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Been to this to dura Detention Center you were there what a year ago. Tell us about the conditions and about this arrangements the repugnance and all that many people who are that who want to be returned home all are some of them determined to sit it out. Martin. The story of slave trade in libya and markets is still fresh in memory and when we went there in december 2017 up to january of last year are the stories we hear from them is so scary people being raved organs being have vested people being forced into slavery people being kidnapped and their parents back home or pay a ransom and immediately theyre released theyre taken back to taken by another gang things like that and officials even for those that the some of the some libyan officials dont even want the nigerian authorities and other countries to repatriate or take the people whom simply because a lot of people stand to benefit from the cheap foreign labor they go to these detention facilities hire these people from the office just take them to farms use them asylum laborers and bring them back so its a war its a vicious cycle for many of them and when we went actually the 1st day we arrived at the times youre a camp we saw the the supervisors and by the way i just it was stopped from being in that facility at that at that moment but we saw nigerians there and some of them told aljazeera that look the Nigerian Government has been told that there is only 150 nigerians here but i can assure you there are hundreds of us they brought in a few 100 and then people insisted that there are more than they brought in more then again people insisted that you seen women here and there what we were told that there were women and they brought out more women and they brought children and i was told by one of the migrants that that is not all that up more many more that actually still in that detention facilities so nigeria was working with 5000 migrants of its citizens who are migrants stranded in libya but eventually before we left libya it was quite understandable that that out tens of thousands of nigerians inside. Such detention facilities some of them beyond the front lines and in. Areas or areas held by hollywood and even after look at he knows exactly how many are there in that part of libya but people are talking about tens of thousands of nigerians and other nationalities were stranded actually in libya so this is jewish and they were living in their account pay t. V. So pathetic the situation is so bad a feeling is poor hygiene is poor and nobody looks after their health so that thats the situation so the nigeria started nigeria started bringing these people back home but eventually it looks like its been slowed down by bureaucracy pretty. Libya all right ok im going to just thank you for that. Michel battle at the u. N. High commission for human rights has issued a statement condemning the bombing she said the attack may depending on the precise circumstances amount to a war crime she went on to say i have repeatedly called for the closure of all migrant Detention Centers in libya where un human rights south of documented severe overcrowding torture ill treatment false labor rate and acute malnutrition well charlie yet seen as a spokesman for the un 8 shell thats the High Commission the United Nations High Commission for refugees and this is what he had to say. This is a horrific tragedy the should never have happened around 2 months ago you an a. C. L. Warned that these people in side dissensions and to needed to be evacuated that was after an airstrike badly damaged the roof and injured 2 of the detainees we called for that urgent evacuation then that didnt happen they remains detained inside that center and sadly people have paid the tragic consequence pretty tragic price of that with their life last night. These are very few g. s many of them who left behind warm persecution and have fled to neighboring countries in the hopes of finding safety and if instead found themselves held in terrible conditions inside these Detention Centers but also now are no longer have their physical safety guaranteed either we need to evacuate people in these Detention Centers out as a matter of urgency the problem weve been having in recent months is that people are being brought to the Detention Centers faster than we can evacuate them theyre being brought to libya after being rescued or intercepted by the libyan coast guard a rate thats quicker than we can get people out so we need a new policy there we need to see a renewed effort that season ends to people being returned to libya no refugees should be returned to libya at this time right now lets go live to the u. N. In new york a correspondent there is rob reynolds and rob we understand then that the Security Council is due to meet in emergency session to consider whats happened in tripoli. Thats right martine after a request from the un recognized government in tripoli the u. N. Security council will hold an emergency meeting later today now weve also had a very strong statement from the head of the u. N. Support mission in libya not on salome who said quote the absurdity of this ongoing war has led to this odious bloody carnage its most hideous and most tragic consequences salome also said the attack clearly could constitute a war crime note their use of the word could there because none of the u. N. Officials are at this stage declaring this a war crime pending further investigation similarly the head of the un the un High Commissioner for human rights michel botulin it also said the airstrike may depending on the precise circumstances amount to a war crime she noted that the coordinates for this Detention Center had been clearly communicated to all parties in the conflict we spoke when we put this question to the belgiums ambassador to the United Nation whose country has a seat on the Security Council just a few moments ago. Of course taught us to be look to know according to the facts what happened