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Its the 1st time the launch group of demonstrators takes aim at property of the central Chinese Government since the widespread protests began last month thats the talk or a spawn and in Hong Kong Rog Mcbride as we continue to watch these live pictures rob tell us about whats happening the mood seems to have changed. Or got surly programmer to go out for good or to live there a few episodes 5 are there there has been this clear as awful as it got i just dropped back from the. Front line of the program. Police just like that might knock knock knock knock for. Back up the phone 1 1 to come on the beat prepared not that we think we are going to be. Measured in number of trying to bring out the record to be close to the protests back to you but you that the protests went through of i did in a place called one gigantic truck with a few kilometers from where around that youve been that about because they were very very protests that they carried on over why. So the question is if im going to i was in fact to chinas Liaison Officer the. The most prominent scientists that chinas influence here it is that sometimes talking to children protesters say surrounded the building actually a link to clearing the way there was a couple tension between holy. Shield to push the church just the fact also some. Right life shied in that direction then there was a standoff but it seems as though thats the better 9 part of a number of projectiles started to get strode across the true test is towards the police we cant tell you exactly why. But at that point the police did seem to take that as. They started it had had enough but they were going to clear the streets let me so a lot of the take i think we also understand there have been a pretty. Seedy. Projectiles if they could have i think 5 we. Have a question of whether you were actually fired the police simply taking a concerted effort to try people on the street people have been holding back they are making barricades to say because there are still thousands on the street here some of them urging. Just pull back to the area or central which is where the government offices others are saying stand for children 5 ok can you see if you can id the picture is Pretty Amazing the content we can see to hong kong right now lost to gas 7 weeks ok now rob how much pressure is this putting on the government that the chief executive carol lam. Well the government is pretty much hunkered down very very have carried out pretty much cancelled all hurricane weeks now she pretty much stays we speak to their government offices and their official. President she will no doubt be in Constant Contact with their aging officials just about how 1 this is being handled on this hand over many things people political analysts believe and i think some governments to post this suggests that she has this mishandled that she is under a lot of pressure also the police. Increasing pressure that the protesters. The police abuse Excessive Force in breaking up a largely peaceful demonstration say have activated the situation but they are you do feel a certain amount of sympathy for this police force which the city used 9 as a Political Tool almost they are caught in the middle of this political wrangle that seems to find no solution and the consequence is that they are on the receiving end simply by the violent clashes like this the protests earlier targeted Chinas Liaison Office in beijing how significant is that and how might beijing react. Protests continue and if there is violence as weve seen in the past. I think kerry going to be careful. With the chinese we as an office here is yes we we dont see a person obviously in thailand 5. Seeing that the there is and i think there was during the last major aggressed on how congress treats up the Umbrella Group of 5 years ago it was quite generally accepted that there was a threat to china to face it really like you were being lost if buildings were being bought at that point it really did not need the Hong Kong Police to control things they have to send in the Peoples Liberation army that seems to be the sort of read 1 the china. Statement has to be said with still a long way from that at the moment but china will be watching presumably closely a very difficult to see china allowing the whole concept of a tax cut 6. Id even if they dont come to that date back down were going to carry im going to die now if were talking about fargo that just through withdrawal of this extradition bell its almost like the genie is out of the bottle let people have started talking to going about the old issues of why cant we have democracy here with universal suffrage why cant we elect our leaders are not being someone appointed by doing so even if he. Did acquiesce to leak over to the protesters which didnt jump likely in any case at this point its difficult to see how its going to wait your turn to a t v. Thank you for that rob mcbride on the line from hong kong we continue to follow developments there and well bring you the latest when we have it thank you very much from. A negotiation between the u. S. And china to end a year long trade war may resume so enough to donald trump says said his treasury secretary had a great talk with this chinese counterpart this comes as china confronts its biggest no don in Economic Growth in nearly 3 decades wayne hay has more on how this one affects the communist partys future policies. With thousands of years people in china have been gathering around tables trying to outsmart each other in the game of mahjong its increasingly caught on around other parts of the will to a source of pride for experts in the game to teach foreigners visiting the Chinese Capital beijing this game bring people together you know during this game its enough to waning but if a player does want to win they need to strategize something Chinas Communist Party has done very well to survive and succeed in the late 1970 s. The party changed its strategy of isolation to modernization by opening up to the outside world. By embracing capitalist ideals of business and trade china became the factory of the world