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On the bulletin. Bottom entry election puts ukraines new president on calls to consolidate his power and the race to save homes in portugal as a measure and see crew struggle to bring wildfires under control. And its thing that weve been talking about across the midwest and the northeast of the United States now that is also set to change because you can see this cloud on is bringing some rain but also some cooler fresh however sunday is still a warm day now were going to see these temperatures still well above the average but remember its not just about the temperatures is about how it feels and weve got some very humid air in place so that will feel warmer than the 37. Place for washington d. C. 36 in new york but look what happens as we head on into monday that front swings through and the temperatures really fall back in fact below the average for chicago and kansas city at 27 degrees thats where the rain is throughout monday working its way through the eastern seaboard also trading down into the southeast the temperatures here a little below par as well and slightly by cheese day 26 in atlanta that certainly is cooler than it expect to see meanwhile 24 in washington and new york out towards the west you go all the clouded in los angeles with a high of 30 celsius and 18 San Francisco and we had down towards the caribbean we have got a fair few showers heading their way across the leeward and Windward Islands but im getting much of the region in clouds not about day monday across Central America but its choose day well see more there in the way of a not too bad across course amala 24 celsius but a what day in mexico city with a high of 22 degrees. Going behind the scenes of one of mexicos most loved so using fiction to mirror the struggles of real life giving a voice to those suffering in the dark this week the story line focuses on hiv and aids. In superstition and fear the making of them is the. Attitudes the writers want to tackle had. So cooks mexico. Its good to have you with us on aljazeera and these are our top stories Israeli Forces are preparing to demolish about 100 palestinian homes in the occupied west bank the residents of why they all homeless lost a 7 year legal battle after Israels High Court dismissed their case despite the land being under the administration of the palestinian authority. The u. K. s Prime Minister tourism is to hold an emergency meeting over the british flag oil tanker seized by iran in the strait of hormuz the ship and its crew are detained the bigger ronnie and porter of there are bass and protests have turned violent again in hong kong with Police Firing tear gas and rubber coated bullets at prodemocracy protesters hundreds of thousands took to the streets the latest in more than a month of demonstrations now puerto ricos embattled governor has announced he wont be seeking reelection next year but he is refusing to give in to protests calling for his immediate resignation in a video posted on facebook. But how diverse say that he would also step down as leader of his party follows days of demonstrations off a message just one day showing him and his advisors insulting women the disabled and victims of hanukkah. Has more from. Another night of the loud protests year old san juan right outside the Governors Mansion people calling for the governor ricardo rosa going to step down the governors message late sunday it was posted on facebook was unexpected and the protesters here did not want to hear another apology or another excuse they wanted to hear that the governor would step down instead this is what he had to say. I am announcing that i will not seek reelection as governor next year im also resigning as president of the new Progressive Party lastly i have to respect the Constitutional Order and i welcome the process begun by the Legislative Assembly which i will confront truthfully and in a responsible manner. The governor was hoping that his message that he will not run for reelection in november of next year would help cold people on the streets and stop the protests instead it appears to be having the opposite him back. Were going to continue fighting. Youre not satisfied with his message now were not satisfied i. Think. We tried to get it straight on the mind. This but it is making people angry there is now a clear line drawn in the sand between a governor on one side that refuses to step down and the people that demanded on monday huge protests are planned her all over puerto rico but primarily here in the capital san juan organizers say theyre wanting to get hundreds of thousands of people. On the streets until the government finally did resign. Japans Prime Minister shinzo has claimed victory in the upper house election but obviously when it was not enough for him to be able to lift restrictions on japans armed forces he needed a 2 thirds majority to make changes to the countrys pacifist constitution. Now exit polls show the party of ukraines new president a lot of the men ski has won a snap parliamentary election the former comedian called the vote after his landslide victory in april he wanted to secure a bigger mandate to push through promised reforms mohamad though reports. Well you know these elections our president will admit is alinsky is fost Major Political test the vote was initially set for october but zelinsky the committee in time politician dismissed parliament in his integration speech in may and called for paul sicking us truong monday for his 7th of the people put it to pursue what he says would be an Ambitious Program of reforms for the future we must meet it was 1st time voters in the capital kiev could barely hide their insight and about spitting in the elections this president. Procedure was clear for me even though i never voted before but nevertheless its funny to take part in the elections when you have the vote and you know that your vote will matter taking into account what is happening in the country its