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A feel for the. Mass shootings in the u. S. States of texas and ohio within hours of each other the 1st at a Shopping Center in el paso with a suspect killing at least 20 People Police say it has the hallmarks of a hate crime more on that in a while but in a popular entertainment area in Dayton Ohio Police say 10 people including the gunman were killed 16 others were taken to hospital yes b. I has now opened an investigation. We dont know the thoughts of the shooter at this time we know that he was wearing body armor and high capacity magazines and its been its been a tough tough 6 months for our community. But you you work through it and right now our focus is on the families and friends frankly that went. Down town on saturday night. But they go home safe and they didnt happen. In the u. S. This year the death toll stands at 20 and a 21 year old white man is in custody as reynolds reports from El Paso Texas police are investigating whether it was a hate crime. Heavily armed police move through a Shopping Center in El Paso Texas after a gunman opened fire in a crowded area. In other parts of the ball shoppers were held in place while people tried to work out what was happening. You know where you are. Right now everyone here and the cops are there and then there was what has become a common scene in the United States lines of people being led from the scene of another mass shooting. On a on a day that it would have been a normal day for someone to leisurely go shopping. Turned into one of the most deadly days in the history of texas. Lives were taken. Who should still be with us today. 20 an ascent people from el paso. Have lost their lives and more than 2 dozen more. Are injured. We as a state unite and support despite reports of multiple shooters police say only one man is in custody and will face charges that could if he is convicted lead to his execution but needless to say this scene is a riff it one fortunately because of the nature of the situation the scene will be in play for a long period unfortunately the c. S. Will remain at the scene until the scene is process properly for. Evidentiary purposes to be gathered for later prosecution. The state of texas will be the lead agency or into the prosecuting this particular individual. That has a nexus point in time to a hate crime the f. B. I. Will be looking into that with the other federal authorities right now were looking at potential capital murder charges for this individual he is a 21 year old white man who allegedly posted a racist rant online on an extremist web site just an hour or so before the shooting at an emotional democratic president ial hopeful that oh all roark who is from el paso announced he was canceling further campaigning and heading back to his city and so i just ask for everyone strength for a pass on right now. Everyones resolved to make sure that this does not continue to happen in in this country u. S. President donald trump called the shooting an act of cowardice and promised the city and state any help the federal government could extend but democratic president ial candidates including all roark linked trump and his rhetoric to the shooting senator Bernie Sanders wrote on twitter we must reject this growing culture of bigotry espoused by trump and his allies the Shopping Center behind me is now the focus of an intense criminal investigation and as authorities gather the physical evidence theyll also be looking at the suspects activities on line trying to trace the roots of his rage rob reynolds Al Jazeera El paso. Rather so to another of our correspondents in the u. S. Alan fish is in d. C. And allan many politicians and others a very quick to make a direct link between what is a potentially a hate crime having been carried out in texas and the language used by president trump. When we had the tweet from Bernie Sanders which you had to support and just in the last 20 minutes or so ive been watching better or coup is in el paso he is from el paso hes a man whos running for the democratic president ial nomination and he has said that donald trump has used racist language he says hes described mexicans and hispanics as rapists and criminals when the immigrants have among the lowest crime rates in the United States he says hes tried to ban muslims coming into the country he has used language which he says is intemperate and has fueled extremism certainly what hume custer who is also running for the democratic nomination. Julian castro whos running for the democratic nomination he says the tone of the conversation in the United States would be markedly different. The shooter and they all passed through had been a muslim and so donald trump is under pressure to perhaps dial back some of the rhetoric but theres little sign of that in fact his chief of staff might move in he has said that this isnt the president s fault that theres been a problem with Mass Shootings in the United States going back several administrations which is absolutely true that he said something has to be done to address that but is there any sign of action from congress not at the moment and certainly we know there are people who are very close to donald trump who say you cannot blame him for the mass shooting in el paso the person that is responsible is the person that pulled the trigger an official live in washington. Now irans revolutionary guard say they have seized a foreign oil tanker in the gulf which they kids of smuggling feel to some arab states and this will be the 3rd seizure by iran in this in the month ingo orders also jabari has more from tehran. They say that the vessel along with the 7 crew members have been taken to the port city of share where the 7 crew members have been