with the 2nd largest economy behind its current trade war enemy the United States but economically china is slowing down recording its lowest quarterly growth in 27 years and the world is watching what happens next the great wall of china was built primarily to keep invaders out the greatest fear of todays rule is the communist party is of domestic political instability which could lead to their overthrow thats why they know they need to continue to reform and develop the economy to ensure most people have jobs and an opportunity to improve their lives the theory being that as long as its delivering those things it can run the country largely the way it wants continuing to restrict free speech and stamp out disinter long the way. If the economy becomes stronger the party has a last incentive to change it will only change we did feel its roots challenged in the opening and the reform process only happened because the economy was collapsing if the economy grows there will think the model is successful with more than one. And its been able to use that model to become an economic superpower while rejecting scrutiny of things like alleged human rights abuses most recently the government denounced 22 nations for signing a letter condemning china for the detention of we get muslims in shin jang province but it embraced a supporter of letter signed by 37. 00 countries including several muslim majority nations that have large economic deals with china. But many chinese believe theres a lack of understanding about this country and its people which leads to what they say is unfair treatment by others particularly the United States they refuse it itll look at another country the refused to look at another perspective so they only hear what they want to hear chinas strategy is to be a modern powerful socialist country its proved its a serious player and in some cases is rewriting the rules of the game like wayne hay al jazeera beijing phantom or head on this aljazeera news hour including ukrainians go to the polls in a snap parliamentary election in what is seen as a test for the newly elected president. 3. 014. Marking the exact moment 50 years ago when the 1st man set foot on the mall and in sport Manny Pacquiao rolls back the years in the boxing ring to the delight of his fans speedo have the story coming up later in sports. Exit polls in japans opera house election predicts Prime Minister shinzo abbes Ruling Coalition has won a comfortable majority needs 2 thirds of the vote to pave the way for planned constitutional reform including a change to restrictions on japans armed forces japans state television says that may be possible if the existing coalition is joined by other parties as big to fight the salami in tokyo for a saw a pledge to amend the constitution during campaigning does this victory mean citizen support changing japans constitution. Will actually this is what mr abbott understands in his victory speech to and talk to local t. V. He thanked the people for supporting his political and diplomatic agenda so he understands that the people are supporting amending the course and constitution but many of the people actually supported him because they were looking for stability. But i missed that ive been a has been in office for 6 and a half years and he is indeed he brought back stability to the political scene in japan after what socalled revolving door politics in which 6 Prime Ministers came to office within 3 and a half years so people chose him for stability and actually one of the main issues that the people many issues in this elections were at economy and social issues so people didnt actually give him an a for for a zation to amend the constitution but hes going to push forward with his long long time dream of changing or amending this constitution read which hasnt been changed for over 70 years since the end of the 2nd world war but hes going to need the 164 the magic number the majority 2 thirds majority in the upper house and still his about 11 seats short of that number so how could this victory affects the japanu. S. Military alliance then. Well of course mr abbott is going to consider this his way in the in the majority in the upper house as i mentioned as an approval to his politics and diplomatic agendas and actually were hearing that the United States the United States National Security advisor mr john bolton is going to visit japan and south korea during. The coming days and hes going. Presumably hes going to talk to mr and is going to try to convince him to join so that in his forces could join the u. S. In that ordering. Oil transporting lines through her most state so this is how this is how the u. S. Is going to benefit from this victory theyre going to enhance their military cooperation with. The promise that is going to benefit from this victory to push forward with. This alliance between the 2 countries 30 salami in tokyo thank you very much for that a suicide bomber has killed at least 6 people at a hospital in northwest pakistan the attack happened in the city of Dera Ismail Khan soon after gunmen opened fire on a Police Checkpoint killing 2 offices their bodies were being brought to the hospital when a suicide bomber struck the bass damaged emergency ward and wounded more than 20 people the Pakistani Taliban have claimed responsibility sundays attacks followed the 1st 7 elections in a nearby tribal region on saturday cmon hyder is following that story from his am a bot. In order to be a planned and coordinated attack the. Group of men carried out their security checks for all round the room and the work them. Through a guard bomber was rating and detonated a deadly pack of explosives that killed a number of policemen at the hospital and injured a number of civilians. Including in the number of civilians. Coming at a time when progress on her just concluded. 