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A failed coup the man behind the rebellion is killed by Security Forces. It only took a couple of clicks on the keyboard to change. Its of that of a mere putin and we dive into the wild of fake videos and look at their implications for politicians and elections. Now iran has accused the us of closing the channel of dick of diplomacy forever after president obama trump imposed new sanctions on tehran leadership the measures go all the way up to the Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei mike hanna reports from washington. As promised another round of sanctions against iran these in addition to a number already put in place and directed at the countrys most Senior Leaders President Trump did not elaborate on the precise nature of the sanctions apart from saying that they would bar the leaders from access to Financial Instruments i want to thank our military i want to thank all of the people that have been working with me over the last number of months on this theres a lot of restraint has been shown by us a lot of restraint. And that doesnt mean were going to show in the future no complete details provided by the treasury secretary either but speedman did confirm that some of the sanctions are a direct response to last weeks attack on a u. S. Drone iran contended the drone had penetrated its space an accusation denied by the u. S. Im not going to identify which ones or which ive said that some of this was in the works some of this is a result of recent activities deep concern once again expressed by the u. N. Secretary general he has urged all sides to show nerves of steel and he is continuing to maintain that and he wants to make sure that they. Take steps to avoid any further sorts. Of provocation one way or the other the u. S. Is ramping up its diplomatic actions against iran the secretary of state shuttling through several gulf states including saudi arabia to shore up a wide anti Iran Alliance but at the same time a carrot of sorts being extended with the stick the white house releasing a statement saying the president has been clear that hes open to the possibility of future talks with iran mike hanna aljazeera Washington Well even though the u. S. Says its open to talks irans ambassador to the u. N. Says tehran will not accept talks with washington while its under sanctions. Dialogue has certain rules and certain regulations you cannot start a dialogue with somebody who is threatening you who is intimidating you to date you just witness that the United States impose another set of set of sanctions against iran how your started dialogue with somebody whose primary preoccupation. Is is to put more sanctions on iran saw that the atmosphere of such a dialogue does is not ready yet well ali we spoke to earlier vies who is the director of the iran project at the International Crisis group and he says the mixed signals coming from washington could escalate the situation even further. There seems to be a Clear Division fissure within the trumpet ministration in the sense that the president is primarily interested in reaching a better and broader deal with iran but no one in his National Security team shares that objective and in fact thats why the trumpet ministrations iran policy i think is on a collision course with itself in the sense that the president wants to avoid a war but his policy is leading us towards the war every escalation is bringing us closer to a brink of an escalation that could result in a catastrophic military clash and i dont think the president would be able to achieve a negotiated solution with this cast of characters that are currently surrounded that they run ins have a lot of experience living under sanctions and theyre quite resilient however this time u. S. Sanctions have proven to be much more effective that the dissipated and the situation might be sustainable in the short run but it is not in the medium to long term and thats why they have put aside their maximum patience policy that they implemented during the 1st year of the trumpet ministrations maximum pressure strategy and now are starting to push back theyre starting to roll back some of their commitments under the nuclear deal theyre starting to push back in the region and again the problem by the iranian policy of imposing a cost on on the u. S. Administration is that it actually increases tensions and the risk of an inadvertent conflict in the region. Well the u. S. Will reveal the economic part of its middle east peace plan as a meeting in bahrain later on shoes day but protests have taken place across the palestinian territory as anger grows against one President Donald Trump has called the deal of the century protesters in the occupied west bank and images of the king of bahrain and one and real gaza resident dressed as former p. L. O. Leader Yasser Arafat brandished a gun and several burning images of u. S. President donald trump well its white house Senior Adviser jarred christian wholl be leaving the 2 day workshop and before flying to bahrain he spoke to aljazeera and said that this new initiative should bring the palestinians and the region an opportunity for stability. So right now from unama were focused on the economic aspects of what could be possible if there is a resolution but what i will say is that you know all of the people i speak to you know they talk about the Arab Peace Initiative and again it was a it was a great effort but if that was where a deal was going to be made a deal would be made a long time ago i think we all have to recognize that if there ever is a deal its not going to be along the lines of the Arab Peace Initiative will be somewhere between the Arab Peace Initiative and somewhere between the israeli position and we need to think about what are the fundamental things that are underlying