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2500000000. 00 in money that was meant for the u. S. Military to begin signing contracts to replace border wall on the southern border now its a little bit more complicated than that basically this lawsuit was over the question of whether the president can simply ignore congress declare a National Emergency and use money the congress doesnt need it for other areas of the government to fund his wall to earlier judges that said we dont know if thats going to be legal but in the meantime you cant build the wall the Supreme Court is saying go ahead you can Start Building the wall but theyre not deciding on the merits of the case they want to let the lower courts work through it make those decisions as to whether or not the president is in his right to do this but in the meantime hes going to declare a political victory and hes going to say the wall is being built. And the United States and guatemala have signed an agreement to restrict asylum applications from Central America as days after President Trump threatened to impose tariffs on guatemala if they did not agree to the deal the u. S. Has been struggling to stem a surge of Central American migrants trying to cross its southern border the asian un special rapporteur on extrajudicial killings agnes carmel has appealed to bahrains government to stop the execution of 2 men alley and. Were convicted last year of a series of terrorism offenses Amnesty International and other Rights Group Says the trials were unfair and the men were tortured and forced to sign confessions while blindfolded a money im jack is a behind human rights activists who believe the government is taking its cues from washington. These 2 young men who are in their early twentys were both sentenced to death during a mass trial in general to cells and 18 both of them were subjected to severe torture which included electric shocks at the pulling out of 20 miles. Prolonged solitary confinement as well as being forced to send confessions while blindfolded and these confessions that were extracted underscore sure word then used as quote unquote evidence in courts against them since some 2 to this one when he was visited by his family today mcmillan he told his family that he never harmed anyone and while he was the one who was harmed he was the one who was tortured he is not also said to be executed there are many more asking why now why why are these executions being carried out now and i dont think its a coincidence that the decision to execute these 2 young men came one day after the United States announced that they were going to start federal executions again which of course you know the politics in the gulf you know thats the gulf states always feel like they need a green light to commit the violations that they commit from their allies in the us and therefore the United States is going to continue to squint starts committing federal executions again then the buffeting the government feels like they have the green light to do the same. Israeli soldiers have fired tear gas and palestinians protesting the demolition of their homes in occupied East Jerusalem this week the houses where the homeless were on land controlled by the palestinian authorities but their owners lost a 7 year legal battle to overturn an Israeli Military eviction order un human Rights Groups have condemned the destruction of. 2 hotels in the christian quarter of the old city in occupied East Jerusalem will be taken over by a group of jewish settlers its part of their Long Term Plan to change the centuries old religious and ethnic makeup of the area it brings an end to a 14 year legal battle Bernard Smith reports. In the christian quarter of jerusalems old city the Imperial Hotel built by the Greek Orthodox church has welcomed pilgrims and tourists for 130 years the property is one of 3 now in the hands of a settler group called attar at carni. This is my father with king crossing the did johnny family has managed the imperial for 70 years theyve been served with an eviction notice of who will lead to johnny theres only pressure from the jordanian palestinian and greek governments can save them if they feel maybe a friend then im sort of say that one day to see that jeff i gave. The club square will be in the hands of these settlers if they can if i dont see nobody cares about what is happening in l. Jerusalems old city is shared between Jews Christians and muslims its a delicately balanced status quo with settler groups stated aim is to make the old city predominantly jewish and they do that by buying up buildings like this and moving settlers in. That prospect prompted a rare show of solidarity from all the christian leaders in jerusalem they are opposed to the takeover. Of the sale of the properties 14 years ago was handled by a Financial Adviser to the then greek patriarch the adviser left israel soon after israel Supremes Court has now rejected claims by the current patriarch that the sale was illegal. As corey is a lawyer with decades of experience in legal cases against settlers we are very small figures to fight the Israeli Government in this issue this issue is more a political issue that we dont have here a better chance forces playing together went against the other small figure against. Mr de johnny strongly defends the leadership of the greek patriarch 8 but the worry of what the future holds clearly weighs on this proud man my children. Yes yes. When this thing happened. I have to make sure where he is so i may go to my son to see if we have to do it and i could give you to get you to it i wish and i was got that we