4th time election. On former tribal region that they get on her responsibility for this attack in the next hours south africas president is expected to publicly respond to accusations that he deliberately misled parliament the countrys corruption watchdog says syria ran a post failed to tell the truth when he denied knowledge of 835000 donna Campaign Donation a payment was made to his 27000 campaign for the leadership of the a. N. C. Party ukrainians are voting in this not parliamentary election president vadim is an end ski dismissed spawn a man following his landslide victory 2 months ago the 41 year old is a young as kosovo leader that his newly created adi is predicted to win nearly half the vote with young m. P. s in parliament for the 1st time to push for change valentyn yet professor of Political Science at the National University of. Cademy says more inexperienced politicians in parliament what do you cranes troubles. It is kind of a 3rd round of elections we had 2 rounds of president ial elections which ended in 73 support of the new president valid email to zelinsky and now hes party servant of the people wants to get also huge support probably less than 50 percent but still it will be able to be a high general in ukrainian political system really people of ukraine trust in him a lot we need to have peace in the east resolve the issue of separatists movements in the east we need to find a viable compromise with russia russia has the next one of the ukrainian visions and we need to have some interim solutions we need to have National Reconciliation and during the 5 years of revolutionary government corruption in creased hugely so people expect new solutions ukrainians in the event majority they do not trust in old politicians and those new are coming to power with the presidency landscape and with the rest of Political Parties they are unexperienced and it will be a serious test definitely it will not be in easy work for presidency lenski and for his majority or for hes called. Still ahead on the news hour of death so how kenya is easy mobile phones are pushing many into debt. Last farand same in india say their disabled children are being left behind in sports bras madrid announced the departure of one of their biggest stars details on the way with peta. How the heat continues to build across the middle easts no great surprises last the clear skies always a chance of want to. Again up around the caucuses georgia mean you could see wanted to shout a sliding out of the black sea world temperatures around 30 celsius the 4 by route and also for jerusalem it is the heat as you can see 4647 a possibility around baghdad kuwait city over the next day or 2 well quite as hot as that into afghanistan in karate but plenty hot enough that he 7 celsius 99 in found high he has abated slightly in concert 39 celsius if you go on through monday hopefully the winds just easing off a little bit but the winds tending to come in from the from the gulf so a little more humid than we might like so any feeling on the sticky side from time to time it a bit of cloud to just about the gulf of aden you might see one of 2 showers just creeping into the far south of yemen as a result of that possibility want to see showers along the spells of right just making their way towards the fossils of south africa through the southern cape as we go on through the next day or so that will continue to build you can see there as we go on through monday 15 celsius in cape town in that state and pepping up the i choose the afternoon. Thanks love to make amends to sufferings because behind the suffering a millions of taxpayers because those taxpayers never go away is a new one bone every single day a 19 it is an Urgent National in the sense its easy to put it we officially request rationing of the support mechanism we created together because i happen to live in creeks somehow i am a sinner im a bad person. Thats machine on aljazeera. 23 year olds mushroom has collected objects he points along the coast. Enough to fill his museum enough to break a Guinness World record. With a story for every object hes become an environmental activist and inspired all tensed on the voice for the plot to countless markets. March music. Aljazeera. And watching the news hour on aljazeera with me fully back to pull out a reminder of the top stories irans foreign minister jobs everything is accusing the u. S. Of trying to drag britain into a quagmire after the seizure of a British Oil Tanker the u. K. Government has written to the Un Security Council calling for the ships released so. They are running as battles between protesters and police on the streets of hong kong youre looking at live pictures right now of a standoff between Police Officers in full riot gear and in large numbers of protesters as suicide bomber has killed at least 6 people at a hospital in northwest pakistan the attack happened in a city of Dera Ismail Khan still enough to gunmen opened fire on a Police Checkpoint killing 2 offices the Pakistani Taliban have claimed responsibility. Returning now to one of us top stories on this news hour and the demonstrations in hong kong that police have used rubber bullets and tear gas against protesters this hour as speak to joseph chang was an activist. And a former professor at City University of hong kong his via skype from the you so much for being with us these mass protests began over the exhibition deal with china of course but the Hong Kong Government has suspended that bill now why are these protests continuing 7 weeks on and where the protests is hoping to achieve well you see to her oh this is a circle in a step that a state carried out an illustration if you use it is to make concessions to the program ocracy movement and hes in the field so as to engage in a dialogue people are getting angrier and business especially so for the young people and since the june charles confrontation between the protesters and the police each one of confrontation is further insensibly the hostilities between the 2 counts so no you have a test of political will to live. And therefore is a test is a confrontation is a road to more and more clashes it is even stare at each of our massive projects for only the more radical young people as our state bared and they would like to engage in confrontations with the police so as to exert pressure on the government you said the protesters want more concessions from kerry lamb that the chief executive