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Some of them she now keeps in her backyard on the outskirts of melbourne. Those white ones here theyre called probably chickens by the industry so they were rescued from slaughter house 3 from one and one from a truck on the winds of the slaughter house. So you would say that these animals have been rescued but the people youve taken from would say that youve stolen them when i say to their well i dont think you can steal a life when youre giving them sanctuary. Kristin tells us she feels the tactics used by Animal Rights groups are confronting but necessary and how would you feel if a group of say 100 people came onto your property and started to walk through it and wouldnt leave when you asked them to do you find that intimidating aware of how dr silly filled in other id found intimidating i can say were people absolutely i can understand that people will feel confronted by that because you know this is their every day thing i do in there they just want to be in that in that mindset and were challenging that mindset but i feel like the. The end of jack dave sed justifies that i feel like were not going to get there easily it is going to be some paper feel intimidated going to feel threatened by more calls more concerning behavior from the extremists tony most of the National Farmers federation says Animal Rights activists have gone too far were going to probably with people having the different views and different philosophies its when i force things and apply them to the Broader Community and expect the community to align with those he sees is where we run into problems he says farming is critical to the strain way of life and will stay that way if the side imbedded in the identity of you know whether thats the outback or whether thats hard work or whether thats. The bush you know its its still very inherent in all that we. You know tony if he feels to teach filmed by Animal Rights activists have played any role in helping improve the treatment of farm animals. We should call out bad he has no question about that and. Our industry has a responsibility to call out bad behavior and illegal behavior and that includes that illegal behavior includes breaking the law breaking into and trespass onto private property but how can anyone. Find out about these bad practices if they legal actions dont take place thats a bit of a circular argument we. Just outside melbourne we meet one man whos been speaking out against Animal Rights activism for years. With the. Knowledge that brian ahmed is a proud 2nd generation farmer both mom and dad up top but. In the early stages thats actually a photo of us the year we bought the farm for that only on the rock. Ryans family run operation is just one supplier of the almost 17000000. 00 eggs a stray eat every day its a legacy he wants to leave to east children his daughters danielle and renee are taking over parts of the business including this cafe and a retail store one good thing about having 23 eggs in the morning youre right for the guy. Brian works in one of the most targeted areas of animal production caged egg farming hes had activists trespass on his property and one of his biggest concerns is that they could compromise his flock were going to need to put this on before we go into the shed this is for Fire Security security reasons because the health of our birth is most important. So if you get someone coming on to your farm tries to break into. The shed and theyre not wearing Something Like this how much of a risk is it to your animal so thats a big risk because of the why weve got our birds halles if we end up with any virus in there its going to spread fairly quickly how. There they live their age. His timing has a Bad Reputation as compared to for a range funding how do you try to counter that or look 1st of all theyre in cages to take them away from their faces they separated from their faces so that reduces the risk of disease we also put them in cages because were protecting them from the predators so what weve done is weve improved their welfare what about the animal activists i think that we shouldnt be using chicken legs at all yeah well i guess thats their idea but as a farmer i would prefer to have food to feed everyone and i dont want to see families in a position where they havent bought food to feed the children. Or been the target for many places while been trying my daughter so i have to grow a little bit of thick skin because there is a percentage of people that will never like what we do and i can accept that mark concern is the real farmers which are our children we dont need to scare them away from the farm we need them for the future supply of food for people. He says even though hes been sounding the alarm about activists trespassing on farms fiji is people are only now starting to Pay Attention the current tress pass laws are just too lenient i dont think anyone has the right to break continue once probably if this continues were going to end up in a situation where someone will be hurt when you why cannot we will not have a particular cells might be dangerous i mean most families have access to. When everythings moving there thats a real possibility i think its a possibility i do and i think its important that the government steps in and does something about it now before Something Like that happens. Some activist tactics may be controversial but the number of people across the strain youre adopting a plant based diet is growing and theres an increasing number of businesses catering to them brands make sure as well as hopefully living in log was devised to get straight back in mobile