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Indias government says it will withdraw the special status of indian administered kashmir and seeing the disputed territory is significant autonomy and putting it in direct rule by new delhi he so whats behind this move and does it abide by the longstanding consensus this is inside story. Hello welcome to the program. Theres a spear to territory of kashmir has been divided between india and pakistan since that independence from britain both countries claim it as their own and control parts of it indian administered kashmir was granted special autonomy thats allowed it to function largely without direct interference from the delhi but that has now changed Prime Minister Narendra Modis hindu nationalist led government is now revoking the special status and send additional troops to the area and but the region a lock down its a no thats good to have widespread consequences when bring in our guests in a moment but 1st this report from priyanka gotta was a sudden and momentous decision. Indias government says its revoking special privileges granted to indian administered kashmir was the opposition is furious. Its a change in the constitution with far reaching consequences are not take the interests of using the powers vested under the 3rd section of article 370. 00 boeing the recommendation of parliament the president announces that starting the day the president of india will sign the declaration and the day when it will be published in the government is that all the sections of article 370 will cease to hold good except for section one of the article article 370. 00 the section of the constitution that gave significant. Autonomy to kashmir is at the heart of why the region joined india in 1947 it allows the Regional Government to make its own laws except in finance Defense Foreign Affairs and communications that means the residents of the state live under different laws from the rest of the country in matters such as Property Ownership and citizenship now the Central Government plans to split up the region into 2 parts. And one and the uk which will be directly governed by new delhi the government has put parts of indian and ministered to me under security lockdown and has deployed tens of thousands of additional troops internet is blocked and phone lines are down. 3 prominent kashmiri politicians 2 of them former chief ministers are under house arrest revoking indian administered kashmir special status is expected to garner strong reaction this is a straightforward pandering to the hindu majority electorate in india. B j p the Hindu Nationalist Party came to power in elections in may this year with enhanced majority based on promises that it would remove these special provisions which they see banned or to the muslims of india so there is a clear Political Polarization here with the ruling party trying to pander to its hindu vote bank. They have already been protests as the spread on sunday about the governments plan to hurt article 35. 00 in article 370. 00 is our basic constitutional right we have made an agreement with in here the basis of these articles and now they are trying to derail only vocals articles this is an injustice to us. Are not going to tolerate we should just. Disputed kashmir is one of the most militarized areas in the world india and pakistan claim it as their own for now the region is on the edge as it prepares for whats to come Priyanka Gupta 0. Pakistan has condemned indias decision and there are reports from the pakistan its been a service and of course mia there have been protests over the issue. Once again running high along the line of control that separates indian and pakistani administered kashmir. India in 4 days of using cluster munitions against heavily populated civilian area raised it against the Geneva Convention on it also angered by n. P. R. During the nitrogen move. There have been demonstrations in all major cities. Including. The administration if. The Pakistani Parliament is going to horde it going. On q. J. An important meeting of French Military and civilian leadership. The message are quite clear. That any indian they. Also want the International Community role in diffusing that. Because. The bilateral talks between the 2 countries. And therefore international mediation. In order to avoid a major crisis from spreading out of control. For the inside story. Lets bring in guests in london midazolam heat journalist novelist and the author of collaborator the book of gold leaves a new delhi. The Washington Post columnist and author of this unquiet land story from indias fault lines also in london victoria schofield why its a historian and. Shes the author of kashmir in conflict India Pakistan and. War welcome to the program. This seems to be a great deal of debate about the latest move by india and what it means is it fair to say that the resolution puts an end to the autonomy a status that enjoyed for decades. Unless the Supreme Court of india actually has a legal interpretation that is able to hold this decision or put a stay on it i think we have seen the decision already taken its already done it can only be undone illegally and that is now up to the Supreme Court if somebody indeed does challenge it but the situation we looking at right now is that an overwhelming number of parties in Indias Parliament appear to have supported the decision that only a handful of mainstream Political Parties are part of the Kashmir Valley based politicians that have opposed this more so yes indeed with this announcement of the more the government has withdrawn and has up ended a 70 year old policy that gave me a special place in the indian union it is now not just like any other state it is in fact a Union Territory in which new delhi will exercise much greater control and direct control than ever before the. Autonomy and the special status was a cornerstone of the accession of jumbo and kashmir 947. 