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Mentioned 44 years now that he wants to change the constitution that was written by the they not the states during its occupation and this was his long life that he has very close to achieving that what he wants now is to get the upper house of the parliament to to call for and to amend the constitution and all the countries especially the United States which wants japan to engage more in. More in taking care if we can use the search of their asia the security in that region especially to face also the emerging powers of china and also once japan also to share some of the cost of hosting the United States troops in japan which is which is hosting the largest bases in in. So for you they not just this would be also very happy too. See sometimes. I think im going to win these elections with his coalition especially that he has also very Close Relationships with with a bit of them trump they have very Good Chemistry as they mentioned at 730 several times and they have this personal relationship which also could. Maintain more of the coalition between the 2 countries and will talk with enhanced military cooperation between the 2 countries. Well still out held aljazeera 2 suspects arrested over the killing of a turkish diplomat in iran plus. Ricky resign the rallying cry of protesters in puerto rico well tell you why they want their government to go. Hello there mostly quiet picture across much of the middle east the damage is at the average ready for this time of year some cloud just drifting up to the north of the caspian sea and we might just see want to shout as well here on those Eastern Shores of the black sea as we head through sunday should be dry ice a woman and her 29 mbaye rouge and then on monday again a bit of trad around maybe just a chance the coastal but really nothing to excessive and weve got a warm day in color with a high of 39 degrees celsius and 47 across in baghdad now temperatures across the peninsula there are typical values for this time of year but we all same for the next couple days is a slight dip in the temperatures here for abu dhabi but also into doha 38. 00 celsius similar temperature on monday however it does feel a lot warmer than that because its quite humid at the moment and so it really staying very on comes when slightly warmer than that 38 celsius meanwhile 30 celsius in most scant and as you can see that weve got 27 in salalah than we had across into Southern Africa and thats how much is here taking a bit of a dive certainly into durban 16 degrees that on sunday is about 7 degrees below the average 14 degrees in johannesburg its dry average temperatures look at this womans back up on monday so once again you see the average temperature of 23 celsius. The weather sponsored by kat our. Education is struggling to keep pace often failing to prepare children for todays world. But some schools are changing the rules. How can anything and how will they meet. With astonishing results. I am. Giving our. Rebel education Early Learning mexico on aljazeera. Looking back youre watching i was there with me reminder of our top stories the u. K. Foreign secretary jeremy hunt is warning of dangers to International Shipping after a british flag tanker was seized in the strait of hormuz and called it a hostile act and is expected to announce further measures against iran on monday. British airways and the German Airline have suspended flights to egypts capital cairo citing security concerns the be a suspension will last 7 days the airline has given no details about what prompted the move. And thousands of people rallied in london in a march against leaving the European Union and the man tipped to become the next Prime Minister organizers say they want to send a pro europe message to Boris Johnson. The celebrations are being held in the United States to mark the exact moment 50 years ago when the 1st man set foot on the moon 3 but it. Quiet. This was the cd earlier in houston where footage of astronaut Neil Armstrong was played to a Live Audience on june the 20th 969 armstrong stepped off the eagle and a module onto the lunar surface more than half a 1000000000 people around the world today and to watch that event. Rosa jordan joins us now from the smithsonian and space museum in washington d. C. And im sure more than half a 1000000000 people around the world are also celebrating in eagle eyed to see whats going on in washington across the u. S. Because they are celebrating that huge achievement. Thats right somehow they are still celebrating here in washington and indeed across the United States and i would imagine in other places around the world as well because it never before had any human actually set foot somewhere other than on planet earth and given that this was the result of a competition between the United States in the soviet union for technological superiority in outer space getting someone on the moon before the end of the 19th sixtys was really a signal achievement certainly even though there had been talk ever since the perhaps trying to establish a colony on the moon or even a colony on mars so far what were looking at here so help is a chance to get turn to the moon and certainly people are taking advantage of this anniversary to think about what could come next in Space Exploration not just here in the United States but