Hello again its great to be back with your cross South Eastern Asia we have seen plenty of rain across the philippines in recent days and part of that was being enhanced by a Tropical Storm is just towards the east of that area it became a Tropical Storm but now it is dissipating but still plenty of rain across much of the northern philippines including use on as well as manila we do expect to see attempt to there of about 29 degrees and as we go towards wednesday the rain is still going to be a big problem there at about 30 degrees for you here across bangkok it is still going to be quite heavy in terms of rain anywhere from central and northern parts of thailand as well and over here across parts of the rain is back as well were going to be seeing temperatures there into the low thirtys but across much of civil way see rain is also going to be an issue as we go down here across parts of australia well we did have one big storm making its way across the but you can see those clouds right there thats going to be pushing into New South Wales as well as victoria and we are going to be seeing some windy conditions but certainly down here across tasmania you can see those ice bars are going to be quite tight and that means the wind is going to be higher for brits been it is going to be a cloudy day at about 24. 00 degrees there sydney clouds a few as well but down here towards melbourne youll be in and out of the clouds but the temps are there about 15 degrees. Let me take it. Like now please some. Wild west rain. And strong against our stance on most skilled. Nation competition in stadiums to. Discover our newest destination defeat the womens world cup france 29 t. Youre watching out to see a time to recap the headlines protesters in hong kong are taking over the streets with up to 1000000 expected to join demonstrations some tried smashing their way into the Legislative Council building they want a controversial extradition bill completely withdrawn. As a gun battle in the Afghan Capital after an explosion that killed at least 10 people dozens have been injured smoke was seen coming from an area near the u. S. Embassy the taliban has claimed responsibility. At least 10 people were killed in sudan during protests and sunday Security Forces used live fire and tear gas the protests are the biggest since the military broke up a city on june the 3rd killing more than 100 people. Turkeys government says theyll be consequences for libyan warlords unless he releases 8 turkish nationals turkish Officials Say half those fighters will become quote legitimate targets if their citizens are not free immediately after i was Eastern Administration and cut all ties with ankara on friday accusing it of supporting the rival u. N. Recognized government in tripoli have to threaten to target turkish interests in libya including flights and ships. Flights have resumed the libyan caravels only functioning airport it was briefly closed off so it was hit by their Strike Forces loyal to have their attack destroyed a turkish drone sitting on one of the runways the airport strong words rather cynical saulo has more from istanbul initial reactions from the turkish authorities against the seizure of turkey citizens by the Eastern Libyan authorities have been very harsh took his defense minister said that the price is going to be very heavy and took his Foreign Ministry said that if they dont release turkish citizens who have been saying its the Libyan Authority will become a legitimate target for turkey it turkey backs the u. N. A u. N. Backed national a National Accord in libya and believe that. His and to raj is an illegitimate entity in libya currently what we know is that there are 8 took just citizens who have been seized by easterly we know thirtys 2 of them were already ses before and. We have announced it from here in early may that those 2 toted citizens who were running a turkish restaurant in libya and they were taken to a prison at the time we told our audience that their families had no contact they didnt hear anything from those took his citizens for now will force turkish authorities are working on different scenarios and. They are preparing themselves for any scenario but of course the initial initial one is that they are going positive they expect turkish turkish citizens who have been seized by health theres half their steam shall be released in the next 72 hours if it doesnt happen then turkey will consider different respond methods. The self declared republic of Northern Cyprus says an object that hit its territory overnight appears to have been a russian made missile the weapon hit a Mountain North of the capital nicosia the Turkish Cypriot Foreign Ministry says the missile could be part of the air Defense System that took place during an attack against syria on monday night the missile completed its range and fell in Northern Cyprus. Syrian state media say Government Air Defense Systems have intercepted missiles fired by israeli jets military positions in the city of damascus have been targeted killing 4 people homs was also hit state television says the missiles were launched from lebanese airspace where israeli aircraft was said to have been spotted making low altitude flights israel has carried out air strikes in syria