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Just on the accused india of using cluster munitions the indians of course denying that but pakistan has been taking foreign diplomats and even the United Nations military Observer Group for india and pakistan to show them the evidence of the indian artillery barrage in the needham valley and wasted munitions were used now it is going to be important to see what happens within the next few days august on intent to go in a diplomatic offensive to try and rein in the International Community that the only way forward a tradition that did require that in order to defuse this dangerous crises although project on in india had been a main back in 1702 to discuss and rejoice all outstanding issues including 2 bilateral talks that particular pod had been closed because of india and a few of the according to pakistan to come to the negotiating table the pakistani Prime Minister start taking office just a year ago had already said that if india wants to take one step forward that pakistan ready to take to. Well the u. N. Secretary general antonio terrorists has appealed to india and pakistan to exercise maximum restraint on ensure that this its relation does not further deteriorates the one maintains a military Observer Mission in kashmir maicon as joining us from the United Nations what more did the secretary general have to say on the situation in kashmir well its important to note that on thursday last week the Pakistan Foreign ministry delivered a letter to the secretary general in which it complained of several indian violations in the kashmir area including the use of cluster bombs against civilians it also warned that india was considering revoking article 370. 00 providing limited autonomy for kashmir so certainly this was not unexpected by the un however today the un secretarygeneral expressed the deepest concern about the deterioration in the situation there and this is what his spokesman at to say but i can tell you that we are following with concern the tense situation in the region we are also aware of reports of restrictions on the indian side of kashmir and we urge all parties to exercise restraint i would add that over the past few days the u. N. Military Observer Group in india and pakistan otherwise known as an mo get has observed and reported an increase in military activity along the line of control and mike has sorich lee what role has the United Nations played in kashmir. Well a very Important Role indeed since 1949 shortly after partition the u. N. A military force was a step leash there to monitor the line of control between india and pakistan it has been there ever since currently it numbers more than 100 personnel who continue to monitor that line but that is a problem and that is since 972 india has refused to recognize the right of the u. N. Military mission to be there its adopted a policy of non recognition of any but india and pakistan with regard to the ongoing crisis and the ongoing dispute so this is complicate the situation for the u. N. Where it is monitoring a cease fire line a line of control where one of the parties does not even recognize their right to be there this is an issue it has been an issue in the past and is certainly going to be a major issue for the u. N. In the days of conflict that may come ok mike hanna reporting from the u. N. Thank you. Plenty more ahead on the aljazeera news hour including the death toll from the weekend shooting in El Paso Texas writes president blames the media for americas epidemic of gun violence. The same. Payoffs on the streets of hong kong as police move in to break up protest or is leading a general strike. Coming up with sport and coming up in sport with peter the tennis player there he is he couldnt lift his trophy because of a bad back. So the number of dead from the el paso mass shooting has now risen to 22 thousands of people have attended a candlelight vigil there saturdays attack was. In the u. S. And a 21 year old busy man white man has been charged with murder. And in ohio a large crowd gathered for a vigil in daytons oregon district to mourn the deaths of 9 people who were killed during another mass shooting early on sunday police say the gunman was among those killed 16 others were taken to hospital. Just a short time ago dates police chief described the type of weapon that was used in the crime. We are less than 36 hours into this incident and its investigation can confirm that if all the magazines that we recovered from the suspect were completely full we have not had a chance to examine that we just know we have magazines with bullets in them but all of those were completely at full capacity. Including the loose rounds found on the ground near him as well as in a backpack to carry we had a maximum of 250. 