exactly but but of course. You know according to international mind. If targeting civilians it is a well crimes home but we need of course to have only all the details and the specifics. And again the u. N. Is going to hold emergency consultations in the Security Council this afternoon to discuss the horrific air strikes on the Detention Center outside of tripoli thats coming later the south or noon martine thank you very much rob reynolds there live at u. N. Headquarters in new york right now lets go to lawrence lee our correspondent hes installs bergen falls which of cols is a location of the European Parliament as they prepared to to approve the new hike amount of the European Union lawrence im just wondering how much appetite there might be for a reflection if not a review of European Union policy with regard to migrants because some people are attributing blame to europe for these calamitous situations that many people are living in in tripoli. Yeah well i mean that the European Commission has has appointed its new top diplomat joseph barel who was the acting foreign minister in in spain hes now taken over as as the lead on migration policy not based here of course but in brussels. Is that going to be a change of direction no honestly i dont think it is your guest a few minutes ago the lawyer was talking about the case has been brought against the European Union or the International Criminal court over its rule over its role in not granting safe havens all these refugees in relation to that case chose a barrel has been on the record as saying that in his opinion there is no torture in the camps outside tripoli and that the european is doing the best it can to find safe conditions for the refugees there and in response to the attack of the war crimes is now being seen on this come overnight the European Union in brussels put out a statement saying that he wanted to see an investigation and he wanted those refugees moved to a place of safety but express li not in europe but in other parts of africa and the thing thats changed really over the last 2 or 3 years has been the complete failure of the European Union to get through what it called its quota system sharing out refugees on the mediterranean routes or all the other refugee routes shown in the mountain European Countries that collapsed completely because of opposition from countries like italy and hungry and so the entire impetus and focus has been to working with the libyan coast guard and the African Union which is offered a full 1000000000 euros by the European Union says stop people getting across the mediterranean and so on and people keeping people from coming at all and i think that is going to be the continued trajectory of where where it goes from here because of course as far as the European Union is concerned its been massively successful hasnt this policy with a dramatic decline in the number of people who are setting foot in the European Union apart from the instances like the sea wants just this week where the german bowed to the about 40 also migrants and refugees im bored. Yeah but and if you look at the crew complete chaos that incident led to you know the italians refusing the ability to see what spoke to dr who simply 40 people on board ready that gives you the best indication you can of how attitudes are the European Union broadly regards what it called the migration crisis it was a migration crisis it was a Refugee Resettlement crisis they regard that is now being finished and for all the complaints that human rights lawyers and n. G. O. S and people make every time they turn a ship away and send it back to libya every time the greeks push refugees back on the border with turkey every time a plane load of afghans is deported on mass back to kabul without a proper asylum hearing every time that happens the European Union is breaking human rights law but who can do anything about it in the end the European Union is accountable to itself and if it isnt holding itself to accounts and nobody else frankly looks like its going to. Lawrence thanks for that loren see our correspondent in strasburg in france. Weve got a lot more to come on this aljazeera news hour including russia investigates a fire on a Navy Submarine in which 14 sailors died and living in fear life a syrian children in opposition held areas as bombs dropped around them. In sports and somber style of the couple america as brazil see off rivals argentina raffle will be here with the action. The european leaders have said they wont pursue disciplinary measures against iran after the u. N. Nuclear watchdog confirmed it had indeed breached a stockpile limit agreed under the 2015 deal but. Not to go forward with a plan to reduce even further its compliance under that agreement is aimed as ravi has more now from terra. With just days to go before iran is expected to take another step in its plan to reduce cooperation with the 2050 nuclear deal president Hassan Rouhani had an angry rebuke for the United States. Over the past 20 years it is then was started to light the fire extinguisher if you say it is dangerous to play with fire why did he start it. Rouhani was responding to comments by president. Of the International Atomic Energy Agency or the i. A. E. A. On monday confirmed iran had breached an agreed stockpile limit for enriched uranium. And i think theyre playing with. The u. S. Pulled out of the deal last year imposing ever widening economic sanctions including stopping iran from exporting excess Nuclear Material another example iran says that illustrates the us is to blame for how fragile the 25th or joint comprehensive plan of action has become caught in the middle attempts by europe to salvage the. Europes lack of Stronger Public condemnation of american sanctions as a weakness of the instrument in support of trade exchanges or. To mitigate u. S. Sanctions essentially an oil for good scheme irans president says. It could be an acceptable action. Now its like a bank. People come to this. This is a critical time