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A jet powered overboard. And on peace summit in doha with all your support as another steve smith century puts a strain in control against england in the 1st ashes test and Lewis Hamilton wins the home game really roam free to extremely varied in the formula one championship. Would begin in the United States where 2 Mass Shootings in a little over 12 hours have left at least 29. 00 people dead u. S. Prosecutors say the shooting in texas is being treated as a domestic terrorism case a white man in his twentys is now facing the Death Penalty after 20 people were shot dead including 6 mexicans in a Shopping Center in el paso. And police in dayton ohio have released more information about a mass shooting that took place. Outside a bar in the city center at least 9 people were killed including the gunman says to the perpetrator was shot dead 30 seconds after firing people fleeing the scene. Today at one o 5 am officers were patrolling the oregon district barque losing time in her gun fire. The observed a large crowd running away from this gunfire the officers immediately advanced toward the gunfire and within approximately 20 seconds being gage the suspect who was actively firing in attempting to enter a crowded liquor establishment threat was neutralized in approximately 30 seconds of the suspect firing his 1st shots u. S. President all chom says hate has no place in america and the violence has to be stopped a trouble such as hell issue a statement on monday about the Mass Shootings. Hate has no place in our country. Were going to take care of it i spoke with a dirty general bill barr id like i spoke to christopher a director of the f. B. I. Spoke to the governors both governors that were doing a lot of work a lot of people are working right now a lot of Law Enforcement people and other spoke to members of congress about whatever we can do and a lot of a lot of things are being done right now as we speak ill be making a statement to borrow some time but just to be have. Our 1st lady and myself condolences to all. We have to get it stopped has been going on for years and years and years in our culture we have to get it stop. And then well get the latest on the shooting in el paso who is rob reynolds 1st there lets cross to an official in washington d. C. So allan after tweeting now we finally hear from the president on these terrible shootings and he says all flags in the United States should fly at half staff from official buildings until sunset on thursday in memory of the victims he says hes going to do something about it you remember after the School Shooting at parkland in florida almost 2 years ago he said that he was going to do something then he invited the media and as he talked to people who had been victims of gun violence including those involved in parklane and 9 times he said that he was going to do something about background checks something that has already passed the house of representatives but the day after he met representatives from the National Rifle association and suddenly that was forgotten but certainly over the next 244872 hours theres going to be a lot of discussion about what created the environment for someone to go on a shooting spree and el paso what laws allowed someone to go on a shooting spree in dayton in ohio and what America Needs to be done this will be part of a national conversation. Many americans went to bed shocked by the deaths in el paso and walk on sunday to news of another mass shooting this time dayton ohio 9 dead more than 20 wounded the shooter killed as well hed walk through a busy area pipe with bars and nightclubs firing indiscriminately and we dont know the thoughts of the shooter at this time we know that he was wearing body armor and had high capacity magazines next to me right now our focus is on the families and friends frankly that went and went to town town on saturday night and thought that they go home safe and they didnt happen the president was fully briefed and tweeted out the f. B. I. Local and state enforcement are working together in el paso and in dayton ohio information is rapidly being accumulated in dayton much has already been learned in el paso Law Enforcement was very rapid in both instances updates will be given throughout the day the man being held for the el paso shooting is a 21 year old white male police and federal authorities are trying to confirm if he posted a racist anti immigrant anti hispanic screed to an extremist web site just hours before the shooting one democratic president ial candidate back to ork who comes from el paso says the president bears the responsibility for that shooting the president s language his rhetoric has produced the kinds of hate crimes that we saw you know passe yesterday but weve been seeing across this country theyve been on the rise for each one of the last 3 years so we cannot act as though this were just some kind of Natural Disaster or a matter of course for this country or the new normal for the United States but the president s chief of staff dismissed that idea i dont think its fair to try to lay this at the feet of the president i think there are people in this country this morning thinking the President Trump was was was happy by this thats a sad sad state of this nation hes angry hes. Upset he wants it to stop. I dont think its at all fair to sit here and say that that he doesnt he doesnt think that White Nationalism is bad for the nation dayton and el paso are no different changed forever part of the list of places in america where theyve suffered experienced lived through shootings and with the president ial election 15 months away changing americas gun laws may become part of the bigger conversation. Sherrod brown who is the democratic senator from ohio has called on the senate to scrap its Summer Holidays to return to washington this week and discuss passing a law that would improve background checks across the United States a bill has already gone through the democratically