations from devotee of p. For the last 2 months. The past few days have raised fears that yemens war may be evolving into something even more complicated with rival factions vying to control its future and or ship aljazeera. The Southern Transitional council mentioned in that report is something were likely to be hearing a lot more about as the situation in yemen changes the s. T. C. Was formed 2 years ago and is loyal to and supported by the United Arab Emirates its president is i there was a baby it receives financing and training from the u. A. E. And says it rules much of the southern territory of yemen the f. C. C. Has been fighting to force out the government of president ive got a bill months old had the and is believed to be pushing for the separation of southern yemen from the rest of the country. All right lets bring in our guests from gothenburg via skype a phenomenon that is chief editor of sun not review from bristol with some 5 a little hanny is deputy executive director of the sanaa center for strategic studies from auto via skype russia whom is director of Peace Track Initiative welcome to the show let me start with you the war in yemen is so complicated and so fractious now you have forces that are loyal to president had the and backed by saudi arabia in effect fighting separatist forces that are backed by the u. A. E. So does this mean that saudi arabia and the u. A. E. Are essentially at war with each other in southern yemen well im saying i wouldnt surprise. Me and i then the demands for and tendons. Who are that they need and. But today absolutely right there is that saudi and new a fact and whats going on in the fighting but i mean i dont see that there are an urgency in the burgeoning rats i think they are. Have. An interest in the war unfortunately its not fair you know theyre not being transparent with their. Roots and this war they say that they are going after the. Bad that are not of the economy and the security interest for both parties and there seems to be like you know like as. I spoke at agreement between them. In which then you a snake is part of the tour of. Why and then. We do the standards because of that is not our servant between the. Our here yet but theyre young the war the longer the war. And the war and the different interests use what in fact it would have and yemen russia as we mentioned before its very difficult reporting on the nuances of the multiple conflicts that are ongoing in yemen could you help explain to our viewers specifically what the differences but see between the Southern Transitional council and this group or this militia known as the Security Belt. They are loyal to the its not a militia its an official. Faction security faction thats by the order of had the president are. Under their anterior ministry but the division is between among the those factions within are them who are who have an action that is as a flat set proclaiming the reclaiming the south state and those who have the project for a united federal yemen. As she said as well this was not an expected weve seen already the same there likes conflict dynamics that happened last year in january where the president ial powers were was surrounded and there there is this and crazed. Calls for because they are the de facto a controlling to this out and. They have they feel like theyve been excluded from the Peace Process is theyve been calling to be included and the Peace Process to discuss the south issues specifically however their cause have been ignored we as women we have also conveyed this cause to this Security Council we have warned that the south not addressing the celt issue is a ticking bomb and what we have been seeing in the last 3 days is exactly what weve been warning from and the reaction of the International Community is always reactive not proactive to prevent. Blood and conflict and state of engaging with them peacefully to discuss their demands they are pushing them towards this. Kind of. Behavior which is more violent. Now generally in terms of saudi arabia and u. A. E. I think its not there is not not a conflict but maybe a. Different set of priorities and the saudis are more they see that they need to 1st support the government of yemen to end the coup which is happening in sanaa by the who sees and this is also with the government have been conveying to us in terms of excluding the south earnest at this stage when we are when we called for their inclusion they have always told us that its not time to include women or any 3rd parties basically implying the south or north because they want to keep the discussion in terms of the Peace Process and to me limited to. Basically our. Discussion thats whats happening in the north ignoring their all to give you answers and what is happening in the south im sure you heard russia as well as a for a talk about the fact that neither of them is surprised by whats going on that the signs are always there but id also like you to address the fact that when it comes to ogden when it comes to the south the separatist movement is something thats gone on for quite a long time now correct yes it is actually what happens in arden today for presence is going to represent a radical change in the in this conflict its. Different layers of complexity and it is very obvious starting from the coalitions position towards what happens in an odd and reflects the. The unclear intentions of saudia interventions in yemen its not really clear how do they want to regain the legitimacy of the many government while they are supporting the attack again as the internationally recognized government now the government which the saudi claims to hold regain its legitimacy has no capital then as the temporary capital is no longer exists now its under the control of this d. C. There are other factions that are actually not under the control of the internationalize government are actually there simply. Affiliated to the International Government but there is not much influence over them now we could see that yemen or the coalition has managed to divide yemen or to divide the camp that they are supporting now we have the s. T. C. In the south and not only this to see we have other southerner groups but we have no idea so far how this is c intends to include them its either to include them or 6 of them that will be go i would go back to the to this to see but all we could see see now is that this is the opera hand and i think the question is a lot of other Unanswered Questions is will they go ahead with their separation genda or will they go with doing a dialogue with internationalize government and make sure theyre included in the Peace Process this is one of the questions that