against hezbollah and the raney and targets in the past at least 31 people have died in a mini bus crash in india and minister of kashmir the overcrowded very cold plunged off the road 72 were taken to hospital in Critical Condition police are investigating what caused the accident india has the worlds deadliest roads with about 150000 People Killed every year. Bring in more now on our top story the mass protests in Hong Kong Andrew thomas is among the crowd of demonstrators who go live to a man draw understand things are picking up what does it look like. Just in the last 20 minutes or so yes what weve got is about 4 or 5000 protesters who were outside the Side Entrance to this alleged code building behind me which is the Main Parliament essentially in the center of hong kong now theyve been outside aside into that and for some hours earlier on monday they were trying to see a way through the windows and door there and some mixed. All right we seem to have lost all the oh for a moment there with andrew were looking at some recent pictures thats when demonstrators were trying to ram their way in to that building that building is the government building that houses the parliament the government Legislative Council. Crowds have been building up and as we can see now from the live pictures coming in the numbers have really swelled so no doubt this really poses a challenge to carry lamb as she figures out her next move and what to do with protesters demands. Now e. U. Leaders have been working through the night as they try to decide who will fill the blocks top jobs and so far theres been no agreement its the 3rd time theyve met to fill 5 positions the readers are divided about who should lead the European Commission and the barber has more now from brussels. Well as they arrived here in brussels some of the e. U. Leaders sounded fairly optimistic people like the french president emanuel mark hall who predicted that 3 of the 4 top jobs would get resolved here in the talks but those talks were delayed they started late on sunday night local time and then they broke up for a series of bilateral meetings between donald the head of the European Council and the heads of government originally. Mr micawber and Angela Merkel the german chancellor had expected one of the 2 socalled lead candidates to take the job of the president of the European Commission either manfred verb or a german from the center right or the favorites france timmermans the dutch politician a socialist there was then a series of negotiations and meetings where some countries told on autos why in their view they didnt see mr timmons as a suitable candidate countries like poland and hungary extremely unhappy with that prospect mr has put forward other names from the center right grouping as possible European Commission heads including in fact michel barnier. Breaks it negotiator but nothing really came of those in the early hours into monday morning local time there was a shared your breakfast meeting which was delayed and still the prospect with no solution to this coming having to come back to another summit perhaps in mid july protesters have marched in mexico city to demand the resignation of the president. And there is a manual of hers over a dog won the election by a landslide in june is promising to end corruption and inequality some of his decisions like the cancellation of a partially built airport for mexicos capital have been criticized by his opponents and. Supporters. Of german captain accused of defying italian authorities and docking a rescued vessel in one producer is expected in court later on monday. Was arrested after ramming the ship into a police boats so you could face 10 years in prison if convicted the sea watch was carrying 40 people rescued from the mediterranean. Libya is a main point of departure for migrants making their way from africa to europe to seek asylum often the 1st port of call is the italian island of lampedusa while italys foreign minister insists on blocking ports to rescue vessels many offer to define his order so when the guy got reports from lampedusa. They arrive safely after weeks at sea babies women and men alive but severely dehydrated despite it all they had managed to reach the italian island of lampedusa. Theirs was the 2nd landing in as many days in the wake of the sea watch 3 the rescue vessel that saved 40 people from a rubber boat off the coast of libya and eventually bought them to the island by defying italian also. Its captain caroline racketing given a mixed greeting of insults and cheers at the port as she was arrested for resisting a warship a highly publicized challenge to italys newly beefed up laws can now deny access to vessels considered to be a security risk. To the far right interior minister Matteo Salvini even called the incident an act of war on a social media tirade there are many who will agree with him and that its news ports should be closed to such rescue vessels but there are others who do not share that view such as the mayor of lumpy those are. Salvini he says he wants to block everything but ive never seen the port closed in lampedusa this type of talk appeals to peoples worst instincts even received threats when you talk about the reality which contradicts what the minister