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Thanks for. The Research Associate in the Africa Program at Chatham House in london chris welcome back to news how much credibility does he have. So i think that this is being seen really as zuma coming out and defending himself as we heard claiming that this is a political agenda that has been put against him that as weve just heard is over 20 years old and dates back to his. Time but then so there is there is this push from him of this is a political thing but theres also within what hes saying there will of course be. Credible. Evidence and that this is a man who was at the center of state capture and this is the man around which this holds on the commission has been set up to look into what went on on in south africa under his presidency so of course he knows a lot about what was going on weve heard that hes denying a lot of what was going on a lot of the allegations against him but hes also going to use this as a political means to try and shift the attention away from him personally and to try and bring down the a. N. C. Or to bring down a wider group of people so that to avoid being scapegoated within the this inquiry in your opinion how pervasive was corruption with him in charge. So it was very pervasive and particularly at the top of the party and thats what this is looking into is that issue of state capture but theres also a much broader issue of corruption within south africa which is about the relationship between the party in the state at a local level at a municipal level how government tenders are awarded much of the south African Business space is dependent upon government tenders in an interaction in some form with the state and so theres a much broader issue of corruption that isnt just around him and what was going on but the issue was that he was a man who was at the very top of governments who allowed himself to be captured by these elite interests and so thats whats thats whats on trial here this kind of brazen approach to what was going on and its important to remember that the commission thats going on at the moment is part of it was set up as part of the a. N. C. Trying to bring new trying to rejuvenate trying to demonstrate to the south african electorate of look with this is us trying to atone for what happened and trying to get to the roots of it and almost a Transitional Justice Committee Part 2 but actually out of this on the commission weve heard a lot more detail about the extent and the scope of state captured during that time which has had a blow back effect on the a. N. C. And detail that is coming out of this commission is touching on a lot more people than was anticipated when it 1st got set up but there seems to have been particularly over the past couple of years since this story percolating through the front pages an undertow political current that seems to be saying look weve got to not only clean house weve also got to polish up our public image domestically and internationally as well will this central trial against jacob zuma achieve that. Its unlikely that it will look this isnt this isnt necessarily a trial this is a commission of inquiry so at the center of this is deputy chief Justice John Doe and what hes going to have to report after this is where does the blame lies does the blame lie with jacob zuma does the blame lie with the south african state does it lie with the a. N. C. More broadly whats the role of the private sector so hes going to have to make a decision here as to where it lies but this isnt necessary. A trial but in terms of the a. N. C. Trying to polish its emissions as you say for an International Audience i think that this is as much about the domestic audience as an International Audience the south african electorate are following this trial very very closely and frankly they want to see big changes in their country and the messaging that is coming out of south africa is this attempt to say the party is when you see the party is changing things are Getting Better and the revelations that are coming out in the zone though will tell us whether or not you know the extent of state capture and whether or not this is something that we can say ok this was. A problem of the past that the party is now dealt with or whether at the end of this commission of inquiry we look at it and say actually the problems of the past all the problems of the present and the problem of state capture and corruption in south africa is more pervasive than we thought at the start of this process and that will create some investor uncertainty ok we have to leave it there chris burns in london thank you. Very much the u. S. President donald trump has again lashed out at a group of 4 high profile Congress Women mr trump is demanding an apology for what he called quote horrible and disgusting actions that comes a day after he sent racially charged tweets to the politicians telling them to go back to where they came from gabriel and hes on the reports now from washington. The human ization is not only with those families but its also with the agents that weve had sold to do the stevies families their 1st time Congress Women and vocal critics of the us president and it appears theyve gotten under donald trump skin he took to twitter to say in part progressive democrat Congress Women who originally came from countries whose governments are a complete and total catastrophe should go back to the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came however 3 of the Congress Women were born in the u. S. Not elsewhere as he suggested alexandria cortez of puerto rican descent was born in new york Ayana Presley is from massachusetts and russia to tell you the palestinian american was born in michigan she responded to trumps attack on social media this is our country and no amount of heathfield myleene from the white house is going to change that were going to fight back together and were going to become stronger for it please know that ill never back down no bully no kind of attack to silence me is going to work another target of trump congresswoman ileana omar was born in somalia came to the u. S. As a refugee when she was a teenager and became a u. S. Citizen nearly 20 years ago omar responded to trump by tweeting mr president as members of congress the only country we swear an oath to is the United States which is why we are fighting to protect it from the worst most corrupt and inept president we have ever