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Week were going to sing much clearer skies across much of this area the active weather can be pushing up here towards the northeast so for parts abilities as well as into the northwestern part of russia that is where the rain is going to continue but cooler up towards moscow were talking about 19 degrees there as a forecast high on friday the next big weather system is coming in off the atlantic thats an area of low pressure right there a lot of winds with this gusty winds we could be seeing some downed trees as well as power lines across much of the u. K. As well as the northern part of france the banal x. Region as well as into germany thats going to continue as we go towards saturday as well look quite nice down here towards south of rome at 35. 00 degrees over here towards parts of athens 30 degrees as well while here across another part of africa we are looking quite nice clear skies across much of the area but gazi what a tempter of 30 degrees few cairo at 37. 00 and tripoli at 31. 00 by the time we get towards saturday we are looking at coolest guys over here towards robot with a temperature of 25. 00 degrees and file sharers we are looking about 31. 00 for you. Recapping our top stories for you so far today indias Prime Minister has defended his decision to take away the autonomy of the indian administered region of kashmir as pakistan is gearing up for protests against that later on friday. Activists at the airport in hong kong of kicked off 3 days of protest hoping to Win International support from passengers its the 2nd time theyve occupied the airport terminal. Fears of a new battlefront in yemens conflicts are growing as fighting intensifies in the south between Government Forces and separatists backed by the United Arab Emirates mortars have been fired and tanks are on the streets of aden as battles spread towards the airport at least a dozen people have been killed since the fighting broke out on weapons day is under schapelle. A rift continues to grow between the local forces of the saudi u. A. E. Coalition after dozens of their soldiers were killed in a hooty attack last week southern separatists blamed the internationally recognized government of president of drug monsour hadi of failing to protect them and called for hardees government to be overthrown the fragile negotiations taking place to bring an end to yemens war the United Nations is calling on the parties to stand down where were very concerned about the ongoing violence there were see in. This something that the special envoy himself has stated. It is important for everyone to recommit themselves to a political process hobbies government has support from saudi arabia the southern secessionist led by a true selves a baby are backed by the United Arab Emirates while the iraqis announced their withdrawal from yemen last month theyve armed trained and left behind 90000 troops made up of fighters from southern communities and the coastal plains that opens up the prospect of a new front line between the u. A. E. Backed force against the saudi backed government. Its going to be very dangerous they are on the same side in terms of fighting the host the or annoy a northern opponent out however in reality they have not been getting along for months and the southern separate us forces especially represented in the Southern Transitional council have called repeatedly to secession and feel like the time is ideal to selfdetermination and to pursue it now so it seems that although theyre fighting against a common enemy the time has come where differences amongst them are more important than just fighting that enemy. The area where the fighting is taking place is the highest point in the city and near the president ial palace and even though the building is largely empty its still considered the seat of government without a resolution to their longstanding demands so the. And separatists may decide to try and take their seat at the negotiating table if one isnt given to them and schapelle aljazeera. More than 800 people have died this year trying to cross the mediterranean in the last 2 months alone dozens of bodies of washed up on to museums tourist beaches David Chaytor has been through resort city of which is now the new frontline in the migration crisis. The on the horizon of these warm waters lapping the shore of sars this tragedy is playing out and time and tide up bringing the bodies of its victims to these tourist beaches. More than 70 migrants drowned last month when their inflatable raft sank in rough weather. The director of the red crescent to help pull them out of the water told me the corpses were floating in from every direction or not. Saving these people and even returning them to a prison indeed is better than letting them die like that in huge numbers of young people pregnant women and babies the Northern European countries that we are heavy responsibility its a crime. This garbage heap outside zazi this is where the dead bodies used to be dumped the red crescent has now ribera them nearby. But these graves share the same ground as the citys rubbish. We spoke to a young man who nearly ended up here himself. Doesnt even live in has lived libya in small boat into the deep sea the boat started to shake until its capsized in this moment i look at what i did and ill leave it i remember what happened. Mohammed is taking refuge at the Red Crescent Center outside tsars this other survivors like him are still struggling to cope with the terror of danger would wondering if they ever dare to go through it all again to reach europe a new cemetery is being built here it already contains the bodies of 71. 