for the nuclear deal if nothing changes by sunday july 7th iran says it will start enriching uranium at higher purity levels and will expand the scope of Nuclear Activity stopped with the signing of the deal. Of the region and the world. To do is return from their mistake. But runs out of patience World Leaders are running out of time. Rolling back on the deal is meant to be a way for iran to take back some autonomy with regards to its Nuclear Program something it gave up for Economic Relief that iranians say they have yet to fully experience its also meant to call into question the commitment of the remaining signatories to the 2015 who no doubt worried that this diplomatic. Might be the thing that breaks. The u. N. Special investigator has been examining the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi wants world powers to reconsider holding the next g. 20 meeting in saudi Arabia Agnes Kalama announced her findings last month that she told our desire she wants the u. N. To investigate further Andrew Symonds reports. Is putting more pressure on saudi arabia to make it accountable for the killing of Jamal Khashoggi as lead investigator for the United Nations inquiry into his death shes expressing frustration with what she says is a lack of International Action a report released last month didnt determine who authorized the killing but it did find credible evidence she said pointing to Saudi Crown Prince mohammed bin sound mans involvement calmar believes rich countries have done little to pursue justice one way of pressuring the saudis she says is depriving them of hosting the next g. 20 summit in riyadh in 2020 politic or accountability for mr cashel he will mean that it doesnt happen. Elsewhere or something is being done to ensure that the political as. In the us and in other countries does not become complicit and shes calling for a restriction on saudi access to Surveillance Technology there should be a moratorium on the sale of Surveillance Technology to saudi arabia because time and time again that country as demonstrated that it can meet cannot be trusted but us President Donald Trump is the key to making effective moves of the saudis who have rejected reports and maintain the cause shock g. s killing was a rogue operation by officials the us has put sanctions on individuals while keeping warm ties with the saudis state partly because. Weapons that is hostile to iran. Comments dont reflect official u. N. Policy she says the u. S. Has power lies down sure of what to do next even though she says it should be clear justice should come as an International Level with the un and the f. B. I. Is andrew simmons. On the. Leading the Chinese Government cong to find those responsible for the damaging the Legislature Building in mondays protests and. Returned after an Israeli Court rules in their favor. Weve got the usual wide spread hot sunshine across c. A middle east a little more cloud you can just see making its way towards the eastern side of pakistan but i think even here in restraint dry up towards that minustah and into a stand you could catch one or 2 light showers essentially looking at the time it is getting into the low to mid thirtys then mid thirtys to 4 to run hot sunshine once again for back that and for kuwait city we could touch 30 degrees celsius in beirut with some pleasant sunshine along the shores of the mediterranean sunshine across the raygun peninsula here in doha temp just touching 42 celsius could get up to around 44. 00 as we go on into friday so the heat is starting to build once again southern parts of the potential southern areas of a man could just catch one or 2 showers so keep that great along the coasts of saliva for example one of the showers a possibility into the far south of africa but for much of the region Southern Africa is looking lossy dry temperatures in cape town at around 15 celsius to 22. 00 the little more cloud tonight is just pushing up towards the coastal fringes of mozambique but it should stay dry some of those showers continue across Central Africa the heaviest of which around the gulf giddy. They watch us. They gather evidence but so can we. And the american cyber activist develops and used in brazil moments police. We have more cameras than they do because were the people a bigger brother. Revel beaks. On a just 0. 0 where ever you are. In malaysia plans to abolish the Death Penalty a dividing the community with more than 1200. 00 prisoners on death row one of money invested. On aljazeera. Alright its time for us to take a look at the top stories here on the aljazeera news out of the u. N. Security council jews old an urgent meeting on libya following at least 44 people having been killed more than 130 others having been injured in an attack on a migrant Detention Center in tripoli the u. N. Human Rights Commission says the bombing may amount to a war crime as being the International Condemnation the European Union called it shocking and tragic and has called on. Libyan authorities to better protect my parents. Well the un has condemned the deaths of hundreds of syrian civilians who are living in areas controlled by rebels the Syrian Government and its russian allies have been bombing areas in the provinces of italy and hama for more than 2 months and activists are saying on average 2 children are killed every day then a hoarder has been monitoring these developments from neighboring lebanon. Constant fear is etched in the faces of these children a fighter jet is close by. 8008000 so. That it so often and dont be afraid their grandmother tells them. This is what life is like in northwest syria of. This lady and power in my heart i try not to get scared so that the assad regime doesnt achieve its objective i wont let them win we have been living under bombardment for 9 years but the children cant help it they get scared but i try to do is comfort them help them forget what is happening outside i try to make them laugh and give them emotional support of all the family lives in moderate of