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Voters between im polling stations still 12 european politicians on trial for their role in a referendum on Catalan Independence their political opponents in the prosecutors seat for a case that traces crucial questions about democracy and selfdetermination. But is the outcome already decided by a hostile spanish state. The catalonia trials justice or vengeance on a 0. But again youre watching out there a reminder of our top stories this hour the murder of jamal because she is an extrajudicial killing for which saudi arabia is responsible thats according to a damning report by the un special rapporteur the 101. 00 page report details taped conversations about disposing of a body in the moments before arrived at the site a consulate in istanbul last october. Special report. Says the killing is an International Crime with universal jurisdiction. The u. N. Secretary general antonio terrorist to launch a criminal inquiry into the case. But saudi arabia says it has youll thora to to look into the case and describes the report its full of clear contradictions and baseless allegations. In other News International arrest warrants have been issued in 4 suspects charged with the murders of 298. 00 Malaysia Airlines passengers and crew dutch investigators say 3 russians and a ukrainian closely cooperated in obtaining the missile launcher that shot down the jet in ukraine 5 years ago the kremlin is again denying any involvement ukrainian president is not at me as the lenski welcome the matter charges and said he suspects would stand trial steadfast and has more now from moscow. Well its quite a breakthrough nearly 5 years after the downing of at age 17 on july 17th 2014 there are now names there are suspects there are International Arrest warrants and there are there is a trial they march 9th 2020 the trial will start against these 4 suspects who are 3 russian former military former Intelligence Officers and one Ukrainian National the 3 russians are believed to be in russia at the moment and the ukrainian is believed to be in ukraine there hasnt been any act extradition order because the russian and ukrainian constitution doesnt allow it but the investigators have said that they want to send. It meant to russia and to ukraine to make sure that the russian government hands over these individuals for questioning and also has ordered these individuals to come to the trial which will start in march 2020 but until now of course the russians have still denied any involvement in the downing of made shaphan teen which has of course caused so much loss 2 thirds of the passengers came from then that alliance they were all mostly all on a holiday to Southeast Asia the fact that now 4 names have been named and also a trial date has means that is quite a relief or it is relatives of the victims who have been waiting for such a long time for some kind of justice the investigators those said they dont expect any of the suspects to be there at the trial that they will still be tried in absentia or lets return now to our top story in the u. N. Special report and so in that saudi arabia is responsible for the murder of judge. We can speak drugs or a senior political analyst mel will be sure joins us from london and so the case has certainly been billed what will. Well certainly there are commendation by the special reporter that sanctions be imposed on the crown prince and all his possessions outside of saudi arabia is certainly something to go by because clearly theres a credible evidence for his responsibility behind the killing you know were very poor to establishing that saudi arabia as a government is responsible and that counts prince in particular that theres a credible evidence for his responsibility certainly now the court either is in saudi arabia is to come clean or for the United Nations secretary general to start a criminal investigation against saudi arabia at the behest or at the rather at that accommodation of the special reporter right well thats what she recommends but he says as weve been hearing that a 3rd Party Country needs to cool for that investigation in c. Z. A bit of a gray or certainly according to an attorney could tear is anyway so who will hold this investigation what will happen. You know it seems like from previous experience and specially with certain strong members of the u. N. Security council like the United States china russia not exactly being enthusiastic about this you know you would you would know why the 2nd general might be hesitating but clearly the pressure is building up as you said with this report coming out im sure. The visit if at all it will happen by the crown prince to japan later this month to attend the g. 20 it would be different than if this report has not come out so certainly the public pressure the International Pressure the u. N. Human Rights Council pressure all of that of course is important will it lead to a very specific end well of course we dont know and apparently if the United States object or other if President Trump objects we probably wont see anything actionable against saudi arabia except in the domain of public pressure right that is important as he builds up to the next election and what about him in the pressure on donald trump especially given that congress and the democrats are on his case. Well the thing is nic its not only the democrats i mean whats fascinating about this issue is that both democrats and republicans in the house and in the senate. Norris united about this issue and about the need for the white house to you know step back and and maybe even walk back some of the flowery language its been bestowing on saudi arabia phrasing the crown prince and them on the council and so forth so there is pressure within Congress Among Republicans and democrats even the had of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee has been the probably the most outspoken republican against saudi arabia saying that it was the crown prince the order the killing also in the American Media the pressures but they got on so there are not a day went by the last several months without seeing one report or another one if it tauriel or another criticizing saudi arabia not just for the killing of it but also for its war in yemen and for its reckless policies in the middle east in general so you would say that the president while of course remaining strong and so on so forth and the president being