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A Civil Disobedience Campaign continues against the military. We meet the South Koreans speaking up to save the language at risk of extinction. Hello its one of the poorest countries in the world and has struggled to combat a surge in armed groups linked to al qaeda and i saw and analysts say the easy availability of guns in mali has worsened simmering ethnic tensions the latest attack in the west african nation has killed nearly a 100 people malis government says gunmen attacked a village on the doggone community and burned several houses in the region victoria again be reports what it was a surprise attack in the middle of the night to bikes wielding machetes and guns. Looking for people from the doggone ethnic group men women and children were killed and others injured in the attack is similar to another 3 months ago when suspected dog unarmed men killed 160 filoni villages in August Saguenay near the border with the kenya fassel. Mali president abraham day because kater held a minutes silence for the victims during an official visit to switzerland and at this moment a thought for those who once more have fallen on the motorist bullets an unjust and cowardly act in still going country felonies on a matic her does he move in search of fodder for their cattle villages resent them invading their farmland and those disagreements often turn violent. There are 13000 Un Peacekeeping troops in mali to protect people from armed groups linked to al qaeda increasingly theyre dealing with fighting between neighboring villages the United Nations system in mali is mobilizing to provide humanitarian assistance to help people affected the mission also provided air support this morning in support of the mali and government to prevent future further attacks there are fears the intercommunal conflict is escalating this year has seen some of the deadliest incidents of Ethnic Violence in mali in a generation Everybody Knows that the government is missing in action it is not going to send its image address the lack of presence of the states in places where they are coming out of strife between the for dummies the goals and the attack in march led to several military commanders being sacked but many 1000000 say the government and un forces need to do much more to stop the bloodshed Victoria Gate and be al jazeera well the u. N. Special representative for mali says he is shocked and outraged by what he called an act of unspeakable barbarism. Foreheads the u. N. Peacekeeping mission in mali added the threshold of the unbearable is reached it is time for a nationwide outcry. Moscow has dropped charges against a journalist who is under house arrest saying the accusations havent been proven. Charged with drug offenses last week sparking protests among journalists and other supporters who said he was framed. For his work exposing corruption among moscows political elites the process has more from moscow. Well quite a surprising and unusual turn of events here in russia because this is not the 1st time people have been framed in drugs cases mostly human rights activists and journalists but mostly if youre caught up in an illegal case like this even if theres no evidence its very hard to come out of it this is different it was already clear in the last couple of days that the kremlin was quite uncomfortable with this whole case the spokesperson of courtin sad that maybe there have been some mistakes made which is quite unusual for him to say you would normally say well we can intervene in the law so basically what happened is that it was his out for of sympathy and protest for even gotten off and people flushing the reasons behind his arrest many people widespread there was this believe that he was framed that these drugs were planted on him so this this protest will not only from people he knew from his direct colleagues or friends but also from people higher up in the ranks from people working for state media state. Media personalities t. V. Anchors so that sort of people all came out questioning why it was this arrest being made so far as this has put quite some pressure on the authorities and on the kremlin so the interior minister has now announced that all the charges have been dropped and that they couldnt find any evidence no fingerprints so that was the worst of the no drugs on his fingers and nothing has been found and even has asked for the removal of Certain Police inspectors and Police Officers even the the sheaf of the west Moscow District him to be removed and also the head of the now called things agency of moscow. Protests leaders in sudan are vowing to continue the 3 day old general strike businesses are closed in a show of defiance against the military following the killing of dozens of protesters last week commanders say Security Forces are suspected of involvement have been arrested the opposition doubts the killings are being properly investigated also in Sudan Amnesty International says it has new evidence of killings and abuses in the darfur region the Rights Group Says Satellite Photos as well as testimonies confirm Government Forces and armed groups attacked 45 villages between last july and february this year Sexual Violence forced the placements and other abuses were also documented amnesty is warning that the planned withdrawal of u. N. Peacekeepers could further in danger lives. Another mass protest is planned in hong kong as politicians debate a controversial extradition bill the. Only. Prodemocracy leaders surrounded the Legislative Council president will be chairing that debate andrew leone says he is aiming to put the bill for a vote in 9 days an estimated 1000000. 