says there are no close ports in lampedusa in fact there are always open this tiny island close to north africa that italy is one of the front lines in the battle between humanitarian needs and the newly robust migration laws. The criminalize ation of search and rescue operations means that there are far fewer organizations that are able to provide assistance. But there are some that still do the last few months have been tough for walking in to do so we have felt the pressure coming from the authorities those that do make it to lump it those are wind up at this Migrant Center for processing the system is a lot more efficient these days partly because there are fewer that come here but also because they get sent out in a matter of days rather than months but people that come here are still in effect at the mercy of a government thats proclaimed 0 tolerance towards their arrival many will continue to journey across the mediterranean risking people smugglers all in the hope of a better life others like many before them will not make it it is a voyage fraught with danger the sea has claimed many lives old and young alike and closing the ports has not changed that its only increased the burden of humanitarian assistance upon those who see themselves judy bound to help. Aljazeera there was a. Japanese fishermen have left for to hunt whales commercially for the 1st time in more than 3 decades tokyo is used a loophole in the International Whaling Commission Rules to hunter protected antarctic waters what it calls Scientific Research the government says it will only allow while hunting off japans territorial waters but will end the most controversial hunts in the antarctic clothes made in bangladesh can be found in shops worldwide will soon be a 50000000000. 00 a year industry employs more than 4000000. 00 workers mostly women however unregulated practices in the industry are also poisoning rivers destroying the livelihoods of fishermen and farmers terms of the child has more in bangladesh. Rokia begins family has farmed this land on the banks of riverbank sheets for generations now our home is badly polluted even though it had. Run them up we used to drink water from this river and cooked food with it now we cant even wash our hands here we get rushes in our fee if we stand in these paddy fields we cant eat fish from these waters dont you see there are no more fishermen around. The department of environment has already classified 3 livers around the capitol as biologically dead because of pollution the environmentalists impact of clothing production in bangor that shows how the true cost of cheap textile is been followed by the very poorest living downstream from polluting factories while the production goes up day by day the desire to cut pollution does not. Some factories conceal drains which dispose of untreated waste a lot of other day in d. C. All these factories built large drains and then installed large pipes inside the drains when waste water comes out from these drains the stench is so awful you cant stand here the poor bear the brunt of pollution. Were facing a lot of Health Problems these waters are so dirty its not cheating we contacted meat anything in this land. Treating factory waste water is an expensive process we have been raised a lot. Of planting by the barrel friendly and sustainable by. The by are not willing to pay to keep it sustainable and World Bank Study said 4 major rivers near dhaka receives nearly 1500000 cubic metres of waste water every day from 7000 industrial units in surrounding areas some Textile Factory owners have been fine while others say theyre sticking to government rules at the moment you know the by members of the government its very contradictory getting the environment that i think the all the factories that compliance our government and for International Rules and international complies High Court Judge just made history earlier this year by declaring bangladesh rivers as living beings as demand for relatively cheap bangladeshi clothes remains high worldwide it is the waterways and rivers here that are paying the price of a child 3. 00 aljazeera sabar bangladesh. Lets take you through some of the headlines here on aljazeera now protesters in hong kong are taking over the streets with up to 1000000 expected to join demonstrations. Some tried smashing their way into the Legislative Council they want a controversial extradition bill completely withdrawn Andrew Thomas says more from hong kong. There has been some violence here on monday protestors have tried smashing their way into this Legislative Council building they tried smashing the windows and in some places theyve succeeded in doing that although they havent gone in. There a lot of riot place he looked trying to come out if they need but whats been very interesting is so far outside of this building these protesters have been left alone there havent been any place coming other parts of long come to disrupt whats going on here the protesters have put up roadblocks all around to stop Police Vehicles coming in a gun battle involving afghan Security Forces and taliban fighters in kabul is now over it follows an explosion that killed at least 10 people smoke was seen billowing from an area near the u. S. Embassy in the city at least 10 people have been killed in sudan during protests since sunday Security Forces used live fire and tear gas the protests are the biggest since the military broke up a city in on june the 3rd killing more than 100. 