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About the issues of fighting in some of these regions which makes a the efforts difficult and the issue of lack of local trust in some cases. Sunny green with you might be alone may not be an ass but definitely makes a huge difference for example world vision has been occurring out of Community Since the search for missing. Meets and. Teaching the people on how the disease is spread and how it can be stopped how it can be prevented from for them to. Prevent themselves from further infection but because we dont have sufficient resources to actually. Broaden that message submission we have been constrained so having those resources would be a huge relief to did to disseminate the information the trust from the local communities because they actually do not ignore how the disease is spread and how it can be prevented as long as we give them the right mr g. And that messaging is given by people they know the trust they were due to be trust within their communities and that whereas resources or thank you very much for your thoughts on that joseph kamar thank you sir i mean a prominent u. S. Senator Chuck Schumer has called on the f. B. I. To investigate one of the most popular applications in the world face that hes concerned it could pose National Security and privacy risks for millions of americans and the Companies Based in russia face app has been installed the more than 100000000 android phones and its the most popular application in the i tunes store or lets explain a little bit you take a photo and then it uses Artificial Intelligence to manipulate the image to make you look older or younger or even change agenda privacy watchdogs say users need to read the fine print because they granting the company a license to use their images for ever and however the Company Wants to face that says it deletes most photos from its servers within 48 hours and that it doesnt send data to the russian government. Our obama con is a coda and digital eggs but he joins us on skype from cool how you wired about this. We should all be worried about this sammy but we should be worried about it far before the russians get involved we only get worried if its the russians or its the chinese right so if its a russian its in a b. I probe if its a Chinese Company dont cry and theres the u. S. Thats you have to sell that because thats a privacy issue but facebook and google and snap chat and free Venture Capital fund that Silicon Valley start up does exactly the same thing this is the Business Model of Mainstream Technology so am i worried yes of course im worried ive been worried for many years and ive been you know tweeting about this stuff and raising awareness that maybe my tweets get we tweeted 10 or 20 times or 30 times but the moments i tweet about hate the russians own it thousands of retreats and you know why why does it take that really for us to care well that segues nice i was going to ask you that point does it differ in any way to any of the all the apps that we rely on or even hardware that relies on facial recognition. Well no no i mean that if you remember facebook had. The 10 year challenge upload a photo of yourself from 10 years ago and say what do you think they were doing there facebook has a blokes that they have the greatest. Recognition database facial recognition database in the world we should be really worried about that especially in a post cambridge analytical world where we know that its highly subset of that data was used by a Small Company came journalistic to influence the outcome of the brags that vote in the United Kingdom and the trump elections in the United States i mean imagine what facebook can do with the full data set its cambridge and lets it was able to do that with just the tiny subset of it so we should let me let you jump in i can say and sure look at it from this aspect does it make a difference though if youre an american user whos in america using an american app thats under american law rather than if youre using a russian app and you know you obviously in a in a different very different sort of Legal Environment feel establishing your rights and reclaiming your rights. I wish i could say that but americans have some of the worst rights when it comes to privacy and the world were a little better in the e. U. With the general Data Protection regulation the g. D. P. Are but in america its a free for all i mean remember that when it it when it comes to face google doing the same thanks. You know americans call it innovation and disruption and they celebrate it its again only when the russians and chinese are involved when theyre like ok this could be bad yeah but its bad in general you know we should be looking at alternatives we should be looking at funding alternatives because you know all the funding goes into these sort of businesses Venture Capital billions are are spent creating new types of businesses based on surveillance you know we should be looking at alternatives there how do we spawn technology that is in the call. Good maybe we need to start thinking about funding it from but maybe instead of big tech we should be thinking about small to how do we found that knowledge she said are just tools for people not surveillance devices we need to start having these conversations and not just in reaction to the latest leak or the latest ad that has a privacy issue that you know blows up on twitter we Start Talking about this is a systemic issue its making us get more. In the next year of technology thank you. Thank you sammy. Had on. One of the favorites. And they will have. You feel you are having a bad day a hard day all this story will let us know youre not the only one really micra not having the best of starts as the 148 the dition of the open golf championships hes off of the royal portrush course the games oldest major tournament being played in Northern Ireland for the 1st time since 951. 