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But its likely to drift slowly north i think between saturday and sunday it could leave hong kong dry those 2 humid and with a lot of cloud around during sunday this is the seasonal weather and its to be expected as for the monsoon not being quite as helpful there is going to long way for we are seeing showers in pakistan recently and there is some infill now some heavy rain falling in properly in parts of central and Southern India clearly theres been flooding in assam and the still potential for more flooding rains from here which are british down through the pole but this is good to see not poor that was hard about seeing proper rain in the forecast where its been so lacking recently sikri lights we have a dancer lanka and then kara with some quite windy weather shes already caused some problems the temperatures dropping by day in doha which implies an increase in humidity. The story goes that the statue of an ancient greek gone he beat the waves for millenia. Until a palestinian fisherman of the priceless relic. The story continues but as the worlds attention was drawn to. Mysteriously the day it disappeared once again. The apollo of cas. On a. Welcome back youre watching our time to recap our headlines now calls and gibraltar has extended the detention of an Iranian Oil Tanker for another 30 days British Royal marines assisted authorities in seizing the vessel suspecting it of carrying oil to syria iran rejects the accusations the regime in damascus is under International Sanctions. South africas corruption watchdog has found president still ramaphosa deliberately misled parliament over Campaign Donations meanwhile former south african president jacob zuma had withdrawn from an Inquiry Commission but has now decided to take. The high council of states in libya is warning france the United Arab Emirates and egypt of their involvement in the attacks on the capital and the support of war hold those forces after and his fighters have been trying to capture tripoli since april. Turkey says its warplanes and drones of hit multiple targets in the kurdish region of Northern Iraq the airstrikes are in response to the murder of one of its diplomats and wednesday a gunman shot and killed turkeys deputy consul general and 2 other people and turkish and iraqi authorities are looking for 27 year old muslim dad who is the main suspect hes believed to have joined the Kurdistan Workers Party or the p. K. Came 2014 the group is deemed a terrorist organization by turkey and the United States with russia while aim has more from their appeal on the investigation. Investigators now have some answers regarding who assassinated turkish diplomat awesome on costa and why the shootings which took place in erbil restaurant on wednesday and killed a total of 3 people were all caught on security cameras now police are widely distributing a photo of a man they say is their primary suspect hes one of a team of 3 people that investigators say with inside the restaurant to execute this hit his name is muslim dag he is 27 years old hes from a car turkey its a kurdish region in the south of turkey sources say that he joined the Kurdistan Workers Party or p k k in 2014 the p. K. K. Is an armed group its deemed a terrorist organization by turkey and the United States this morning turkey conducted air strikes at a p. K. K. Training camp on the outskirts of a town called more they believe that dad was there 4 times last week and that he had trained there and that there was a possibility that they may have he may have fled there after the shootings all vote the p. K. K. Is being pinpointed by investigators its important to note that on wednesday hours after the shootings a spokesman with the military wing of the p. K. K. Denied involvement the group is very big and has been described as decentralized a political analyst tells us one thing is certain the motivation of this is sas the nation is intended to destabilize the relationship between turkey and the Kurdistan Regional government. 2 people were killed in at least 18 others injured after a massive explosion at a gas plant in Central China the blast took place in the city you man that in Hainan Province it shattered windows and doors of buildings in a 3 kilometer radius deadly industrial accidents are common in china where safety regulations are often poorly enforced in march an explosion at a Chemical Plant in eastern jan sue province killed 78. 00 people and injured hundreds of police have identified 41 year old shinji as the main suspect in an arson attack in japans cotto city 33 people were killed after a fire swept through an Animation Studio on thursday is japans worst incident of mass killings in the early 2 decades benevolence has accepted it is partially responsible for the deaths of 350. 00 Bosnian Muslims in the 1995 strabane its a genocide the Supreme Court said Dutch Peacekeeping forces could have allowed the men to remain at the un safe haven during the war the court also reduced the blame put on the state saying peacekeepers could have been overrun by bosnian serb forces earlier my colleague martine spoke to thais back next hes a researcher at the Netherlands Institute for war holocaust and genocide he things even though the Supreme Court upheld the earlier ruling its also reduce the liability of state. They also ruled. The level of responsibility considering the entire context and all factors and factors at that time star stands at 10 percent where the earlier courts still sense that the model of responsibility laid at 30 percent so thats actually the only difference in todays ruling by the Supreme Courts in the hague how did they arrive at that value of the state being responsible for 10 percent of this tragedy and what are the implications of that it is a bit of an odd exercise of mathematics calculating what is the responsibility for deaths during a situation that actually courts have rendered to be genocide what the court did in this specific case about this for a 150. 