00 people turkeys government says theyll be consequences for libyan warlord Khalifa Haftar unless he releases 8 turkish nationals turkish Officials Say fighters will become quote legitimate targets if their citizens are not released immediately. Leaders of work through their lives as they decide who will fill the top jobs its the 3rd time their meetings of 5 positions the leaders are divided about who should head the European Commission those are your headlines the news continues after witness stay with us here now does he ever. Talk to al jazeera. We ask problems and besides the instability is corruption we listen pins i hear them bins are pushing the United States and President Trump into conflict we meet with global news makers and talk about the stories that matter is iraq. Through the us will. Be a false gospel base for Mission Roots yeah i mean. I do think hes a problem and. Should. Face the nation from the. Street. So based on assurances the name under which i record and play regularly can endure the reggae music is really going to shape my life from a very young age and you know it it may come from jamaica but i feel that. It talks about justice equality talks about colonialism reggae music has a message thats thats deeply relevant in todays world and especially for india i think and theres this kind of all out right wing assault on our freedom to oss questions and generally all freedom of expression and people you know are being targets and the students teachers activists filmmaker thats right since. Ive been targeted almost all of them have been intimidated thats on the arrest and people on the streets. Protesting this ryszard doorstep so in which ever way you know id like id like to all attempts to contribute something to this. Campaign i. Think is the missing ending needed to speak. Because. If you cant be a part of the struggles that to happen in our country what the meaning of culture and of artistic production meaning is still. Kind of bring people together to be a voice or getting off of to people. If youre playing the peoples music you have to find a range of people and its been so much what i dreamt of but i was frustrated with what im doing always i dreamt of it i know what a song to speak of them i dont want to dance and i know it can energize people make me feel empowered you know these are things that should not only happen if you need music venue and this sort of i would in my views this is something which i want to be able to contribute to a you know im gathering protest space that i think is a space for this can be of value. And were forced or addressed in frustrations was to go back to the heart already know the system called. And sultana some time not just the stack of speaking of sound systems traditionally have been a way to take things in your own hands and to find ways to take music straight to people i mean literally i mean one thing to build a sound system ever since i started playing records like it was most of my life. Sound systems i expensive and you can buy them ready made you have to build it yourself so with a mix of crowdfunding and i was born money me and my partner some of us started building own systems and it takes a lot of knowledge and experience to build its own system youre lucky to find a sound engineer. And see what it sounds like. And i said to. Me. This is a this is the real deal and im getting a big vinyl so were going to get across. Country you know. Just well its having some way to play it thats the biggest thats the biggest thing is finding some way to actually turn the phone. Because its loud i. Mean i. Remember from before you started this book you need just by saying this is sad. And then the other one coming out is yeah yeah. One chaldron should get the channels running but why do you feel the need to state all this stuff like is important to understand because if you string out wrong things true from fact. People might think hes. A 1st man you can kill somebody with this monster what kind of music doesnt come up nobody writes. And its so real and so it suddenly youre something that starts as an idea suddenly becomes a reality and its a damn physical system that youre on top of imagine this the green set up in different places so i think its all people coming and go its just you know a man came to his from. Coming by jet is exactly where was the sensitivity is now number one in any area of business in his forests and griped is saying lives were at the forefront and they after the game share knowledge of the people who are the moose and they get to lead the most tricky because there are bugs in the found and i would supremely could say im not even sure i want it to be a success because if it does then back to me more troubling stephen. Because they convicted it just as a mother and as a human being. Well those are the consumer. Yes. And this and all apologies to everyone trying to sleep in bad cash games and the rest of the final 4 minutes are you in sick all right about now because like its. Honoring the pollution or it