00 people that were washed ashore on the city beaches last month. Each of these graves have been numbered and the d. N. A. Sample has been taken from each one of the victims the record of those is being held at the local hospital already the director of the red crescent is receiving inquiries from all over the south held region and even from morocco about who might be lying here these waters are meant to be a source of fun and pleasure but the death toll is rising all the time and thats reality thats haunting this speech david to aljazeera sources. Italys deputy Prime Minister salvini is calling for a snap elections saying the Ruling Coalition has collapsed but the Prime Minister is that because he says he wants salvini to justify that call of in his far right party is well ahead in the opinion polls mainly because of his stance against illegal migration its Coalition Partner the 5 Star Movement has been at odds over many policy issues. Jailed kurdish leader says he is ready to talk to the turkish authorities to work on a solution to end the conflict with kurdish fighters our children has been in jail for 20 years in a statement through his lawyer says the kurds do not need a separate state founded the Kurdistan Workers Party the p k k which launched a separatist campaign against the turkey states in 1984 its blacklisted as a terrorist group by turkey. The e. U. Says urged action is required to tackle african swine fever as the virus rapidly spreads across europe even nations have reported cases of the virus with particularly bad breaks and bulgaria and romania african swine fever is a highly contagious disease that affects pigs and wild boar but not people. A former president of kyrgyzstan is under arrest after special forces stormed his home the 2nd time in 2 days supporters of our minds back at him by a managed to foil the 1st grade on weapons day when a soldier was killed is lower about money was they were hoping they could prevent kurdistans formally from being arrested but after a 2 day standoff Security Forces didnt want to wait any longer i. A Police Officer was killed and 70 of the former president s supporters injured in the ensuing clashes. This woman says attempt was in the van with her and they were both arrested was. It all started on wednesday when a tumble have greeted crowds outside of his home near bishkek. Shots rang out police attempted to arrest him then but his supporters rushed to his defense after the fair to rest he urged people to protest in the capital. Nationally to this sort of we will start a demonstration were going to go to the white house and warhead an indefinite demonstration because the authorities need to stop this may have an. Attorney who is in office from 2011 to 2017 with wanted as a witness in a criminal case he refused questioning 3 Times Leading to his arrest. But some say the police didnt need to be so heavy handed. The president said that a temper yes nice to give a witness statement so what is a witness statement it doesnt mean that he needs to take over by storming or using Security Forces. But it didnt get support in parliament where the president condemned his use of violence against the police. Force president a tumble in his supporters have committed serious crimes against his republic he has violated the law by putting resistance and using the legitimate actions by Police Became tourist since kurdistans independence 9912 president s have been deposed by uprisings ethnic tensions and high poverty rates continue to challenge the country. There are now fears that the former soviet nation will be thrown into china with protests is now turning their anger on the current president. Al jazeera. Puerto rico may get its 4th governor in a week after politicians criticize the latest appointee one of us because her partys discussed replacing a day after she was sworn in she is seen as part of the Previous Administration and the next front runner is Jennifer Gonzalez puerto ricos representative to the u. S. Congress in washington governor ricardo reseller quit in july after protests against alleged corruption and offensive text messages. The United Nations says new u. S. Sanctions on ben as well it could make life worse for millions struggling to get food and health care the u. S. Administration has frozen government assets and banned americans from doing business there venezuelan government leaders are refusing talks with the opposition in protest of the sanctions which also triggered demonstrations in the capital caracas some burn as well as escaping the crisis and chaos at home getting caught up in drug related violence on the border with colombia Human Rights Watch says armed groups are committing abuses against civilians and the reports now from the capital. For a 1000000 venezuelans have fled the economic collapse blackout and out of control inflation in their country most crossing into neighboring colombia and while the colombian government is receiving them with open arms some are being killed or recruited by criminal groups in the countrys Border Regions its one of the Main Findings of a report presented by the International Watchdog group Human Rights Watch says the document focuses on the increase in violence in the cattle border region since descending of the peace deal with 5 gravels in 2016 delays in the implementation of a peace deal left a void thats being filled the base moller armed groups who are unleashing a new wave of drug related violence the type of abuses are frankly. Atrocities. And we are we have been able to document cases of disappearances executions. Sexual violence. Forced recruitment of minors they use in land mines. I renew will of war that has forced some 40000 people to flee their homes in the region while venezuelan children are forced to work harvesting coca leaves. Im 14 years old and they scrape coca leaves there are children as young as 8 who scrape coca the government response to the violence has been mainly military increasing the number of troops in the region and local residents say that this is actually worse than this situation accusing part of the armed forces of being complicit with illegal armed groups. Farmer says that it is has been unable to return to cut that because of the presence of armed groups hes working in a restaurant and he says the lawlessness means nobody knows how many undocumented venezuelans have been killed. Often they get killed simply because they dont know who they are they might think they are informers potential spies the groups confronting each other kill who they dont know. The report says most of these crimes go unpunished in accuses the government of not meeting its obligations to protect civilians in the area its calling for venezuelans to be given legal status to help them move to safer parts of the country alison that. Malaria has killed more than 1800 people in burundi you so far this year the United Nations humanitarian