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The democratic republic of congo are meeting to decide how to stop the spread of ebola. Hello pakistan is vowing to exert maximum pressure on india over the crisis in kashmir thats after new delhi stripped and been administered kashmir of its autonomy pakistans Prime Minister imran khan called on the world to take notice of indias moves to change the status of the disputed region. India went against the 17 resolutions of the United Nations Security Council she went against the United Nations General Assembly resolution and they went against the agreement they have taken a decision in which they want to change the demographics of kashmir meanwhile in the lower house has pushed through legislation to split indian administered kashmir into and indian troops. As you can see internet and phone lines are down curfews are in place and local political leaders are being detained come on haidar has more from. Pakistan administered kashmir. After a strong statement by the Pakistani Military which had an important meeting by the chief of the progress on the military general job wait come our bar draw it was decided that august on would come with a form response to progress on the military saying that day stood by. Their freedom struggle and dead bugs on would go to any extent and that aboard the pakistani Prime Minister would go sort of being on the floor of the Pakistani National assembly which aired an emergency session a joint session of parliament and which imran khan spoke about his fears and apprehensions that india was scapegoating august on. The heavy handed tactics by the Indian Security forces prompt action from made which would then be blamed on and you would get the pretext to attack by guest on and which gave. It to the International Community that this was a grave crisis any chord figuration of this particular crisis it would have devastating effect for india and pakistan but the whole the Chinese Foreign office also expressing its concern the americans also warrant being bugged on an india to show restraint so as far as progress on is concerned the situation is done except a bit of august on foreign minister who was in saudi arabia for a great maid is also. Coming back to pakistan fight is jamil has the latest on developments from new delhi. It was expected because the government has already in the lower house but what was unexpected was monday when it was passed in the upper house with the governments and minority thats because many opposition members came out supporting the government on this and even in the lower house today when we all knew that the government passed a bill many opposition members came out to support the government on this move some of them saying though in some mild criticism that they didnt like the method that this would be done or the question the legally maneuvering that the government reached to get to this point but still overall supporting this and that widespread support inside parliament and in the public at large as well they were still open to negotiations with china in the hopes of reaching a trade deal further talks in washington are planned for next month but hopes are fading they will be fruitful on monday the u. S. Government formally declare china a currency manipulator something beijing has denied the move came hours after china devalued its currency the yuan which caused volatility in the Financial Markets that was after the trumpet ministration announced increased tariffs on a further 300000000000. 00 in chinese imports last week when that fully comes into effect next month and virtually every product china exports to the u. S. Will be subject to extra tax our White House Correspondent kimberly halakhah joining us from washington d. C. And the markets were saying are quite jittery whats a sense in washington about all of this currency manipulation label. Well the white house is really downplaying the fears of recession the turmoil in the Financial Markets around the world as we watch this trade war escalating into also a currency war the white house makes the argument and donald trump talking about this on twitter that he believes the United States is in a strong position that as a result of the trade war already that he says companies are moving to the United States that the United States is benefiting in terms of revenue thats being collected from tariffs that not everyone agrees that that has been beneficial for all americans in fact some are feeling the pain still be Economic Advisor larry kudlow to the president making the argument that the United States is willing to tough this one out that they expect there will continue to be negotiations with china come september on this escalating trade war that the tariffs that the United States has recently put in place that they could potentially be eased if there is progression in these talks essentially the argument being made by this white house is there are big risks in order to try to achieve big gains. This is a transformative president. Who is going in many places where prior president s and both parties have veered to tread. He is determined hes rebuilding the American Economy which is going very strong. And i think part of that has to be traded. Now the United States says what its looking for from china is what it calls quote the right deal in other words it is looking for concerns about currency to be halted also concerns that have been ongoing underpinning this trade war intellectual property theft so these are some of the issues that continue to be stumbling blocks in terms of the United States in the midst of all of this though china has certainly taken action against u. S. Farmers the loss