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Hello again welcome back to in a National Weather forecast what we are dealing with a new round of rain here across parts of china and in central areas we are looking at very heavy rain causing problems in terms of water rescues here in greenland take a look at the most current video coming in out of the area you can see the water has been rising rescuers have it out getting people out of the homes as well as businesses but unfortunately waters going to take a little while to go down so this is going to be an ongoing problem if you take a look at the forecast map we are going to be seeing some scattered showers across much of the area over the next you days and with saturated soil already in flooded areas that means any more rain in the area is going to be causing a big problem here as we go towards tuesday more of the same for the region and we are going to be looking at most of the conditions seeing partly cloudy to mostly cloudy conditions with the rain continuing i want to take you now down here across the philippines where we are watching the possibility of the development of a new tropical system out here just towards the east now you notice the clouds right there that system is going to be slow in developing but the winds and the rain are going to be increasing over the next few days here on monday the area of low pressure is going to be making its way towards the west and rain is also going to be increasing for parts of luzon as well as the winds in manila rain for you at 28. 00. Every armed attack. Creates fear and division amongst citizens. Stories of loss. Is sweeping association of islam with the violence leaves european muslims facing the stark reality of being ostracized by the very communities in which they manage. And moon the tragic loss of life. Twice a victim on aljazeera. This is al jazeera a quick reminder of the top stories for you know irans president says his government would be willing to talk to the u. S. If washington lifts its economic sanctions and returns to the conditions of the 2050 nuclear deal several of the deals european signatories also issued a statement calling for dialogue to resume. The u. S. President is under fire for a series of racially charged tweets against 4 Democratic Congress women of color dont trump told the group to leave the u. S. And go back to where they came from democrats have denounced the attack as hate filled and xenophobic and chinas economy has grown at its weakest pace in more than a quarter of a century the slowdown falls lower domestic consumer and business demands met the ongoing trade war with the United States. Former president jacob zuma is expected to testify at an inquiry into government corruption and so for africa he was forced from office last year accused of overseeing the mass looting of state funds and was not due to appear for several days its not clear if your response to the allegations is more from johannesburg. A string of public protest media revelations and pressure from within his own party led to jacob zuma as resignation as president now 18 months out of office zuma continues to fight allegations of corruption many of them linked to his relationship with the gupta. The doctors are accused of using their relationship with zuma to influence government policy and when lucrative state contracts for his businesses while zuma and the gupta deny any wrongdoing the former president is expected to make his 1st appearance at an inquiry into corruption. Or is really. Youre not going to see his his direct fingerprints on a lot of things you know a lot of the corruption that happened was happening inside state and so it would happen under c. E. O. C. F. O. That had effectively been appointed by him you know by the ministers that he had appointed. The accusations against zuma and the doctors are just the latest in a long line of scandals zuma is jeter returned to court in september on charges of fraud corruption and Money Laundering a 180000000. 00 deal with a French Military arms company teles zuma says the charges are political conspiracy the beautiful Economic Research estimates that and as soon as leadership so that is economy lost 70000000000. 00 president has called as peter says his time in office 9 a wasted years and many South Africans agree or enjoy some support especially in his home problems of course in a towel there is great Public Interest in seeing him how to account for his suspected role in state corruption with many saying. Zuma led the looting of state coffers the allegations extend to zuma spammy with his son to design a link to businesses owned by the captors mr zuma. Tends to view the process the seas of justice the process of governance which as weve seen when hes been called before parliament to answer questions as well as weve seen when hes been called before the courts to answer he views all of these processes as being beneath him in a very patronizing paternalistic way. While many South Africans are anxious to hear zuma give his side of the story its still not clear whether he would testify before the commission or crossexamine witnesses who have implicated him. Aljazeera janice berg the 1st case of a bowler has been reported in the democratic republic of congos city of goma the discovery has raised concerns the virus could spread quicker in the densely populated area close to the ones in border which has a population of 1000000 its located south of where the 2nd largest of all outbreak records was 1st detected a year ago. Tens of thousands of people have returned to the streets of hong kong to protest against what they say is beijings growing political influence in the citys affairs but what started as a peaceful march in the suburb of shuttin and its in violence. Reports from hong kong. After bringing Central Hong Kong to a standstill on previous sundays protesters are taking their fight to the suburbs. And government leaders are struggling to clamp down on the wrist systems movement that is largely leaderless most of the protesters here are young people who tell us they are disillusioned about hong kongs future. Protesters set up barricades in the center of schatten and riot Police Arrived