00 men in specific circumstances is that it said there were different factors at play there were different factors at play and considering all those other actors so perhaps there 90 percent of the dutch peacekeepers then only for 10 percent have responsibility for d. And tire acts. Obviously this has a consequence for possible future litigation concerning reparations where the relatives of these victims of course will now apply for reparations but with the dark states only being liable for 10 percent the amount of money they will in the end get will be less the former president of kyrgyzstan back at them by a of his refusing to obey a 3rd government subpoena demanding the answer questions over alleged corruption during his time in office a time bio of was summoned to the interior ministry on friday but didnt show up instead these barricaded himself and supporters at his home outside the capital Stephanie Decker reports. Kyrgyzstans former president back at him by a looks relaxed as he walks with his wife at their home close to the capital bishkek but he is a wanted man he has so far refused to abate various government subpoenas demanding he face questioning over allegations of corruption during his time in office between 20112017 he has barricaded himself inside his residence and threaten to use weapons against anyone who tries to remove him his supporters are also at his home and tash a 30 minute drive from the capital yeah you know it isnt is a good morning though if people come into my house to comply with the illegal resolution of the parliament and the illegal instruction of todays illegitimate president i will use my weapon inside my house i dont want to obey lawlessness i want to see an example that fighting injustice is actually a good godly cause the charges against the former president reportedly include alleged corrupt dealings during the modernization of a power plant the acquisition of land and the illegal release from jail of a new tourist crime boss members of Kyrgyzstans Parliament voted unanimously in june to strip him by of of his immunity as a former head of state since independence in 1909 following the breakup of the soviet Union Several caird his government officials have been accused of corruption and economic mismanagement including at him by abs one time ally the current president sir and by. I think former president somebody very successful in this definition there is a sort of the face of it in. Her. Or. All those. I believe this is a. Good while trying to sort of her or her wishes relationship out of this country antigovernment protests toppled president s in 20052010 is no states. That a person who refuses to comply with 2 subpoenas can be forcibly detained for questioning that hasnt happened so far has been given is sort of not known but it is now well directed to hear the more i think its more. Like our the one than the overall situation in the country because this is the president well his position for almost 2 years now in this period because of the series of major reforms at him by have says the case against him is quote built on rumors and filthy fantasies the standoff goes on Stephanie Decker. At least 8 people have been killed and Dozens Injured in an explosion outside Kabul University in afghanistans capital the blast happened as students waited near the campus gate to take an exam they say they defused a 2nd bomb found nearby its been no claim of responsibility israel is due to begin demolishing 100. 00 palestinian homes near the separation barrier after a 7 year battle in israeli courts its fear the case is set in legal precedent that will lead to further demolitions in the occupied west bank burnat smith reports. There are practical calculations to make when the lord decides to demolish someones home how much explosive where to put it these Israeli Soldiers are doing the math. And there are human calculations for the family they are where will they go and how will they find the money for a new home at the end there may be all we do is think about our home we wake up thinking about says i dont sleep because im thinking about it were going to become homeless i really cant describe how that feels its very difficult for us to live israel isnt forcing for the 1st time an 8 year old military order that says nothing can be built here within 250. 00 metres of the separation barrier thats why its miles house the pink one has got to be demolished but the one behind it which is just as close to the fence it was built before the law was enforced and so apparently it cant be considered a Security Risk that israel demolishes palestinian homes isnt unusual palestinian researches say 538. 00 of what israel calls unauthorized structures were knocked down last year. But a legal precedent is being set in wadi al hamas its the 1st time demolition orders have been issued for 16 properties built to with permits from the Palestinian Authority on land under its sole administration. And in a place where israeli control over palestinians is absolute even this tent put up to welcome visiting diplomats to be taken down on Police Orders they said it had no permit so the diplomats were ushered into a garage to listen to the fears of the people who live here its a legal precedent so this is a limiter commander of the west bank decided to carry out the similar. Money since i me were in the west bank and then the president is there its. Family will stay here until the soldiers knock commodore because they have nowhere else to go thats when about im thinking about that day about what will happen im concerned all the time the Palestinian Authority says the demolitions are in breach of International Resolutions destroying the prospect for an independent state of palestine Bernard Smith aljazeera in the occupied west bank. Well the u. S. Has imposed sanctions on a bounty of up to 7000000. 