seen. The racially tinge tweets came on the same day trump said immigration officials would be conducting raids throughout the country to arrest any vict undocumented migrants with removal orders it stoked fear in immigrant communities of being caught up in a dragnet of mass deportations and earlier in the week trump threaten to go around the Supreme Court and demand people answer a question in next years census on whether they are u. S. Citizens analysts say its all part of a trial pattern this is a president who once said that he called for the total and complete shutdown of muslims entering into the United States once referred to mexicans as the rapists one 3rd of the barack obama birth or controversy and so its really important when you see this sort of racism xena phobia massage any islamophobia coming from the commander in chief its really important for minority communities here in the United States to act as intersectional allies to one another ensure that hes a one term president trumps anti immigrant and racially divided undertones in the run up to the 2016 election did not prevent him from becoming president he won anyway he now likely thinks that his latest rhetoric will not hurt his chances for reelection next year gabriels on dough aljazeera washington. Following that story for us outside the white house so kimberly whats he been saying on twitter i mean these women did they criticize him and the United States in the way he seems to believe. Well certainly at least 2 of the congresswoman that are being targeted by Donald Trumps tweets have received some pushback for some of their own statements and that is what donald trump has been talking about in a series of tweets here on monday morning in washington not the least is this tweet right here all read when will the radical left congresswoman apologize to our country the people of israel and even the office of the president for the foul language they use and the terrible things they have said so many people are angry at them and other horrible and disgusting actions what the president is referring to specifically were she to to leave has in recent months been criticized for some of her comments with respect to the profanity she uses when she discusses her desire to a peach the president when it comes to all of our she was also widely criticized for using an antisemitic trope essentially she was restrained or condemned for those statements that she made referring to jews as benjamins saying that they are motivated by money not by principle but she has apologized after her remarks were condemned widely and i guess that is the big difference in all of this is that well omar has apologized for the use of a trope that many believe are perceived to be racist donald trump has not in fact hes kind of doubled down on that even so much so that members of his own Republican Party will not coming out condemning the statements Lindsey Graham a republican ally top senator in the United States senate has said that the president needs to knock it down a little bit whether the president will knock it down a bit as Lindsey Graham has suggested it is left to speculation we may have that answer he is set to appear in the White House South Lawn in the coming hours where reporters may have the opportunity to ask him more about his comments and they were talking about the changes to the asylum legislation what are they doing without. Yeah well this is one of the reasons why many people are speculating peter that the president may be lashing out right now hes getting a lot of criticism for some of his immigration policies the latest is an announcement by the department of Homeland Security and the department of justice that it will be changing as of tuesday the way that asylum is claimed in the United States this seems to be targeting those migrants heading up from Central America namely from from countries like guatemala el salvador nicaragua that they will no longer be able to claim asylum because they have traveled through a socalled safe country in this case mexico what this will do is essentially shut down those asylum claims prioritizing those that say they are fleeing persecution essentially knocking down the argument that is being made by a lot of Central American migrants that the persecution is largely economic this is something that is being defended by the attorney general as it is being implemented by the certain to be challenge by immigration activists just going back kimberly to wrap up our conversation says racially charged tweets that any republican congressman a women come out one way or the condemning the president or supporting his stance when it comes to the congresswoman. Yeah republicans have been largely silent that is certainly noticeable and taking note are the americans that will be forced to once again vote for many of these members of congress as well as the president in 2020 the really notable comment again comes from Lindsey Graham senior republican senator from South Carolina who has has said the president should tone down these comments but has not condemned them in any way and that seems to be whats really adding fire to the very sort of dry kindling that exists when you talk about Race Relations in the United States it seems the president is willing to pour gasoline on. That fire igniting if you will with these tweets that is really what has left so Many Americans really a gas that these comments are coming from the president of the United States you know many of us may have in our family somebody perhaps like a distant uncle an elderly uncle who may say approach inappropriate things but that is largely something that is dying out in the United States so to hear it coming from the office of the president his tweets being considered policy is what is making so Many Americans probably comfortable but astonished kimberly thanks very much well the u. S. Congresswoman has spoken exclusively to us here at aljazeera she says the u. S. Is living through what she calls an historically traumatizing time Donald Trumps leadership polarization in this country really has existed for a long time and what were seeing right now is the an earthling of the kind of cancerous that could really present. But the positive things that every time when there is a challenge there is an opportunity so because we have the most the face of president were living in. Historically a traumatizing time at least in my generation in this country and you