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A. Camp in mom or 4 times thats why it is strongly believed that the order came from the peak it came mainly from mark to roost them camp inside mark more iran is denying washingtons claims that it downed one of its drones on says all its Unmanned Aircraft have safely returned to base thursday president dollar trump says the warship u. S. S. Boxer destroyed an iranian drone in the strait of hormuz trump called it a defensive action because the drone came within a 1000 yards of the vessel and ignored multiple calls to stand down hes calling on other countries to condemn terror and work with the u. S. To protect shipping in the gulf i want to approach every one of an incident in the strait of hormuz today. Involving u. S. S. Boxer and Navy Amphibious assault ship the boxer took defensive action against an iranian drone which had closed into a very very near distance approximately 1000. 00 yards ignoring multiple calls to stand down and was threatening the safety of the ship and the ships crew the drone was immediately destroyed this is the latest of many provocative and hostile actions by iran against vessels operating in International Waters how diplomatic at the james bay is reports on how the increased tensions between the u. S. And iran a seen by diplomats at the u. N. In new york. Foreign minister what do you make of the truth you shot in riyadh. No question about losing control here possibly going over the Iranian Foreign ministers brief comments came as he arrived at the United Nations for a meeting with the secretary general to discuss the current crisis. Thats what i said you know you imagine the last drop today have you met mama job and zarif has spent the week in new york his movements while here is severely limited by unprecedented visa restrictions imposed by the u. S. Hes here to get his countrys case heard but the storm and gulf in his nation has only worsened showing his visit and his meeting with the secretary general they will have discussed the growing military presence and the threats to the freedom of navigation in the gulf but the situation is extremely sensitive zarif avoided reporters at the end of the meeting and the secretary general was most guarded it was a very interesting meeting one of the us is strongest supporters in its confrontation with iran is saudi arabia it sam bacile was also addressing reporters at the u. N. Ambassador is it time now for diplomacy and if so what form should that diplomacy take its always time for diplomacy we are always ready for diplomacy but diplomacy needs a Common Ground and the Common Ground is based on International Law and based on international convey says which include none interference in other countrys affairs privately diplomats will tell you theyre increasingly concerned the military buildup in the gulf continues with it comes the growing risk of miscalculation and escalation james pays out his era at the United Nations. Now 3 waterways are vital for shipping more than half of the worlds crude oil and all of them lie in the middle east they are the su is canal strait and the strait of hormuz the strait separates iran are man and the United Arab Emirates its 33 kilometers wide at its narrowest point not far away is the gulf of oman for all tankers damaged off the coast of for jr in the u. A. E. On may the 12th one a month later another tanker was set on fire and another damaged the u. S. And its allies also on to patrol another major shipping route the bab unmanned strait it separates yemen on the iranian peninsula and djibouti and eritrea in the horn of africa. Lets talk to save mostafa horse chesham is the editor in chief of news agency and a political analyst joins us live from tehran good to have you with us so as im sure youre aware weve got these conflicting narratives about whether an iranian drone has been shot down is there any conceivable way this could all just be a big misunderstanding between the u. S. And iranian militaries. Hello and thanks for having me well you know after the in out of the states president made the claim iranians have rejected the report and they have very recently in the last few minutes they stress that they had the drone that was conducting Surveillance Mission over the u. S. Navy boxer that has come back home intact or without than a damage and they stress that they with this play the footage and the photos to the public in coming hours even the pentagon never. Claimed in its initial statement that it was any iranian drone then one would wonder why the u. S. President has been in such a rush to jump to the conclusion with such a ton ality and gesture declaring that its been an iranian drone you know it shows that the u. S. Is still suffering from the pain of a very highly advanced q 4 c. Triton drone that it lost over iranian or theres last month you know its a very sophisticated piece of technology the most sophisticated piece of technology that they have in the air in the area of surveillance its worth twice and f. 35 and they have produced only 2 of tried and one was shot down by iran this shows that they feel much insult after the event and they are looking for a way in order to save face but more importantly is that such moves by the United States threat on this side on their not initially their proof claim it was in iran how many countries operate drones there other than iran and the United States do we even know. Well brooke of course there are many theres the yemenis as we do know they have drones that theyve been operating inside saudi arabia theyve been targeting their pipelines i mean this happened in being the saudis themselves. The in the military operates supplied by iran and would be unlikely how likely is that they would be operating them all the way in the other side of the of the gulf near the strait of hormuz. No you know all of the yemeni drones are not sophisticated technology. Some of them especially the ones that bombed the pipelines they i mean the yemeni and so a lot movement says they are not worth even 1000. 