from. Revolutionary are oh no were. Going to shock i mean john is now that nice before this is where are we going to then i want people going to react you know how are people going to react if i take the system to a protest space or to a Street Corner and now people are going to let loose and dance with us and get it or are people going to be that you know you know will be dismissive and like whos this privileged guy playing this foreign sounding music i mean of course thats a feeling we want people to connect to her for doing the right buddy. So we continue to test that and i dont operate the system i mean paid and gave to launch a. Loft im going to call it from my Old University and. Bring the system then to support their comrades were on hunger strike. I just want to. Listen to people its amazing that if you listen. And so it doesnt make it so if. You get it you know in order to keep. I thought i. Know youre nervous man i mean dont you always nervous because you want to be relevant and you want to be able to communicate and create meaning you know. You never nor you know and i sometimes do want to let you know how can you not think youre making music here and i cant ive been doing this my life i love it but you think im a i mean dont you know. This is every. Bit of anything you can theres no music and theyre going to get it was in effect. And for business. So its important for these kind of things these kind of mediums hes going about business going to music. Part of the a lot when they think the. Yeah. That. 8 was. I thinking. This is where he goes are you hot all the time that slows it down governance and. Finally we have here. This is that weve all done it took us almost one year we finished last month. 2 nights on the paper you revolutionary songs on the fall asleep you shall command come. Back on holidays strike against this im just. Going to. Continue and in the beginning when i started playing that actually awesome you want to sit down which i didnt want so im playing records and i have seen of people like sitting on the ground looking at the expectancy which made me very uncomfortable when i was in it wasnt working in quite the way that i want to because when im dancing and people dont look at me look at each other enjoying something not so. Smugly now i hear this. British. Music for you know youre not tortured they are not here with the man i wanted reasons other than his you have not read. This. I dont. Think im a month ago. Ive just been. Dismissed from the music. We have for the preview on nights. At our 8. Lab. So im not. Advocating getting. Them could you be good you know but could you be good you know. Have all the right words you can see whats the music is over but i dont believe the robot. One more and i think that it is a myth. That like there is no fiction Something Like star but the concept of adopting focusing on. The dream should give us confidence that our idea could work and after that we were invited to play at other protests and other venues and who really were itching to take the system and then finally brought out johns friends students from the f. B. I. Which is indias leading since it was austin on the campus. F. B. I. Has also seen major pushes against the time limits and hoping to learn from the strongest and hopefully also be able to contribute some energy to the. When for that do its a post or 2 a short f. D. R. I asked. Well thats direct all to him security. Council are strong you know 2 days before. On some bureaucratic kind of pretext but i have a feeling you just didnt really want us to play there so you went to a meeting by this organization called. From what i gather the 1st time i met them all so well its a Peoples Organization a very much kind of pushing for change is exactly the kind of people that i want to work with. Theyve never really heard reagan use it before the never really experienced based on sound system before so you dont know if this thing is going to go kind of. Alone i think i know you. And i i dont think the state is the music. That you because you dont. Get it to what you want me is still my father maybe so but youre making a living alone question i think were i saw music what you need to. Give you can be able to go. Anyplace he. Gave the actual. Man all of that modicum music. You know been american he wont come anywhere yet making music with people being mission with somebody is a colleague of the us you know nice of you to make it as it was saying. Im going to keep im not. Going to be going to going to be im. Going to give you just a wish and look maternal like to be done and im going to going to be. Thats what i. Need to hold on to. The women to believe in if we do about being. Me im not going to be on the look i am. Going to put in the Headline News again. And sometimes on. Good foster. So you. Know if you didnt know when to. Get it. It was. A you know. In the. Very day i was the dog i guess they were going to go. On the run. I realized that the combination of jamaican music with lyrics what sort of a dual purpose and not only would it make the show more dynamic it would also head post communicate the musics message to the audience and with that in mind i suggested to look at you all to get these rappers dont call it why d. C. They they rap in hindi