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What the american said right in the beginning so the question. I think i just short at the questions that you sent to me miss that hearing from them and also miss my yamaha done from read your job on and some on em or got done from bourne r. And mr. T. From iran purse. All they asked about 4 plus one from about the nuclear deal now would like one of you to ask the question. So this is their 1st time coming here. So. You know because. Should this show ok then ask me to a question please. Well. Some of our questions were asked by my colleagues but specifically what i wanted to know. She is. This. Financial mechanism that iranian that european has built if this does not fulfill the demands of iran which is selling oil what is the use of it and also the rush over china what they have done to protect nuclear do. Miss small that the you can also ask your question ok you asked that. He did ask your question. Thank you. My question is. Support of other countries up until now. How transparent they were about to date position with regard to iran irans a stance so what is your anticipation. Of the contract sort of the agreements that economical commercially agreements between iran and the these countries are all they going to still be stay committed to do those agreements you also asked about their level that their level of and reach meant will not be limited to 3. 6 but you also didnt say what will be the. What will be the highest level of and richmond that is and also whether or not we are going to add centrifuges are we going to change their different. Changed the model of our centrifuges are going to be a new generations. Are really is still. Going to still do changes. To move alongside the enrichment iranian enrichment or already doing Something Else as well with regard to end sex because some of the questions were concerned about the one important explanation about insects is that. Iran. Islamic republic of iran. Will not rely on any country not to let alone insects or the European Countries but right now we are going to use any any shit if that will. Wait the. Sanctions. From this economic war that mr trump has a started against iran we are going to use any route from china india. Russia and neighboring countries any of route. And we have a lot of we have different. Economic partners we have agreements with many different of these. Countries so we have a lot of initiatives with any of these countries and our partners one of them is the european route and one of them is that we do not we are not relying on this on this route and nor we have any hope for it and he has. And we have been all fish ily i told him not to. Not to rely on this route i will of course if it works then we are going to use that but we are not going to wait for this for this mechanism to work in accordance to get. To this strategy day economy strategy that we have you have to use any opportunity that. That is available what we are doing right now with all of our Economic Partners i have to also say that. Media public of iran has to mend this credit. At the International Level because they signed a contract they remained committed today to the nuclear deal and this this fight the fact that the americans left its deal the. Iranian Islamic Republic of iran stayed committed for more than one year after the us left. The deal that is why. This approach has provided a better stands for iran at the international of 4 and of course they shank sions us sanctions on the pressure from the. From the Americans Still exist and there are many countries who are trying to many months the impact of these sanctions right now we believe that in. International. At the International Level we have done really good. That mr rouhani has been traveling to many countries misses that if is traveling to many countries we are constantly in interaction with other countries we will not let americans to achieve their goals we will make them disappointed. In their policy and just like last time when they were disappointed from all the pressures all the sanctions they had to return back to the. Negotiating table right now. Recognizing all or capacity all or. Strength strength points and all were opportunistic on a picket but unity is that we have of course we are going to pass this this stage as well and we will make americans to cave and. Mr horace sonny. You horace son please ask all the 3 questions the questions are similar and mr iraq is going to answer your. Questions mr. Tulloch. Hello to everyone my question his address from mr cheney as you say the conversation between mr into conversation between. Mr mack and mr rouhani. They use a day in the past few days. That. Like a ministers. Session. Is going to be hold. Mr come all run the. My question is about the 3rd the step of iran and iran if do european do not fulfill our demands in the next. 60 days what will be the move iranian irans move and whether or not we can talk about that in the media. Must help us see. My question is again about the 5 plus one as you explained mr rouhani. What mrs sorel honey say did does that to mean that. To participate and is. Tall is it going to be. The nuclear deal the Current Nuclear deal or another deal will be negotiated. From. Oil favors is that going to be more talks about that. You. Know its one regard to the level of enrichment done how we can do a 12 technically its a simple. Lets say we have a. We have a car travelling at 70 Kilometers Per Hour but the are going to accelerate to 2100 kilometer per hour this is the same thing with regard to in treatment process so we dont need to add centrifuges for this work. This can be one of the subjects. That we can do in future of course. And if. In the list that we provide that to the president this is one of the options that we talked about. Increasing the number of centrifuges. That it got to 3rd this what were going to do. Right now not that Decision Making as of course we are going to be. Participating aimed at Decision Making processes by providing information but were not basically just the. Implementer of that this is. Well. Even before. Americans left the deal we did anticipate that they would do it and since then we were actually working on some options and mr president had. Decided about it that what we can say right now is that the Iranian Atomic Energy has the capacity. To push richmond to any level on our. At any a spit that is needed yesterday also i saw an article about. About the nuclear and deva or war it about whether or not the tree 100 kilogram is an off for all or reactor or ok that is enough for the reactor but what about there for the medical purposes that this is not a. Legitimate concern to do it shouldnt worry about that the Research Reactor. Research reactor has already fuel i mean they have reserved fields. With regard to the reserved fuel that we had. That we had. From our past activity. It was near 0. 