arrested in iran now the nationalities of these individuals have not been released yet this is just yet another example of how the revolutionary guards are currently showing their willingness and capabilities when it comes to patrolling and policing the waters that surround iran meanwhile earlier on sunday we heard from the Government Spokesperson i lead robbery where he commented about the latest sanctions the u. S. Government has imposed on Foreign Ministers about cirie lets hear some of what he had to say in. The u. S. Action on foreign minister zarif is against all diplomatic procedures and is an unprecedented event in the history of diplomacy that one government keep claiming to be ready for negotiations and then to put sanctions on a foreign minister of that country well isnt that ridiculous. Have a meeting at the white house then they impose sanctions on him foreign minister zarif is responsible for Foreign Policy and the diplomatic path should pass through him. Apparently this meeting will never take place between Foreign Ministers of arts or even any u. S. Official because the iranian position is that until these sanctions that have been imposed on iran by the United States government since they withdrew from the Nuclear Agreement last year until those sanctions are lifted the iranians are not going to have any kind of dialogue between with u. S. Officials this is just yet another example of how. Tense the situation is between the 2 sides the iranians are adamant that the u. S. Government is putting economic pressure on iran to try and force them back to the negotiating table and that is something that the iranians have said will never happen. Pakistans Prime Minister has ruled that tensions with india over kashmir could blow up into a regional crisis pakistan says india used to. Cluster bombs in an attack that killed several people in pakistan administered kashmir india denies using such weapons new delhi deployed thousands of soldiers to indian administered kashmir they say they found evidence of pakistan supported fighters were planning attacks but some are accusing the Indian Government of preparing to broaden its control of the region by this go live now to the pakistan capital islamabad our correspondent that is. So it seems once again that relations between islamabad and new delhi have dipped to a very dangerous. Indeed so dangerous that. Any Prime Minister to call a extraordinary meeting all now if theres Security Committee of the cabinet and then all of the military chief. For the neighbor jay if. Indeed progress on expressing on the Prime Minister all week did indeed i think really about the gravity of the situation. President trump all for to. Meet emraan concert and greet this is the time situation deteriorates and along the line of control red new aggressive actions being taken by Indian Occupation forces theyve had the potential to grow up into a right age for them run concreting about the situation on the other and as you mentioned india had to go to going to denied that you need cluster munitions that the target on the army where you would again. All right. In islamabad thank you very much. Well ive been speaking to sri ram chali a professor and dean at that indulge school of International Affairs he has more on the Indian Perspective so there is a lot of the hardest activity and lot of a fundamentalist groups there are itching to attack non muslims so i think there is a problem here we are trying to resolve and at the same time i must say that india does have a plan as you mentioned i think they want to integrate in a similar question or fully into india because kashmir has had a special status or not on a meal with any other long time under the Indian Constitution under the new and newly reinvigorated leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi after the elections they are looking at you know taking preemptive measures to sideline the separatists and the secessionists and to use security as well as other developmental needs of train you know integrate kashmir better so i think thats the Long Term Plan what we are seeing now at the border what youre hearing from god is going to be some about that they are you know preparing for war all these you know ways of thier tricks and i think what will really happen in the long run you know the cleaner assimilation of kashmir and you know which is i think just a modis long term goal. So to come here it out is there a sealing the deal sudans military and the opposition signed their agreement on a Transitional Government and how democratic republic of congos neighbors are preparing to tackle a bell as the virus spreads to a major border city. We still have plenty of wet weather across southern parts of china at the moment or more so into Northern Areas of vietnam this is the legacy of our old a Tropical Storm a we pod and exceed the kind of conditions are still in place to northern parts of of vietnam some very nasty conditions here will really take some time for this wet weather to ease away as we go through the next few days and so further flooding remains in a she was saying some flooding to into the philippines some very heavy rain continuing here just around luzon over the next couple of days in fact for a good part of this week and turning increasingly when the in the process is that whats a weather was you come back across the gulf of tonkin into northern parts of thailand and you can follow that same area clad in the rain into the northeast inside of the go me and ma seeing some rather nasty weather as we go on through the next couple of days across the western gas is still remains very wet with scenes of very heavy rain into mum by 206 millimeters of rain here in 24 hours and theres plenty more where that came