and might not be they have revolutionary songs and we felt that this would help the audience to connect to the show. But. Theres a lot of thats not just but they cannot. Which will not be a source of that it sets you but. Its. Man this is rough. Work the son of tough tough tough dealing man i think its empowering on its empowering for the mc and its empowering poing for the people who hear it because look i mean a lot of the times culture thats imported from abroad is english called in there sometimes associated with in need you know but this is not what this music is this is going to music you know so i think. For people to hear things from from here its like it makes it makes Everything Everything more meaningful im broke. I want to be in a dance where ok you play your shot are on superior you know Stephen Marley and i want to be like yall this is door for you know jock anita and smash the place apart man people feel like the people in their bodies i mean you know im saying. Jack. Any game. That you. Get im going to not to be. The only guy any. Bets foundation lets not 70 like you said. The minority do traditionally definitely its kind of a test for us to see how far things can cross over how far people it could take to do what were doing and i hope that the signals from looking at them and and the rappers and stuff we want to kind of element the people relate to and connect to. The table entirely. Lets find a certain. Element and i think its what i love the woman who when i am black is i mean those women as its a struggle or an inner. Watch. A movie like this for my. Mom dont. You do this like. Weve done it in the you. Mean just about the time i. Get it will you let it in. Its not with. You because. You. Name a silent. If were going to were no expect a member how many was a. Farmer. Who got home looks it moves you can make of this a muslim or 2 nickels then will deduct their course now that theyre up and about soft stuff that they give demands guy so ive got a good policy with regard to the home movie Political Group get that the program would develop as citizens get to politics will post been as a kid at the. Son is sick which allows them. To watch him or to ask him how mom got me but see if we are down a little over some of the committee. On the outlets about the shade and everything but any little bit i think. Hell be not again has it made yet so i mean latest. Big little bit of negativity being. Bought. Uses the reasoning behind it is there any kind of people who are. Up even in the 150 cancer got here. I thought he was done as a possible be champion could turn chung hee hee. I somehow. Put. In some. Clothes. On thought the thing i wanted. Done he had his riches on this plan the. People i dont know will look up im going to profit we may be well you know your money but if i could. Offer something with. A little how come. Oh. I hope you. Have a deal 2 so we will have. To say i became a movie. Company. Was. There. Then you. Know what. To see everybody energized in this way and dancing in this rain with so much freedom gives me a lot of joy it also gives me a lot of hope that for me this is just the beginning that that shows the potential the Knowledge Task is to find ways to move on this find ways to make it more poignant more important. Theres a journey ahead for us that much is clear to me. That. The pages of this exercise book code unspeakable mannerly compiled testimonies a victims of congolese musson. As this intimate evidence finds its way to International Courts the Central African republic is plunged into further. And intricate 10 of the people and a nation crippled by recent history. A free comes to of a 2 part series on aljazeera business updates brought to you by Qatar Airways going places together. Business updates brought to you by Qatar Airways going places together in the year 127100 a gun tally and set out on an extraordinary journey carrying letters from the poker the great kugler comic marco polo travels to legions following dangerous votes from the holy land and beyond today chasing the shadow long obsessive john is top of china to events with such an questions of how the relationship between east and west has changed. Marco polo on aljazeera. This is al jazeera. Joe harvey when im come on santa maria and this is the news hour from aljazeera hundreds of thousands of people have joined antigovernment protests in hong kong on the anniversary of its handover from britain to china. Also in the news 10 protesters killed in sudan during mass demonstrations demanding an end to military rule. And deadlock in brussels as a youth leaders work through the night but failed to find agreement on whos to fill the blocks top jobs and in sports 15 year old american corey goal set to take center stage on the opening day at wimbledon the youngest player to qualify for the event since the open era began hes taking on 5 time champion anus williams. So starting in hong kong where hundreds of thousands of protesters have taken over the streets they could soon number up to a 1000000 thats the same right now as demonstrators again show their anger over that controversial extradition bill protesters have also been trying to smash their way into the main government building this all happening on the anniversary of