4 percent and reached seoul jewing did. Nuclear q. Turned them into end rich. And its about 4. Its added to it it is of that we have so what i can say is that some of the people who dont have. Enough Technical Information are not supposed to give. Incomplete information to did to the media and if the media are interested in the stoppage they can talk to us sunday provide them a bit to correct information so we do have an awfully serves for the medical purposes as well and right now. If we are even exporting do. They do medicines. I would like to only. Point very briefly to this 3rd step. Not only the 3rd point but all szell more steps that we have designed the steps 3rd and beyond and we know at each step what are the. Actions that we can do we can take. That he decided. But currently we talk about this 1st and the 2nd step in the beginning but right now be prefer to talk about the 3rd step at the end of the 60 days time. Because as we said that at the same time to. Our patient for the for the 3rd step there are also diplomatic efforts that are going on. Or national Atomic Energy day have the capacity for employment to move that we have already decided but also about mr mr maccarone visit to iran as i said possible visit to iran as i said we have we are going to have some visits from Different Countries to iran and from iran to other countries. We dont want anyone to. To travel to iran for the sake of traveling but. Will travel to another country just to just to show that we are travelling so what we need to is that these travel these. Contacts the master dissolved into a constructive. Role. Someone traveling to iran or someone from iran traveling somewhere else that is not important. Right now. Are being designed between 4 plus one countries we are not in a hurry we dont need it you need everything to be done in the next few days. That we. Praise and we think about assess all these solutions that might exist and talk and then talk about them not just argue for the sake of argument and. We are going to update you about any travel anie visits from Different Countries to iran and. To the. Question 1st of all we dont recognize the concept of 5 plus one that is 5 plus one any longer americans have left. And they are not and member of the deal and they cannot use any sort of mechanism that is and that is. Defined within the deals. They can participate so they can participate in the 4 plus one talks provided that they left. Theres sanctions and how to do that from our point of view it should be 1st the sanctions from the sale of oil and also the banking but also the rest of their sanctions. So were going to add 10 minutes to the time that we have sold that. 4 or 5 people are left and have questions so that they have also time to ask questions and because. Most settle cush one from the national t. V. And. Then national t. V. Said our seema is going is part of. The government and they have been very supportive of us and hopefully this. Will continue. To be. You did laugh when we talked you knew talked about iranian. T. V. Network irans t. V. In the world no i didnt mean any think i respect all of. This by different parts of the government different departments. Or officials had several times said that nuclear deal is a closed. A closed matter if youre not going to talk about that anymore and. Now the idea is. The idea that has been actually is raised and a conversation between mr cameron and mr rouhani the idea is not going to be against the deprive you of a stance that the nuclear deal is over and if we talk about that isnt it going to be no this is not going to be the case and thank you for much for the question because it gave me the opportunity to. Clarify 1st 1st of all nuclear deal is the done deal and this is this is something that is over we cannot add anything to it or does this substract anything from at seoul a chance to be executed the way it is but at the same time they are going to have all the talks with the 4 plus one the. Cans who want to participate want to be present and these sessions talks of course they dont have a problem provided that they fulfilled all would demand and lift all the sanctions. The issue is about the implementation of the job of nuclear deal not the nuclear deal itself the content of the. Nuclear deal is not the matter i say youll be shot from shock us. Question is from a stock she used to say that mr macro telephonic conversation with rouhani was about a 4 plus one and you state that if americans want to participate they have to lift the sanctions well i just wanted to ask whether this initiative is from the fronts of french or from the americans whats the difference all or. Stance is clear. Stance is clear f. The sanctions are lifted dan the americans can participate in our talks. 