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Meeting stealing the notes from his own interpreter so all the eyes will be on that meeting and im sure that meeting will focus in part on iran because the russians have certainly made it clear that they do not support the current u. S. Position pulling out of the nuclear deal and the current tension in fact they blame that tension on the u. S. And james as you said before even getting on the plane trying to tack to various countries on twitter so whats the atmosphere like there and i thought canal and in your mind what is the u. S. Hoping to get out of this summit. Well i think what is worth noting is that President Trump has now been in office for 2 and a half years this is the way he does business see unsettles people he turns up he says things that are diplomatic i think some of the leaders now chancellor merkel for example does not like this way of working but they do have the measure of the man and they know to expect it so i dont think perhaps that is very unconventional manner is as advantageous to President Trump as it was so i think theyve seen him now this is the 3rd she 20 summit that hes been to they know how he works how different articles or james bays in a sock i will be speaking to him throughout the day thank you for that update james where hundreds of iraqis have stormed the Bahraini Embassy in central baghdad and anger over the u. S. Sponsored manana conference on peace in the middle east bahrain has recalled its ambassador to iraq after demonstrators broke in and took down the flag replacing it with one of their own police used live rounds to break the hour long standoff but no one was injured a 50000000000 dollar economic plan was unveiled by the white house adviser Jared Kushner in bahrain this week as part of a larger middle east peace plan that the trumpet ministration has been working on mama jam jim witnessed the protests in the iraqi capital. Hundreds of angry demonstrators were outside the Bahamian Embassy in baghdad they were there to protest the u. S. Sponsored manami conference in bahrain it was reported also that demonstrators breached the Embassy Compound that they were able to get up on the roof to take down the bahamian flag and also it was reported that they burned israeli flags and u. S. Flags while they were holding that demonstration and it was reported as well that the security guards on the scene guarding the embassy retreated when they saw that wall of angry protesters appear this is all happening at a time when many at the partys Political Parties and politicians have been highly critical of that mama conference when many politicians here have said that this conference is something that is gone beyond saying that its not going to help the palestinians these are off the politicians who said this is actually going to be a hindrance to palestinians being able to establish a palestinian state Going Forward so not really a surprise that this would happen at a time of such heated rhetoric the big question now will there be more protests in the days to come. Now back to back suicide bomb attacks in the chin as in capital have killed a Police Officer and went and several other people the interior minister is calling for calm and says the attack as yet to be identified. The reports. In the center of tunis close to the French Embassy Police Responded to a suicide bomb attack that killed a Police Officer and wounded several other people shortly after another explosion this time at the Counterterrorism Police headquarters areas were busy with local people and tourists but witnesses say the visitors dont appear to have been the target the guy who blew himself did it 50 bettors away from the French Embassy and the security around the area is very very high actually for the border a double leg people were doing their business having peace outside of the what was expected actually constructed for what earlier in the day gunmen attacked a t. V. Station in the state of gaffs south of the capital a state of emergency has been imposed in tunisia for the past 4 years since dozens of people were killed in a series of attacks which i saw claimed responsibility for 3 gunmen stormed a museum in the capital tunis killing 22. 00 people in march 20153 months later 38. 00 people were killed in an attack on a Beach Resort Hotel at seuss and last october a woman blew herself up in central tunis killing herself and wounding 9 opposite many chinese ians he rely on tourism for their income say theyre nervous about the future you know back and he said lets actually not a bit. Similar to what happened. He said i experimented. With. It made me a lot of people whether it be safe or not fighting in neighboring libya is another worry for the Chinese Government as it deals with threats from inside. Outside its borders victoria to be aljazeera and in a separate development the president did a said c has been taken to hospital and watch his office says is a Severe Health crisis the 92 year old was taken to a Military Hospital in tunis but is reported to be in a stable condition earlier this year he announced he would not contest novembers president ial election well theres plenty more ahead for you on this news hour including. His. Vehicle its completely destroyed by the fighting where inside the libyan city of one back from the forces of war on Khalifa Haftar by government troops. To report from ethiopia where hundreds of people have been arrested in the wake of a failed rebellion. And how india ended the hopes of the west indies at the cricket world cup piece it will have to stop. Now its day 2 and round 2 of the democratic president ial debates 10 more contenders for the partys nomination are about to face off on u. S. Television todays field includes current frontrunner former Vice President joe biden along with senators Bernie