can watch that full interview with talk to aljazeera the saturday at 430 hours g. M. T. Is a cofounder of womens Public Leadership Network she says White Nationalism is the real problem here. These people these elected officials on the republican side are likely going to keep quiet the vast majority of them because they worry about their seat they worry about being reelected if they lose the favor republicans nationally as well as the white house so there are 2 things here i think number one the republican electorate is not is racist as perhaps the Mainstream Media in the us seems it out to be i travel the country and have a great privilege of doing so for my work over many years i have agree privilege of traveling the world i can tell you there are good people in the United States that dont hold these the white supremacist values but the real calm has been the city present United States has not denounced White Nationalism this supremacy hes not denounced. Bursley and that unfortunately has given rise to a faction of republicans that do have heat and carry racism and therefore the color of the whole party in that sentiment i think there are a lot of republicans me why at this moment secondly do i think the base is going to abandon him previous remarks i dont think so because they have put their full support behind him and unfortunately tribalism has meet them where you throw those colored glasses or the president and therefore they want a bad name simply because of these comments he said much worse the roadside bombs killed at least 13 people in southern afghanistan another 33 civilians were wounded in the explosion which talks to truck in kind of cut as district still to come for you on the news of slowing down a trade war with the u. S. Is one of the factors driving chinas west Economic Growth figures in eunice. Uncertain rains lead to devastating flooding across india and the power. And in the sports news a big welcome the new face eventis explains in about 20 minutes. Hello again welcome back were here cross the levant we are talking about temperatures are slightly cooler than average for this time of year were talking maybe one degree or 2 degrees there so for baghdad maybe 42 degrees for you down here towards coate city at 45. 00 but the big problem over the next few days is still going to be the wind across much of the area were talking about southern iraq down here towards the country of court as well coming in from the northwest and that will also go across parts of the gulf up here towards tehran though it is a little bit warmer a few at 42. 00 degrees and then across the gulf the winds are still going to be a problem for us here and we do expect them to be even breezy or as we go towards tuesday for the forecast map 43. 00 degrees here in doha very dry conditions as well over towards abu dhabi at 38. 00 and a Beautiful Day as a law at 27. 00 degrees with clouds stay well off the coast and then very quickly across parts of Southern Africa we are talking about some clouds along the cape those clouds are going to bring some winds as well as a storm system skirts the southern areas and makes its way towards the indian ocean so for cape town maybe some clouds in your forecast at 15 degrees but a warmer day here in durban tempters coming up if you were 28 degrees as the high and johannesburg it is going to be plenty of sun with a temperature of 17 degrees and heavy rain across much of central africa. Conflict passion. Making gradients to any successful suggs could mexicos most loved it is no different behind the cameras this week tensions run high as the produces are forced to balance creative and social issues with a day mons of commercialise ation. How a sub survives episode 4 of soap box mexico on aljazeera. The latest news as it breaks as more people move here for opportunity space get flooded. With detailed coverage with the full faith that theyve been without electricity and water for several days. From around the world all the day over 30 years ago and yet this area remains one of the most heavily on the world. Welcome back youre watching the aljazeera news live from doha my names peter dhabi these are the headlines e. U. Foreign ministers are meeting in brussels to find a way to answer ron and the u. S. To start a dialogue after months of tensions tehran said it remains committed to the agreement so long as other parties also maintain their commitment to. The former south african president jacob zuma has told an inquiry into government corruption that he was the target of a conspiracy zuma was forced from office last year accused of overseeing the money. State fans. The u. S. President has once again lashed out at a group of 4 high profile congress with donald trump is demanding an apology for what he called the horrible and disgusting actions. When he told the congresswoman to go back home to where they come from. To Health Workers fighting the break in the democratic republic of congo and been found murdered in their homes the killings in north kivu province follows attacks on boehner clinics and stuff doctors have discovered the 1st case of the virus in the provincial capital goma the citys home to a 1000000 People Experts are concerned the virus could spread quickly in the densely populated area close to the border with rwanda since the latest outbreak last august almost 1700 people have died. While the confirmed case in goma has prompted the World Health Organization to reconsider whether it should declare the break a global emergency the identification of the cases in goma could potentially be a game changer in this epidemic we are confident in the measures we are to put in place and hope that we will see not a little transmission of ebola in goma nevertheless we cannot be too careful i have a little for decided to reconvene the Emergency Committee as soon as possible to assess the threat of this development catherine so it has more from nairobi in kenya. So ministry of Health Officials in the our congo say that the situation in. The capital of north kivu is pretty much under control they say that they have been preparing for months for such an outcome and have been sensitizing people as well as setting up hand washing areas in different places so they say its unlikely that the disease is going to spread farther but its always a concern because this is one of the may just cities in the congo has about a 1000000 People Living there its right at the border with rhonda and this