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Nations as warned of a possible record breaking ice melt in greenland as a heat wave which struck europe this week moves further north for more now we can cross to felicity by european Broadcast Center by so much dana starr yes europe has been sweltering in its 2nd heat wave of the summer and data shows the u. K. May have experienced its hotter day hottest day ever on thursday a provisional temperature of 38. 7 degrees celsius was recorded in cambridge england if confirmed by the National Weather service that would be the u. K. s highest temperature on record germany france belgium and the netherlands have also experienced record breaking temperatures this week. Well that is now appears to be moving towards greenland where the u. N. Has warned it could cause record levels of ice melts greenlands ice sheet covers 80 percent of the islands territory and is the 2nd largest in the world but its been losing ice as an excel orating pace since the turn of the century the ice loss in 2012 was 4 times the rate in 22003. 00 and there are fears that this summers heat could break that record the extent of the melt in june has been 4 times the average between 19012010 this month alone greenland has already lost 160000000000. 00 tons of ice through surface melting that is roughly 64000000 lympics i swim in pools so why should we worry well the total volume of the ice sheet is 2900000 cubic kilometers if all of that eventually melts it will raise global sea levels by 7 meters devastating most of the worlds coastal cities. Rethought from it is a climate scientist im just at the danish meter a little Meterological Institute she says a clear link can be drawn between Climate Change and the increasing rates of ice melts in the arctic. Yes so i think its probably important emphasize. We do expect green and melts in summer but its melting a lot right now because we know that the arctic is warm so much more than the rest of the world we have processes called the arctic have that occasion so that Climate Change is felt much more strongly in the arctic than it is here even in europe right now and so when we get these big melting vents happening they tend to be more extreme than they were in the past at the moment were not where very close to our report melts year 2012 were getting very close to matching that right now we wont really know till the end of this month or even mid august which one has been the highest amount its important to remember that from one year to the next there is quite a lot of variability the last couple of years that been fairly cool summers not too much. Well there has been melting but not above average melt in the in the last couple of years and then this year and then and then the last decade or 2 decades weve really seen these very extreme melting is becoming more frequent and seeing more runoff coming out actually there have been a lot of studies looking at how much Climate Change we have and and still keep the ice sheet and its important to remember that the ice sheet will still take hundreds if not thousands of years to melt completely doesnt go overnight. But there is a lot of work now indicating that one and a half or 2 degrees might be the sort of temperature global temperature threshold beyond which we cannot keep Greenland Ice sheet frozen its still an active area of research and i would expect more results to come out in the future one of the interesting things that was pointed out by akali today was that the kind of melt rates were seeing in greenland right now our climate models didnt really for c. B. S. Happening so early on they were expecting this to occur later on so this may have some potential implications for our projections of Sea Level Rise for example. Now british Prime Minister Boris Johnson is urging leaders to abolish the irish back stop it is the most contentious part of the back seat deal and one of the reasons why it hasnt yet been approved by the u. K. Parliament will johnson spoke to the german chancellor Angela Merkel saying he was energized to reach an agreement but britain is making full preparations for the alternative leaving without a deal at the end of october the backstop is designed to avoid a hard border between the Irish Republic and Northern Ireland if the u. K. And europe cant agree on a trading relationship after brics its the critics warn it could also at least separate Northern Ireland from the rest of the u. K. Greeces band imports of pork from its northern neighbor bulgaria due to outbreaks of african swine fever more than 20 cases were detected in pigs on industrial farms in bulgaria is north 50000 animals there have been colds outbreaks of also being reported in countries across asia if you china north korea and cambodia african swine fever is a highly contagious disease that affects pigs and wild boar it does not affect humans. And that is the latest from here in europe back now to know stasia a diehard thanks very much for listy well theres plenty more ahead for you on this news hour including. Have point of no recovery brazils amazon is fast approaching a stage where it may never be able to survive. A little home comfort we look at how people are fairing now the economy is improving and Northern Iraq. And of course the latest twist in whats been a disappointing season for this formula one driver. For destruction of the amazon rain forest is fast approaching a level from which it may not recover according to satellite data from brazils are in government he is the forest in 2001 millions of square kilometers responsible for helping to stabilize the Global Climate now just watch the right hand side 17 years later theres the damage thats been done thats all in the pink now last year alone 120000 square kilometers were wiped out and now its