normal the town in southern adlib has been repeatedly targeted in the russian backed Syrian Government offensive in recent weeks says she is worried about the safety of her grandchildren but a life of displacement is not an option and one Parliament Rather we have taken a decision not to leave god willing we wont we did it once and life in exile is difficult we want to live in dignity in our own homes. But its not safe moderate or no man was home to more than 100000 syrians some displaced from other parts of syria neighborhoods have been flattened hospitals hit ambulances targeted and the United Nations says more than 100 children have been killed by. Home at school or playing in the streets. And the airstrikes follow us wherever we go no matter where we go they hit everywhere. Alone i get scared when i hear a plane i can hear it passing by so i immediately hide. That is what family does when a plane is spotted. They receive early warnings over walkie talkies. And they wait. But. They survived at least until the next attack. On. The 1st jennifer their beirut. Now a man wanted by police has blown himself up in the tunis in capital the man detonated the explosives al thing he was confronted by a group of offices no one else was injured or killed now this is the 3rd suicide bomb attack in tunis within the past week. Dons opposition says its ready to resume negotiations with the Transitional Military Council if conditions are met they want an independent investigation into the killing of protests says they want the release of Political Prisoners as well as the restoration of the internet mediation efforts led by the Prime Minister ahmed the backing from the African Union talks had been stalled after a violent crackdowns on protests. Israel has returned several fishing boats it confiscated from palestinian fishermen in gaza it was ordered to do so by an Israeli Court after human rights organizations said the boats were seized illegally madison reports from gaza city. This is one of dozens of boats which the israelis confiscated from gaza fishermen its here because back in may an Israeli Court said that the boat should be returned this one had to come back by land because its so badly damaged it cant float the owner says hes going to need about 70000. 00 to repair it. 13 families worked on this boat everyone ended up without a job if we can rebuild the boat we can fish again and we can repay our loans to get the boat repaired and ready for fishing needs thousands of dollars confirmation that the boats were going to be returned came in as part of an agreement was reached at the end of june and the if we meant said it was going to stop people of gaza flying balloons carrying incendiary devices over the border into israel and it said it would also control the protests that is really happening at the border every friday as part of whats called a march of return for its part israel said that it would continue to a lot of fuel into gaza for gazas only power station and it would extend the fishing limits for gaza fisherman and it would return the boats since that agreement in june the protests on the gaza side of the border how things quiet but has. Truces and ceasefires and agreements like this can be very fragile particularly in this region people on the israeli side of the border as well as their cars are in the order are waiting to see if this survey holds. Thousands of people have been paying tribute to 14 russian sailors who were killed in a submarine fire the Defense Ministry says the crew got a civilian out before closing their hatch to contain the fire the deep Sea Research Vessel was based in the northern town of server or mosque and had been studying the arctic sea floor some crewmembers survived but the rest were killed by toxic fumes you could push most of. It was a highly professional crude according to your preliminary reports 7 of the 14 did had a rank of captain and 2 were heroes of russia its a huge loss for the fleet and for the whole army i offer my sincere condolences to the families of the victims. For the 1st time a womans we nominated to leave the body that oversees the affairs of the European Union the top job the decision comes after days of disagreement over who should get the most senior jobs at the main institutions the German Defense minister vonda lay and she was nominated to take over from. As president of the Commission Belgian Prime Minister Sharon Michel is slated to be the Council President taking over from donald tusk and spains foreign minister horse or whatever has been nominated the top diplomat and he will take over of course from federally kimo the really the i. M. F. Chief Christine Legarde shes been put forward to become president of the European Central bank taking over from mario draghi they now need to be indorsed by the European Parliament but weve been speaking to alberto among know who is a European Union analyst he says the nomination of an unexpected candidates may be met with opposition from both the European Parliament and the public. The mosque the surprising aspect of it is did it in a way it is a bit of a sloppy to face the European Parliament by the other state expecting the parliament to rubber stamp a decision that has been taken it is italy in in closed doors it is problematic because there is an expectation by european citizens who actually show up in a Record Number to have a say in to be more included into Decision Making in that dizzying initial of these european leaders so i expect in the next few hours a lot of negotiations within the European Parliament the socialists are unimpressed as well as the greens and theyre going to make difficult the life of this kind of to survive this is also true in relation to the candidacy of madame lagarde but we have to highlight the fact that she doesnt need a vote by the European Parliament that would be legally a binding on earth future so is more like an advice of the European Parliament but the last word will be long to the aid of state and government that rahul