Transcripts For ALJAZ NEWSHOUR 20240714

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Britains new Prime Minister is expected to be named within the hour to resume a is holding out final Cabinet Meeting at 10 downing street before she resigns then the results of the conservative partys leadership election will be revealed but as johnson is the favorite to beat rival jeremy hunt in the vote by tory party members. All right lets go straight now to lauren slays outside the Queen Elizabeth the 2nd center where the announcement will be made lawrence to take us through the vote thats going to happen today. Oh yes it is a fairly straightforward operational to sleep the last few weeks members of the conservative party 160000 of them there the people choosing the leader of the party to please use my hands assuming that that person has the confidence and can. Deliver a stable government that person will therefore become Prime Minister tomorrow. It is looking very much as if as if hes going to be Boris Johnson is nobody in westminster really who thinks hes going to be anybody else an awful night in about 45 minutes time and assuming its Boris Johnson it will make a short speech afterwards and will then spend the rest of. Wednesday and 1st day organizing his new cabinets and the question really is what sorts of governments and cabinet its going to be and to a large extent that depends on the size of the win for Boris Johnson and his people have been saying quite openly that if its a tighter race than people have been thinking then he might have to get a sort of softer cabinets and sets of government ministers that he might actually like but if its a big majority for too long the membership then he will probably fill the cabinet with hard line directed to those who he hopes will fill its promise of taking the u. K. Out of the European Union at the end of october law and so i can hear people cheering behind you i guess the protests there show just some of the aspects of the challenge which awaits the new Prime Minister. Though there is some i have to tell you a psychoanalyst Conference Also going on inside the building behind me and they could absolutely. They get the conservative party on the couch another field day with them frankly because the conservative party is now an absolute state because of Boris Johnsons absolute insistence that whatever else happens the u. K. Is leaving at the end of october there was one resignation yesterday from a Foreign Office minister who tried to force it to place on the votes in Parliament Today to see more chance you can actually have a stable stable government the chancellor has said they will resign to morrow before Boris Johnson actually speaks to downing street when it becomes Prime Minister and more will follow and there are very many conservatives who say they will simply not allow the u. K. To be taken out of the European Union. With no deal at all if your offer to make a prediction and it could be completely wrong but prediction would be a general election in the middle of october a couple of weeks before the 31st which becomes a sort of de facto 2nd referendum really on the conservative party based on that would have to campaign on no deal and all the other parties which lots of look at them and Boris Johnson if he lost that would become the shortest Prime Minister frankly in modern history and the 3rd conservative Prime Minister to lose their job since inspectors started but there is a feeling that hes totally boxed himself in by saying that the u. K. Is going to leave with or without a deal and everybody saying theyll face exactly the same problems as theresa may did because they cant resolve the problem of the Northern Irish border. Talking about the same sort of problems that sank Lawrence Leigh there outside the Queen Elizabeth the 2nd center lets go to joan hall joins us now from westminster outside parliament talking about facing the same scenario any reason to believe parliaments lining out any differently. What well look i think is lawrence was pointing out in the context that the new Prime Minister inherits is much the same as it was with the reason may you cant deal with the issues in the Withdrawal Agreement and you cant change the numbers in Parliament Without a general election so yes a massive uphill battle that he will inherit lets talk about that with my guest terry jones former spokesman for to resume a good to see you gerri. In just under an hour well know the results of what a people going to be obsessing about once they know it will be the size of his victory would it be the contents of his 1st speech would be the contents of his 1st cap of anything and everything along those lines i would have thought that certainly 1st up we need to get a sense of what the numbers are my gut feeling is because hes been priced in is overwhelming favorite for what right from the start and all the way through the race last night i should be at the dispatch box jeremy hunt himself seemed to be making a joke at the idea that he might possibly reverse things so i will not basis i think we would expect him to get over 60 percent if he doesnt get that then i think people people on his side will be. Disappointed if he gets over 60 or over 70 obviously thats a walloping great victory and gives him a big mandate within the conservative party but to do what and i think the difficulty is that initially things will feel very very different temperamentally. And in terms of their whole demeanor in the public are you couldnt get 2 more different individuals than to resume obamas told and obviously very much thrives on the spotlight loves the reflected adulation of an audience that hell be experiencing want to mansions as you say in less than an hours time whereas the reason why is very straight down the down the line and often very quiet comfortable in some social situations but the challenge confronting them as you say is the same what will lets talk about that challenge because hes going to inherit whoever it is and absolutely waste the thin majority that will come under pressure if not direct attack very quickly with the by election this talk of people defecting to the party depending on what they see in that speech will that cabinet make up its entirely