that he is isolated in the United States on this question well im all in thanks very much the mom bashar reporting there from london now 3 men have been found guilty of the see john gotti university in kenya the men would charge with conspiracy to commit the attack and belonging to the somali based on group 2 of the accused have been acquitted 148 people mostly students were killed in the attack 4 years ago a gunman opened fire indiscriminately before freeing some Muslim Students and then killing others identified as christians the convicted men face life jail sentences catherine so it has more from nairobi. This is a significant ruling in a case that many kenyans have been following closely for a couple of years the judgement itself has been postponed thrice the chief magistrate was supposed to give his verdict finally at 7 g. M. T. But he did not show up in court until 12 g. M. T. And when he did he said that well this is a very sensitive matter and it is because its the conclusion of the 1st major case involving a terrorism incident and its going to set a precedent to other such related cases that are still in court so the ruling itself took about 2 hours with chief magistrate recounting the evidence that was presented before him and also hiring testimonies from witnesses who talked about what exactly happened on that day in february 25th teen and in conclusion he says that the prosecution has proved beyond reasonable doubt that 3 of their cues are guilty of committing a terrorist act and being members of a terrorist organization that is all Shabaab Group in somalia which has also carried out many attacks here in kenya and he has sent a set a sentencing date. Of july and the prosecutors have said theyre going to be seeking the maximum penalty which is life imprisonment there was some relatives of victims of that university attack in garrison of eastern kenya and we spoke to one mother in particular who was very distraught and who said that well this is good its all well and good but then it still doesnt give me the peace and the solace that i thought id get. Irans defense minister has rejected allegations that tehran is behind the suspected attacks on 2 oil type kids in the gulf of oman last week had tommy disputes a video released by the u. S. Navy that washington says links iran to the incident its army says the dates and locations shown in the footage hasnt been authenticated and that iranian vessels carried out a rescue operation when they arrived at the scene where the u. S. Navy says its uncovered fragments of a mine used in the tanker explosions which look like mines from iran the navy also released what it says is new video showing the damage caused by the blasts 2 vessels were damaged in incidents last week near the strait of hormuz the attack occurring on the best of cooking was a result of the find the link in mind that we use does bear a striking resemblance to that which has been probably displayed in the Iranian Military parades there are distinguishing features and i will let you know that explosive ordnance technicians explosive Ordnance Disposal technicians. In the u. S. Service are all trained to identify identification features which. Indicate what type of ordnance were approaching were under this cloud of regional tension the mayor of kuwait has been making his 1st state visit to iraq since saddam husseins forces invaded the gulf states in 1996 but also his visit to baghdad is being seen as an attempt to blur the tensions in the gulf iraq has close ties with both iran and the United States how to jump the reports now from baghdad. Kuwaits the mayor shifts. Arrived in baghdad earlier on wednesday for his 1st state visit to iraq and he was greeted with great fanfare when he arrived at the airport he was received by it off the Prime Minister out of that ive been one of the he was subsequently taken to the palace he met with various officials here including it off the president but him saw to him now we knew before the visit took place that things that were going to be discussed were things such as the bilateral relationship between that off and kuwait also ways of trying to improve the relationship between both countries but clearly at the top of the agenda of things to be discussed was the rising regional tension and the tensions that are escalating also between the u. S. And iran iraq has felt increasingly squeezed between these 2 biggest allies iran and the United States and it off has really been at the epicenter of a flurry of diplomatic activity as of late in may you had u. S. Secretary of state mike pompei all making a surprise visit to write off in which he discussed with officials the fact that america was claiming that american interests and personnel were under threat by iran also in the last few weeks you had a visit by the foreign minister of germany and the foreign minister of a month just in the last several days now in those visits you had been discussing also ways of trying to deescalate the tensions that are going on right now but of course with the arrival of the emir of kuwait who is considered to be one of the most highly respected diplomats in the region it was clear that at the top of the agenda what was going to be discussed most importantly was ways of trying to figure out how to deescalate these tensions between the u. S. And iran now by the time that the emir had left that not many details had trickled out we know that he met with these officials we know that it was discussed how to try to how to try to increase the trade relationship between both countries how to try to increase bilateral relationship also that it was a. Ways of trying to deescalate the tensions but as far as how they are going to try to do that how theyre going to try to effect that were just not sure yet but it is expected that in the days to come we will be getting more details about efforts by both kuwait and iraq to try to deescalate these mounting tensions to the United Kingdom and Boris Johnson is leading the race within the Ruling Conservative Party to become britains Prime Minister the former london met just ahead in the contest after the latest round of voting there are now just full candidates in the running to replace to resume and lets get the latest from whose life was in london give us the casualty list who didnt lose out. Yes casualty to casualty this is the 3rd round of voting there are now only 4 contenders left we have to say goodbye to rory stewart the