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Are celebrating what was a monumental victory the reality is this island needs good leadership it needs to tackle shuji economic and other problems on the island as well as recovering from that hurricane so while the celebrations are continuing today this is an island that is still very much in crisis its still very much lee needs good solid leadership and one that these 2 women face and its own people how correspondent Andrew Gallant keeping an eye on developments for us and from on thank you randi. Plenty more ahead on this news hour including north korea fires missiles into the sea just weeks after agreeing to restart new kid talks but the United States. And a very french drenching people are cooling off with parts of europe in the clutches of yet another heat wave. And in sports the young boxer who is following in his famous fathers footsteps will be here with that story. Now in his 1st speech to m. P. s as britains new Prime Minister Barak Johnson has asked the European Union to think again about its refusal to renegotiate or breaks that deal johnson also said his government would prioritise preparations for exiting without an agreement if there is no deal by the october 31st deadline Charlie Rangel reports from. Inside 10 downing street a rousing welcome from a loyal team Prime Minister Boris Johnsons new cabinet dominated by brics it hardliners at the 1st pep talk and as you. Know. We. Live in the European Union. October really dont know if theyve got this far too much noise in this strain but in parliament a very different mood johnson had promised to unite the conservative party but his ruthless decision to sack or sidelined 17 senior ministers may have done the opposite for his enemies on the back benches on many but his 1st statement was one of optimism channeling his hero Winston Churchill painting a picture of a golden future for britain that is why i believe that if weve been there our seniors do the toss. There is every chance that in pretty deep deep. Into it i fully intend to be a rock. I dont know what this is here it is joy that we will be able to look back only this period this extraordinary period as the beginning of a new golden age for our you know. For the Opposition Leader dismantle that idea. No one underestimates this country but the country. But the country is deeply worried that the new Prime Minister overestimates himself. This is the last day parliament will sit before breaking for the summer but the challenges facing the new Prime Minister and mens negotiate a new brics a deal in 98 days a deal the e. U. Says cannot be renegotiated and fix a multitude of problems facing Britain Health Care Education and security all with just a parliamentary george of just 3 many say the country could be heading for a general election you know he did say during the Leadership Campaign that he doesnt want to have a general election before hes delivered bracks but that doesnt seem to be as much of a hold red line as i would search 1st of october so that might suggest that he will try and course that election relatively soon these are the skills to these this is a Prime Minister with a deadline like no other facing unprecedented opposition hoping his optimism is infectious Charlie Angela aljazeera london. Well our correspondent Andrew Symonds is outside parliament in westminster for us and you quite the performance from virus in the house what kinds of reactions everything. Well im not a reaction but 1st of all just tell you through a bit of detail at 129 questions port to Boris Johnson it lasted 2 hours and he was like a bull charging making promises right left and center questions sometimes briefly sometimes stridently some cross sometimes almost angrily rounding on various politicians but as you heard there the labor leader Jeremy Corben was suggesting that he overestimated his own capabilities hes certainly made a lot of promises hes seen by many politicians now as to have really sold down the line of busy becoming a campaign government rather than an inclusive government a Campaign Cabinet with one direction and that is to get the country out of the European Union and we understand that that johnson will be speaking on the phone john claud young go of the e. U. Commission in the coming hour what is going to be discussed there is unknown would you like to be a fly on the wall of that warm days insistent that the Northern Irish backstop is dead the its not interested in that insurance policy which would preserve the trade for the Irish Republic which would solve a massive problem for the Irish Republic that could happen which is a member of the European Union the Irish Republic still desperately worried about this situation and so we have as a position now where by the government the actual parliament is now in summer recess there was a suggestion from the small Opposition Party the liberal democrats that there should be a vote of confidence in johnson labor was not interested in that will certainly not now. But you can most certainly expect them to be pushing towards it given the opportunity theyre keeping their powder dry its quite possible according to one person whos quite close was quite close to Boris Johnson a former tory m. P. There could be an election sooner rather than later i think that Boris Johnson if he sees that hes going to lose a vote of say no confidence in the house of commons i think he would rather call the election than wait for his government to fall and the election to follow he would rather stay on the front foot so i think the whole of britain ought to be on the alert for an early snap general election called perhaps right at the beginning of september that might happen landrieu as you say we keep hearing all this optimism and all these promises from johnson but given all the challenges he also faces whats the likelihood of an early election were hearing all the speculation already. Well there is high expectation that could go that way no one really wants it least of all the conservative party but lets face it theyve got will have a majority of 2 by the end of summer by election is not going