possible that by the Time Parliament comes back from its summer recess the new Prime Minister wont have a majority in parliament thats possible i mean. Id still be a bit surprised to see defections immediately it is conceivable while water story that would be but i think those people within the conservative party. Who are just flat out opposed to him or who are flat out opposed to no do you know that they think he runs the risk of. Bracing if you like tom then come the end of october would probably tactically judge that a better time to put pressure on him is actually not just before parliament goes on recess which will give him breathing space so my expectation is though youre right to say that all of the expectations can be confounded is that hell have a bit of a honeymoon period which he would hope would last for days rather than hours or in times weeks and then all of that really tough serious stuff begins because he will have to enter into negotiations with the with the e. U. 27 and theyve made it pretty clear that theyre not expecting to hand over the source of all of branches of compromises that he has said hes going to need in order to agree a deal and show you very briefly you know how well teresa may work closely with her legacy as she departs one of sort of abundant disappointment yes i think well would have to say that given that she set the bar high when she came in not just to take forward pressing and unrealised the aspiration of the british people as expressed in a in a referendum but a whole raft of other things correcting injustices within our society that shes barely managed to scratch the surface of i actually felt that that the calamity of all the scale of the disaster it from her point of view might really sort of crowd in on her at this stage and yet from the moment that she announced that she was going to leave from outside downing street it slipped out of the cares of the world when someone lifted from indeed im quite sure the jones thanks for that half an hour or so now until that announcement is made and we discover the winner of the conservative party race and britains next Prime Minister back to your china will be coming back to you. I keep challenge facing britains new Prime Minister is to contain the ongoing tension with iran to iran says it doesnt want confrontation with the u. K. Over the seizure of a british flagged oil tanker the u. K. Foreign secretary jeremy hunt is calling for a european led Naval Mission to ensure safe shipping through the strait of hormuz thats where iran sees the tank on friday claiming it was violating International Maritime law the u. K. Is calling it an act of state prior piracy. I think it is very important point were drawn at. 10 downing street who understand that iran does not seek confrontation iran one who have normally respond Mutual Respect and in the last few hours around Vice President has said an International Coalition to protect the gulf as suggested by the u. K. Will only bring in security to the region lets get more now from dawson jabari joins us from tehran so the iranians are very happy with this proposed european Naval Mission in the strait of hormuz. No certainly not sammy the 1st Vice President john kerry has said that there is absolutely no need for any forces to patrol the ships in the gulf and that it is up to the iranians and regional countries to ensure the security and safety of the strait of hormuz as well as the waters around it this is a sentiment thats also been shared by the head of irans navy the commander in charge of irans navy has said that any kind of Foreign Forces patrolling the strait of hormuz in the waters around it would only create further instability in this region and that it is up to regional countries to form coalitions to ensure safe passage of ships that travels through the strait of hormuz in the sea of amman this is something that all also weve heard from the iranian president Hassan Rouhani that the stability of the strait of hormuz is something that has been historically trusted to iran and they will continue to make sure that they are the safe keepers of that area i will not stand on another issue a Senior Iranian official is coming a letter to the french president and whats the message that do we know. Well a new president Hassan Rouhani has dispatched the Deputy Foreign minister. To paris and to give a letter to the french president emmanuel micron this we believe is about the future of the 2015 Nuclear Agreement this is something the french president has been very forthcoming about trying to salvage this deal after the United States withdrew from it last year the european signatories according to the iranians have not upheld their end of the deal so there is a real effort by the french government to try and keep this deal together the reigning president Hassan Rouhani has been speaking with his french counterpart over the phone twice in the last month and earlier this month the top diplomatic adviser to the french president was in terror and was Holding Meetings about this very but there is seems to be a very big effort by the french government to try and keep this deal together now weve also had the Prime Minister of iraq in teheran on monday i met he has been meeting with some rouhani we believe this is also about the security in the future of the strait of hormuz iraq of course is very much involved in the strait of hormuz 3 and a half 1000000 barrels of iraqi oil nearly passed through that area so the security and the stability of the strait of hormuz is also very critical for iraqs government but during that meeting the president said that further cooperation closer ties between iran and iraqs government is in the best interests of everybody and to ensure the security of this region as well all right thanks so much. Plenty more still ahead on the news hour including crossing the border to find work we talk to arabian kurds fleeing the pinch from the u. S. Sanctions. Down on the farm in greece taxing questions for the government and rape charges against portuguese football star and now they have been dropped details coming up. Kenyas finance minister has been formally charged with corruption and rerouted is accused of awarding contracts and payments for the construction of dams to an Italian Company kenyas Public Prosecutor says it will seek the extradition of the companys chief to face corruption charges Catherine Sawyer has this update. The minister and others when called pleaded not guilty to several corruption related charges including defrauding government 244000000. 