00 marchers took part in sundays rally to protest against the bill the citys leader Warns Companies and businesses against encouraging employees to join wednesdays planned rally until he dont die for you im urging schools parents organizations businesses and unions to seriously consider if they encourage such radical behavior what good does it do for Hong Kong Society everybody should know there are consequences when you break the law these consequences have a huge impact on both adults and young people chinas leaders continue to voice support for hong kong leader adrian brown reports from beijing where legal experts are defending the proposed law. China began aggressively pursuing chinese fugitives over seas 5 years ago thats when president xi jinping began an Anti Corruption campaign that continues in the words of state media some suspects were persuaded to return others were extradited from one of more than 30 countries that now have a treaty with china a criminal lawyer i represented 2 suspects who ended up on a plane back to china both received suspended jail terms proof he says that the rights of suspects are being safeguarded in china. Some people you hong kong oppose all warry about setting up extradition system with china and i personally think it is unnecessary because the positive sites way overrides the negative side because he says it. Ultimately helped to reduce crime in both hong kong and china chinese Officials Say theres nothing sinister about hong kong needing a new extradition law they say the territory has become a haven from justice for hundreds of criminals who cant be prosecuted because of the legal loophole chinas legal system is controlled by the communist party and say critics is biased towards a presumption of guilt especially in high profile or politically sensitive cases like those involving human rights lawyers government statistics report a 99 percent conviction rate in 2017 just a woman who jar is one of a handful of activists still prepared to talk to the foreign media he says the hong kong protesters are right to resist the plans new extradition law some gangster john war since i honk kong is the only place in their communist rule where people can take to the streets to express their opinions and i support them the last time we did that in Mainland China was 30 years ago. Chinas state media says the violence after sundays rally in hong kong was premeditated and planned. But concedes the protest was a reminder that more needs to be done to explain why the law change is necessary adrian Brown Al Jazeera beijing we were telling you a few moments ago that the government in mali says gunmen raided a village of the dog and community and they burned several houses in the region killing almost 100 people there lets speak to nicholas hockeys joining us from alis capital. Bamako excuse me and nicholas there have been numerous attacks in fact in mali and in recent months what more do we know about this one and whether theres been a claim of responsibility. Well no one has claimed responsibility for this attack there in but as you said theres been numerous attacks and on the previous attacks there when had claimed responsibility on those one what we know is in march on march 23rd there was an attack by dawn fighters on a full on the village and shortly after that im going to call for the leader of john martin the side of the sun was the mean had called on full and hes. Fired off. Their dog gone in revenge attacks for some members of the full on ease dogo and are seen as day husband sort of militias the previous Prime Minister of mali had to resign following that attack on the philosophy villagers back in march because he was seen as supporting the doggone militias or to police certain areas the crux of it is that the state is not present the military is not able to provide safety and security for both the full armies and the doe bones story and so then how much pressure though is the state or the government to respond because we know the un has come out and said described this attack as an act of unspeakable barbarism. Absolutely i mean both the government in bamako where we stand here and the United Nations peacekeeping stabilizing force which is made up of 14000 men are are under pressure from people here weve seen unprecedented demonstrations on the streets of bomb i go back in march where people took to the streets to ask for more safety in security because since the u. N. Has arrived. Arrived in 2013 and since the election of you brian burke our teacher who was reelected back in august the situation has gone from bad to worse with many more attacks just in the last 2 months during 418 people have died in intercommunal violence so this is really affecting the fabric of society and the president came out in this statement saying that at stake is the unity of the nation so really very grave an important time for mali and mali isnt this has repercussions just not on mali but on neighboring countries where there has been attacks on various ethnic and tribal groups as well