what concessions precisely are they looking for. They are still insisting on. A clear cut withdraw of the controversy or notice lation instead of just saying is good and at least they also won and end our Investigation Commission 7 indian Legend Police buttons for the sake of sudden theyre already there radicals still dont lie to secure their release of the product or service on the part of the administration but it seems that a carrier who has carried on and decision has decided no more quality is no independent investigation and no more declaration of a clear cut withdrawal of the country was no peace that makes a station under such circumstances are the prodemocracy movement and the people of hong kong what my 2 and gage in 3rd 4th are circular these do exert pressure on the government and to indicate their anger and frustration at the lack of response on the part of kerry no i mean seriously but why take aim at mainland offices to protest says earlier some protesters targeted Chinas Liaison Office in hong kong what is that going to achieve. I dont think the young protesters have broken a sort of total war this cap on the chinese naive on the central areas on the representative of the aging is a symbolic ed together with a Straight Arrow will not to do you want to was a strong authoritarian government certainly in hong kong people understand that on important issues like political reforms and so on the phone call to them and as he told the 9 defining beaching and in the case of the kerry land the ministration own people are especially enry dad she has been eager to tease and sue has failed to defend on campisi pulls interest get a slice it has been it kills up the stray people how much pressure is she under right now kerry lamb and what do you think its going to take for her to perhaps change her stance and heed to some of the demands of the protesters for the sake of ease. And its so as to be united with the james the feel so to make concessions to mars movements i think kerry lamb ministration has clearly indicate get there soon intends to skate on and sue has been backed big game and since she has been backed by the big during the entire poor service one can will have to talk with the beijing 9 and 6 thought and this explains why she refuses to make. Concessions she has been keeping a very little full far oh the surface she seems to be. Patience he weighed all the. Gold in the radicals radical young people get me. Through. But so far it does not work thank you so much so as if chang for speaking to us as we continue to watch these live pictures from hong kong where police have used tear gas at protesters while attempting to disperse them this sunday 7 weeks of protests in hong kong mass protests that began over the extradition deal with china an extradition bill that the government of hong kong later suspended but the protesters continue to take to the streets every weekend. By u. S. Secretary of state mike bump aoe is in mexico his latest stop on a tour of latin american countries tensions between the neighbors have been vising as u. S. President donald trump continues his efforts to crack down on illegal immigration and the wave of Asylum Seekers arriving at americas southern border rapido is our correspondent in mexico city joins us now live on the news hour so what can we expect from this meeting between the u. S. Secretary of state and the Mexican Foreign minister. This meeting between the u. S. Secretary of state the Mexican Foreign minister is a timely one its a day before the 45 day deadline on a deal that prevented the United States from slapping tariffs on mexican exports if the government of mexico was unable to rein in and stem the flow of migrants from Central America making their way north through mexico and into the United States both officials will also be talking about a trilateral trade deal between the United States canada and mexico the u. S. M. C. A. Which is meant as a deal to to replace nafta put the focus entirely which is what we expect will be on immigration the change in u. S. Asylum laws that will force Asylum Seekers from Central America to stay in a quote unquote safe 3rd country unable to come into the United States ill give you an example if i was a migrant from guatemala honduras el salvador i make my way through mexico and into United States i would automatically be ineligible to apply for asylum i would instead have to wait in the united way to mexico for that asylum case to be processed if eligible at all and the Mexican Government has says that has said that they do not agree with this policy by the United States will be interesting to find out what exactly the Mexican Government will do if they will be adopting this policy that the United States is trying to impose on mexico so has mexico met the standards set by the Trump Administration to send the fellow migrants. All signs to suggest that mexico has met the criteria set by the trumpet ministration ill give you a sense of some of the numbers that weve that weve seen mexico has deployed thousands of National Guard troops to its northern border with the United States and its southern border with guatemala this is amounted to an increase of 88 percent in the capture of migrants over the course of the last 42. 