shrinking even faster already just this month more than 1300 square kilometers of rain forest has been cleared for large scale farming president jaya both n. R. O. Has been accused of dismantling protections for the forest hes called his own governments figure of lies and says the amazon is brazils business. Yes now researchers say with deforestation getting worse we may soon reach a point of no return earlier we spoke to have had a moet who is their campaigns coordinator for fair and thats an environmental and social Justice Organization she told us about some positive steps being taken to help protect the amazon this week on tuesday the e. U. Published an action plan which sees the e. U. For the 1st time opening the door to regulator measures that would set standards on the goods that imports to ensure theyre not associated with deforestation or for a sacred ation. It wants this to be a Partnership Approach so the e. U. Is not going to impose its standards on other countries but the e. U. Does have a duty to respond to the increasing concern among you consumers about the impact that their consumption is having on forests on the people who depend on those forests and with this communication with this action plan that it published this week it shows that you is for the 1st time willing to bring in new options that could be regulated really that would ensure that products that are being placed on the market from countries such as brazil would not be linked to human rights abuses. Or different station a u. S. Congressional hearing on the rising court costs of prescription drugs has been held on capitol hill now theyve been discussing among other things the increased expenses that are sending diabetics and others across the border into canada to buy medication the socalled insulin caravans are designed to draw attention to their financial burden our correspondent daniel that followed one of those groups into canada. Activist Quinn Nystrom shares the good news with fellow u. S. Diabetics a drug that they need to survive is available at the local Walmart Store for less than a 10th of what they pay in the United States their caravan crossed 3 u. S. States to make a purchase i decided to bring this today because this kind of shows what my everyday life and diabetes look sayit this is kind of basically one or 2 months of like survival for me also along for the ride nicole smith told who doesnt have the disease but shes here for a very special and personal reason i am part of the scared and in memory of my son alex smith who passed away on june 27th of 2017 from diabetic ketoacidosis as a result of rationing because he cannot afford it. The group came to canada to buy cheaper insulin but mostly this is a gesture aimed at u. S. Political leaders in the pharmaceutical industry insulin prices are so high that one in 4 diabetics in the u. S. Has to ration the insulin they can afford putting their lives in danger and. We need a long Term Solution to this this isnt isnt the solution this isnt the fix to whats going on in america but if its temporary prices for life saving drugs in canada are regulated by a government appointed body organizers of the caravan say that should happen in the us too we are from a developed country. We are from a great country but we are not taking care of our citizens after buying their lifesaving drugs the diabetics from the United States will come to the home of Frederick Banting 1920 came up with the idea that lead to man made insulin. Banting sold the patent for insulin for a dollar intending it never be used to earn a profit but that hasnt happened and diabetics from the United States say its time to honor the wishes of the man who helped make sure they could survive a disease that used to be a death sentence Daniel Lak Al Jazeera london ontario. And White House Correspondent candy how has more on the hearing about the high cost of prescription drugs. Lawmakers on capitol hill debating how to combat the rising drug prices crisis that exists in the United States well all agree that this is becoming an escalating crisis for ordinary americans one that often comes down to life and death the difference in opinion is how to resolve it democrats say the answer is socialized medicine where there are negotiations with Drug Companies to keep prices low conservatives republicans say that that is not the answer with need is to reform the patent system and the essence of preserving what they see as important for research and Scientific Development and that is competition patients say if they spoke on capitol hill that they dont care what the solution is they just want to see one as soon as possible for many including David Mitchell a cancer patient it is literally an issue of life and death every 2 weeks i spend a half a day at the clinic getting an infusion of drugs that are currently prairie stand usually at 650000. 00 i relapsed twice and unfortunately im feeling on this current drug regime eventually im going to run out about it so the importance of innovation is not theoretical for me its literally life and death but my experience as a patient taught me one year refutable fact and that is drugs dont work if people cant afford them so expect that this will be something that will be debated hotly on the campaign trail not just by the democratic president ial candidates but also by donald trump as they approach the election for the president for 2020. Israeli soldiers are fired tear gas at palestinians protesting against this weeks demolition of their homes and occupied East Jerusalem the houses that are on land controlled by the Palestinian Authority but their owners lost a 7 year long battle to overturn an Israeli Military eviction order the un and various human rights organizations have condemned the destruction correspondent matheson