really for all the other countries all on there and there is a real debate at that moment on a real rethink in the real evaluation a reevaluation of what direction you might Say International governments the human race takes when it comes to exploring space beyond our solar system. Its a very very complicated legal question its a very complicated at the top question ill be recently sat down with someone who is an expert in space law and she said that a lot of the questions about who should be galling. Eating. Framework they should be exploring. Should the things that are found on the moon or on other planets along all of these issues have yet to be debated have yet to be discussed and theres really no question hed be the final arbiter of these matters but the. Space expert did say that it is good to start having decent to debates now because this isnt just the United States russia trying to be in space you have china that is trying to be in to get it is very interested in running the Space Program you have any governor of countries that are willing or are waiting to try to get their astronauts their researchers on board the International Space station so all of these issues need to be debated and evaluated as the truck ministration perhaps most notably its looking at 2 tables turn to the moon in the next 5 years leaving the rolls and let you savor the moment a correspondent in washington d. C. Now the 2 main suspects behind the murder of a turkish to planning to Northern Iraq have been arrested and crown accuses the 2 men of killing the regions deputy consul general and 2 other people on wednesday its believed the suspect some members of the armed Kurdistan Workers Party or the p. K. K. The group is classified as a terrorist organization by turkey and the us natasha in him has more from. Kurdish intelligence is confirming that at least 2 members of the team that assassinated a turkish diplomat are in custody they say they have their shooter and he is 27 year old muslim. Dag and several others or accused of driving to a restaurant in erbil on wednesday as turkish diplomat osman corsa and his bodyguard sat inside eating lunch dag is accused of shooting and killing him he also killed allegedly 2 iraqi kurds friends who were sitting at a nearby table kurdish intelligence identified on friday and widely distributed his photo asking the public for assistance according to investigators day had been a member of the p. K. K. And hed been training at a camp here in Northern Iraq he allegedly was at this camp 4 times in the last week is also the brother of a member of the Turkish Parliament representing a Pro Kurdish Party no comment from dags family however the Political Party released a statement on friday condemning the shootings and saying that this accusation is intended to undermine the Political Partys peaceful agenda to the americas where hundreds of protesters continue to rally outside the residence of puerto ricos embattled government in the latest demonstration named forcing him to resign the demanding over corruption of the series of leaked online chants insulting Women Political opponents and even victims of Hurricane Maria gabriel is on the house someone. The sounds of a people bounce off the Historic Buildings of old san juan banging pots and pans is a sign a political protest outside the fortified mansion where puerto ricos governor Ricardo Rosso you know has been holed up for a week with the people calling for him to go to guy never be held accountable for his actions that its time for him to be held accountable for he. Says hes just not going to win a job c. E. O. Has not been seen publicly since last weekend when hundreds of pages of his leaked private messages were released showing the governor mocking and ridiculing his own people the result is the worst crisis puerto rico has ever seen and some of the largest and most sustained protests is well despite multiple days of scenes like this protests right on the governors front porch hes refused to step down so the next question is what comes next if he doesnt bend down i will come here and every time that i and protest and all of my people the next step is going to start closing down the streets i know were closing on the highways on monday all of you just going to make the economy and the local gov neighborhood really understand whats going on that way you could feel it from the back end if the governor steps down the puerto rican secretary of state takes his place but he resigned last week amid the scandal the post is now empty and people here had no plans to wait until november next year when the governors up for reelection theyre making noise now for change until the governor by me heres their calls and leave the uncertainty of what comes next for another day. San juan puerto rico. As a backing away the wildfires across central portugal 9 people have been injured in. 3 major blazes in just the loveland go around 200 kilometers northeast of lisbon and strong winds are fanning the flames and the armed forces are being brought in to help with the operation portugal sought some of its deadliest fires in 2017 when more than 100 people were killed. Staying in europe ukraines new president is facing his 1st major test as voters head to the polls on sunday for a snap parliamentary election of a lot of mayors olinsky dismissed parliament 3 months ago after he