from Different Directions trying to close off access routes. The situation is tense protesters remain defiant and the patience of police is wearing thin. By 8 pm the police sent out a warning. They are ready to charge but here you can see the benefit of moving i think the interesting thing was the intent of the moment for the police even if you know yelling and yelling when you know its going to mean that she. Was leaving me because in fact am even using me i mean you know you dont want to make it seem some of the protesters retreated to a nearby mall complex the Police Friend after that and thats when the situation became even more violent i like so many protests here this march is meant to be a peaceful one most of our problem people do not trust the. Chinese. And they did they did not have. Echoed hours for the past 5 weeks these have become familiar scenes in hong kong tens of thousands of protesters showed up here today surprising even the moments organizers and president did for us suburban area like that and the message is quite clear to carolines government enough is enough the controversy over the proposed law to extradite suspects to stand trial in china sparked large scale protests last month and now demands have broadened protesters want reassurances that their fundamental freedoms are protected britain returned hong kong to chinese rule in 1997 the socalled one country 2 systems handover agreement guaranteed the people of Hong Kong Freedom is not widely available in mainland china. But people here tell as those freedoms are being eroded by creeping or story tyrion ism from beijing it remains to be seen what sort of concessions chief executive carol lam can offer that will be enough to pacify young people here for now protestors vow they will continue to push back until they achieve meaningful political reforms. Dogon aljazeera hong kong. Well earlier my colleague barbara sara spoke to a woman leader in hong kong prodemocracy activist he was jailed for his role in the movement he says the protests will continue until their demands are met. More than 100. 00 and people get on the street again government through withdrawal and terminated their extradition bill and in the long term its a must to apply free election in hong kong especially when one country 2 system eroded to be one country one in a hostage to the government has not rift jodhaa bill yet in fact abused exists in the legislative program of cost the leader of hall call provide a misleading narrative claimed that the bill is that but when we check on the largest of the programme of the parliament of hong kong a bill is due exis and can be easily reactivated again in the next trial thats why movements do continue and we urge government to terminate it to be you know free election is to wait out especially half of this its off the Legislative Council not democratically elected the leader of hong kong is selected by beijing instead of elected by hong kong people thats why we continue our strike and hong kong people its just freedom and democracy and if you seen any indication from authorities that they are taking you seriously that they are perhaps thinking of some concessions to give the demonstrators they claim that they take seriously with using baten attack on me and use pepper stray shoot on me and thats what i experienced 7 hours ago in sight the Shopping Mall if peaceful demonstration is useful no one have to take risks that might be prosecuted and jailed especially as the one have the job for 3 times. Unfortunately the homecoming to offset a minister of population which is 25 percent of hong kong citizen talk to district already but governments do. Thats why. The Movement Still continue not only wrong the government headquarters but also protest rally happened in different districts including the district in the new church there is close to mainland china. Next month will mark the 5th anniversary of the start of eyesores mass killing campaign in iraq its estimated that between 3 and 5000 years indians were murdered because of their religious beliefs many more are still missing crank up her reports. Shunts the colors she surrounded by she will only wear black until her missing husband carol returns. Shes one of the estimated more than 6000 you see the girls and women who are kidnapped and sold into slavery by eisel fighters. She makes dresses to sell for a few dollars in a can for the internally displaced people in northwestern iraq program attests that that. If i was sitting here with one hand on top of the other id be constantly thinking about what i saw did to me why my husband isnt here where my 2 kids are and about my 9 relatives still in ice was hands. Isis fighters invaded the city of sin jar in 24 teams and killed thousands of you see these u. N. Investigators describe the attack as genocide saying there you see these were systematically targeted for their religious beliefs. It took 15 months for Kurdish Peshmerga fighters to force eisel from sin jar around 3000. 00 you see these are still missing half of them women. Earlier this year u. N. Teams began examining bodies for mass graves to identify the dead and gather evidence of i see the trustees for eventual trials. But for forensic specialists matching samples with you see the survivors isnt easy because theyre scattered both in iraq and abroad. But in the years really community was dispersed across many countries after being heavily persecuted by ice so for example there are 2200 years in the families and germany but i aspire to reach to get d. N. A. Samples and match though there are 800 families in australia 800 in canada and nearly 100 or 150 in france some families are losing hope of learning the fate of their relatives but. Theres no more not in iraq not in syria not anywhere that aggressive dodge that was able to keep prisoners under their whole camp are only women and children no men but it would still be better to know the not to know. Closure that the you see the Community Desperately Needs as it struggles to rebuild. Aljazeera. And your monsoon rains serve left behind a trail of devastation across 3 countries in the poll at least 65 people have been killed in flash flooding and landslides dozens of people are missing and 10000 others are displaced. Have left at least 10 dead in bangladesh where some of the worst damage has been a refugee camp simcox is bizarre area is home to 1000000 rangar refugees who fled persecution in neighboring myanmar and in northeastern india more than a 1000000 people have been displaced flash flooding hit the region killing 10. Farmlands and residential areas have been submerged after rivers burst their banks so it has more. Those living in northeastern india were prepared for the monsoon rains but not for this i am so much rain has fallen the Brahmaputra River has burst its banks warming up entire villages. 