could get a few. Yes yes. Mr de johnny says he needs to raise funds for his battle against eviction if he goes he says many of the tenants may find it hard to resist the money offered by the settlers to burn it smith aljazeera in jerusalems old city of the u. S. President has accused Frances Emanuel of foolishness over a Digital Services tax trump says he will retaliate hinting that he may tax french wine france is putting a 3 percent digital tax on sales from google and are the Multinational Companies france put on a. Attacks on our companies you know that and wrong wrong thing to do they should not have done it so i may do that i may ive always liked american wines better than french wines even though i dont drink wine i just like the way they look ok but the very good ones are Great American wines are great. They didnt do the right thing when they start taxing our companies we tax arca bodies they dont tax that is. Our tariffs have been trumps weapon of choice when it comes to trade the most well known are on china hes impose tariffs on 250000000000. 00 worth of goods and is threatening to put levies on another 325000000000. 00 worth of chinese imports hes also imposed a 25 percent tariff on global steel minus a few countries who were given exemptions that prompted tariffs from the new canada and china and last month trump slapped tariffs on 5600000000. 00 worth of indian goods india responded swiftly imposing its own duties on 28. 00 u. S. Products. Or rather scott is a Senior International economist at the Economic Policy institute he joins us via skype now from pata mac maryland thanks very much for being with us. So why why are trumps why are tariffs so popular with trump when so much of the Economic Data would suggest. That doing this is counterproductive. Well trump is really a folk populist he likes to of practice trade policy by press release these tariffs give him an opportunity to nickel and dime countries for a few 1000000000 here a few 1000000000 there but at the end of the day these tariffs add up to much at all in terms of overall trade at the moment they affect less than 10 percent of u. S. Trade was worse however is that they also cause the u. S. Dollar to appreciate its gone up by 20 percent in the last 4 years and 7 percent in the last year alone since he started opposing all these tariffs that just makes u. S. Goods less competitive on World Markets so hes shooting himself and shooting u. S. Companies in the foot. Do you think he may i mean what we sometimes seen in this plan with president when he threatens to to put out these taps and then when that when he gets to and the brink of a t. He pulls back and theres some sort of a compromise you think the made same thing will happen this time it may well it again trump is really in love with the tweet and the press release he really has very little interest in real policy thats why hes hes firing off these terror threats and one after another sometimes impose them most of the time he doesnt in most cases his bark is much worse than his bite its really all about the campaign about the press releases but he has no effective trade policy and thats a quote problem for the workers who put him in office in this particular case though the u. S. President says hes responding to frances actions the stage itll services tax whats going on there. Well i think the larger problem is that these massive Global Corporations are seeking out the lowest possible Tax Jurisdiction to avoid all taxation and its a global problem we need to come up with a cooperative solution to tax runaway corporations and this is something that trump has no interest in because of course hes really a polluter current republican his major policy accomplishment to date has been a massive tax cut for u. S. Multinationals so what hes really trying to do here is prevent france from imposing a reasonable set of taxes on this very high highly profitable set of. High Tech Services not just by american but by any Large International High Tech Company like apple or google could to talk to you robert scott thanks for being with us my pleasure british Prime Minister Boris Johnson is e. U. Leaders to abolish the irish backstop the most contentious part of the braggs a deal the u. K. Parliament has so far failed to pass and johnson spoke to german chancellor Angela Merkel on friday saying he wanted to reach an agreement but he said full preparations are being made for leaving without a deal by the end of october to backstop is designed to avoid a hard border between the Irish Republic and Northern Ireland if the u. K. And europe consequently on a trading relationship off the brakes of the critics a warning it could ultimately separate Northern Ireland from the rest of the u. K. What they want us to do is to live a hole in them mandate to come out of the e. U. Or the table the 31st they dont want another electoral event they didnt want a referendum they didnt want it a general election they want us to deliver that i guarantee you will be calling my legacy and the full the full the but we all kind of like guys and that is that you know we want to come out of the e. U. Woman taber the 31st. Decades long conflict in myanmar in the Northern Region of catchin is forcing more people from their homes ceasefire between Government Forces and the catchin independence on the ended in 2011 and more displacement unemployment and instability has led many families to take Desperate Measures mohammed gentoo reports a long way in mars border with china in this camp for the internally displaced the stories are full of sorrow. As singer hour works she contemplates the desperate choices shes been forced to make how work dried up when the 17 year old ceasefire between me and more Government Forces in the kitchen Independence Army broke down in 2011 how being unable to support her family that seeing route to a decision that still rocks her with guilt has had all the ga and my daughter was still young i didnt want her to get married at 1st but the chinese family said they would take care of her well my relatives they greet she should have a better life so i made the decision for my daughter to marry a chinese man. The groom promised to pay almost 7000. 