controlled house of representatives but it seems unlikely that the Senate Majority leader Mitch Mcconnell a republican is going to do that not least because in the last couple of hours we found that he has broken his shoulder and this country what king from home republicans on the sunday talk shows here in the United States have been talking about the need for legislation of video games saying that that is a problem that has to be addressed also talking to about the issues of Mental Illness but there are democrats who believe this is the time to change the laws even though they are frustrated that even after the sandy hook shooting in 2012 when more than 20 children were killed at an Elementary School there was no movement on gun laws in the u. S. Donald trump says hes going to make a statement on monday people will be watching very carefully to see if its just what or he will follow up with some action. Thank you very much indeed rob reynolds is in el paso he joins us now live tell us that the very latest on the investigation to events there. Well a very somber mood here in El Paso Laura and you can see perhaps behind me amid the scrum of cameras that people have been coming to lay a wreath of flowers candles and stuffed toys at a makeshift memorial outside the gates of the Shopping Center the latest on the investigation is still Underway Police are still gathering evidence inside the crime scene but the Major Development has been that the u. S. Attorney for this part of texas that is the federal Prosecutor Says that this case is being treated as a case of domestic terrorism and that Patrick Perseus the 21 year old. Dallas area man who is in custody and is assisting the suspect in this case cruciatus may face charges stemming from domestic terrorism including charges relating to a firearms and so on the the attorney the prosecutor rather said that there is a statute which lays out the mystic terrorism and defines in one of the definitions is an intent to intimidate a entire population and he said this was certainly qualified under that as as domestic terrorism and that the u. S. Federal authorities would seek swift and certain justice that texas also has a hand in this they are charging chrysis with. Multiple counts of capital murder the penalty for that is if convicted is life in prison without parole or the Death Penalty and i just want to add something to your discussion about gun control and and gun laws in the United States last week in gilroy california a state with very strict gun control laws where. A 20 were you have to be 21 years old to buy a rifle or any kind of a long gone even a handgun a 19 year old went to nevada bought a semiautomatic rifle and took it to california to kill a large number of people in this case you had a 21 year old who with a weapon which police says say was obtained legally was bought legally they wouldnt say where but presumably could have been bought here in texas and another thing about texas is that in this state there is an open carry law which means that you can literally take a rifle and walk down the street with it and its perfectly legal so whether that played any part in this individual you know what walking across a parking lot into a crowded store carrying a rifle and no one tried it with no one thought that something terrible was going on until he began firing we dont know but the gun laws in this country are a patchwork and theyre only as strong as their weakest link in many states have very weak laws regarding gun ownership thank you very much debbie hines a former city prosecutor and legal analyst she joins us now from washington d. C. Thanks very much indeed for being with us i want to go back to the what rob was mentioning that the threats that they had mass shooting an f. S. A. Is being rescued as a domestic terrorism and hate crime how significant is that as a decision. Well its definitely a very significant decision theyre looking at it now and it is definitely from what to what indicates a domestic terrorism meaning its a terrorist from this country a homegrown White Nationalist terrorist its not someone from the middle east is not a muslim it is someone that is from our country the United States who has evidently or allegedly created some type of manifesto talking about he wants to kill or allegedly kill hispanics that are in this country and that is one of the tools that youre looking at is if its aimed at any particular group so thats what were looking at in terms of him being a White Nationalist and the message terrorists that that recognition of not the only reason or to drugs i mean last month the f. B. I. Director told congress the majority of domestic terror related arrests since last october have been linked to white supremacist violence but theres been a reluctance hasnt it to to have this is a discussion nationally and even in texas people have been saying actually this does need to be recognized as a as a broader National Problem is it is that time not come do you think. Oh the time is long overdue lauren i mean the time has come a long while ago but its very difficult now because what you have sitting in the white house occupying the white house is someone who basically sides of flight nationalism if he doesnt side with them hes then pretending to be one or is one himself any time in Charlottesville Virginia White Nationalists basically run a call out into a crowd of people killing a young woman and trump says that oh there were good people on both sides no they were not good people on both sides and its very difficult to get anything passed now in terms of domestic terrorism or even to say the word which is what it is because what is often brought up when it is a white man that is doing something of a terrorist act is that oh he had Mental Illness no we didnt have Mental Illness weve got a call these things out in this country for what they owe its a white male terrorism ok so just to go back to the to the issue of gun control which was comes up in these situations