00 days that amounts of somewhere over just just more than a 1000 migrants being captured every single day u. S. Vice president mike pence as said that that mexico is doing more to stem the flow of migrants coming in the United States than democrats are in the u. S. Congress this is something that has been repeated by President Trump who ultimately will be the one who decides whether or not mexico has met that criteria although the numbers as far as we can tell do suggest that mexico has met the standards set by the trumpet ministration in that regard thank you for that money of rapinoe live for us in mexico city more kenyans are using mobile phone apps to borrow money but as it becomes cheaper to borrow hundreds of thousands of kenyans are ending up on the governments credit blacklist some companies are being a keys of using illegal methods siniora people into debt catherine stowey has a story from nairobi. This is a hub of Financial Technology in africa so firey called kenyas leading mobile Network Launched the 1st mobile phone based system in partnership with some banks 5 years ago since then more lenders have joined the easy access loans markets do what it does it provides somebody who. Wants to do business so the hostler segment able to take a loan and be able to extend the business it looks at what we call. The ladies you can go to market to. Get they take a loan out for em go to market buy products and services go to a construction site. And actually be able to make a profit from the business and repay the loan but here is a problem many kenyans are often aware of heat and charges Interest Rates up to 200 percent and what it means if they dont pay many people. Think for a minute but the basic. Principle of this business is other stores they use the money to place bets on Sports Events hoping to make a summit meeting that this trial will take the oath and end up being blacklisted by the country headed for. Comiccon it joseph is one of them he took out different loans with a 100. 00 from several digital lenders 2 years ago he was unable to repay the loans and now nearly 200. 00 because of that hes been blacklisted by the credit traffords bureau. I have to. Buy food and took my children to school with money to get businesses not been doing good even if i get 100. 00 of the end of the month with all the responsibilities paying but my lawn is a little disappoint priorities. 54 percent of people polled recently by the central bank and kenya bureau of statistics said the financial status had wasnt the poll also indicates a Credit Reference Bureau has blacklisted more than 400000 boras some 4 defaulting bass little as 2. 00. Back of the garage and his friends discuss how hard life has become most are repaying several little and some are on the block at least all tell us that even if the Loan Companies have helped them in times of need they still feel and trapped in debt cats its only aljazeera nairobi high winds are fanning 3 major wildfires in portugal more than a 1000 firefighters in 20 aircraft are in action in the mountainous and heavily forces blanco region some villages have been evacuated and roads are closed for firefighters were injured when their fire engine collided with another dozens were killed there in similar fires 2 years ago. To india now where millions of disabled children arent getting the education they need new laws have been broadened to reserve a percentage of seats in schools all the way through to Higher Education but parents say attitude still need to change Charlotte Bellis has a story. A she yard of has just started treatment for Cerebral Palsy her mother manager brings her to this comic in new delhi to improve her function she wants is she to live a normal life but darts in india its possible to mourn with them society doesnt like children with special needs i always face discrimination against my child when i take her outside because she cant walk or speak properly. The issue is one of nearly 8000000 children living in india with a disability the un report discovered that 3 quarters of disabled children at the age of 5 among quarter of all disabled children are not in school there are fewer girls whose disabilities are more old them boys parents worry their children are being forgotten. Actually and lot needs to be done in the city because. After they get out there should be a support system by the garment. Inside the war on this issue such as the government has implemented laws to protect the disabled reserving 5 percent of places in Higher Education and 4 percent of jobs for policing that is difficult with the stigma of Disability Survey sieve in society one of the biggest challenge has been to remove stigma prejudice and you know how not to treat them differently and look at that they have tremendous potential. To give and numeracy literacy and not to be left to be very. Hot and inclusion starts with parents and teachers according to the un report the shooter has that support now 4 years old but. Finding her with an Inclusive Education and work life will be a challenge. Nasa is celebrating its greatest achievement 3. To. One. Her kwan or her. Songs famous words to 50 years ago and pictures of the 1st out of this well experience where they played in houston the control center for the Apollo Missions to the moon was in jordan has more from the smithsonian air and space museum in washington d. C. 50 years later to the 2nd americans relive the moment Neil Armstrong walked on the moon for the 1st time and as half a century ago a divided nation is searching for unity with Digital Computers with the state of technology that we have now its really about thinking about how are we going to put that together in really for what purpose it needs to have a singular purpose that has funding behind it and has a consistent push that allows you to then move enough forward to be able to actually get to that goal at Cape Canaveral the Vice President buzz aldrin and Neil Armstrong sound at his side declared a new dawn in human exploration america will lead in space once again. And this nation will once again astonish the world with the heights we reach. And the wonders we achieve also on saturday 3 astronauts escape earths gravity to join the International Space station a russian an american and an italian now in the elite club of some 570 humans who have orbited the earth. In the face of this unity the u. S. Is declaring it will be every bit as ambitious and dominant in space as 50 years ago with the legendary apollo flight director gene kranz says and now as ever failure is not an option. Its now just a matter of making good on that promise rosalyn shorten aljazeera washington. Still ahead on aljazeera one baseball fan keeps his cool during the u. S. Heat wave serious coming up next in sports with patel. A conflict that is now considered to be the worlds worst humanitarian crisis how many would not have to die like this stock responses on are really for sale and investigation into how billions of euros are made from supplying arms to saudi arabia a leader of