nicholas haq thank you still has on aljazeera a lebanese businessman convicted of spying for the u. S. Arrives home after 4 years in an iranian prison. The major art installation in colombia that highlights some of the wrongs in society. Hello there weve had relentless rain over parts of china recently for take a look at the satellite picture we can see the cloud here that is normal at this time of year that does bring us wet weather at this time of year but its been particularly heavy and these pictures are from asia in the young she province and you can see the amount of water thats collected on the ground there were expecting plenty more over the next few days as well you can see all the clouds here across the southern parts and thats where its going to stay so plenty of rain then during the day on wednesday and on thursday if anything on thursday that system just pushes a little bit further towards the south so still this southeastern corner of china is going to see some very heavy downpours and there is likely to be more in the way of flooding over towards india and were watching this area of cloud very closely because this has now developed into a Tropical Cyclone its running its way towards the north so for some of us its going to bring us some very very wet weather behind it is going to pull plenty of showers along the west coast of india and then the center of that storm is likely to make landfall around gujarat now still those showers will be falling to the south of it and to the north the winds will be pulled in from inland so the temperatures for many of us ahead of that storm will be rising for kharaj she will be all the way up to 40 degrees it will be incredibly hot for us on thursday. They start as drinks containing. Ready and usually end up. In a nuisance but for a select few. As the Building Blocks of a better life. Ready and the stepping stones to owning a family how. Do you find down latin america is in bolivia and downloads into the wild god. On aljazeera. Hello again the top stories on aljazeera the un has described the attack in central mali thats killed nearly 100 people as an act of unspeakable barbarism the government gunmen raided a village of the Dog Community and burned several houses in the mopti region. Russia has dropped charges against investigative journalist ivan gould on all of he was charged with drugs offenses last week moscow says the allegations havent been frozen and has moved to a High Ranking Police involved in the case. The dons protest leaders have vowed to continue their general strike which is now in its 3rd day the opposition has also rejected the legitimacy of a military investigation into the killing of peaceful protesters. How is the run media in yemen say the rebels have attacked an airbase in southwestern saudi arabia the whose they say they use drones to target the airbase about 100 kilometers from the border with saudi state media says the drones were intercepted hope these are fighting a saudi emirates a coalition in yemen which backs the government and there been protests against the presence of saudi troops near the border with oman the demonstrators want the saudi emirates a coalition to scale back its military presence last year the kingdom promised to hand all local facilities in their control to Yemeni Forces but that hasnt happened. A lebanese businessman freed after 4 years in an iranian jail accused of spying for the u. S. Has arrived in his homeland. Who has american residency held a press conference shortly after arriving in lebanons capital would be i. T. Expert was arrested after visiting a conference into iran and 2015 and later sentenced to 10 years irans judiciary says his release has nothing to do with politics despite the weeks of increasing tension with washington our White House Correspondent kelly health has more from washington d. C. Well the u. S. Sees this as a positive sign and the statement from the u. S. State department it continues to calm iran to release what the United States says are other missing and wrongfully detained american citizens still in captivity now this of course comes at a time of tension escalating tension between the United States and iran the u. S. Continuing to exert its socalled maximum Pressure Campaign not just tough economic sanctions but also the positioning of a Carrier Strike group in the persian gulf it is notable in all of this that is our zaka son met with the u. S. Secretary of state mike pompei earlier this year urging him to secure his fathers release we also know that the Iranian Foreign minister for his part earlier this year offered to discuss prisoner releases with the United States very much viewed as and signed by iran it wished to pursue diplomacy however the United States rejected that offer from iran so it is not clear at this time if the United States had any overt involvement in the release of our zaka only that this is a time where the 2 countries continue to escalate tensions the United States continuing to pursue its maximum Pressure Campaign. U. S. President all trump says the biggest part of deal with mexico with the deal with mexicos yet to be revealed the agreement was announced last week and aims to reduce the number of refugees and migrants crossing the border into the u. S. Trump had threatened mexico with terrorists unless a deal was reached. A lot of good things are happening