important number one is security right i think the israeli population and the palestinian population and the broader middle east right now cares a lot about have security the more you have security the more you could have free or flow of goods free flow of people i know thats a very big issue for the palestinians they want to be able to move through the borders i think the cost of goods are too high because it takes a long time to get through the borders but theres a direct correlation between the ramping up of terror and the threat to israel and the slowing down of the borders and so you know if we can create an environment where theres actual peace and again peace comes from compromise and well figure out what the right elements of that are the right time then that is the necessary precondition to be able to implement a lot of the Economic Reforms that were going to talk about at this conference. Payment one as an author and the editor of the grazing project dot com an online news website and he says that question has an ulterior motive behind his middle east that. Its already a failure the palestinian leadership which was created through plan a the oslo accords participated willingly in a process that would have granted them a minimal modicum of sovereignty and offered them a pseudo state and what we have here is not even a plan b. What we have is plan b. B. As offered by netanyahu is friend family friend jared cushion or and i suspect that jared cushion or and his gaggle have all teary or motives motives here what theyve offered as a plan that the links the Economic Situation of palestinians from the political. Situation of occupation and apartheid which is responsible for their economic plight and what i think cushion or aims to do is present something so unpalatable that hill have the opportunity to paint palestinians as rejectionists thereby clearing political space for an extension failure for jared cushion or might mean a success that justifies antics ation by strengthening netanyahu is hand and saying hey the palestinians rejected all of this Economic Opportunity but of course its Economic Opportunity that doesnt relieve the political pain of occupation that has cost palestinians on told billions of dollars and that this plan is actually political leverage on behalf of his family friend netanyahu and the Settlement Movement in israel which seeks antics ation in the Jordan Valley he won around the mega settlement of maale adumim and arielle the general accused of aiding an attempted rebellion and ethiopias and horan region has been shot dead for senior officials but the cheering the attempt to overthrow a Regional Government on saturday and now 3 days of mourning have been declared in the am horror region our correspondent a haunting is following developments from at us about the. The man responsible for the coup attempt in northern ethiopia over the weekend. Is dead we just spoke to the Prime Ministers press secretary she said that the government was trying to capture him and in that process he was shot and killed on monday the coup attempt happened on saturday she said that the Prime Minister is very much still in control of the government she said that there is a unity both within the government and within the military we know that the division between ethnic lines was a concern and something that the intelligence chief of the military said was the purpose of this coup but the press secretary has confirmed that that is not the case that the government and the military are united we asked her also about Prime Minister of meds interests and ongoing negotiations with trying to find a solution in neighboring sudan she said despite the domestic turbulence of the week and that the International Negotiations to find a solution for sudans government are ongoing we also asked her about the internet when it would come back on its been shut down since saturday the government shut it down in the wake of the weakens attacks she said that its a part of the investigation and that the internet needs to stay down until the investigation is complete because its very much an active situation still so she did not give a timeline as to when that would be restored but did acknowledge that the government had shut it down for security reasons she really wanted to drive home the point of unity that the Prime Minister is in control of the government and that safety and Security Forces are united even though ethiopia went through a very divisive weekend. The weather is next and also ahead on aljazeera. Mystery of one boy who was unlucky to survive after his house with hit by an asteroid. And forced a friend hadnt found a young victims of the conflict in the democratic republic of congo. A look at a welcome back to International Weather forecast well fine and dry across much of the levant and the middle east of the next few days not a lot of activity here on our satellite image so its mostly those temperatures we are going to be dealing with so for baghdad 46. 00 degrees here quite city here on tuesday at 47. 00 but as we go towards wednesday pretty much staying the same or going up and tehran your temperatures going up as well to about 38 degrees there well here across the gulf were seeing our humidity go back and forth and thats what happens this time of year and so we get into the heat of the summer where humanity stays high 46. 00 degrees on tuesday which means a lower relative humidity for us here but as we go towards wednesday you can be seeing a shift of winds out of the east and that means a relative humidity is going up and are temperatures coming down to a very uncomfortable situation as we go towards midweek moscato a nice day field with a temperature of 32. 