won a landslide victory the former comedian is seeking a strong mandate for his party so you can deliver on his pledge to implement reforms and tackle corruption. The vatican has begun a new search in the hope of solving the mystery of a teenage girl who disappeared 36 years ago experts are examining chambers in the vaticans pontifical tanit college following a tip off that. A man weller or landis remains may be buried there she was 15 when she vanished on her way home from a flute lesson in rome in 1903. Ok president cartons of bones have been passed and thats the point where it thousands of vogue i cant say if it were 1000 or 2000 but they are really a lot. Of bones are the remains of a few people there are long small bones you have to imagine that its not an artery catalog because election of those divided by subject they all piled up inside a cavity. No end to the trade dispute between china and the u. S. May be a long way off amid concerns china isnt willing to bow to u. S. Demands for political and industrial reforms talks spirit of stalled despite declaration of a truce when the 2 president s but last month when he takes a look at chinas economic rise and whats at stake for the Worlds Largest country. The thousands of years people in china have been gathering around tables trying to outsmart each other in the game of mahjong its increasingly caught on around other parts of the world to a source of pride for experts in the game to teach foreigners visiting the Chinese Capital beijing this game bring people together you know during this game isnt as a ball to winning but if a player does want to win they need to strategize something Chinas Communist Party has done very well to survive and succeed in the late 1970 s. The party changed its strategy of isolation to modernization by opening up to the outside world. By embracing capitalist ideals of business and trade china became the factory of the world with the 2nd largest economy behind its current trade war enemy the United States but economically china is slowing down recording its lowest quarterly growth in 27 years and the world is watching what happens next the great wall of china was built primarily to keep invaders out the greatest fear of todays rule is the communist party is of domestic political instability which could lead to their overthrow thats why they know they need to continue to reform and develop the economy to ensure most people have jobs and an opportunity to improve their lives the theory being that as long as its delivering those things it can run the country largely the way it wants continuing to restrict free speech and stamp out dissent along the way. If the economy becomes stronger the party has a last incentive to change it will only change we did feel its roots challenged in the opening and the reform process only happened because the economy was collapsing if the economy grows there will think the model is successful with more than one. And its been able to use that model to become an economic superpower while rejecting scrutiny of things like alleged human rights abuses most recently the government denounced 22 nations for signing a letter condemning china for the detention of we get muslims in shin jang province but it embraced a supporter of letter signed by 37. 00 countries including several muslim majority nations that have large economic deals with china. But many chinese believe theres a lack of understanding about this country and its people which leads to what they say is unfair treatment by others particularly the United States they really feel that itll look at another country they refuse to look at another perspective if they only hear what they want to hear chinas strategy is to be a modern powerful socialist country its proved its a serious player and in some cases is rewriting the rules of the game like wayne hay al jazeera beijing. Is their own so robin a reminder of our top stories the u. K. Foreign secretary jeremy hunt is warning of dangers to International Shipping after a british flag tanker was seized in the strait of hormuz and called it a hostile act and is expected to announce further measures against iran on monday for now the u. K. Is warning all its vessels to avoid the strait which is one of the worlds busiest shipping lanes is about safety and security british and International Shipping in one of the most important seaways in the world and that is why we are calling on iran to reverse this illegal were looking for ways to deescalate the situation but we are also very clear that we will do what it takes to ensure the safety and security of british and International Shipping British Airways on the German Airline lufthansa have suspended flights to egypts capital cairo citing security concerns that be a suspension will last 7 days their line has given no details about what prompted the move. Tens of thousands of people have rallied in london in the march against both leaving the European Union and the man tipped to become the next british Prime Minister organizers of the march for change say they want to send a pro europe message to Boris Johnson who is expected to take office next week. The 2 main suspects behind the murder of a turkish diplomat in Northern Iraq have been arrested ankara accuses the 2 men of killing the regions deputy consul general and 2 other people on wednesday its believed the