00 and home favorite macrorie will have the worst start of mashable dropping 4 shots on the 1st hole the 2014 where he set the course record of this venue aged just 16 but he has recovered slightly his 3 over par now after 15 holes here are some of the other schools world number one brooks kept under par after a 6 holes or may have started champion webb simpson sure an opening round 68 as did 2017 mass this champion Sergio Garcia like simpson he finished that i 3 on the one behind current clubhouse leader shane larry of the island tiger woods tees off in a few minutes time the 3 time champion hasnt won this title since 2006 woods did break his decade long major drought of the masters earlier on this year but so this will be only his 4th tournament since found victory Englands Justin Rose just about to start his round he finished as a runner up behind Francesco Molinari last year at the world number 4 still to answer the one major title he won back in 2013 that was at the u. S. Open he also has 2 2nd place finishes at the masters. I had i had a cup of opportunities for sure you know guster couldve that was one arm in the jacket type situation and you know the never skipped through a career without a little bit of heartache along the way so i feel like. Yeah like maybe a couple more chances go down and give myself some looks and if i keep doing that no the door will open again for europe or the country that hosted the 1st ever football world cup as part of a 4 nation bid to stage the 100th Anniversary Edition of the tournament in 2030 europe wide joined with argentina parable and chile in an ounce in their joint campaign on tuesday so far favre has received 3 other confirmed dates with china egypt and the u. K. Also expressing an interest by munich striker rubble of and says the club are in danger of being left behind by europes elite unless they make some more signings the polish international speaking following barnes last English Premier League side are still in los angeles in a preseason friendly of an oscar who scored in the 21 defeat says winning the Champions League will be difficult if the club doesnt add to the signings theyve already made in the close season the german champion surfside 2 french world cup winners in lucas and on those 7 benjamin pov are for a combined cost of 120 9000000. 00. England International Current trippier has been officially introduced by athletic or madrid that offender has joined from tottenham in a 25000000. 00 deal is home ground will now be the venue where spurs lost last seasons Champions League final against liverpool. It was amazing movie came here to train the day before the Champions League final and this was wow you know one of the best stadiums in the world. And now im here to an ethical player to play in there we go is this a privilege or not in the world im going to take in the stride well one of the heroes of englands cricket world cup win has been called up to the test squad for the 1st time batsman jason roy has been selected for englands test with island which starts next wednesday rory scored a 104 fifties in the world cup just butler and ben stokes have been rested for the match the ashes a get underway on august the 1st full of pakistans fillets arrange the world cup sammys in will step down as the chief select so when his contract ends the end of july ends and i was appointed in 2016 during his tenure pakistan did win the champions trophy also won the world cup as a player in 1960 may argue its just who continue need good motor i dont want to continue this job i did it for more than 3 years i passed my time very well im satisfied with my job the now ive decided that fresh people should come in with fresh ideas and take pakistan cricket forward just over a year to go until the Tokyo Olympics organizers are stress testing many of the venues surfing is one of 5 new sports included in the games this test event was hit by heavy fog and relatively flat saying limping qualification has already started with 20 places available for both men and women were very confident and part of the reason why were here during this period to see how the conditions are running during the format and i think. You know well from what weve seen and were on the couch all. The conditions are ups are adequate. All but obliged to try to insult the head of the big fights in Money Department he looks to have found a new angle keith urban comparing the only 8 Division World champion in the history of boxing a. Good way to be a super middleweight title in las vegas on saturday. It just puts me in the fight mode when i let him know he you know hes going to do nothing with a move to rex arms hes about to get you know beat up i did a bunch of center in the face. But nothing personal with him but in our job as a fighter. Hes kind of the proton thing and i have to prove something and thats why im somewhat invaded for this fight ok sport throughout the day but from a finance. And thats it from me for this news be back with another 4 though in a couple of minutes. Hard. I remember the 1st time i walked into the newsroom and it felt like being in the General Assembly of the United Nations because it has so many nationalities. But it is just that we all come to different places but its one that gives us and gives us