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Said in a tweet which i guess some people think is controversial a lot donald trump and the touchy question of when does political rhetoric become straight up racism there are lessons to be learned and not just for journalists and news outlets hardliner the b. B. C. Iran and a case of Selective Distribution and serbian war criminals turned authors rewriting history from behind bars for politics often comes down to a war of words and these days the coverage of the Trump White House is caught up over one word racist and whether or not it should be used to describe the american president after donald trump told 4 Congress Women of color to go back to the countries they came from even though 3 of them are american born some u. S. Media outlets are still stopping shy of using the r word the 4 democratic congresswoman in question 2 of whom are muslim do not mince their words when talking about trumps Border Control policies and what they call concentration camps they were as outraged in describing their visits to those camps as the Vice President mike pence was indifferent jury and here is the juxtapose imagery and rhetoric that the 2 visits produced the war of words that followed are all reflective of the place in which the u. S. Finds itself ahead of the 2020 elections a nation of opposing political narratives where trumps white nativist message is facing more and more pushback from a new progressive force on the political left our starting point this week is donald trumps. Twitter account. Where does one even begin when tweets like these come out of the white house had those 4 Progressive Democratic congresswoman actually taken President Trumps advice left washington and gone back to the crime infested places from which they came Alexandria Ocasio Cortez would jump on a train to new york city she did to leave would catch a flight to detroit and Diana Presley would buy a ticket for cincinnati of the 4 only ill hand omar was born outside the country making her just as american as the 1st lady of the United States if not as white or is christian. It should come as a surprise to anybody. In the free world the president of the United States if every 5th to have called the new hero of the great 5th when he openly announced that obama was born in kenya why does new show the person to think it is incredibly difficult but if we knew him over a 5th when he afraid that muslim for cheering the burning of the twin towers during 911. 00 which was manifestly untrue i saw people getting together in fairly large numbers celebrating at the World Trade Center was coming down killing. More people calling him breakfast i think this particular formulation if you go back to where you come from. And that of course is something that has been said over and over in American Culture to people i know when i was a kid as a black person walking down the street and my hometown every now and then the white kids would yell i want to go back where you came from. And it is base there probably numerous people on. Use expressions like that to people of color America Great i mean i saw it resonate in. The for progressives who have been nicknamed the squad have been a thorn in the president s side ever since their election to congress in 2018. The conflict escalated on june 30th when 3 of the Congress Women Ocasio Cortez and presley visited 2 Migrant Detention Centers in texas. With alcohol. From their parents although the cameras following exam were not allowed in the women emerged with stories of overcrowding and squalid conditions they compared the facilities to concentration camps and then reported their findings to congress. Mr speaker we do have a crisis at our border it is one of morality clearly created by the Trump Administration dead set and sending a message that those seeking refuge are not welcome in america. The trumpet ministration countered last week sending the Vice President on a similar visit it was an alternative photo op and it was no accident that mike pence appeared unmoved by what he saw. What they promised coming into office was that they were going to crack down that they were going to stem the tide of migrants coming across the border i would build a great wall and nobody builds walls better than me believe me and so every day since then has been an exercise in trying to show the base that theyre doing exactly what they said they were. So what we saw was Vice President pence standing outside of these pens where men were gathered where in a close a cross to. Screaming that they needed the basics. And we also saw my friends there who didnt see. Particularly moved by any of this in terms of the intentionality of the optics i think what we can say is that unfortunately there is a segment of trumps face that actually likes seeing people of color being detained or being policed being mistreated and then unfortunately. Thats what i said in a tweet which i guess some people think is gotcha version a lot of people love it by the way after treating his go back where you came from message the president was accused of playing the race card i think that they are not espousing the views of our country before congresswoman he reacted the way he often does when challenged over his choice of words he doubled down. They could stay but they should love our country covering the story created a dilemma for American News outlets in the same way that many of them are hesitant to call donald trump a liar when he constantly misleads americans there has been a reluctance to call the author of what are clearly racist statements a racist. There is a history in this country in debates about race. To. Tell people who call someone a racist that you shouldnt do that because being a racist is something that is psychological that is inside a person it is their personal attitude. And since you can read their mind you can talk in terms of their behavior and you can talk in terms of the words that they use or whatever but you cant say that person is a racist because you dont know exactly what they really said believe it so that is why everybody was tiptoeing around being careful and using the language in that way because they didnt want somebody to come back and say well how do you know im a racist this president has made it pretty clear whats in this heart from the very beginning and even if not we can look at his actions in office we can look at what. Do it on the border those actions speak for themselves ok the comments from the president are just the latest in a long list of racially and sendiri remarks there been a number of journalist from the very beginning who called out this illustration for exactly what it was maybe other legacy institutions or journalists are slower to come to these realizations but its not that a secret its a part of it is how racism works in the media racism isnt just an issue that journalists cover its also part of the environment in which they work 86. 5 percent of all editors in the United States are white. 