4 plus one talks. Oh look this is a really Good Relationship we are helping each other to clarify matters. From tests name. You did ask your question ok thank you only. A nearly a foreigner from dhoni i sot down im sure that your question is also asked. But did you you did ask it ok now you can ask. Thank you you did mention a few times about the iranians demands from european could you please clarify more talk more about that and if these demands are for field where the iranian are going to return to. The deal. Demands from the. Nuclear you from the europe and also other members of the same adad to the have mentioned in all the. Statements and the past yet in the past one year after american left. Nuclear deal we did. A few sessions Different Levels and all these. Sessions. And all these 4 sessions the remaining countries ended deal they committed themselves they pledged that. They. Compensate they will compensate the effect of americans leaving. The deal it was about the banks about this style of commerce and many other. Areas and all are agreements our agreement to wed to european was that. They are a. And in case they are able to compensate for a day. This sanctions the american sanctions end a way that iranian benefiting from the deal of course iran is going to stay and the deal. Really the reason we are saying that the europeans. Do your parents couldnt fulfill. Fulfill our demands that those demands that the american dead the europeans themself committed themselves they even used the term committed in their. India. Agreement or and their statements so what we are asking is that whatever benefits that the deal is giving to iran must be fulfilled that is what we are asking for. So. My question from the survey be. Well i would like to ask. Ok. You said that tomorrow morning the agencies the International Agency is going to come and do to. Test the. Protest. Level of enrichment that we have done well why dont you do it right now well of i told you. What i said to you that there are Nuclear Powers and there are some. There are different Nuclear Powers Nuclear Reactors and each of them need Different Levels of in breach ments right now we do have fuel of 20 percent but. But all are concentration our focus is mainly on their fuel on the nuclear fuel for. Power plants. Increasing the level of the enrichment beyond 3. 00 is. Beneficial to us because 1st of all it. Allows us to produce all our own fuel. And then the other thing the other issue is that it in case in future we want to increase the level of and beach meant for the purpose of the fuel for another power plant another reactor such as the Research Reactor of tehran then it prepares a state do it. All right youve been listening to irans Deputy Foreign minister also their spokesperson for the countrys Atomic Energy organization and a representative from the government laying out what iran will do Going Forward in regards to its Nuclear Program the highlight being iran says it will be again enrichment to a higher level in a matter of a few hours monday morning and specters will actually see the country go past the limit being 3. 67 percent that was set under the 2015 nuclear deal of course thats the deal that the United States has walked away from to ron says that there will be a further scaling down of commitments every 60 days and its offered a new deadline for talks with european nations to help save the deal this is been a rather lengthy and Detailed Press conference going on for well over an hour were going to go live now to our dorsetshire bari who is in tehran which has also been listening in on this press conference and or so tell our viewers what what else the representatives of the government have been saying. Well we have heard from the Deputy Foreign minister who says that diplomacy is not being abandoned by the iranians iran is still very much in this Nuclear Agreement but based on clause that they have written to this as a are enacting their rights to complain about the other signatories of not holding up their end of this they have been given the european signatories 60 days for them to try and hold up their end of this deal the Deputy Foreign minister up she said that they are not going to stay in this nuclear deal at any cost now they are saying as of tomorrow morning the i. A. E. A. Inspectors that are based in tehran will be checking the levels of enrichment of this different Nuclear Facilities in the country where they will find that they will have the iranians will have gone beyond the 3. 67 percent that is allowed under this nuclear deal now the Deputy Foreign minister also said that the countrys foreign minister jobs repositories sent a letter so the e. U. Foreign policy chief in the European Union that iran has intended to take the 2nd step and they will soon so they have given them another 60 days for the europeans to uphold their end of the deal all right door so we have reassembled connections there with the press conference so were going to go back to that next week were going to continue our session about the internal mottos sentiment issues. I am sure are going to pass this is the current to stage the great iran the. Benefits to people of iran will be to shoot it on the direction of the great leader that. The will support iranian. And if you can see their way of gannon lost contact with that but i do believe we still have our correspondent who has been listening to the press conference in tehran so. As you are saying iran is making it clear that they do what they say they want to save the nuclear deal but not at all costs and theyve actually put so some restrictions on how they will deal with the u. S. Going forward when it comes to saving this deal could you tell us more about that. Yes certainly iran has been crippled by 2 main sanctions that have been imposed by the Us Government one is the sell of its oil which is its economy is based on the budget the government budget is based on the oil revenues and the 2nd is the sanctions on the Banking Sector these 2 u. S. Sanctions have really hit the iranians hard and they are adamant that for the americans to come back to this deal they need to list these sanctions that is a condition that is not negotiable for the iranians if this nuclear deal of 2015 is to become a p 5 plus one meaning the 5 permanent members of the Security Council plus germany if they want it to go back to the initial signing signatories rather the americans need to get rid of these