man whose case was confirmed is actually a pastor who had traveled to about 200 kilometers north of to pray for patients so he was quickly isolated or an arrival in goma and is being transported under very heavy security from the military back to the people who were with him in the bass who is traveling in have also been isolated and are being vaccinated as well but we also did speak to an official of the International Federation of the red cross who has just come back from those areas and hes saying that hes concerned that this seeing the disease coming back in areas like benni where it had been contained. Actually flaring up in beni again a place that where we had cases of the beginning where the number of cases are gone down and where were seeing now. The outbreak raging again and this is the new with the center of of the outbreak the ministry of health has also confirmed that 2 community Health Workers who were very involved in spreading awareness in some of these areas that have been affected in particular that they were killed on saturday night its not clear who killed them but they have been receiving threats from their work theyve been receiving threats since december and this just goes to show how precarious the security situation is in some of this areas. Home. Protesters demanding her resignation calling them wrong it says she made those comments with a hospital with 3 Police Officers injured during clashes on sunday will be treated tens of thousands of people. With rule of an extradition bill moranis a plan in the coming weeks she has more from home. Caroline statement condemning the violence and basically vowing to make those responsible accountable violence committed against police force is not surprising for the protestors that just basically is a reaffirmation that there has been no change in her policy and approach towards how to deal with this crisis and this is essentially a trust issue the protesters also believe that their interests really are not focused on the welfare of the hong kong people as they describe it but towards more of her loyalty to beijing and Mainland China in general the letter issued by Police Officers junior Police Officers requesting for better security for their homes and their families signals basically that the police force is going through as a very difficult situation compared to the 2014 movement several years ago both sides accusing each other of violence weve seen that over the last few days it remains to be seen what sort of concessions can carolines government offer but what is clear though based on what the statements weve gotten from protesters here is that there wont be an end to the Current Situation that they will continue to protest until real political reforms are in place. Chinas economy isnt being helped by the trade war with the United States growth in the 2nd quarter of the year slowed to a 27 year low it was 6. 2 percent down from 6. 4 percent in the 1st quarter chinas all important export trade fell to thats despite tax cuts aimed at boosting spending to stimulate the worlds 2nd biggest economy when he has more now from beijing. Well the Chinese Government werent set out right but theres no doubt they will be concerned about some of the economic numbers that are coming out it wasnt all doom and gloom on the release of these latest figures there were some bright spots retail sales and industrial output both showed some positive signs in the 2nd quarter of the year industrial output in particular will be welcomed because that sick to had been struggling recently resulting in many factories around china laying off staff but its the overall trend in Economic Growth that has been falling that will be causing a lot of concern really since the end of 2012 its been declining with the odd reprieve along the way part of a global trend of course the Global Economy is slowing down and in fact many countries in and around the world would welcome i would want to have some of the numbers that china is reporting right now but china of course needs to be looked at a little bit differently to most countries and around the world because of the remarkable Economic Growth that it has been through if we go back to the Global Financial crisis in 2009 even in that difficult time china didnt report quarterly growth below 6. 4 percent well were beneath that now so naturally that is going to be causing some concern both within china around asia and beyond and of course all this happening amid the trade dispute between china and the United States the latest trade statistics came out on friday as well showing that imports and exports are down and perhaps the most concerning thing is that we dont know when this trade war is going to end yes theres been a truce declared between the 2 president s meaning no new tariffs are being placed on each others goods but we still dont know when those face to face negotiations are going to restarts the south korean president is urging japan to resume talks on the escalating trade disputes mungy in the japanese economy suffers from the recent restrictions imposed on exports to korea trip because hooters failed to Reach Agreement in talks last week. Bands probe dozens of Small Business owners in the capital seoul South Koreans to boycott japanese goods japans restriction of high tech exports is seen as retaliation against Court Rulings in south korea judges order Japanese Companies to pay compensation for forced labor during the 2nd world war the Un Security Council has voted unanimously to authorize the Monitoring Mission yemens port city of who data for another 6 months representatives of yemens government and who the rebel fighters have been meeting for a 2nd day to discuss a pullout of forces from that city the talks are taking place on board a u. N. Vessel the redeployment from data was a critical part of the sweden a cease fire deal reached last december. Annual monsoon rains have left a trail of devastation across several countries now in the powell at least 67 people have been killed in flash floods and landslides dozens of people are missing and 10000 others are displaced continuous rain since thursday has swarmed homes and destroyed roads and bridges at least 10 people have died in flooding in bangladesh on soon rains there have swept away houses leaving fountains of people displaced some of the worst damage has been refugee camps in coxs bazar home to a 1000000 refugees. And in myanmar heavy rain and high river