00 and a senior hezbollah leader washington is accusing. Him of coordinating bomb attacks although Jewish Center in one of cyrus 25 years ago on thursday argentina designated the Lebanese Group hezbollah as a terrorist organization it ordered the freezing of its assets in the country from. A siren to remember the worst terrorist attack in argentinas history. A truck loaded with explosives was driven into the am yes center in one of scientists killing 85 people and wounding hundreds of others. At the end of leesville sister knowing me was one of the victims she says argentina never investigated the local connection. There was a local connection and we dont know what it was but where did they get pics plosives the safe houses they did not bring it from iran. Has accused top iranian officials and the hezbollah operative of being behind the amjad tag in 2005 interpol issued 6 arrest warrants that include high ranking iranian officials. But for the relatives there needs to be much more people here do not trust in the official investigation because its been filled with corruption and irregularities from the very beginning last february a judge was sentenced to 6 years in prison for his role in a cover up and thats what angers people here is that and till now nobody has been charged for being responsible for the attack. In the past 25 years changes in government brought different approaches to the investigation former president Cristina Kirchner reversed the countrys hardline iran policy rather than demand the detention of the bombers she negotiated a Bi National Commission to investigate with iran 2 years later a special prosecutor. Investigating amiya was found shot in the head a day before he was scheduled to testify in congress about allegations that kirschner had signed a deal to absolve iran in return for your critique of trade deals with her government when i took office he suspended the agreement and now says argentina is ready to include hezbollah in the list of terrorist organizations. A few weeks after the bombing it was clear that iran and its diplomats were behind it with the help of hezbollah terrorists and a local connection after 25 years the proof is even more clear the argentine actions against hezbollah overlap with the visit of u. S. Secretary of state mike bombino to the country some analysts say it is not her going students. Every year the government puts a political spin on the any verse or now they announce that hizbullah is a terrorist organization they are doing a service for the United States and israel and nothing interests of argentina and thats why many of those affected are frustrated and angry because they see their tragedy has been used politically over the years while the perpetrators remain at large. And. Take you through some of the headlines here in aljazeera now a court and gibraltar has extended the detention of an Iranian Oil Tanker suspected of breaching e. U. Sanctions for another 30 days British Royal marines assisted authorities in seizing the vessel off the suspecting it of carrying oil to syria to iran rejected the accusations. The seizure of the iranian ship has put a strain on french ties between to her own and the u. K. A source of just barley explains we havent heard from any officials yet but this is been a very very sore subject between the iranian government and the british because the iranians have said this is an illegal seizure of their oil tanker the grace one tanker was heading to through the strait of gibraltar when it was seized by the british navy on july the 4th and it was carrying 2000000. 00 barrels of rain in crude oil worth about 200000000. 00 that the uranium foreign minister held a phone conversation with his british counterpart last week where they discussed the seizure and the British Foreign secretary jeremy hunt reassured the Iranian Foreign minister which of our 3 that if the British Government received reassurances that this vessel would not be heading to syria that they could possibly facilitate their release of this tanker. And iran says all its drones are returned to their base dismissing washingtons claim it destroyed one of them on thursday President Donald Trump said the warship u. S. S. Boxer downed the iranian drone in the strait of hormuz south africas corruption watchdog has found president several rather oppose a deliberately misled parliament over Campaign Donations from a pose of call the findings against him unfortunate meanwhile former south african president jacob zuma had withdrawn from a corruption inquiry has now decided to take our high council of state in libya says warlord Khalifa Haftar his forces backed by france the United Arab Emirates and egypt are planning more attacks on tripoli has been trying to capture the libyan capital since april. Those i headlines the news continues here now dizzier off to the stream stay with us. After 25 years of importing the worlds waste china through the global the cycling industry into chaos. The growing pressure for greener skies eves resulting in change we bring you the stories to the shaping the economic world we live in. Counting the cost on aljazeera. I am funny ok i believe youre in the stream today we take a look at sierra leone stuck liberation of state of emergency over Sexual Violence how did it go will also pay tribute to a remarkable somali journalist. But 1st we return to our castors joins us on the string several times over the last thing he is ugandas musician chun politician bobby why have a look at this case of him talking to aljazeera is capturing saudi back in may. We are lucky that we are living in a generation where our moats can not be shot we shall speak the truth and we shall continue using the law as it does do stand for our rights and has a president ever reached out to you mean to talk about you know political issues to talk about how to move the country forward and things like that no he has not reached out and would you be willing to sit down with him to talk about whats in the country and what perhaps can be done better because he is the head of state i would be very glad im very honored to sit with the president. That interview was filmed just 2 days after but we whine an m. P. An Opposition Leader was released from jail for protesting attacks on social media that hasnt been an easy road for wine since he was elected to parliament in 2017 there have been Treason Charges his driver was shot dead by Security Forces and he was badly injured while in military custody so why does he keep going and what does he hope to change the wine uganda member of parliament joins us now from kampala welcome back bobbie