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Meet it is so. Well that it would only work because. The fate of our only of the father come inside he comes and often will give us. I know your husbands information you know why and. These are men because none of our children. Are going to has an outdoor home and he said a little bit of one harvest from jeff who gave. Me the midfield focused on well guarded i dont fit in with them either yet i feel why should i. But i think that a behind of what he did hossa come up i will. Take that advice when he. Was up there must. Be. I dont need a job as a whole by me. Anyone can do it i mean there might be going along with the law only a lot of want to be here on line to have contact the police will not get a phone call who would come i dont want to know that i. E. D. On bio would look like dont like it oh oh oh. Ok suppose you dont go through. That for fear. Oh if youre in the wrong ease. Back below before you even ask what exactly like what they are going to involve i was going to be something you. Will go off and. Im going to cough up that i said i was so high the last one is the one case is what your. Purpose here are the 1st or only doing the. Thing and you know the rules i know and then ill begin to find a new man as young man and im hardly anyone but for my part isnt going to see him some of the. Stuff that im not the home on. Monday answers on about the us and then the ins and then my left is nothing im not the one i said i was a awful good helper your play your. Doctor your boss in the form of on your boss to vomit what he saw be. Around to have decided on more what the joe was up. Well. I mean after. All. What exactly. What we had did. Years after he recorded his video testimony in july 27th. Emerged in 2013 as the leader of the group in iran known as and. According to the iranian authorities she was killed in april 25th dean by Iranian Special forces in southern iraq. But thats not true whatever. At. Me for. Mother. But what about the thought of. Who what if what if. Had. Been that the city rattle at your project. One. This leaked document was a 2009 diplomatic cable from the former Us Ambassador to bahrain adam airily published by wiki leaks it refers to meetings with Senior Bahraini officials at a time when several security related detainees were released from custody in. The american embassy. Prest concern over prisoners receiving royal pardons sayed early mother assad and the market the as hell if we can leaks a little bit well it i would have had the action in may i think what is our been an attitude what in america who are behind me if it and were mad what athena soon the 100 in the what i meant more that silo i had just yet almost thought of of has of was but we have here. That a lot about the 2nd most them are aware you are very good here and supported by honey it can at that alan be cool had it to have occurred with us nothing here and to get out and turn now to have a coalition of the yet you know it all i dont recall that i think based on what you said a think my words are pretty clear i think that the government of bahrain as i spoke to the attorney general and he said that they are going to prosecute him and and monitor him and. Force the law was that the how do you know. What he thought the other ms arm where the end. Had better. All comes from him from behind in that if and it occurred in america and now the shock wave that acct. What its like to say that a 1000000 to 10 feet up a salute not abandon e m a gym at what i thought was the one had in gym at the so what the devil only a death havent managed then heck i dont know what like canada number could then i love the hell out of madison i. I would be extremely skeptical of any such evidence that you have thats point 1. 00 is as i said during my time there based on what i saw based on who i talked to based on my relationships with the senior levels of the government of bahrain in the senior levels of the governing the United States there was absolutely no way possible there was nothing going on that could be called classified or or characterized as support for extremist structurally american. Religious and. Or. Only. Time ill miss her wanted to give the bahraini government the opportunity to respond to the allegations made by mohammed saeed. She and others in this program so he called the foreign minister. And the information minister ali i remain to ask them to do so ringback. Madam as you have already said i want to. Magnanimous how did you see him i was in. The arabic version of this film was broadcast on the 14th of july 2019 and has received a strong reaction from the gulf region the day after broadcast the bahraini foreign minister was quoted as saying that the program was filled with quote lies and fallacies against the state to bahrain the buffer a news agency reported the information minister is saying that there were quote attempts made by aljazeera channel to contact him and other officials through unidentified telephone numbers to record their conversations without their knowledge or official consent and to provoke them by using despicable methods another report question. Is reliability quoting sali as saying they all agreed to make the recordings and to include false allegations in order to give them weight that would help International Human Rights Groups build pressure on bahrains government and security agencies Mohammed Salih also released a statement on video. We are not allowed. To be so do you. Believe. That. Before the broadcast of the English Version of the program aljazeera wrote to the office of the bahraini roll household the ministry of the interior and the ministry of Foreign Affairs to ask them to respond to the allegations made against the king and the government of bahrain at the time of broadcast they had not replied. Saying to me ok for them to do a sort of almost. In behind unfortunately its a dark picture and its a dark future you know when you the future of this repressive corrupt regimes. To me as a as an academic you have studied the history of authoritarian regimes i dont think they would last long because ultimately you can push the people to our corner and you can force the people to to yield to your demands but in the end you cannot control them for avalon or you know hold moderately or. Dr the machine and not especially. In one out of the city nothing. Of the heart of the one he in another sort off about 8. Dotted but id be shaken said he saw some machinery but the bent out of if the other model to suddenly come apart. I did. Provide. Him with hearted carted of the. We are sure the hero with. A dictatorial that we recently had seen when i met him and really got the most recent i started out for free