gandhi has resigned as leader of indias Main Opposition Party the Indian National congress the 49 year old let his partys campaign during this years election and suffered major defeat against the governing be j. P. He was hoping to become the 4th member of his family to be elected Prime Minister he says hes morally responsible for his part his pore showing in the elections. So how come police are promising to prosecute those involved in mondays protests that left the Legislative Council vandalized Public Opinion is split with some defending the protests as well others think they went too far Andrew Thomas reports from hong kong. On monday night they were protesting on cheese day night they were taking down the collage of protest posters and notes they had left behind protestors in hong kong say they want to keep an archive of their struggle but many think mondays vandalism went too far this is not what i expect while i expect this to not go too far just. Peaceful many protesters dont want to show their faces for fear of arrest but this man was one of those who broke into alleged hong kongs parliament on monday night he justifies the action were going to hurt and the police we just want to get through the day and find a Conference Room and do our message to the world and other older protester thinks that by not intervening earlier police deliberately allowed violence knowing it would reflect badly on the protesters even so he to feel to ballance against property was justified high all the teaching are you coming my generation failed to do enough for the last 20 years ive got children i fear for them there was violence it was against property not people we need to keep the protests of. These protests began over an extradition bill that would have sent suspects to Mainland China a trial theyve now turned into calls for greater freedoms part of the battle is about Public Opinion and most people in hong kong did not take part in mondays protests instead of watching them on t. V. If they felt the violence went too far that could hurt the protest discourse on that opinions a mixed with broadly a split between older and younger people in an upmarket tea shop the support for protesters action. For me i think its reasonable to deny her any people or. Anyone. Read to shower but elsewhere theres irritation at the violence. Its not good it was wrong they broke all the government stuff citizens shouldnt do this july the 1st was the climax of months of protests there arent any more planned but protests to say theyre not over Andrew Thomas Al Jazeera Hong Kong that more than a 1000000 people in japan have been ordered to leave parts of the island of cuba shu due to warnings of landslides and floods calls by to wrench to rains officials have been urging locals in the cities of congo shima and mia zaki to leave immediately after one resident was killed in the mudslide the Prime Minister has ordered the military to prepare for rescue operations. We want people to take action to protect their lives by evacuating early in accordance with the evacuation advisory that greenpeace is calling on the un to create a new global ocean treaty to protect International Marine environments from deep sea mining the Environmental Group says the current regulation by the uns International Seabed oath already is inadequate and favors exploitation over conservation the high cost of operations and Technology Limitations as safe are prevented the mining projects from International Waters but advances in technology could soon change that any 5 percent of the sea floor has been mapped and scientists warn any mining at to vittie good irreversibly damage sensitive marine ecosystems well mccallum is head of asians a greenpeace he says the uns regulator a body has shown itself to be responsible in managing the seabed. We dont know very much about the deep ocean this is why quantifying the damage is a very tricky task and its why scientists have one you know irreversible damage could mean loss of species that live only in tiny parts of the deep ocean and once theyre gone they really are gone theres no bringing them back it could mean pollution being taken up through the water column and spread throughout the oceans there are number of ways the mining could really impact on the ocean and as i said we are still understanding the value of your devotion we know that it stores a lot of carbon source so at a time when we should be doing everything we can to make sure that were prepared to tackle Climate Change and mitigate against the worst impacts of Climate Change to disrupt carbon stores on the deep sea but it seems a complete folly the International Civil authority who manage the seabed and in theory regulate deep sea mining theyve been selling off licenses to explore the seabed theyve even sold a license for the lost city which is a unesco World Heritage recognized site and one that greenpeace are going to with our ships the esperanza in the coming weeks so theyre just proving themselves to be irresponsible that managing the seabed and were worried that the deep sea Mining Industry are going to be going to these places and like the scientists of one causing irreversible damage to them now oil and Gas Production across the United States is booming Industry Leaders say that means more jobs Energy Independence and investment but environmentalist say the risks outweigh the benefits one woman in the Small New Mexico community of as thick as spent years campaigning for a cleaner industry and a gallagher has been to meet. The San Juan Basin in new mexico has been producing oil and gas since the early 20th century this region is home to more than 300 oil fields and 40000 drilled wells and business is booming but the communities like ours take that means living alongside an industry that some say as a dark aside the smell is so bad i totally lost my voice down there but there are people just here right yeah right over here and a lot of people. 