Sanders and camelot harris all 10 are expected to address a host of issues from health care and immigration to Foreign Policy 10 other candidates including Elizabeth Warren took part in the fast a based on wednesday well our correspondent joins us live now from miami where the debates are being held and 3 of the frontrunners are about to take each other on and we expecting it to be quite feisty tonight. I think thats a great question i think tonights debate may well be more robust than it was last night just simply because of the makeup of these 10 candidates unlike last night where we have Elizabeth Warren who is the best known person in that set of candidates tonight we have Bernie Sanders from vermont seen as a Progressive Left candidate we have of course the former Vice President joe biden making his 3rd 3rd run for the presidency we have a church from indiana and we have Camilla Harris the prosecutor from california who made a name for itself in congressional hearing so the big question here is who will go after joe biden hes the clear winner in the polls despite some missteps over the past few weeks he may well have a very big target on his back tonight but that can be a double edged sword for some of the other candidates some democratic voters ive spoken to dont want to see too much infighting between these candidates but they have to try and differentiate themselves from one another and the one to watch here i think is bernie and biden because. Joe biden is seen as a very moderate candidate a kind of return to normalcy in this country whereas Bernie Sanders is more of a kind of rip the structure down and lets start all over again now theyre supposedly friends offstage but when working well well see them sparring tonight because some of these other candidates on polling so well joe biden has managed as not only get a good lead but sustain it over the past few weeks of course this is very very early days weve got 20 candidates here all running over these 2 nights and now another 18 months to go the Democratic Party doesnt even pick its candidate until next summer but nonetheless an important set of debates because for many of these candidates its their 1st introduction to the American Public but they have very little time to make an impression so its all about them creating those memorable moments so well be watching for that but certainly i think all eyes and i will be on the former Vice President joe biden and as you say its still early days and theres another 2 nights of debate set for july so just how important are these debates especially given that its such a crowded field. Well heres the thing the next debates the minimum qualifications to get into those debates will get a bit tougher for many of these candidates who didnt manage to make a splash over these past 2 nights they have to meet certain minimum requirements if they do not do that well and their president ial hopes weve got 20 people so far a lot of democratic voters are saying some of these people should just step aside and one of the candidates tonight is a life coach guru who nobody knows so we may well see those people disappear before those july debates certainly if not then then going ahead in the future and a lot of people ive been talking to want to see this get down to the really serious candidates and get down to a smaller field so that they can talk about policy but ultimately this is also about personality because lots of voters want to look at the candidate they think can best take on donald trump so its as much about policy as it is about personality and certainly i think there will be a pretty harsh cole over the next few weeks and gallagher speaking to us there from miami ways keeping our eye on those debates for us thank you andy now forces allied to the u. N. Recognized government in libya are now in full control of just south of the capital tripoli they captured the strategic city from rival tribes allied to the ward Khalifa Haftar on wednesday after us forces have been using kyin as a staging post in their campaign to seize tripoli theyve now retreated tenure by towns well out of there as mark would otherwise head has the latest from that town. This is the Central Command of forces loyal to the world lord. Hefted in the city of the u. N. As the city of the un has completely fall into the hand is of the forces doing through the. Government of National Accord its a measure that set back to the forces loyal to the warlords have that just because it was the fittest city to be taken control of by have to the forces in the west of libya when helped launch his military campaign to take control of the capital tripoli in march now from this Central Command military sources here say that have generals. Run the battle for tripoli from hit from this Central Command from here they were running the battles in southern tripoli they were sending troops and also weapons and ammunition to their forces on the southern outskirts of the libyan capital military forces where the government here say that heavy fighting took place around this has caused sort of a lot of. Fighters from all were some cities took part in the battle for. All the world to the army led by you and recognize providence to fire you sell serai we will not allow have to us forces here again. And now as the Government Forces are in full control of the city some of help the forces retreated to the nearby zone of one of about others to the city of the who now the city of that which is controlled by forces we understand in marjah would have to the forces fittest into the city of. Some of the fighters from the city allied with the help those forces locals here are worried that help those who are planes good targets Government Forces locations in and around this area. Or libya has had 2 competing governments for the past 5 years the u. N. Backed an