barry the didnt really want to go. Begging which would be bad in most cities either for so big me and even if i said that might be composed and a game invented feel happy idea was the cause of my luminosity not we had it. In. A dinner and from a lot. What they hope. Will manna. As. Well. As in. The controversy over the allegations that the bahraini government secretly conspired against its opponents in 2011 has had a major impact on relationships in the gulf region in the past 2 weeks. It remains to be seen how the geopolitics will play out and whether the differences can be repaired in the medium to long term and gulf cooperation restore. The Palestine National locust was 1st founded in the 1930 s. But has had to be revived in 2010 i was very important for me to sing in palestine now musicians from all over the world come together to perform in the occupied territories so good for us its like every palestinian living in the aspirant felt it was the 1st time they performed using their identity aljazeera world hears music as a force for unity the diaspora orchestra. Fairly warm across much of the United States i will seeing the fairly typical. We see this time if you want to just popping up and thats where well see most of those often in thunderstorms as we go through thursday its a warm day into new york 30 degrees celsius no sign of any rain few but we could just have an often thunderstorm into washington d. C. 30 degrees celsius certainly down into the southeast into atlanta with a high of 32 and feeling a bit cooler of course across in San Francisco the hive 18 celsius in the massive cloud across the Central Plains that sort of linger a bit on friday maybe push a bit further to the southeast kansas city sunny you will see some rain showers with a high of 25 degrees celsius and the rain is fairly widespread across much of the caribbean this bit of a disturbance be watching is just sitting by on your yes so really spreading those rains westwards right the way across as you can see into much of cuba so a wet couple of days ahead temperatures typically in the low thirtys and then Central America on thursday weve got some rain really quite heavy at times into panama that will begin to push further tools the west into course mala as we head into friday and again we could see some rain showers into southern portions of mexico 24 celsius is the high there few mexico city and 33 in kingston. Take the worst possible material eurabia the lead into dust comparable to how to make a reliable and put it into place where people live is a colossal event. As well so many people are here this is the silent heat. But does it make you feel nice you feel like a murderer we have created an enormous amount of mental disaster. And investigation south africa toxic city on aljazeera where there is water there is life but finding it and australias arid deserts it is a skill few still possess they took us to a small wet spot in the closer and this was this very important place that ive been telling us about for the last 5 days training. And under orders against all odds an ageing population is passing on its knowledge the rainmakers of the outback on a. This is aljazeera. Has im sick of this is the news live from doha coming up in the next 60 minutes. The United States imposes sanctions on iran and foreign minister zarif. 15 members of a family are quarantined the democratic republic of congo over fears of a wider ebola outbreak. Democratic Party Candidates in the u. S. Begin a 2nd round of president ial debates well be live in detroit. Plus political divisions in the u. K. Are out in the open as Boris Johnson visits belfast for the 1st time as prime minister. Hello the United States has imposed sanctions on irans top diplomat its accusing foreign minister javid city for promoting what it caused a reckless agenda of iran Supremes Leda Zarif has had bad saying its all because the u. S. Considers him a huge threat wasnt jordan reports from washington. The u. S. Is maximum Pressure Campaign against iran has claimed a new target foreign minister john its a real american educated comfortable in front of the cameras and the one who negotiated the 2050 nuclear deal with world powers but the trumpet ministration says zarif is no honest broker and has imposed sanctions on him we consider javid zarif the foreign minister an illegitimate spokesman for iran are and iran itself is a government you consider illegitimate do not well exactly it is a state sponsor of terrorism it is the worlds central banker of terrorism biggest finance or biggest arm are the sanctions come at a time of great tension between tampon and washington whether in the waterways of the gulf or in proxy conflicts around the middle east any assets zarif might have in the us are frozen these approvals to visit un headquarters in new york are no longer guaranteed and the trumpet ministration says its no longer obligated to talk to zarif since the us quit the Iran Nuclear Deal last year on this point one expert says the u. S. Is recognizing the real source of power in town or on the managed power is not mr rouhani the president is not was as ari the foreign minister it is the Supreme Leader ayatollah ali home and he was in charge of the armed forces the judiciary due course after august. Agencies ministries and so on its worth. Not not to say that he is of the sole power broker power maker in the country but by far the most important and all the armed forces specially the revolutionary guards that you dish surely sourness so forth are most loyal to an end but another expert says this isnt why the us is targeting zarif the troponin stray shin or at least the faction that is behind this decision is not interested in the pla mysie they want to prevent it at all cost this is an effective measure towards at least making it much much more difficult for us and iran to talk and if the us and iran cannot talk that increases the likelihood of a military confrontation which is the explicit desire of john bolton the National Security advisor even as the us was rolling out its sanctions and else meant the reef was reacting on twitter thanking the trump ministration for considering him a threat to its agenda or rosin and george live now soros on how should we view this latest move by the u. S. As part of what it calls its maximum pressure policy on iran. Well i think its fair to say has them that this will not be the last such action from the trumpet ministration the president signed an executive order in late june which gives him the ability to sanction others who report directly to the Supreme Leader who are seen as allies of the Supreme Leader and to basically make them decide whether its worth facing economic and travel sanctions in order