00 abuse of Office Failure to comply with procurement procedures and so won prosecutors also said the government is going to seek the extradition of a paolo for charlie this is the director of the Italian Company that was awarded the contract for the construction of this dams at a time when it was sick it was applying for bankruptcy this is a huge scandal with prosecutors say because struction of this has not even started years after it was commissioned that the costs were highly inflated by a 170000000. 00 that about a quarter of the total money has already been paid out some today Talian Company other monies are said to have been paid for land where this dams are supposed to be but according to evidence that the directorate of Public Prosecutions has this land was never purchased in the same place in the 1st place and this is a case also that has been quite highly politicized already were seeing some politicians saying that the fight against croft is only targeting people from site in communities like individuals like the minister being used as scapegoats but also hide from present rule over time saying that hes government is committed to this fight against graft and theres not going to be any. Cows no one is going to be spared a lot of kenyans are watching this they want to see this. A true trial. Conducted who wants to see people who are found guilty held to account. At least 3 people have been killed in nigerias capital of that after violence broke out between police and a group of shia muslim Protesters Police say one of those killed was an officer tried to stop protesters from vandalizing property the demonstrators were calling for the release of a brit hume zagg zacky the leader of the Islamic Movement in nigeria. I mean its very sad more. The demonstration is the latest in a series of violent confrontations between members of this movement of nigeria the Umbrella Organization of shiites in the country and the Security Forces less than 2 weeks ago the shiites stormed the National Assembly or the parliament trying to access that building which resulted in violent clashes between them and Security Forces it was reported that at least 2 people were killed and 2 Police Officers were injured alongside many members of the shiite groups and the most the demonstrators were actually pushing or applying pressure on the Nigerian Government to have their media you spouse and some other members of the organization release who have been in detention since 2015 after a violent confrontation between them and the military which resulted into hundreds of death now the shiites have been demanding that the Nigerian Government release their leader who they say is ill and me in need of Urgent Medical attention that i dont government said on its part that the leaders of the members of the group to focus their energies more on the court case that involved their leader however they are saying that several courts have granted bail to their leader which the government refused to do next week the Nigerian Government or a Nigerian High Court in kaduna state is due to hear the bail application put forward by lawyers of their the team leader. A gambian soldier has accused former us president the ahead of altering the killing of an a. F. P. Journalist. In 2004 at a public hearing in the capital banjul the turn to confess to being involved in the killing along with 2 other military officers he says he was paid for the job was told the money was a sign of appreciation from gambia xix leader jumma lives in exile in equatorial guinea. Now with the economy in iran suffering from u. S. Sanctions many raimi and kurds of crossing the border to find work the kurdish region of Northern Iraq as the fashionable name reports from middleby in the common language makes it easy for them to pick up part time jobs and return home with money for their families. Each room. Wallpapers is bringing him closer to the day he can afford to marry his fiance the money he earns as a handyman in Northern Iraq is also supporting his parents at home in iran. How did it its been 5 years working in a before this kind of work wasnt popular now theres more of a demand and business is Getting Better every 3 to 4 months i take a break and go back to iran because i have a work permit. But these iranian kurds arent so lucky with out work permits they enter the kurdish region in iraq on one month tourist visas work every day they can return home and repeat the process Mohammad Faruq says a lucrative month of work puts 800. 00 in his pocket. I know its very hard for me to be away from my family but its hard not to have any money to spend all to buy food whats better being away from your family and having money or being with your family and having no money the government doesnt keep an official count of the number of iranian workers here but says there are hundreds and that number has tripled in the last 2 years as irans economy suffers from u. S. Sanctions the director of labor in the semi autonomous kurdish region expects more iranians to seek work here theyll be taking advantage of an economy on the rebound following several tough years. Yeah we had a good i proposed a plan to address the situation with iranian workers it would match them with jobs we have a need for we dont want to close the border with them but we must organize a situation that effects the local workers greatly and we have to give them priority. He says for the time be the Kurdistan Regional government has no intention of barring these men bound by culture and language many people see these iranian kurds as their brothers and sympathize with their plight natasha going to 0. High temperatures and strong winds are making it tough to extinguish wildfires raging across central pool to go about a 1000 firefighters are battling the flames some locals are blaming a lack of resources and government inaction for the damage caused by the finest. In greece the new government is proposing tax cuts saying it will create more jobs and bring an end to the financial crisis there are critics say although the conservatives have a majority in parliament theyll find it hard to deliver on their promises john saurabh list reports from the island of the fear. 10 years ago just before the Global Financial crisis wrecked the Greek Economy underwoods took over his fathers chicken he stopped selling to wholesalers and launched his own brendan distribution and is expanding into frozen pies his turnover increased 20 fold to over a 1000000. 