from iran across from horatia pushing down across. Pushing all the way down into a good parts of carolers well that weather stays in place Central Plains looking very wet as well and there you go with more heavy rain for me in ma. Bigger and potentially more dangerous thats the best way to describe whats happening with a smoking alternative known as favorite i enjoy the taste of it and not get the harmful effects of what smoking does between 2013 in 2014 alone we saw a tripling in use among Us High School students and head to head comparison ysaye versus conventional cigarette which one do you think has helped my opinion i think theyre both dangerous take no one else is in. Toughest take a look at the top stories here it is there to Mass Shootings are taking place within a matter of hours in the United States the 1st at a Shopping Center now passe texas where suspected gunmen killed at least 20 people in days in a Higher Police say 10 people were killed including the gunman. Irans revolutionary guard say theyve seized another foreign oil tanker in the strait of hormuz accusing it of smuggling fuel to arab states several crew members were arrested in the ship is being taken to bush airport. Pakistans Prime Minister has warned the tension with india over kashmir could blow up to a regional crisis pakistan says india used cluster bombs in an attack that killed several people in pakistan administered kashmir india denies using such weapons. Protests is in hong kong have moved to a luxury shopping area after Police Used Tear Gas to clear them out from another part of the city now this is the 4th straight day of demonstrations there be marches in both Central Hong Kong and in the suburbs at davis angry about a proposed extradition law as well as the Police Response to the protests when go live to our correspondent Andrew Thomas whos there in the thick of it all and tell us how it is today you know no no no the goal well this has been a very interesting day because the process has tactics and changed now that. The security of days of the last week and in most of those the protests to show using a target normally a Police Station a lecture around that intersects the sea right it looks. Like for example and then they point to the place to come out clearly will take what they have done a song its constantly live now they started a peaceful protest. Saw one end of hong kong all island that quickly developed on a mob towards the beijing Liaison Office here in him but there they found lots of right place rumblings from then on i quickly changed direction getting into the retro system and travelling about 6 kilometers to where i am now cool white by a very small shopping part of hong kong but even within this area they kept told moving they didnt stay in one quite small and that hall for now blocking roads disabling traffic lights blocking traffic making a lot of noise but then cooled the place a right they would move on they at one stage blocked one of the main road tunnels underneath Hong Kong Hall but the place did catch up with them the of out hoff an hour ago and cleared this crowd of probably some of its way into and 5000. 00 people using tear gas as has become now common in hong kong and the protest is right now i have come to where i am another off kilometer away also and theyre actually vote seeing now believe it or not and where to go next which flights to target next and in all likelihood from what im hearing theyre going to get back into the match i system and travel across the harbor underneath the harbor and go to the cowling side again belt working out where the most flakes of and then deciding where to go based on that away from those places that trying to stay one step ahead of the place im under as the protests has become ever small so it would have passe to the police because the issue of how theyre handling these demonstrations is crucial isnt it. The place of trying to do have a whole closed government is trying to do is to discourage people from psyche parts in these protests now than having any luck yet as a society that would say to face a protest day every day now theres been violence at the end of the protest but you know what they place and most recently done is put out a video showing the light ceased if you like a weapon to try and combat protest is they saying that they have which they. They can add to tear gas so they can add to look at cannons and they can spray protesters with it and this is the die that stains and even days later theyll get a knock on the door of people that they believe were involved in protest and check this check that close to see if they will stay but they are trying to issue that video as a warning to protest is that even if youre not arrested on a night like tonight the place to come off of them like that now some protest is about those tactics and they lock them up they say they are much too numerous now for the place to arrest all of them and they really feel that the wind is in their sails and i must say despite the vandalism theyre doing in that undoubtedly doing that theyve been disabling traffic lights holding up all road barriers and using them as barricades despite all of that weve had an open lot of ordinary hong kong as if you like getting a big thumbs up from buses even buses that are stuck in traffic chaos old ladies doing this to protest as weve had people waving out of windows or part of looks at the protesters as well that is not to say that necessarily have mainstream hong kong on their side impossible to tell in the have been road placed progovernment protests as well but they certainly have a lot more support than even the numbers would suggest and theyre out in the thousands yet again and these protests show no sign of dying down