00 degrees and then as we make way down here towards the southern part of africa were going to see some mostly cloudy conditions across much of the south as well as the southeast durban is going to be a mostly cloudy day here on tuesday but by the time we get to wednesday were going to be seeing those winds pick up as well up towards harare it is going to be a nice day for you at 20 degrees and for johannesburg it is going to be a little bit chilly attempt to there 14 with clouds in your forecast and cape town and i stay at 60. Aljazeera wild. I meet some extraordinary women. Who are making things happen that way. Before knowing their daily struggle to survive. For their families to thrive. Swimmin street silent is on aljazeera. And again im. Reminded of the news this hour iran has accused the us of closing the channel of diplomacy forever after president on trump imposed new sanctions on tehran leadership russia says the new measures are illegal. And washington will unveil the economic part of its middle east peace plan has a meeting in bahrain lay said on tuesday protests have taken place across the palestinian territory as anger grows against what president has called the deal of the century. And the general behind the failed coup in ethiopia im horror region has been shot dead by Government Forces trying to capture him for senior officials were killed during the attempt to overthrow the local government on saturday 3 days of mourning are being observed. Tens of thousands of people remain trapped in an Eastern Province of the democratic republic of congo fighting between ethnic groups in recent weeks has killed at least 100 people and thousands have fled to neighboring uganda among them young teenagers some of whom was separated from their parents during the violence catherine so i has been following their journey. Weve been following 14 year old appendage him since saturday after year arrived at a Transit Center on the shores of lake albert in western uganda from the democratic republic of congo he fled his village in the Eastern Province of the tury and got separated from his mother with loss or running from a man carrying a machete this is not the 1st time hes faced death. In my final killing in the world at my nursery and im going to die or so i saw with my own even if his relatives dont show up or penned you will be placed with a foster family in this area where congolese refugees have been leaving some for decades this is a refugee settlement area and most of those who are here. Who have fled from tory because of the conflict mostly talked to have said that is not their war at least here they can quite exist no matter the ethnicity the conflict in the 2 it dates back almost 50 years when the lenders were farmers and the hammer Harding Community for the family land and grazing rights at the height of the violence from 1001950000 people were killed in 80 years some congolese like this young men want to lend to the other say a conflict has been politicized because of among other things minerals in the area so. Thats where we live Work Together want to fight go to the forests of course mystery to our people who. Are our leaders insight as to fight someone is supporting those people in the form they need to be a proper way completely wiping out of the main issues. Congolese military officials have told us the armed groups there fighting are well equipped organized and possibly supported by external forces. At the settlement in uganda. Say theyre tired of running and wont return home until they feel safe catherine 0 western uganda. An early 500 civilians in syria have been killed and the russian backed government offensive and their province their campaign to capture the last opposition held region began 9 weeks ago and has involved multiple air strikes many of which have struck then a quarter reports on one lucky young survivor. It will be a long recovery but khaled family is thankful he survived the 3 year old was injured in an airstrike last week was their father and mother are saying they will never forget how they almost lost their younger brother. They desperately tried to pull khaled from the rubble before rescuers arrived was. A missile believed to be dropped by Syrian Government planes destroyed their house in. An opposition controlled town in southern. Israel. The 1st missile hit while he was playing outside with the cat and the 2nd missile hit next to our house our house was destroyed and we couldnt see anything in front of us we removed some blocks and found hes had that is when the ambulance arrived. That was telling. Us. The russian backed Syrian Government offensive in the north west is entering its 9th week nearly 500 civilians have been killed in air and ground bombardment that has been targeting rebel controlled towns in northern hama and southern over 300000. 00 syrians have fled the area and moved closer to the turkish border. This is can change one town in south and people have fled to due to intense bombardment by assads terrorist regime and that Terrorists Russian occupiers 120000 people used to live here excluding the displaced syrians. The World Food Program says it is helping 200000 displaced syrians but its operations have been interrupted in some areas because of the violence it is home to 3000000 people half of them already refugees from other parts of syria that if he is racing against the clock to support all the ready to eat food that doesnt have to cook. In the camps and wherever they are while we continue our regular operation and scaling it up to some 800000 people every. The demands on aid are expected to grow so i wasnt of acres of farmland have been destroyed in recent weeks many blame the Syrian Government for deliberately targeting the fields as they have done in past offensives to punish those who live in rebel areas and force a surrender. The opposition has not surrendered rebels are Holding Ground hundreds of fighters on both sides have been killed along the front lines 8 weeks of intense bombardment and the progovernment side has taken little territory. The United Nations is warning the offensive is creating a humanitarian disaster that has been calling on turkey and russia guarantors of a cease fire to help revive the agreement but for now their proxies engage in battle to gain political leverage sent to beirut. The United Nations human rights chief michel that has called on sudans military rulers to stop its crackdown on protesters. Sudan to grant access to my office to put an end to the oppression of the peoples human rights and to immediately end the internet. Is full then his people are entitled to their opinion and like people everywhere they have a right to live in a free them and be enjoying the rule of law under conditions there is no need to being me. Now mexico is deploying nearly 15000. 