00 and his payroll has risen from 4. 00 to 25. 00 people and the root source has some advice for the opposition conservatives poised to win next months election and who want to expand on Success Stories like his. Taxes are much heavier now and i try to offset them as much as possible with investments but if it werent for such high taxes i would have invested even more in the past few years farms were among the hardest hit businesses during the greek economic depression their income tax quadrupled their Social Security payments went up their diesel subsidy was eliminated and the sales tax they paid on Raw Materials doubled this massively increased the amount of money farmers have to set aside each year in order to stay in business and many have been leaving the profession one in 3 farmers who went into business during the crisis has quit says a recent survey to encourage entrepreneurship new democracy is promising to cut Corporate Tax from 29 to 20 percent and hopes to help create 700000 new jobs in 5 years some say that cant be achieved with tax cuts alone. Or both of those tax cuts can help take my Small Company cutting Corporate Tax from 29 to 20 percent lowering Social Security contributions and subsidizing them for Young Workers all this allows me to hire one extra person who we need once you buy that the entire economy it makes a difference but other things are needed to. Accountants a very few businesses show any profit because of high tax and red tape a recent study showed that less than 5 percent of businesses pays 80 percent of course. Tax the rest pay almost no taxes to make the economy sustainable economists say as well as tinkering with taxes the new Democracy Party will have to confront bureaucracy and resistance to change in the state and that observers say will take huge political courage. Aljazeera via phone as well as been hit by another countrywide power cuts the government says opponents sabotage the power station Opposition Leader one way though is blaming the government saying its failed to invest in the National Grid mahama votes. Another night in the dark as a nationwide power cut leaves millions without electricity. Lights were out in more than half of venezuelas 23. 00 states including the capital caracas canceled metro stations and disabled traffic lights caused huge traffic jams forcing people to find other ways to commute. As a citizen i feel terrible abandon because there is no contingency plan look were all walking there are people who do not know how theyre going to get hurt. The countrys main airport was also in the dock leaving hundreds of travelers stranded the government blames the blackout on some of its opponents who it says sabotaged a power station. In. The 1st indications received from the investigation point to the existence of an electromagnetic attack that sought to a fact. Generation system of the main provider of the service in the country while the Opposition Leader tweeted the outage was a result of government corruption and incapacity the last major power cut was in march and that triggered opposition protests demanding president Nicolas Maduro step down as the 2 sides fight for political control venezuela has plunged into economic turmoil and the u. S. Imposed sanctions. Millions of people are struggling to and a living as they face medicine and Food Shortages and hyper inflation. How does it affect me in every way i live on the 11th floor i dont have electricity i dont have water because without electricity you cant be pumped i cant buy anything with a debit card i dont have any cash. Im hungry and i want to eat but theres nowhere to swipe my card because none of the machines work with the financial crisis i cant even buy a hotdog with cash. While authorities work to restore the power grid venezuelans struggle to survive day to day. And say they urgently want to solution to the instability the healing mohammed al jazeera. While in the moment will have all the whether with drama still ahead on aljazeera how eating fruit in nepal could be bad for everyones health. Lives paul the Minnesota Twins are owned by white this smashing a lead record for the whole have those details coming up in the school. However i thought we would catch up on the monsoon rain progress across india in fact the fronts reached pakistan this is the last 24 hours youd like to see most of this green covered it was white cloud to give you some good down pools will ease the figures the last 24 hours in a city fairly heavy in Kerala Karnataka as well theres a good concentration right in the Northeast Corner and sometimes is nothing in the middle even in pakistan where the monsoon has broken weve got 22. 00 millimeters in back on that sit and thats sort of tells the story because the monsoon yet again this is year after year this one is deficient so far medicines the 1st of june and that is a whole is about 90 percent short of where it should be which is one reason why the indian messages actually go to reduce the level what is an average monsoon so less rain but with the distribution rather different this is for the future now the Northeast Corner has seen some heavy rain recently and indeed if you follow that line into the higher parts of western china thats reversed the climbers has been here there has been resultant flooding in for example in sichuan just north of the capital and as more rain to come but just in this part of china. The weather sponsored by qatar airways. Thanks love to make loans to sufferance because behind the suffering a millions of taxpayers because those taxpayers never go away is a new one bone every single day a 19 it is an Urgent National necessity that it be officially request rationing of the support mechanism we created together because i happen to live in creeks somehow im a sinner im a bad person. Thats machine on aljazeera. Its my privilege to name aljazeera english the broadcaster of the year the cartels are fighting each other that weve been told that we cant build yet this is the largest demonstration thats been held by their refugees since over 700. 