00 rounds in his possession at that time well the us President Donald Trump has spoken out against gun violence at the white house and hes condemned bigotry racism and White Supremacy but says social media and Mental Health are to blame for the countrys increase in gun crime this follows 2 Mass Shootings in the u. S. Over the last couple of days which left 31 people dead and Dozens Injured in the 2 decades since columbine our nation has watched with rising horror and dread as one mass shooting has followed another over and over again decade after decade we cannot allow ourselves to feel powerless we can and will stop this evil contagion and that task we must honor the sacred memory of those we have lost by acting as one people can really allocate has more from washington. In a speech from the white house u. S. President donald trump used the strongest possible terms to condemn what he sees as the motivation for at least one of the weekend shootings in the United States in El Paso Texas saying with one voice our nation must condemn racism bigotry and White Supremacy this is certainly the strongest condemnation yet the president has made with respect to White Nationalism Many Democrats on capitol hill calling for the president to use the strongest possible terms perhaps not expecting him to do so the president went further to put in place what he sees as 4 proposals in order to combat ongoing gun violence and Mass Shootings in the United States number one to commit federal resources to combat domestic terrorism and extremism to also put in place through the department of justice identifiers for red flags that could stop a potential shooter even without a protective order if necessary also suggesting theres a need to reform Mental Health in the United States laws that could include involuntary confinement for those identified as being of high risk and finally that hate crime legislation if punished under those laws could include Capital Punishment and that it be put in place with lee certainly these are proposals that those on the left may like to hear but some on the right are not going to be happy about this not only will this be viewed as a potential infringement on caused to tional rights particularly with respect to gun laws but also on Civil Liberties certainly this is also something that will not be put in place in any form or fashion quickly given the fact that not only is congress not in session but this will be hotly debated by both the left and the right lets speak to Bill Schneider whos a professor of Public Policy at George Mason University hes speaking to us from los angeles thanks for speaking to us again on the aljazeera news hour you heard what the president had to say earlier on what did you make of his statement did he go far enough in condemning the Mass Shootings in outlining a way forward. On the 1st answer is yes he did go far enough in condemning the shootings but i dont think he went as far as most americans warning in saying that he would do something about them in particular something about the availability of guns and military style assault weapons which are used in these shootings you know in ohio there was a vigil and the public in dayton ohio where one of the massacres occurred started spontaneously changing at the governor of ohio do something do something do something and what they were talking about was gun control which is a very difficult subject in washington and one the president has always avoided yeah thats the thing we often hear very high in the motion officer all the shootings that take place in the United States but the real division is in congress is it not yes there is a division and its a division between the parties and some to some extent within the parties because gun rights activists and the National Rifle association have a lot of influence in the American Congress most americans support gun control measures and they actually support a ban on assault weapons which was in effect for about 10 years right after bill clinton became president it was allowed to lapse in the early 2000 under george bush it has never been renewed and all a lot of americans wonder why cant we continue the ban on assault weapons so that we can avoid terrible tragedies like this so is there in terms of restricting access to weapons is there any suggestion to you that these latest tragedies these 2 in particular that theyre going to change anything. I doubt it usually the anger after these kinds of tragedies is not sustained for more than a few weeks and in fact congress is in is in recess theyre not going to return for about 5 weeks and the result is that by then its likely that the anger unless there are terrible tragedies to continue its likely that the anger will subside thats always happened even after the worst experience americans can recall which was the shooting of innocent kindergarten and School Children at sandy hook in connecticut there they tried to pass a background check measure and they couldnt do it because it didnt come before congress which acts very slowly for several months the anger was not sustained that long the gun activists the gun rights activists are always intense and are always active in supporting in opposing any gun control measure the gun control enthusiastically gun control supporters never sustain that anger for very long and right to have Bill Schneider thank you for speaking to us on the news hour that russias president says his country will start developing new Nuclear Missiles but only if the u. S. Does 1st but so cross over to Felicity Barr with more from our european Broadcast Center thanks terrain yes said lot of a piece in spoke after meeting his Security Council on monday as fears rice over the start of a new global arms race following the collapse of a weapons agreements the u. S. Withdrew from the in some idiot range Nuclear Forces treaty on friday accusing russia of not complying but moscow has denied breaching the terms of the 1987 dale which banned ground based missiles with a range of 5025500 kilometer hooton has called for new talks with the u. S. Well Russias Deputy foreign minister has also been speaking to reporters and ill desires to asa has that. Russias Deputy Foreign minister ripped off made it very clear that the risk of a new Nuclear Arms Race between the United States and russia has increased significantly now the treaty the intermediate Nuclear Forces treaty signed in 1987 is that and he blames completely and fully the United States for this he said the United States has deliberately killed this treaty and put all the blame on russia he says its true russia owns a missile the 9 am 7. 