the ability to identify with the other side of the world but we can understand what its like to have a different perspective and i think that is a strength for aljazeera. Discover new developments in surgery on the job whatever and here ashima japan to meet the surgeon hiring new techniques in regenerating on these a breakthrough medical trials provide some much needed on to Cystic Fibrosis sufferers based on all the evidence we have the virus is at least 100 fold more effective in fighting very nice to get the cure revisited on aljazeera. When the news breaks. When people need to be heard and the story needs to be told pretty remarkable due to the better were died last weekend crossing from mexico to you know to stay with exclusive interviews and indepth reports we commit according to the mission life is a section of aljazeera has teams on the ground to bring you the world when documentaries and live news. Irans revolutionary guard seize the foreign oil tanker in the strait of hormuz they say it was smuggling oil. From sammys a dan this is al jazeera live from the sun coming out. The u. S. Expels turkey from its 35. 00 Fighter Program to receive delivery of Russian Missiles plus. I. Going to be harder for the next Prime Minister of the u. K. To deliver a no deal breaks it will tell you why. I. Supporters repeat his racist comments during his 1st Campaign Rally since insulting for congresswoman. Now we begin this news hour with developments in the gulf irans revolutionary guards have seized a foreign tanker they say it was trying to smuggle oil the announcement was made a few hours ago but the tanker was reportedly seized on sunday just south of island in the strait of hormuz the island is home to a guard base and is the closest iranian to armaan this is how the tank a seizure was announced on state television. A very new to a patrolling operation to find and fight fuel smuggling of ships passing through the persian gulf on sunday revolutionary boats found a foreign ship carrying 1000000 liters of smuggled fuel and after coordinating with judicial authorities they seized it and 12 crew members. Joins us now live from officials giving any more details about this. Well apparently this was the work of the revolutionary guard naval forces who were on a anti Smuggling Mission in the waters in the strait of hormuz when they came across the special after investigating what was going on board this ship the revolutionary guard commanders apparently says got the appropriate legal approvals to seize this vessel and when they seized that on sunday there were 12 crew members on board the nationality of those crew members have not been revealed yet this is just an example of what the revolutionary guards have been doing in the strait of hormuz they have repeatedly said that they will protect your rons and National Interests and the security of the strait of hormuz is something they take very seriously they say that it is up to them is their number one priority now this of course comes as weeks of tension that weve seen brewing in this region because of various issues that are ongoing between iran and the United States government the 1st being that the u. S. Was dropped withdrawing from the 2015 Nuclear Agreement last year and imposing a series of sanctions on irans oil and Banking Sector now the iranians have said that this is a economic war thats been waged on the country and they wont stand for it now there was also an incident just 2 weeks ago where a tanker carrying a 2000000 barrels of Iranian Crude Oil was seized in the strait of gibraltar by the british navy the iranians have called that maritime piracy all these incidences have been ongoing theyve seen increased tension between iran and western powers but this specific incident is an example of how the revolutionary guard has been able to show its strength in when it comes to protecting iranian interests and iranian borders and when it comes to specifically the strait of hormuz they said that they will go to any length to make sure that the passage of oil vessels in this region is protected and now this is seen as an example of how the revolutionary guard will protect this region. All right well leave it there dosage of. Irans of the ship seizure happened as the Central Command general Kenneth Mackenzie was in saudi arabia he met with the saudi general in charge of the Coalition Fighting yemens who 3 rebels the to discuss the situation in the gulf how to ensure safe passage for ships off the coasts of yemen and iran let me just emphasize that we dont believe war with iran is inevitable and we dont seek war with iran. What we seek is to tear around from destabilizing and malign activities across the region and we believe the recent adjustments that weve made to our force posture have had some effect toward i still acknowledge the attacks by iranian proxies are occurring against the king or saudi arabia from yemen and thats a problem that needs to be addressed the u. S. House of representatives has rebuke the president by voting to block the sale of some arms to saudi arabia a similar measure was passed by the Senate Last Month President Donald Trump is expected to veto the resolutions michaela reports from washington d. C. The joint resolution is passed. The house passes 3 bills expressing disapproval at arms sales to saudi arabia 238 vote in favor 190 against the 1st bill dealt with the sale of precision guided missiles the 2nd with the export of smart bombs and the 3rd was aimed at blocking the sale of fuses needed to arm and detonate the missiles and bombs. The bulls had earlier been passed in the senate