00 me right here some of the nicest losers on the planet earth here or they think that they could be plastic here oh geez here again delish. Recipient of the new crystals called cost of the year lord of the city and. Welcome back youre watching aljazeera time to recap on headline. The new leader of britains ruling party and almost certainly the next Prime Minister is about to be announced to reserve my chair and her last Cabinet Meeting before the results of the conservative leadership election movie deals whether Boris Johnson or rival john only holmes was the winner. Ron says it doesnt want a confrontation with britain over the seizure of a british flag the oil tanker britains foreign secretary is calling for a european led Naval Mission to ensure the safety of shipping in the strait of hormuz. Kenyas finance minister has pleaded not guilty to corruption charges and rerouted to appeared in Court Earlier on tuesday q the awarding contracts and payments for the construction of dams to an italian owned company. Russia says its carried out its 1st joint patrol with china in the Asia Pacific Region the Defense Ministry statement says the axis. Was aimed at increasing cooperation in the region not directed at any 3rd country south korea had earlier said it fired warning shots that military Russian Military aircraft which violated its airspace both russia and china have dismissed that allegation beijing says all countries enjoy freedom of movement in the region meanwhile japan is lodging a protest saying south korean aircraft operated near doctorow island that tokyo sees it as japanese territory. And south korea later summoned the senior russian diplomat over the incident. The reason why we summoned the Russian Deputy chief of mission without prior notice is to lodge a stern protest on russian aircraft entering the korean air Defense Identification Zone and violation of our airspace and strongly urge them to prevent a reoccurrence. Web is a fellow with the Rajaratnam School of International Studies in singapore he says what happened is part of a long running dispute. Based on what we are reading up on the south Korean News Agency said popular. Music agency what happened was that the russian surveillance plane in question is not only over the island of dr paul and in the east to sea but also on the density territorial aspects of south korea of this is our president that south korea is not until a 1000000 to encourage and all its into its korea at indications on its east incessant incursions by chinese aircraft and russian aircraft over the years this is the all just and if you ssion toward war what happened today really well was an escalation of sorts where we saw albeit a surveillance only but entering the current aspace of south korea and it was incumbent on the military to respond with a warning this is an ongoing dispute as theyre brought into the free dispute over territory this particular set of islands called the door to all koreans by the japanese and ongoing talks entry tug of war if you like but it sort of hit a steel meet over the last couple of years i mean all parties are tired now is the discourse situation hasnt really moved but with this encouraging that we see or south koreans organise peace and with a response from a south Korean Air Force clearly the japanese are jumping into the discussion and im making claims about on this piece of tough if he says federal forces are being deployed to its southern regions after violence that left at least 18 people dead over the weekend protests started last week when activists tried to declare their own state they submitted a request for sami autonomy last july. Protesters demanding the resignation of puerto ricos governor say they wont back down. Police in the capital san one fired tear gas to break up a tent successive day of protests outside the kaldor solos home he said he wont see her election next year but isnt quitting as leader of the u. S. Territory and protests began when messages were leaked of him insulting women the disabled and victims of Hurricane Maria several hours on the reports from the capital song on. The filled the streets in overwhelming numbers Puerto Ricans more determined than ever the 10th straight day of protests this by far the largest ricky more famous puerto rican dish and athletes supporting the protest. But it was every day Puerto Ricans together in their desire to see a new government were here to show everybody what we want you know what is it you want that him to resign him is governor ricardo. Who on sunday night took to facebook to again apologize for hundreds of pages of private Text Messages leaked more than a week ago where he seemed cruelly mocking the very puerto rican people who elected him to come up with new. To each puerto rican men and woman i have hurt you and i hear you today i have made mistakes and i ask for forgiveness i am a good man who has great love for my island and for everyone. He refused to step down only fueling more anger on the streets these god our governor is taking everything that were proud of we need him to step down he did something he asked for thats ok but he needs to respond for what he did its unprecedented the number of people out here on the streets this started as a protest against the governor and it still very much is but also has grown into something much larger the feeling of most here is that now is the time not only to demand a new governor but also a better government i mean here because i want to fight corruption in my country its been many years that people have suffered the consequences of corruption and its time that the young generation stands up its we cannot say like oh i was were scared of the future like my parents and some people are afraid of change and its normal that we have to tell the government that they have to have a social commitment we defeat evil with health and