00 some of them so they have made them and in addition to the yemenis also others like the u. A. E. The saudis they are they have all been armed with the Drone Technology another only the military one but also the civilian ones but here the point is that such claims would escalate the tension the u. S. President is raising the tensions in this part of the world in order to justify and increasing a widening military build up and this widening military buildup that is aimed at you know spreading north towards towards this trader for most in order to impose the us hegemony over distrait that is in iranian you know on their iranian sovereignty because its just 9 miles away from the iranian coastline and according to International Law a distance of 12 miles this can see there any given country is territorial what theyre so strait of who are most has not just historically but also according to International Law has been under iranian constant vision and chicken control now the u. S. Is seeking to spread its presence in the persian gulf and this is this is the region thats one signified neighbors more gardeners drawn to her will they this just dropped in the show and apparently Gibraltar Supreme Court has granted a 30 day extension allowing authorities to detain the iranian old tank of grace one you remember that was the old tanker that was seized in gibraltar. That extension of that detention downs been extended by the court until august the 15th what do you think irans reaction is going to be to that sort of situation where theyre all trying to its going to be held now until august the 15th according to the Supreme Court. Its very much likely to me that very unlucky event and improper decision because it would escalate the situation and the tensions in the persian gulf and we do all know that tensions in the persian gulf would mean Higher Energy prices for the whole war especially the consumer countries and then this means that consumers like even the Great Britain they are all they have to pay the costs of the United States Foreign Policy that thats for sure an escalation of tension that would leave a great impact negative impact on c. P. O. Way and it would make iran much more resolved to continue its present strategy that they call active resistance or reciprocal costs for all actors apparently we are moving from a win win situation that was supposed to happen on their nuclear deal to situation where we would all lose it would be a lose lose situation for everyone and thats because of the United States you know being adamant to irrational calls for diplomacy and for getting back to the nuclear deal dont leave it there for now thanks so much for now this is on that satan stuff host. Thank you both still ahead on the news hour including a fight for a dignified existence how iraqs poorest are struggling for basic amenities and digging in we meet the indonesians living in the shadow of a volatile volcano finding ways to keep themselves safe. As the country gears up for an africa cup of Nations Party we look ahead to their final day of algeria. Now the netherlands top court has up held an earlier ruling that the country is partly liable for the deaths of 350. 00 Bosnian Muslims muslim men and boys killed in strive an eater in the genocide there in 1995 the Supreme Court at the hague said Dutch Peacekeeping forces could have allowed the men to remain at the un safe haven base during the war but instead the men were expelled which led them to be captured by bosnian serb forces well earlier we spoke to book or net he is a research the Netherlands Institute for war holocaust and genocide he thinks even though the Supreme Court upheld the earlier ruling its also reduce the liability of the dutch state. They also ruled. The level of responsibility considering the entire context and all factors and factors at that time star stands at 10 percent where. Earlier courts still sense that the model of responsibility laid at 30 percent so thats actually the only difference in todays ruling by the Supreme Courts in the hague how did they arrive at that value that the state being responsible for 10 percent of this tragedy and what are the implications if that it is a bit of an odd exercise of mathematics calculating what is the responsibility for deaths during a situation that actually courts have rendered to be genocide what the court did in this specific case about this for a 150. 