internationally recognized government is based in tripoli while the parliament in the eastern city of to brooke is supported by the world cliff and has backing from saudi arabia the u. A. E. And egypt after the self declared on the launched an operation to take over the capital in april the u. N. Back to tripoli based government launched a counter offensive fighting then close tripolis only functioning airport mystica in the east of the city was attacked by warplanes on the orders of after that its since reopened now ethiopian state media say nearly 250 people have been arrested in connection with a failed rebellion in the Northern State of him and harra that number includes at least 39 members of an ethnic and harpoon the school party dozens of people were killed in the attack and the fighting that followed the Central Government has accused them horrors former security chief of organizing that rebellion but our correspondent lisa harding has the latest from the capital addis ababa. Well since saturday theres definitely been and increased military presence several roads were closed earlier in the week since saturday several of those roads have opened we actually dont have any reports at least on thursday got roads were still closed so we do think the road systems have gone back to normal but the biggest difference would be the internet and there is a mood shift there people been really frustrated that not been able to get on line its been difficult for our team i know but to day thursday in atus it was a the internet was partially restored just in parts of the city earlier in the morning were in the southern part of ethiopia there was still no internet there so we dont know how when that will be restored to the rest of the country but for now it is just centralized in different parts of the capital now still ahead on aljazeera they report from a Mexican Border town where thousands of Central American migrants say mexicos government is breaking its promises. And in asias Constitutional Court rolls on a challenge for the president s reelection victory. And the wildcats most anticipated showdown to head to the clash between france and the usa. Hello once again weve got severe storms brewing up across the plains of the u. S. You can see a little more cloud just spilling out of the rockies making their way further eastward plan ahead of that just rolling on towards the appalachians as we go through friday that will continue to push its way further east southerly winds will continue to bring that or humid air into d. C. Into new york 3132 maybe 33 degrees celsius similar values down into the southeastern corner further west is a good deal colder than that 19 celsius there for seattle but a bit of cloud across that western side of canada that will make its way little further eastward spilling out of alberta into sketch while making its where little further east was as we go through saturday chain of storms there just across the great plains and pushing down towards arkansas tools that eastern side of texas still very hot headed that still getting up into the thirtys into the thirtys across across the caribbean i would love fine weather we will see some wetter weather just moving towards the a Windward Islands leeward looking largely settled in sunny sunshine sewer cross a good part of hispaniola but for jamaica cuba for haiti we have got some wet weather just making its way in over the next couple of days and looking a little wet to to the western caribbean. The producers of mexicos most watched soap opera continue to tackle real womens issues and the audience is now reacting. Emboldened by the show a woman frees a cell from the horrors of sexual abuse. In a deeply emotional demonstration of the back and forth between reality and fiction vickies real story is played out on sept episode 2 of soapbox mexico on aljazeera in the year 1271 and a gun tell you much to set out on an extraordinary journey kalyan letters from the pope for the great kugler com marco polo traveled through little meters following dangerous roads from the holy land and beyond today chasing the shadow of the professor shahs top of china to venice with searching questions of how the relationship between east and west has changed. Marco polo on aljazeera. Hello again im just. Reminded of the news this hour a new release of newly released testimony by the former u. S. Secretary of state shows he was kept in the dog over some key areas of Foreign Policy Rex Tillerson accused white house adviser Jared Krishna of operating independently an outside of the state department. Bahrain has recalled its ambassador to iraq after hundreds of protesters stormed its embassy in baghdad demonstrators than flags in anger over bahrains hasting at the u. S. Sponsored manami conference on peace in the middle east. And another 10 candidates vying to become the u. S. Democratic president ial nominee are about to take to the stage for a debate in miami come to harrisburg and saunders and front runner joe biden are among various taking pops. Well lets get more now on our top story the new release testimony by former u. S. Secretary of state Rex Tillerson he described being blindsided when key arab allies imposed a land sea and air blockade on castle also a key u. S. Ally to listen added he was not aware of a reported meeting between the and the leaders of saudi arabia and the u. A. E. Just one month before the blockade was imposed to listen also confirms there was a lot of communication between questioner and the Saudi Crown Prince and that question often traveled to the middle east without consulting us embassies he said he raised the issue with krishna but nothing much changed after well lets speak to john schon who is the executive director of the arab center of washington and he joins us now via skype from washington d. C. Now to listen describe the moment