and i meet dan peny right dan runs a tour of the city which showcases the good businesses obviously well start with cody for a shop this has been here for probably a bad spell of a months this like ation is now the Worlds Largest completely vacant grocery store. The 1st stop is a visit to a shop that sells plant based cheeses and means a lot of the different maids bagus is probably the 1st place people. As far as anything that would generally have a chicken flavor to it whether i mean the chicken satire theyve got spring rolls of halves or in flavors in a as well. Your traditional australian make. Bridge or our next stop is a vegan shoe store where they sell do its made from a poly cotton blend miley cyrus actually just bought a bunch of the ive joined the tour just days after the demonstration in the city center and meet a new convert. Whos buying his 1st pair of shoes he says the protesters inspired him to watch the film they were promoting i thought id give it a shot but about half an hour in and after many tears. And disappointment in myself i guess i knew that my office was going to change for the better you know i was really upset at 1st but. But im grateful to the people that protested you know its very brave what they did so now youre going to become a big and yeah yeah im going to try and move towards that yeah definitely thats why im here. Around here. Mike any good to work week ends with a meal of the carrot hotdogs salads and falafel dan tells us how he sees these tools as a softer way to encourage people to join the cause through the good. Form of activism effectively we and we show people in some of the best places or. The city. Where when these possible thats our personality and thats how we find that we have an impact on people do you agree with some of those tactics though of going to farmers properties yeah i dont necessarily disagree so this is your form of activism but youre not opposed to. Things like direct tax here were really broke community and people will take whatever approach search there and like if they do that i think the world needs all different types of paper to do activism in different ways. In the Northern City of brisbane this group is taking it to another level with a vegan activist masterclass the workshop im going to be giving to the. Talk with nonbeing is about being as im. One on one or in groups as most of you know when you go viewer you initially get it by a bunch of people who are you going through so its all about how to deal with. The body language with a smile on your face and just make it a natural smile just just like when youre single for all right its not important to not criticize for it away but a nice thing to be wrong so if you dont want that to be done to you dont do it to anyone else how do you respond to the. Question statements about why is it ok for. I think were about the law why are we in the right to break ok lets try it well i think the most important thing to keep him keep in mind is that straight away can start with i understand why you feel you dont feel good about the fact that someone says and then you can bring up the fact that literally not a single being an active especially here in australia that i know off or that the media has talked about has actually occurred to like hurt the human being while trespassing. While activists refine their techniques nonindustry is feeling the effects. Back down south we visit the town of bendigo the little weekly cattle auction is taking place. That will always be youve got to go live to the church for the ball down body only to be told nigel starck is a livestock agent who buys and sells cattle he says protests have put farmers on it this certainly been a lot more caution tike in the why stock are handled and the why stock presented species are the odds just to be going for love because no one wants to cause a bad impression when people come to say oh yes thats where the. Farmers are extremely passionate about what they do and the care i have for their animals and and the why they go about it. Another agent glenn ray says families are often reluctant to speak up farmers just want to get on with their jobs and do what they do really well and thats farm and its very busy its look theyre working 121416 hour days and i suppose im not a really strong horse i dont know if its not the activists or more already group or what they are but its interesting the activists that they get a really strong voice which yet might be a pharmacy need to have that strong voice to. And with their businesses under threat like john gum and say theyve got no choice but to dig in theres just an. Who. Wins by strong naivety. Of the tech who. Can help or can change or were just going to protect ourselves. Do you think that there is a future for animal advocate. And so forth but. When do you think you would ever stop working on this issue. On Animal Rights. And left. I just cant i cant imagine never. I cant imagine. Unless they have ignored say no this is what you want to achieve a vegan world get. Rich promise determined to continue their trade. And Animal Liberation activists determined to stop them. The battle over australia spawn animals shows no sign of letting up. A group of women are fighting for the right to enter a sacred hindu temple that has long been the exclusive domain of man one i want to waste investigate the battle to overcome centuries of scrimmage nation in india on aljazeera when the news breaks these protesters and the stolen billions. When people mean to be. Injured or at least it looks like as if they dont have legs to move. And the story needs to be told. Aljazeera has teens on the plan to bring you the