agency says its detected nearly 6000000 cases in the past 7 months thats close to half of the population and despite that the government has not declared a National Emergency in 2017. Eat less meat or lose our overall and the effects of Climate Change thats the warning from the United Nations in a new report that says human activity and eating habits are destroying the environment and fueling Global Warming it says consuming food from plants instead of meat would reduce waste and could help reverse the trend is catching on. In many parts of the world land is being overworked and misused and its increasingly being swallowed up by the effects of Global Warming heat waves and droughts are turning ones for thailands into deserts thats the latest warning from scientists i think the takeaway message is that the way we use land matters because it impacts the climate and that we also should use land as a solution the uns Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change says Global Warming and poor land use practices are having devastating effects entire communities have lost their crops livestock land and livelihood small scale farmers who depend on grain to grow their crops are left guessing about when the whether the rains are going to come. Whether theyll be enough so its really an urgent message to governments. The report calls on governments to promote small scale farming and to significantly reduce Greenhouse Gas emissions it also urges consumers to do their part by reducing Meat Consumption the way we produce food on what we eat contributes to the loss of nature of ecosystems and declining biodiversity. Its estimated that one 3rd of the food produced for human consumption about 1300000000. 00 tons goes to waste every year the u. N. Panel says limiting the amount of voice would free land for reforestation and crop growth. Oh warning to stop pushing land to its breaking point and a call for governments to Pay Attention katia will piss of the young al jazeera. Nearly 2000000. 00 muslims are estimated to have started their annual hard pilgrimage to mecca in saudi arabia the 5 day event is a chance for muslims to seek redemption and to forgive and to be forgiven muslims is considered the peak of spirituality. The headlines are next. Ok lets update the top stories for you so far today indias Prime Minister has defended his decision to take away the autonomy of the indian administered region of kashmir as pakistan is gearing up for protests later on friday a long time same place in indian administered kashmir to prevent any violent protest against the move Narendra Modis says bringing the area under new delhi is control will bring peace and prosperity Priyanka Gupta is there in new delhi. We do know that a large rally is expected is expected today after friday prayers are held thats after 2 30 pm local time here where lots of people are expected to march in street other add in the anticipation of that the Security Forces have are there in large numbers in fact locals are saying that they havent seen such a large security presence in the last 4 days so they are more troops on the ground when in pakistani administered kashmir theres been an angry response to the indian decision to remove the territories of ptolemy people have been protesting and was after about against new delhi taking more control because dans foreign minister has arrived in beijing talks china is a close ally of islamabad and also controls parts of kashmir protesters at hong kong airport have started 3 days of rallies hoping to gain support from people flying into the territory this is the 2nd time demonstrators have occupied the airport in less than a month they want an independent inquiry into alleged Police Brutality the complete withdrawal of the controversial extradition bill and the resignation of the hong kong leader carol lam separatists are fighting Government Forces in southern yemen for a 3rd day at least a dozen people have been killed since the conflict broke out the separatists are supported by the United Arab Emirates and accuse the saudi backed Government Forces of conspiring against them. Turning our attention to europe where its allies deputy Prime Minister materiel beany is calling for a snap election saying the Ruling Coalition has collapsed however the Prime Minister shows there picante says he wants mr silva you need to justify that call solving these far right party as well ahead in the opinion polls mainly because of his stance against illegal migration its Coalition Partner the 5 Star Movement has been at odds over many policy moves up next its inside story more news on the other side of that program when we come back in about 30 minutes. And the differences. And the similarities of cultures across the globe. Aljazeera. Is pakistan able to counter indias move in kashmir islamabad has taken several actions since move delhi scrapped the autonomy of this contested area it says lorre is not an option but can an Armed Conflict be averted this is inside story. Hello and welcome to the program im homage kashmir has long been a flashpoint between india and pakistan and by revoking the indian administered regions autonomy india has just made things worse although islamabad says not to the point of it considering military action for now pakistans government is looking to challenge kashmir is disputed status politically and legally its downgraded diplomatic ties with new delhi suspended trade and shut down a major Train Service to its neighbor india has pakistan to review what its doing in retaliation to what it says is an internal affair come on high there are reports from islamabad. Award. For tag. Roll call the Pakistani Foreign minister now shooting down india vision about. Creating a diplomatic relation saying that this was a unilateral action by india. To dani move. He feared another false flag operation. To the brink of gone flick and said dad. Was deeply concerned about the plight of forward greg 1000000 midi voicing his fear. That it could lead to a catastrophic situation the Pakistani Foreign minister also saying. Didnt you under fake and also said that the corridor door planning to open for the. Food. And. Back down from died because. The religious minority. Also the fact that pakistan was now saying that it was going to dig this issue