in terms of sales from the United States to china in soybeans products like pork has been in the billions so weve already seen that there has been aid that has been given by the United States government to u. S. Farmers u. S. President donald trump on twitter promising even more once again saying that he believes that this is a strong position for the United States to be in even as he takes Major Political risk his reelection counts on a strong u. S. Economy many people again fearing that there could be a potential risk recession in the United States even globally if this does not go the way the United States hopes ok can believe thank you scott heiler has more from beijing. The trade war between the United States and china has reached concerning New Territory the u. S. Treasury department for the 1st time since 1994 has labeled china as a currency manipulator this is because over the last couple of days the you on the chinese currency has gone up to over 7 per u. S. Dollar now thats a territory a symbolic territory that hasnt crossed in quite some time that raise concern that also had knock on effect with markets around the world after that label was issued by the United States treasury departments pushback from the Chinese Government refuting that claim and also it seemed as though the Chinese Government on tuesday pump the brakes a little bit because offshore chair trading of the yuan went down below that symbolic 7 yuan per dollar mark so obviously a lot of back and forth this of course comes after what we heard just at the beginning of the week President Trump announcing a new round of tariffs on 300000000000. 00 of chinese goods going to the United States now this is something you know there was a discussion last week in shanghai here in china negotiations between the 2 countries that really didnt go anywhere no real announcements until we heard at the beginning of this week and obviously a lot of firing back and forth now obviously this is very concerning territory in this trade war and also theres concern Global Markets were going down as a result of what weve been hearing theres greater concern what kind of knock on the effect it could have in Global Economy and some very strong words coming from beijing responding to what President Trump was saying they said this is very irresponsible this is the Central Government here in beijing irresponsible and theyre holding the u. S. Administrations Holding Americas families hostage during this trade were obviously its going to have a drag on the Global Economy thats something that china is underlining have to see what happens next but theres been some very strong tit for tat at the beginning of this week. The United States has frozen all venezuelan governments assets measure blocks all u. S. Companies and individuals from doing business with president Nicolas Maduro administration Venezuelas Foreign Ministry has called it a criminal economic blockade it comes as delegates from more than 50 countries including the u. S. Are meeting in lima and the u. S. National security advisor john bolton is part of that delegation President Trump has taken a very strong move here imposing these sweeping sanctions putting before block a full freeze on all assets of all parts of the government of venezuela in the u. S. And also imposing sanctions or setting the. Situation to impose sanctions on any person or business that goes significant business with the government of venezuela so this goes well beyond anything weve done before and it really is a very strong move by the pros to risible was joining us from caracas to tell us what impact these new sanctions are expected. By that for donald trump signed an executive order in the whole thing more sanctions in venezuela and this generates mostly uncertainty among the populations here many of the people who have already been leaving the country by the millions because of the economic crisis that venezuela is currently in but many are not sure whats coming next this all of this is happening while there is a conference for democracy in the. Rule and its mostly composed of people that recognize Opposition Leader one way though as various were left and so impressed and they do not recognize the president ial elections that happened in this country last year countries like russia for example are saying that theyre not attending because that meeting they say hes being controlled by the United States that right there is John Bolton National security adviser whos also compared venezuela to what they say i wrote states that. Iran north korea and cuba and also there he announced in specified a bit about what the sanctions are all about theyre basically banning American Companies were doing business with venezuela theyre also whining countries like russia and china doing business when its with venezuela freezing venezuelan assets some of our the certainly complicate the situation in a country that is already struggling humongous hyperinflation an economic crisis among other things and most of the analysts we have spoken to are saying that in general sanctions do not work in general they hurt the economy they hurt the population and governments remain in place and these are the examples like iran them all got this. What impact. Does the sanction announcement to raise have all the current talks that are going on right now between opposition members and the government. Well thats where there are currently ongoing talks between opposition on the government there happening in barbados and norway is the mediator in the stocks there very secretly we dont know exactly what is being discussed we do know that the opposition right now wants president ial elections to elect a new precedent