International Development secretary the who is perhaps gone much further than most that expected he was the only one out of the 5 the describe the october 31st departure date as being an unattainable goal he described it as being a fairy story but thats exactly what the likes of boys johnson has promised will be a deadline set in stone because he has repeatedly advocated that the u. K. Will leave come what may deal without a deal the European Union on october 31st and that repeatedly has gone down well with are the cities within his own party who believe that the conservative party will simply be punished should there be a general election at the end of the year if they dont deliver on brakes it Boris Johnson is storming ahead hes increased his gap between the 2nd place contender jeremy hunt the foreign secretary by 89 votes in 3rd among the environment secretary and for the subject the home secretary through by the skin of his teeth of the coming bottom in the votes on choose say you may ask who was the point in carrying on well there are protocols to follow their opposite just to follow 2 more rounds of voting on thursday will have 2 final contenders then before its opened up to the Grassroots Conservative Party members 4 weeks after that though will have the final who will be the next Prime Minister of the u. K. They will have an impact on breaks it british politics for many months and years to come right and thats the thing isnt it because whoever it is it looks like its the rebirth jones in it will be the very 1st thing obviously on his agenda. Absolutely heres repeatedly try to reinvigorate the brics it debate there is very little time to do that october 31st deadline but he has 5 people he said of the country is well poised to be able to go back to the European Union and ask for concessions no sign so far the brussels will be willing to do that the Withdrawal Agreement we know is legally signed and sealed it cant be reopened there is something called the political declaration which surrounds that Withdrawal Agreement the hope is from some that there may be some tweaks there particularly when it comes to the sensitive issues surrounding the Northern Irish border but certain no guarantees of tall coming from brussels what Boris Johnson is repeatedly saying there is we cant do it and that seems to be going down well amongst hard line break cities who believe that he is the man to do the job all right next in london thanks a lot. Just a little nudge in the direction of our web site aljazeera dot com is the address the top story the credible and the evidence linking might have been summoned to the killing according to the leaks report from the u. N. So this is not 0 these are the top stories and the murder of democracy is and should additional killing for which side arabia is responsible thats according to a damning report by the un special rapporteur the 101 page report details take conversations about disposing of a body in the moments before the arrived at the site a consulate in istanbul last october special report. Says the killing is an International Crime with universal jurisdiction shes the u. N. Secretary general and tony could terrorists launch a criminal inquiry into the case what kind of man has been speaking exclusively to 0. When mr cashel loses consciousness there is no evidence of the people that are there in the room attempting to take care of him attempting to rescue kane attempting to do something that to me points to the fact that. The notion that there is an accident that the next event happened that doesnt quite match what i have heard there is no attempt to to do something and there is no screams. Any expression. Of fear over whats happening but saudi arabia says its has the authority to look into the case and describes the report is full of clear contradictions and baseless allegations. International arrest warrants have been issued for suspects charged with the murders of 298. 00 Malaysia Airlines passengers and crew thats investigated say 3 russians and a ukrainian closely cooperated in obtaining the missile launcher that shot down the jet in ukraine 5 years ago the kremlin is again denying any involvement 3 men have been found guilty of the siege a university in kenya 148 people mostly students were killed in the attack 4 years ago irans defense minister has rejected allegations that iran is behind these suspected attacks on 2 oil tankers in the gulf of oman last week amid had tommy disputes a video released by the u. S. Navy that washington says links to the incident. Theres a headline its got more news coming up here on aljazeera after inside story with us. From outside to incumbent donald trump launches his reelection thieves after 2016 campaign that buried his opponents in in so President Trumps 1st is still sending shock waves at home and abroad so how will he fight off these challenges the 2020 this is inside story. Hello and welcome to the program dennis now a few including donald trump himself expected him to win the u. S. President ial election in 2 of the 16 now hes well into his 1st term and is campaigning hard for a 2nd in 2020 i stand before you to officially launch my campaign for a 2nd term as. Well he launched his reelection bid in florida a swing state that he must win he didnt offer any policies during the rally but he again attacked what he called the Fake News Media and the political establishment for undermining him and his supposes opinion polls suggest President Trump could lose to some of the possible democratic challengers like joe biden bought election day is still 16 months away. By this have a look back now at some of the things that donald trump promised he do during his 1st term together we will make America Great again i will build a great great wall on our southern border and i will have mexico pay for that war mark my words one of the worst deals ive ever seen is the randian my ministrations has already impose new sanctions on iran and i will do more to prevent iran from ever developing i mean ever a Nuclear Weapon i am committed to trying to achieve a Peace Agreement between the israelis and the palestinians and i intend to do everything i can to help them achieve that goal. So this is what the president has delivered a growing economy and the employment rate at a 50 year low the border war with mexico is far from finished despite the longest Government Shutdown in u. S. History and mexico is certainly not paying for it the