world we need to introduce and lightnings on air and online. One of the last remaining ancient forests in Southeast Asia is a lifeline to hundreds of lumberjacks and drive as. We follow the treacherous journey as they walk through extreme conditions. Together and transport this dangerous but precious cargo risking it all. On aljazeera. He lived in brazils largest for. One day the police. Like thousands of others he disappeared. Witness follows a familys epic struggle for justice which became a National Cause and sent shock waves through the upper echelons of the political establishment in the shadow weve been here. 2 votes in the u. S. House of representatives set up a confrontation with both the senate and a President Trump. Hello i missed us here today and this is al jazeera live from doha also coming up how turkeys purchase of a Russian Missile system is rocking its relationship with the united states. The us Vice President tours an overcrowded facility thats holding undocumented migrants. And protests in paris as migrants there take over the pantheon demands talks with the Prime Minister. Now the u. S. House has voted to stop the sale of some munitions to saudi arabia and the United Arab Emirates for one year the weapons are the ones being used in the war in yemen botts as gabriel goes on to reports from washington d. C. The bill still has to pass the senate and be signed off by President Trump. In an effort to send a message and stop the killing in yemen the u. S. House of representatives voted friday to prohibit the sale of air to ground munitions to saudi arabia and United Arab Emirates for one year they have been used in the war in yemen the amendment to a u. S. Defense authorization bill was sponsored by congressman tom aoun now ski and passed 236 to 182 mostly along party lines but 5 republicans also voted in favor of it breaking party ranks and all it will do is stop something that is categorically harmful to our National Interests the provision of all offensive weapons that enable saudi arabia to keep defying our advice by bombing yemen and prolonging the war there. More than 200000 yemenis have been killed or died of starvation in the saudi and u. A. E. Led war now in its 4th year the United Nations estimates more than 22000000 people or 3 quarters of the population need humanitarian aid and protection before being elected to Congress Last year now and housekeeper was an undersecretary of state for democracy and human rights and on the house floor he said saudi arabia indiscriminately wages the war in yemen under both the obama and trumpet ministrations we have given the saudis specific lists of targets not to strike we have told them do not hit this specific hospital or this port facility or that bridge and then repeatedly they have gone ahead and hit the precise coordinates on our no strike lists and then we just keep on selling them the bombs what does that say to the people of yemen what does it say to the leadership of saudi arabia as part of the same Defense Authorization bill the house also voted to require President Donald Trump to get congressional permission before he launches any attack on iran the senate rejected a similar measure last month the 251 to 170 vote was unusually bipartisan with 27 republicans joining all but a handful of democrats in support on both of the amendments iran and the saudi u. A. E. Arms sales negotiations now are between the senate and house on which of those amendments might make it into the compromise final defense bill gabriels on doe aljazeera washington now police in gibraltar have released all 4 crewmembers of an Iranian Oil Tanker that was seized last week the sepals detained by British Forces on suspicion of taking oil to syria and breach of any sanctions all 4 were released on bail without shots. Turkey says its defense minister has spoken to his u. S. Counterpart on the phone to discuss his nations controversial purchase of the russian s. 400 Missile Defense system who reportedly told mark esper that the deal does not mean that turkey is changing its Strategic Direction the 1st delivery was flown into the med ted air base near the capital ankara with several more settled over the next few days the u. S. Is ready to impose sanctions its also threatening to stop supplying turkey with its f. 35 fighter jets sent in costa who has more from istanbul. This russian cargo thats got turkeys allies who are read those 400. 00 surface a year Missile System is expected to give the Turkish Military a clear advantage in the region it can detect and destroy incoming missiles up to 400 kilometers away but to us the maple say it is not compatible with their weapons system and insist it could pose a risk to their new Stealth Fighter jet the f. 35. We dont know exactly the extent. The russians would allow this missiles to be used in what kind of targeting possibilities of course the turkish sides argue that turkey would be totally free to use it but the more much depends on the call the. Friend in full i didnt. Need to say that it is concerned about the potential consequences of this missile purchase while washington has vowed to impose sanctions if that 400. 00 ever become operational. For turkey this is a done deal despite a possible setback for its Defense Industries that would earn up to 12000000000. 00 from their 35. 