to go their way most certainly there could be some defections from the conservative party that cant be ruled out just a quick word on the reason may she was watching the cricket at lords this afternoon instead of being there a lot of her former cabinet members were there as well whats her level of interest in whats going on here we have a real party type of situation in government now where the brick city is in a hog charge position and so therefore the answer to your question is its very possible for the good that could be the election and that is something Boris Johnson is preparing for you could tell from his body language charging that the labor Opposition Leader jeremy cole been sitting there just his mouth was dry it would seem there was a very sort of strange mood in the opposition front bench but yes its very like to the be at an action and anybody would guess which way that could go and that is a real possibility anderson is keeping an eye on all that drama for us in westminster thank you. Well johnsons promise to renegotiate a new deal with the e. U. Without the socalled backstop to keep the irish border open has already been rejected by islands leave them here varadkar told Irish Television that brussels wont change the agreement already made with the u. K. Listen to what he said today i got the impression that he wasnt just talking about at least in the back stuff he was talking about a whole new deal better deal for britain thats not going to happen the European Council doesnt meet until the 12th of october weve no plans to meet any other earlier than us and even if we were to change the negotiation guidelines we would be changing to them. On to other news now and north korea has conducted its 1st missile test just weeks after expressing more anger planned military drills between south korea and the United States now south korea and japan say 2 short range missiles were fired into the sea off the coast at one sam south Koreas Defense Ministry is urging pyongyang to stop its tests or noodles on. North korean government has been closely monitoring the related moves of north korea and we urge north korea to stop such actions help the air force relieve tensions on the Korean Peninsula south korean government will step up its monitoring bluster under u. S. Soft corporation and closely communicate regard with this you remember that last month u. S. President trump held talks with north Korean Leader kim jong un during a surprise visit when he became the 1st sitting american president to step foot into north korea rob a bride has more from seoul. Officials in south korea and also japan are analyzing data from this double Missile Launch working with their u. S. Allies looking in particular at one of these missiles that traveled a total of 690 kilometers which they believe could be a new type of weapon with reports that possibly this missile has a guided capability and they bring it to avoid interception now if this is true then it means that north korea while they have certainly stopped Nuclear Testing on the launch of bigger Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles are still developing their Weapons Systems its a message that has been driven home with the release of photographs earlier this week of kim jong un the north Korean Leader visiting a submarine in a shipyard now its not known whether this is a new submarine under construction of the North Koreans claim or simply an older type of sub that is being refitted but the consensus among analysts is that it is a submarine that is large enough to carry submarine launched Ballistic Missiles a technology that North Koreans have been trying to develop over the last couple of years i think people are in south korea japan and the United States need to be more cons on the bar that has inspection by condemning of the new type of submarine. Test firing of short range of projectiles because if north korea acquires Nuclear Submarines they can launch Nuclear Policy missiles then it would be a game changer thursdays Missile Launch it seems to be an expression of north korean anger at upcoming exercises between south korean and u. S. Forces in august and also showing its frustration that once again talks seem to have stalled even after the heightened hopes of the surprise meeting between donald trump and kim jong il. In the d. M. Z. Barely a few weeks ago it is the fear of talks collapsing that has led to a guarded response from south korea saying that the launch of the missiles was a threat but not necessarily a provocation japan had a Firm Response saying that if this does turn out to be Ballistic Missiles even though they were short range this does violate u. N. Resolutions and could and should possibly have consequences. Members of saddams opposition of course from mountains across the capital khartoum it comes a week after a power sharing deal was signed by members of the Ruling Military Council and the civilian coalition on wednesday the gentiles said it had foiled a coup attempt the militarys chief of staff was among a high number of high ranking officials detained. Senior somali officials have been buried after a suicide bombing in the capital claimed to the attack in mogadishu saying it was an assassination attempt on the u. N. Special envoy american diplomat james swan the bombing killed 9 officials from the local government headquarters mogadishu merah was injured and remains in a critical condition. Were going to have to take them over to the hague we are here to bury 3 of our beloved District Commission is we send our condolences to all people of somalia these terrorists are not just talking to government officials but democracy and the freedom of this country we need the people to collaborate with the government to eliminate these terrorists there have been 3 explosions in the Afghan Capital kabul at least 10 people have been killed and more than 40 others injured eisel has claimed responsibility for 2 explosions one targeting a bus and then the ambulances that followed the blast has been claimed by the taliban. Now heatwave has sent temperatures soaring across europe breaking records and france and britain belgium and the netherlands and even forced the shutdown of a Nuclear Reactor in germany as the water got too hot for the eiffel towers fountains have become a refuge for prisons with the city of recording its highest temperature on thursday 42. 