president kept his promise to pull the u. S. Out of the 2015 Iran Nuclear Deal since then trumps reimpose sanctions to further squeeze irans Oil Dependent economy and sent extra troops war planes and ships to the gulf raising fears of an accidental conflict and the much anticipated sequel deal of the century between the israelis and the palestinians remains a mystery to many the palestinians say they want nothing to do with it. All right lets introduce our panel now in washington d. C. We have joel rubin former u. S. Deputy assistant secretary of state in rally in North Carolina we have laurens out whos a conservative strategist as well as the founder and chief executive of communications also in washington we have. Assistant professor of sociology at the university of maryland welcome to you all and lauren can i start with you donald trump promised to make America Great again 2 and a half years or so into his 1st term has he succeeded for you well i think the most important thing as he launches his Reelection Campaign that people are going to be looking at is the strength of the economy you know unemployment is at a 50 year low and one of the most important issues for voters in every single election is how their pocketbook looks and i think that the with the strength of the economy i think that he is well positioned to go into his Reelection Campaign you know unemployment is down you know our finances as a country aside from our massive rising Government Debt that we do need to address shortly and swiftly. Our Financial Health is good in the United States and you know i think that that is the biggest hurdle facing any democrat that he will come up against in the general election its the economy stupid famously said of course by a previous president of fuels but what about issues of of Community Relations for instance what about the tensions that we often hear about between the various marginalized groups. That is a significant factor you know i think that this is one of the most polarized times in our nations history certainly in my lifetime and i think absolutely in recent memory and i think what youre seeing is that is really stopping congress from passing a lot of legislation that is very important things such as comprehensive Immigration Reform and others because our country is becoming further and further apart and more polarized so i think that in politics you often see things swing like a pendulum and i think that we are im hoping at the apex of the polarized of the polarization in our country and i think that if we are going to get more things done for the American People that were going to have to come together and i think a lot of the onerous on this is on the democrats and who they choose to nominate for their president ial candidate i think that if they nominate someone like a joe biden who is more of a moderate who has a history of working across the aisle i think that there is a chance that he could be or i dont trump and i do think that someone like him has a possibility of bringing folks together lets talk about the democrats a little bit later on in the meantime lets go to washington to reassure sure as a young professional black man how is trumps america so you know youve also got a family. Well you know i think this was interesting i mean the calm is there we just heard i think an ideal world that becomes the ideal but unfortunately thats not the reality for a lot of people so the Unemployment Rate is being touted as something something that trump should hang its hat on unfortunately what we see is that the Unemployment Rate is still over double for black young adults relative to white young adults so for white young adults who are say 20. 00 to 24. 00 the bureau of labor statistics shows that the Unemployment Rate is slightly over 6 but for africanamericans the Unemployment Rate is over 14 percent so while we see this growth in manufacturing jobs around the country were not saying theres growth in manufacturing jobs in places like st louis mrs detroit baltimore i mean were not necessarily seeing these jobs come back to these particular communities crime is still a problem in these particular areas education is still a problem in these particular areas and then we couple that with the rhetoric of trump in the fact that of the places where he did a Campaign Rally i mean i think about this what happened last night in florida where there was a packed stadium that people had to be realistic about and part of what i seen wasnt just tons of people coming out but its the fact that the statistic that in places where trump here at a rally that hate crimes increased 200 percent in those particular areas i think for marginalized groups for africanamericans in the United States they face a dare very different reality and what they worry about and what theyve seen over the past 2 i have years is that when people say make America Great again what we see is who is it being made great again for and unfortunately we see for groups like africanamericans for latino olds for even people who are part of the community we see that these marginalized groups are being left out right ok joe so weve heard very contrasting assessments of america. Looking at it now from a brood i think there might be perhaps more consensus weve had a President Trump of kools as weve mentioned withdrawal from the Iran Nuclear Deal taken the u. S. Out of the paris climate. Just to name a few hes basically its chewed most of that truism in favor of move bilateral relations i mean how does it look to you globally. Yes martin President Trump has destroyed american credibility lets just be very direct about that the latest episode with iran is a perfect example where its quite likely that iran did provide ordinance or did attack the oil tankers in the gulf of oman but the world doesnt believe us in that assessment and thats very dangerous for the United States so be it Climate Change be it quote all terrorists which we can get to about how thats harming American Economic growth here right now in the moment and of course diplomacy as youre describing related to iran the middle east the american word is diminished deeply now under this president countries just dont trust us in terms of what we say were going to do and how were going to do it and same with you joe because handing had seemingly with this campaign of maximum pressure against iran seems to be an ever deepening and have a strengthening if you like of relations