00 men in specific circumstances is that its set there were different factors at play there were different factors at play and. Considering all those other actors so perhaps there 90 percent deduction peacekeepers then only for 10 percent have responsibility for d. And tire acts. Obviously this has a consequence for possible future litigation concerning reparations where the relatives of these victims of course will now apply for reparations but with the dutch states only being liable for 10 percent the amount of money they will in the end get will be less. Now one of 4 u. S. Congress women at the center of a racism rao involving donald trump has hit back she says she will not be intimidated by the president and almost comments come a day off to trump supposes chanted send her a bank during a Campaign Rally she just returned to a constituency in minnesota why she received a warm welcome also in jordan reports was was a u. S. Congressman is on omar a ride to her hometown airport on thursday to a wave of support its been nearly a week since President Donald Trump started attacking her and 3 other nonwhite legislators as unamerican and every possible way perhaps the worst moment Campaign Rally on wednesday where he smiled as his supporters rule. Ah ah send her back the classic racist and xenophobic phrase thrown at generations of newcomers should the us was afterwards trump trying to distance himself from the incident i think it did they started speaking quickly and it really was a lot i disagree with the brotherhood but it was quite a chant and i felt a little bit badly about it but i will say this i did and i started speaking personally but it started out rather rather fast as you probably know political analyst gaby hines calls trumps explanation disingenuous well the strategy clearly is that trump is not a president for america he is the president for the racist in america and that is the strategy he is appealing to his right 5th base and that has worked very well for him and obviously got him to the white house. Obarr has received Death Threats since joining congress this year and on thursday she brushed off the insult and then told her supporters this my we are going to continue to be a nightmare if the president. Nightmare. It. Im not frightened. When i write. Even so her supporters are worried. The type of plane which. I think. You know it appears to be inciting. And. You know. And its very hateful is very hateful and im very concerned that it could. Incite violence against her. And others. You know in the community a matter some in Congress Want to dressed right away so that nothing happens to any of its members roslyn jordan aljazeera washington. Oh in a few moments well have the weather with rob but still ahead here on aljazeera flowers and prayers at the side of japans worst mass killing in any 2 decades. And changing faces the popular thats also prompted growing concerns over security. And rugby league in australia gets its 1st female referee joe will tell you how she got on in the sport. Let me bring you up to speed on Tropical Cyclone storm damage is a gauge itself in the seasonal rain belles that goes from japan to china and its really distorted it now its not going to become particularly strong wind wise abuses now where the winds are about 85 kilometers disgusting 100 hes already generated waves 7 meters but as is often the case its the rain thats important this thing it went over and hour left about 200 millimeters of rain in the art and society of the main island surprisingly a lot of rain has gone to the east of the heart of this storm which is actually quite close to shanghai of disco so we have a low rate in southern japan not in q should be pleased to hear the place is already starting but this is the one to watch jay as you small and to saso south korea 130. 00 millimeters for him that doesnt seem a lot but this is the direction in which the storm is heading this time saturday the 2nd i should be somewhere over the coast of south korea and that is when the rain really starts to pound thats not really there for long alert will be a very windy storm is disappearing but talking into sunday the sun is probably out again in south korea but that streak that line its taking could well leave Something Like 2 to 500 millimeters of rain in its path. Whether sponsored by cattle or in this. Information in the case to have or associated to it does look at least apartment it has the potential to be biased in a number of different ways there are too many opportunities for the computer to get. Those offices or commit those they took entrance is wrong to be saying that your son that you my is wrong to us might save you a kilo becoming a suspect before the actual crime and indepth examination into preventative policing precrime on aljazeera. Just you know were close to god just to be calmed down a trial. He used to lie on their expertise the snake. Like now before their traditional music and down to adapt and survive the modern internet. Magistad the dancers on aljazeera. Welcome back youre watching out just 0 time to recap our headlines now a South African corruption watchdog has found president s around the pose a deliberately misled parliament over Campaign Donations meanwhile a lawyer for former South African president jacob zuma told a corruption inquiry zuma will not take part in the