00 soldiers to its border with United States the army chief says its part of an effort to stem the flow of illegal immigration many of those detained at the u. S. Mexican border are Central Americans feeling get fleeing Gang Violence and poverty earlier this month 6000 troops were sent to mexicos solvent border meanwhile the u. S. Government has moved more than 300 Migrant Children being held at a remote Border Patrol center in the state of texas and follows reports that they had inadequate food water and sanitation lawyers who visited the station in the town of clint say all the children were trying to take care of infants and toddlers some of been detained for 3 weeks and many were sick with the flu its not known where theyve been moved to or protesters in georgia say theyll keep pressure on north or a tease even after the government bowed to demands for a fairer electoral system hundreds have rallied in the capital tbilisi and other cities for the past 5 days the demonstrations began after a controversial visit by a russian politician to georgia. That one of the. Great. People in power. To make them respond. Make them here just make this stuff done. Now the front runner to become the next u. K. Prime minister has reiterated he is prepared to take the country out of the e. U. In october even without a deal but parsed johnsons lead has been dented by reports of a he said in late night rao at home with his partner hes also being accused of dodging public scrutiny by avoiding public head to head debates with his rival lawrence lee has this report from experts johnsons constituency. To the west of london lies Heathrow Airport local people have to live with all this noise and pollution and most of furious at a new gigantic Expansion Plan which would lead to villages like this one simply being wiped off the map. Boris johnsons own constituency would be directly affected he vowed years ago to stand with the protesters or even lie down with them if i didnt enjoy your he. Says stuffy and. Recently though its been suggested he might have changed his mind the protest as a wondering if he will keep his word thousands of people just in the local area with the direct impacts with the new flight path which are published in these calls attention were talking millions of people across london who dont yet know that theyre going to be impacted the heathrow story matters because it demonstrates a big question about Boris Johnson and his relationship with the truth many people in johnsons own constituency seem to be asking the same questions as the newspapers why wont he take part in t. V. Debates to explain exactly how he plans bricks it what exactly is going on in his troubled private life the blazing round with his girlfriend last week which led to their neighbors calling the police but ive seen his politics this is one of these guys that i believe. In pushing the button he doesnt have an agenda for us hes a politician. Things their interest its a career it doesnt seem to be. A vocation of doing good for people the questions now being raised whether a johnson led government in this country could even the holes or whether it wouldnt be a major league defeat seeds in a confidence vote which would in turn trigger a general election where the other question is very personal for Boris Johnson could he even hang on to his own constituency given the doubts about whether he can tell the truth about things in the u. K. Prime ministers have a seat in Parliament Just like other in these a Prime Minister has never lost their seats the Opposition Labor Party says it has polling putting them in the lead against Boris Johnson its very much tree. Stitches so we stand sort of on the precipice of history where we could be the 1st campaign to unsee a sitting Prime Minister in british democracy history johnson is often described by his supporters as a lovable rogue that might convince them but it is a genuine the open question whether people trust him to keep his word or anything from bricks its to Heathrow Airport blowback against him nationally and locally is entirely possible Lawrence Leigh aljazeera oxbridge. Now a group of female swimmers in france have defied a ban on wearing the black ini in a pool in the city of grenoble they entered the water despite instructions by lifeguards not to do so. Is a mix of the words back and bikini are marketed to muslim women as a way for them to swim in public while adhering to their modest way of dress the pool is one of many in the country that ban people from wearing it while swimming though there is no official nationwide ban well the International Olympic committee has announced the hosts for the 2026 winter games. Milano. Need talented from milan and go team that won the vote beating out stockholm for other countries dropped out in the bidding because of concerns about the size and cost of the event. Now imagine a day when anyone with a basic computing skills an off the Shelf Technology could create a convincing get us really fake video of