with saudi arabia is this actually a good change to the Trump Presidency or is he just articulating more loudly more the sypher asli what has been u. S. Policy for a very long time indeed. Yeah you know that the american saudi relationship goes back nearly 7 decades this is not a new relationship whats new in the future that is distinctive for President Trump is that he is picking and biasing towards one side against the others weve had to balance compete competitions within the gulf be between qatar and saudi arabia dealing with iran of course israel just over the horizon its concerns related to the arab world but right now this administration seems to be going all in towards one side and that is putting us in deep strategic danger particularly when it comes to the conflict zones in yemen and in syria where americans are essentially funding right now wars that the American People are not really aware of and this royston ship is out of balance and it doesnt appear like United States is leading it and thats very concerning from a National Security perspective right and learning of these the kinds of issues that might affect the way an ordinary american in North Carolina for instance the way an ordinary american might vote the fact that according to joe the u. S. Is losing its leadership its Global Leadership role and in fact people are barely paying much attention to it when when it does pronounce some particular events and issues. Well i think what youre seeing is that if the situation with iran for example escalates i do think that will catch peoples attention certainly you know if you look past. To past elections where you know we were engaged in new conflicts i think about the 2004 election in particular that is something that people be thinking about when they head to the ballot box the only you know joe obviously has a lot of more National Security experience than i do but the only thing that i would push back on is i think that one of the reasons that we are struggling to create a coalition in terms of our wrong policy in particular is that i think a lot of the european leaders are very much resisting the president s efforts because they disagree with his decision to withdraw from the Iran Nuclear Deal i think that its pretty clear that the United States would like to enter into a new deal with our allies in europe and with iran but that this administration feels that the the deal as it exists is a flawed arrangement and so what i think youre seeing is you have a lot of our european allies looking for ways around our economic sanctions against iran they created something called instax for example which can help them sort of the advocate the sanctions and i frankly think a lot of the leaders in europe are just waiting to see what happens in 2020 because i think that many of them are hoping that President Trump will be really replaced and that they will have someone else to negotiate with you know whether that is right or wrong i do i disagree with the assessment that were losing our credibility id. Like to go is go into a joe im going to respond to the leadership is defined by leading and those following in the europeans are falling because were not leading we actually so if isolated we had a Nuclear Agreement with iran not perfect certainly doesnt resolve every single issue but it was advancing the ball in promoting peace alrighty fullers ation and the europeans run board we withdrew. From that the result is yeah the europeans they voted they joined in to the deal or i dont mean just leave it because you know its unilaterally ready says were leaving oh right i want to get back now to masses closer to home and reassure and weve been hearing from your perspective. Of a fairly toxic environment. In terms of hate a rise in hate crime hate speech intolerance and not a very Pleasant Place to be for many people in the United States im just wondering how for you to attribute that to the was in the house or this is of President Trump himself and indeed to the hotel of the new campaign that if that it was launched in florida or yes most definitely i mean i think the comments there we hear from trump are very very divisive theyre divisive nationally theyre divisive internationally and i think part of one of the reasons why people felt that they should back him is they perceived him to be a particular type of businessman who can negotiate well and we see that that hasnt been the case at all his strategy simply havent worked in washington his strategies have not worked internationally and the type of rhetoric that he makes on the campaign trail during whether it be the type of events that he has when with his reelection or even even just during the time time of his presidency is very divisive whether or not hes talking about various types of marginalized groups the comments that he makes about latinos the comments that he makes about people who are disabled and i think what people are saying is that these comments actually fuel his inability to make better relationships with people to improve the standing of the United States right result so what do you think then of the start of the new campaign did it have the hallmarks of the old campaign i mean this is obviously setting the tone as to how he means to go on to the 20 twentieths action what did you make of it. Well you know i mean i feel like that is trump being trump you know and i think part of what well see is that throughout this 2020 campaign well start to see in many ways him kind of go off the cuff make statements that people find very offensive and unfortunately statements they fuel his base and i think thats whats key is that part of the divisiveness is it simply trumps rhetoric is the fact that people who hes speaking to who he looks to in the audience who trop plays to his audience very well he sees in their eyes he sees in their reactions that they actually appreciate what hes saying that they actually like the fact that hes talking about other people that hes putting them down that hes talking about essentially discriminating against minorities discriminating against women discriminating against people who are at the border not necessarily having any type of human rights or civil rights type of reactions in terms of viewing other people for their few who are there for humanity and i think what were seeing at the southwest border is an example of this i mean we literally have concentration like camps structures that are in