sanctions and the iranians are more than happy to talk to the u. S. Government until that happens that kind of discussion is not going to happen from the iranian side now the interesting thing to note today is this late phone conversation between president Hassan Rouhani and the french president emmanuel across which apparently lasted for over an hour we understand that this phone conversation is quite significant because we have expected more definite scaling back and a more harsher tone to come from this press conference this morning which has not happened the iranians have toned down their rhetoric in terms of how far theyre going to scale back of a seems to be more open to the idea of further dialogue in another 60 days this is something weve heard for the 1st time i think many people here believe that this conversation between the french president and the iranian president was quite important where the french president has managed to convince the iranians that they need a little bit more time and they are committed to try and saving this nuclear deal. Door so where to russia and china fit in this. Well russia and china have been huge the 4 supporters of iran they says that the sanctions that have imposed imposed on iran by the United States government are not legitimate and they dont recognize them the chinese who are the number one buyer of iranian oil on the International Market they said theyre not going to abide by these sanctions by the u. S. To stop buying iranian oil they are behind the iranians and they continue to do business with them also the russians have said that these sanctions are not legitimate they dont recognize them the Russian Foreign ministry has said that they are behind the iranians and they will do everything they can to support the iranian economy so those 2 signatories have been behind iran and they are standing in the they are not abiding by these u. S. Sanctions theyre not as hesitant to deal with iran when it comes to the countrys economy and this nuclear deal for them is as it was 4 years ago there are sticking to their end of the deal and theyre not scaling back their commitment whereas the europeans but the iranians say that theyve been bullied by the americans and they are afraid to invest in the country is one example of this in 2016 the french gas giants to a cow signed a agreements with the iranian government develop the country south hearth oil and gas fields now this was a 6000000000. 00 contract that was signed in november of 2016 and within a few months the french giant pulled out of this deal as they use the United States threatened further sanctions on that company so this is what the iranians are talking about this is just an example of what happened since the deal was signed the iranians were hopeful hopeful that the sanctions would be lifted and the countrys economy would be opened up to the International Market and Foreign Investment would come. Back to iran because you have to remember under former president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad the iranians faced not only european sanctions and american sanctions but at the time in 2012011 there was the United Nations Security Council resolutions which sanctions the iranian oil on the International Market so there were much more severe sanctions then but the iranians right now feels like the americans are really campaigning to try and isolate iran and the main issue with the u. S. Government has had with irans Nuclear Agreement is that the countrys Ballistic Program is not included under this deal the u. S. Would like to see iran limits its Missile Program and the iranians have said that their Defense Program is not up for negotiation its not up for discussion and the Nuclear Program and the missile Defense Program are 2 separate issues so they will not have that included in any kind of agreement with the International Community ok or sort of ari with the latest there from tehran is a there was a rather lengthy and Detailed Press conference well continue to get our viewers up to speed on what all was said there dorsett thank you very much. At least 8 people have been killed in the latest violence in afghanistan a car bomb went off in the Central Province of gaza name all those who died were Afghan Security personnel at least 49 civilians were injured the government has blamed the taliban for the attack thats been carried out as meetings on the countrys future are taking place in qatar now the taliban is meeting a delegation of afghan politicians and Civil Society activists here in doha germany is mediating that gathering it is separate to the talks with the United States which have been put on hold for 2 days to accommodate these interim afghan talks around 60 afghan officials including politicians and women are sitting down with the taliban its the meeting will pave the way for peace across afghanistan and so whats the difference between these meetings or theyre going to focus on relations and issues in side afghanistan the thrall of u. S. Troops and a commitment from the taliban not to provide a base for terrorists are likely to be high on the agenda the taliban wants to keep the talks and formal stressing that anyone attending them is doing so in a personal capacity this is a 3rd round of such meetings to other summits were held in moscow earlier this year shelob ellis live at those talks here and. Charlotte whats been happening this morning. Well the talks got underway about an hour ago between thats how and the afghan delegation these are the time that the taliban has met with afghans but these ones at the store because they are actually people from the government inside those talks like you see it they are here in a personal capacity but the fact that people who are within the Afghan Government with the taliban in the doors behind us is incredibly significant joining me now is one of the gentleman who gave an Opening Statement in this mediation of the storks doc took a tiny special envoy for the foreign minister of what did you saying in the Opening Statements