has more from that. Just a few moments ago the prayers here in what he called most ended and the violence began it started when a group of Palestinian Protesters who also been holding prayers further up the hill started to make their way John Kerry Palestinian the group on this side of the fence which is the occupied East Jerusalem side of the fence started to make their way towards the fence as well in order to try to meet the opposing group in the middle as the Security Forces came down in the trenches to stop the thoughts the protesters from throwing rocks and stones into the road the number of rocks began to increase we saw some tear gas being fired further up the hill the whole process of these the demolitions has been pulled off the t. V. Since monday since the houses here in what he called those were destroyed by the Israeli Military and there has been a tremendous concern that what have up until now been peaceful protests against these demolitions is going to turn into a situation like this. Theres optimism in the kurdish region of Northern Iraq that the economy is improving 5 years after the defeat of i so now since the formation of a new government this year many people are hoping for a more positive future natascha going to reports from. When we 1st met the Hussein Ismail family last year they were worrying about how they would pay their bills each month after their salaries were slashed kahar works for the government and book called teaches the government owes them even more money 15000. 00 in unpaid wages but at least now theyre getting paid their full salaries. A good salary still feeling secure were getting old full cellar is now ok but if we can be sure that will be the case next month there are 1400000 people working for the government and Public Sector in the semiautonomous region of Northern Iraq they watch their paychecks shrink or disappear beginning in 2014 thats when the war with ice will began the price of oil plummeted and the federal government in baghdad cut budget payments to the Kurdistan Regional government austerity measures were implemented and workers paid the price with reduced salary. The dispute has been resolved the new Prime Minister who came to power this year says the estimated 10000000000. 00 thats owed to Public Sector employees will be paid although hes not given a timeframe the government says unemployment has dropped from 14 percent in 2016 to 9 percent so far this year theres more confidence about people like businessmen come out aga he develops residential and commercial buildings he says when i saw began terrorizing the region he was forced to put 20 percent of his Construction Projects on whole. Look on them and i lost between 14. 00 and 16000000. 00 now i have a belief with the stability of the situation in the kurdish region the wheels of the economy will be back on track will earn money again and business will be fine. With the freedom to think beyond meeting their minimum expenses because all is focusing on the familys future. And. We have plans in our heads the 1st one is to visit the doctor so we can pay for fertility treatments to have a 2nd child if we keep getting our salaries as we are not all will be able to fulfil our dreams for their 4 and a half year old daughter to knock the hope of having a sibling to play with cant come quickly enough natasha going to. Still ahead on hours as theyre trying to clear the air and what one of africas west polluters is doing to combat Climate Change. Between the rock and a hard place the act of throwing his weight behind an indigenous cause and hawaii. And in sports 2 premier League Football is survive an unexpected attack and he will be here with that story. How do we got plenty of cuts on town across the middle east that moment i wanted to show was up around the coaxes a little bit of cloud that just billing outs of pushing towards the caspian sea out of the black sea and thats about the only rain that we do have on our charts for the time being far eastern corner of afghanistan could see want to send showers kabul 34. 00 celsius 30 celsius there for beirut lots of sunshine into the mid fortys once again. At 42 celsius folks who a city said not as hot as it has been raised in the latest hot enough 38 to across the river potential attempt just edging up a notch here in doha perhaps a little less humid but a little hotter in the process 43. 00 degrees and want to see showers just around the southern end of the red sea western parts of yemen could see the odd shower sas day looks a little dry as you go on into sunday as is the case across much of the race but a 38 humid 38 once again here in doha not too much right on the forecast in the forecast for Southern Africa over the next a lot of sunshine coming through 18 celsius in capetown so warm sunshine at that we have got increasing cloud just spinning in across the southern oceans as we go on through the next couple of days but across the region we swaddle dry and fine. It could be the biggest land grab in history. As powerful nations lay claim to territories under the ocean 21. 00 geologists are secretly plotting new borders. As the struggle for resources intensifies some of the worlds most powerful scientists speak out. Oceans monaca on 00. The latest news as it breaks it is long campaigned against what it calls attempts to undermine the state of israel from within. With detailed coverage called power being replaced by new cool friendly plants all over the world environmentalists here the pulse of whats been said. From around the world this drought is just as visible above ground and on the surface and underneath. Hello again im just a reminder about top stories this hour more than 100 civilians have been killed in feria in the past 10 days 27 of them children there increasingly becoming the victims of a government and russian assault on the rebel held province of its lead. 40 bodies have been pulled from the water after the western mediterranean tragedy this year as many as 150. 