hasnt been answered but also if we look at the other sides we have the brotherhood and its still a very contentious issues and its main issue of conflict between saudi a new way although with the support or with the saudi given a green light for s. T. C. To take over i dont i dont see there is much of conflict between you and sooty there is a lot that we can project its really. Very complicated but there needs to be a clarity on what is next now is to see is taken over are done who is going to run the country the government is now in exile the internet the state in the situations are actually based and ive been there has been a lot of shift from after the call from to add on the question is now whos going to run this in a situations whos going to provide basic services whos going to pay the salaries of Civil Servants the International Government to some extent has managed in the last of your months to provide these services or at least we have seen some sort of improvement the question is now with the s. T. C. Be up to the challenge. Taking this responsibility this is one of the questions and i was on a production sob sorry interrupt im sorry interrupt this is i want to i want to i see a frog nodding along so i want to get your response because it looks like you want to jump in but i also want to ask you you heard what osama is saying do you believe that the Southern Transitional council has the capability to take ive been well recently a lot of interviews with women litigations and cite the south and they told me that there are about 25 little groups seeking and demanding and the fund that so its not only that. Ellie. That thats the southern move but there are. Those and thats also adds to the occasion of the article but when. He goes i wouldnt be surprised if that were to happen in the near future because in my opinion the country is divided over it its like you look at the security of pakistan between the south and the north its totally different i have some relatives in the south and derivatives and the north they are either to us. Rianne yemeni and the different parts because of this appreciate of any sense or bank so you cannot use the money to produce and the south and the south that in the north and vice versa so when me and its the country is already provided and this isnt the same. The fact that we need to address. A local perspective and before i go into that perspective i mean i think there is a huge emphasis on the International Dynamics which really distracting us then we problems on the ground and im sure that this planet and its the same where you have. Any guesses and that really. Is where i think there is a need to listen to yemen from their own perspective and not ignore their is the word the repeated over and over in the war if you are a yemeni voice or other. Women are being ignored but this isnt a thing or even crash and its very very. One of the things that are thats where we are that russia the u. A. E. Announced in july that they were going to be drawing down their forces in yemen but you know theres been a lot of conflicting reporting about what exactly that means what do you understand that means are they actually just rebasing forces are they withdrawing completely will they still have troops in the south from your perspective whats going to happen when it comes to the u. A. E. Presence in yemen my understanding is that theyre doing redeployment and focusing on i think because of the or this collations that happened with iran in the region so theyre doing redeployment and. Gradually are being removed at least Ground Troops from yemen. And the other hand we heard reports that saudi arabia is sending troops to into the country we heard about at least 2 bunches of military troops going an unconfirmed report but we can see all. These kind of dynamics happening my guess is that. Saudi arabia and u. A. E. In this conflict in the last 3 days did not try to interfere militarily to to stop one or the other it was a yemeni yemeni or south southeast fighting. And they did not interfere they they were more focused on a mediation process and they can understand why is that is basically saudi arabia cannot. Continue to be into intervening in yemen without the legitimacy of of hadley at the same time they cannot go and fight against s. T. C. Who are the ones who are doing the actual fight against who these are or at least dilute the lower military troops are doing the fight against russia. Im sorry interrupted by that you mean that you believe that the saudis dont have the military capability to take on that group i wouldnt i dont think they want to go into another yet round of counsel conflict with any more yemeni troops one way or another i think the saudis and the u. A. E. Their messaging whenever we speak to them and their diplomats have been that 2019 is going to be more into a political solution in yemen and they wanted to reduce their military presence this is what we designed they have been sharing with us. So i dont think if they are going there its basically to hold a position to secure a location but not really to engage at least this is my own station of the conflict and what i can see see is that maybe this is my own introduction is that after securing the south and stabilizing it. They would do the same in and and north at least in how they where they would not interfere but they will the local. Actors will lead the fight without interference from saudis already away ice or summer weve been expecting to hear in the last couple of days from yemens president or had the that has not happened what do you think that means. Of 1st before talking about how it is usual or the always on presence in such kind of situations its really important to highlight thought of the what happens in arden and other parts of the country is always. Or the upper hand on it when it comes Decision Making is the coalitions and although there was not saudi troops intervening yesterday or the 2 days past its actually under their green light they could stop the war they could continue they managed for a few hours to stop the battle and then the but to resume and that would raise a lot of questions of why did saudis shift its position when it comes to heidi and this goes back again to the same idea that is theres hardy does he have the leadership capabilities to talk to the people at least we have expected them after the new news or taking over i hadnt at least would like him to speak to the people see what is happening at least share with us what is what does that mean he did that when these took over. In the past and he went to iran and he said is now belonging to the states and its under my control he hasnt done this