that he found out that several go. Countries including saudi arabia and the usa had instituted this blockade of cata at that point youve been a stray at with defense secretary jim acis and he says that damascus author had no idea but Jacques Kushner had been meeting with both out he and the u. A. E. Said how is all of this possible especially given the u. S. Of interest and its enormous military base and cats out that that neither of them knew anything about this these are very significant evolutions. Essentially to be going out dysfunctional this administration has been since its beginning when you have the secretary of state and the secretary of defense kept in the dark when it comes to major decisions pertaining to their turf if you will to do their essential job that shows you about. The the process has been hijacked from the state department from the Defense Department into basically that the private advice section. Of the white house floor for the secretary of state to learn way after the fact of these major trips major decisions being made on behalf of the United States yet the person who was supposed to be in charge of people and forcing and implementing u. S. Foreign policy doesnt know and at the end of all these meetings is a very serious violation i think of 1st of all in terms of Security Issues and in terms of the procedure that is usually conventional wisdom in terms of how policy is conducted in washington. Tell us that also in his testimony appears to suggest that some of those actions went necessarily in keeping with the u. S. As broad a National Interest and if so what or who centrists might he have been pursuing instead. I think essentially probably personal interests and this is quite relevant in his. Connections with Different Countries in the middle east i mean that the meeting got totally surprised. At the secretary of state during his encounter with the staff at the house. Foreign Affairs Committee that meeting pertained to visits unannounced. Visit several visits actually by kirshner to saudi arabia the United Arab Emirates and having actually even let those countries while he was there to other countries without clearing his itinerary with the relevant embassy u. S. Embassies in the region so one of them definitely pertained to the siege the boycott was imposed on cut out by saudi arabia United Arab Emirates and bahrain later joined by egypt that surprised the secretary he didnt know about it this is the same. Secretary of state that not participate in making that decision the Old State Department was not involved the Defense Department was not involved as a matter of fact both secretaries of state and defense where traveling in the far east during that period so this isnt making essentially was taken over and they were you know definitely excited by the by the questioner and his colleagues given tennysons background with exxon mobil he was also a very familiar with the gulf region and he also appears to question why the u. S. Tries to side with more authoritarian regimes like those in riyadh in abu dhabi rather than countries that he seems to view as more reformist and like cats that white why do you think that it. Well definitely like you imply in your question he lived in the region he would those countries very well dealt with them on a daily basis in his capacity as. Exxon mobil and he traveled to the region extensively during that period of time so he was not only totally surprised by that decision he couldnt understand it he raised once he learned about it he raised the issue with the questioner in terms of. The aisle proprium behavior on his part to keep the secretary in the dark and Nothing Happened as he said so look and looking at all these matters i fully understand the frustrations of the former secretary of state but i frankly cannot totally absolve him of the responsibility of having put up and somehow tolerated and allowed this somewhat illegal behavior and definitely unconventional behavior to take place. And the executive director of the arab center of washington speaking to us there from washington d. C. Always good to get you in fact on out of there at all thank you anderson. Well the white house has had a major setback in a political battle over the u. S. Census the Supreme Court has put a government plan on hold to add a Citizenship Question to next years population count has he has the latest from washington d. C. Outside the u. S. Supreme court a small but passionate protest for what would seem a monday and bureaucratic issue the u. S. Census taken every 10 years this time for 2020 the u. S. Administration wanted to add a question are you a u. S. Citizen by the governments own estimates as many as 6000000 people mostly hispanic would be counted if the question was added for fear they would be deported and that would have a real world impacts theyre just going to vanish from our nations population count just to put that in perspective it would be at like if our 18th largest state just went poof it will so severely damaged the accuracy of the census but 6 states are at risk of losing a seat in the house of representatives and the census determines more than just how many congressmen the state house it determines how much federal money it gets but were talking about crucial things like a persons ability to Access Health Care Services a persons ability to Access Services to put food on the table. Ability for our schools to be adequately funded so were talking about you know life and death issues but Trump Officials have defended the proposal this is a question thats been included in every census since 1965 with the exception of 2010 when it was removed that was untrue on several levels there was no census in 1965 and it hasnt been a question since 1950 almost 70 years ago the Supreme Court found she wasnt the only one lying finding the commerce