but i want to thank mexico and we do have one of those things that will be announced at the appropriate time but they have to get approval from their legislative body what is it why are the mexicans denying it that. I dont think theyll be denying it very little. From el paso with the us mexico border. Explains the impact of the deal on Asylum Seekers theres a lot of confusion surrounding this socalled secret deal because the United States and mexico have very different versions of exactly what it amounts to President Donald Trump has tweeted that this is an agreement that has been signed and documented he calls this an immigration Security Agreement with mexico but refuses to release further details however speaking with reporters mexicos foreign minister marcello broad this morning called it an agreement he said this was not a deal at all he did confirm that mexico has sent 6000 National Guard troops throughout mexico to deter Central American migrants from proceeding north he also said mexico is expanding this program of allowing Central American Asylum Seekers to wait just south of the u. S. Border as their cases wind through u. S. Courts however both of those measures have been agreed upon months ago truncheon said is spinning this as a result of his hard line immigration measures that are around 5 percent tariff which would it take to end today and the result of fevered negotiations for mexico to avoid that threat to american conservatives have already many have supported trump saying that this was effective at his threats were in deed useful in having mexico capitulate however the real story is still to be revealed exactly what this agreement comes down to what is not in dispute is the fact that this border is under immense strain more than 130. 00. 1000 people were apprehended by Border Patrol they were Asylum Seekers in Central America to prosper border illegally trying to seek a better life in the United States that was that 13 year high here now paso in this border behind me a few weeks ago more than a 1000 Central American family seekers started this border fence and surrender themselves to american authorities the language of j. Juist spoken by fewer than 10000 people its not just a small population but an aging one that lives on an island off the Korean Peninsula rob bride went there to find out how speakers are trying to save their language one word at a time. Preparing for a concert these children are singing in a language that dates back thousands of years but could have a future numbering just a few. Parents whove been listening to them rehearse the lyrics are mostly just memories from their own childhoods. When i was young i spoke it but after i started work ive rarely had opportunities to use the language with a cultural history that is probably as old as the rest of korea jeju has a unique language to match. But integration in more modern Times Combined with immigration and mass tourism have all taken their toll. What makes the language so endangered is that so low an estimated 10000. 00 people still speak it nearly all of them are elderly and that unless something is done now within a few decades it could simply disappear. Among the measures being taken by the islands government compulsory language classes in schools. And its simle 10 years use alongside standard korean in official documents. The judge will languish on the peons the culture and spirit of the judge or people its part of the character of the argument and we want to revive the peoples culture identity through the language of tap i think another initiative a jew language hotline. Language expert kim soon Jazz Department undertook an ambitious exercise 15 years ago recording hundreds of hours of interviews with native jeju speakers already she says many of the words and phrases in common use then have than. It adds urgency to hold on to whats left when all that. Had been rather than trying to resurrect the old language all goal is to extend the use of some of the more beautiful words and phrases into the modern language then the language will not disappear completely. To keep it alive at least in part for future generations rather than allowing it to slip away with the present generation of elderly islanders. Macbride aljazeera jeju south korea. The Colombian Peace deal signed between the government and far back in 2016 brought an end to half a century of conflicts but suffering and violence persists and have inspired one of latin americas most influential artists in a major installation. Went and had a look in colombia. Shattered glass for the lives shattered in a fragile Peace Process threatened activists from across colombia break pieces of glass then use them to write the names of Community Leaders killed for speaking up against illegal mining deforestation or drug trafficking. Is usually not paris is one of the participants as a Community Leader defending womens rights she was tortured and left for dead by a Paramilitary Group for you know this is simply a step that could be among the drink here and the saddest thing is the total impunity surrounding our cases we are remembering them we are telling them they cannot be forgotten or we are confronting the reality of hundreds of social leaders systematically killed and the lock on the policy to protect. The piece called those are shattered is the brainchild of say the when of latin americas most influential artist who has done a number of works reflecting on colombias conflict she calls the project undertaken in collaboration with colombias Truth Commission volunteers in the National University is a monumental act of mourning. Just like life is fragile and once broken it cant be fixed it can be restored this is a way to reflect on whats happening at an incredibly high rate and forces us to question whats causing it whats truly happening. 