74 year old chile macnow is a lone voice in as take for the past 13 years this grandmother has been running what she calls a toxic tour of hell exposing the health risks of living so close to gas wells their manager industrial fights in our neighborhoods and were subjected to the a mission for Toxic Hydrogen Sulfide thrown in pretty high in this area i personally was hit with Hydrogen Sulfide Christmas Eve 2005 and it almost killed me many of the wells in asd take it just meters from homes schools and hospitals but no laws of being broken some residents know the risks all too well for tells us the wall next to his home caught fire 20 years ago he says shirleys work is helping make things safer and preserving the landscape and ive been on well sites that theres a ruined obvious rain in the well site itself to where theyve disturbed stuff in the past which doesnt happen anymore because of what surety in people like her doing good to bring into peoples attention just the way things were and how they really ought to be chiles claims about by scientists who say oil and Gas Exploration releases dangerous gases that have serious impact on Peoples Health the States Energy minerals and Natural Resources department say their work with surely has been positive over the years in all there are about 150 well heads in mass type but the truth is many people in this region rely on energy companies. Make a living may not appreciate. The attention of. An elected officials all with the aim of making a living here. Despite her own health surely has no plans to. Take she says. New mexico. Malaysia plans to abolish the Death Penalty dividing the community with more than 1200 prisoners. One a one. On al jazeera. Right inside the school shes now with the rational thing thank you very much a semifinal place up for grabs at the cricket world cup right now as new zealand 368 house england at durham a century from Jonny Bairstow 2nd in iraq he saw the hosts make a good start but they were slowed up towards the end 305. 00 fight but thats cool looking pretty good right now because the zeal in a cowardly 126. 00 for 5 whoever loses this match will be left with an anxious wait to see if pakistan. So the final place in the last fall. Or the latest star of wimbledon 15 year old corrie golf will look to keep her dream on going on wednesday shes playing magdalena a couple of cova in her 2nd round match for the no number one caribbean artists cover just 4 games not a complete in straight sets who won the title last week an east corner man but shes going to face are once again safe play in the 1st round. Rather easier for the 8 seed alina since learning and she and her partner margarita retard injured during the 2nd set of their match the russian play in tears as she was forced to. Upset of the day with that involve the 3 time grand slam champion Stan Wawrinka he was knocked out in a 5 set at the bar the unseeded rally palka it ended 6 in the decider as the. American is has a forest fire on the top its the last 32 of a grand slam tournament for the 1st time. The mixed doubles competition gets underway a little later in the wake and all eyes will be on a real highlight pairing so Reno Williams is a great a forward same with Andy Murray Murray entered the doubles event at wimbledon as he returns from injury. Now brazil returned to the sari to play the darkest day in football history as they beat arch rivals argentina to reach the far end of the america 55000. 00 fans cheered them on in Belo Horizonte the ground where they were beaten 7 to one in the semifinals of the 2014 well a couple things or rather less traumatic this time around for the house as they took a tough lead to man city striker Gabrial Jesus or by its own admission argentinas leno messi hasnt really hit top form in this total and then his luck didnt change in this match either brazil going on to win this little hole striker roberto for main or adding a 2nd goal result will now get the chance to win their 10th proper america argentinas 26 year wait for the title. While the defending champions should i have History History even in their sights as i prepared to face the root in the 2nd set a final later on that wednesday they are going for a 3rd cup or targetable in a row nobodys achieved seat since the 1940s. Now its going straight back down to work for the usa the womens world cup the defending champions back in training the morning after beating england in the semifinals Megan Rapinoe taking part in the session having sat out the semi with a hamstring injury has been a key player for them during the tournament and is expected to return for the far off or the 2nd sunday followed takes place all wednesday sweden hoping to reach their 1st part of the tournament in 16 years when they face their loans and confidence after knocking out 2000 forward champions germany in the last 8 i think was surprising you a lot. I think we always been having this year that we believing in our soundly we have believed that we can we can be in today and we can stand it to. Really happen about that. And still have more hungry. To to go to the final minutes of price but be really proud owner of the midfield that live here martins miss that far the Training Session but she is expected to play in the match the team are looking to do the double by adding the world cup title to their european crown at the euros no one expected a lot from us and once we started winning our country stood behind us and we just kind of got in that flow and obviously we come here and and holland france had all theyll be world champions and that gives us a lot of pressure of. The Los Angeles Angels won their 1st match since picture tireless. On monday. It was a somber atmosphere in arlington as they played against the Texas Rangers the rangers at the angels held up scarred shirts and his number 45 was marked into the pictures mound the opening match of the series was perspiring draft of the 27 year old was discovered in his hotel room just hours before the game was about to start. The National Stadium in terre care which will be the centerpiece of next years olympics is the highest its 1st event in december games organizers say work at the one on a quarter 1000000000. 