education thousands of people shut down the main highway through the city but the road ahead purported rico now more uncertain than ever. San juan. Now more on the important announcement out of the u. K. Which is expected shortly on who will be the next Prime Minister margalit teaches at Lancaster University joins us from there good to have you with us its a very divided country right now do you think the next Prime Minister especially if it is someone who has had a divisive history like Boris Johnson will be able to unite it. All right we apologize there obviously were having some more dio issues. So let me take you to the event that is inside the Queen Elizabeth the 2nd Center Members of the tory party will be meeting theyll be voting to choose the leader of the next leader of their party after to reason by step down that next leader of the tory party then becomes Prime Minister of the u. K. People will be watching of course to see the if the favorite doesnt the Boris Johnson doesnt the clinch this vote as many expect will be looking at the size of the votes to. The u. S. Government says it will deport to undocumented immigrants from anywhere in america without allowing them to appear before a judge previously the fast track procedure only applied to those detained within 160 kilometers of the border and who had been in the u. S. For less than 2 years President Donald Trump a struggle to deal with overcrowded detention facilities at the border with mexico the growing humanitarian crisis Rosalind Jones has more from washington d. C. This change in u. S. Deportation policy is just the trumpet ministrations latest effort to crack down on what it says is an Immigration Crisis primarily from central and south america the plan would change the authority that immigration officers have to immediately deport those persons who are in the country without the proper documentation as of right now they can only deal with people who have been inside the United States for fewer than 14 days and who are found within 100 miles of the u. S. Border this plan if it does take effect on tuesday would cover the entire United States and the people who could be affected may have been in the country as long as up to 2 years immigrations Rights Groups say that as many as 300000 people could find themselves being targeted for this immediate deportation plan and they say that they are planning to File Lawsuits to keep it from taking effect these groups saying theyre worried that people who have permanent residency or who are u. S. Citizens may find themselves being kicked out of the United States without Legal Recourse and something that would be a violation of their rights these groups further saying that this latest effort to crack down on what the trumpet ministration calls illegal immigration would be another way to enable racial profiling particularly in immigrant communities in the country heartland. The Trump Administration has been leaning hard on mexico to stop Central American migrants from making their way to the u. S. Washington says its happy with mexicos efforts so far and their top diplomats due to meet in another 45 days to evaluate progress but critics are warning the crackdown could lead to human rights abuses by new mexico city. Over the past 45 days mexican authorities have stepped up a crackdown on migrants through an increase in immigration officers and the deployment of 1000 National Guards troops to mexicos northern and southern borders. On average more than a 1000 migrants are now being apprehended in mexican territory every day so you notice in your disappoint that Mexican Foreign minister marcello abroad has consistently repeated. The deployment of National Guard troops as well as our enforcement of existing margaret law have led to a 36. 2 percent reduction in the flow of migrants. By showing the Trump Administration that immigration numbers are down mexico hopes to meet the conditions of a july 22nd deadline on a deal that removed tariff threats on mexican exports to the u. S. But i spoke to mr broder i just before i came here we talked about the progress weve made on migration with them to. The trade good word out there 404045. Theyve theyve made Real Progress but this is a letter that the strategy of cracking down on migrants the deployment of military forces and detention of Asylum Seekers in southern mexico have also sparked concern among human Rights Groups immigration experts warn all of this contradicts mexicos own it National Policies which promised to guarantee the rights of Asylum Seekers here mexico is sandwiched between 2 contradicting expectations logically this creates a complicated problem because you cant please one Party Without upsetting the other and in any containment measures for migrants there is a chance that human rights abuses that negatively affect migrants will occur having met the conditions set by the us in reducing migrant numbers mexico has also avoided the socalled safe 3rd country negotiations the country has been avoiding as part of the agreement with the us mexico plans to continue the current strategy for another 45 days while also calling on the us to invest in a more sustainable approach which includes a Development Plan for the countries migrants are fleeing mexico committed 30000000. 00 toward Development Projects in el salvador last month but without a Strategic International Development Plan that includes countries like guatemala and honduras were a majority of migrants originate experts warn that a policy of containment alone will not be enough to solve the migrant crisis went up in low and mexico city. Now more on the important announcement out of the u. K. Shortly on who will be the next Prime Minister lets go back once again to mark garnet he teaches at Lancaster University and joins us now live from there hopefully we can hear each other a little bit better this time i was asking you before do you think the next Prime Minister is going to be able to unify a very deeply divided country. Well i think whoever was chosen as the next Prime Minister would have a terribly difficult task uniting the country i think mr johnson i think people hope that because he is a very charismatic person that he will be able to overcome the divisions but i think