3 fourths of news organizations have no people of color amongst their top editors so what that often means is a lack of sensitivity to the coverage of racism as well as a lack of training and if you dont have diversity in the newsroom then youre going to be in an echo chamber and not really active coverage of a problem. Especially if youre fox news where the lack of diversity on the screen and the lack of sensitivity in the news output are both by design fox has not and would not call President Trump a racist the politician and americas most watched news channel feed off each other. And it is likely no coincidence that fox anchor tucker carlson. Was laying into somali born congresswoman omar calling her a racist who hates america just before trump was very there yes done for omar and for her family she hates this country more than. 4 days later the president sent out those tweets 3 days after that there was trump at a rally in north carolina. Serenaded by a crowd chanting center back a script effectively coauthored by fox news and the white house. If not have never being there for the United States of america if. Fox news or truth 94 but fin of the people that watch fox news right. He really doesnt care if people call him break that. We can manipulate the media like. Trump like most populist isnt interested gifted children and. Like. You know. Someone who can go to iraq. And the only way you can fight it. And a book very good by telling the truth today but. Were discussing other media stories that are on our radar with one of our producers enough the british broadcaster b. B. C. Sends a news team into iran gets what it calls rare access puts out a series of reports on his u. K. Domestic and world news channels but not on its persian Language Service why not because the broadcaster reportedly agreed to those conditions set out by the iranian government thats according to internal emails obtained by journalist yes shot ighly for huff post in order to get their correspondent martin patients into iraq and the b. B. C. Had to agree that none of the material he gathered footage interviews stories would go out on any of b. B. C. Persians platforms now or in the future not includes even read tweeting all forwarding the coverage but its in the reports and it suites the b. B. C. Acknowledges that scenes movements were controlled by official mind but iranian authorities did not restrict what was reported views however would have had no idea the entire simon was conditioned on the news reports not reaching an iranian audience and tehran has got a history of censoring b. B. C. Persian and targeting some of its journalists does it not exactly b. B. C. Persian is effectively banned in iran but it has a big viewership according to the broadcast week the audience of 12000000 and b. B. C. Persian stuff based outside iran have paid a price for their journalism for years they faced threats and intimidation by the government some of how the assets frozen most unable to return to iran for fear of arrest and their family members in the country have been harassed and sometimes interrogated so understandably some of them are not happy about. The broadcast made with that run for the b. B. C. It says that all International Media are subject to restrictions and iran and theyre not wrong just as crews also grapple with certain rules the b. B. C. Also said we accepted some limitations on this occasion an order to provide audiences weve read insights from inside the country and this is signposted in our coverage as ever the b. B. C. Maintains full editorial control over what we broadcast just not it appears where it is tough ok thanks to our. Its been roughly 20 years now since the war finally came to an end in what was once known as yugoslavia the historical narrative of serbias role in that decade long conflict europes deadliest since world war 2 is hotly contested and it really shouldnt be the evidence as per the United Nations and multiple other investigative bodies tells a tale of disproportionate serbian aggression brutality and ethnic cleansing the alternative version of that history is now being told in book 4 by authors who have been convicted of war crimes that include genocide the convexed turned writers former serbian generals and politicians are just out for exoneration in the minds of many serbian nationalists they already have that they want to rewrite the historical record while feeding into nationalistic narratives favored by serbian elites including t. V. Channels which might explain the popularity of the books among those who hold political power in belgrade listening posts johannah whos now on historical revisionism in the former yugoslavia and the inmates who have gone from convicted war criminals to published authors. Biographies war memoirs novels even poetry. A total of 119. 00 books written from behind bars by 22. 00 alleged and convicted who are criminals. This literary output has been coming out of the Detention Center at the International Criminal tribunal for the former yugoslavia. Since 1993 the school of literature coming from the. Us down even to the icy wind i did 161 person as a whole. About 140. 00 actively went in to see happening in which is that the density of the Hague Tribunal you. Can say that every one in 6 prisoners of the eye sitting by turned out to be an older or sometimes many of those people are acting for purely political reasons or progun the reasons there is a certain insistence on exonerating yourself. Some of it is obviously also creating a parallel narrative which is only a part of a systematic approach in which actual facts actual events that have taken place i now being questioned. And they dont care about facts and they dont care what you were i think about it which is tailor made for the surge and its me in a way that would fit the preexisting narrative from what you can spot via word of what and who the serbs are. Its about stories stories make nations and i dont care it is not going to be remembered as a murdering genocidal maniac but it is a great european hero who actually made the 1st serb state on the left bank of the knowledge that. There was a problem which is why you remembered by future generations of serbs not is a murderer of o. B. E. And children in kosovo but as a great war hero who stood up to nato. And the story. Vision is books written by convict at war criminals are commonly available hender serbian capital belgrade including a bookstore behind me which belongs to the ministry of defense these books dont just do well with the average sir the countrys politicians including those in government are big fans too in a cobra last year the publishing arm of serbias Defense Ministry took to belgrade sheerly book fair to promote its newest release mercyful angels embrace the multivolume wartime die. Written by former army general in the bush up of code beach who is currently serving a 22 Year Prison Sentence for crimes against humanity details his experiences in the kosovo war another prominent spot at the fair was reserved for alleged war criminals. After 11 years in detention cesure has returned to serbian politics and going by the name of his Publishing House greater serbia theres little question as to what his books are about puff of each and shush presence at the prestigious fair doesnt speak to the quality of their literary work rather it speaks to the popularity of the nationalist message the narrative that 18 years after the end of the war is still actively endorsed by those in power. Those who were convicted in the Hague Tribunal a widely seen as heroes in that community this is and in serbia many of those who participated in making decisions during the war when you are now in power and they benefit from promoting these kinds of messages and narratives for instance only all have commissions books that are promoted by the ministry of defense of a blow by blow account of the nato bombing during the kosovo all however they are met the crimes committed by the serbs of the these books are an attempt to completely ignore the albanian victims to keep war crimes silent and to present the nato bombing as a hostile attack by International Forces in which only innocent serbs would kill you the only medicine is the skin i dont when it comes to some of the books. He has published we know that for instance alexander which is the current president of serbia wrote a couple of forwards to some of the additions now if you have a legitimate representative of a country. Forward

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