britains handover of hong kong to china it was 22 years ago today that that happened out amongst the protesters here is Andrew Thomas with an update andrea. Welcome all that building you can see behind me im going to step out of frame so i pull into a slow zoom in so it is the Legislative Council the Main Parliament essentially of hong kong where these controversial extradition laws were being considered now theyve been suspended but they havent been cancelled and thats why youve got thousands of protesters now surrounding these buildings there arent any legislators inside of that building so in a sense its a symbolic target for these protests but it is the target nonetheless and over the course of monday the crowd outside that building has grown grown more and more noisy and in some instances grown more and more violent many of the protesters have been trying to smash the windows of that building in some places theyve succeeded most of wearing helmets carrying desk weve got these in case we need them but so far the place while they are inside that building in big numbers they havent come out and nor have all the police come and disrupted this crowd in any substantial way either theres been no large scale use of tear gas or of rubber bullets certainly that weve seen and i havent heard of any that is the protest here outside the Legislative Council completely separate to the s a lot of not that far away elsewhere in hong kong theres also a huge march going on. And were looking at pictures of that just now injured as well huge numbers and we should point out karim if im wrong the population of hong kong is around 7000000. 00 so if you claim 1000000 out on the streets already this is a very large proportion of the population. Thats right well its hard to know exactly how many people are on in the hundreds of thousands i went for a walk about an hour ago now to have a look at it from an over possed looking down at the straight and the words hands of thousands of people that i can see with my own eyes and that march went a long way beyond where i could say so i certainly expected to be hundreds of thousands of people there whether well reach a 1000000 possibly 2000000 as its estimated that were in a similar march a couple of weeks back now well well know the official numbers like that worth pointing out that the place and the politicians here sent out a message on the media side dont take part in that march its too chaotic in the city center with this protest going on we dont want to put people in danger so they were really trying to encourage hong kong was not to take part while i can tell you that tens of thousands probably hundreds of thousands have taken part they are if you like more mainstream hong kong was the mix of ages on that march when i saw some children also older people a real mix of mainstream hong kong thats who dont want this expedition under any circumstances they want to completely council not just in spain that the people here the protesters wearing the hats carrying the gas masks throwing the in the windows they tend to be younger the vast majority under the age of 25. 00 say interesting lady though they are very responsible protest this a few times they have been ambulances that have needed to get him to get some people out who fainted old been hit by something not quite sure what the protest is im not sure if you can say maybe paul can show us just here there a barrier is that the protesters have put up. Prevents place vehicles getting into where they are but what an ambulance has come to these barriers the excesses of the very quick moving that barrier cutting through it and letting ambulances back in so here at the Legislative Council building the has been certainly violence certainly a lot of noise but responsible noise what we havent yet had is a major confrontation with the place and as i say the main stream march as well is going on separately but close andrew the life in this protest movement and were going back to when they were protesting specifically against the extradition bill its got such strength hasnt it i guess the people have found their moment and thought well we had something of a victory of an extradition bill we have to keep going. Well come on what weve got going on a long time protests because people on this having some audio issues story sort of came out well weve got a long term issues because people here essentially want a more democratic structure this is actually than they think beijing is going to give them and what weve got going on here is a lot of protesters saying in a sense this is a narrow target these extradition laws these proposals are on quite a narrow issue and what they think is that they can achieve something here and that could be a foot in the door to achieving more substantive democratic reforms in hong kong and certainly not what they fear might come from beijing so what theyre trying to do with this anti extradition proposals in these demonstrations here is to prove that they can get some success and then take that further. Andrew thomas is in hong kong and leave you there for now we might come back to you later on in the news on a check on how things are developing in hong kong but lets just go back to the live shots shall we because they are quite