to this delegation will work for syria as you are very happy to see the farm. All together fish the for. We sue up on a woman on a man. Bond those representing the governments of on their personal capacity and also grossly presenting women and Civil Society the new religious leaders of the diseases so were so happy to see them for the 1st time they speak face to face one to one for the future of afghanistan for the good of honest on so and so you lift the room as stayed some americans and they were there with some germans why did you leave the room. Well 1st of all let me just explain why we have this meeting as you know riyadh engaged in a. Facilitating talks between the americans and body was thought of this january 6th one very intensive negotiation between the 2 sides we made tremendous progress the bill you go shoot center of the comprehensive Peace Agreement this compose the 4 elements one is about targeting resume assurances of fighting terrorism is a valid bond to draw all the Foreign Forces troops in from on a chart and 3rd is a farm dialogue that hopefully that would do 2 and put up on negotiations on for this comprehensive a comprehensive cease fire we made the progress in the 1st one on the 2nd one and nol this is there right now without having to speak with we want him to speak together to shorted to present the good that agenda to lets say prenegotiation this is a kind of agreement or she is your face for them to discuss the future of honest country hopefully so we finish this trial today and tomorrow we hope that by the end of tomorrow with at least half a kind of her old model for the agenda of the next hopefully very soon direct negotiations between body farm and and the on the government of iran as things well so you want to make sure that these talks over these next few days at stanley that that the International Community. Isnt dictation how the should. You know this is a form or a form to the process this is the our form for them selves to decide to the future we have just spoken to them so we managed to day to bring them we want them to stay by themselves to start with all any kind of influence from anybody and i think we managed to do this and were so happy to see the women of long valued one from everybody sitting together speaking to each other and our hope we can reach some kind of. Outcomes positive outcomes to morrow that would be to hopefully with the direct negotiations between the government and body. Thank you for your time its a good. Start talks under way in the in the room behind us like say theyre expected to go to 2 days where they could exchange and then expects the americans and the taliban to finish negotiations and try to comes to some type of statement some type of agreement about a troop withdrawal and that the taleban will give the americans some type of assurance that afghans so never be used by our troops against the Global Community all right Charlotte Alice with the latest there here in doha thank you charlotte voting is under way in greeces general election the 1st since the end of the financial bailouts opinion polls are predicting a defeat for a left wing Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras he called an early election after his series of parties stinging loss in the European Parliament elections in a new democracy leader. To debate him. Joins us live from athens and john can pronounce the names much better than me so john why is the new democracy doing so well. Democracies promising Economic Opportunity which resigns well busy in an electorate that has suffered from an 8 year recession that really turned into the biggest economic depression in the postwar developed world and. After a series of course being in power for 4 and a half years failed to deliver on the greek recovery on the Success Story even after graduating from greeces Austerity Program last august the emphasis between the parties is entirely different series has emphasized state providence it has rolled back some of the spending cuts of the 8 years of austerity in order to hand out more support for people who are unemployed for single mothers for School Lunches and so on social safety nets in other words new democracy says thats all fine but what we really need to do is bring the economy back up in size because it 25 percent 26 percent of the economy a quarter of the economy was lost during that depression so their emphasis is on Economic Opportunity through lower taxes through Smaller Government through easier access to bank loans in other words competitiveness rather than state providence that is the message that seems to be getting through to voters especially young people many of whom are thinking of leaving the country if that opportunity does not arise so theyre not only differences and policies obviously bet suppress and lets talk as had very different styles and as leaders as well. Thats right alexis to put us the Prime Minister at the moment is a true political outsider there is no political history of his family his father was in construction he himself was the 1st person to express an interest in politics he forms very early on in his life a band of people with whom he would come to power they formed an alliance with in syria. The radical coalition of the radical left when that party was still taking about 4 and a half percent of the popular vote it is his rhetorical abilities and his ability to reach out to left wing and center left voters in the last 10 years that raised it to 16 percent of the popular vote in the may 2012 election and then immediately a month later in the repeat election to 26 percent of the vote he bided his time until late 2014 and then forced the then ruling conservatives into another election in january of 50 and when he took 36 percent he has been able to build a Left Wing Coalition out of a very fractious political spectrum and to keep that left united a lot of that process meant stealing voters from the center left socialist percy. Is a more traditional politician he comes from a big political dynasty but as an