4 degrees celsius france has issued its top heatwave level warning the public of potentially deadly temperatures and across the channel britains experiencing its hottest july with temperatures still rising theyre heading for a wreck or creeping towards a 39 degrees of belgiums already broken its highest mark topping 40 degrees on thursday the hottest in almost 200 years of keeping records Scientists Say the never before seen temperatures may now be the new normal. During summer we have usually. Some heat waves but the exceptional fact of this year is that the temperatures have risen very high for belgium and that. We see in during these ladies last 2 years that they did the heat we saw more and more frequent still ahead on aljazeera a tourist attraction how indonesias most active volcano is hearing more and more thrill seekers into the dangers are. And in sports the new n. B. A. Director that typing to make history at the l. A. Clippers. Hello there a fairly quiet picture across much of the middle east you can sell a satellite there will cloud to talk off that you know rain either but we have one or 2 shows right straight still working their way across the Central Regions of course as georgia and that could produce if you show us that you know friday what we will notice as we go friday into saturday is lying through pakistan we will see some of those monsoon rains so we could see some. Thunderstorms and could be heavy of course at times as well 33 degrees is the high and 34 across into kabul and a nice day in beirut with a high of 30 degrees celsius and then we head across into the Arabian Peninsula that also showers in the 4 calls pushing into the southwest of yemen friday but also on into saturday how much is a high and also feeling very humid in some of these cities 41 and with very high humidity so really very humid indeed 44 degrees on saturday there shaista in the southwest of yemen meanwhile weve got to 34 celsius in for you nice and it will scott then we head down into Southern Africa we need some rain here theres no real rain in the forecast you can see the cloud in the last few hours but really any weather. Is well off shore we might just see but a cloud around. And 21 on friday and a similar time was a 24 day. The latest news as it breaks it is long campaigned against what it calls attempts to undermine the state of israel from within. With details coverage power being replaced by eco friendly plants all over the world environmentalists here the pulse of whats been said. From around the world this palace is just as visible above ground than on the surface and under all. The war on terror begins with but it does not in there no terrorist state poses a greater or more immediate threat than the regime of Saddam Hussein this is a regime that has something to hide they had prepared a significant propaganda off and guess what not one w m d shite was found in iraq since 1991 iraq a deadly deception on aljazeera. Hello again im mr and her mind top stories this hour. President said she has died at the age of 92 he played a major role in the countrys transition to democracy after a revolution in 2011 which saw the overthrow of longtime need as ben ali the head of parliament will be sworn in as interim president. Bush recall his government has announced his resignation after nearly 2 weeks of mass protests that was sponsored by the release of offensive messages sent between ricotta rosie o. And his top advisors but there was already anger of a corruption and a u. S. Territory thats bankrupt. And in his 1st speech to parliament as britains new Prime Minister and the European Union to rethink its refusal to renegotiate a brics a deal he says his government will prioritize leaving without an agreement if theres no deal with the e. U. By the time that that he fest deadline. Will be eager to see what the u. K. As Foreign Policy will look like and that government diplomatic editor james bay is reports from the United Nations on the potential changes and the challenges ahead. Geographically the u. K. May be a small island in Northern Europe but it retains a seat at the worlds top table because of its economy and its history Boris Johnson is now taking over leadership of a country with that permanent seat on the u. N. Security council as well as membership of the g. 7 of nato and for now the European Union pm Boris Johnson couldnt have a more different style from his predecessor to reason may be what hes allowed an unpredictable will certainly be a change of tone could there be a change of policy too the 1st test will be iran the u. S. Has been trying to apply maximum pressure on to iran could the u. K. With one of its tankers seized by iran more fully join in that effort now you may see a bit of a transition here now as you have oil tankers being seized who have drones being shot down that all may may change quite a bit here in the in the coming months i do find it was interesting that the iranians reached out very early and made a Public Statement congratulating Boris Johnson on his on his election to certainly there was an effort there to try to draw him away from the u. S. And others europe and the u. S. Dont share the same approach to iran President Trump pulled out of the Iran Nuclear Deal while european nations with china and russia a trying to keep it alive if the u. K. Changes its position the deal will almost certainly die on other issues for example venezuela and the Peace Process between israelis and palestinians europe and the u. S. Have very different perspectives could the new u. K. Prime minister who has warm relations with President Trump and whos keen to sign a post breaks it trade deal with the u. S. Realign his country. Theyre all real couldnt brussels. About all of this. A mobile leader on the world stage known for his unpredictability james. Of the United Nations libyas navy is saying that at least 115. 