these people are being extremely optimistic most of the people who feel that britain should not of voted to leave the European Union dislike mr johnson as much as they dislike the idea of it and so hes got a very very difficult task ahead of him if he becomes the next Prime Minister which isnt. Just as now so when he lost then do you think. While he lost his Prime Minister. I think the law for lots of ways in which his life could be made impossible there are ways in fact in which he could be forced to call a general election very quickly hes going to have to make a speech if he is the winner of this contest hes going to have to make a speech that reaches out to the people who are very suspicious of him and if he can do that then there is a chance that he will be able to get. A kind of at least a little breathing space from parliament but i would say that there is a considerable number of people within his own party who would like him to be removed as leader even before hes had the chance to get started so really everything has to go mr johnsons way winning this election is only the beginning of the challenges he faces will he be able to get a consensus in parliament over anything related to frankly. The Current Parliament has tried her on a number of occasions to build a consensus has been attempts to build bridges between the Political Parties really this is an issue which in the end the obstacles are too great for people although there are people in the middle of this who dont feel very strongly one way or another who just really want to get the issue dealt with im afraid that their position is really not Strong Enough to overcome the really divisive factions within parliament so really i think the conclusion from this is mr johnson inherits a parliament which wont allow him to produce any kind of solution to break the stalemate wherever we look and so i would say a general election in the next few months is really almost a certainty now. Or it a divided parliament kenny overcome that by renegotiating a deal with the e. U. Or is that just a fantasy. Well i think the problem here is that the has already indicated that the deal that negotiated with theresa may is the most likely the preferred deal of the European Union the big obstacle was the situation regarding Northern Ireland and the people who support mr johnson will not accept any Withdrawal Agreement which includes whats called a backstop on Northern Ireland that position hasnt changed and so although mr johnson might well conduct negotiations with the other thing is the negotiators know that mr johnson is popular in some parts of the country but much more and popular than some reason may ever was in other parts of the country so they know that theyre negotiating with somebody who doesnt have a very strong position this is an unavoidable results of mr johnsons colorful past mr johnson has really made enemies wherever he goes as well as make a few people laugh he has shown that he perhaps isnt the most reliable person the kind of person who always tells the truth the kind of person we need in a crisis like this and so it seems to me that the chances of mr johnson improving the deal of c. 0 and also his chances of getting britain to leave without a deal very very slim sunda given that parliament will try to stop him doing it so again weve got the same di lammers before weve got a different leader facing the same dialogue and perhaps even less likely the mrs may to get some kind of solution that is exactly what i was going to ask you is is mark everything that youve said over your analyzing the future path forward for the next Prime Minister sounds like you could be talking about everything thats happened with terrorism a over the last few years. Where ultimately does that leave him that a new election a referendum on braggs i mean whats the way out. I think mr johnsons supporters will hope that there will certainly be a great wave of enthusiasm for him and that will mean it will be different from mrs may the other thing of course is that mrs may never truly believe that breaks it was the best outcome for britain although she tried to implement brett set her help wasnt entirely there at least now britain has got a leader who at least on the face of it is very much tied to it so its a mix of mr johnson and his ability to persuade parliaments in some way those 2 things hang together his fate as Prime Minister depends on his ability to do what seems to be at the moment impossible so weve got a different approach isms if the car being driven by mrs may. Impact it against a brick wall at least youve got a different driver now the wall is still there and it looks as strong as ever was but at least theres going to be different driving tactics it does seem in the end weve got to solve this by a general election or a 2nd referendum and mr johnson is britains i suppose its final attempt to resolve this without a general election or a friend and my hunch is that the odds are too much against him and that we will have to have one of those 2 things within the next 6 months lets see if you and ill be talking 6 months from now on exactly the scenario which you might be right about thanks so much mark on it there. Thank you. Now people shopping for food and vegetables in nepal say they are sure whether its safe to eat them or not most is imported from neighboring india where pesticides are used Supreme Court judges in nepal of all or government leaders in katmandu to reverse their decision to stop taste testing imports for toxic chemicals. Has more in the apollo capsule. Theres an investment in Central Bench to market these traders say sales have gone down drastically in june government decided to make pesticide residue test mandatory for imported fresh vegetables and fruits around 44 percent of fruits and vegetables consumed in the part comes from india but not every food and some has pesticides if pesticides are problematic why produce them last year india banned 66. 00 pesticides that are outlawed in other countries but 38. 