00 refugees and migrants are feared to have drowned off the coast of libya on fads day. And a severe heat wave is threatening the wild. 2nd largest ice sheet in greenland the u. N. World Meteorological Organization says it could cause record melting raising sea levels and leading to even more unstable weather. Thousands of miners in south africa who are suffering from potentially deadly diseases have reached a historic legal settlement worth 350000000. 00 in a class action lawyers for the mine workers sued 10 Major Companies for compensation now 6 of the companies accepted a deal which has now been approved by a court in johannesburg up 2100000 miners or their dependents could benefit many miners were affected by lung disease or other illnesses as a result of their way richard spores a human rights lawyer whos been working on this case for many is and he says the courts decision is a landmark in the history of miners rights in south africa. Before. There was no such rot in south africa and there was no civil accountability on the part of employers towards workman who suffered from occupational diseases so that was the big break 32011. 00 but the last 78 years of being spent litigating against the Mining Companies and the last several years in parallel with at a geisha in process. Of negotiations that culminated in the settlement that was approved today we had a migrant labor system for many many decades the majority of them are living in deep religion in south africa and in neighboring countries like mozambique listened to in swaziland where they really dont have access to medical facilities to screen and examined him so we dont know the status of the vast majority of former mineworkers up there and step one is rolling out. A program to get medical facilities to them for checks it just extras learn from action and generally physical exams and to a 6 whether or not they are suffering from lung disease and qualified to be compensated well coal mining is partly to blame for making south africa one of the continents west pollutants but now businesses have begun paying a carbon tax as it tries to fight Climate Change herring with tessa has more from me in a province. South africa is the continents most industrialized economy and one of africas a west polluters its economy relies heavily on coal a dirty fossil fuel to produce electricity in 5 and group say the towering coal fired power stations release dangerous Carbon Emissions every day into the atmosphere the government introduced a carbon tax law any of this month requiring big polluting companies to pay tax each time they emit greenhouse gases. Those in favor of the tax hope it will be enough of a deterrent and they must remember that the more they pollute theres a concoction of pollutants in the atmosphere you can do business in a did the message that were getting there they should do things possibly. To that because emissions are marked 8. 00 times per person every year the World Bank Says thats among the highest in the developing world its ranked among the Dirtiest Energy producers in the world number 16 on the global emissions list in the Paris Agreement on Climate Change and committed to an Emission Reduction of 34 percent by 2020 and 42 percent by 2025 but Industry Experts warn in a country where the official Unemployment Rate is more than 27 percent carbon taxes and to growth and jobs and anti investment the problem is the Cost Increases and the uncertainty around how old the church will be applied because the carbon budget regulations have not been published and. The Carbon Offset regulations. It will still be years before surface use a significant reduction in Carbon Emissions and thats only if the carbon tax law proves to be effective South Africans who support carbon tax say the money must be used to benefit poor communities by helping pay for programs that provide cleaner and safer energy for low income households. People living near coal fired power stations are concerned about their health and Claiborne Temple is one of millions of South Africans who are unemployed and dont have access to electricity he collects to start a call from nearby mines so that his family can cook and keep warm in winter theres of course its not trade the advent of britain i think of the chemicals they use thats making us sick but we have to live with it what else can we do until coal is one day replaced by Green Energy Sources or gas emissions are drastically reduced for mining communities will continue to be polluted air every day. Aljazeera in south africa. In northeast nigeria at least 2 people have been killed in an attack by boko haram fighters it was on one of the regions biggest camps for internally displaced people the army says the raid near my degree was repelled our correspondent went interest has more from the beach. There taekwondo laurie cam. Continuing efforts by regional militaries from charge in nigeria and cameroon as they stepped up their operations against boko haram especially the book on approach an affiliated with ice one or the Islamic State in west Africa Province where seen such daring attacks becoming so rare over the past 6 months or so across the northeast of nigeria however boko haram has never completely disappeared they have continued their operations of sins but abductions also have been the tool of trade of book around for a very long time long before the triple goals were taken from the school in 2014 goals were taken from several schools in borno state and in towns and cities across the state as well as neighboring states so virtually is still active in parts of North East Nigeria