suspects are members of the armed Kurdistan Workers Party of the p. K. K. The group is classified as a terrorist organization by turkey and the u. S. Japans sions arba is on track to win a solid majority in sundays about selection but its still unclear whether hell secure the 2 thirds majority needed for a constitutional change that could loosen restrictions on the armed forces and the worlds celebrating exactly 50 years since the giant leap humanitys 1st step on the moon this was the scene earlier in houston where footage of astronauts Neil Armstrong was played to a Live Audience. For some patients across the u. S. More news in half an hour with me on aljazeera with its next its rebel education. A group of fighting for the right to enter a sacred hindu temple theres long been the exclusive domain of man one i want to investigate the battle overcome centuries of scrimmage nation in india on aljazeera Education Matters the universal rights to expand. And offer better prospects the path to a better life yet around the globe. An institution. System has been deemed to be no longer fit. Rethinking what schools are and how they want identifying the scale of the knowledge needed in the 21st century and now a new wave of rebel education is sweeping. Educate a radically changed the way. Challenging the old and buck. Creates opportunities which will have individual and entire community. Well look here when they came to see Close Encounters for the. Movie point that was the last of cern is this play lucky that we dont know whats going on based on my game now i know it was kind of a joke of a Young Program like it where its the orlando favorite of the liberals just yet you know with those in los a Community Restaurant as of the heavens doesnt use e. N. S. O. Momento the city gave. Us. To. Eat. To. Eat. Most up a lot of lands and yes i get up and the fact is that the summer struck me as if organised. By your country that force he made that he would like to be able to do that is part of the fabric and by someone with the family in the sample sense of not only still mean your family they get good food for you goes for you before i think this is a real oversight is a good im going to put the file is quite. Right. But thats what they were. Have a different view. Than that of a. Bandaid ok. If youve got a call long. Banned it out because im going. Oh god damn that was made out of that. Yes they get places. Oh yeah fun come on. Then people began will also find that. Theyd see not only them but tina. Or do you know not in my. Experience that. They could praise. Heaped up ok dont worry about their active role oh mr i got more thats. Going to say what i was. Going to say if Somebody Just would be an answer to you better break. Out and came a valuable lesson to post on his than just me just deceased and our next plane left because you need to spend that money some soup or that the last the last person in this last month is not burnt and the one think still has any cause even the length of a seal. Ninnis the inform been decided early on this which seems that a system less like believe that this can of course. We want to move on. To. A lease and make a noise get out i mean this sort of thing diva but again lets play love over the cup place joe. Really sad i for hed. Stop off would have been programmed by they win this game and family is one and less when they least some inkling but i cannot get an anal bussy on when i have on black vs able gussy on when you have. Available. And this one was a lisa seance play me several l. T. M. Folks find out theyve got it. But i must express would be too loudest this. Been seen as the last of the leave. And they still. Dont get it they were trying to plan the whole profile of a pretty young to be by lauding to put in if we pulled us out of bed most to catch the thief because going to waste was one about a lot more festive but i guess one program of reality is that and that is more than because youre. Going to be on the level though you know. What youre right into the window what about the right ok. Oh ok ok ok ok you know what im going to listen to your head a little oh oh. 0000000000 extension 0000 ok. Oh. And really missing. But the more you broadband the mr obama also poised to assume instrument the most a girl more the face you better i want to be stuck up i lose my notice with the man they get his my space for them which is in my book under your feet listen to the consequence and press you on they said you local so they said i just had a brand listen i grew up on them and i want to see that he went on to listen most when im at the little he. Pulled on my story. And was mr you gave lizzie call that also schoolmistress mean yes you brought us up on this how must visit us on we pick a new look and respect. For the variable oh. Yeah. Ok i dont know what it is yet to hear that. You know a lot more you love your life. When all meat is cause is what he does its spoilers kinesis again was different this was while ago same could be music i was sick of ale despite his. Daughters they are just practicing movers like you know its your own little. Dust he. Gave up in the family man are you kidding i was the man no answer number one of us i knew it. See go see. Go from both of you nowhere. Wasnt insania see what they dont see go see. What they dont see dont seem ok to us all of us are the most just program much