this time i dont know maybe he likes the confidence that he would be able to control i dont any longer maybe the coalition is restricting him but that is thats not something new from heidi maybe of the question now is if the quality of supporting her to fight these on what ground with a fight who are these now and i think that is a very important questions how is the fight against what is dynamic will change now will there be one unified leadership fighting for these will even though being in the south have the priority to support that agenda we find through the discourse of the s. T. C. In the last few days theyve been cleaning that they are still under the. President s legitimacy and theyre going to be supporting that but it doesnt seem like that on the ground given the fact that they were fighting the the the troops are under the control of have heard is not only this they have also defeated them so the question is now what is. Is the qualifications gold and fighting qualities in. And in. This is a think this is the most crucial thing if the host of the coalitions intervention in an is to defeat and regain the legitimacy we could see that what the coalition is doing is doing the other it is going the other directions theyre not supporting the legitimacy that not actually making any progress as a guinness to these rather theyre making more fragmentations within their camp. I want to turn attention for a moment to the continuing humanitarian catastrophe that has been going on in yemen for so long that obviously now you have what is essentially a war within a war thats whats happening in the south now i used to report from yemen a lot and even in 2012011 you already had skyrocketing malnutrition figures you already had a dire humanitarian crisis even before this conflict right now with whats going on in our then you have civilians that are trapped in the crossfire how bad is the situation there and how bad is the situation on the humanitarian scale in the rest of the country its not an exaggeration that the United Nations say that whats going on in yemen human science to ration is the worst and largest humanitarian thats your view that the United Nations bases it was savaged 2nd world war so by by 2020. 2 asians not who we need. 30000000 people. And famine so that gives you an idea and. I think this is the largest big that would. Probably shift after the political it would be its like a head and not. In the news even as it is today in our that there are many reports about some neighborhoods. And actually. If you live in the city is running out of fuel and so that means the transportation bill he says the. Prices will skyrocket so its very very important to find some sort of solution to mitigate of the human psyche and not situation i cannot discount you well that what could happen well in a population that at the seams mine is increasing and facing all the use and humans that are and where these its not just the billions of heavy price well if you spill it. All right weve run out of time so were going to have to leave it there thanks to all our guests for a nonstarter with some of her how many and russia jet home and thank you too for watching you can see the program again any time by visiting our website aljazeera dot com and for further discussion go to our Facebook Page at facebook dot com forward slash a. J. Inside story you can also join the conversation on twitter our handle is at a. J. Inside story from am have a genuine and the whole team here i find. Its very difficult as a chef or restaurant or to buy shrimp with the confidence that what youre serving is going to be good seafood by nature is a hybrid model and sometimes firm has raised using production drugs. That are not approved for use in the us the f. D. A. Simply isnt testing enough on the imported market to really find all of these violet a president take note at this time on aljazeera. When the news breaks. When people need to be heard and the story needs to be told pretty remarkable too to about who we are died last week and crossing from mexico to the United States with exclusive interviews and indepth reports we can move according to their fishing but wife who is exceptionally aljazeera has teams on the ground to bring in more Award Winning documentaries and live news. Scholar and lawyer. And politician. Radical and prisoner in a 2 part series aljazeera world tells the story of one of the most enigmatic figures in saddams turbulent history. Whos influence is still felt on events in the country today. Ill to robbies life and politics on aljazeera. Jews here. Where im from. This is 0. Hello im sad to say that this is the news i live from coming up in the next 60 minutes. U. A. E. Back separatists in southern yemen take control of all Government Military council they. Took up. Government. Got. A new 67 People Killed in tanzania when a fuel tanker explodes off for overturning. American financier Jeffrey Epstein kills himself in a new york jail cell where he was held on sex trafficking charges. In london with the latest from europe including tens of thousands of russians take to the streets for the 4th consecutive weekend of process demanding free on saturn actions. And in sports human Rights Groups and boxing fans in aprile as its revealed the world heavyweight title rematch between. And deal with said junior and he just will take place in saudi arabia in december. Now yemens internationally recognized government says its lost control of all its military camps in the southern port city of aden they say the camps have been occupied by u. S. Backed southern separatists who theyve been battling since wednesday separatist forces also say theyve seized the president ial palace in the city is the temporary seat of yemens International Recognized government dozens of diving intensifying fighting in the past 4 days one of the brings us the latest from summer there following the 1st confrontations between separatists backed by the united. With the with the 4th brigade of the fighters of the pres the pres the president abdullah gul months all had the this has resulted on the the separatists to take over the 4th brigade along with the president ial palace inharmonic certain also. Important military camps like camp we have already taken all important government institutions this is owned occasioned the separatists barked by the united. Heading away to fulfill their long years dream of taking over the. Current in government to kind of interim capital of the internationally recognized government this is another fairly for the saudi lit qualification in yemen they have already failed or to take over the capital sanaa and to reinstate to the former the president