00 to sing around but ended up paying only around half of that saying raus daughter who were not identifying for her safety eventually returned home. My friends keep asking me how it was to marry and live in china was it fun were you happy i told them it wasnt fun and that im not happy i was very sad and disappointed to get married. The escalation of hostilities in kitchen state has resulted in a huge increase in the number of displaced many people who used to cross into china to earn a living as day laborers can no longer do so. Cincom who works with the kitchen Womens Association says that makes the situation more dire for the internally displaced and that a growing number of families are now forcing their daughters into marriage come on i i think many of the parents want their daughters to marry a chinese man because they thought their have a better life in china they thought the Chinese Government would take care of chinas citizens perry road for some there is a darker side to finding a new life away from the kitchen and out of me and more according to Human Rights Watch traffickers are increasingly preying on the despair of women who feel they have no choice but to seek work across the border this woman who are also not identifying for her safety was trafficked to china. Has suffered and lived in terrible conditions they were abusing me with Sexual Violence i do want to sleep with them about was forced i begged them to let me go but he was not listed in and he raved became pregnant. Human rights watch says another reason the situation is worsening is because for every year since 1987 the percentage of women in china has fallen a gender imbalance that is leaving many chinese men without wives and one that will lead more traffickers to try and take advantage of an already vulnerable populations ever increasing desperation homage and doom and disease. A step ahead on what lies ahead for Puerto Ricans after forcing their government to step down. The high cost is sending a diabetics in the us across the border into canada to buy drugs or travel was one of the socalled instilling care. And latest for the latest twist in whats been a disappointing season for this formula one driver. Hello there no so bad weather picture across more central and eastern areas of china you can see thats where weve got some icy clear skies out towards the west though that is where the cloud continues to gather and continues to bring some very heavy downpours not to but they say the 135 degrees and clearing in that rain fear its been fairly prolonged for the last few days of hong kong with a high of 35 and maybe a shower into shanghai with 34 degrees celsius warming up for you certainly on sunday but it should be a dry day on a fight on hong kong we should see those rain showers on sunday 31. 00 degrees meanwhile that rain as i say is further out towards the west on the south but i bet a sunday i think sunny then saturday across much of northern asia and we had for the tools the south you go to scattering of showers really across the sections here sunny across into no the borneo to go through saturday and that rain staying in picture really as we head on into sunday and sunday is the day for a more of those scattered thunderstorms into kuala lumpur and also singapore 31. 00 celsius apiece and we will see some fairly strong thunderstorms at times and we had tools india now the rains have been heavy across the central southern regions for the last few days similar story and suffered a very heavy rain but seeking to knock poor for the next couple of days with 127 on sunday. The weather sponsored by qatar and. It could be the biggest land grab in history. As powerful nations lay claim to territories under the ocean 21. 00 geologists are secretly plotting new borders. As the struggle for resources intensifies some of the worlds most powerful scientists speak out. On. The latest news as it breaks it has long campaigned against what it calls attempts to undermine the state of israel from within. With detailed coverage power being replaced by eco friendly plants all over the world environmentalists here the pulse of whats been said. From around the world is just as visible on the ground and on the surface and under all. But again youre watching nigeria in mind of our top stories this hour. The u. N. Human rights chief has condemned what she calls International Indifference to the rising death toll and syrias problems show but you know since those targeting civilians should be charged with war crimes in the past 10 days 104 civilians have been killed. As it is attained a copy of the un report on child casualties in conflict zones saudi arabia has been criticized for its role in yemen but the report says its trying to reduce casualties israel has been. Left off a blacklist despite killing 59. 00 palestinian children last year. The us Supreme Court has ruled President Donald Trump can divert 2 and a half 1000000000. 