00 people are missing in a shipwreck off its coast around 140. 00 were rescued are being returned to libya libya as a hub for migrants many of whom try to reach europe in risky boats u. N. Agencies have repeatedly called for survivors not to be returned to libya because of conflicts in the country charlie actually from the United Nations Refugee Agency has reacted to the sinking saying that today we have seen yet another tragedy on the mediterranean according to testimony from survivors its estimated that some 150. 00 people have died at sea which would make this the largest shipwreck on the mediterranean in 2019 this horrific Event Highlights once again the dying need for a shift in approach to the mediterranean situation action is needed to save lives at sea and prevent people from getting on these boats in the 1st place by offering safe legal alternatives or we can speak to Leonard Doyle who is the spokesman for the International Organization for migration he joins us now via skype from sheffield in england manage 150 people potentially dead in this shipwreck in this is just the largest this year talk us through the numbers more broadly and the trends that were seeing. Well this is of the really a very dramatic it has meant as you just read and said there have been about 4000 people whove taken to see this year and have been intercepted arrested and brought back suddenly typically put in detention which we are so its really its it is a 0 sum game for the migrant to say that they think theyre going to try to get a better life they end up in the hands of smugglers usually quite often abused and then if it do make it out of the house it are brought about and in this case not picked up a drama about about 300 people left and comes in a wooden boat where the stand they were then put it to reproduce on the high seas out of which one will see this house wooden box its out and turns by the 150 people thats on land and the survivors such as they are managed to swim ashore but the numbers are particularly high dramatic and as you say many of these migrants are then being returned to libya what kind of support are they receiving that well its very controversial because typically they get to get some support from my colleagues and i remember trying to give them medical aid or are trying to give them some some other support but well its a bit taken back into detention into something that we advocate absolutely yes or is it hard to believe in any way have been proven centers of the notion that theyre locked away i mean really committed no crime whatsoever except trying to improve their lives its really all in there at the hands are often at the hands of quite criminal people you can see that in this case traffickers mothers obviously trying to get into europe to try to make money out of the various 6 books so its really a misery to tell them this report microbes or learned as you say clearly the danger of the crossing isnt acting as a deterrent and now were hearing from the units they are saying that advent action is needed to provide safe and legal tentative is what kind of safe level of tent of that were talking about here well it could quite realize it was you know stuart and our earlier this week to join statement calling really for. Legal issues for people to those not qualified to get those if. Protection goes really good good example of civility just a refugee so there was also to be expected so we clearly to have some stability in libya the problem is that theres a conflict going on and the moderates and become all of those go there used to make money for people you have to pay that much its. Certainly set a little bit with the hottest its just not a happy situation. Its truly away from her banning books from rescue people who are simply not the way to go and Leonard Doyle there from the International Organization for migration thank you for speaking to us on out of there and on naval chiefs across west africa calling for more funding to fight rising cases of piracy in that region theyve been meeting in ghanas capital accra friend Maritime Defense conference delegates are looking for solutions to fight piracy in the gulf of guinea theyre also debating issues such as human and Drug Trafficking as well as an eagle fishing representatives of 10 West African States are taking part and u. S. The chinese a french and portuguese delegates are also present the seas around west africa remain the worlds most dangerous for piracy over 90 percent of kidnappings took place between january and june in the gulf of guinea while the u. S. Navy is joining efforts to tackle piracy in that region and our correspondent nicholas haq is on board the American Ship thats visiting the gulf of guinea. Were boarding the u. S. Navy ship to carson city here harbored in ghana its on a tour of duty in the gulf of guinea after the car jan its now headed to the coast of nigeria the most dangerous waters on the world there are more pirate attacks there than anywhere else and so commander tyron bruce is getting its crew ready. With their radar system in our lookouts we have to try to see any threats that are that are approaching us and you know miles out so so before any. Piracy issue would take place we will have. Notification well in advance so yes so we should not ever be in that position. On board it is a mix of civilian and military crews you have doctors medics but also engineers to help the navys in the region to maintain their aging fleet so that they can tackle piracy. While the white house may have announced in the past that its planning to reduce troop levels in africa this year the navy organized its biggest naval exercise operation. It seems the u. S. Is keeping a close watch over african waters for gun as defense minister its a matter of National Interests and our troops most likely to see. Mostly a defense of the most come from this is a lot of. Want to be dependent on revenues taxes come from the sea and ill do some International Troops and so we like to make sure that you see how the end of the day we probably are among the couple of giving show that you see at stake is this because 80 percent of the worlds trade happens on water