levels are forced thousands from their homes the northern catchin state is the worst affected with 14000 people there being displaced. Well heavy rain also causing havoc in the northeast india with more than a 1000000 people displaced flash flooding in the region killing 10 farmland and residential areas submerged after rivers burst their banks historic air out. Those living in northeastern india were prepared for the monsoon rains but not for this. So much rain has fallen the Brahmaputra River has burst its banks warming up entire villages. This family is safe and now. They are among nearly a 1000000 people who have been displaced by the flooding in the state of some with thousands of homes underwater some have been forced to take refuge on rooftops. While others are doing all they can. To protect their families from the ongoing rains. The deluge has also triggered mudslides and several people have been killed. Others have turned to government run camps for relief. Well farmers are worried about their crops so that. As soon as farmers began sowing and irrigating the land thats when the rain began its been extreme 72 hours of continuous rain the water level kept rising and then slowly submerged our farmland nearly all of our crops have been destroyed so its not just india affected by the heavy rains dozens have been killed in neighboring nepal and bangladesh. While this couple didnt let the rain dampen their wedding theres not much to celebrate for thousands of others here in india more monsoon rains are for cost and the floodwaters are expected to continue to rise in the coming days so to hide out and josina. 7 people have died in northern india after monsoon rain caused the building to Collapse Police say rescue teams are pulled 13 people from the rubble but fear more trapped under the debris the building houses small restaurant and a guest and 30 people were inside it at the time. Government leaders in south africa say soldiers sent from the streets of cape town and other temporarily troops are helping Police Tackle gang crime and around a dozen murders a day in poor neighborhoods from either miller story. All too familiar scenes on the cape flats in cape town we communities are terrorized by Gang Violence and the. Mobile phone footage shows opposing gangs in manenberg open fire at point blank range in a field just across from high rise flats in another video a man who we are told is a gang member shoots across a parking lot and yet another taken in hanover park shots are fired in defiance of police as they arrive at the scene people in these communities say they live in fear and the police have lost control many welcome the governments decision to send soldiers to 10 areas they say of being held hostage by gangs and violence. One of them is dawn peters who has lived in manenberg for 17 years her son trevor was shot dead a month ago as he walked to the shop to buy snacks for a football match gone says she ran for cover as the shots rang out outside a home. For the guns and then but i couldnt see their faces 1st thought obviously. And so i saw them walking for they wasnt far from when the corner was for them shot so i knew i wasnt going to make and if i had on that side of the people that these guys coming with guns. As erin the shots just. And so i just that and so on and then i just its very relying. Aside from mourning her son dawn says were leaving her for slightly early to take you live to brussels youre looking there at. The used Foreign Policy chief talking to us we understand about the hopes and the desire to keep the Iran Nuclear Deal float as i listen and what is. The need to support the country more you can see that answer conclusions we adopted that indicate our willingness to increase and deepen our cooperation with the country we had then hosted the new foreign minister of moldova for a conversation with him on the new orientation the new priorities of the government the implementation of our Association Agreements and i know commissioner one already made an important announcement on the. Microphone entre systems that we are restoring we then had a point on the Central African republic. Also there was a few with days ago i proposed the ministers to increase the operation with a country the critical moment for the implementation of the Peace Agreement so weve come back with concrete proposals especially on our work with our mission there that is training the militarists and also with the possibility of developing a Police Component for that finally last but not least we had another discussion on the exterior aspects of migration. Here ive seen a positive convergence of Member States on the needs to tackle the issue more effectively and we have had in particular a discussion on how to improve a few points of our common action that is already in place 1st of all the need to finance more our trust fund we have Something Like 200 or 9 projects already in place. Sorry. For a total of 4000000000. 00 euros with countries of origin and trance it allowed us to decrease the number of irregular arrivals but also to save many lives both in the desert at sea this funds are now about to end so i have asked the Member States to be consistent and pledge new resources so that we can continue our programs or start new programs in the countries of origin transit otherwise we risk having to stop cooperation with our countries of origin transit and that would be definitely a step backwards that would have negative consequences on our cooperation with countries of origin transit. And i hope there will be consistent on that we also discussed the need to increase and accelerate resettlement of persons that are in need of International Protection been them in libya or been there in asia or elsewhere. And we also discussed the need to ask or to expect from our colleagues the interior ministers that are meeting in el sink in a few days for their informal meeting to advance on agreements on this invocation so that this issue can be tackled on a regular basis this is not the competence of Foreign Ministers but there was a strong wish from the Foreign Ministers to see advancements on this obviously. I thought obviously that would be also something that would allow us to move forward possibly on the return of now the assets of sophia at sea that would be important not only for managing migration but also for implementing the arms embargo that is very much needed off the coast of libya now i think i was