also its very cool exit polls released moments of the voting and that predicted victory for zilinskas someone to the people with over 40 percent of the votes not quite an outright majority teach it to be the chaos he we are grateful to the people of ukraine for their support thank you i was appalled the people of ukraine for their great trust in our party and a servant of the people and i am allowed to say servant to the people you see theres no more campaigning im now campaigning only for ukraine because zelinsky house sadies most likely candidate for Coalition Partner in parliament is that recently formed a whole mess of voice pertti of ukrainian rockstar c. V. S. To mark a tree i vote for the future. I vote for volleyball because i think that although nicks. Already showed the results one year we are all of france at this point so we need to change but its not about to change anything at all you presently we need to change right in order to make real change the up arent willingness to place ukraine in the harms of nervous politicians analysts say. Its symptomatic of the publics discontent with establishments ukrainians in the majority they do not trust in old politicians and those new coming to power with the president and with the rest of Political Parties they are on experience and it will be is serious test definitely true not to be in easy work for presidency lenski and for hes majority or for hes called leeson most all of the country was able to take part in these elections because still remain under russian control and influence of deila not to be one of the 1st issues since he will have to resolve these but he has a formidable presence in parliament mohamed and ill just see that. Now melinda herring is editor of ukraine at the Atlantic Council and she says despond selenski success he is an unknown quantity and has a lot to prove selenski is an untested comedian who has never held any office and hes been president for about 2 months but parliament has stymied almost every effort hes had so now that hes going to have a new parliament and today he won about 44 percent if the exit polls are correct so hes finally could have a chance to put his agenda into place and were finally going to know who this man is and were going to to know more about his links to all of a lot of people are worried that he has links to all of arcs and these are going to be Major Players in his administration we still dont know but were going to find out very soon as soon as Parliament Comes in and they form a new government. The british finance minister Philip Hammond says hell resign of bars johnson becomes Prime Minister on wednesday johnsons rival for the job jeremy hunt says a no deal breaks that should not be rolled out part he says hes willing to delay abortions departure from the European Union if necessary to get a new withdrawal deal johnson has said if he becomes the next leader hes prepared to crash out of the e. U. Without a deal if no agreement is reached by october 31st. Assuming that johnson becomes the next Prime Minister i understand that his conditions for serving in his government would include accepting a no deal exit on the 31st of october that is not something i could ever sign up to its very important that the Prime Minister is able to have a chancellor who is closely aligned with him in terms of policy and i therefore intend to resign to theresa may before she goes to the palace to tend to her own resignation on wednesday. Difficult. Where even conservative voters fear his plan for bread. And reports. Put simply most of scotland thinks the conservative leadership contest is a catastrophe in the making even Scottish Party leaders believe johnson as Prime Minister is going to cause deep divisions between england and scotland a few hours here in edinburgh and we cant find with a good word to say about him. Unbelievable. And some of the reasons why. People. Have to party which is a great pity because i think it was a very. Serious. Opinion polls break the hostility down like this. With the economy that he wont do any good for bringing people together over breaks it and hell put party before country furthermore his policies will lead to independence for scotland on one hand we could be dragged out of europe the Scottish National party sees this as a 2nd opportunity for a referendum on Scottish Independence the 1st votes in 2014 decided no to breaking away from the u. K. But now opinion polls say thats changed a 5th of no vote last time around are saying they would switch to yes purely because of course johnson being the Prime Minister to find that level of movement from no to guests is completely unprecedented. Terms of what we found 1st priority is obviously the union is it speaking here in perth on the campaign trail johnson failed to convince most of the Scottish Party while officially supported it takes the focus on the union it takes the boxes on the economy. Protecting farmers under pressure these takes the promise of leaving you to see. Something about that makes people want to follow. Those words wont convince most of the rest of scotland people are still quite accusations against johnson despite his denials what would so walter scott make of it did johnson lie in the brics a campaign and get economical with the truth elsewhere to scots may well quote just one line from their famous writer oh what a tangled web we weave when 1st we practice to deceive andrew simmons. At it. Far as in portugal have managed to bring 2 wildfires under control but one blaze is still burning dangerously close to villages more than a 1000 firefighters are battling the flames from costello bronco about 200 kilometers north of Lisbon Police are investigating what caused the fires with one man arrested on suspicion of arson at least 20 people have been injured and several regions remain on high alert. One of the only one firefighter was here he just stopped and then went to my father was trying to hose the fire while my mother and i we to do with there