to be remain in the in the good graces of ayatollah colony that so one form of pressure that the trumpet ministration may be trying to bring on the government in town iran its also fair to say that youre going to see other efforts from the trumpet ministration particularly trying to persuade countries that are doing business with iran to once again if think very carefully about whether they should continue those economic ties with iran one of the things that the secretary of state mike pompei o who of course is celebrating this decision to sanction a job at zarif is going to be doing while he is in east asia is talking to countries that currently buy oil from iran and trying to persuade them to get that oil if not from the United States at least to purchase it from a country with whom the u. S. Has good relations of course it almost goes without saying the u. S. And iran have not had diplomatic ties and some 40 years now its really a part of trying to further isolate iran on the global stage certainly if it there is the possibility that job and serif might not be able to come to the United Nations headquarters in new york to meet with not just diplomats but to meet with reporters curious about the iranian side of the dispute with the United States then the u. S. Might feel that this is a way of actually gaining the upper hand or controlling the narrative in this ongoing very very strained relationship between the 2 countries. Well in june bank. Jabari has the reaction from the iranian capital tehran this certainly will be just another example the iranians will point to the fact that the United States doesnt really understand how the Islamic Republic system works the idea that they think by sanctioning the foreign minister they will get to a more powerful person in the system to talk to is really absurd because the foreign minister is somebody who is a very very close to the highest authority in around the Supreme Leader at the supreme there and sells quite a lot of common and in the past has expressed his satisfaction with how the foreign minister has conducted these negotiations over the Nuclear Agreement hes thanked the Foreign Ministry for all their efforts. The idea that by bypassing the race they will get to somebody powerful in the system that will they will be able to talk to is unheard of really it will never happen the iranians chose the foreign minister as the person to lead the negotiations to bleed the dialogue in the International Community about it or not or to put it. Back their Nuclear Program in order to open up the countrys economy to the world and that is what was passed to the foreign minister. All this all comes at a time when it looks like relations between iran and saudi arabias ally the United Arab Emirates could be improving on ones they said he welcomed what he called a shift in the u. S. Position towards iran that was after officials from the emirates and iran met in tehran for the 1st time in 6 years to talk about Maritime Security in the gulf the u. A. E. Also recently pulled thousands of his troops out of the Saudi Led Coalition fighting the iranian backed rebels in yemen a Richard White says a defense sensa curity analyst at the global Risk Consultancy wiki strategy joins us now from washington good to speak with you again so let me ask you how do you view this latest decision and is it going to have any real practical effect. Yeah i would start with the key point which you raised in the end was probably not i mean i think it looks like were not going to seen negotiations soon because the timelines are misaligned the trump in the nist ration is waiting for sanctions to take full force and they think that will compel iran to reach to begin negotiations regardless of who is the foreign minister or other actor whereas the rain in seem to be counting on trumps leaving office and a couple years new democratic president coming to power and reinstating the deal so in that context what happened today probably isnt that important and your package and the previous speakers are covered the main points the one additional point i would make was that the administration quietly decided to renew the waivers on the possible sanctions the u. S. Can impose on countries cooperate with the rand civil Nuclear Program and in a way its own that were more important since if they had tried to block those waivers and then that would have upset russia china and the europeans this way perhaps as a compromise theyre only upsetting the Iranian Foreign minister but we mentioned before we came to you there that these signs of perhaps warming relations between iran and the United Arab Emirates which is of course aligned with with saudi arabia and others against iran so how how is that likely to be affected if at all. Not yet clear i mean i think as i heard it was the 1st time theyve met in 6 years and at lease and around and as you know as disengage somewhat from the yemeni conflict so its possible this could become more important i suppose the media effect might be to encourage aranda hope that they could split the coalition into this combination of diplomacy and pressure tactics but i think its too early to draw major conclusions from this. If the u. S. Is interested in talking to iran as as it has said it is what what incentives can can it all for iran i mean what reason would there be for iran to get back to the negotiating table giving given all of these decisions all of these moves that it be made by the u. S. To put more pressure well i think they may have in mind the north korean example when they did even more threatening nuclear war and putting on watch more severe sanctions as well and in the end the north Korean Leader decided well i better go talk with President Trump and see if we can settle this now and we know that that issue is still very much in the air its not clear if thats going to reach a settlement but i suppose they can imagine the same process occurring in iran that after increased sanctions with iran facing the reigning government facing of dire consequences they may decide well we better send some special envoy who has the authority to negotiate a more comprehensive agreement that and that may be the logic that there i mean for good to speak with you richard watch thanks so much abuse. Germany has rejected a u. S. Request to help patrol the strait of hormuz as tensions with iran continue to mount more than a 5th of the worlds oil passes through this area foreign minister says germany wants to avoid any further escalation adding theres no military solution to the tensions there the u. S. Had wanted germany to join the u. K. And france in a mission to patrol the crucial shipping link

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