6 this family is safe and now. They are among nearly a 1000000 people who have been displaced by the flooding in the state of some with thousands of homes under water some have been forced to take refuge on rooftops. While others are doing all they can. To protect their families from the ongoing rains. The deluge has also triggered mudslides and several people have been killed. Others have turned to government run camps for relief and all farmers are worried about their crops so that. As soon as farmers began sowing and irrigating the land thats when the rain began its been extreme 72 hours of continuous rains the water level kept rising and then stories submerged our farmland nearly all of our crops have been destroyed so its not just india affected by the heavy rains dozens have been killed in neighboring nepal and bangladesh. While this couple didnt let the rain dampen their wedding is not much to celebrate for thousands of others here in india more monsoon rains are forecast and the flood waters are expected to continue to rise in the coming days so at aljazeera. This is al jazeera and these are the headlines irans president says his government would be willing to talk to the u. S. If washington lifts its economic sanctions and returns to the terms of the 2050 nuclear deal several of the deals european signatories also issued a statement calling for dialogue to resume it or direct it will go when a big pair is a bully we have to stand up to it it must stop being the bully we have always believed in taught always right this our right this moment if they stop the oppression if they stop the belief if they lift sanctions return to the table return to logic we are ready the u. S. President is under fire for a series of racially charged tweets against 4 Democratic Congress women of color dont trump told the group to leave the u. S. And go back to where they came from democrats have described the tweets as being hateful and fuel and white nationalism. Staying in the u. S. Raids by immigration and Customs Enforcement agents are reported to have begun its own trombones to be a crackdown on undocumented workers in 10 cities this weekend religious leaders in Houston Texas pledged to provide sanctuary for those facing deportation. Chinas economy has experienced as weakest rates of growth the more than 25 years data for the worlds 2nd largest economy shows grew it just 6. 2 percent in the 2nd quarter of the year the slowdown follows lower domestic consumer and business demands met the ongoing trade war with the United States bangladesh is former military dictator whose son Mohammed Arshad has died at the age of 89. 00 the army chief turned president s ruled the country for 8 years from 1982 to 1990 despite being deposed and sent to prison he managed to remain active in politics until the end of his life the 1st case of a bowler has been reported in the d r c city of goma the discovery has raised concerns the virus could spread quicker in the densely populated area close to the ones in border goma which has a population of 1000000 is located south of where the 2nd largest a ball outbreak on record was 1st detected a year ago. Those are the headlines the news continues here on aljazeera after one a one piece the service. As iraq rebuilds itself following years of conflict women struggle to play a bigger role politically and Domestic Violence also remains a problem. Some of the brave women battling abuse talk to al jazeera about the struggles they face and their pursuit of justice. On farms across australia the battle is on. Activists are demanding that pharmacist top grazing animals for human consumption. But their tactics are controversial. Trespassing on Agricultural Properties stealing livestock and intimidating farmers for college how do you sleep at night. As tensions rise one on one extend best against the bitter divide over stray his farm animals. Its just before dawn and in a strange his Southern City of melbourne and activists are gathering the all star. Very early. Christian leader is about to lead more than 100. 00 people in a protest that would disrupt the city all in the name of Animal Rights and the environment Animal Agriculture is a leading cause a lot of changes just going up on a completely such high is about making it clear this is an emergency or brings you out here farm animals here would have been into. Slavery a lot of mystery and exploit them for our being stupid with this whatever the hell to do so. Were trying to change a lot of mating she needed anything. To back it all pledging peace but here we are we just ordinary people we have jobs people of all walks of watch want to stop eating animals. And. They guinns dont eat or use any animal products believing all living beings are equal. The ultimate aim of todays protest is to stop animal farming theyve been mobilized by a documentary which activists say was secretly filmed at Australian Farms and was just. As the sun begins to rise kristen bell is the troops for the days action it might feel a bit we dont know what to expect when we get there so i just try to stay calm as long as we sat in the snow and. He wanted to continue his mount and to meet. She leads a group of activists towards an open city center to the south of the. Property here stop and talk about. It with about 200 people have managed to shut down the center of melbourne at pick out their police and their angry commuters the world is trying to go about their day the face protesters are planning to stay here for as long as they can. Some members of the public decide to take part in the