place and right of states and i think people need to be realistic about that this wall that he said he was going to put up hasnt happened the type of ways that he said he was going to get Nuclear Weapons out of the middle east hasnt happened and i think unfortunately what we see is that we might be heading to a war in this next election and after i think thats highly highly probable right all right rachel joe coming back to you youre a poncho have been part of the washington bubble havent you and im just wondering what kind of impact has the. The changing politics had to pull on the president himself hes lost control over see if the house of representatives its going to the democrats and hes got a 50 fiftieths im. A physician number has in the person of nancy pelosi what sort of impact is that having on the politics getting ready for 2020. Yeah its funny because i am a washingtonian now but im from pittsburgh originally and just visited my hometown synagogue this past weekend that was a victim of a hate crime in the United States the attacks of the tree of life synagogue so that changed the politics clarify that for Many Americans about the dangers that were in and its supposed to its your question is understanding that americans are not comfortable at 3 all with the kind of rhetoric coming from the white house thats why democrats won convincingly in 2018 and its given her wind in the sails but shes not overconfident shes not wanting to move towards an impeachment process just yet although it is gradually moving in that direction and shes trying to keep the democrats focused on the core issues that got democrats the win got us the win in 20 teen so she has health care when we talk about Economic Impacts on americans the rising cost of health care and no plan from the white house Student College debt no player from the white house these are real bread and butter issues and so shes trying to get legislation passed trying to keep the focus on trumps failures to unify us and hoping that that carries momentum to whomever is the nominee and lauren im assuming that you would support her a trump 2nd term who do you think would from youll perspective and from the president s perspective who would be the most favorite democrat to win the battle for the presidency in 2020 which candidate would he prefer. Yeah im happy to answer that but one thing i want to make clear is i support a lot of the president s policy but i absolutely cannot support his hateful rhetoric and a lot of the other divisions that hes creating in our country that have led to tragic events like the one that was mentioned in pittsburgh. But on the democrats on the democrats i think that. As i mentioned earlier i think that a moderate democrat like joe biden you know you see a lot of people actually really like the policies of the to judge and others in that sort of moderate camp i think if they have the best chances lower the president especially in the in the places like pittsburgh i was going to say but laura i mean the poll suggests this point if it were to be a joe biden. President she will take it from the Democratic Party that he would be the one who could pop is most likely to be donald trump so is that what you prefer. Well you know i think that in terms of policy especially in the Economic Policy i like a lot of what is crowd of the administration but what i dont like is how my country is being torn apart right now and i actually would you know possibly prefer to see someone in the white house that could bring us together as a conservative thats just how i feel personally but you know so yeah youre seeing not just joe biden there are a lot of other democrats that could possibly at this point defeat President Trump but again its very very early in the process and i think its important to emphasize that chill. Its being pointed out that actually what would what President Trump himself would prefer would be an Elizabeth Warren figure Bernie Saunders so that he could depict the campaign as a capitalism versus socialism type of battle. Its a lot seem to think that one of the things thats happening is trump feels that if people are kind of pushed far left that hes in a better position and im not sure if thats necessarily the case i think a lot of the policies of Elizabeth Warren of a Bernie Sanders for example this pushing us far left could actually be beneficial for our country i think part of whats happened on the democrat side is that as we get more moderate we tend to actually technically get more conservative in pushing for certain policies so what that means is if you have a moderate and you have a far right conservative what you get is oftentimes policies that tend to be more conservative instead it might be more beneficial to push for less so the policies that Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren are pushing whether it be from student loan forgiveness to various ways that we think about reparations for africanamericans which is the only group in history they have received for systematic discrimination i think that these pushes are extremely extremely important and i think that the American People are going to come out in droves and i think thats whats key with us elections the more people that come out if favors democrats the fewer people they come about is it seems to favor republicans at least in this you know past 40 or 50 years of the way that the parties are structured so i think part of what we need is for the for the Democratic Candidates to continue to push certain types of policies progressive policies then move the needle back to potentially where it should be so that we start to have more beneficial conversations that we tend out of work at a real genius conversations about ideas instead of just having 2 ideas come out at think we need multiple ideas and i think Bernie Sanders and a little Elizabeth Warren gives us that right and joe whoever emerges in from this rather crowded democratic field of content is what can they expect from President Trump will it be 2060 where they were in so ho left right and center it became vicious it was incredibly bitter and antagonistic will we should we expect him to say. Yeah there is nothing worse than a child whos spoiled who sees their candy being taken away and President Trump hes the president and he is not going to like the idea of his not getting a 2nd term so hes going to be much worse this time than he was the last time theres no doubt about that