inquiry any further felt he was being unquote questioned unfairly. Turkey has launched as strikes on the kurdish region of Northern Iraq it comes after the killing of one of its diplomats yes strikes targeted the p. K. K. Stronghold where the killer is thought to have fled to turkeys deputy consul general was shot dead wednesday. Iran says all of its drones of returned safely to base denying any have been destroyed by the us 1st they dont trump said that the warship u. S. S. Boxer brought down in a rainy and thrown in the strait of hormuz. Politicians in iraq of called for nationwide mass demonstrations theres anger over the governments failure to provide basic Services Like electricity and water and the problem gets worse as temperatures soared during the summer sound binge of a reports from baghdad these clothes have been donated to russia she tells used garments to try and make a living her home is this small room which used to be a shop the owner has allowed her to live here every corner has its use one part of the kitchen the other corner is the bathroom. And it jason to that is the sleeping area guard duty then mcconnell am forced to sell used clothes in his makeshift house you can see behind me some of these that i have stuart and other clothes are put on display just outside my doorstep. Its hard being a widow she says because she cannot afford rent or proper education for her daughter roger is among 7000000. 00 iraqis who live in poverty which means they can only spend less than 2. 00 per day and like roger many live without basic services then why are you telling us in tap water is scarce sometimes i have to feel buckets to store some water when its cut off for a day or 2 stay delicto city goes on for 4 or 5 hours a day and its the same for water years of war and fighting has meant essential services are either very poor or nonexistent in many places iraq faces a major electricity shortage even after importing almost 4000. 00 megawatts from neighboring iran each wire in the spaghetti of cables represents a household this is how private generators are providing electricity this thousands of homes across iraq because state electricity is intimately. And its not just the capital baghdad electricity water sewage and reece disposal are lacking in most parts. Running private generators is profitable business but even those who own them say they are fed up with the lack of basics. If we talk about services then i can tell you we have almost none especially if we speak about the province of busta with little electricity polluted water rampant corruption and unemployment people are overwhelmed our province is the most affected out of the rest. And every few months that anger and frustration spills out on the streets and the protesters have come out in basra frequently to vent their anger and demand uninterrupted supply of essential services. Prime minister either of their matties government says its trying to make things better but needs more time. I dont deny that there is a power crisis concerning distribution and power overload but there has been big progress in production we need an overhaul of work across the power grid and we believe that we have a clear path ahead of us to get rid of the power crisis that has persisted for over 15 years but those who come out on the street c. D. s but his promises which of remain unfulfilled by successive governments. Back that. Hundreds of thousands of demonstrators of marched in sudans capital to remember 200 People Killed in protests since december the countrys military juncker and then alliance of opposition groups to sign a constitutional deal that will determine functions of the Sovereign Council on wednesday an accord was signed creating a transitional power sharing body that has more. The. A sea of lights glowed into the night in sudans capital as protesters called for all of their demands to be met they want justice for the hundreds killed in what they call the month long revolution for democracy. Because i dont look good so i doubt we will achieve justice for all the martyrs the missing and for all the survivors from the massacre this is a message for everyone we are together to achieve justice and freedom was the rallies come as the military council and protest leaders worked to finalize a power sharing deal to create a Transitional Government leading to elections in 3 years but the deal still lacks detail the the will and protest leaders are demanding justice for the killing of at least 100 people back in june when the military raided a sit in outside Army Headquarters they want that and try and in the deal. To the ethiopian mediators in the military council we said to them thats the immunity is injected completely and absolutely it will not find a place in the constitutional document that was antigovernment protests started in december by april they turned into a sit in for democracy more than 200 people have been killed since then demonstrate to say they wont rest until saddam is led entirely by a civilian government. I ask the military council to establish a civilian state bring justice and punish those responsible immediately without any impunity impunity is rejected. We want a civilian government that means a government that establishes peace and justice as well