that would help the country out of the Current Crisis but the government doesnt equal out mother would have said that mandate and in 2025 both the government and the opposition are basically saying that these latest announcements wont affect the stock but theyre staying on the table Opposition Leader while you go it has said that what theyre trying to achieve in barbados is a final solution to the current political and economic in this crisis in spite of the United States is very pessimistic about any type of results in fact dont want and has already said that you called off mother will is trying to buy time ok there is a boat thank you. Still ahead on. Buyer beware a war on the coals for a palestinian businesses in the occupied west bank to stop selling is really products and made to last the new trend in fashion thats putting the environment 1st. Hello that we have the next Tropical Storm this one is the kima and this one is heading on towards taiwan at the moment where you can see on the satellite is this mass of clouds it is all mixed in with that cloud there so some very heavy amounts of rain now this storm is continuing to strengthen right now but winds at about 90 kilometers it is expected to generate winds Strong Enough to become a typhoon in the next 48 hours also possibly even less than that its moving very slowly this is so picking up quite a lot of energy from the war so weve got to 34 in taipei with those rain showers elsewhere across into china the usual rain showers and thunderstorms and then you can see by thursday it really is much much more evident where this storm is and it really will begin to have an impact across taipei the winds will be strong and they will be damaging so well keep you regularly updated with the progress of this system meanwhile and india the rains here of course a very strong at the moment very widespread as well you can see on the satellite just a huge mass of cloud really and very heavy rains particularly across the state on towards much of pradesh and then out towards the west theres rain stretching all the way down now into carola and also as you go through the next couple days those rains very extensive across into nepal and also the northeast of india and bangladesh 28 in katmandu with those rains. Adored by millions for challenging social issues head on what women dont say is. As long. As the program celebrates its anniversary the producers revisit one of their most powerful storylines. And discover how the show has affected them. And. Now i have a voice. Hello again the top stories on aljazeera. Is pledging to do whatever is necessary to support. New delhi officially stripped indian administered kashmir of its autonomous. Trade war with china intensifies over the value of china denies Us Accusations of being a currency manipulator the move has led to market volatility across the world. And the United States has frozen all. All u. S. Companies and individuals from doing business with president Nixon Administration as well as Foreign Ministry has called it a criminal economic. Health ministers of the democratic republic of congo and rwanda are meeting on tuesday to work out a plan to fight the latest Ebola Outbreak its hoped the discussions will lead to the adoption of a joint plea which can be presented to the World Health Organization Stephanie Decker is in the rwandan city of just on the border with the democratic republic of congo. Everyone is on edge this boarded. Art is making sure these people join the queue. No one can come in to wander from the democratic republic of congo without a health check but monitoring so many people is a challenge temperatures are taken hands are washed people are scared. Is killing badly this lady tells us. You stop bleeding in your head you get a fever and a cough thats why they tell you to wash your hands you know what firebird out yes i fear burleigh blood comes from were head to our eyes and mouth and from everywhere in your body it makes me afraid so i wash my hunt. For people who are diagnosed with the bowler in the border city of goma over the last few weeks its escalated concern here in rwanda because the highly Infectious Disease has never come so close we are on the border between iran and the democratic republic of congo this is goma and just a few meters really right next door is the seine rwanda so this shows you just how close the 2 cities are and the problem is the Mass Movement of people thousands of people are crossing this border every day which is why i Health Workers will tell you its a real challenge when it comes to checking people temperatures they have to wash their hands its very difficult to contain. Rwandas tighten screening and security measures along its border its a Health Workers nightmare i think you saw the traffic is. Its a huge number of people over 60000. And that is this screening is not easy you so we have the numbers but theyre not sufficient enough to do this we need. Has managed by science we dont manage it by panic and so what you have to do is to ensure that we do the right thing at the right time protect our borders it get to the masses the population. You find about a good sick what to do. Die. In the d. R. C. Say theyre only discovering around 50 percent of a boa cases sharing their knowledge with their wanton counterparts here in the seine its the 1st time the 2 sides meet to discuss how to fight the disease together experts report an increasing number of ebola cases and say much more needs to be done to be able to stop the outbreak spreading. Stephanie decker aljazeera saini on the rwanda d r c border chinas government has condemned protesters in hong kong as fogs and promised all those involved in violence and those