despite the claims by the nigerian president say that they have been defeated and we will expect to see more of such desperate attacks by boko haram in the coming months or so as the military stepped up its operations against it one thing that came out of the attack on down already come on 1st and i said was that they raided the camp and took away food items meant for internally displaced persons which will show or which signifies that the operations to cocktail supply of food items and other logistics may be walking forcing them to take such a daring actions of raiding places that are considered too dangerous for them for food and other materials. Hundreds of activists packed the main terminal of hong kongs airport for more than 12 hours to call for greater democracy theyve been pushing their message to International Visitors theyre angry at what they see as chinas growing influence on hong kongs affairs and the governments response to weeks of mass rallies protests began over a planned extradition law but have grown into some of the largest in decades. Now years of sanctions on north korea appears to be having a devastating impact its economy is spiraling downward slipping by 4 point one percent in 2018 thats estimated to be the worst drop in 21 years the sanctions were meant to force north korea to abandon its Nuclear Ambitions but on thursday pyongyang tested a new Ballistic Missile saying it was a warning to south korea which is planning more joint military drills with the United States u. S. Secretary of state mike pompei as his new talks on the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula could still start within weeks robert bryde reports from seoul. The figures provide the stark is devore dense yet of how sanctions against north korea are hurting it economically last year the economy contract did by 4 point one percent thats on top of a 3 and a half percent contraction the year before at the height of the nuclear and missile testing crisis when the toughest sanctions were introduced compare that with 2016 when the north korean economy grew at nearly 4 percent better even than south korea in the same year figures released earlier this month in seoul also show how sanctions have cut north koreas trade with its neighbors by nearly half with a staggering 86 percent drop in exports especially affected has been its Mining Sector with a complete ban on one of its biggest exports coal it shows the extent to which kim jong un stated ambition to develop his countrys economy rather than the military is being frustrated but state run media is reporting that thursdays launch was overseen personally by kim and that the missiles were a new type of guided weapon much harder for anti Missile Systems to detect and intercept the north says there were a warning to the war mongers of south korea but seemed calculated not to jeopardize the chance of a further summit with u. S. President donald trump they havent done Nuclear Testing they really havent tested missiles other than you know the moral ones. The which is something that just came seems to be following the same strategy of using his countrys advances in military technology to build pressure for crippling sanctions to eventually be lifted rob mcbride aljazeera sole. Aiden foster caught her as an honorary sr is that fellow in fish out of hand not in korea at need to invest in the u. K. He says those hacking them my stuff every day weapon cost people the burden of pain is very on even especially the 1st thing to say is that the Missile Program the weapons of mass destruction which is proceeding even if President Trump thinks it isnt the testing that weve seen i mean resources for that authority and the elite in pyongyang as far as we can see in the capital something of a showpiece city become slightly more like other cities or more commerce in recent years this is this is a very strange disconnect in the puzzle for us to analyze it i mean it you cant see the hurting that so the burden as ever is being born in the countryside by ordinary people workers miners particular the Mining Sector is suffering a lot and thomas frankly the regime doesnt care very much about them we do know from international u. N. Agencies and others how they are hurting say but the idea that sanctions will bring the korea to the conference table i think is is its out of the on true if they are talking on and off that stuff its for other reasons so a mixed picture but definitely suffered even as the state continues to with its weapons program. Now celebrations are continuing in puerto rico after the resignation of governor Ricardo Rosedale hell leave Office Following 2 weeks of protests they were sparked by the release of offensive messages between raju and his aides adding to the frustration of a government corruption and gallagher reports from san juan. Dancing in the streets of san juan celebrating whats being called a peoples revolution demonstrators have for days demanded governor ricardo rajjo step down after Text Messages revealed a leader who spoke poorly of his own people and used sexist and homophobic language the young Puerto Ricans who spearheaded the marches its a little bit to speak truth i mean i bet you were here when you saw a 1000000 people on the street and thats amazing that thats. Almost a zen more so. Beautiful man its no worse for that i have 22 sons one is 10 and the other is 8 so i do this for them and for my future maybe grandsons you know and for the people of puerto rico we dont want to be there we just simply the no one there because there were facts that he wasnt a good governor so we just had to do something the demonstrations began almost 2 weeks ago these were some of the biggest marches in the arlens history of a population tired of a

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