as freedom for the people. Talk to resolve the crisis resume on friday but these protesters say their demands for meaningful change will continue. Right here mohammed al jazeera. Tried officials from china and the United States and spoken by telephone as the worlds 2 largest economies look to end their year long trade war u. S. Treasury secretary steven the newton says face to face meetings could follow in this way hey reports from beijing businesses hope that will provide some good news for chinas economy. This is an uncertain time for Chinese Companies selling things at home and overseas retail sales are forecast to slow down faster than expected this year and exports are being hit by a trade war with the United States chinese furniture makers are among the most affected after the u. S. Placed a 25 percent tariff on their products last month that were waiting to see what happens next we might have to adjust the price is that a bit but were at the moment of just wait and see now no decisions yet. President donald trump believes chinas trade relationship with the United States is not a fair one so last year he began placing tariffs on some chinese goods beijing retaliated with its own taxes a truce was declared when trump met his chinese counterpart xi jinping at the g. 20 summit in japan last month but in china there is a sense that a deal is a long way off and the government is settling in for a long fight a resumption in trade talks is welcomed here in china but it is tempered with a realisation that some of the things the americans are asking for will take a long time to deliver if they can be delivered at all the dispute goes way beyond simple trade in goods and services the u. S. Wants china to undertake broad Economic Reforms to make it easier for American Companies to do business here but that could be a step too far for the communist party which is likely to view that as an attempt to undermine chinas sovereignty there are something that can be talked about like pure trade importing more of the natural gas Agricultural Products but then when it comes to industrial policy ip protection or you name brazing liberal values these are very hard questions to proceed but china has to balance that with the likelihood that a drawn out trade dispute will contribute to a slowing economy increasing the risk of political instability in the meantime many businesses in china both large and small will be watching closely for any sign of an improvement in relations between the worlds 2 largest economies. Aljazeera beijing. New details have emerged about thursdays suspected arson attack in japan that killed 33 people but police have identified 41 year old shinji as the main suspect he was arrested soon after the attack fire Officials Say the courage to Animation Studio did not have any sprinklers or indoor hydrants installed its japans worst incident of mass killings in the early 2 decades japan this summer in the south Korean Ambassador to settle the ongoing dispute over wartime compensation but so rejected japans call for a meeting 2 countries are at odds over a Court Decision ordering Japanese Companies to compensate south korean victims of forced labor during japans colonial rule japan now says it would take necessary measures against south korea if interests of Japanese Companies are harmed ties between seoul and tokyo have plunged to their lowest point in decades after japan recently tightened export controls of some high tech materials. Japans measures are putting their people and companies in a difficult position and causing damage to them a situation such as this which is damaging the foundation of japan and south korea should be amended swiftly and. Theres a warning of increased volcanic activity around Indonesias Mount Merapi the countrys most active volcano thousands of people have been put on high alert as Florence Louis reports some residents are refusing to relocate. Imposing and unpredictable mt merapi is one of indonesias most dangerous volcanoes its last major eruption in 2010 killed 275 people and destroyed farms and buildings. Yet some villages moved back within months ignoring the governments call to relocate. Instead they worked on strengthening whats known as the merapi network a Community Run Early Warning system. They collected money to buy a monitoring device you know. This equipment warren says when he made up is becoming active very transmitters in the mountain that pick up his mic activity. It makes a steady sound if its activity then we were in people using walkie talkie so they dont panic. To consume. Theres also a radio service. Busy which updates everyone on the volcanos status. This Lookout Point is part of the Warning System there are several of these in each village built using Community Funds from these vantage points villages take turns to Monitor Mount merapi for activity volcanoes are not the only natural disasters that threaten indonesia earthquakes and tsunamis are also common but less predictable. We can never be 100 percent prepared what we can do is make today better than yesterday and tomorrow better than today. Disaster officials have long given up trying to persuade villages like. To relocate. We are made up the people moving

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