stop here and leave 1st base still since i thank you very much Police Introduce yourself in an media are you working for before i ask you a question and i start with no reading. Probably from lot of pollution but the movie could be as cool grif occasional you spoke about the legitimate street i do mean that at some level and cement would cover the only trade. And the mother. And sticks you refer to the 3rd countries doing that today that is a political decision that you. Will be open to 3rd countries is that theres always been conceived to be open to 3rd countries weve always Member States that have set it up with our support ive always indicated that 1st we start having the 1st transactions being processed among the Member States coming from the Member States and then it can be opened for 3rd countries so definitely this is not a decision that needed to be taken at has always been intended to be open to 3rd countries so definitely yes it is open to 3rd countries and we are already seeing interest of some of them to. Participate in that. The issue of whether is that will deal with oil or not is a discussion that is ongoing on the shareholders but i can tell you that for the time being we have as Member States that are. Either already shareholders or interested in b. Coming so and they have expressed clearly their intention to do so we are on 10 Member States and some others are considering actively doing that and we have the 1st transactions that are being processed currently obviously it takes time because is there is as a mechanism has to be very careful about Due Diligence but the 1st transactions are being processed called. Lawrence. Thanks laurence from a wall street journal. 2 questions on iran. Surprising me ive expected some traffic on it but i know how about libya. What would it take really through to trigger the dispute resolution mechanism it seems pretty clear that there is no rush to do this and it may not happen for a while but what would it take if it doesnt take to violations of the nuclear deal. And certain question. Last week the 3 nie you called for an urgent meeting of the joint commission we still dont know when its going to be so maybe you can enlighten us. There might be an upcoming meeting of the joint Commission Still to be defined when at what level we are coordinating this obviously not only with the 3 but also with the other 2 members of the. Of the joint commission. When it comes to they just get rid. Of the 6 of the agreements it is the mechanism that is. Foreseen by the agreement in the agreement in case of significant noncompliance for the time being nor none of the parties to the agreement has signaled their intention to invoke this article which means that none of them is for the moment for the time being with the current data we have had in particular from the i. A. E. A. That the noncompliance is considered to be significant noncompliance we have also noticed that all the steps that have been taken by iran that we regret and that we invite iran to. Withdraw and go back to full compliance i want to be clear and that we want to see iran going back to full compliance or is that has been in this in this. But we notice that technically all the steps that have been taken and that we regret and have been taken are reversible so we hope and we invite you to reverse the steps and go back to full compliance with the agreement let me add that. I have seen in my conversations with many interlocutors this this days including from the region that everybody including those there were more critical about agreements are today. Urging iran to respect the deal even if even those that were criticizing the deal as not being effective the reality is that the deal has. Avoided that you developed a Nuclear Weapon so it has been effective and i think that today everybody recognizes that there is no alternative today to that deal and so it is extremely important to keep it in place at 4 i can also say that a full implementation of the agreement to which we are definitely committed as europeans and ever see as an International Community at large is also key in. Keeping the situation as calm as possible in the region and avoiding escalation in a critical region for our security. Heading towards the end of the News Conference wrapping up i suspect with the e. U. Used take on whats happening with the 2015 Iran Nuclear Deal which you started but a News Conference really drilling down there in the past couple of minutes and the minute of what happens or what may or may not happen in the future because there are various mechanisms that they can deploy if there are multiple violations of the agreement as it stands dominic kane is our correspondent who was monitoring that News Conference for us don what did he say at the top of our discussion. Well she was talking about the practicalities of the arrangements are being put in place regarding iran regarding as i would have been saying in earlier interviews during the day about this team called talking about the scheme that allows iran and indeed the European Union to facilitate mutual deals effectively to help iran to get around legally to circumvent the impact of u. S. Economic sanctions and as you said she went into the details of how that works but she began her comments particularly saying that what we were hearing in those questions and the answer she gave them that as it stands the e. U. 3 thats france britain and germany plus the rest of the e. U. The Foreign Ministers who are meeting her today they believe that iran is still within the terms of the deal that the infractions as it were the the way that iran may have violated parts of the deal are still minor enough for the e. U. 3 and the rest of the European Union situations to believe that ok iran still within the terms of the deal and as a consequence they dont need to invoke those special measures that one of the question is asked Frederica Margarita about just a few moments ago so that in essence is what theyve been saying all day this united front that the e. U. Has been trying to present to the world saying from our perspective we the e. U. Believe iran still an inside the terms of the deal we are trying to help them the interesting thing here is the inspect scheme itself that is one that. Basically revolves around the Financial Arrangements they are saying here they think that that can work the question will be are they correct in the fullness of time dominic thanks very much