and will now go to the white house but President Trump has made clear hell exercise is veto and it appears neither house nor senate could raise the 2 thirds majority that would be needed to reject the veto and pass a law as without president ial signature. Yet this bipartisan move by congress will have an impact this Moment Congress is clearly not interested in excel or reading american support for saudi arabia in its war in yemen and does not like having its authority usurped by the executive branch when it comes to approving arms sale so its making a statement its laying down a marker it understands that the president will ultimately get his way but over time it can wear down the opposition and potentially even override a veto. There are layers of reasons for congresss anger about President Trumps relationship with saudi arabia earlier this year the president vetoed a bipartisan bill demanding an end to u. S. Support for saudis role in yemen. Then he invoked emergency legislation citing a threat from iran to override a congregational ban on weapon sales and thirdly theyre still intense and gain congress at the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi and the steadfast refusal of President Trump to hold the saudi leadership accountable but even if or when the president vetoes the latest round of legislation there will be more to come in particular a bull demanding a report from the u. S. Intelligence community about the call shoji murder that has been included in the house version of the Defense Authorization bill 2020 that was passed by a resoundingly vote of 405 to 7. Mike hanna aljazeera washington. The United States and turkey maybe a long time nato allies but that wasnt enough to stop washington from kicking turkey out of its 35 Fighter Jet Program ankara says that move will harm relations the program is designed to sell turkey more than 100 american f. 35 jets and trained turkish pilots to use them but now its been suspended the pilots are being expelled Stephanie Decker explains. The clear statement of intent by the United States to remove turkey from its f. 35 program a reaction to turkey buying the s 400 air Defense System from russia and receiving the 1st shipments the u. S. And other f. 35 partners are aligned in this decision to suspend turkey from the program and initiate the process to formally remove turkey from the program as President Trump said in his Statement Today the u. S. Still values our Strategic Partnership with turkey the u. S. President made it clear he blamed the Previous Administration for refusing to sell the u. S. Patriot air Defense System to turkey in the 1st place he wanted to buy our Patriot Missile we were to sell it and then when he made a deal and he really wanted to buy it when he made a deal with another country russia to buy their system that he didnt even want. Then all of a sudden we say oh ok well you will now sell you the patriot act because of the fact he bought a Russian Missile were not allowed to sell of billions of dollars worth of aircraft its not a fair situation you have something to add to that nasser you explained it well i think that you should read. But it is a serious matter turkey it signed a deal to buy more than 100. 00 of the new jets it says its still waiting for official notification of its suspension from the f. 35. 00 program but says the move is unfair the americans maintain it threatens their military security the russians who will assist turkey in operating the 400 system could in theory work out the radar signatures of the air 35 the f. 35 as you may know is a Stealth Fighter that means that it isnt invisible but it does have a very much reduced radar signature and by operating the system that the radar of the has 400 it might be able to detect how the aircraft might become visible and then vulnerable to the russian system but analysts also say they dont see it creating a rift in the Alliance Nato secretarygeneral praise turkeys role but im saying that turkey as a nato member is much more than 400. Deliveries expected to be completed by next year until then no one can be sure how the military and political alliances may or may not shift Stephanie Decker. The un special rapporteur on human rights in myanmar says a team is not getting access to whats happening on the ground that theres more violence is being reported in iraq and state the anger at least those villages have been burned down in recent days and shes been prevented from gathering information. The question is. Did the government of myanmar impose the internet than to inflict more time on the People Living in rakhine. The internet blackout has also prevented individuals winding to engage with me from being able to make contact it is challenging to get information on what is happening on the ground under these circumstances but i have been told that 3 villages in rakhine have been burned down by that and michael in the last 2 weeks. Old so accuse leaders there of diplomatic maneuvering aimed at obstructing her investigations in other countries. It is of great concern to me that myanmar peers to be increasing pressure and engaging the governments of neighboring countries in its efforts to violate rights and avoid scrutiny this includes obstructing me in carrying out my mandate while i was in thailand i had to abort part of my visit due to interference this is very serious and not to be taken lightly or so the head of al jazeera will tell you about the suspected arson attack on the Animation Studio in japan. What a story because governor defies protesters call

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