if it was not for me and my mother all of this would have been burnt by now. Its a calamity at my brothers house im more afraid for his house than mine because hers is made entirely of wood and hes not here hes in france. Germany Airlines Live as resuming flights to egypts capital cairo while bashir ways will continue to suspend operations the bay ban will last a week to allow for a security assessment the airlines given no details about what prompted the move egypts vital Tourism Sector was already under pressure after a series of attacks on visitors more than 200 passengers were killed in the bombing of a Russian Airliner 4 years ago. Airstrikes have killed at least 15 people in syrias province a serial Civil Defense worker is among the dead at liberty the last major rebel stronghold in Syria Government troops backed by russia have been bombarding the area for more than 2 months. Now mexico says the u. S. Has recognized it has made significant progress on stemming the flow of migrants into the United States u. S. Secretary of state mike pompei was in mexico city earlier as part of his tour of latin american countries relations between the 2 countries have been strained as president continues his efforts to stop migrants and Asylum Seekers arriving at the southern border model rapido has more from mexico city. This meeting between us secretary of state mike palm pale and Mexican Foreign minister marcello it out is certainly a timely want to riving just one day before the 45 day deadline on that deal between mexico and the United States where the 2 countries managed to avoid slapping tariffs on mexican at exports a less mexico could rein in and curb the flow of Central American migrants making their way north toward the United States the meeting that took place here in mexico city appeared to be a very positive one both men took photographs shaking hands it appears as though they were in good spirits as though that that meeting actually produced some positive results specifically the topic of discussion between these 2 officials was immigration is specifically again that change in policy in the United States regarding Asylum Seekers from Central America being in eligible for asylum in the United States if they go through a a in other country before reaching the United States in this case it would be something along the lines of a migrant from el salvador honduras going through guatemala going through mexico making their way into the United States and be automatically ineligible for asylum in the United States another question that was brought up again it was the question of whether or not mexico is going to be designated a quote unquote safe 3rd country to peers as though marcella but out of the foreign minister of mexico says that because of the advances in the talks with secretary of state pompei o there is no longer a need to consider mexico consider that mexico will at some point be designated a safe 3rd country so it appears at the end of this negotiation at the end of these talks it was a positive day for both parties. Hello again on the problem and how the headlines on aljazeera and Israeli Forces opera parent to demolish about 100 palestinian homes in the occupied west bank the residents of why they are homeless lost a 7 year legal battle but as high Court Dismissed the case despite the land being under the administration of the palestinian thought chain problem mathesons that. Well this dates back to a military ruling that was made about 80 years ago which said that any construction within about 250 meters of the socalled separation line the separation fence i dont know if you can see it just over my shoulder the fences running up the center of the road from just over my shoulder there these buildings are obviously less than 250 meters from that fence and the ruling was that any building that to be constructed up to 250 meters away from the fence had to be demolished these buildings were constructed after the ruling was made 8 years ago the u. K. s Prime Minister to resign may is to hold an emergency meeting over the british flagged oil tanker seized by iran in the strait of hormuz an iranian flag is now flying over the captured vessel the ship and its crew are detained in the iranian port of bonn there are bass protests have turned violent again in hong kong with Police Firing tear gas and rubber bullets at prodemocracy demonstrators hundreds of thousands took part in the latest in more than a month of value so against what they say are chinas efforts to undermine their freedoms. Puerto ricos embattled governor has announced he want to be seeking reelection next year bob ricard a result of a fuse to give in to protest as call for has immediate resignation is being accused of racism homophobia and corruption. Exit polls show the party of ukraines new president a lot of his alinsky has won a snap parliamentary election the former comedian called the volatile have to have landslide victory in april because parliament was packed with opponents he wanted to secure a greater mandate to push through promised reforms. Well those are the headlines on aljazeera do stay with us so fox mexico is coming up next thank you for watching. On counting the cost of the trillion dollar luna bounty 50 years off the man 1st stepped on the moon we find out why theres a scramble to return and the number of people going hungry has risen for the 3rd year running we find out whats gone wrong counting the cost. Does something things in the stimulus the money thinking not just in the when thats going to go up in atlanta as in i believe it or whatever i can look it up for my little one is one but its sad because that screwed up this one little show the lemonade you see the motion in the thousands but we are going to turn members and supporters out. Look at the most recent high this is gonna. Be in a given day. The best of this and accommodate me. If you dont get im afraid its enough to. Be kind of a secret ballot as the highest. Honor among the cast and