lots more on the developing story of course when we come back on the other side of the break more news whatever you want on the websites dot com is the address you will need and i will see you very soon. What went wrong in society that opened up the space for the image that age is the european problem and its not accountable and its impossible for the people to bear then its falling apart people trying to take. Their lead and if profundity strongman our song woman who was getting the growth of rejectionism of this world because the model doesnt what europes forbidden colony episode 2 on aljazeera. Driven by outrage and spanning generations the rohinton demonstrators gathered on the very day a widely criticised repatriation agreement between the governments of bangladesh and me and more was to begin the anger was all too apparent and the fear was palpable if you dont like were so afraid that if they send one of us back to myanmar today tomorrow theyll send back 10 and the day after tomorrow theyll send back 20 idea if we were given citizenship in myanmar then there would be no need to take us back there we would go back on our own we must remember the rancho among the most persecuted minorities in the world information indicates that you have or associates as a Police Department has the potential to be biased in a number of different ways there are too many opportunities for the computer to get a role. In those offices who commit those data entry is wrong to be saying that your son the truth is wrong to. Kill becoming a suspect before the actual crime and indepth examination and to preventative policing precrime on aljazeera. Europes Foreign Policy chief calls on iran to reverse the steps and go back to full compliance of the 2050 nuclear deal. Hello and welcome back again youre watching aljazeera live at courses here in doha by means peter theyll be also coming up the u. S. President bill demands an apology from the democratic congresswoman he attacked in a racially charged tweets. A defiant jacobs in the face is a corruption inquiry accused of a mass meeting of state farms was president of south africa. Also a. A renewed threat from ebola in the d r c as an infection is detected in a densely populated area. The Foreign Ministers have been meeting in brussels to discuss ways to bring the u. S. And iran back to the negotiating table after the talks the e. U. Foreign policy chief said none of the parties to the Iran Nuclear Deal have signaled that they want to use a dispute resolution mechanism it is the latest diplomatic effort to cool months of heightened tensions between iran and the u. S. However irans position has remained unchanged tehran says its up to the european powers to ensure the 2050 nuclear deal does remain in place weve got correspondents following the story in iran and at the e. U. Headquarters dorsetshire bari will be live for us in tehran 1st lets go to brussels and my colleague dominic. Missys mother rini what she proposing to keep everyone on board. Pretty much what she has been proposing for some time a continuation of it anyway peter shes saying that the system put in place by the European Union the e. U. 3 britain france and germany plus the e. U. As a negotiating institution all the other Member States combined this system called a system which allows iran legally to circumvent to get around the impact of u. S. Economic sanctions she is saying look let this game really take hold let companies in the west in europe and companies in iran trade with each other give this team the time for it to get 100 percent up and running and it will help to ease the pain but shes also saying as you were alluding to in your introduction that iran needs to not commit many more minor violations of the deal because about this in the last few weeks iran has admitted that the level of rich in has gone above that which it was supposed to stay within it was supposed to say within a particular number and infractions upon that but by a very small amount by about one percent or so and the feeling amongst the e. U. 3 but also amongst the russians and the chinese was that this wasnt enough to to force those special measures that you referred to being imposed as part of this deal so what we the top line from this this meeting is very much the europeans agreeing a united front and saying saying to iran look we believe you are still within the terms of the deal but you have to stop in fracturing but theres also if we look at this meeting other statements by other of the important ministers particularly the French Foreign minister. Who said that he believed that both the American Government the u. S. Government and the iranian government have made bad decisions decisions that they should go back upon in the United States perspective pulling out of this deal but from the iranian government the bad decision was to exceed the limits of uranium enrichment that they had agreed not to do it. So thats the top line from this meeting more of the same but the saying give our financial scheme time to get up and running and did she have anything to say to the trumpet ministration in washington. Well that is the fundamental as it were element lying behind all of this because its very clear that e. U. Countries sees me that the e. U. Is the institution but also the e. U. 3 that britain france and germany really disagree profoundly with the Trump Administration regarding iran certainly that was something that we heard jeremy hunt the British Foreign secretary enunciate a few hours ago where he said look the United States of america is the united kingdoms closest partner but that they disagree considerably these are the iran and certainly the other countries that are party to this deal france germany they share that that perspective from the british side of things and remember also theres the personal element here that federally commodity and he is one of the few people who brokered that original agreement that you referred to with the e. U. 3 plus russia and china but also with the Obama Administration so she clearly would lobby to continue this deal because she was so instrumental in bringing it about peter. Thanks very much live to tehran and our correspondent there dorsey. How do you think this will be received when they begin to digest whats being done in brussels in the Foreign Ministry there. Well peter we think that this announcement is not something that the iranians would want to hear the mechanism of insects that the europeans set up to try and the u. S. Sanctions has been theyve been talking about it for a long time and the iranians have said unless they can buy or they can sell their oil supplies on the market and get the money through this mechanism this mechanism is really not what theyre looking for the main concern here is irans main source of revenue that is its oil supply before the u. S. Sanctions on the oil. Supply of the country the iranians were selling 2800000. 