through the United Nations security council. For insight story in the move ministered kushner has been on lockdown since the Indian Government decided to strip the region of its special constitutional status telecommunications and the internet have also been cut off Priyanka Gupta reports from new delhi. Street are a ghost town troops on every corner barricades everywhere in the largest city in the indeed and listed kashmir indias government says recent troop force months are to ensure security to maintain order as kashmiris see the effects of the significant changes to their autonomy and statehood. They didnt tell us anything and we walked article 370 all the phone lines are down the trains are not working we havent seen anything like this in kashmir in our lives. Migrant workers who hope to find employment here happened stranded for days. Internet is down we cant access cash machines no one is listening to our plight no one cares about us liberals. In new delhi this problem filmmaker is worried about his elderly parents and she dug or he questions the timing of the governments decision to revoke the states autonomy and divide it into 2 federally administered territories the one thing about the timing of this decision is very seems awfully time. And so then one is forced to wonder as to why this would have happened and crudely yes the story has pushed the impending economic crisis off the front pages for this week and who knows you know until the next round of elections legal challenges are already being done the 1st public interested again against the government position has been filed and they are expected some constitutional experts say that there are some legal loopholes that the judges may consider the process is a certain amount of scut constitutional duty which i expect. The Supreme Court or any other Constitutional Court to look at very closely constitutions do not work on the vim of a few people alone no matter how high in the constitutional structure indias government led by the party the party of the hindu nationalists the special status was discriminatory and with the change of status to be open divestment chops for now the shops are closed and no one knows for how long. Aljazeera the delhi. Lets bring in our guest. Is professor and dean at the school of International Affairs and joins us from new delhi victoria schofield is an independent south asia analyst and she joins us from london. Tariq herzog is a Pakistan Security analyst and he joins us from islamabad welcome to all of our guests let me start with you these moves that pakistan is making suspending Train Service to india threatening to close airspace to india downgrading diplomatic ties with india what kind of effect will it have in the long run well the initial let me start with the initial effect of that the purpose of severing. Done grading the diplomatic ties is a to send a message to the war that there are tensions between india and pakistan to look because of the actions taken by moody to simply strip the people of this repeat of that but i had to go in themselves and all of the liberties that is now that is now days deployed that if you dont take an action now the situation would. Move towards a direct military confrontation so the downgrading of diplomatic ties actually sends a clear message of what i just mentioned it does the art of the war that tensions are very high that the normal ties have become strained that the diplomatic ties no longer you know why of all cannot be maintained as such and the 2 nations are headed in the direction of a military conflict thats the purpose of sending this and various of the actions that progress on is taken and the messages i believe but he created the diff sent to the whole world. You heard just now what tariq peers out of said do you believe as he stated that india and pakistan are headed down a path of confrontation. A lot depends on how pakistan behaves itself if it overreacts we are being very cool in india in fact our Prime Minister said we have to adopt a statesman like position its an internal matter and we are not interested in escalating this conflict and all of this is an administrative reorganization of kashmir that was our visit part of india you know 7 decades ago so for pakistan to meddle and interfere and to try and internationalize this that is their strategy because they cannot match india conventionally so they want to bring in 3rd parties 4th parties crying about you know allegedly Human Rights Violations and such things but the reality is that these measures are not like pinpricks and frankly cancellation of trade with india you know the volume is like hardly 2000000000. 00 most of our period is not with pakistan at all and its not going to affect us and not is it going to compel us to change but i suspect the real problem is not what theyre publicly announcing the real problem is theyre going to unleash the same or jihad these poison that has to be stabilised specially for many decades they have terrorist mastermind so not been brought to book imran khan the Prime Minister of pakistan publicly admitted the news do resent the us troops that we have 30240000 armed actors who need to be reined in thats his estimate only for government be saying that thats conservative so were talking about you know a large scale you have this menace that is looming across the border and india is preparing for it you know also trade barriers and cutting off you know cultural links is a bad idea we dont want to take this forward but if theyre decided to go more aggressive and use force i think were prepared with going to force you know we have the deterrent measures at the border and thats why we have deployed forces in advance of this move to prevent any kind of mischief or adventurism by pakistan victoria schofield Indian Lawyers are split about the constitutionality of revoking article 370. 