piracy is on the rise not just. Here in the gulf of guinea but throughout the world and so navies across the world are trying to quit themselves to make these waters safer. Ukraine has released the crew of a russian tanker that detained earlier on thursday ukrainian authorities had seized the ship in the black sea accusing it of being behind a ship blockading incident last year Ukraines Security Service released this video showing officers boarding the russian boat that was docked at a ukrainian port kiev says the tanker was involved in an operation in november when its ships came under fire from russian boats on to another tank and now in india says all 24 crew members on board the iranian tanker seized by the u. K. 3 weeks ago are safe its Foreign Ministry sent 3 people to visit the crew on the iranian vessel off the coast of japan indias government says it will do whatever it takes to ensure their release British Forces says the grace one was delivering oil to syria and breach of e. U. Sanctions iran denies the allegation we heard sort of going to the texas it was going to be used to do a 3 member team visited and all the crew members. What we saw was the crew members where we comedy composed there was no sense of panic that would we. Be have been into touch with the family members reassured them the moment if you dont own a city steps undertake only sort of steps to ensure. The tradition. Nissen will sack 12500 workers by 2023 the arrest of its former chairman carlos cullen in november has seen the automotive giant struggle to revive Growth Management now says its cutting costs in june u. S. Vehicle make a ford announced its plans to x. 12000 jobs across europe. And boeing has announced its largest quarterly loss on record following the grounding of its 737 max aircraft the company lost 3000000000. 00 in its 2nd quarter and sales fell by more than a 3rd the 737 max fleet was grounded in monch after 2 crashes in 5 months killed 346 people a problem with Software Cause the planes to nose dive. For me u. S. Special Counsel Robert Mueller has insisted once again that he did not exonerate President Trump on obstruction of justice but it was testifying at 2 different hearings in congress about his investigation into russian interference in the 2016 president ial election its the 1st time hes answered questions publicly since his report which shop a divides democrats and republicans mike hanna reports. It was in President Trumps eyes a victory lap appearing on the white house lawn to repeat his assertion that hed been vindicated in dismissing the investigation one that he claimed had placed a phony cloud over his presidency i think everybody understands that i think everybody understands whats going on there was no defense to this ridiculous hoax this witch hunt thats been going on for. A long time. Earlier the special counsel was careful to show no bias to one side will be other disappointing those who wanted him to enlarge on his findings that there were 10 different acts that could be seen as the president obstructing justice what they largely got was this i refer to the report on that not to speak to that along with a response thats trending on twitter as a new way of saying politely go away i take your question but he did confirm the president has not been telling the truth about the investigation so it did not include he did not commit it to actually just. Zanker that is correct and what about total exoneration if you actually totally exonerate the prez well you know in fact your reports expressly states that it does not exonerate the person it does republicans previously defended the president he said donald trump is not above the law hes not but he did im sure shouldnt be below the law which is where volume 2 of this report puts him the former special counsel did seem to indicate the president could still face trouble from his report could you charge the president with a triumph after he left office yes you believe that he committed you could charge the president on stage with obstruction of justice after he left office yes in an evening News Conference House Democrats continue to reject the view of the president and his republican supporters and were insistent that millers questioning was a crucial part of a congregational investigative process that could end in impeachment why id like it to be a strong case is because i dont its based on the facts the facts in the law thats what matters not politics not partisanship just patriotism after a day that highlighted the Political Division in congress one thing is clear the investigation into President Trump will not end with Robert Miller mike hanna aljazeera washington. Now about 1600000 people are facing Food Insecurity in mozambique after 2 cyclon struck earlier this year cycling to die inside kennett had just 6 weeks apart flattening cities and villages and killing hundreds of people. Also caused widespread flooding washing away crops just weeks before harvest thousands of children are malnourished and experts warn that the situation is expected to worsen from october. People living on the slopes of the most active volcano in indonesia are used to danger now theyre turning it into a tourist attraction for thrill seekers as foreign 3 reports from around mount merapi. When the weekend arrives so do the tourists hundreds of them by the bus note that the pollen to off road trucks and head bumping along dusty trails for Close Encounter with indonesias most active volcano the alert level for mount merapi is now low its 9 years since the last major eruption. Tourists are allowed to go into the danger zone as close as 4 kilometers from the crater. So. Used to be a cattle farmer but turned to off road driving after his neighbor persuaded him to give it a go. We never theres been an interruption tourists are a bit weary and stay away but they come back when the government says its a volcano is dangerous of course but theyre also beautiful. He sold some of his cows to buy his 1st due to the t. V. Now he has 3 this tour has become so popular that there are now about 900. 