00 to 9. 00 missile but we never tested this beyond the 500 kilometers range so basically he cant we cant be blamed for violating the treaty also sad that its clear that the United States has our options that it did that and the United States has a lot of strategy basically aiming at asia and thats why the treaty had to be to terminated he sat that one of the reasons is but for example the Nuclear Arms Race in asia could increase russia. If the United States puts a new missile in asia that it will consider and look at the situation and react accordingly to defend its National Security basically the big keyword here is china the United States wants to balance what china has been doing also on the defense front but china never really had any intention to join any Nuclear Treaty so thats why the United States is planning and on friday the u. S. Defense secretary already sad that he wants to send missiles to asia sooner rather than later so theres a lot of concern about that during a press or a lot of asian journalists were asking questions about the possibility of this new Nuclear Arms Race in asia and the friends for the Deputy Foreign minister sat that we will all. All have to see and wait what the United States is planning to do at least 4 people have been injured in an explosion at a Russian Military base the blast happened as an ammunition to the military town of actions in siberia Emergency Services have evacuated residents from within a 20 kilometers of radius Russian Defense Ministry Says the storage sites held gun powder charges for artillery shells the u. K. Says it will work with the u. S. On an International Maritime Security Mission to protect cargo ships in the strait of hormuz britain has been giving u. K. 5 vessels in the region and naval escorts since iran seized one of its oil tankers last month european nations have been reluctant to take part in the u. S. Naval mission as they fear being dragged into a conflict with terror on tensions have been running high since the u. S. Pulled out of the Iran Nuclear Deal last year. Thats it from london for the moment ill be back with more les say right now lets go back into felicity well see you later thank you very much well still ahead on the news hour wind july 29 has been the hottest month ever recorded globally last. Im charlie and the Edinburgh Festival last summer at reading the most painful experiences of the storm. And will tell you which English Premier League club showed mcguire the money thats coming up with peter in sports. How i think we will see the winds picking up across parts of the middle east over the next couple of days largely clear skies hot sunshine as per usual one or 2 showers just lurking between the black sea and the caspian just around the caucuses but otherwise you can see lots of dry weather in place 36 celsius in kabul 31 the 4 karate or into the mid fortys for baghdad and also for kuwait you can see how that wind is just driving out of syria through iraq and pushing down across the Arabian Peninsula thats going to be the theme as we go on through the next couple of days so watch out for some lifted dust in the sand the visibility is not particularly good temperatures pick up in doha 4445 celsius over the next couple of days but it could be that breeze that you really will notice a smile setting in. A little bit of breezy weather pushing across southern parts of africa it is a lousy try here so he clear skies little bit more cloud just rolling across sea southern cape could produce a few spots of fright nothing more so into wednesday the chooser that cloud will thicken up and up towards cape town the far south of south africa for much of Southern Africa joy and sunny sums it up the showers there across the tropical regions as they should be from the hollers right into the gulf of guinea. Captaining a leading used team at 16 years old takes determination. To that staying on top of your game at school. The whole family together and shares the sacrifices necessary for a son to have a shot at becoming a professional footballer. On a jersey. If you were looking at this from the outside you would really wonder what was going on what is this. Is a religion that they have an indepth exploration of global capitalism and our obsession with Economic Growth this is still the center of capitalism there is no limits i view myself as a capital artist we are trying to make the world smaller and smaller we dont want to be set realistic in the world we would rather have a fantasy growing pains on aljazeera. Television here with a news hour on aljazeera here at the top stories for cease fire in syria. Has collapsed the government is resuming its bombardment of its accusing rebel forces of violating the cease fire and its also blaming turkey for not guaranteeing the troops. Egypts government is now saying a bomb was the cause of a blast that killed 20 people on sunday the interior ministry had initially said the incident in cairo was an accident involving multiple vehicles. Indias government has scrapped parts of a law that gives significant autonomy to indian administered kashmir the region. To be split into parts its special protections are being removed. By u. S. Stock markets have fallen over fears that the trade war with china is escalating in new york. 850. 