00 venue is 90 Percent Complete and inauguration a vent will take place on the 21st of december the stadium which holds 60000 people is one of 8 brand new facilities being built for target 2020 that is always bought for ill have more sports you a little lighter but now its back to the aussie battler thank you very much indeed and thank you for your company for this aljazeera news i dont go anywhere then because ill be back in just a minute or 2 with much more of the days news a bit shaky looking at the Security Council. Were such a problem is something which is a geopolitical issue thats for Governments International institutions to manage and refugees dont have the right to move freely on the other goods can move freely as far and as much as they want its you multinational colonialism this is a v im not and over the democratic process these companies they just want the money europes forbidden colony episode one on aljazeera. Tibetan culture a dance thrives here every day generations of tibetans continue to brace and maintain their Cultural Heritage its a reminder of who they are whether. This is a suburb of the india capital new delhi tibet to be refugees here since 1964 buttons here have been defined as migrants are not refugees because india hasnt signed up to the 1951 Un Convention on refugees so tibetans here have been able to access the Indian Welfare system so they become selfsufficient such a para business says im looking for work independently but for some its not enough. Because in 1999 a boeing 767 took off from new york to cairo and i. I dont know but the point of the. Operator will everything no one survived the journey 20 years on aljazeera world to revisit the case of the fatal egypt air crash flight 990 what really happened on aljazeera. And International Outcry is at least 44 people were killed by an airstrike on a my good Detention Center in libya the u. N. Says it could have amount to a war crime. They use calls for more protection for migrants in libya but some say is europes policies that are to blame for the hundreds of thousands that. Hello again and welcome to aljazeera live from doha im 19 that is also coming up a u. N. Investigator calls on the g 20 to reconsider holding its now. Summit in saudi arabia. And a leader with one of indias most famous political nails sets down after his partys defeat in the general election. The libyans even recognize government has called for International Action after at least 44 people were killed in an airstrike on a migrant Detention Center and in a short while from now were expecting the u. N. Security council to hold an emergency session on the bombing in tripoli the uns mission inside libya has called the strike cowardly and said it could constitute a war crime is sought there are 670000 refugees migrants and Asylum Seekers in libya the u. N. Says its particularly concerned about more than 3000. 00 held a migrant Detention Centers very close to the front lines that the tripoli governments blaming the forces of warlords or hafter but exactly who carried out this attack at this stage was unclear we begin our coverage with mahmud up to one head who is in tripoli this is the migrants Detention Center in rural a neighborhood in the eastern suburb of the libyan capital tripoli it has just been hit by an airstrike launched by fighter jets loyal to the warlords Khalifa Haftar its very tragic here dead bodies are still under the law but i can see dead better over there and here the medical workers are just picking up. One dead body over there. Is this this Detention Center according to the supervisor here there were about 150 migrants here in this Detention Center from different nationalities including african nationalities and the see that the airstrike was very precise that it hit the center the center of the Detention Center this is the creator of the airstrike its very precise but here the. Source is with the government of the you in the back the government of national called accuse has to play for the jets of targeting this Detention Center here supervisors here say that they have managed to transfer those who made it the other migrants who are still alive to other areas but there is yet there is still a state of panic among the other migrants and also among civilians who live in the nearby they say that explosion was huge we can see embassies just rushing here to. Pick up the dead bodies and transferred the casualties to Medical Center where the u. N. High commissioner for human rights Michelle Bachelet has said this attack may depending on the precise circumstances amount to a war crime she went on ive repeatedly called for the closure of all migrant Detention Centers in libya where the u. N. Human rights staff has documented severe crowding torture dont treatment forced labor draper and the cute mao Nutrition Program note says our correspondent at the u. N. In new york. U. N. Officials are reacting strongly to the airstrikes on the Detention Center outside of tripoli in libya with the u. N. Support mission in libya ahead salome issuing a statement that says quote the absurdity of this ongoing war has led to this odious bloody carnage its most hideous and most tragic consequences solomon also said that the attack clearly could constitute a war crime no note the use of the word could there no u. N. Official has declared this a clear war crime they say that further investigation is warranted similarly the u. N. High commissioner for human rights michel bochy lay also said the airstrike quote may depending on the precise circumstances amount to a war crime now we put this question of war crime to belgiums ambassador to the United Nations his country holds a seat on the Security Council and heres what he had to say. Of course taught us to be look to know according to the facts what happened exactly but but of course. You know according to international mind. If