Andrew Thomas live in hong kong thank you sudans ministry gentle and the opposition has signed a deal on the constitutional declaration the agreement was reached through mediation 4 months after the long time president obama bashir was ousted the african unions envoy to sudan says the document document outlines the division of power until elections can be held in 3 years prodemocracy activists have welcomed the dail saying its the 1st step but there are more so far. The priority during the transitional phase will be transparency and investigation for all the crimes for the sake of justice in order to put on trial the perpetrators who killed our masses we have to have peace because without peace we cant have democracy based on todays declaration the Transitional Government will be committed to finding justice for all. Dear honorable citizens today we turned a page a very difficult page in our countrys history that was full of conflict and fighting we agreed to move forward to build a new state in the transitional phase. Now to in the democratic republic of congo some updates the Doctors Without Borders says almost 2 thirds of those whove been infected have died one in 3 are under the age of 18 and now other countries are trying to take measures which will prevent the disease from reaching their borders mozambique for example which is 2000 kilometers away setting up disease checkpoints along the border with malawi well under briefly close its border with sea on thursday after 4 patients in the eastern city of goma tested positive for the disease 12 others are being tested for possible infection 70 deca has more now from the rwandan capital kigali. Its a Health Workers nightmare a busy Border Crossing thousands of people in close contact and constantly on the move and you have an army going oh youre going to get this medical worker tells people to wash their hands theyre going to bring on the. Health checks and hygiene measures of titan between the democratic republic of congo and rwanda ever since multiple cases of the abode of virus were discovered here in goma the congolese city of more than 2000000 people. People are washing their hands as a precaution due to the outbreak of disease tell us it is spreading through the homes thats why theyre asking us to wash water mixed with medication. The virus is paul through body fluids including sweat there is a vaccine that has been used for quite some time the World Health Organization says it has a very high success rate and you only need one shot but theres a problem. Vaccination is not approved for mass use its usually given to those exposed to the virus and its also given to the doctors and Health Workers as they are handling those cases to protect them from contracting the virus there is still no officially approved bone a vaccine on the market but were told this one is expected to be officially approved at some stage there is also a lot of confusion around the virus and a lot of suspicion of foreign Health Workers here in eastern d. R. See. Its a remote region that has been neglected by the government and torn apart by years of conflict. It would have been better if our leaders and those who are concerned would give us more information they have not informed us where we can get this vaccine so that all of us can go and actually get it all of us need to be vaccinated. This is the 2nd worst Ebola Outbreak on record more than a 1800 people have died of the virus in the d. R. C. Over the past year but the fact that it is now reached a border city is whats causing the renewed alarm that prompted the government here in rwanda to close its western border for a few hours on thursday as it beefed up its Health Screening procedures on the problem with this virus is once you identify someone infected by it you then need to trace back all the people they have come into contact with test them vaccinate them and potentially quarantine them it is a highly Infectious Disease and containing it is a real challenge Stephanie Decker aljazeera. Relative calm in northwest syria on the 3rd day of a conditional cease fire despite sporadic shelling between rebel and Government Forces then a 100 polls now from. On the turkey syria border. A ceasefire is holding but it remains fragile the Syrian Government conditioned the truce to the rebels retreating 20 kilometers from the front lines in compliance with last years sochi deal. Russia and turkey who support opposing sides in the war have reaffirmed their commitment to the deal that involves creating a Demilitarized Zone around the rebel controlled province that the most powerful rebel group. Says it wont comply its leader Mohamed El Golani said what the regime could not take militarily or by force they will not get through peaceful means or through negotiations and politics we will never would draw from the zone we will not change our position neither at the request of our friends or our enemies turkey was supposed to create the 20 kilometer deep zone last october at the time of the leadership which is considered a terrorist organization by the International Community also refused to comply russia publicly scolded and blamed turkey criticism it rejected turkish officials believe an all out offensive against a family to share would only risk civilian lives turkey naturalized one of the 50 terrorist groups neither is inside the area and also sharing all kinds of intelligence information together with the russia so far i know that the department of defense softer and the chair for the intelligence services. Had made frequent visits store russia in order to keep sharing information with the russian offer shows whats going on inside. That clearly is not enough for russia which is demanding turkey and the mainstream opposition