00 points more than 3 percent with a bit more than 2 hours of trading remaining on monday the latest came earlier in the day when china announced that it will stop buying u. S. Agricultural products also on monday Chinas Central Bank stop propping up its currency the for allowing it to fall to its lowest level against the dollar since 2008 jordan is joining us from washington to just unpack all of this. Give us some context of the story. Well this is all happening against the backdrop of the u. S. And china trying to work out a new trade deal but obviously that has fallen apart again in part because the u. S. Has considered a continued to accuse china of trying to adopt goods on the u. S. Market and has accused china and this isnt the 1st time of trying to manipulate its currency in order to be able to sell its goods at a very favorable low cost to u. S. Consumers certainly this was all kept as it were when the u. S. President donald trump late last week said that he was going to impose tariffs on some 350000000000. 00 of chinese goods that were still coming to the u. S. Without facing extra tariffs and so that has investors here in the United States very much terrified frankly i mean youre seeing people who invest in the High Tech Industries who invest in manufacturing who are in debt who invest in health care who invest in transportation everyone who invest is investing is selling off stocks because theyre concerned that a massive trade war between the countries is breaking out yeah rosin and on that issue of the trade war so is the sense in washington that there is really no end in sight. There does seem to be this sense some members of congress have already left for the august recess but there is a sense that perhaps this could be a real threat to our the health of the u. S. Economy theres been a lot of discussion that the economic expansion that happened after the 2008 recession began could be coming into its final months certainly when you have of the prospect of the worlds 2 largest economies engaged in what economists call protective behavior that is imposing a tax on goods that would be sold in the other country and making those products theoretically more expensive there is a real sense that this could not bode well particularly as were heading into the 2020 president ial campaign but there is also was some analysis from some economists that this could work to the president s the house he has been pushing for further cuts in Interest Rates and that in order to keep the economy moving the Federal Reserve which is the u. S. Central bank might be persuaded to cut Interest Rates at least one more time i saw one report in the last half hour suggesting that according to one economic think tank there could be as many as 3 more Interest Rate cuts before 29000 is over this is very much a delicate time for the u. S. Economy and certainly when youre talking about a potential 3 percent drop in the job in the Dow Jones Industrial average which is the main marker that most ordinary people look out to gauge the u. S. Economys health its not a good sign writes ross and jordan thank you. Now hong kong wide general strike has turned into another confrontation between police and Protesters Police have been firing tear gas to break up crowds that were blocking traffic earlier the city was brought to a virtual standstill by the strike action Train Services were disrupted and at least 100 flights were canceled and thomas has won. A general strike is what was promised general chaos across hong kong and before the sun even set is what people thought. It was very different early monday morning and Central Hong Kong was deserted many had responded to protesters calls to strike but many more simply couldnt get to work protesters had blocked the doors of subway trains to stop them running and put barricades across roads at the airport absent air Traffic Control is meant more than 200. 00 flights were canceled striking workers had plenty of support shutting down on them to call me which effectively the strike is doing its not a good idea. World. For one day or you can one week. Well. Bringing some kind of reminder so you support the strike yes i suppose. But there wasnt a total shutdown and some were not happy you didnt join the strike today 1000 because they have to work on i think if there is to be distrustful theres a very good place dont stop destroying hong kong who the protesters or the gulf coast not the government of israel Good Government think of is the best hope of course is the best. After a News Conference hong kongs chief executive condemned the strike and the broader protests such extensive disruptions in the name of certainty months or uncooperative and the men have seriously undermined hong kongs law and order. And are pushing our city. The city we all love and many of us helped to build to the verge of a very dangerous situation. You dont already feels dangerous protests to stop disrupting transport to gather initially peacefully in 7 locations across hong kong after some threw stones Police Responded with canister a canister of tear gas. To run down. Some food. To be clear protesters used traffic cones to contain the smoke hong kongs government shows no signs of being able to contain this after thomas al jazeera hong kong. The u. S. Envoy to afghanistan says