and hes already on the attack is using ethnic slurs he has against Elizabeth Warren im not going to repeat what he said because its beneath us here and he is trying to fine name calling 3rd grade name calling tags for other candidates so i think the American People are going to have a real gut check in this election next november about the kind of personality the kind of ethics the kind of moral compass that the president has but donald trump is certainly going to going to use every tool at his disposal to try to undermine attack and demean his opponent and lauren final word to you even as a conservative the prospect of more bad language more bad behavior the normalization if you like at all of hurling insults around exaggeration and hyperbole that something presumably that you you disagree with. Absolutely what terrifies me is that this is becoming the new normal i i absolutely disagree with the hateful rhetoric i think that it has no place in our country and i think it is tearing us apart and the faster that we can stop it the better. 100 percent i am very scared to see whats going on in our country and in some of the other communities mentioned by my by my fellow guest the Community Minority communities certain religious communities and others whats happening is wrong and it needs to stop thank you thank you very much indeed all of you joel rubin in washington lauren out in raleigh North Carolina and also in washington thank you very much indeed and as ever thank you for watching the program you can see it again any time you like by going to the web site aljazeera dot com if you want more discussion go to our Facebook Page thats facebook dot com fool especially side story and theres always a to assist at a. J. Inside story is our handle i am at dennys thank you once again for joining us and its bye for now thank you. In a war torn city in iraq a medic documents the stories of the survivors recording best hopes and dreams for a peaceful future after american troops withdrawal. But the conflict is far from over. He turns the camera on himself when i so take control and his family are forced to flee no where to hide a witness documentary on aljazeera. Examining the headline scientists are telling us that we have just 12 years to make unprecedented changes unflinching journalism i am told to lean toward complete innocent absolutely sharing personal stories with a global audience who think it will make the sacrifice this is what i want to see explore in abundance of world class programming the world is watching on aljazeera. Monitored truck quantify im value list is beta being a new car for. Your data your identity is a commodity and we have to understand where im from or come from austria it is time to reclaim our cyber selves we have to put in them a something that cannot be sold we are creators we are activists we are rebel geeks give us back our data and adjust. We understand the differences and the similarities of cultures across the world. So no matter where you call home Aljazeera International bringing the news and Current Affairs that matter to. Aljazeera. This is aljazeera. I dont know this is the news live from doha coming up in the next 60 minutes. The exec you should have mr cashel he was a king by the state a u. N. Investigator finds a saudi arabia responsible for murdering journalist Marcus Luttrell and says theres credible evidence linking Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman to the crime. They needs to be a. Full. And transparent investigation that needs to be accountability all diplomatic editor is that the United Nations for answers about the investigation. I mean arent taylor in london the top stories from europe including 3 russians and a ukrainian not charged with murder over the shooting down of m h 17 which killed 298 people in 2014. A guilty verdict for 3 suspects for the attack of a Kenyan University that left 148 people dead. And im peace improve the support of israel madrid show off another new signing further many joins the big spending spanish giants as they look to rebuild after a disappointing season. So the responsibility for the murder of sighted jealous Jamal Khashoggi is clear and then International Investigation is needed that is the conclusion of a lengthy inquiry by a un special rapporteur agnes kalama a report describes kasar g. s death inside the saudi consulate in istanbul last october as an extradition killing for which side the arabia is responsible she calls for further investigation into the individual responsibility of saudi officials at the highest level including Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman the report also details taped conversations about body disposal in the moments before because soldiers arrival at the consulate and she says that the killing is an International Crime with universal jurisdiction and she urges a criminal inquiry by the United Nations well in my colleague funny but i suppose spoke exclusively to a news camera and asked her about its what she heard on the order recordings. The recordings needs to be interpreted they do not tell a very straightforward story. Why towards dawn to use body i cannot deduct from the sounds i have heard i can infer from the sound that something was done based on the technique or. Knowledge of the various people i have consulted it is well possible that mr cashel game was 1st put that he would 1st inject it with something and then that he was actually asphyxiated weezer plastic bag this is the possibility the nature and the extent of the dismemberment of his body these i cannot comment upon its not possible allow me to add one thing when at his 1st as a recording is concerned that i have when mr cashel loses consciousness there is no evidence of the people that are there in the room attempting to take care of him the tempting to rescue him attempting to do something that to me points to the fact that the notion that there is an accident that the next didnt happen that doesnt quite match what i have heard there is nor tempt to to do something and there is no scream so or. Any expression of of fear or what is happening do you think that there is anyone today who knows where the remains of Jamal Khashoggi are or yes absolutely and who think that people that were in the room the people that disposed of the body. Do you know what they are there where 15 individuals involved in that mission. Do you think the saudi leadership knows where the remains are i dont