individual he is in many ways more radical because in the statist greek political culture he is promising Less Government hi john stop us live for us an app and thank you john protesters have again returned to the streets of hong kong and their fight to have a controversial extradition deal scrapped and this time around is being held in cologne that is a mainly tourist area organizers say theyre holding air to educate the service from china about the bill which could see people from hong kong sent to the mainland for trial its the project 1st big protest since a mass rally and none. Hong kongs main government building being read set. I keep it on aljazeera of much more news to come on the other side of the break including the latest on what has been coming out of iran. And the unrest in mali be stopped the situation. There is not a medical on has the United Nations failed to protect the people and help and the violence special representative of the u. N. Security general from mali. And the defs talks to aljazeera. Mexicos most loved soap exposes the reality of more than live through fiction. Soap box reveals the drama behind the camera this week the produces focus on the difficulties facing Indigenous Women and the power superstition still holds over a large section of society was going to be covered by 2 worlds at isnt free of soapbox mexico on aljazeera. Newsstand the differences. And the similarities of cultures across the world. Aljazeera. They watch us. They gather evidence but so can we. And american cyber activists develops and props used in brazil to monitor the least. We have more cameras than they do because were the people a bigger brother i. Revel beaks. On and just you know. Aljazeera where ever you are. Iran says it will step up iranian enrichment and the next few hours and pass a grade limits by monday but it still wants to save the nuclear. Michelle kerry this is al jazeera live from doha also coming up. In the 1st general election since the financial bailouts a poll that seen as a major test for the leftist government. Not backing down people in hong kong are back on the streets to protest a controversial extradition. Laws of the bother of bossa nova brazil is a musical legend. Iran will began enriching uranium to higher levels and the next few hours and also past limits set under the 2015 nuclear deal monday morning that was made by the Deputy Foreign minister at a News Conference in tehran and the past hour aronne says it will be a further scaling down of commitments to the deal every 60 days but its still open to talks with european nations to try to save the deal and bruce normie tell us what to. Going to announce that we are not committed to the level of richmond. A letter was sent to. Me in which we have. Mentioned those deadlines of the deal got to be had not going to be committed to any longer and again we are going to give them up to 60 days time and i would like to also explain that the approaches for decreasing the commitment of iran is actually in order to protect the. Alive to dorset apartment of our heroes and tehran so iran announcing clearly that we are about to go above these limits set in this deal but also at the same time im saving to leave the door open to saving the deal what else did we hear from these officials. Yes we heard from the Deputy Foreign minister who said that diplomacy is not being abandoned the iranians are only in acting certain clausewitz in this nuclear deal because they feel that the remaining signatories are not abiding by their and that the bargain that youre saying theyre giving them another 60 days in the meantime they have said that as of tomorrow morning the i. A. E. A. Inspectors that are in the country on a regular basis will find that iran will have exceeded the 3. 67 percent of an richey raney im that they have agreed to the level will be increased by monday morning and that this is a 2nd step and they said that there was another 60 day deadline set for the europeans now after that the countrys Atomic Energy Organization Spokesman said that the 3rd phase of their scaling back their commitment to this nuclear deal will be the restarting of the iraq Nuclear Reactor that is what they are thinking about for the 3rd step then all this means that the iranian president Hassan Rouhani who has the Supreme National Security Council which is in charge of the countrys program as the cited along with the approval of the Supreme Leader that slowly the iranians will scale back commitments step by step to try and pressure the europeans into trying to hold up their end of the deal and the main issue is because the United States withdrew from this agreement last year theyve imposed a series of sanctions on iran oil and Banking Sector the iranians say that their countrys economy is being crippled and the europeans are not doing enough so this is just another level another step to try and force the europeans to rethink this agreement and up hold it the way the iranians want this to be. Basically seen through they say they havent seen any of the benefits agreed under this agreement. Dorsett tomorrow with the latest there from tehran door so thank you very much salads go to madrid so here he is director of the study center at Qatar University he joins us from amman we appreciate your time so how would you characterize the stance that iran has made today. This was an expected a step from that on the new that iran after 60 days has made its mind that they are the another of steps to be taken around in government basically plan is very clear that if the United States actually withdraw from the. Europeans are not doing enough to protect the deal that on and are free to make their mind and to decrease their commitment. And they did so basically what happened today was expected and i think if their opinions. Are not responding quickly to the step by i believe further steps will be take it will be made by the iranian side can of this deal deal be saved without the us coming back to the negotiations and iran made it clear that theyre not open