longer that. Is specific im mentally sensing your most on your stomach and youll stand best course that youre all trying to be and 2nd there were no money on this but its your nando for sandal gillis is telling fans yeah ok liz is the mostly me going to be a book of it and they got it but im not so it does not win back the good news for the who got it. Will either my Sisters Program my system but how those who love money not always had a broadband ellicott them but im not one to him feel its enough once he has had a rally no not that he has called us last name used by the map in that alley and i see that the men did see this for the saw. You. Say. Go down there and make a lot then they must wind up with black board i guess this is gasoline but i love the money i did misspeak us your nist kid leasing to see noida someone like bob but id have said gravel i said. The weather so put out as i see what is was good but on a small doses down even more than that on fundamental soldi the visit them. Act. Of a. Just you dont. Get that unless you go tell us the secret that. Yes thats funny yes to sas nothing going to look a strong thing gravels more. You look at get in losses and saying yeah he says thats funny yes. But always i suppose ninos there when im being thick all day long but i still listen to your dumb but im gonna get pretty by the fact they were there but all that im not is. But have any last but it just a they had this a big oil that i sat all day yet in any of those cheeky dustball that is one day yet im going to be madea aint gone but us young going us ninoska be and then theyll need as youre gonna make all must be here. By muslim rest database to theorize about just what is that i. Q. Drops only buy most of that the bad they were would all get on mother they starve or get them but i know it in most prob or may or may seem. To keep no soul to spoil them what i do that i can see and. Were going to be here and this good one day you can that is well at least i can we be and kevin says that yes same but i gather in this quest to. Know sophie have ok less my mice than a muscle the one that only a space settles news bad name then my nephew yes and this the them but i need him to youngest is me miss benette maybe just got gang guns out up on the desk with a bit of these this. Would north be. Good god. But the casinos around. Given what is in your list i live. My money and say none the less less by last. I wonder when that google mobile number must by law but i stand thus faces same as the me you give them the one about the doesnt so much our you mean were not here megastar this on me baby or gave me very little. Dunces. They were using i dont as my lover ask is this so on my visit a quibble book guy being on cause my nose at ease in young water he this was me thats about as was he was yeah you said lovely middle class i see that. I see that. Lonely girl can if that was askin whats wrong with us but the rest that is space is said to include get them into the am i not all at that it one the book with us you less than to better message you keep this as his cause he did this good are none that the last for this one that i love want you see the point just as is but im back at the corner then what i look where this is in your best buy i read that in the because that has been am i on the whole nother level of the whatever else it may be or rather on the article will be seen by just as i look at the report that is that the several young talent that we should share this with and those i look at your case here know what x. Is but act the camels nose hold this kid tell me my practical premed. I can i leave you alone know what i was watching for the child was going to look at that you know there was no if both of you said the last i let you have it little did they know you dont. You dare i tell you who did. Then i learned that the cia god shit when you count. Looted by law. You want oh yeah i guess it looks. You guess im just going to look like facing out with. A solo kilimanjaro it is give. You money with a group who cares if it is. Not easy for. D. M. Or yes oh yeah oh oh oh oh how they you know me. You. Know. People are going to cause they took you 6000. 00 vocal got to have a game at the end of the lord has no voice he does have that i mean to set up the man no but out with but i kept it in the month of. May was the idea that i had going to the method im going to toss me in the gossip but i can say. I can but it must mean youre both past that must have it comes. With the good. News and its queer legislators to criticise and. Get imprisonment in the own little cobra to begin to press on us. Yell at us almost. That right and. Theres a very. I knew my ass. And this was a way out then and get ready for it in this picnic just could be endless differences. To the. Last young but if were classes who wont be employed. By the book and most of us have been rather less or less of a bad idea to know this bit what then but the local more youll be i spit out your muse not the ample medieval shit. Pianists you have to stick my moist on being dissed mussulmen not just the most important back in the stomach because the little. Minister of what i mean beyond proper look for me call and ill commit a c. S. Generally around less in glasgows currency get the sequence call that battle not what i must buy that that this list and does this give