00 many have said the governments plan is likely to face Court Challenges what do you think is this something thats going to be heard by the Supreme Court in india could it possibly be reversed in the courts. Well i think its early days yet to say exactly what can what can happen in the courts i think undoubtedly there is a section of the population in india who are surprised at the way Prime Minister modi has really unilaterally altered the constitution as we know the move to abrogate article 370 has been part of the b j mean b j p manifesto for a long time but the idea always was that there should be some consultation with the Legislative Assembly or the fact that the state of general interest me has been under president s rule for the past year and that has just been renewed really took away the opportunity for this can se and so i think its its a very drastic move without consulting the people there is bound to be some reaction within the valley the curfew has not yet been lifted but when youve already got a section of the population alienated to put them in lockdown to really not not have any consultation a tool to bring in extra troops. Is bound to have a reaction within the valley let alone what what pakistans position is true there is many critics of Prime Minister Narendra Modi who say that revoking the special status in the in the minister of kashmir is not just an attack on indias secular identity but its also part of a broader agenda of the Prime Minister to make india more of a hindu nation and also to make it more authoritarian what do you say to that criticism. Not at all you know its a very democratic decision it was endorsed by massive majority of both houses of indias elected representatives of parliament and through executive order by the president of the republic and so. This kind of change is provided for within the constitution itself so enormous is it undemocratic and secondly the critics of moore do you know a lot of them are in a minority i mean they had basically people who believe in the idea of ghettoization of question you know where 97 percent of the people of Kashmir Valley are muslims and its been deliberately kept saw by preventing people from the rest of india from visiting and acquiring property and reciting that through the socalled special status so it was maintained as a ghetto which in turn festered the alienation that we are talking about the alienation is not inbuilt our natural its instigated by pakistan one and 2 we were hacking at our own feet by having article 370. 00 so more that is now removed and you know its a proactive step to fully integrate and simulate it into the National Mainstream and that will eventually happen i dont believe this theory is that you know that this is a hindu agenda and all that you know this is the typical international liberal talk and a few leftists in our country who had those things on their sleeves but look at the emotional outpouring across india you know its not just fallen men the public in general has been. Up in peoples i think finally we did it you know we had to do this to end the problem once and for all and i think thats going to happen eventually you must have coexistence of hindus and muslims and sikhs and other communities why should it be a ghetto like this because then it becomes a father for use by our neighbors so its very important that you know we consolidate by creating the idea in fact you mentioned a secular state ill tell you our National Security coexistence of all faiths not exclusive domains and enclaves like what the. It did in Kashmir Valley for so long so eventually we would want to integrate it and thats whats going to happen and thats why pakistan is so scared and thats why they are over reacting and talking about awad and you know the bugs anybody should resign your number on the end of it will have on my back let me just say france for a major suicide bombing im certain there are other problems im starting to up to but i see who wants to respond to what youre saying and parkers out i also want to ask you and let you respond because all you wanted to jump in there but also what do people in pakistan think do they believe that Prime Minister modi is attempting to make india into a more hindu nation. Theres the dominance of hindu ism the imposition of in the yall or in the you all of the indian as asian of the indian republic to the exclusion of all minorities including 201000000. 00 muslims this is their fundamentalists and it was a part of their manifesto there is nothing to hide about it and your question was so by their number 2 let me come come back to the u. N. Resolutions this talk that this is an internal issue somebody has to read in 194849 several of the resolutions of the United Nations that say is that because there is a special status that did muslims of most minimal claims of india have to be given that id like to decide their fate as an independent people through the exercise of what is called the right to privacy this is a specific language of the un resolutions and this is why pakistan is not at the United Nations and this is what they intend to say if i can understand the government of pakistan they would be saying that me out here by informing the World Community that india has a similar governed up the state of india by the look on laos now why is that. Is not. What was also a tad about think so if you do not enforce your own resolutions as you passed in 194849 and as not endorsed by the planners from. Several years ago if you dont do that the situation in subcontinent will naturally be placed in the direction of a medically conflict and this is i assure you the people of pakistan are in absolute and the determination to support the independence when that is going on and if that does not succeed there will be a direct military conflict and hole to me that pakistan and iraq one piece in india. We just shot down we just shot down in. I missed say the Indian Air Force if it ever came back this is not be focused on is not now its never dave and were destroying the people of pakistan im sorry interrupt but i want to and let me just get to you in just one minute i want to ask victoria schofield one question now of victoria schofield if Prime Minister modi succeeds in this strategy with regard to kashmir do you believe that he would move on to issues that are even more religiously polarizing or more polarizing in society. Well what he said hes going to move on to is to try and get back the rest of the state which is under Pakistan Administration and i think that would be highly contentious by that we mean go get baltistan and the area which the indians called pakistan occupied kashmir which the pakistanis called the jungle and and