excellent progress has been made in the latest round of talks with the taliban. And is heading for talks in india he says a final deal on u. S. Troop withdrawal will be reached soon the taliban has also expressed optimism and says its ready to negotiate with the governments once Foreign Forces withdraw. Libyan media reporting 43 people have been killed in airstrikes by forces loyal to world after the attack reportedly targeted a Wedding Party in the town of thats in southwest libya dozens more were injured more than a 1000 people have been killed since half those forces launched an offensive in april to take control of the capital tripoli. The latest from tripoli. Libby as you and back to government of National Accord has condemned the attack by half to war planes on civilians in the southern town of the murders of about 900 kilometers south of the capital tripoli the government of National Accord is blaming forces loyal to the warlords have to pull what are called committing crimes against civilians in the south of libya its also calling on the United Nations support the mission in libya to open an investigation into those crimes and on a sunday after the drone. Strikes killing get dozens of civilians in the town of murders a big and injuring get the dozens of others we know that there to pull the tribes in the town of murder the. Victims of these airstrikes have been totally injecting the what they call the military would all have to as forces in the south and namely and the town of medic have to his forces on the other hand are accusing the tibble fighters of recruiting their tipple cousins from chad which fighters are categorically denying they say that all the victims are libyans civilians with libyan i. D. s and libyan heritage we know that since last february when have those forces launched a military campaign to take control of the south of the libya including get strategic locations towns oil fields and airports that has been sporadic fighting between have to his forces and the fighters since then we understand that the tibble fighters in the sales of libya are now calling on the International Community to do its part and protect civilians against have to attacks in the sales of libya yemen the rebels say once a series of drone attacks again. Targets were. Airports in the king air base in the southwest so the state television has confirmed the air force intercepted a number of drones launched by the hope the rebels accusing them of trying to strike civilian targets to the break in the democratic republic of congo and Doctors Without Borders says nearly 2 thirds of those whove been infected have died. Briefly shut its border with a c. On thursday after 4 patients in the eastern city of goma tested positive for the disease Stephanie Decker has more from which is on the rwandan side of the congolese border. These people are coming from goma in the democratic republic of congo that is goldman that youre looking at and this is how close the border is when it comes to practically the same city the way its described also here in rwanda which is why the authorities here the government got so nervous when the budget was discovered in cobo look at the amount of people that are crossing the border this is happening every day people will cross in the morning whether its to work whether its to pick up the goods whether even children to go to school and then they will work hard during the day and what theyre hoping to do now is it set up these stations to get people to wash their hands because of the way that the pharmacist transmitted and theyre also taking their temperature even old peter pan out speaker in the background while thats telling people to wash their hands not to shake peoples hands id also that if they feel guilty sometimes the burning things like fever to go to one of the stations of the government has set up so we got it gives you a sense of the proximity of the 2 cities of having been discovered in goma and this is what is argues here are taking it so seriously because certainly nobody wants the virus just. So why was the warmest month on record for the planet thats according to scientists that the European Unions Copernicus Climate Change Service who say it continues are worrying a poor trend in Global Temperatures the severe its a company by a major ice melts in greenland 00 science and Technology Editor marianna hong explains. Global temperatures in july i usually hot but never before have they climbed this high scientists at the use Copernicus Climate Change Service analyzed temperature data from across the world and observations from satellites and ground stations they say july was the hottest month albeit by a small margin rising from the previous record in july 2016 scorching record temperatures and hate waves in europe the United States and the arctic coincided with a major ice melt in greenland data from scientists at the danish me to a logical institute shows melting on almost 60 percent of greenlands ice sheet that released 197000000000 metric tons of water into the Atlantic Ocean in july we actually now see a. Signal of. Climate change Global Warming the arctic is actually warming at twice the rate of the rest of the world and now theres a very clear signal or may is actually driven by too much Carbon Dioxide in the atmosphere so as this year to increases so should temperatures around the world were going to see more of these type of heat wave. These hate wave of events up

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