to the stream it is good to have you some headlines that i know youre very familiar with but just updating our audience for aljazeera singur probably wind says he will run for uganda president in 2021 ugandan singer bobby wind answer run for president in 2021 the last time we spoke he didnt tell us about these plans what made you decide that you could take on the top job in uganda where we have been discussing need and remember the last and why he didnt need but weve come to a conclusion that we as a generation must challenge president museveni were not going to leave anybody else but we ourselves so right now as we speak out resolved to challenge president was a guinea and my team believes that i can base groupies in our generation in this cause. I think our audience are many of them as well believe that as well this is one person who writes in on twitter bobbie one can do great things to uganda and for uganda because hes one of the very few voices of the very many voiceless he respects everyone and the country needs a leader not in love with money not greedy selfish but in love with justice not in love with published city but in love with humanity so a supporter right there but on the other hand there are a few tweets like this says there is a big difference between leading a country and being a voice for those that have been treated unjustly so seeing you as this voice for those whove been treated unjustly some people are questioning whether that means that you can become president of the entire country are you ready for that it looks like. A collection of ok were theres a slight delay there but someone is questioning whether or not just because youre the voice of the voiceless you can actually become a voice for the entire country. Has been my. Raise their voices of the people and here we are we love our local do you need to do. And. So yes now that this opportunity is. So boldly you have to obviously campaign theres no way that you can run for president without campaigning and weve talked before about how difficult it is to be an opposition politician im looking here on your twitter page here and you talk about television and radio not being able to cover your events live can you tell us is that embargo on you appearing on t. V. Appearing on media at one point even your concerts were bad whats the situation right now. Yes president must so many currently going all over the country campaigning he has blocked myself or any other opposition politician from reaching out to the audience hes. Scared of young people in this way does not let me reach out to any people they lost sam i tried to reach out to people in church the church was young guys and yes yes look all my music shows and any i believe it to communicate to the people over dance too so the social media and the energy within the people will always find a way around that and it is even right now as we speak i know that millions upon millions of young people are watching so much as he tries to block us we always find a way because reality is on our side im just looking here at this tweet here from quito james talking about the difficulty you have in terms of getting on to uganda media and he says this just shows that empty 70 or and 7 as he is known is feeding the people power heat many so i want to play one critical comment we got from someone who takes issue with some of your travels so here is a common we got from an out of kampala heres what he told us. Is a result of the country on things now and now beneficial to his course students. If you serve the brain can make a quiz of this so who are the people who are t. V. Presenting podium and they feel sorry for people who have given you. Probably what would you say back to ear. Well i do not believe some. Young people that ive been its been a fisheries of this regime and the contrary i represent more than 80 percent of the disenfranchised and excluded young people in uganda i must assert you will never leave the country if i have not gone to perform because a kind of people are allowed to make you but im holding on to receive when i was the only money terry and intrudes or moving on to me. But not in development i wouldnt its explained myself to the regime every time i move out of the country a year is an International Bus analogy and i represent my people not only within the country but internationally lets talk about that International Personality that you are well known for being buffalo soldier whos supporter of yours tweets this out nice seeing you all ready to hit the stage and then here is a music post above me why life this is not an hour before you were an m. P. This is this is art it was last month the 172019 in copenhagen go and hear your twitter page denmark see you tonight that was a couple of weeks ago looked ready for action and then underneath that criticism about you not being a proper m. P. Or an absentee and p when you are campaigning to be president are you still going to play geeks outside if you cant so you got to be the musician and the politician and perhaps even president to consider all of those things. Yeah im a different kind of leader and yes im going to be a different kind of president im going to be an ordinary human being that goes around my work the same way other human other citizens do and that will allow me to understand the difficulties that Common People go through doing their work. I use music as a communication tool because i cannot perform on my music was abolished and indeed all my concerts outlawed i can only perform outside the country and because music is my only form of. Gainful employment i have to go around into training my audiences but most importantly the only opportunity that i get to freely air out the concerns of my people and the only time i get to communicate the plate of my people and i late they are too late is when im out of the country alcohol i use that at any opportunity i get up in line thank you for joining us on the street im sure that you will be back thank you very much for your contribution avril will be following your campaign with great interest also present 70 you are welcome to be on the stream anytime we look forward