00 and with this new decision what would be the general sentiment in. Do they see this as the beginning of an uncharted territory. Its both on target and quite expected because the even within the constitutional guarantees in the constitution they havent ordered over the since 47 what has happened today is unimaginable consequences because see what i mean is it often seen in the us treatment of kashmir as a call that you know and today is probably the starkest starkest sort of you know display of that relationship that we will decide your future we do not ask you not only want we ask you well keep you locked in your houses big block your phones including landlines and internet and Block Assembly while we decide your future in delhi there can be a stalker demonstration of indias callous. Treatment of kashmir and what i see as a grim grim day because not that kashmiris were happy with the autonomy that had been eroded over the years but they have been waiting for Something Else which is their right to speak today that is right if theres a large scale support within india within political spectrum so to speak apart from a handful of voices and parties who are worst opposition most seem to be on board with this complete sleight of hand as a consequence light of and they even within the indian sort of scheme of things this is illegal because they need the concurrence is the correct word of a elected they just lead to assembly in kashmir to endorse this there is no assembly in place ok there is a governor who is imposed by delhi there is no they just lead to body in kashmir speak victoria lets dissect the different aspects of this decision of this new resolution 1st of all he talks about revoking article 370. 00 which gives me of the why to make its own laws does it mean that now its the new delhi that will have the ultimate say over all the legislation in the future in one case mia. Well as mr has said made it very clear that the control which new delhi exercises from from now onwards will be much much greater but i think weve got to look particularly at the article 35 a and the Property Rights because this is one of the remaining aspects is again mere said the article 370 has been eroded over the years but what has remained in place is article 35 a which means that the state legislature can decide who has right to permanent residency and consequently who can buy property a fad is youve got any number of people from the rest of india feeling that they can come up and buy property in Jammu And Kashmir now the Kashmir Valley is actually very small its approximately 90 miles long 20 to 25 miles wide and so if you think about the change of the demographics that will come into place if you get all sorts of known kashmiris coming out wanting to buy land this was one of the principal reasons why this article was put in place mirroring what had been put in place in 1927 by the passing of the hereditary state subject nor thats why the british had how close they could not land barker thats what were seeing is a total change of demographics r. K. Barker so if you just come out and decide its about time to. Deny them the wind to make the job one because then you pave the way for numbers didnt stop a chase land dont you think of this would stalk and to india sentiment among the people who would say this is a land grab decision by the government. So i think that the more the government and i obviously speak as an independent journalist and not for the government but i think its important for your viewers to understand what may have driven the more the government to having taken this decision and taken it literally overnight its been anticipated for the last few days its we had you know weve had mobile Internet Services snapped in kashmir several elected representatives in Jammu And Kashmir placed under house arrest no communication at all with the media but but the more the government clearly from its point of view is implementing something that its election manifesto has always said that it will do it has long been the stated position of the part of the agent the party that it would get rid off an article that gave into schmear this special status now when you see have they lost the right to make their own laws what was actually happening was that any law that was passed by Indias Parliament would need the approval of the general in Kashmir Assembly i think there is one legal question thats still a bit ambiguous for observers like me right now there is no elected assembly in place in juggling to schmear there is what is called president s rule so it is the centrally appointed governor who has given his consent instead of an elected Assembly Might indias Supreme Court take a view of this and say this is not legally valid other than that one question. I think you have to understand 2 things here as i try and be called why does the Modi Government do this at this point one this 15th august coming up i think the Prime Minister would like to make this the centerpiece of his 15 talk a speech see this is the big decision i took i am a decisive Prime Minister i have a decisive all minister i promised and delivered what no other party called in 70 years the Congress Party only were going to we know were 370 we actually got rid of it one do i think the problem governments take decisions when they believe theyre politically popular the point here is that this will have widespread support in mainland india and resistance within kashmir and so i think. Mr moore these making a political calculation and 3 and this is something we should spend some time talking about this is in my opinion also cocking the silk donald trump in the last couple of weeks the american president has offered twice to mediate on kashmir the 1st time india effectively called him a liar the 2nd time india i did not even respond it is my understanding that as america pakistan entered that endgame in afghanistan and india fears the taliban once again in ascendancy pakistan having more leverage there than that that would make delhi comfortable trump making that statement shortly antithetical to what it has position has been this is also more the saying something to trump here so theres also some do Political Considerations and can discuss whether the way its been handled is correct and i do i do see both internal and external signaling ok. However when you look at the of the of the decisions made one of them is basically splitting gen 1. 