extraordinary some of the sort of symbols that you see if you like a lot of people dressed in black that has been there are there they are a symbol the way theyve all dressed ive seen umbrellas as well because you remember the socalled Umbrella Movement as it was as well but look at that the flags the banners stand as one i think was one of the slogans that we saw earlier as well it is quite a sight and as we say hong kong territory with 7000000 People Living there and they talking about maybe up to a 1000000 or more getting out on the streets today it is a large amount of the population that is out on the streets there wearing the yellow hats as well the hard hats which Andrew Thomas was showing us a little bit earlier so these various live pictures were getting in coming in from hong kong. Lets actually hear from carrie lam im sure youre familiar with that name the hong kong chief executive who withdrew her extradition plan but still remains under a lot of pressure with all these people out on the streets clearly against it she is promising shell work with a metabolism. Going on need to seek in a way come. Up to this incident i will learn lessons and then show that the government in future will work closer and be more responsive to the aspirations sentiments and opinions of the community so the 1st and most basic step to take is to change our style of governance to make it more open and the commentator and will also need to reform the way we listen to public views such work should be carried out without delay and will start with me. And well have more on the protests in hong kong a little later in the news are hoping to speak to a guest who is out there on the streets meanwhile the gun battle between Security Forces and taliban fighters in the Afghan Capital is now over the shoot out which followed a huge explosion you see the aftermath of it there that killed at least 10 people in kabul smoke seen billowing from an area which is near to the u. S. Embassy lets check in with our question watery joining us from kabul just bring us up to date with what you know. Yes come on as you said it was a huge explosion this morning here in kabul where the trackers were managed to explode one of the Logistic Department of the Afghan Ministry of defense which is outside of the ministries building they managed to get to that point and they exploded a truck full of explosives there the rest of that deckers that managed to go on the rooftops of the nearby buildings where they can take the position to entrap the Security Forces the mischief indeed it also told us that the special forces arrived at the at the scene they called in down the area and they took the positions against these these attackers we were also told by the minister of interior that 10 People Killed in this attack so far until now and the minister of health also confirmed to us 65. 00 other were injured including 9 children it is really a year here and its a quick question before the to the people of afghanistan here not only here in kabul but also other provinces that. Liberating that attack says this attacks also claimed by the taliban and they said that will be claimed responsibility for this attack diminish if indeed it also told us that they also study that we had its operation at the moment where they also killed 2 of the attackers and the latest operation is still going on all right thank you for the update in kabul. The self declared republic of Northern Cyprus says an object that hit its territory overnight appears to have been a russian made missile the weapon heres a Mountain North of the capital nicosia the Turkish Cypriot foreign minister Ministry Says the missile could be an air defense weapon fired by Syrian Forces during an Israeli Attack on monday nights commenting on that attack syrian state media said that military positions in the city of damascus were targeted killing 4 people homes was also hit a little bit further north state t. V. Says the missiles were launched from lebanese airspace where israeli aircraft was said to have been spotted making low altitude flights israel has carried out air strikes in syria against hezbollah and iranian targets in the past. To saddam hour at least 10 people were killed during protests on sunday they are demanding a civilian led government but were met with gunfire and tear gas Rayna Mohammed has more. The message remains the same as it has for months demanding sudans military rulers hand over power to a civilian that government. Tens of thousands of protesters marched towards the president ial palace in khartoum opposition leaders calls for similar mass demonstrations nationwide dubbed the 1000000 strong march. We dont want to feel like we start we want people to feel like we will continue continue no matter what everyone is out so we encourage each other. In some cases police fired tear gas at protesters the Rapid Support forces patrolled the streets with machine guns they were accused of the crackdown at a sit in at Army Headquarters in khartoum on june a round 100 protesters were killed. In the eastern town of gunfire was heard and the military gentle says its not to blame for recent violence. But what. The military is here to protect protesters

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