00 program. Surgically for years to the s 400 is a temporary solution to turkeys immediate need for air defense but we have many partnerships of the u. S. In f. 35 and other Defense Industries that are vital for us because the engines of the helicopters fighter jets we produce are u. S. Made no one would desire any ban on these imports. The list of possible u. S. Sanctions range in several and include cutting turkey off from american and International Loans preventing its transactions on foreign exchanges and targeting turkish banks businesses and executives took a series of tools the russian system because those 400 were more sophisticated and cheaper among other reasons the system is expected to be operational by october during last months g 20 summit in japan u. S. Present donald trump said it was the Obama Administration that refused to deliver American Patriot missile citric and that was unfair presents our dont say strong has now promised not to impose sanctions on tricky but it is unclear whether trump will be able to persuade congress to do the same scene and go solo aljazeera stumble and alan fisher has more on the u. S. Reaction from washington. Donald trump said at the g 20 in or soccer that he didnt think the u. S. Would impose sanctions on turkey if they went ahead with the part just the understood why pros that one was looking at the russian system he blamed president obama for not doing enough to help out and they too are like but the reality is he cant stop the sanctions its no american law that if turkey went ahead with this part just that we actually switch on the machine then sanctions start and theres a list of 12 sanctions that can be imposed all financial donald trump picks 5 from the list no you might be able to perspire in imposing the sanctions for 180 days but after that period they come in and there are a number of congressional leaders who say look if turkey goes ahead with this we will punish them through sanctions so where are we no illusions of both sides have taken this to the absolute brink but at least they are no talking the u. S. About selling a new system to the turks which is the petri system which the turks of wanted for a long time and the turks are talking about not switching on the russian system which is just bought for hundreds of millions of dollars and President Trump says raids aimed at deporting undocumented immigrants will begin in 10 u. S. Cities this weekend he is coming under renewed attack over his immigration policies but some democrats accusing him of cruelty because of conditions in Detention Centers on the border our mike hanna reports from washington d. C. The trumpet ministration is trying to change the narrative of 2 weeks of negative attention Vice President mike pence toured a migrant detention facility along the Us Mexico Border different from what we hear from many of the critics. I couldnt be more impressed with the compassionate work that our cause and the Border Protection of doing here at this facility on capitol hill the House Oversight Committee Heard a different version of conditions inside the centers and what was worst about this mr chairman was the fact that there were American Flags hanging all over these facilities that children being separated from their parents in front of an American Flag that women were being called these names under an American Flag we cannot allow for this as we have seen this current strategy unfold intentional in cruelly created by the Trump Administration dead set on sending a hate filled message that those seeking refuge are not welcome in america and or america President Trump has dismissed the claims of mistreatment for their phony sources that even afterwards they write whatever they want but the scrimmage he made clear it considered the details of maltreatment fully substantiated a report considered by the committee was based on data provided by President Trumps own Administration Officials under subpoena among the facts that they confirmed is the fact that as many as 18 children under the age of 2 infants and toddlers were separated from their parents for periods ranging from 20 days to 6 months. The house to investigate claims of abuse did not end here the Judiciary Committee this week approved a number of other subpoenas to be done those dealing with migrants the intention to establish whether the implementation of the administrations 0 tolerance policy contravened federal law. Aljazeera Washington Well you saw the Vice President visiting one Detention Center in that report well he also taught another facility crammed with almost 400 men in sponsoring heat some said theyd been there about 40 days and complained of being hungry pennsic knowledge that it was quote tough stuff and that hed expected it to be over crowded however he says the facilities are something all americans can be proud of across the atlantic and the china sea and red crescent says the number of people who died in last weekends migrant ship disaster has risen to 80 only 3 of the 86 passengers on board are known to have survived after the boat capsized off the coast of china zia they were taken to a Migrant Center for treatment the Aid Agency Says the death toll could rise further and police in paris have removed hundreds of undocumented migrants theyre protesting inside the citys pantheon was an am the demonstrators who have identified themselves as the black vests barricaded themselves inside the building for a number of hours they said videos on facebook demanding their residency papers be normalised and a meeting with Prime Minister eduardo fill up their house about le has more from the french capital where hundreds of Asylum Seekers or keep the policy on central paris just after lunch time a local time here in paris is an Historic Building in the heart of the french capital that is where famous french women and men are buried its a symbol of a different republican that symbolism has not been lost on those

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