470 social leaders have been killed since the signing of the peace deal in 2016 as criminal gangs paramilitaries and this event rebels fight for control of terror. The tories once under fire influence and where the government thats failed to intervene. In the last sort of to use more than 40 homes excluding the needy that have been committed to the obvious people who are. Working for that the new field remain for the money they need tonight they did communities protecting the environment they were immensely part of come forward to democracy and this is how you get a dusting for. Something the leaders fighting for their communities hope this artwork can help do the main thing attention from those who live isolated from a conflict that has fractured the country and for many continues unabated i listened to. The Toronto Raptors missed their 1st chance to win the n. B. A. Championship after going down by just one point to the Golden State Warriors it was a bittersweet night for the warriors though with a serious injury and so one of their biggest stars david stokes has a story pregame routine includes some dance moves pregame showing no signs of the cuff injury that it kept him out for more than a month his moves on the court were pretty good too helping golden state take control of the game they needed to win for 3 kevin durant but then disaster struck after twisting all quickly went down clutching the back of his leg his not was over and his season after that the raptors caught that white back. And then it was dialed in with a 6 point lead they were on track to cut the 1st ever n. B. A. Championship was taking over the weekend by the message from the toronto crowd was clear. The raptors defense could do nothing about step ties to stop covering from. Quite thompson then delivered another blow. With less than a minute left 100. 00 or one shot but. Still take still in the practice got it back to one and as the clock ticks down they have a chance to finish the series lucky for the it. Will be a game 6 to nothing the worry is still alive as they search for the 3rd straight title but ill have to do it without your rant he left the arena on crutches youll have an m. R. I. On cheese day but judging by the emotion on show in the post match news conferences it doesnt look good. Kevin its an achilles injury and i just feel so bad for me honestly that nobody had to go to some to be honest kind of it. Is very deflating its hard even celebrate this when. Deflation to put to run so they didnt get to celebrate a maiden title but its still all to play for the future probably told me at the start of this thing if we could it fast forward to 32 lead you want to take it and probably say well ok the raptors get another chance to wrap things up in game 6 on thursday as the teams head back to california david stokes aljazeera. The headlines on aljazeera this hour malis president has warned the country cannot be run by a cycle of revenge after at least 95. 00 people were killed in an attack on the doggone community the government says gunmen raided a village and burnt several houses in the region russia has dropped charges against investigative journalist ivan of he was charged with drug offenses last week lost though says the allegations havent been proven and has moved to sacto High Ranking Police involved in the case. Protests leaders in sudan are vowing to continue the 3 day old general strike businesses are closed in a show defiance against the military following the killing of dozens of protesters last week commanders say Security Forces suspected of involvement have been arrested also in Sudan Amnesty International says it has new evidence of killings and abuses in the door for region the Rights Group Says Satellite Photos as well as testimonies confirm Government Forces and armed groups attacked 45 villages between last july and february this year. There have been protests against the presence of saudi troops there yemens border with the demonstrators want the saudi iraq to coalition to scale back its military presence last year the kingdom promised a hands on local facilities in their control to Yemeni Forces but that hasnt happened. Another mass protest as long as politicians debate a controversial extradition bill. Surrounded the Legislative Council president will be chairing debates and hes aiming to put the bill for a vote in 9 days a lebanese businessman freed after 4 years in an iranian jail accused of spying for the u. S. Has arrived in his homeland. Who has american residency held a press conference shortly after. Arriving in lebanons capital the expert was arrested after visiting a conference into iran and 2015 and later sentenced to 10 years those are the headlines on aljazeera viewfinder latin america is coming up. Viewfinder fresh perspectives through the lens of local filmmakers around the globe

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