kashmir and so when were talking about internal affairs the fact is that this is also part of the of the manifesto that the whole state as it once was a former Princely State should be incorporated back into india and this is this is very contentious and i dont think we can overlook that and i would like to wait one point i was in the valley in in in the summer and i would not call it a ghetto i dont think thats the right description of the valley the people there are kiss me it is they enjoy living the way they live and what they would like to do is they have without a military presence a large military presence and go about their daily lives and enjoy the Beautiful Valley so i think 11 really has to cool the tempers and not get involved in in the rhetoric and what really needs to be done is how this issue can be sorted out for the benefit of the people who live there which is why i would not say it was a democratic decision it may have been some resolution people in india but it should have been it should have been supported by by the people who live in i get in the valley and in in the region sure im tally up yes i see you want to jump in please go ahead and could you also respond to what victoria schofield said about this being undemocratic to make sure this revocation of article 370. Well 1st of all i would say that i have visited Kashmir Valley several times myself and it is a large segment of media elites who have strong separate the sense a session is tendencies and who sympathize with pakistan and they believe in the 2 nations cod which divided india and pakistan which is that muslims should have their own homeland and should not be part of india but its a complete bunkum to say that modi has some kind of you know in the right to say trying to convert the whole country into kind of a hindu i patronize i think its completely relevant although you know there are 180000000 muslims in india there are 180000000 muslims in india and out of whom only 7000000 i thought why only these 7000000 are seeking for cessation or indifferent talk not all of them but many of them theyre speaking to the elites heats because its part of their strategy and it all started you have found in terms of governance not coming to the point about ghettos you know i would say that my friend you know if you read the 1940 or 49 there are no your take no you know its very sad and what they are going to be no no no you are going back and back and 1948 or 49 you are the one supposed to wait cant touch me or fuss with your beard it is an illusion you have iran and you are minute were going to have them all right i have a discussion here and i said then you know about resolutions ok you have hopping on about all the stuff we have all done and the last point i want to make is you were saying that you could become a flash winder and go to water let me tell you something your economy is in complete doldrums youll just be bailed out by the i. M. F. Youre under tremendous pressure by the young lady about it dont worry about it youll go to the state dont want to let it about it really matter thats an ironic talia dear im sure ill have a lot of it im sure youll cannot interrogators out of a notion here please and let me interject here because i dont think you need let me move on here we are starting to run out of time please dont get into the sequel is to shout i mean the. Mr chaldea own internal state and focus on it instead of continuously finding fingers at us ok terry now if you could also respond i know you want to jump in but if you could please keep your remarks as brief as possible because we are starting to run out of time you a keep mentioning the fact that it seems that the countries are on path to war now i want to ask you can pakistan being in the situation that its in right now even afford to go to war with india it has nothing do with the economy it has to do with determination and the planning and the issue is one of National Security interest of august on the good deeds and were not going to be a constant you. Know mr charlie you dont want to get out until you let mr peters out and thats not only on him shot but i vote thats why you already fought. Off the welfare means look after the crying people off but look just dont let it out is all dont give us election a string wont mr choudary as we have here is that what casting stones of india you cannot match us youre living in a full spot today we will fight i destroy you gentlemen im going to get the last point here to the tory a scofield you love story a schofield with us mr jalili added mr talley could you please let me ask my last question to victoria schofield the arguing between you and mr piers has eaten up a lot of time so i want to give her the last point here now victoria schofield how much latitude does pakistan have right now when it comes to kashmir by lassitude im not quite sure what you mean i mean with the steps that say with the steps that they are taking how much of an effect can they have when it comes to the moves that india has made in revoking article 370. 00 will any of the rhetoric that they are engaging in change the situation. I think the rhetoric wont change the situation i would firmly say and weve had the example of the 2 guests are in india and pakistan arguing and so nobodys been able to hear what theyve been saying is that they have to cool it and have dialogue because this situation has been going on for decades and they dont suffer the people who live in the region suffer and my last word would be they have to really think about having a proper dialogue which is that i love a decade on live and let live live live thats our i agree with. You and luckily. I let me ask you this because you have been written interjecting a lot the last few minutes there have been many calls by International Bodies and many countries i calling for a deescalation of tensions right now what im seeing is a very heated debate between you and will we get to a point where the 2 countries can actually speak comment the one escalating it is foggiest on we are playing it cold stop bothering us youre playing it cool were not interested in escalating this are not the mission even a joyous mode because our 1st thought on the let me ask how. Will we get to a point where the 2 countries can sit down and