us the. This is the that brother list it got a free for. The new went there they got a sore spot i suspended im a comedian i skip almost yeah internet my stress of course in the media. All week i will mostly boast economy where bust then begs he thought in the us if were not it will be most concerned about the list. You say you must go see in the excel model and sound out as almost yet this quest in may he go. This is think very sound of what adolescent that has of me. Bice who cement this day i knew i would be most but i sure miss and i stress is in san jose costa rica. Pressley. Right here right. Into your. Life. Right. Now. To the right. We teach many languages because we believe that at this point when kids are young its easier for them to grasp a different language we start very early with a lot of english immersion by the time that they are 18 Elementary School our kids have hoth the day in standish and how the beginning of. Trying to read. Was to. Remember how to read our driver all day 123. And what about this guys. Difficult or is. It worse is it 3. Why. Is it. A frown that means one. Wants to. Be my guest. Boy because i never found it ok under exercise or the me you want to write about. Are difficult were. Very difficult ok you want to write it out ok. Thank you very much. X. It was 11. That means x. Is equals 2 im really very happy working in this is cool because i left for a while coming back to the educational board and traditional ways to teach was not enjoy. When i came back i was alive again. I like this method a lot remember algebra is not vertical is horizontal. The other schools are completely different that pain in the concentration is difficult why because the number of children one problem the other is because they are brains are not. Stimulated to be attentive in class 16 plus very difficult for you going. For the ones they want to solve that. Case and sometimes inside my classroom i just to apply some math outside learn here and remember these work barking was really into so i want there is guys learn a little bit more mathematics or alphabet and my english coordinator went to my classroom once and i was teaching them algebra. When i finish. Asking please what are you doing you are confusing these 2 very police got me some anymore and this is cool. I was so disappointed as source on. A limb to see 1st class but i still see us so when c. M. Prevents our local s. From us the 11 yes one from the less efficient orchestra this must go here only a square look at the last mccoy this is the last year on this list they might go over and already see any mathematical hey want to spoil any thread in was that a friend yes all of us here so momentous this yes or supposed to but im a slow process not for the im a success the just theres none of you and because little grandson it is here out if of us it went badly this pm this song funniest way of us going to some purpose in bangor remember to support them whenever they were for war. Then you know thank you i could if you can see an offense that. Uses me important than noise. And as it is is its are in markham and if its a compressor. In a speaker paper at the knee though its center of the phone with the enemy. Letting go after side of a k. Even a supporter for 1000000. 00 bankroll more. So more smile of popular than a mole so as to be on the more chore years hard working mother media they say that the new i dont know. If its going to go for good or for a career life starts in the last hour he said it on the tsunami. No more but one father not a single of the 15 a colonel. Thank. You. 2 thank. You thank. You. For 2000 was just well and it was. More i was programmed then came my sister and moved a little question it home will never be a minute. See massive square less the mass maestro say at the yanomami. If it empties if wonderful for sentimental value this promote buy nobody roberto at the mass you to listen to. The water of musket ball and said exit also seek a way than i you barrels cheat cost of concepts importance yet less pussy believe how theres a local podium with us in the room does he and if you need us. More than was just mean yes ill cancel support and they are meant to know i limit this i look at where they want to see thank. You. And new yes new lessons and murals this is the time when you get to choose your english teacher is for the next 2 years meet the teachers empowering best students my facts and my course are all about freedom were going to come out perspective i want you to develop the skill with which speak by letting them choose the lessons they learned revelent you cation democratic schooling United Kingdom on aljazeera. Aljazeera. You Read Everything your. Recruited to win a war exploited to on the battlefield the cole the new regime faced a different value an effort from where you did when your peers then abandoned for a lifetime and we should be ashamed but for history for for all concrete all division over 3 people in power investigates the plight of imperial britons african troops theyve given not the forgotten heroes of empire on aljazeera. Going behind the scenes of one of mexicos most loved soaks using fiction to mirror the struggles of real life giving a voice to those suffering in the dark this week the story line focuses on hiv and aids an illness still stranded in superstition and fear the making of him is that he