the Coalition Fighting a war in the south the case is interesting to watch as the amount of money involved yemen war profiteers coming soon the plundering of armenias natural riches has uprooted residents and desecrated the habitat of some of europes most inventors species. But a Remarkable Campaign by local residents is challenging the mike 2 of the countrys investors and putting high hopes on its newly elected Prime Minister people in power investigates armenia mining out the left. On a. Campus course by thank you very much shane lowry is tightening his grip on his 1st go thing major despite the challenging conditions players are facing in the final round at the open championship of the bogey in the 1st hole the irishman then made 3 out of 4 days in the front 9 to extend his lead to. 5 shots playing alongside lowery is englishman Tommy Fleetwood he has struggled to find the fairway and has dropped back to 10 under offer 3 bogeys feet wood is being challenged by a group of 2 including fellow englishman lee westwood who are a further 3 shots back. Filipina boxing legend Manny Pacquiao has made history by becoming the oldest world welterweight champion of all time the 40 year old want to split decision against the previously undefeated american Keith Thurman in las vegas to win the w. B. A welterweight crown is also the 5th oldest mailbox to win a world title in any division your question is. When im going to retire but you know i can still fight i can give a good fight i got into it in the fans. This is this is you know the ability that i have. My own but god gave me this ability to continue make a report for a porpoise and i believe that im here to inspire the fans its by the people. And he did just dance to victory meant a lot to the fans back home in the philippines viewing parties were held all across the capital manila fans remain hopeful that pacman can continue winning fights in the coming. British swimmer adam p. T. Has become the 1st person to ever swim the 100 meter breaststroke in under 57 seconds hes new world record time of 56. 88 seconds came in the semifinals of the World Championships in south korea the 24 year old olympic champion has not been beaten in the event in the last 5 years. Gareth bells career as a real madrid player is coming to an end the soft coach sitting in the den revealed talks about a possible transfer had been held with an unnamed club bell was left out of the rails squad that took on by munich in a preseason friendly news than one player that did feature was new 165000000. 00 signing edwin hazard who was making his debut senseis move from chelsea however he couldnt stop it from going down to a 31. 00 defeat as for bale who was a 130000000. 00 signing in 2013 sedan said afterwards that he thought its unlikely the play would feature for the club again. Well he wasnt called up because i believe the club is arranging his exit thats why he didnt play its nothing personal its not personal but there comes a time where these things happen and its what needs to be done i have nothing against carrot and i make a decision and we need to change it well see what is going to happen its not personal its course us. European champions liverpool are in boston and getting ready to face spanish side severe on their preseason term an injury year and clarke says hes concerned about the workload for his front 3 rebirth of the mino and sabia manet all 3 of them are in action for their countries in the off season. Heat wave sweeping the u. S. Has been making things uncomfortable for sports teams and their fans temperatures top 34 degrees celcius as the yankees took on the Colorado Rockies in new york not many fans out in the sunny seats for this one as you can imagine the home side would beat the heat though to secure an 115 victory for their 1st straight win as they strengthen their position of the top of the American League east. But there was one fan who kept hes cool at the Los Angeles Seattle game even with a child in his lap he made a one handed catch to secure him self a nice little momento too bad for him the mariners were beaten by the angels 6 to. Yourself new gardeners won the latest round of the indy car series in a race that was heavily affected by the weather the start of the race in ohio was delayed by more than 4 and a half hours because of the heavy rain and lightning when racing eventually began the track proved too slippery for some but new garden avoided the accidents to extend hes leading in the championship. Skateboarding will make its debut as a limp exporter next year in tokyo and the pov to remember glory as just being made easier for a group of displaced syrian children who dream of becoming professionals pull them to work has the story. Mohammed has been knocked down more times than he can count. So. I had my arms legs and shoulder fighting force the 13 year old from his home in eastern hooter 7 years ago and despite watching skateboarding videos for years hes only just learned how to write. In news and news you know yeah we used to sit on the skateboard we didnt know how to stand up on it because we never experienced it before german n. G. O. S skate aid has built a skate park in his hometown of damascus so other children can learn the sport with the hope that one day one of them can turn pro when the real important thing is and thats whats very good and this countrys conflict skateboarding shows most important thing in their lives is to have to stand up one more so and you will fall down when these kids may not be carving up in tokyo next year but its hoped this project will help them achieve their dreams and maybe even find the next skating superstar for that with aljazeera. Ok hell be back here again a little later with more sports for thats all from a b. To thank you very much thats it for this news hour on aljazeera but do stay with us plenty more world news coming up very shortly including the latest from hong kong where police have used tear gas to Disperse Protesters on the streets of the territory this sunday well have more in just a few minutes with bachmann right to stay with us. On counting the cost the trillion dollar luna bounty 50 