talk in this atmosphere and we have what we have left simply gobbled up the whole state. Yeah india has governed up the whole state why i would have voted to sit down. And decide to fit all 4 of. You have your heart to heart they show you ok and if you dont get crushed me or you are never going to get. Only on me you know ill write you on your show you know 10100 just as possible gentlemen and the only hello gentlemen we have is running on peoples needs gentlemen we have run out of time thank you to all our guests sriram chaldea victoria schofield and tariq peers adda and thank you too for watching you can see the program again any time by visiting our website aljazeera dot com and for further discussion go to our Facebook Page thats facebook dot com forward slash a. J. Inside story you can also join the conversation on twitter our handle is at a. J. Inside story for me and the whole team here bye for now. China has one of the worlds highest obesity records but maybe a take up the farmers against that for military style white lets go to bottom surgery what i want to investigate is the chinese battle to get in shape on aljazeera. Running 6 continents across the globe. Series corresponding bringing the stories they tell me on you tube and have this was another appeal to the 1990 s. There. Were at the brazil version of town for Palestinian Refugees aljazeera food in world news its very difficult as a chef or restaurant tour to buy shrimp with the confidence that what youre serving is going to be good seafood by nature it is a high risk to the sometimes trip was raised using production drugs. That are not approved for use in the us the f. D. A. Simply isnt testing enough on the imported market to really find all of these violent present the take no at this time on aljazeera. The latest news as it breaks. Out. With detailed coverage no one is willing to return home to me on my own without sort of papers and security guarantees from around the world the talent is facing the new Prime Minister and minutes to negotiate a new bricks that day a deal the e. U. Says cannot be renegotiated. With every new. One of the really special things about work in progress here is that even as a camera woman i get to have so much empathy and contribution to a story i feel we cover this region better than anyone else working for it is you know its very challenging liberally particularly because you have a lot of people that are divided on political issues we are the people we live to tell the real stories are just mended is to deliver indepth journalism we dont feel inferior to the audience across the globe. And let doc a new era has begun. Indias Prime Minister defends the decision to remove autonomy from the disputed kashmir region as the move generates more anger in pakistan. And protests continue in pakistan administered kashmir as the lockdown goes on on the other side. Among peter w. Watching aljazeera live from doha also coming up a large city is now on the way of hong kong pools felixs protest against the government. Fighting in southern yemen stokes fears of needed visions within the u. A. E. Coalition. Indias Prime Minister has today defended his decision to take away the autonomy of the indian administered region of kashmir as pakistan is gearing up for protests on friday a lockdowns in place in indian administered kashmir to prevent any violent protests against the move. Bringing the area under control will bring quotes peace and prosperity on the other side in pakistan administered kashmir has been an angry response to indias decision to remove all tony from the region people have been protesting in the soft about against new delhi taking more control pakistans foreign minister is in beijing for talks china is a close ally of islam about and also controls parts of kashmir we have correspondents on both sides of the story Priyanka Gupta is standing by for us in new delhi the 1st lets go to islam about my colleague. That we are expecting to protests today how many people do we think will be on the streets. Right. Now the board. Members. That you mentioned have been taking place on the administered kashmir and across the country is going to be a nationwide phenomenon however you can see behind me that figurative force are already fanning out in order to control the law and order. The religious party to me as needed of course will be attending that rally that theyre going to march on the Indian High Commission in the diplomatic dawn in the red zone and. We may expect. However that theyre going to be headed by the pakistani government really be held right behind. Where did the popular. However in the meantime. The Saudi Foreign minister. Beijing a. Chinese diplomat. Very short in order that did why riyadh ayat in broad and off guard. Like a funny foreign minister. Also important in order to progress on the military had condemned and rejected a statement by a senior Indian Military commander. August on involvement and disrupting the peace and he. Made something that true. Don had a United Nations military group to be able to drive it all along the pakistani side of the line of control and the. Same. On the indian side of the line of control show indeed we are waiting to see what happens after friday prayers day really be strong and loud. Across pakistan. Thanks very much prince joins us live from new delhi priyanka does the Indian Government feel its got some place else to go with or is it leaving it as is for the dust to settle. Right peter as far as the Indian Government is concerned its more deterring the situation in parts of india have missed me very very closely where friday prayers are under way and make tight security in some parts of the of the region specially in south. Also industry now which is the largest city in the region we are expecting protests happening later in the day after the friday president but there are more troops on the ground we are hearing from sources on the ground that there are large number of soldiers on the streets of go to preempt any violence and they have been sporadic clashes in the past 4 days but unfortunately the reporters are journalists on the ground there havent been allowed access to those areas to film any of those protests we also understand that they have been protests in 3 areas in the dock region on