was going to be the attitudes the writers want to tackle had gone. Soapbox mexico breaking taboos on aljazeera. New security concerns of the gulf following irans seizure of a british flag tanker. Clogs the whole raman youre watching aljazeera live my headquarters here in doha also coming up British Airways and look tanser canceled flights to cairo citing security concerns. Marching to remain thousands take to the streets of london in a show of solidarity with europe 3 months before the United Kingdom is set to leave the European Union also. Bring it if you want to. Break. Quiet. Marking the exact moment 50 years ago when the 1st man set foot on the moon. Gadhafi Company Welcome to aljazeera u. K. Foreign secretary is warning of dangers to International Shipping after a british flag tanker was seized in the strait of hormuz jeremy hunt called it a hostile act and is expected to announce further measures against iran on monday for now the u. K. Is warning all of its vessels to avoid the strait which is one of the worlds busiest shipping lanes and this is what triggered the response commanders from irans revolutionary guard seen here seizing the oil tanker on friday the u. K. Says iran has tried to justify it as a tit for tat response after the earlier capture of an iranian tanker in gibraltar france and german. We have condemned the iranian action while u. S. Central command has stepped up patrols over the strait in the british like tanker was involved in an accident with a fishing boat and has opened an investigation into whether it broke the law. This is the moment the british tanker was seized by irans revolutionary guard in the strait of hormuz special forces dropped down on to the deck of the speeding bessel forcing it into iranian waters the 30000 ton stana imperio was on its way to saudi arabia nothings been heard from her 23 crew since the revolutionary guard who released these images say the tanker was being escorted by a british warship that tried to stop the seizure britains ministry of defense declined to comment on the claim but detain tank is now at the center of a diplomatic storm these images were released by news agency linked to the iranian government iran says the ship breached maritime rules when it collided with a fishing boat and has been taken to the nearby port of panda for investigation. A british flag tanker was involved in an accident with an iranian fishing boat on a Transit Route a distress call was sent to assist the causes of the accident unfortunately the british vessel ignored this and began to change course contrary to International Regulations a 2nd tanker the british operated liberian flag mess star was also briefly detained before being allowed to resume its journey the British Government warned u. K. Vessels to stay away from the strait of hormuz for an interim period in a phone call with his a rainy and counterpart britains foreign secretary jeremy hunt told Mohammed Javid zarif he was extremely disappointed with the seizure serif said the vessel would face legal action this is totally and utterly unacceptable it raises very serious questions about the security of british shipping and indeed in. National shipping in the straits of hormuz the seizure of the tanker comes after British Forces detained this iranian vessel grace one of gibraltar earlier this month saying it was transporting oil to syria in breach of e. U. Sanctions iran denounced the detention calling it an act of piracy and Senior Iranian officials threatened to impound a british tanker in retaliation which is why many in Britains Foreign Office view the seizure of the stoner impera as direct tit for tat retaliation jeremy hunt britains foreign secretary has said that he needs to find a delicate way of diffusing tensions over grace one without endangering more british ships it will require very nimble diplomacy its all about getting the greats one back and now they have a lot more leverage in this game because the British Government now is to make sure that they get their tanka back as silly as it sounds but i think thats the kind of environment where the u. K. s in the middle of growing tensions between the u. S. And iran over the u. S. Is decision to pull out of the Iranian Nuclear deal and impose tough new sanctions on the country the u. K. Opposes the move but remains a key u. S. Ally it might seem counter intuitive for iran to cease the stand imperio given britains support for the nucular deal but this could be one way of getting the u. K. And its european allies to encourage the u. S. To ease off iran barkha al jazeera london. William lawrence is a professor at the Elliott School of International Affairs at George Washington university he says the u. K. Response needs to be measured in order to avoid escalating the crisis. The u. K. Is about to announce sanctions either sunday or monday. Briefing to parliament on the situation and its possible that they were put in place the same sanctions that they imposed on iran prior to the Iran Nuclear Deal and if they go that far if the sanctions are that severe we could create another reason for rand to to continue to violate the terms of the Nuclear Agreement and increase its richmond over uranium etc etc so its very much in britains interests right now to disconnect as much as possible the sink sions from the iran Nuclear Situation and from the us maximum Pressure