someone committing a crime or putting a wild leader in a compromising situation well that day has arrived rob reynolds reports how lin is a master of technological shape shifting he just transformed me into a north Korean Leader kim jong. With the click of one button we can turn you into any person readily Available Technology can be used to create what are called deep thinks me and bernie and schumer this looks like democratic president ial candidate senator Elizabeth Warren making a speech but its not its an actress on a Popular American comedy show whos been transformed using deep Fake Technology only an expert can tell the difference how lynn says the implications for politics are disturbing you can actually create very realistic videos of someone saying things that that person never said and in times where you have elections this becomes very very dangerous recently a video of Democratic Congressional leader nancy pelosi doctored to make her look drunk was shared more than 2000000 times on facebook even though it was quickly identified as fake the problem is people see this and they believe it and even if 2 days later its. The damage is already done theyve shared it or they have this in the back of their mind groups with the fairest motives could create International Chaos with deep fake videos it could be you know this person has been assassinated it could change what political leaders you know can put anything in their mouth so thats i think the scary part of it and people would you know share things and say hey look i saw the video the person really said it only took a couple of clicks on the keyboard to change my image into that of lattimer putin as the Technology Advances rapidly experts say lawmakers had better start thinking seriously about regulating it. Recently a Congressional Committee held a hearing on deep thinks experts testified that at the very least platforms like facebook should be required to attach warning labels if you can put that warning on there same way as we do with cigarettes right you know we know that there are full but if people want to use them they can but they have the warnings there and you know what the warnings are the technology will soon reach a point worth even experts will be able to spot dr videos fakes raise questions about belief truth and reality with Democratic Values and global stability at stake robert oulds Al Jazeera Los Angeles now is for a while weighs chief executive officer one candidate to reconsider withdrawing extradition proceedings against a man one joe is arrested in december and placed under house arrest the u. S. Wants to extradited shes charged with 4 didnt see attempting to 2nd vent u. S. Sanctions on iran noise say the challenges kinetic a motivated. Hello there i missed. But the headlines on aljazeera iran has accused the u. S. Of closing the channel of diplomacy forever after President Donald Trump imposed new sanctions on tehran leadership russia says the new measures legal washington will unveil the economic part of its middle east peace plan has a meeting in bahrain they said tuesday protests have taken place across the palestinian territory as anger grows against want to present the deal of the century before flying to bahrain white house Senior Adviser Jared Krishna spokes al jazeera and said that any future deal will not follow the terms of the Arab Peace Initiative. Right now for madonna were focused on the economic aspects of what could be possible if there is a resolution but what i will say is that you know all of the people i speak to you know they talk about the Arab Peace Initiative and again it was a it was a great effort but if that was where a deal was going to be made a deal would be made a long time ago i think we all have to recognize that if there ever is a deal its not going to be along the lines of the Arab Peace Initiative will be somewhere between the Arab Peace Initiative and somewhere between the israeli position the general behind the failed coup in ethiopia some horrid region has been shot dead by Government Forces trying to capture him for senior officials were killed during the attempt to overthrow the local government on saturday and the u. S. Government has moved more than 300 Migrant Children being held at a remote Border Patrol fenton in the state of texas had follows reports that they had inadequate food water and sanitation noirs who visited the station in the town of kent say older children were trying to take care of infants and toddlers now the International Olympic committee has announced the hosts for the 2026 winter games. The italian bid from milan and tina won the vote to be sing out stockholm for other countries dropped hours earlier in the bidding process huge concerns about the size and cost of the games well that is that the headlines the news continues here on aljazeera counting the cost stay with us. Leaders of the worlds biggest economies are gathering in osaka for the g. 20 summit with ongoing trade Global Security and tension in the middle east the hopes of free trade and reduction of disparities seen tonight follow us on aljazeera for coverage and indepth analysis. Hello im Kemal Santamaria this is counting the cost on aljazeera with a look at the world of business and economics this week safety in the air 2018 was the deadliest year for the Aviation Industry for years so as the big players gather in france for the Paris Air Show well be asking what went wrong the worlds safest form of transport also this week its a these populist coalition is considering a new domestic currency is that a move that could lead to its exit from the euro and if youre worried about your kids having too much screen time or being too exposed to the latest tech then we will show you this audiotape gadget which speaks doesnt listen

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