know i mean ninoy love between b. I will just make a guess sarah so i really dont want to argue to suggest this is not something i have tried to or determine ok youll be presenting this column are this report i understand on june 26th to the un human Rights Council which saudi arabia is a member of what do you think is going to happen what do you hope will happen now that youve released this report you know my report makes a friend of recall mendacious including to saudi arabia as a special rapporteur i am committed to establishing constructive relationship preserve the governments that i have attempted to work with saudi arabia for the last 6 months they have not shown any interest in doing so or my reporting probes are ranch every comment issues including with regard to the ongoing trial including with regard to said that saudi arabia should take to demonstrate not the repetition which is upon them and told to mention of their responsibilities given that they have established that the responsibility of the state is involved in this column about what has been reaction from saudi arabias minister of state for foreign affairs. As only the kingdom has your thora to look into the case and he describes the report as full of clear contradictions and baseless allegations lets enough and has more. Saudi reaction to the final report issued by the United Nations special rapporteur. Was expected the government does not seem to be pleased with the chilling details that were presented in the report and also about the fact that it implicates saudi officials of the highest level in the murder of jamal. On the other hand the turkish government seems to be pleased Turkish Foreign minister. Said that he fully endorse the content of the reports and the need for the perpetrators to be prosecuted as soon as possible turkey seems to be now waiting to see what kind of next step that the saudi government will take if the saudis are willing to further cooperation with the turkish government that could be a new chapter of the saudis decide not to cooperate i think the turkish government is going to press ahead for the need for an International Criminal investigation to start as soon as possible well the u. N. Secretary general says there needs to be a full transparent investigation into cars soldiers killing but his Spokesman Says they dont tend to terrorise doesnt have the authority to launch it himself james bases more from u. N. Headquarters in new york. Well agnes kalam our special ruppert appointed by the u. N. Human Rights Council is an independent expert of the United Nations she doesnt though represent the body that is the secretary general she makes a recommendation to him. Because this is getting nowhere with the saudi investigation with saudi justice that he should set up his own criminal investigation and he says he has the power to do this he has said no i dont need a referral from one of the bodies of the United Nations one of the key assemblies the General Assembly the Security Council human Rights Council and a referral from a member state she says thats not the case whos right i pressed the official Spokes Person of the secretary general. The special rapporteur is an eminent legal expert the secretary general is not a lawyer there are other lawyers who agree with her he has the power to do this what is i sing this is his no one doubts. Credentials this is from our. This is the secretary its position this is the secretary generals basis based on what a legal advice can they see the legal advice if there is legal and. As you know whether in any institution advice between a secretary persons lawyer. And that person is not going to be shared this is our position based on the charter so based on the un charter which is the uns governing document i have to say it doesnt specifically mention this at any point in that un charter and many experts believe the secretary general does have the power to set up this investigation and his critics say perhaps hes saying he doesnt so he can avoid a political hot potato nick. Irans defense minister has rejected allegations that are on its behind the spate of attacks on 2 oil tankers in the gulf the man last week i mean had tommy disputes a video released by the u. S. Navy that washington says links around to the incident that tommy says the dates and locations shown in the footage has not been authenticated and that iran vessels carried out a rescue operation when they arrived at this scene coming up on the program the battle to become Prime Minister Burns Johnson is ahead in the race to become britains next leader plus the blue skies and green airplanes the Aviation Industry tries to answer the call for cleaner more efficient dissenters jails the way we believe. In sports we have the french open warming up for wimbledon peter has the. All right lets go to news from london his lawyer. Thanks so much nic 3 russians and ukrainians will face murder charges for the 2014 at downing of Malaysia Airlines flight m. H. 17 at the trial will begin in the netherlands next march a total of 298 passengers and crew were killed in flight m. H. 17 crashed that was in july 24th according to dutch accident investigators it took off from amsterdam at 1031 g. M. T. On route to kuala lumpur it disappeared from radar and conflict hit ukraine losing contact with control at 1320 g. M. T. About 30 miles from the Russia Ukraine border where its believed to have been shot down step fashion reports. Nearly 5 years after flight m h 70 was brought down there are suspects arrest warrants and a trial date much to the relief of the relatives of those who died it was fear that was going to be impossible to bring anyone to justice as the plane came down in a war zone in Eastern Ukraine where investigators couldnt access the crash site the 3 russian suspects sergey dubin ski ego get in and elect pull out of all retired Russian Military and Intelligence Officers who investigators say had high ranking positions in the separatist army in Eastern Ukraine grades one of the reduction for votes for the following suspects are prosecuted for causing the crash of a match 17 leading to the death of all people on board punishable under section 168 of the dutch criminal code and 2nd murdering 298 passengers of flight m. H. 71. Investigators say they wont ask for extradition because the constitution in russia and ukraine doesnt allow that but it will request

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