targeting civilians it is a well crimes home but we need of course to have only all the details and the specifics now the u. N. Security council will hold an emergency meeting on the situation in libya later this afternoon here in new york thats at the request of the un recognized government in libya so the u. N. Will be discussing these events in closed council session. So that many of those involved in this attack would be nigerian nationals our correspondent on the day address has been speaking to the authorities in the nigerian capital abuja about just how many could have been affected by this attack. The officials here are actually at a loss of. Zacky how many people how many nigerians are involved coming in i didnt want dead or injured in that particular attack but its touching that a lot of nigerians were involved among the casualties and one official described to me that its shocking its barbaric its condemn a ball and outrageous whether or not this attack from yesterday will sort of push the Nigerian Government to accelerate its Repatriation Program voluntary Partition Program of stranded migrants not get in migrants stranded in libya its not clear at the moment but we know thousands of them have been returned home since december 2017 to date and the Nigerian Government is continuing with a parisian according to one particular official believing thinking to tell yet flee the u. N. H. C. R. That see United Nations High Commission for refugees. This is a horrific tragedy the should never have happened around 2 months ago human h. C. R. Warned that these people in side the sentence and to needed to be evacuated that was after an airstrike badly damaged the roof and injured 2 of the detainees we called for that urgent evacuation then that didnt happen they remains detained inside that center and sadly people have paid the tragic consequence project price of that with their life last night. These are very few g. s many of them who left behind warm persecution and have fled to neighboring countries in the hopes of finding safety and if instead found themselves held in terrible conditions inside these Detention Centers but also now are no longer have their physical safety guaranteed either we need to evacuate people in these Detention Centers out as a matter of urgency the problem weve been having in recent months is that people are being brought to the Detention Centers faster than we can evacuate them theyre being brought to libya after being rescued or intercepted by the libyan coast guard a rate thats quicker than we can get people out so we need a new policy there we need to see a renewed effort that sees an end to people being returned to libya no refugees should be returned to libya at this time. Cadman is an International Human rights lawyer and cofounder of ghana care 37 he says this attack does constitute a war crime. Obviously the fingers being pointed at the moment. Harley for and his after and his his troops this is not the 1st time theyve targeted tripoli and certainly not the 1st time hes been accused of committing war crimes or crimes against humanity but certainly this attack on the face of it. Is is to be considered a war crime there is no military justification for the attack it is a civilian target civilian casualties so we will have to see what comes out of the u. N. Security council now but certainly our position is it comes to a war crime could it be argued to be that there are many levels of responsibility in this tragedy what was a Detention Center for migrants doing in such close proximity to military death pose for instance i mean theyre the authorities libyan authorities thats where theyve put them what about the e. U. Whose migration policy has led to this numbers of people being returned by the libyan coast guard and left pretty much to their own devices in these Detention Centers which of course we all know particularly harrowing in terms of their conditions so many people could be responsible would you say absolutely i think youve touched on a number of very very important issues 1st of all when considering whether this constitutes a war crime the question will be have to be arsed the close proximity to military targets and whether those to talk to actually were aware that there were civilian areas detention facilities within military compound so so thats the 1st question the you mention the e. U. Policy thats certainly something which is no the subject of a filing that has been made with the International Criminal court in relation to crimes against humanity falling on the responsibility of the e. U. And a Member States of course there is also the responsibility of the un sanctioned un supported government in tripoli in terms of the conditions that it is detaining migrants in and around tripoli. Right to other news and the u. N. Special investigator examining the murder of the journalist Jamal Khashoggi wants world powers to reconsider holding the next g. 20 summit in saudi arabia Andrew Symonds reports. It is putting more pressure on saudi arabia to make it accountable for the killing of Jamal Khashoggi as lead investigator for the United Nations inquiry into his death shes expressing frustration with what she says is a lack of International Action a report released last month didnt determine who authorized the killing but it did find credible evidence she said pointing to Saudi Crown Prince mohammed bin sound mans involvement calmar believes rich countries have done little to pursue justice one way of pressuring the saudis she says is depriving them of hosting the next g. 20 summit in riyadh in 2020 political accountability for mr khashoggi will mean that it doesnt happen. Elsewhere or something is being done to ensure that the police to call him as. In the u. S. And in other countries does not become complicit and shes calling for a restriction on saudi access to Surveillance Technology there should be a moratorium on the sale of Surveillance Technology to saudi i

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