protest i just spoke about really joining straight away when i saw what this was about. The name. Prest. Its absolutely stupid lie to get your point across saying that a moment of inconvenience is worth that much and you think. The little guy was. One thing it is doing is raising the profile of the Animal Rights movement what does this action make you think about the bacon movement. It does give us the presence of social saw from the perspective its worth. I dont know if theres just not a do or say no were making a stand of people already walking past is yelling and screaming at us so we know were being an artist with being heard oh of. Course answered within the search you know whats on the right are tight and birthday i just. Thank you everybody leading lady out of omaha where you will be your reaction was. Was. Kristen is one of 39 people arrested and. The melbourne demonstration is one of 9 of that is taking place across the country today at abbott was and in public spaces like this one. Of a string of controversial protests which have attracted the attention of the entire country including the Prime Minister who has called the actions against families an astray and i think starting to richard governments should. Ensure that the full force of the law is brought against these bring criminal. And Animal Rights group called has been accused of encouraging these types of trespasses by published. The addresses of animal farms and albatross in an online map outraged trama say its a breach of privacy in danger in their animals homes and employees and demanding the map be taken down. That category 2 months after the math was published about 100. 00 activists stormed this cattle feedlot and dairy farm in queensland in the countrys milk. But i dont know what the protesters occupied the property for more than an hour filming and verbal the abusing the farmer and his family so how do you go about taking those you know theres not a surprise for them any time your mother if your mother how do you live with yourself in. The field with the cue from your mother your. 10 people were charged with trespass 8 were fined. Dorner is breaking at the gate big goat farm about 2 hours drive from the opened. Its home to about 2000 goats. Owner john commons is watching on as workers heard the animals into the milking pen. And many couldnt get. A really. Good going on. This dairy is part of his multimillion dollar business which produces goats milk to make yogurt cheese and baby formula its been the target of several Animal Rights protests. There not at 1st there were things like straight onto the property. To the little pitching year and they loaded animals in the water last december around 70 activists broke in and stole 3 goats and own land. Leaving a limping goats an angel. If you know you coming. Up people make a big deal out of it in 2000 gods angel had a sword for. All if you have 2000 and of rituals with i dont care whether its people its ok i was any and not all of those 2000 a perfect day every time just because youve got a limp doesnt mean you havent been treated or under recovery. Unlike many families who have been targeted john decided to go public posting security footage of the raid online. A lot of families that weve spoken to here in this program have declined because theyre afraid of becoming a bigger target youve gone the opposite way why. Well we were one of the few families that. If you like had facebook or a media profile and you know we had. The ability to to fight back and to create some sort of public. Reaction thats why we did it families in the strategy are being. Hit and they have no ability to fight back and they annoyed me enough to fight back well this could be this little one is only 4 or 5 because the very early days. A pretty kate to be honest but it has come at a cost structure how to run yet john and his staff began receiving constant online abuse threats of violence and intimidating phone calls so he decided to close the farms popular cafe and petting zoo people would do that all day long used to give us a lot of pleasure you know you see half a dozen or dozen people lined up feeding the little guts or wanting to cuddle them thats very satisfying is a farmer who wants to be invaded and have your animal stalin and be the subject of a of the slander on facebook. This is the old entry way into the typical. This is whats left of the come play this is whats left of the well this was the server year and one approaches and converting it back to domestic and you can see this still at the stereo signs there was a woman hard to wash off. Callers. Telling the staff why youre working there youre youre abusing all these animals youre doing all these things wrong and you dont do that to your staff you know as employees we have responsibilities one call that sticks and sometimes the threats got very personal a man rang me and he said joseph here listen here you piece. If this continues its going to be all about you were coming down to get you. 7 activists were charged in relation to the incident so far only one has been fined for a total of 2. 00. Was appalled by what happened i thought it was a total miscarriage of justice and never seem to signal to anybody that youre not allowed to come onto a farm and steal enemy. Kristen says she wasnt involved in the get go tom incident but admits she still when animals while trespassing on farms and and i between us. Some of them she now keeps in her backyard on the outskirts of melbourne. Is what one see they call biology in the body industry so they were rescued from slaughterhouse 3 from one and one from a truck on the whites of this. So you would say that these animals have been rescued but the people youve taken from would say that youve stolen them when i say to their well i dont think you can steal a life when youre giving them sanctuary kristin tells us she feels the tactics used by Animal Rights groups are confronting but necessary and how would you feel if a group of say 100 people came onto your property and started to walk through it and wouldnt leave when you asked them to do you find that intimidating i mean well how dr silly feeling are there

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