to taking on your 20 of course on the string now to 70 and have a look at this. Version of. This. Bill is this big of. Being committed. To whom we. She. So. That was sierra leones president. Declaring Sexual Violence a National Emergency back in february as part of the plan a dedicated Police Division was announced along with a special court focusing on rape and Sexual Assault but the emergency status has just been revoked by parliament and a new sexual crimes bill is in the works so what was achieved from february to now and can other countries learn from sierra leones radical action joining us to discuss in freetown sierra leone him president of lawyers a group that gives Pro Bono Legal services to Vulnerable Women and girls and because. Shes from sierra leone and hosts a popular show welcome back to both of you i want to start with this tweet from so who says i think gender based violence and Sexual Assault can only be evaded if the sierra leone government chooses to enforce heavy punishments jail time and implement them on offenders at least this will cause speer and reduce the number of cases so vicki the state of emergency has been revoked does that mean that what this person in this week here has wished for came true. No actually no the state of emergency this is not because Parliament Got us to this is. The back to the emergency was there to set the ball in motion to get things in place for more action and problem and here came together the remove the state of emergency and then he got down to the business of evaluating the sexual offenses asked with. Input from activists like lawyers and other women womens the Civil Society groups but the most important because people need to understand is you cant fix the problem in 6 months at least not a problem ask for peace through this rape culture is purely i dont. Fear we dont have a civil war and i think that one of the things that we forget is that one of the big leftovers are on salt or on fixed or healed problems in our societies that we have so many women who are violated so many girls are violated to rebuild war and that means we have so many perpetrators of violence and nothings happened right so what i believe because a lot of people ask how did we get here from her. But what we have is a society where Sexual Violence and joe that the presence of general mcchrystal many years has gone on shrink people and women have been living in silence and fear and whats happened now because of the response after and walks access to reporting and i consider the fact i read your novels its not that a part of ok well lets talk about a lot less do i want to have a conversation with martha as well lets talk about what actually was a change even in not giving time of state of emergency what would you point to change to say well this is tangible it had never happened without this declaration. So what the 1st thing is that this exhibition of political will and we needed that to move things forward so that the people in power can understand that we continue to suffer every speck of the laws we have so we want proper implementation execution and also once the full sentence him weve got a special court now that has been established by the judiciary since april it deals with sexual offenses exclusively and specific judges have been assigned to that weve got things speedy trials over the past couple of months so there are many more cases have gone through the criminal Justice System were talking about over 200 as compared to the 30 something cases in 2018 weve got more people coming forward to complaint and report on these cases so thats why we have a report that has come out to say that from general eaton now we have about 1000 681. 00 cases that have been reported so that is good enough to push us to the next level which is the bill we have the bill and we have a stiffer sentence in the girl weve been never shaping and lobbying and advocating it with our parliamentarians to make sure that the steepest sentence then. We want it applicable that there is some discretion given to the druggies to set a minimum so we want the law to also have a minimum as much as it has the maximum we have a maximum of life imprisonment now that bill passes into law or come the next session in september so we definitely will get something on the ball rolling but its not going to be something that will be sought resolved in a in a few months like he said we need more things like a forensic lab we need more research because we have were talking with talking about the war but we still dont understand what is pushing people to commit these atrocities on women so we need research we understand an enemy to be in mind. I think that the conversation really needs to go back into our routine in our community we can all that you know the government has to get emergency are going to be able to problem that is punitive right we need prevention we dont want any drug or anyone here we are actually firing. That means that we need to change the relationship between men and women we need to change the way women are in the way women are treated and the right period and men need to take responsibility for their actions in the sense that you dont have a right to a girl you dont have a right to a womans body right no. Suffering for the mother and making im so glad that you thought that because i want to bring this and this is someone who agrees completely with you t. J. Says there should be a Massive Campaign by media houses and also among the various schools in sierra leone educating young people about Sexual Consent and sex positive conversations that emphasize healthy and safe sexuality so that education at the root of it being the comment from online but i want to also bring in a video comment from someone who talks about this being the beginning of the change have a listen and were beginning to see what the declaration means because when the government particularly the president and the 1st ladys pumping which is so. Over go is actually making a huge difference in communities particularly women and girls gaining confidence that were seeing more reporting on various platforms not just the face to face with