00 from the Defense Department to fund his southern border last month a california judge blocked a move ruling trump needed congressional approval to spend money on the war. And a few days the governor of puerto rico will step down ricardo resellers resignation follows a scandal over offensive Text Messages but protesters are still calling for radical change and again i got reports now from san juan on whats next for the u. S. Territory. On the airwaves of puerto ricos radio stations a dominated by one topic the resignation of the islands governor following a tech scandal and accusations of corruption have shocked puerto rico ricardo ross a go will leave office in days with speculation that wonder vasquez whos next in line will play a role in selecting a new governor rather than replace him political commentator Osvaldo Carlos says its the chance for a new start attorneys from the states. Heres rico investigating agency of the f. B. I. From other jurisdictions we have a lot of activity and i believe that this is the moment to to clean the slate and the. Government that will really response to any of those people the Governors Mansion is now a place of celebration where people come to take selfies and revel in the governors removal as Puerto Ricans look to the future expectations high mostly on better governance a better government in general. Really can connect with the necessities of our people were brothers and sisters in the eyes of god and eyes of the nation and we are on the eyes of the whole world and we need to keep unite everyone dates being elected have to understand that they work for the people totally constitutional experts and human rights activist judith burke and is optimistic about the islands future she tells us change may take time but its coming so there may not be a temporary solution thats going to be seen any way but i think nonetheless the way the protest who are in particular its a nation of an otherwise apathetic generation will mean long term fundamental change puerto rico then is it a political crossroads its not yet certain who the next governor will be but it is clear who the future leadership of this island needs to reset its moral compass when the trust of its people and give them hope is now a new generation of young voters here and im joined by the events of the last 2 weeks and they may very well shape the future of this u. S. Territory and gallacher aljazeera san juan puerto rico. A rallies being held in columbias council to protest the killing of human rights defenders and Community Leaders nearly 500 killed and many more have received Death Threats since colombia signed a peace deal with far rebels 3 years ago and the sundra. Border. Colombians are marching in more than 50 cities and towns across the country anymore cities across the world to protest the alarming rate at which human rights defenders and the Community Leaders are being killed since the signing of a peace deal with the fired rebels back in 2016 many of these social leaders Community Leaders are defending their territories from reciprocal criminal groups that are fighting for control of these territories theyre fighting for control over profitable Drug Trafficking illegal mining and to try to stop the of the return of many of the people that were displaced during the conflict to their land a lot of these groups are also connected to political elites in these territories that are trying to stop the implementation of the deal so the people are protesting to demand more guarantees for the life of these leaders theyre also asking to end the impunity most of these cases dont go behind the investigation face and also or asking the government to recognize what they consider the systematic nature of these killings which the government has so far avoid the doing good now the party of president that you do care the most right wing party in the country is not supporting this much the president himself just a couple of days ago changes them is mine them will march with the protesters and people are considering this the biggest threat to the implementation of the peace deal in colombia. Or thousands or. Algerians have turned out for nationwide antigovernment protests for the 23rd consecutive week president under aziz put a flicker resigned in april 20 years after 20 years in power but demonstrators are pushing for greater change to the countrys ruling elite president ial elections planned for earlier this month were canceled because of a lack of candidates interim president of the care that says a special panel will need soon to oversee plans for a vote. Of tunisia is observing 7 days of mourning for its president 92 year old bed g c who died on thursday is body has been taken to the president ial palace in carthage where hell be buried on saturday a set of c. Was replaced by the speaker of parliament hammad in a sir who will lead the country until election is held on september 15th. Others of tim ism in the kurdish region of Northern Iraq that the economy is improving 5 years after the defeat of eisel since the formation of a new government this year many people are hoping for a positive future potential the name of course former be. When we 1st met the hussein is my family last year they were worrying about how they would pay their bills each month after their salaries were slashed kahar works for the government and bacall teaches the government owes them even more money 15000. 