years off the man 1st stepped on the moon we find out why theres a scramble to return and the number of people going hungry has risen for the 3rd year running we find out whats gone wrong counting the cost. We understand the differences. And the similarities of cultures across the world so no matter how you take it aljazeera will bring you the news and Current Affairs that matter to you aljazeera. Go in behind the scenes of one of mexicos most loved soaks using fiction to mirror the struggles of real life giving a voice to those suffering in the dark this week the story line focuses on hiv and aids an illness still shrouded in superstition and fear the making of them is that it was going to be the attitudes the writers want to tackle had gone. So clocks mexico breaking taboos on aljazeera. The diagnosis he has been sick for a long 6 months now the challenge ahead there when one of these 96 could be a new cure or a basis of a new cool for colors all near us illness or disability aljazeera examines pioneering treatments so this is the exo suit yes its basically a wearable robot like iraq revisited on aljazeera. Says its looking into sanctions on iran because of the seizure of an oil tanker the radian say they have done nothing wrong. This is al jazeera live from doha for the bat also coming up was protesters and police clash on the streets of hong kong after another mass protests calling for. Taliban attacks on police and a hospital killed at least 8 people in northwest pakistan and the skate park giving syrian children the chance to dream of a big goal. Irans foreign minister is accusing u. S. National security advisor john bolton of trying to drive britain into a quagmire after iran seizure of a u. K. Flag tanker jobs a reef says bolton is quote turning its venom against the u. K. Britain says it wants to know attentions its written to the u. N. Security council expressing its concern at the detention of the senate in peril iran insists the ship was violating maritime rules when its forces boarded it on friday the u. K. Says a tanker with 233 crewmembers on board was in oman stary tauriel waters has been in london for us tell us more about what the u. K. Government has been saying. Well fully the last person whos been speaking for the government was a junior defense minister Tobias Elwood speaking on National Television on sunday where he sent out a mixed message because he called it a hostile act he said the iranians had been clearly wrong to seize the imperator on friday in the strait of hormuz but he also said that it was important that everybody acts to deescalate tensions in the area he was slightly on the defensive because theres theres been a lot of the commentary here in britain around how the British Military and navy have acted and whether in fact the governments were to strike how this was allowed to happen it effects not to buy and sell wood was saying that this is such a large area of water that its impossible to ascott every vessel through but he did say that they were sending extra assets as he put it to the region but he also said that it was important that the Bigger Picture be remembered which was the the the nuclear deal with iran is under great pressure and thats increased in tensions over the last few weeks and months and he said that it was important to get talking with iran again so really everyone is looking now to what will happen or monday when the foreign secretary jeremy hunt outlines britains response to parliament there were reports in the National Press that ministers are considering measures which could include reapplying sanctions e. U. And un sanctions which were lifted in 2016 as part of that nuclear deal they could also involve busy freezing the assets of some members of the arabian government but there are no details emerging from london right now theyre still clearly cautious as to what they should do next thank you for that babble live for us in london meanwhile irans ambassador to the u. K. After being summoned by the Foreign Office in london says tehran stands firm and ready for any scenario dorsett about he has the latest from tehran. A technical investigation is now under way in the port city of bam that are where this u. K. Tanker thats been seized by the revolutionary guard is being kept along with the 23 crew members on board the pair o. Has been taken to this port city where the officials have said that they are looking into what actually transpired on friday the revolution guard has said that the vessel risks Maritime Safety in the strait of hormuz and the reason for the seizure was that it had turned off all tracking systems and it was not responding to warnings and choosing the wrong route to enter the strait of hormuz considering that it was seas around 8 pm local time in iran on friday the tanker was passing through their route for about 8 hours without any coordination meanwhile weve heard from the speaker of Parliament Larijani who spoke about the issue and he had one very strong sentence to say about this event he said the british committed piracy and the revolutionary guards responded to them that is the sentiment here a better fish if the revolutionary guard to saying that this vessel violated International Maritime law and that is why the iranians have seized it weve also heard comments from the british the arabian diplomat in the u. K. Who has tweeted about the issue and he said that the u. K. Government should contain those domestic Political Forces who want to escalate tensions between iran and the u. K. Beyond the issue of ships and this is quite dangerous and unwise at a sensitive time in the region iran however is firm and ready for different scenarios the general feeling here is that the iranians have carried out what they believe is their Due Diligence when it comes to securing the waters of the strait of hormuz and that is what the revolutionary guard has said theyve done with the act that they carried out on friday. Police in hong kong have fired rubber bullets gas at protesters who have bronx rolls hours after another mass protest sees a life pictures right now from hong kong and estimated 400000. 