i mean already the response to this is politicized how likely is it this time around theyll be potential changes to gun law or anything that will make any difference. You know sadly i mean there is always hope but sadly i dont expect our government to do anything while trump is occupying the white house because there is never been any. Any effort on his part to do anything and he blames everyone and anyone but hes the president and he could pass some executive orders basically controlling doing something to control gun laws but its very intricate here in the u. S. Because what you have is the n. R. A. The National Rifle association and they are pretty much controlling many of the conservative politicians and what i mean by that is that there are a major contributor to some of the politicians in office in the senate who would actually have to pass on the laws the fact that they passed laws in the house does nothing because they have to pass in the senate and the Mitch Mcconnell and that they sickly has you know virtually almost nil of a chance happening so unfortunately this is just going to be a nother one of those instances where we talk and we say all our prayers and our condolences which the president has already said were going to fly the flags at half mast but were not really going to do anything what i think it would take for us to do something is the American People who do want commonsense gun Gun Legislation who do want to sign me this gun violence in our country it would take an uprising on the part of the American People we are not at a point where we can rely particularly on the conservatives that are running this government on that point when you say that there are things that could be done if you had to pick one measure to parse through law which one would you pick to improve the situation and prevent this kind of thing happening. You know its really difficult to pick one because were focusing right now and mass killings and Mass Shootings but that honestly i mean its a really small part of the 100 gun deaths that occur in this country a day so 1 once were picking out saying we want to ban assault rifles which i definitely want to ban i want to ban large capacity magazines which allows a gun shooter to basically go into a crowd and kill dozens of people at a time its hard to just pick at one because that is only dealing with one aspect of the gun violence i mean in terms of how guns are sold we definitely need to close some of the loopholes that we have available such that we dont just have a minimum waiting period and then if the f. B. I. Cannot conduct a proper background check by that time period then while law the person just ends up getting a gun illegally because the f. B. I. Has not been able to complete the background check so we need to increase the age limit but its very difficult just to pick out any one thing because that is basically saying that one person being killed by mass shooting their life is superior to the gun violence that we have in urban cities or to suicides that actually take place which account for the bulk of a lot of the gun violence that is in this country so i dont think we can pick out any one but to really be quite honest we need to start someplace if were starting with one that would be a good start but i dont see us doing that under the present administration as long as the n. R. A. Is in control to be hines a form of Baltimore City prosecutor thank you very much for taking time to thank you thank you ari. So to come on the aljazeera news hour. Hong kong warns that ongoing protests are pushing the territory to an extremely dangerous edge. August on warns of a regional crisis after india deploys thousands of troops to indian administered kashmir. And as for flying high in the best action in the world rally championship coming up with peter. Turkey has announced its carrying out a military operation against the Kurdish Group the y. P. G. In an area east of the Euphrates River in syria defensive would be ankaras 3rd attempt to dislodge kurdish fighters close to its border. Due to me here the Opposition Leader warned us against entering afrin and we did then we entered jobless and then city and now we will enter the east youre free to use yes we have talked to russia and the United States because we cannot remain silent with the continuation of the provocative strikes the come from that area we have been patient but our patience has limits. Has been an important u. S. Ally in the battle against eisel but turkey says it is a terrorist group saying a holder has the latest from. Turkey is growing impatient to believe that there is a National Security threat along its borders and it wants to deal with that threat president or the guns statement is just another its just another really in a series of threats being made by turkish officials that they will carry out a cross border operation in the east of the euphrates area an area under the control of the Syrian Armed Group the y. P. G. A group turkey considers a terrorist organization and an affiliate of the outlawed Kurdistan Workers Party the p. K. K. So for turkey it is the National Security threat that it has carried out cross Border Operations in syria over the past 2 years but on both occasions the area of operations was under the sphere of influence of russia turkey and russia cooperate in syria but east of the euphrates is an area under the control of the United States which is allied with the white p. G. So this this issue really is testing and already frail relationship between nato allies turkey and the United States theyve had meetings over the past few months turkey accusing the United States of stalling a new delegation is arriving in ankara for further talks on monday but whether or not they can find Common Ground its hard to see because deep differences remain over a planned safe zone theyre discussing a planned safe zone turkeys insisting its 20 kilometers deep and turkey can insist that they it controls the zone which is something the United