00 jeeps that cater to visitors the highlight is the driving through a river of rock and sand where lava from the 2010 eruption. Its not just nature and the spectacular views that attract the tourists. This museum of sorts is a testament to the power of be a collection of Household Items destroyed in the eruption in 2010 that killed 275 people. And dunn is on his 2nd visit to merapi. The novel i was very happy and excited my 1st time here but this trip i feel a bit sad thinking about the people who died but its a good tour it educates people especially for people who live in disaster prone areas they know how devastating such a cure insists can be. R. C. Knows just how deadly merapi can be. Hes the volcanos spiritual guardian a traditional role going back generations. He succeeded his father who was killed in the eruption line years ago. People still come to pay their respects to him. Though. Take grass from a rap be we take rocks and sand to build houses we need to love its terrifying when it explodes but when it comes down we need to come back and take care of it. The people of the know they live in the shadow of danger but have learned to adapt and even benefit from it florence aljazeera mount merapi indonesia. The french inventor known as the flying man has failed in his attempt to cross the English Channel on his jet powered flight frank is about i was rescued after plunging into the sea during a refueling stop he was only allowed to refuel once on a boat is about a plan to land on the british coast near dover after a flight time of about 20 minutes the former jet skiing champion says hes not giving up despite a disappointing day. I had a tough break and im disappointed but i believe. He was unable to fly a plane when he tried it for the 1st time. And its only when he. Can make any progress and i said this challenge was extremely complex. And now its time for sports and he has a push for gender equality in the Tour De France there is no happening just yet but could be a few years down the road in the main song colombian arkansas has just one stage a scene of that sort purring away in the high ups to win by a minute and a half moving him up to the top 10 overall follow colombian egan but i was also on the move team in the last reuters up to 2nd behind me to a union out of felipe defending champion durance almost what hes dropped down so more bad news for some a softer support rather linker i was kicked out of the top this following also cation with tony moss enjoying wednesdays stage the past say theyve been harshly treated. It was you mentioned a group of female amateurs are writing every stage of the song just ahead of the male professionals theyre trying to push for a womens version of cyclings biggest race but waterfront organizers say it isnt possible now because of a just sticks that has more from the french alps. The spectacular peaks of the french alps still dotted with patches of snow despite the summer heat there is 0 hour mountain passes more than 2300 meters high for these riders its a tantalizing test of strength and part of a campaign for womens Tour De France the worlds most famous bike race is exclusively for men we want a womens race equal to the mens because the Tour De France is monuments its the race for the best way to encourage young women to cycle is with Media Coverage of a big womens race 5 years ago this group of women set out to raise awareness about the inequalities in professional cycling each july they ride all 21. 00 stages of the tour its a challenging route of nearly 3500 kilometers but they do so in conditions far less comfortable than the mens with traffic a modest support team no prize money or fanfare. This year these International Riders have joined them where every day girls have got full time jobs and if we can do it anybody can do it weve got a lot fatigue in the legs its live in nations all over the place because its quite draining mentally as well as physically because we dont have the support that the professionals have in the 1980 s. The organizers of the Tour De France experimented with the womens race but they said that it failed to attract enough public and Media Attention but times have changed womens sport is popular and now the organizers are saying that they are considering an equivalent womens race. The a. S. O. Company that runs the tour has yet to provide details of a future race but its expected to be longer. That there one day womens event these turin easy itd be a welcome addition to the cycling calendar. A womans World Cup Team had lots of coverage so why not a womens Tour De France at the end of the 18th stage the galley be a pass is a grueling climb but the prospect of a womens tour makes the effort worthwhile today. Euphoric at the idea that the organizers of the tour think it is possible to create a big stage race in france for women riders they really deserve it. Reaching the top is overwhelming for some but the sense of achievement is clear and with only days until the end of the 3 week challenge these women are riding high Natasha Butler the galbi pass the alps from. Manchester united have picked up their 4th straight preseason when united beating Champions League final is talking to one here in shanghai asking marcel squirmy opener some bad news for united arab i carried off of what appeared to be a serious knee injury deflected lucas more shock resulted in an equaliser for spurs before teenager angel gunma scrapped the winner for. Fear and seen as marco brassy will be hoping an incident from a friendly against benfica isnt so alarming for his season ahead by nassim missing an open goal in the game against portuguese champions this was played in new jersey in the states turned out to be a costly misspend figure going on to win su one. In a building up a 2nd innings leads them to recover from the embarrassments of the 1st ever test match with oil and they were bowled out for 85 at lords on wednesday is looking marginally better for the world champions at the moment scored 92 and jason remade the fastest half century binding them on debut. I want to because all time great players is getting ready to play in his last one day international. After fridays match against bangladesh the 35 year old has taken more than 300. 