Campaign and to just connect it which was the reason this was done to the of course the seizing of the iranian tanker in gibraltar and then it will be interesting to see Going Forward whether the the british can can can open up lines of diplomacy that can deescalate further by making concessions to iran right now of course theresa may is stepping down next week and the british are in a very weak position in terms of you know what theyre going to do in terms of their own Domestic Organization politically and how that plays out internationally and they did not join yet the International Coalition Operations Center and all thats there to protect shipping in the straits and that was a mistake on britains part so theyre going to have to figure out what theyre going to do to protect shipping Going Forward. On to our other top story now British Airways the German Airline lift tons of suspended flights to the egyptian capital cairo citing security concerns the be a suspension will last 7 days to allow for a security assessment the airline has given no details about what prompted the move egypts vital Tourism Sector was already under pressure after a series of attacks on visitors in 2015 more than 200 people were killed in the bombing of a russian passenger jet in Sharm El Sheikh now the u. K. Has long advised against all but essential travel to certain parts of egypt the governments web site warns that terrorists are very likely to carry out attacks in egypt although most attacks occur in north sinai there is a risk of terrorist attacks across the country seen as already is a Foreign Policy adviser gulf state analytics he says it could take time for egypt to feel the impact of these latest security problems. I do not believe its going to have any impact. In the short term but because egyptian economy is heavily dependent on tourism if it continues for a long period of time i think it will show impact impact on the egyptian economy egypt for the fiscal year of 20 182019. 00 has had a 5. 6 percent economy growth which after year that has its going to rebounding but as i said if its going to this going if this is going to continue for a prolonged period of time it will impact the growth and the position of president fifi in egypt i believe president p. C. Is really unable to establish or maintain security in certain parts of parts of the country especially the time and insular and the Western Desert and when i was looking at the state department u. S. State Department Travel advisory website at that as well as of july 2nd they have increased the risk of travel to egypt which as i said its going to have a negative impact on actually caught me by going back to what i was saying i dont think cairo is able to maintain security or separation security in some parts of the country the situation where japans governing coalition is on trying to win a solid majority in sundays upper house elections but its still unclear whether Prime Minister shinzo they will secure the 2 thirds majority needed for constitutional change that could loosen restrictions on the armed forces the g 20 last month to donald trump criticize the u. S. Security treaty with japan the u. S. Is obliged to go to japans aid in a crisis but the japanese constitution restricts japans armed forces from assisting its allies abroad for the salami has more from take it. Of course many of the main issues in this elections is that is amending the course constitution. Mentioned 44 years now that he wants to change the constitution that was written by the they not the states during its occupation for chapin and this was his long life and his very close to achieving that what he wants now is to get the upper house of the parliament to to called for and to amend the constitution and all the countries especially the United States which wants japan to engage more in. More in taking care if we can use the search of their Asian Security indonesian especially to face also the emerging powers of china and also wants japan also to share some of the cost of hosting the United States troops in japan which is which is hosting the largest bases in in the isha so for you they not just this would be also very happy to see japan and i are going to win these elections with his coalition especially that he has also very Close Relationships with with a bit of them from they have very Good Chemistry as they mentioned at 730 several times and they have this personal relationship which also could. Maintain more of the coalition between the 2 countries and will talk with enhanced military cooperation between the 2 countries well from a vote in japan to a vote in europe because polls have just opened in ukraine where the new president is facing its 1st major test lot of minutes alinsky just missed parliament 3 months ago after winning a landslide victory the former comedian is seeking a strong mandate for his party so you can deliver on his pledge to implement reforms and tackle corruption. But celebrations are being held in the u. S. To mark the exact moment 50 years ago when the 1st man set foot on the moon 3 but it. Was. Quiet. This was the scene earlier in houston where footage of astronaut Neil Armstrong was played to a Live Audience. On june the 20th 1969 armstrong stepped off eagle and a module and on to the lunar surface more than half

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