behind the scenes will be punished take a look at the live pictures right now or its about 1215 in protesters as you can see have taken to the streets again there are clashes with police being reported Andrew Thomas reports. For the 1st time in days hong kong on tuesday was free of protests and free of canisters of tear gas instead the words were being fired in beijing a spokesman for the Hong Kong Office of chinas government condemned what he called the protesting foggs and promised theyd be punished well i would like to warn all these criminals dont even misjudge the situation and mistake our strengths for weakness. Dont ever underestimate the firm resolve and the immense strength of the Central Government and the people of the whole country to maintain hong kongs prosperity and stability and safeguard the fundamental interests of the nation. And hong kong representatives of the protesters were asked whether they thought chinas army the p l a could be deployed from their base in your territory under certain words. Its hard to tell but. Ours was certainly reacted. To. The polices News Conference was interrupted by a protest from hong kong journalists who accuse them of heavy handed tactics towards reporters. Place say they fired more than 800. 00 tear gas canisters on monday almost as many as only the previous days of protest combined 148. 00 people were arrested. Close to 600 people have been arrested in weeks of protests which started against proposed changes to the extradition laws. And grew into a wider condemnation of chinas control and allegations of Police Brutality as to whether the Police Wanted support can hong kongs place cope with these protests if they keep going with the same intensity they have been in if you cant would you welcome the chinese army to come and keep law and order the chief executive of foot as well as the Government Official had already clearly. Stated the stance of the government about the. Way. Hong kong chief executive said on monday that online rumors of involvement were aimed at dividing people and shaking confidence in her government but she did not rule out requesting military help the streets of hong kong have been wired on tuesday everyone protesters and the police is having a day of relative arrest but there will be protests on wednesday at the week. Many will still. Aljazeera. The United States has warned turkey it is willing to prevent any unilateral incursions in syria saying such a move would be unacceptable it comes as turkish president. Announced he would send troops about 30 to 40 kilometers east of the Euphrates River which is now controlled by kurdish fighters well the y. P. G a u. S. Ally in the battle against isis considered a terrorist group by ankara erdogan has said he was losing patience with washington over setting up a socalled safe zone in the area in Northern Syria. We have a lot of mutual interests in Northern Syria right we we want to sustain the continued to be at least of the physical caliphate of isis right now becomes a question if they move in and yes yes this impacted the city Holding Thousands of fighters isis fighters and so those are some of the some of the things we risk if there is a unilateral incursion into into Northern Syria so again im hopeful work out something to address there are security concerns we just need to take one day at a time. To work through the process should be an increasing deterrable talks to look at it but its our top priority to train the terrorists want in Northern Syria turkey cannot feel safe as long as the structure of the south which is growing like a cancer cell that is increasing with a heavy weapon itself our allies is not eliminated if we dont do whats needed today we would have to do it to morrow by paying a bigger cost he said god willing we will bring our operation so different phase very soon. President Hassan Rouhani is warning the u. S. That the conflict with iran would be the mother of all wars but at the same time he emphasized that iran is still open to talks if washington lift sanctions tensions have been high since the u. S. You know laterally withdraw from the 2015 nuclear deal. Palestinian businesses in the occupied west bank are being urged to stop selling israeli products or protests and how to pressure the Palestinian Government to cut some economic ties with israel because of its continuing occupation and to bring him reports from an Israeli Military checkpoint near. These protesters came here today near all for prison which is one of the commercial checkpoints that trucks used to cross from israel to the occupied palestinian territories these palestinians came here to say that these trucks shouldnt come here and they should boycott israeli products and not use them to benefit the israeli economy c. They handed out letters to the Truck Drivers urging them to stop dealing with israeli products they say they came here today to push the palestinian leadership to endorse boycott the palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas said he would be looking into pulling out of signed agreements with israel because were delivering messages calling upon businesspeople and agents of israeli products to stop these contracts ambersons is with israel which is an occupying status we want to be liberated from the occupation. The israeli army dispersed the protest using tear gas bombs and stun grenades. To draw. We want the Palestinian Authority to impose a ban against these products from entering our markets and we want to see these Business People held accountable so the Palestinian Authority has never indorsed an official ban of israeli settlement was really products only of settlement products however weve heard from the palestinian