00 in unpaid wages but at least now theyre getting paid their full salaries. And a good salary still feeling secure were getting our full cellar is now ok but we cant be sure that will be the case next month there are 1400000 people working for the government and Public Sector in the semiautonomous region of Northern Iraq they watch their paychecks shrink or disappear beginning in 2014 thats when the war with ice will began the price of oil plummeted and the federal government in baghdad cut budget payments to the Kurdistan Regional government austerity measures were implemented and workers paid the price with reduced salaries the dispute has been resolved the new Prime Minister who came to power this year says the estimated 10000000000 dollars thats owed to Public Sector employees will be paid although hes not given a timeframe the government says unemployment has dropped from 14 percent in 2016 to 9 percent so far this year theres more confidence among people like business men come out aga he develops residential and commercial buildings he says when i saw began terrorizing the region he was forced to put 20 percent of his Construction Projects on hold. On them and i lost between 14. 00 and 16000000. 00 now i have a belief with the stability of the situation in the kurdish region the wheels of the economy will be back on track will earn money again and business will be fine. With the freedom to think beyond meeting their minimum expenses a car is focusing on the familys future. We have plans in our heads the 1st one is to visit the doctor so we can pay for fertility treatments to have a 2nd child if we keep getting our salaries as we are now will be able to fulfill our dreams for their 4 and a half year old daughter to new york the hope of having a sibling to play with cant come quickly enough natasha going to name does era erbil a europe has been sweltering through its 2nd heat wave of the summer and provisional data shows the u. K. Had its hottest day ever on thursday 38. 7 degrees celsius was recorded in cambridge if confirmed by the National Weather service that will be the u. K. s highest temperature on record germany france belgium in the netherlands also experience record breaking heat this week in france hundreds of hectares of fields called fire from the heat wave several firemen were hurt or the heat is made to work has been made worse by travel holdups a power failure at pariss garden or Railway Station caused the cancellation of trains to and from london the eurostar which takes passengers across the English Channel has warned passengers not to travel unless its essential also in london a Technical Glitch at 2 of the citys main airports caused major flight delays. Other heats and now appears to be moving towards greenland where the un has warned it could cause record levels of ice melt greenlands ice sheet covers 80 percent of the islands territory and is the 2nd largest in the world but its been losing ice at an accelerating pace from the turn of the century the ice loss in 2012 was 4 times the rate in 2003 and there are fears that this summers heat could break that record the extent of the melt in june has been 4 times the average 2 in 1812010 this month alone its already lost 160000000000. 00 tons of ice to surface melting thats roughly 64000000. 00 olympic sized swimming pools why should we worry while the total volume of the ice sheet is 2900000 cubic kilometers if all of that eventually melts it will raise global sea levels by 7 meters devastated most of the worlds coastal cities. Term is a climate scientist at the Denmark Meteorological Institute she says a clear link can be drawn between Climate Change and the rising rates of ice melt in the arctic. We know that the arctic is warm so much more than the rest of the world we have processes called the arctic have that occasion so that Climate Change is felt much more strongly in the arctic than it is here even in europe right now and so when we get these big melt events happening they tend to be more extreme than they were in the past at the moment were not where very close to our record melts year 2012 were getting very close to matching that right now we wont really know until the end of this month or even mid august which one has been the highest amount but thats what were looking at right now its probably fair to say that we will not know until weve passed if its irreversible or not there have been a lot of studies looking at how much Climate Change we have and and still keep the ice sheet and its important to remember that the ice sheet will still take hundreds if not thousands of years to melt completely doesnt go overnight. But there is a lot of work now indicating that one and a half or 2 degrees might be the sort of temperature global temperature threshold beyond which we cannot keep Greenland Ice sheet frozen. Of thousands of miners in south africa who are suffering from potentially deadly diseases have reached a historic legal settlement worth 350000000. 00 noise for the mine workers sued 10 Major Companies for compensation in a class action 6 of the companys accepted a deal which has now been approved by a court in johannesburg up 2100000 miners or their dependents could benefit many of them suffered from lung disease and other illnesses as a result of their work which is born human rights lawyer whos been working on the case for many years he says the courts decision sets a landmark in the history of miners rights in south africa. Before this there was no such rot in south africa and there was no civil accountability on the part of employers towards workmen who suffered from occupational diseases so that was the big break 32011. 00 but the last 78 years have been spent litigating against the Mining Companies and the last several years in parallel with that its a geisha in process. Of negotiations that culminated in the settlement that was approved

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