00 cost me into 2 federal territories each with a state is useless or however will be without oil is just how do how do you explain that how do you see it. Lets this i think we need to go back to basics and 6 of history because meat is a disputed territory and thats not a matter of opinion that is a historical fact which is also. Written down in the un charter its a dispute between india and pakistan and in my view and in the many jewish media is the look biggest stakeholders are kashmiris who are once again not been asked not when india has unilaterally decided decided the future of question read which many people not land so in my view this is a brazen and Daylight Robbery theft it is one of those classic examples of weve got power weve got mandate weve got a majority in the parliament reveal do as we please and as i said earlier the message to. Us is very very clear we treat you as an occupied people and for all practical purposes this is an occupying power which controls massive massive military means as we all know bush meat is the largest in its right space on the planet the densest of the transition anywhere in the world so you cant possibly say oh we have some political calculations to kind of yes i agree broadly with with their point of view from there for their purposes they are just pandering to a hindu majority and sentiment that has swept across india in the last 45 years 8 years now probably that is different what it means for me it is. A disaster and what it means for the larger region because as we all know pakistan is a party to the dispute this is in the United Nations charter and question is that a party to the dispute this is not going to and ok nicely this is not going to end peacefully ok i think Indian Parliament today passed a death sentence for many many kashmiris who might be killed in the you know in if that is under arrest and further told them well and the decision will inevitably lead to more victoria is it a tactical move on. Was it a gamble by moody because when you look at the decision but to when it comes to spinning jones disappeared to for the territories however remains without a legislator leaving many people to think hes trying to thorough the divide and conquer predominantly muslim areas and to deprive them of their own identity. Well i think what youre going to think about is is the objective what is the endgame in the end game should be peace and tranquility and prosperity for the People Living in the territory and much as you might have the bulk of the hindu majority appreciating the move what youve got is further alienate the valley as we know is already alienated and so if the end game is peace and prosperity youre not going to get it youre going to get further alienate from amongst the people its and it doesnt really hold very very good to say well the majority except when the people who are actually affected by the decision dont accept it and thats where i think misses made the point that this is been a non consultative overnight so to speak although we knew it was coming once the results of an election when the. Decision on the part of the b j p government and im afraid i dont see that its going to bring peace in the region its not going to answer davies. Ideas of integration its really going to create more alienation and i think that will be very dangerous and will have repercussions throughout the region isnt this barker something that could further undermine the democratic tenets of the india itself because if you look at this the base of you should the government cuts off internet and phone services places local leaders in germany has to be under house arrest declares a public protest of public balis cannot be held to the point where you have local leaders it cost me a declaring today like me. Today india becomes an Occupying Force because mia. Question i do i do think and i went on on social media to say this as well that i did not at all agree with the fact that elected leaders including 2 former chief ministers may have one with you know one of the lower placed under house arrest nor am i comfortable with the fact that this was a decision taken without any communication im im a bit confused about why the same decision not arguing for them or whether its good or bad could not have been taken after lets say a month of Parliament Debates or a consultative process with different stakeholders that said you know i think what what we really have to look out for is how this plays out on the ground in general and we have and the reason im raising this question is because its been unclear for a while in the last few years whos going to get up and speak on behalf of off the people in particular in the valley who are the people who are going to protest against this just who is not the doc is going to be absolutely happy being a Union Territory the people of john who are not going to be unhappy with his decisions so were really talking about the Kashmir Valley now mr refer to the un resolutions and because wed be the dispute that is not the indian position india is prepared to have a dialogue with pakistan but sees kashmir as an integral part of the country and be something