States has so far not except that irans revolutionary guard say theyve seized an iraqi oil tanker that was smuggling fuel in the gulf they said the vessel was intercepted near rands fantasy island carrying 700000 liters of fuel all 7 crew members have been detained but iran has denied owning the vessel this would be the surge seizure by iran in less than a month in gulf waters has more now from the iranian capital. The revolutionary guards Media Relations department have released a statement saying that they have seized a vessel that theyve accused of trying to smuggle 700000 liters of fuel this seizure apparently took place near the island of farsi island which is in between iran and saudi arabia and it parenting happened on wednesday the revolutionary guards have said that they seized this vessel and the 7 crew members on board and this vessel is currently now at the port city of shared the 7 people they have been arrested in iran and their National Police have not been revealed yet this is another example of how the revolutionary guard have exerted their power and strength and willingness to carry out the security and safety of the waterways around iran this is the 3rd vessel that they have seized in the past month earlier on sunday the Government Spokesperson ali rai spoke about the latest sanctions on Mohammad Javad zarif that have been imposed by the u. S. Government and the invitation that was extended to the foreign minister while he was visiting new york at the United Nations earlier this month lets hear what he had to say. Because the u. S. Action on foreign minister zarif is against all diplomatic procedures and is an unprecedented event in the history of diplomacy that one government keeps claiming to be ready for negotiations and then to put sanctions on a foreign minister of that country well isnt that ridiculous he was invited by a senator to have a meeting at the white house then they imposed sanctions on him foreign minister zarif is responsible for Foreign Policy and the diplomatic path should pass through him. The feeling here is that the sanctions that have been imposed on the foreign minister are another example of how the United States doesnt really understand the power structure in iran the excuse that was given for the sanction was that the foreign minister is not a person they want to negotiate with and they were looking for someone higher up now the officials here have said that if they think the u. S. Government is going to negotiate with anybody else other than the foreign minister who is tasked with hold the negotiations with western powers theyre very much mistaken the position here is that the foreign minister is not going to hold any kind of talks with u. S. Officials until the United States lifts its sanctions on iran which theyve imposed since they withdrew from the nuclear deal last year the ukrainian say that the u. S. Government has waged economic terrorism on iran and until they seize this behavior they will be no discussions how between the 2 countries trita parsi is the executive Vice President of Quincy Institute and a professor of middle east politics at Georgetown University joins us now from reston virginia thanks for being with us to go back to the tank a seizure a bit of degree of confusion in iraq is now saying that the tanker doesnt belong to them what message though is iran trying to send with this latest seizure of a tank. Well a lot of these remains to be uncovered particularly comes to who owns this tanker but i think this probably fits well with the pattern that weve now seen for the last couple of weeks in which as a response to the trumpet ministration violating International Law and preventing iran from selling its oil which it is legally allowed to do that the iranians have made it clear that they are not then going to allow the traffic in the persian gulf to flow in the way that it has in the past that theyre going to raise the temperature there as a Counter Measure against the u. S. Side and its quite unclear whether that strategy will be successful or not but it is definitely raising tensions in the region and the root of the problem of course at the end of the day is that the trump the mistress can walk out of the nuclear deal and started to impose sanctions on iran india as you say that things have been escalating gradually and iran has kind of been upping the temperature what do you expect their next move to be because theyve got a very various options other than squeezing the straits of hormuz theyve got various other things and theyre in their back pocket and they well when it comes to the Nuclear Issue theyve already see you know quite clearly what they will do utilize a clause inside of the agreement which essentially from their interpretation allows them to. Reduce their commitment to the agreement until all the other party use are back in compliance and of course the problem is that the United States breached the agreement that last year and walked out of it but the iranians have made it quite clear that theyre going to continue to do so until at least the europeans provide the iranians with the economic benefits that they are entitled to under the deal which year has thus far have not but thats the more predictable path of counter escalation from the iranian side the more unpredictable one is the one that were seeing right now in the persian gulf thank you very much indeed to possibly feel thoughts on such a thank you thank you. Hong kongs government has warned that continuous protests are pushing the territory to what its calling an extremely dangerous edge of demonstrations that began months ago over a proposed extradition law of morphed into why the anger at the polices response to the protests and to thomas has more from hong kong. Sunday night in one of the most upscale districts of one of the most sophisticated cities on earth. But in hong kong this is becoming the norm. The protesters tactics have changed the rather than targets one building and wait for the police