women that go into the Family Support center or the rainbow thing but theyre also reaching out to companies and i suppose across the country across the world when they want to report. So fast about where to next. So the word to make this passing the bill thats the 1st one make it into law and then a book a thing and educating the populace to understand exactly that we have a sentencing now and you have to be careful but we have so many more laws that we need to address we have an issue were even though a child its reproductive under law we have a law about. Parents to give consent to an underage code to believe that marriage is an adult manner so were concerned about that so we want absolute proof vision of early child the opportunity to the fullest with cancer within the community. And i mean so much more to talk about the list is endless how do you even change that culture Sexual Violence in just a few months is impossible but he sounds like there is at least some progress being made we will check back in on you the story is not going anywhere i would also love you to have a look at this on my laptop there was a polka scored the take the take is hosted by very own belief how current episode is about civil e. O. And Sexual Violence there you can find this podcast anywhere where you check up and subscribe to your pocket online at jetty so look for jetty and the take from 70 only we moved to somalia where last week im much loved and respected journalists out in the area was killed and attacked by alshabaab armed group a cousin souad sent us this video. As the alumni lucan want to know who got a car too. I am sorry i had. Think you a Disease International us. No liver was some mother and wife she was a light of hope she was the change me her positive thinker she was of rule of law of full of kindness she was caring in forgiveness person those who she was. Me all my grand hair the highest level of gentle not a lot of you know mean a lot of your own mean i think you again International Us to give me the opportunity to share with you who she was in how we would like to remember her for ever i think just so out for that last week after her don was tragically killed several people tweeted at us that we should pay tribute to her and her work on the stream heres just one of those tweets more lives said can we have a special show in memory of how done and all brave journalists who sacrificed their lives to rebuild somalia lets talk about our resolve to keep the legacy of all those who paid the ultimate price in telling our story so with us today to remember what diane is abdellatif to here is a journalist with quartz africa based in nairobi who was a friend of dunns welcome to talk to us about the 1st time that you matt. Thank you much because i met done for the 1st time in 2014 at a creative storytelling workshop in the u. K. And one of the things that i really remember the struck me immediately was a sense credible sense of generosity of vibrancy and it she that the we should was very invested in not just story telling but also telling stories about somalia. You know in a country that is known for cultural creation and war and disasters she really emphasized the idea of integration right which was also the basis of you tube channel integration t. V. She spoke about collaboration she spoke. Contemplation and i think she was really dedicated to the idea of using stories to shape the narrative slightly to tell not just positive stories but more nuanced abdi are looking integration t. V. Riches guarding thousands a subscriber best Seasons Hotel and here there were so many stories that you were thinking which one should we show which one showed the joy that she takes about talking about how land and we decided upon tea have a look i got my money and when i think ive learned that in somalia denise they only serve us here what men the best tea so ive heard the best tea that place called the bar cafe here so im going to check it out feed there allow me to have cops and happen again. I am firm i come for a pet a fianna horrible were not adding get out of order. Thats. A good. Always makes you feel you can taste it why did you love that story so much batty. I think it sais a lot about who had done was both as a person and also as a journalist who was an incredible storyteller in that scene and its often like it is you know in a different city walking into like a public space where shes occupying and telling us you know the narrative of what makes somali somali unique right like and and its just i think the nuances like that come out in his stories thats what that won the hearts of so many people not just in you tube and in somali communities but of home in the diaspora but people all across the world she was able to thread together the stories of you know trying to tell people these another side to this country theres another side to this. Country that you know is just one disaster and from and war this on twitter of the north says what then was an eye opener for the power of women when they use their creative roles to tell positive stories of their homeland the best way to repay her is for you tube and social media giants to support women creators especially from somalia so abdi and thinking about her legacy whats the best way for it to be carried on. Yes i mean i havent touched the lives of so many people across the world and one thing for me is that you know she really deepened the meaning of what peace journalism stands for she really was somebody who was able to tell stories about her about somalia and about somalis both at home and in the diaspora and in thinking about her legacy and i think it gives us the responsibility to write like she has passed on this responsibility not to us but as somalis and also as a journalist writers and thinkers to be able to contribute and to be able to tell stories that you know move the trajectory of this country not just out of the war but you know into a note to the tells something more relatable and more connected to people of thank you so much for helping us remember how down so beautifully you can find still on twitter at on t. V. And see the beauty of somalia that presents we