secretary lied when he said he added the question because he was concerned about voter fraud. The court ruled that the Citizenship Question could be asked if there was a valid reason u. S. President donald trump tweeted out his displeasure saying he was going to ask his lawyers to delay the census they cant it is literally in the constitution making it seem likely that the question wont be asked in 2020 but it could be one day. Aljazeera washington mexicos president has written to the other g 20 leaders adding them to address the Central American migration crisis mexico is currently giving refuge to more than 14000 Asylum Seekers and under a new agreement with the United States could be about to take 60000 more but there are serious questions about whether the country has the capacity to handle them our reporter John Heilemann has been meeting migrants on the streets of the border city of tijuana. Myra and her 12 year old son waiting limits compatable the next day in the u. S. 6 months away its part of a plan lois remain in mexico those mainly from home. Myra crossed into the u. S. To ask for asylum being sent back to mexico to wait while the process plays out. I dont know what im going to do im scared of being left in the street with my son mexico agreed to the plan reluctantly in january now under u. S. Pressure its expanding it about 60000. 00 Central Americans could be sent here by the end of the year luckily for them mexicos president says theyll be taken care of. This year will be offering humanitarian aid Job Opportunities health and education except we put into quanah with 5000. 00 have already arrived none of that is happening everyone we talked to like miter were only given temporary papers which explicitly state they cant work here despite the fact that for many their next Court Appearance is months away we talk to. 7 migration shelters. They told us theyd seen nothing of the government missed work or Education Programs meanwhile theyre bearing the brunt of the new arrivals i think its the perfect storm coming together which everything its not its going to hit hit and its an explosion one moment down the line the government actually got any shelters of their own theory to be one of they have no shelter all the private organizations charitable organizations or churches they have not met with us they stopped for meetings since the last 2 or 3 months so we dont know what their planets. We dont know either with the wave of people who already crushing in there is government ministries what they plan to do with them no one could tell us or even give us an interview the issues particularly pressing because these people are being dropped into some of the most dangerous areas in mexico here into one of theres been more than a 1000 murders so far this year and where we are right now we just heard shots people fleeing and then federal police turning up. Its not a big surprise that many like myra a trying to get the money together to simply get out and go home thats certainly the most convenient course of action but to mexico and the u. S. John homan how does it. Now washingtons acting defense secretary mark esper has told its nato counterparts that the u. S. Doesnt want a war with iran and marcus as fast meeting with the alliance and taking up the post he said he wanted to move from a military track to a diplomatic one and far as a recent spike in tensions which included President Trump calling off planned military strikes on iran and response to the downing of an unmanned u. S. Trying china how has more from brussels. Acting secretary of defense mark s. But i think broadly speaking successful here at nato in convincing allies that the iran question is a global one in need of a global diplomatic solution as opposed to simply a problem involving the u. S. And iran successful also in setting out the parameters of the u. S. Approach aimed at bringing iran back to the negotiating table by squeezing it economically and winning i think broad support among the allies for that approach this was what Jens Stoltenberg nato secretary general had to say all allies share concerns when it comes to irans. These activities in the region there is support for different groups there their Missile Program of a program of iran and also their announcement that they will start to enrich uranium again will stoltenberg went on to say that he particularly was impressed with the u. S. Core message that it does not want to go to war with iran that he does want direct talks with iran without preconditions and he said nato would support moves to deescalate to decrease tensions over the issue and avoid them spiraling out of control but they were war words of caution from secretary of defense esper i think aimed particularly at iran we do not seek Armed Conflict with iran but we are ready to defend u. S. Forces and interests in the region no one should mistake restraint for weakness. And there were words of caution for the United States from within the Nato Alliance from france in particular reportedly joining the closed door session on iran france already in opposition to the u. S. Unilateral move to withdraw from the Iran Nuclear Deal france cautioning the United States here not to involve nato militarily in any mission involving iran indonesias president has welcomed a court ruling that rejected allegations of widespread voter fraud and confirmed his election victory joko widodo his challenger wanted the result an old and were disqualified but the Constitutional Court ruled that the evidence just wasnt Strong Enough for him 3 reports from jakarta indonesias Constitutional Court gives its verdict the judges rejecting president ial challenger probable to be added to his application of the turn of the result of the election. Manalo we declare the refusal of all

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