thursday an hour soon after that security restrictions were put in place and carville and to other areas as far as jumble is concerned situation is relatively calm except in some pockets we understand schools are reopening and peace one district but situation is really dire in parts of the indian was to be in the Kashmir Valley region where the 4 lines are still down locals have to have access to only couple of phone lines around the airport area and government offices for their long queues of families trying to get across to the loved ones and other parts of india or across the world if they have anything. In case of emergency situation so we dont know if these restrictions will be lifted we hope for promised in the interim or the on thursday in his address to the nation where he said that these restrictions are only temporary nature and these restrictions have been put in place to ensure safety and security of the people but in the past one album. Weve also heard reports that senior leftist leaders. From new delhi who arrived in st other airport was in fact its going to be sent back from st other airport and this is pretty pretty or normal now because on thursday another Senior Congress party leader was also the same way he tried to get in. As soon as he landed he was sent back to new delhi so as far as new delhi is concerned is trying to put a lid on any kind of political activity or protests in the indian as administered kashmir peter bergen thanks very much. Ok lets just show you some latest live pictures coming to us out of hong kong specifically were talking about the airport where activist has now started 3 days of rallies there hoping to win support from people flying into hong kong its the 2nd time theyve occupied the airport in less than a month hundreds been arrested since citywide demonstrations began more than 2 months ago testers want an independent inquiry into alleged Police Brutality the complete withdrawal of the controversial extradition bill and the resignation of the hong kong leader kerry lamb will stay with these pictures and talk to our correspondent rob mcbride rob how many people are there now. While we have the last couple of hours or so peter the numbers of the swelled 2 here. My arrival hall the how wrong International Airport where thousands of protesters now i gather they are occupying this whole hall and the idea of this was last time which was deemed a big success if they want to greet people as theyre arriving in hong kong they have leaflets in all sorts of different languages to explain about this whole extradition controversy and explain their position and their demands i can give you a quick look around here this is idea of you who knows International Hong kong International Airport this is the arrival hall b. Now this is the latest. With protesters. Here as you can see along the years here there are many young people riding on the Wearing Masks this is an unofficial demonstration nobodys given permission for this to handing out leaflets to many visitors tourists really of whom have to be said to quite amused specially the visitors from Mainland China a number of visitors weve seen have shown their support for the for these protesters one or 2 have been want to alter cations from people who do certainly do not support what these people are doing but this is a rival holby this is the. To all parts of the arrival hall and this was the 1st part to fill up and the way off in the distance is arrival hall 8 which is just as for this section of the hall here so we are talking about several 1000 people and it is very well organized they are organizing themselves you see stewards going around making sure that passageway is are left open for people to get through we were just watching on one of the walls here some what couple the protesters started to put stickit notes on the wall and a couple of other marshals rushed over and says no no dont do that were not allowed to do that so they are behaving themselves and organizing themselves to keep this they get their message across and they are being allowed to do so it has to be said by the Airport Authority is that i would say no permission has been given for this but there are and there is Airport Security around but everybody is complying with the marshals and Airport Security to keep the flow of tourists and visitors coming through here they have been singing songs they have been various chance the calling for Free Hong Kong and democracy now. As this demonstration continues you also hear young guy you know which is excuse my cantonese but that roughly translates as come on hong kong people keep at it lets keep going as we now enter into our 3rd month exhausting toto peter and when it comes to the 3rd month anniversary of the protest rather mean that theyve got a long significant list of demands but carry lambs resignation she said shes not going she said the extradition bill is off the table anyway but they want it more off the table than it is at the moment and this idea of an independent inquiry into allegations of Police Brutality and they going to get any of the stuff theyve got on this the Shopping List of demands. I mean they do have 5 key demands some of the demands do seem as though they just know they will never be accepted such as releasing everybody whos been arrested so far during these protests rebranding these protests not as riot and so on but there are a couple of other demands which possibly could be made to be carried resigning or not resigning at this stage probably wouldnt make any difference but the demand for a independent judicial inquiry if that was granted and there has been calls from various sections of society even some of the progovernment supporters people like the Legal Community hong kong. To that that would be some of the sting out of. Some people here who are watching the government some supporters of the government if they just conceded to a couple of the demands you might see maybe hard for the demonstrators whove been taking to these massive demonstrations deciding not to turn out into stay at home peter. Thanks very much. Chinas issued its highest red alert warning as the typhoon makes its way towards the eastern coastline typhoon the key is expected to make land

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