will leave you today with a clip of how down doing what she loved enjoying the beach to somalia and so watching were going to climb the top of this to me with a historic im bored that theyve got this it meaning this is a historical Little Mountain where the darwin big climbed and theyve done for the british lets go all right were almost there were on top but they are. Gathering to go back no im not going back i want to climb this mountain and conquer it mysel lot and manky but i thought i made it to the top of the hill it almost must not be our last 1000 on but look at this beautiful land every time i mean everything molly theory i think will hang in there that i think marcella that alison lot of talent has given us with beautiful land that we can enjoy and nature common law. After more than a decade of civil war the challenge in sierra leone. We follow the citizens of this war torn nation as they push their limits. Risking is in sierra leone. Across the United States indigenous families are searching for their loved ones for relatives of people who go missing finding closure is often impossible people are meeting here to raise money for the search efforts of the young woman advocates and family members have started to raise awareness about the high rates of violence they disproportionately impact indigenous communities most Tribal Police departments are understaffed and under resourced another factor is that tribes dont have jurisdiction over nonnative americans for all crimes there but a lot of concerns that the federal agencies dont respond that they dont take these crimes seriously a lack of evidence is the main reason federal officials are declining to prosecute crimes on reservations that shouldnt be the end of the discussion. There should be then a ok lets see well im wrong in this case why the is no evidence or why the evidence isnt but now and make sure that doesnt happen yet more to an essential resource for all humankind across europe pressure to recognise water as a human right and put its management back into public hands is increasing i think that the European Commission would be very very true those words are probably on anybody is the only. People who seem ever to have something to invest the profit of the 1. 00 up to the last drop on aljazeera. This is aljazeera. Reporting that is our life from a headquarters in doha and daddy navigator coming up in the next 60 minutes according to roll her ex the. The detention of an Iranian Oil Tanker while iran denies president trumps claim that a u. S. Warship brought down and the radian drove. South africas president anticorruption report finding that he intentionally misled parliament doesnt tell the full story. Turkey says its carried out airstrikes in the kurdish region of Northern Iraq. With the latest on the 2nd round of. The country gives up the cup of nations final against. Hello a court in gibraltar it has extended the detention of an Iranian Oil Tanker for another 30 days British Royal marines assisted off the already isnt seizing the vessel after suspecting it of carrying oil to syria to fran had rejected the accusations the government in damascus is under International Sanctions there are some jobs ari has more from. The extension of the detention of the grey swan supersize oil tanker is likely to increase the tensions that exist between the rein in government and the british over these tankers they radians have called the seizure by the british navy of this tanker on july 4th an act of piracy the Iranian Foreign minister Mohammad Javad zarif held a phone conversation with his british counterpart last week where they discussed this seizure and the British Foreign secretary jeremy hunt reassured the Iranian Foreign minister that if they British Government received reassurances that this ship would not be heading to syria they would facilitate its release the iranians have said that in fact its not the destination of the grace one tanker which was carrying 2000000. 00 barrels of Iranian Crude Oil worth over 200000000. 00 the iranian Supreme Leader has also weighed in on this issue on wednesday he said that this was an act of piracy by the British Government which will not go on and cert. Most of the editor in chief of the force news agency and a political analyst who thinks the courts decision may escalate tensions even further. Wall its very much like to me thats a very. Key event an improper decision because it would escalate the situation and the tensions in the persian gulf and we do all know that tensions in the persian gulf would mean Higher Energy prices for the whole war specially consumer countries and then this means that consumers like even the Great Britain the euro peons they have to pay the costs of the United States Foreign Policy that thats for sure an escalation of tension that would leave a great impact negative impact on the way and it would make iran much more resolve to continue its present strategy that they called active resistance or reciprocal costs for all actors apparently we are moving from a win win situation that was supposed to happen under the nuclear deal 2 situation where we would all lose it would be a lose lose situation for everyone and thats because of the United States you know being adamant to irrational calls for diplomacy and for getting back to the nuclear deal well meanwhile to ron is denying washingtons claim that a u. S. Warship downed an iranian drone saran says all its Unmanned Aircraft have safely returned to their bases thursday President Donald Trump said the u. S. S. Boxer destroyed an iranian drone in the strait of hormuz trying calls it a defensive action he says the drone came within a 1000 yards of the ship and ignored multiple calls to stand down hes calling on other countries to condemn to ron and work with the u. S. To protect shipping in the gulf i want to apprise every one of an incident in the strait of hormuz today. Involving u. S. S. Boxer and Navy Amphibious assault ship the boxer took defensive action against an iranian drone which had closed into a very very near distance approximately 1000. 