00 wickets in this form of the game and be a star koala and it says he wants to make history at his new team the l. A. Clippers the suits are far as m. V. P. Was officially introduced by the clippers along with paul george to the press in l. A. Here leonard who helped her on her wraps his win their 1st ever n. B. A. Championship in june went to the clippers and that helped the l. A. Start recruits his former indiana team mate george. Down the son of one of the greatest heavyweights in boxing history is following in his footsteps this is 21 year old Everest Holyfield son of a band who fights it junior middle whites hes turning pro after 10 years and 8 ounces in amritsar if there was a 2 time undisputed heavyweight champion he has some serious steps to follow. Are clearly more sport for me throughout the day but that is it for me thanks randy but thats it for me and started taping this news hour but ill be back in just a moment with another round up of the dating. In south korea around 2000000 dogs are eaten every year but now Animal Rights groups want the engine tradition taken off the menu when no one east investigates korean dogs friends or food on aljazeera. When the news breaks. When people need to be heard and the story needs to be told pretty good to that area died last weekend crossing from mexico in a day with exclusive interviews and indepth reports that commit according to the fishing life it is exceptional aljazeera has teens on the ground to bring in more Award Winning documentaries and allied news. Going behind the scenes of one of mexicos most gloves using fiction to mirror the struggles of real life. This week the story line focuses on the basis of systematic violence in Mexican Society and issues close to home for the producers and actors a life as they struggle to portray in fiction the much the face of reality soap box mexico every day mafia on 020. 00. S. Where every. As june is here mourns the passing of its president and nearly into its warning. And this is al jazeera live from cairo also coming up celebrations in puerto rico continue a day off today governor resigned over corruption allegations the protesters say this is just the beginning plots. Unfulfilled they were the diplomacy is appalling to the people coming on to the European Union and doing so only to encourage players. And makes it clear in his 1st address to parliament that brets it is his number one priority. And a heat wave is breaking records as it moves across parts of europe. Or that. Now the head of chin is here as parliament muhammad in austria has just been sworn in as the countrys new interim president and austria took over before a Cabinet Meeting just a short while back he takes over from the late 92 year old president. Who has died he could be in charge of up to 90 days off fresh elections are organized chinas is parliamentary elections are currently slated for october 6th heres what he said on thursday before he was sworn in. Matter of him in the name of god almighty we know the demise of president sipsey the president of the republic i offered a heartfelt condolences to his family and to the tunisian people i see this opportunity to commend the efforts of the late president as he has contributed to the state polling independents in throughout his tenure over the last 5 years i also stress that the state of affairs will run as normal and the speaker of the house will stand as acting president i seize the opportunity to address the tunisian people to stand united in harmony and to continue to march forward towards further development and wellbeing among khan has more on the passing of the subsidy. Came to power in december 2014 after winning the 1st free president ial election his career began 40 years earlier and took him through various posts in Defense Security and Foreign Affairs he briefly served as interim Prime Minister in 2011. 0 was the 1st to experience a wave of protests that became known as the arab spring in 2010 the following year they led to the ousting of longtime president zain aberdeen ben ali. And in the 1st free elections 3 years later at the head of a newly created party won a runoff the polarized voters he was often accused of giving in to many of the demands of the islamist opposition led by the in order party his opponents also accused him of trying to instill a return to ben ali style strongman politics. And a poll said he did not want to run in elections scheduled for later this year despite strong support for another president ial term from within his own party. The north african state has been held as an arab springs only democratic success because the protests that toppled didnt trigger the violent of people seen in egypt and libya but since 2011 successive governments have failed to resolve 2 newsies economic problems which include high inflation and unemployment was taken to a Military Hospital in the capital tinas his 2nd hospital visit in less than a week now in his 1st speech to m. P. s as britains new Prime Minister Barak Johnson has asked the European Union to think again about its refusal to renegotiate a break said johnson also said his government would prioritize preparations for exiting without an agreement if there is no deal by the october 31st deadline. Reports from london. Inside 10 downing street a rousing welcome from a loyal team Prime Minister Boris Johnsons new cabinet dominated by brics it hardliners had the 1st pep talk and as you know we have a momentous task. In our countrys history we are committed. To leaving the European Union. On october 31st one really dont know if theyve got theres far too much noise in this strain but in parliament a very different mood johnson had promised to unite the conservative party but his ruthless decision to sack or sidelined 17 senior ministers may have done the opposite for his enemies on the back benches on many but his 1st statement was one of optimism channeling his hero Winston Churchill painting a picture of a golden future for britain that is why i believe that if weve been darcey news to the toss. There is every chance that in pretty deep deep. Into it i fully