to clear the. Room for all their aim is maximum disruption across the city be like water they tell each other flow everywhere. On sunday they marched 1st to Chinas Liaison Office in hong kong on route some hid behind umbrellas as they use spawn is to break apart fences gathering the metal for the barricades. But finding pleece protecting their 1st targets they moved swiftly on. Taking metro trains to the shopping district close way faith. Then they built barricades used pliers to cut the wires of traffic lights and stopped traffic people over there disabling traffic lights that taking a paul barry is lets move it will compile it rolls and it will compile into the rolls actually we try it peaceful means and i bet there is no any response and so we tried to introduce maybe your interest in pressure dropping the roles and so the more people interrupt. And we tried to do it she just grabbed out there was just brought a message do you feel full up to where they say in this room is that china might same day and its all me actually im not afraid of. We believe thats not going to happen the 1st test is perhaps a pool. Even among those disrupted but in the end destruction here near the entrance to a cross harbor tunnel didnt last long. And he stayed one step ahead of the police will not this is where its come to a head gets a good take us on the streets of hong kong theres a general strike planned for hong kong on monday and promises the protests that day will be the most widespread yet under thomas al jazeera hong kong. Still to come including blank and youll miss them the fireflies lighting up the night in a remote wood or indeed mexico. Fake news at the Fringe Festival as performers in edinburgh tackle Fact Checking in our socalled truth well you. Add in sport a chip off the old block michael she won her son nick takes the 1st win in formula to the best reaction coming up. Ahead of that we have still got that very unsettled weather picture across much of europe it is really very widespread a lot amounts of cloud across that you can see the sort of team in areas one to east i want to cross the west but we have still got this Thunderstorm Risk across much of the continent we can see to set next system pushing in across the northwest this is bringing with it cloud some rain others mostly staying up to the northwest but look at this band of rain and also this cloud reporting into more Central Regions that in between the bad sunny skies in paris on monday 27 celsius trenton on his ear and very sunny across much of the southwest portugal and spain on course the mediterranean fine and dry some very nice sunshine there but its a very unsettled picture generates for much of Central Eastern europe and still very cold across into Western Areas of russia 30. 9 degrees below the average it does get a little bit milder on tuesday the still a very cloudy picture a little bit care across much of Eastern Europe but then the next system really does pushing further across the u. K. So chemical some warnings in place here for the chance of some strong thunderstorms and heavy amounts of rain and citizen thunderstorms like a across the line of the alps it is dry and clear across much of Northern Africa much is that as youd expect 36. 00 in tunis and 25. 00 in rip at. The Palestine National locust was 1st founded in the 1930 s. But has had to be revived in 2010 all was very important for me to sing in palestine now musicians from all over the world come together to perform in the occupied territories so good for us its like every palestinian living in the aspirant felt it was the 1st time they performed using their identity aljazeera world hears music as a force for unity the diaspora orchestra. Aljazeera where every year. The wilderness of cambodia is under threat. Pillaged for profit by an illegal timber trade one a one east investigates the plunder of cambodias forests. On aljazeera. On one of the top stories you notice there are 2 Mass Shootings in the u. S. In just over 12 hours of left at least 29. 00 people dead a white man in his twentys is being investigated for domestic terrorism after a shooting in texas hours later 9 people were shot dead at a bar in dayton ohio the gunman was killed by police. Turkey says its carrying out a military operation against the kurdish on group the y p. G. East of the euphrates in syria its actors 3rd attempt to dislodge kurdish fighters close to its border. And iran is revolutionary guard say they seized an iraqi oil tanker that was smuggling fuel in the gulf the vessel was incepted near irans farsi island but iraq has denied owning the ship. Aid workers a warning a boat outbreak in the democratic republic of congo is not under control and could last up to 3 years Doctors Without Borders say 92 thirds of those whove been infected have died and one in 3 patients are under the age of 18 Stephanie Deca has more from the rwandan capital kigali. Theyve tightened the Health Checks at the border which means making everyone wash their hands screaming for an elevated temperature because that is one of the 1st symptoms of the virus is a high fever but of course its a challenge i mean having said that theres never been a case of ebola in rwanda but theyve also been training their medical profession professionals they vaccinated them and theyre Holding Drills in hospitals throughout you know not just the border areas but also here in the capital the challenge with containing the virus is exactly the fact that you have to trace back who ever the patient has come into contact with and these part of the d r c is remote its an area thats been neglected for years by its own government its an area that is been through it with fighting between militias it is very very difficult to do that so this is why you have aid agencies and government officials in the d r c being very frank saying that this is a massive challenge that theyre only really identifying 50 percent of potential patients and that this

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