fighters and other socalled radical groups it has even offered to partner with them. That a sham or h. T. S. Did turn its guns on syrian mainstream rebel factions forcing them to leave it live in january but when the Syrian Government launched an offensive in april those factions returned to the front lines in the province and allied with h. T. S. And what they called a battle of survival they prevented the government and its allies from taking ground but there were heavy civilian losses. Turning their guns on each other now would only weaken their position the opposition says it wont retreat without written guarantees from russia it seems the terms of it live cease fire are still being negotiated. Jennifer there wasnt. A french inventor has crossed seeing this channel on a jet powered hoverboard frankies up atta took off from song that snare kalai and reached over in just over 20 minutes he had one stop for feel brannon reports. Emerging from the Early Morning mist flanked by helicopters frankies apart and his jet powered hoverboard reached over just after 7 30 am local time. It was an extraordinary sight and a remarkable achievement. The french inventor reach speeds of 160 kilometers an hour flying just meters above the waves. 110 years after louis blair is famous crossing of the English Channel a new name has now been added to the record books. Im feeling happy and so happy for my my family my friends and my gym is just an amazing moment in my life you know its just i know i can take some rest. There was a palpable tension as a part of took off from song no county in france a previous attempt last month that ended with him falling into the sea this time though the midchannel refueling stop went smoothly as a partner swept in past the famous white cliffs of dover. Having waved him off from song its a pastors wife had waited nervously for news when the phone call from dover came the relief and the joy overwhelmed. Us avoid out a little its cool he made it so its over we did it and im happy because its a lot of work. It was hard but im happy for him because its been really hard lately and now were going on holiday im happy so thank you. So heartless hoverboard is powered by 5 jet turbines and fueled by kerosene which he carries in a backpack it is a complex craft and difficult to control but the inventor has been awarded a 1000000. 00 Development Ground from the french army and there is now International Interest in exploring why the uses for the technology. Aljazeera. Take a look at the top stories here. To Mass Shootings have taken place within hours of each other in the u. S. The 1st at a Shopping Center in El Paso Texas where a gunman killed at least 20 people and in Dayton Ohio Police say 10 people including the gunman were killed the f. B. I. Has launched an investigation i really want. To think about that a minute if the officers were not in the oregon district. The opposite was were there less than a minute from the beginning of the shooting this. The shooter was able to kill 9 people and injured 26. In less than a minute we dont know the thoughts of the shooter at this time we know that he was wearing body armor and had high capacity magazines and extra magazines its been its been a tough tough 6 months for our community. But you you work through that and right now our focus is on the families and friends and friends frankly that went to went to town town on a saturday night and thought that theyd go home safe and then that didnt happen irans revolutionary guard say this sees another oil tanker in the strait of hormuz accusing it of smuggling fuel to arab states 7 crew members were arrested in the ships been taken to busch airport. Prime minister has warned that tension with india over kashmir could blow up into a regional crisis as india used cluster bombs and the attack that killed several people in its territory india denies using such weapons. But just as in hong kong a move to a luxury shopping area after Police Used Tear Gas to clear them out from another part of the city for a trip today those are the very latest headlines coming up next its technically. The latest news as it breaks. Down. With detailed coverage no one is willing to return home to me on mars without papers and security guarantees from around the world the challenges facing the new Prime Minister and men negotiate a new grex akil in. A deal the e. U. Says cannot be renegotiated. Combining also into knowledge. To challenge soviet era methodology. Busy through making creating performing. Turning a generation of children. Into the trailblazers of tomorrow. After school. Part of the rebel education series. On aljazeera. This is techno innovations that can change lives the science of fighting the fire were going to explore the intersection of hardware and humanity and were doing it in the unique way. This is a show about science blow not lies scientists tonight techno investigates. This way more than they bargained for yes they did its everywhere in clubs street corners in cars they say its safe and can help break the cigarette habit if i had to say what is more dangerous honestly but whats really inside those pieces you never know what youre getting dr crystal dilworth is a neuroscientist who specializes in nicotine studies shell bring us the latest research what happens to your lungs when those metal particles go and see them read to davison is an environmental biologist and theyre going to be around the corner they went through there really quickly we got them shes off the coast of california where drones are taking some incredible images of migrating whales as this Technology Becomes available to more people and were going to see more research is using it on phil

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