00 including carcinogenic insecticides like metal coffers are still in use. These pesticides are like a slow poison causing conditions from cancer to infertility the Health Sector is going to be impacted badly is the responsibility of the state to ensure quality but instead of testing the food items the nepalese government kuechly reversed his decision saying it doesnt have the facilities or capacity to do so many here suspect pressure from the Indian Government led to the backtracking. The Supreme Court has since weighed in on during the government to continue testing food imports doesnt have an independent facility to test pesticide residue and there is only one functioning government facility in order at the borders but here in kathmandu this means trucks full of actuals of troops are still stuck on the borders besides food items also imports pesticides from india it brought in more than 600. 00 tons of pesticides last year most of it to be used in vegetable farming. But the government insists. I old. It is little wonder. They now want all domestic and imported foods tested. Very. Or lets catch up with all the headlines in schools news and saucier not some very sporting behavior definitely not Sammy Cristiana Rinaldo wont face charges over a 10 year old allegations that he raped a woman in las vegas the woman who was 24 hour at the time had alleged that the event a star had assaulted her at a Las Vegas Hotel back in 2009 when although is always deny the accusations Nevada Police have released a statement and in it it says the woman identified as Catherine Mayorga told police shed been the victim of Sexual Assault in june of 2009 goes on to say about a lonely oregon knew the person she refused to identify him or disclose where the crime occurred as a result police were unable to conduct a meaningful investigation Video Evidence showing interactions between her and ronaldo before and after the alleged crime was lost in the criminal investigation was closed mayorga and rinaldo reached a civil settlement in 2010 but she contacted police last august asking them to reopen the case and named a ronaldo as the offender the allegations were investigated but they can be proven beyond a reasonable doubt. Around madrid coaches and indians a dam has hit back at allegations that a disrespected attacker gareth bale bale didnt play in his teams 31 pre season defeat to byron munich in houston on saturday then again revealed it was because the club were working on a deal for the welshman to be transferred lead to bales agent branding the last blank as coach a disgrace is whether this is going on its true that sometimes my spanish is very soft and itll work but i want to be very clear about this i have not disrespected anybody least of all the players ive always said the same the players are the most important part of the club i will always be with them 2nd thing i said the club is trying to sell him one of crickets most iconic bowlers is set to retire from one day internationals sri lanka will play his final o. D. I. On friday in colombo will take part in just the 1st game of sri lankas 3 match home series against bangladesh wehling it is the 10th leading o. D. I. Wicket taker of all time with 335 dismissals and 225 games of 35 year olds will continue playing t 20 internationals he retired from tests in 2011 that was just over a year to go before the tokyo games and he a limp activists are urging prospective host cities to reconsider their support of the multi sports event at tokyo prepares for the one year countdown to the games on wednesday activists are planning several. The Group Believes the event doesnt benefit local communities and makes economic inequality worse. And in Major League Baseball the Minnesota Twins are well on their way to smashing a League Record the team hit 5 home runs in their 86 victory against new york yankees which garber scored 2 of them currently hold the record of 267. 00 held rounds of a season but that 187. 00 so far the twins are on their way to surpassing it they have 63. 00 games left in the regular season. Ok and that is all your sport for now sammy back to you thanks so much all right lets i think we all do now is lets take you to the Queen Elizabeth the 2nd center where the conservative party is meeting we can we can see it going on there and their task todays try and come up with a new leader if youve been following u. K. News youll know of course the reason may the Prime Ministers step down todays the last day and now the tory party thats the conservative party has to meet and has to have a vote and theyve got to choose who will be the leader of the tory party now the leader of the tory party by default becomes the next Prime Minister of the u. K. Because they won elections thats the way it works in britains parliamentary democracy so thats whats going on those are the live pictures were looking at today a very decisive day for the u. K. Where they effectively get a new Prime Minister because the tory party takes a vote to the front runner oh i think we can listen in lets listen in. For a given to such an efficient professional effective start and run through this process and all of the members of the conservative party thank you. Those members our friends our family and our colleagues have undertaken a solemn duty in choosing our next leader who will be this countrys next Prime Minister gauged constructively thoughtfully and positively in the process a chance to choose our leader is a privilege and i believe our party has risen to that task of funny i want to take this opportunity to say a thank you so our current Prime Minister to resign by her leadership of our party and our country over the last 3 years something that was never going to be an easy task and it is now a power amount that we come together the way unite as a party for our country to deliver in the National Interest to get behind our new leader and our next foreign minister to deliver on the results of the referendum and to deliver for the whole of the United Kingdom and we are a party that does that best when we are united. Im not supposed to be late or what about to find testy candidates that weve seen out on the votes over the last few weeks ladies and gentlemen please welcome jeremy hunt and boas johnson. Oh ok. And laser judgments are now some adults over the leadership election but hes welcome now its 30 offices that show get them and charles will come

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