Abdullah Mansour hadley. Naso abi is a journalist and filmmaker joins us by skype from sana 1st of all from what youre hearing what is the situation now in aden have Government Forces been completely pushed out of the city. Thank you very much in fact the now situation in aden is. Sort of Game Changing and the balance is almost. Down there separators the now. Declared that they have taken control of the president ial office and all. Of the military camps and Security Forces cut and they also said that aden if we enter in now is under their control and this is something you know. I think. Never like never been before because its something that there was not expected. To happen this quickly is this the beginning of a new south yemen state and a new division in yemen. I think its very very highly likely that this is going to happen because. This is what they have been doing for this is what they have been fighting for since 2007. Thats about. More than 10 years now that since they have been demanding that separation. And their. Chance at the moment now. Is there and then i think also the regional and national and International Circumstances will be in. Their favor and this is what we what the observers understand because. A United Arab Emirates backing for many many reasons and for things in the mind of the of the america authorities of course but this is what is highly likely to happen while israel radio is it perceives that this is what the u. A. E. One says it announces its drawdown in yemen. They leave behind a divided country. The draw down of course has a lot of things to do with a lot of things but this is also one of them but their separation in particular the separation of the south yemen is something that you say you have a need for its like a like. Because its the only guarantee for that usa from that theory beginning not only from now from the very beginning of this war in yemen so that. He you a has only this card to negotiate with the saudis. After that after the war because. If ringback yemen is what then. Saudi arabia would be the dominant one so where does this leave the battle against. And the internationally recognized government if you have a north controlled by the who thinks of the south are controlled by secessionists unfortunately the socalled a legitimate government is only in Luxury Hotels in riyadh and they dont know whats going on at all so they have nothing to do with whats going on with what with whats happening now and the president didnt even speak to them to talk to the well he didnt even bother to say whats happening now so far who think everything now is in the favor of truthy if this is in the interest of only because at least truthy would tell the world that he was there right from the very beginning this is what this is this is what is going to say and this is this is that this will be of course in his favor in that and that and the coming negotiations. All right its very interesting to get your analysis on this thank you so much meanwhile yemens hooty rebels say they launched another 2 drone attacks on an airport in southern saudi arabia a spokesman for the group says the strikes hit a fueling station at airports and targeted a monitoring tower disrupting flights its the latest in a series of drone attacks by the who these in recent days a fuel tanker has exploded in tanzania killing at least 67 people it happened in the region in still the capital for Haleigh Mohammed has the latest. A rush for fuel that ended in tragedy a fuel tanker had been heading from Dar Es Salaam tanzania capital to germany when it overturned close to a bus stop in the town of moral. People came to take what they could. But then disaster. Emergency workers try to help those courts in the flames for some it was too late. To get out of there get out of there people are burning they say the fire truck is on the way this is a big fire accident people are burning alive dozens of people were killed according to local media most had come on motorbikes because it all happened so abruptly i heard an explosion the motorcycle riders running trying to save themselves i ran away and fell on my knees in the commotion so i ran over here but the few i took off people with fiji others they didnt know what was. The Tanzanian Police say theyve launched an investigation back in the country. Unfortunately fire broke out and burnt a lot of people more than 57 people lost their lives the bodies that we have recovered have been taken to the hospital as rescue operations continue well try to determine the identity of those who perished. Dozens of people are in intensive care and there are fears theyll be more who dont survive. Mohammed al jazeera. Now hong kong swat team fired tear gas at protests as earlier today prompting demonstrators to flee after they started a fire outside a Police Station protesters also staged a demonstration at the citys airport to greet arriving tourists. Permission for this protest had been refused but with thousands of demonstrators arriving in the town of typos near the border with Mainland China there was no way they were going to be stopped. Its part of the strategy to gain more support for the campaign against the governments now dead extradition back protesters around greece but the bill has not been formally withdrawn they say china is trying to gradually erode hong kong speak to us were a number of stores in the town had closed fearing the same kind of violence that has marred the ends of otherwise peaceful protests but some stayed open to offer free drinks and snacks to the protesters one of the few shops that supports all camping and it would. Be ok and they are not afraid of. Other party trying to catch them as the march ended several 1000 protesters advanced on the towns Police Station where they came out against a cordon of Police Thousands of protesters have made it this far and built this barricade the police line is just another 100 meters further on there was a standoff everybody was expecting that there would be some sort of clash but then word went out amongst the protesters that they were pulling back and just as soon as they arrived here they have now fallen away. Its all part of this movements hit and run tactics designed to have the biggest impact across hong kong. Splitting up into smaller groups some protesters went to shopping districts. Others blocked roads and intersections like this one in shot in another town that has seen violence with police. Protestors hastily assembled barricades to block the traffic before Police Arrived to drive them off. The protest to scatter to cause disruption elsewhere as this weekend of civil

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