that has to be bilaterally resolved with pakistan what i do all green and i think the Troop Deployment speaks to that is that we are going to definitely in the short term see a phase of turmoil and under arrest perhaps the line of control being inflamed perhaps you know its been inflamed for the last few days between pakistan and india and i think the measure of success of this move there i agree with victoria has to be that if you are going to say that ok outsiders can now come into kashmir no outsiders actually going to come into kashmir to the situation on the ground actually improves nobodys going to go there and buy property and set up or if they dont feel safe doing so right its a measure of success of this has to be hold a grudge. Situation response otherwise it remains a change on paper and not to change that actually for this reason i would like to ask ms about what kind of impact will this have on the local population in talking about the establishment politicians about the mainstream opposition and about is this something which is like a further buddika lies people allow me a few points you see yesterday they arrested put socalled mainstream leadership under house arrest these are people who managed me for delhi when theyre elected the public. Doesnt even trust those let alone the large sort of mass of people who have never wanted to remain within it is not a matter of opinion once again time and again come on the streets demanding that their right to selfdetermination be honored which was promised by nehru in parliament at the un is listed in the un charter so on and so we all know that. The people of kashmir do not want to be with india that is a fact and that is a fact that has been we have witnessed time and again or weighed against decades of political management by delhi cultic management by delhi sometimes pakistan plays opportunistic politics it sort of raises the question leadership only when there is trouble within the rallies on and so forth but the fact is the question midis have not been asked and that is more that is the main reason the most important point it will stay it will burn and what delhi did today is their father 2 they have added fuel to the old to look at the burning bubble i see your point i would like to take it a little bit odd go away ok not go i would like to take it to the regional level victoria do you think that this is something that could potentially lead to more confrontation in the future between pakistan and india you know youve heard about the pakistani reaction which is basically consider this a violation of the International Law and international resolutions. Yes well pakistan was bound to make a Statement Given that it considers that it is part of the dispute and given also that it is occupying approximately one 3rd of the geographical land space of the former princeton state of germany because syria but i think youve got 2 issues here one youve got is the relationship of the Indian Government with the People Living in the valley the kashmir is they are the predominant amount of people roughly 6000000 People Living in the valley of kashmir and then youve also got the situation of the more territorial dispute between india and pakistan over where if they go into ever except the line of control is the International Front here because are we looking at the Indian Government incorporating jungle in kashmir as an indian. As it is an indian union state including gilgan baltistan hardly not because pakistan is occupying that therefore they have to talk to the Pakistan Government about where what the future of the whole state is you cant just chop it up into little bits thanks to our guests mezzo hed bought qatar and victoria schofield and thank you too for so you can see the program again any time by visiting our web site ill just dot com for further discussion go to our Facebook Page thats facebook dot com forward slash a. J. Inside story you can also join the conversation on twitter handle is a. J. Incisively from me. And the entire team here in doha. I. Adored by millions for challenging social issues head on and what women dont say is mexicos longest running so. As the program celebrates its anniversary the producers revisit one of the most powerful storylines. And discover how the show has affected the women who inspired it and the 1st place. Now i have a voice sunk books mexico on aljazeera. Its my privilege to name aljazeera english the broadcaster of the year the country has a fighting each other and weve been told that we constantly hear these is the largest demonstration thats been held by will direct you g. s since over 700. 00 wired near the summit of americas rules of the planet who fear calling to think of the country plus the. Aljazeera english probe recipient of the new crystals gold coast of the year award for the city of london. China has one of the worlds highest are based. At taking up the fox against the military star white lets go to radical surgery one o one east investigates the chinese battle to get in shape on aljazeera. Aljazeera where every. Element of this is a new key to understand a very different way where there. Is a little. Hello im often denis in doha and these are the top stories here it out there Pakistans Army chief is pledging to do whatever is necessary to support people in the disputed kashmir region his words come off to new delhi stripped indian administered kashmir of it so tom a mistake says so monday come on high to has more on the say that. The Pakistani Military commander general comer job red bar draw held an important meeting all 1st. And respond to the indian move to end make the indian administered kashmir region former get it dirty over india saying that the Pakistani Military. In support of the question really and their struggle for

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