Prime Minister mohammed yesterday who said that palestinians who get permits to visit israel should not be thinking about shopping there and should instead think about endorsing the palestinian economy. Sri lankas Prime Minister ronald were promising or has just finished testifying before a parliamentary investigation into the Easter Sunday bombings at least 258 people were killed in corrugated attacks on churches and hotels i saw later claimed responsibility Senior Police and Intelligence Officers previously accused as president syrias center of martyring enough to prevent the attacks where it once and throw it away cheap clothes mean many shoppers are buying into the disposable fashion culture the trend is also raising concerns for factory workers and the Environmental Impact the industry is having worldwide heres emma hayward. With a little skill and guidance anything is possible as a clinic to give old clothes a new lease of life and to counter the culture of buying to march to open its extending the life of clothes and by that youre reducing landfill youre reducing waste and its making an active stand against just going out in buying on and on an impulse because you want to wear something tonight passion is big business in britain and around the world the availability of fast cheap fashion with a short shelf life to reflect the latest trends has transformed the industry but its also come to cost globally the un says the industry is responsible for more Carbon Emissions than aviation and maritime shipping combined a recent report found that here in the u. K. We buy more clothes a person than anywhere else in europe some things are worn just once and then thrown away and while there are increasing efforts to ensure that garments dont tend up in one fell Global Consumption of clothing is increasing so much so the consumption is predicted to rise by 63 percent by 2030 as a warehouse in london though theyre trying to turn the tide with donated clothing being sorted to sell in the growing 2nd hand market were still collecting the same thing that weve always collected that actually has an increase but what we are seeing a change in is the amount of clothing that was setting the last 5 years. Of secondhand clothing within our shops has increased by 0. 40. Down to the next generation of designers to make the difference graduates of the London College of fashion showcase their work using Sustainable Materials what happens here often ends up being replicated elsewhere so its about really kind of valuing everything that goes into all of these questions. With the its. Even its a. Natural resource we need to put true cost. Campaigners want clothing like this made to last until that message gets through the environment and the workers making this weeks must have item for low wages will continue to pay the price and he would aljazeera in london. Nobel prize winning author Toni Morrison has died she was the 1st black woman to receive the nobel prize the judges held her use of language or what they called her visionary force her novel beloveds won the Pulitzer Prize for fiction in 1988 her publisher said she died monday night in new york she was 88 years old. Hello again the headlines on aljazeera this hour potus ons army chief is pledging to do whatever is necessary to support people in the spirit of kashmir region his words come after new delhi officially stripped indian administered kashmir if its autonomous status President Trump says the u. S. Is in a strong position as the trade war with china intensifies over the value of the china denies u. S. Accusations of being a currency manipulator the move has led to market volatility across the world. The United States has frozen all venezuelan government assets and measure blocks all u. S. Companies and individuals from doing business with president Nicolas Maduro the administration Venezuelas Foreign Ministry has called it a criminal economic blockade and it comes as delegates from more than 50 countries including the u. S. Are meeting in lima u. S. National security advisor john bolton this part of the delegation President Trump has taken a very strong move here imposing these sweeping sanctions putting a full block of full freeze on all assets of all parts of the government of venezuela in the u. S. And also imposing sanctions or setting the. Situation to impose sanctions on any person or business that goes significant business with the government of venezuela so this goes well beyond anything weve done before and it really is a very strong move by the president china has warned protesters in hong kong it has amends strengthen those playing with fire will perish by its these are live pictures right now 12 30 in the morning where protesters as you can see have taken to the streets and there been reports of clashes with Police President Hassan Rouhani is warning the u. S. That conflict with iran will be the mother of all wars but at the same time he emphasized that iran is still open to talks if washington lifts sanctions Nobel Prize Winning author Toni Morrison has died she was the 1st black woman to receive the nobel prize the judges hailed her use of language and what they called her visionary forests her publisher said she died monday nights in new york those are the headlines on aljazeera theres more news coming up right after soapbox mexico thats next stay with us. Smoothe pacifism is now back america remains of color not a bad man. At last laugh. Exactly rostov unbalanced Spokesman Says its. Just that it deliberately does he. Said he said simply even if you believe. Me forging out on a muslim base there is an academic you have to. Have an ending

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