00 people had to march across the city in the 7th week of protests but a crowd of demonstrators later gathered outside Chinas Liaison Office in the city and threw eggs and black paint at the building demonstrators are trying to push the government to officially withdraw a controversial extradition bell lets get the latest with rob mcbride who was in hong kong at the rally tell us whats been happening in the last few hours bob whats the more like right now. Thats right. Night of may have been chaos here on the streets of hong kong running battles between police and protesters. Meant that the whole of the Central District of hong kong here is in a real mess the standoff is still continuing let me just tell you where we are were actually very close with the shadow of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange here in about 9 hours or so the traders will be coming to work and opening up but at the moment the place is trashed as you can see now the standoff has been continuing all evening this running battle between protesters and Police Police gave a warning that they were going to clear the street starting in the west from the chinese Liaison Office which had been defaced they started moving protesters back using their shields and so on using riot gear venture only there was a standoff and then a number of objects were thrown from the ranks of the protesters we know that bricks have been thrown weve seen bricks being thrown in factories you go along the streets here you see whole bits of the sidewalk have been dug up of this stuff projectiles and so on have been gathered from places like here we have seen a number of projectors being thrown and the police. Have responded with some force there has been an awful lot of pepper spray an awful lot of tear gas theyre also been firing these kind of baton rounds these being the backgrounds that are meant to deliver effectively a whack from a baton well when theyre fired from from the guns that the police have so they have been used there have been injuries and there have been a rest now the standoff is still continuing down ahead there are a few 100 meters or so. Has to be said quite a few of the protesters have now gone home its one of the characteristics of this weekend protesting that basically protesters will stay pretty much until the last empty our subway we have an empty subway system here the last trains are running about now and people want to catch them to get home people. Also have work starting again monday morning so there is still a group of protesters down there facing off against Police Others have pulled back into the central area of hong kong and the adults here area which is where a lot of the government offices are and the police are still gradually clearing the streets for only 7 weeks of protests now rob how much pressure is the government and. It is under increasing about pressure and has been for weeks the government has tried to say that it is listening it will do things differently we have had apologies from the chief executive kerry lamb shes taken full responsibility for this but it is very much a case of the government basically just hunkering down and waiting for this all to go away thats what happened effectively 5 years ago with the with what we had the last similar unrest to this where the Umbrella Movement basically the government just waited out and waited for popular opinion to turn against the protesters people got sick of the the ongoing clashes and people occupying the streets 5 years ago. The. It may well be that people are genuinely shocked by the scenes of violence that they see in the clashes that theyve seen on the streets of hong kong maybe it is not the case though that a lot of the sympathy has drifted away as it did 5 years ago people the students largely students who are taking part of these protests still have a lot of sympathy from the large sections of the population i remember today according to the organizers more than 400000 people were out marching in the streets again they marched all the way through in this incredible heat all the way through the streets to the just chinese Liaison Office most of them just went home afterwards they had done their bit they had marched they had made their voices heard and it is just the remaining few 1000 hardcore the people who do stay on increasingly it seems and this is the worrying factor i think now not prove they are not afraid of taking on the police of risking injury to themselves and also risking injury to the Police Officers facing off against you for that robbery force in hong kong. Exit polls in japans opera house election predicts Prime Minister shinzo abe is Ruling Coalition has won a comfortable majority says a victory in sundays election shows that voters supported debate over his proposal to change restrictions on japans armed forces in these 2 thirds of the vote to pave the way for planned constitutional reform in a speech to the nation hailed the victory as a vote for stability that is salami has more from tokyo. He thanked the people for supporting his political and diplomatic agenda so he understands that the people are supporting amending the course and constitution but many of the people actually supported him because they were looking for stability. But i missed that ive been has been office for 6 on the half years and he is indeed he brought back stability to the political scene in japan after what socalled revolving door politics in which 6 Prime Ministers came to office within 3 and a half years many issues in this elections were economy and social issues so people. Didnt actually give him a 3rd for ization to amend the constitution but hes going to push forward with his long long time dream of changing or amending this constitution with which hasnt been changed for over 70 years since the end of the 2nd world war but hes going to need the 164 the magic number the majority 2 thirds majority in the upper house and seen his about 11 seats short of that number in pakistan a suicide bomber is can at least 6 people at hospital in north in the northwest the attack happened in the city of dead

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