to negotiations with the us unless the u. S. Lifts sanctions that seems unlikely so can this deal evan be saved if the u. S. Doesnt come along. The problem with the with the whole deal that iran in 2005 had the directed any deal with the europeans without having washington on board now if there is a negotiation with the europeans without the United States on board this means basically the United States will be out of the the whole deal which washington does not want to be and. His plan was very clear this pressure hes made hes making on iran is to achieve one goal which is bringing back iran to the table theyre on is now they say we are not ready to negotiate i think iranians they want to sit the scene for the negotiation they want to see what was expected to be presented by the United States they want to see what are the conditions that the united state will be submitting to the iranians so they can go to the negotiation at the end of the day 2 parties have no interest to us kill it more and the only exit strategy for them is to go back and speak to each other now every every side now trying to you know to exceed the limit push as much as they can to get them from the other side more concession so they can set the scene for the negotiation and have better deal of what they have now according to the american missile what role do china and russia play in this what role can they are should they be playing in this. Unfortunately russia and china have little to play lets not forget the whole the whole issue of negotiation over the new clear the iranian Nuclear Program started 2003 with the presence of germany u. K. And france basically china and russia were not on board and now later on they became on board before that i would say 2005 only ward so basically russia and china they are trying to playing the role of you know pushing all sides to. To negotiate to have a common i would say point 2 so they can meet on and can have a solution but they in the l a t russia and china good faith to help iran and they actually supported it 3 resolutions sanctions resolution iran in the last a few years so basically they are not doing enough to support iranians but iran has no choice but this is to say that china and russia are actually that alliances and they have to work with them but the reality they have little to play and they have little to contribute to the iranian side at the moment we appreciate your expertise on this very much thank you. Protesters are returning to the streets of hong kong in their fight to have a controversial extradition bill scrapped this time around is being held in cologne that is a mainly tourist area organizers say they want to educate visitors from china about the bill which went seeking fall from hong kong sent to mainland for trial its the 1st big protest since a mass rally on monday led to hong kongs main government building being damaged more lets go to robin pride who is in hong kong. Partly rob whats happening now. Thats right richelle this is as you made today is the 1st big demonstration since the monday the parliament here was stormed so its the 1st chance to get a sense of just the mood of the protesters i think they were hoping for a couple of 1000 to come out to full these protests but there are at least several 1000 probably over 10000 by now weve been standing here at this corner at the intersection of for about 15 minutes or so they have been passing us as you mentioned that they are walking through the cow loo district of hong kong this is across the harbor from Hong Kong Island where all of those previous demonstrations where all of the unrest has happened so far and their aim here is to try to beat up trying to make contact with the mainland visitors from from china that this is a very famous shopping district here a lot of talk groups come here a lot of groups will be organized to come here on shopping expeditions that the protesters say they want to educate as they put it people from Mainland China about their grievance with this extradition bill that the organizers say they are going to be able to do that in a polite respectful manner but the concern for the police here and it has to be said there is a large Police Contingent is that if there are any of beatings with groups of mainlanders that disorder may ensue they have going through this area and theyre going to and this rally up at a. Terminus of a high speed rail link that connects hong kong with Mainland China which again is a cause of resentment to resell so where does the movement go go from here. I think it this whole targeted type demonstration is probably the tactics were going to see more of now rather than having trying to get 2000000 people out on the street as everyone here keeps saying it is a city of 7000000 people youre not going to get a greater numbers than 2000000 out on the street so we can probably expect more targeted demonstrations the the mood at the moment it has to be said that people here are probably quite feisty theyre high spirited there is a certain amount of tension between people here and the police but the many demonstrators are still accusing the police of using excessive amounts of force in dealing with previous protests the police deny that they say they have been quite restrained in what theyve done but you are hearing chants of shame on the police etc one of the key demands is still that there is an independent investigation into Police Tactics that have been used against these protesters show all right cried live for us in hong kong rob thank you at least 12 people have been killed in the latest violence in afghanistan a car bomb went off in the Central Province of gosney 8 of those who died were Afghan Security personnel at least 179. 00 civilians were also injured including children the taliban taliban has claimed responsibility for the attack as meetings on the countrys future are taking place in qatar and army is mediating the gathering intel ha it is separate from the talks with the United States

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