intend to be wrong. No not this is here it is just. That we will be able to look back only this period this extraordinary period as the beginning of a new golden age for our you know. With the Opposition Leader dismantled that idea. No one underestimates this country but the country is. But the country is deeply worried that the new Prime Minister overestimates himself. This is the last day parliament will sit before breaking for the summer but the challenges facing the new Prime Minister and mens negotiate a new brics a deal in 98 days a deal the e. U. Says cannot be renegotiated and fix our multitude of problems facing Britain Health Care Education and security all with just a parliamentary george of just 3 many say the country could be heading for a general election you know he did say during the Leadership Campaign that he doesnt want to have a general election before hes delivered breakfast but that doesnt seem to be as much of a hard red line as i would search 1st of october so that might suggest that he will try and course that election relatively soon these are the skills to these this is a Prime Minister with a deadline like no other facing unprecedented opposition hoping his optimism is infectious Charlie Angela aljazeera london well our correspondent Andrew Symonds is outside parliament in westminster and seen quite the performance there from Doris Johnson in the house what kinds of reactions are we seeing now. Many reactions really now all the m. P. s are heading off to their constituencies for the summer recess its very quiet here but they off the show still being felt not only right across the u. K. To what Boris Johnson has had to say since becoming a Prime Minister but also in brussels he is expected to be having a conversation round about now with. The e. U. Commission president what that will actually achieve is probably very little. Spelt out quite clearly that he is intent on either accepting a deal that does not include a Northern Ireland backstop thats an insurance policy that make things safe for britain. Still trade eventually be able to trade freely after the backstop and is now that backstop which gives the irish the right to continue voiding hardboard because it will keep the Customs Union in place that is the key issue he is saying thats got to go and not only has that got to go there has to be no other deal suggesting a timeline for that hes not prepared to accept that so hes making already spelling out a position whereby he says the e. U. If it does not accept has to go that is then blocking an agreement and you have to go for a no deal hes prepared to go for a no deal which could mean a calamity in the Financial Markets wreck the city of london as being a Financial Center of the world and could put the country into recession all of these things have been warned about what were finding now is this summer recess is going on the pressure is going to get higher and higher. To make some concessions and the pressure he says is going to get odd harder for brussels try to come to some solution so what could happen well busy worn former colleague. Of Boris Johnson had this to say. I think that Boris Johnson if he sees that hes going to lose a vote of say no confidence in the house of commons i think he would rather call the election than wait for his government to fall and the election to follow he would rather stay on the front foot so i think the whole of britain ought to be on the alert for an early snap general election called perhaps right at the beginning of september that might happen given away hearing all the speculation already about an early election one of the chances of that actually happening. But the chances of a when you look at the numbers only 3 is charlie was saying in a report only majority of 3 now and thats with the help of the irish do you people see that just as good luck to come down to 2 because of a by election its very imminent also theres a possibility that some conservative m. P. s could defects theres been some defections already so he carbery law on his party cant rely on violent what is Jeremy Corbyn the Opposition Labor Party leader doing about it will the moment hes probably going to wait to see whether or not as he expects there are a budget gaffes by Boris Johnson and that the honeymoon period is over very quickly before he makes a move so as you were hearing there the speculation is targeted at september time at all to election potentially uncertainty because johnson is not going to be surprised by that and hes angling to be quite partisan with this campaigning government this effectively this is a almost a one issue cabinet even though he spent ages outlining in a very blue inform how he will commit to all sorts of projects that have been promised and also ones that have been promised in his 2 hour session with 129 questions but will it be a quiet calm hot summer world is this whats going on right now right across the land in terms of what Boris Johnson means for this country under d. What he means for you anderson is watching all that high drama unfold for us at westminster thank you. On north korea has conducted its 1st missile test just weeks after expressing more anger at planned military drills between south korea and the United States now south korea and japan say 2 short range missiles were fired into the sea off the coast at one found south Koreas Defense Ministry is young and to stop its tests. Dont you know korean government has been closely monitoring the related moves of north korea and we urge north korea to stop such actions that dont help the efforts to relieve tensions on the Korean Peninsula south korean government will step up its monitoring posture under us suffer. And closely communicate regard with this and you remember that last month u. S. President trump held talks with north Korean Leader kim jong un during a surprise visit when he became the 1st sitting american president to set foot into north korea from mcbride has more from seoul officials in south korea and also japan are analyzing data from this double Missile Launch working with their u. S

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