00 barrels of oil per day this was the latest figure we had in just before those sanctions were imposed last november by the United States government they range and say this is the main cause of their dispute now in terms of their quote going back to their full commitment to this agreement their iranians have said listen were giving you stages of how were scaling back our commitment there declaring what theyre going to do with the representatives so its not a surprise when they announced and each step that they are scaling back and theyre saying theyre doing this because the europeans havent done enough in this announcement today hasnt been concrete enough i believe that the iranians will say ok were going to go back to full compliance and the Foreign Ministry spokesman has released a statement just before this press conference saying that if the european signatories believe that iran is going to go back to pre mate conditions that is before the rain in president announced irans taking steps to scale back its commitment that they are very much mistaken the iranians intend to actually continue every 60 days to reduce their commitment until they can see the europeans holding their end of the deal this interestingly enough is very important this inspect insects mechanism because the iranians have said that if it doesnt deal with the countrys oil supply in their oil say. Well its really not what theyre looking for its pointless for them because it doesnt actually resolve any of their concerns they blame the United States for the current condition that theyre in they say its Economic Warfare and theyre urging the europeans to put more pressure on the u. S. To take away those sanctions thats the only way they said that they will have any kind of dialogue with the United States thank you. And other news from iran the French Foreign Ministry Says irans detained a friend who iranian research. Has more from paris. Well the French Foreign ministry has confirmed that free adult car franco irena in research are based here in paris has been arrested by iranian authorities now what the French Foreign ministry say is that they are in touch with a radian authorities in order to try and gain more information about adult karr about the conditions of her arrest and also make sure that she has full consular access which it seems has not been the case so far now adult call is a researcher with paresis prestigious seal spore university she researches and writes about iran and Iranian Society and so theres still a question over when she was arrested thats still not clear there are some reports suggesting that she was arrested in june and i said he spoke to a professional colleague of hers also a research on iran here in paris who said that she had not had any news from model car for at least 2 weeks so that suggests that perhaps end of june beginning of july maybe the sort of period of time in which this researcher was detained by iranian authorities u. S. President has again lashed out at a group for high profile congresswoman donald trump is demanding an apology for what he called horrible and disgusting actions it comes one day after he sent racially charged tweets to the politicians telling them to go back to where they come from well one of the congresswoman whos faced mr trumps rough is rashida to leave she remains defiant this is our country and no amount of heat believe from the white house is going to change that were going to fight back together and were going to become stronger for it please know that ill never back down no bullying no kind of attack to silence me is going to work is completed on the fall out in washington. Despite the pushback and controversy surrounding to arnold trumps racially charged to statements on social media the president has not apologized just the opposite he has continued to target for democratic congresswoman in the United States not only continuing to suggest they should go back to where they came from even though only one is foreign born but also accusing them of being communist of hating the United States even being antisemitic donald trump is referring to some of the comments made by the representative feel how omar who is the only member of the group trump is criticizing who is in fact foreign born she has been restrained in recent months by democratic members of the house of representatives who were unhappy with her suggestion that many jews in congress particularly are motivated by money not by principle referring to them as benjamin she has since apologized for those comments in contrast to donald trump who has not common or not apologized for his use of a racially charged trope in fact donald trump is expected to appear on the lawn of the white house where reporters may have the opportunity to ask him to react whether he will is still unclear but democrats are noting that republicans are largely remaining silent when it comes to the president s comments only a senior senator from South Carolina Lindsey Graham has commented simply saying that he believes the president needs to quote knock it down a bit. Well the trumpet ministration tightening asylum rules and a bit to cut the number of migrants arriving on the u. S. Mexican border the new regulations will prohibit migrants resided in a 3rd country from seeking asylum in the u. S. It makes Central American migrants traveling through mexico eligible for asylum. African president jacob zuma made a defiant appearance before a Public Inquiry today saying theres a conspiracy against him as he faced questions about government corruption during his time in office the commission is looking into allegations that he oversaw the mass looting of state farms its also accused of allowing a wealthy family to buy influence over government policy and win lucrative Business Contracts zuma denies any wrongdoing ive been a subject of. Talk in this country for. More than dick. Ive been vilified and there is too keen

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