the most. To. Join us to come over the many who go out to the muslims. In the name of. Ready ready ready yes. I mean i have not. Been a part of the probe. That are commanded by you. But i also have. Confidence in the. Author can see that how i got home but i must have. A. Say in everything that. Is going in that is and the brigade blend there. Says. They must. Give us more but as i leave. Positions for limits begin in the. Continental u. S. Does it mean. That theres more because he can mask. My medical light it has to. Be true that its done with as i can mean with out on me. In the battery ok. This is one of. Those matches below the surface of the nothing else and says im not going to let you. In my chin ups and listen to your screaming bosses youre the boss if one of several ministers in mathematical. Yes there is you remember that is on that number right at. The level of the good at the end of the chaos is in the end that he said you this sense that this is a program savvy and he did a study like this and this is leaning against the bought at that and see the deal come on and he said look out for at least say the same story again and that is the moment you got us out. And that leg is back on modern family ralph. Is this one thing about from them and then when they maci see my son but hes. Betting on the crate is to be seen by us bill boners the best because im clear this is the cemetery to do is not. The muzzle be gusts no room but i look at them on the head of my. Dog board and study the home approach im annoying the chemical problem of the palestinians. Lets address your purpose it is supposed to spread other products. Of some kind then dispense have a part of. Your purpose commit those in difficulty not a movie star or a frantic call coming or going somewhere were going to see and theres a school turn up in person met them. Theyve been going to ask but does not. Get it in this day there are often decent. Listeria a. Member i met the in the abbey in the. West in the us to let. Ready ready ready ready me have been in more. Than if they must reveal. Her book at our cost and you know that youre. Still on the list is cute there is a list your list in the same process. That would out the course almost but on my cousin since it would also help in the end there is a style of man but he said not a month in for. Us. So your needs are the bride ok unless im ok this is so not a compromise or some compromise so i think when process was the see there had been look at my hips and not just. A bottom bias. Because licker. Yes. S. S. K s thanks for starting to feel comfortable for the amount. To be a little bit of. Difficulty i have. Also said thats because i wanted to bring you up but. This is the fear that i cannot stomach on my feet just seems. To me if. Youre full of you know just talking to people in some of the most of them just for a moment. It will not require them. To take orders get most of us lay started learning the woman i mean yes you know using a misquote went to the k. S. Port they were going to yet ship you president you have to decide on this trip but im already askin for us response to some directly on. You to be honest my missionary distance you mean a chunk or lack of consistency in the roof and i spun the mortar from. The come out with a. Critical to food if you can if its in the room. You will see the business well enough that then look at any moves and you dont know the smoke from them yet i feel like im going for a bank to protect you from house of m. Lenormand run the thing you know where the inspectors try to see them or if its entirely new for you know something is made more than 93 things head on. Masochists never got the yes thats right down this from yesterday afternoon but if you go so far as im going to go about 101 i actually got in front of you have going to read the never again schools where i mean the most important thing. And tell him ask. Things to last course as my specialist was a program you got him as regular support for everybody so you can go see them are much better than being a British English you know. The music. You know but as. You know. Nothing more you say. You know nothing about or dont want to start over anything until. The city dont like us a lesson for some instances so now the last moment that they lost their neighborhoods because complicit or not you died a persona sympathetic from the. Men wes anderson and priest unnecessary them but over time my delusion examined ok i was more credits. Yes im proud im a sober day when im creating this back up with somebody you know the nurses to get us and thats a fact that can be at. I have it in for some us complete. Guinness just sentimental on that i spy the rest for ive heard that that ends with deal with. It the rest. Well im going to go on with. Business on the losing business and it wasnt very good. As maybe those who know the scheme unless you dont remember last night a rash. From economics because he had the last say about it see ive been set up with a side you know it that the buy is cleaner where the billionaire the question i think you know that theres no answer yes hope at the end of a year check. We when most of us use where gun law. Will mark a moment book oh my god. It is beautiful and its become a standard lessons that sort of come credits they put up so they put out there its a list the sex lives almost become a Good Community because of what they were but mostly. Ok as a star in the Business School that part of you know. Stuff like teen as well thats what they say the same thing concept but what i mean this. Is in the square last 7 pm is a. Mini summit. Was my 1st. One where youre with another person. And probably looking to. The world in general as a look at the mass commandos sitting in a field. Last night live at the met can but were not a moment there are many women or methodists this are not going to be durable as a mere the soap relays comenius anybody by they see the board

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