00 yards ignoring multiple calls to stand down and was threatening the safety of the ship and the ships crew the drone was immediately destroyed this is the latest of many provocative and hostile actions by iran against vessels operating in International Waters so that is how the u. S. President is describing that incident our White House Correspondent kelly healthcare is joining us from washington d. C. So strong statements by the u. S. President on what apparently happened in the strait of hormuz is the see and over in the u. S. As a renewed escalation of tensions between iran and america. Yeah theres no question that thats how its being viewed and on friday the white house is continuing to make it clear that it deserves the right to defend its interests that it will destroy any iranian drone that is flying to close to United States personnel or one of its assets and the United States is also maintaining that it has quote clear evidence that it shot down an iranian drone on thursday despite the claims that are being made by iran now we are looking for the u. S. President to potentially comment on this further around 1900 g. M. T. He will be leaving for one of his properties in new jersey state north of here but in the midst of all this yes absolutely this is being viewed as an escalation that comes just one month you have to remember during when donald trump was very close to calling a military strike on iran for the shooting down of a u. S. Drone by iran it alleges so all of these the United States views a sort of a continued ask elation on the part of iran it has as you point out is calling on other countries to defend their own ships in the region as well as to condemn iran for what they call this latest escalation and we should also point out that this comes as the United States is once again seeking to potentially put in place even more sanctions comes of the heels of the warning from the treasury secretary steve minutiae to u. S. Allies saying that if it does not does in any way extend financial lifeline if you will to iran that they could face penalties of some sort because the understanding is this to be a part of the u. S. Financial system you must abide by the u. S. Sanctions against iran so not only are we seeing a sharp escalation but we are also seeing very strong words not just from the United States to iran but also to u. S. Allies. Thank you. Now libyas council of state. Forces are planning more attacks on the capital tripoli has been trying to capture the libyan capital since april the council says have to it is backed by france the United Arab Emirates and egypt it released this statement saying the council eagerly considers the intelligence information received which proves that certain states are providing military gear and personnel to have to name the france the u. A. E. And egypt those countries are preparing for and involved a larger scale in new attacks on the capital using jet fighters and advanced weapons. Explains what this means for the battle for tripoli. The high Council Estate in libya says its received intelligence information indicating that the United Arab Emirates egypt and france are planning to support to the world for have to do with advanced weapons including sophisticated weapons and fighter jets and personnel to launch a new offensive to seize the capital tripoli thats after 100. 00 days of the fighting to take control of the capital tripoli. Sources with the government of national called say that french fighter jets namely c. 135. 00 and also a boeing 202. 00 french fighter jets were noticed over tripoli during the past 24 hours and. High Council Estate is issuing this statement probably for 2 reasons the 1st is to uncover the 3 countries which issued a statement on the july 18th saying that all calling on the rival factions to stop the fighting and the 2nd reason is most of probably toward the International Community including the United Nations and the European Union and also the government of National Accord one of them of the consequences of this new offensive if launch it by have to its forces will search it says its work planes and drones have hit multiple targets in the kurdish region of Northern Iraq air strikes were in response to the murder of one of the plots on wednesday a gunman shot and killed turkeys deputy consul general and 2 other people and turkish and iraqi authorities are looking for a 27 year old muslim diag who is the main suspect he is believed to have joined the Kurdistan Workers Party or the p. K. K. In 2014 the group is deemed a terrorist organization by turkey and the United States thats also a name has more from erbil on the investigation so far. Investigators now have some answers regarding who assassinated turkish diplomat awesome on costa and why the shootings which took place in erbil restaurant on wednesday and killed a total of 3 people were all caught on security cameras now police are widely distributing a photo of a man they say is their primary suspect hes one of a team of 3 people that investigators say with inside the restaurant to execute this hit his name is muslim dag he is 27 years old hes from a car turkey its a kurdish region in the south of turkey sources say that he joined the Kurdistan Workers Party or p k k in 2014 the p. K. K. Is an armed group its deemed a terrorist organization by turkey and the United States this morning turkey conducted air strikes at a peak k. K. Training camp on the outskirts of a town called more they believe that dad was there 4 times last week and that he had trained there and that there was a possibility that they may have he may have fled there after the shootings all vote the p. K. K. Is being pinpointed by investigators its important to note that on wednesday hours after the shootings a spokesman with the military wing of the p. K. K. Denied involvement the group is very big and has been described as decentralized a political analyst tells us one thing is certain the motivation of this is sas the nation is intended to destabilize the relationship between turkey and the Kurdistan Regional government well across iraq many people live with a lack of basic services its a legacy of decades of war and sanction

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