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Hypocrisy of the process that theyre doing what theyre going through and what theyre going to do to the country that doesnt hurt the president it hurts the American People and thats unfair and they should be ashamed of themselves you know. So somewhat ironically the president s own actions could actually force the democrats to start impeachment proceedings so how is that well they have been asking all of these dick different committees they have subpoena power so theyve been subpoenaed cabinet members and people close to the president and financial documents and the white house response has basically been summed up in one word no theyre saying you just cant have any of this now if the democrats were to start and hes been proceedings history of the court says the judicially judiciary is much more likely to say to the white house because of an impeachment proceedings underway you have to turn over these witnesses you have to turn over these documents so far the democrats have chosen to take that path but there are more and more people talking about that especially now after miller has spoken ok pass it for now i thank you very much indeed stay with this for more were joined by aljazeera contributor Steve Clemons hes in washington d. C. Save the white house very keen to draw a line under this but the democrats not so much what did you make of millers statement do you think it puts the massachusetts. No not at all i think for bob muller i think hes a man of his word and we will not hear another word from him that said he has underscored the notion you know to just go back to what Sarah Sanders said we tried to say there was no up you know collusion so case over thats not at all what bob muller talked about today when he spoke he said that he was unable his office was unable to pursue the question of the president s. Criminal actions and to indict him and that another body in government i e the congress is the body to take that up and he all but hand you know you know you gave a green flag to them picking up impeachment proceedings so there is enormous pressure on a particular house of representatives and taking that that signal from bob muller who said that he was unable to do this so the message we got from Sarah Sanders is inaccurate and as weve seen in many cases of people who are now in jail others that were indicted in and around the president S White House they lied that they were found guilty of lying they were killed found you know found guilty of getting in the way of the investigation and they paid a price and i think the broad question is whether or not the president the United States is going to pay a penalty for what bob muller clearly outlined were at least 10 cases of potential obstruction and so were back to the you know black and white of the report which weve all read and now we have to see where the other branch of government picks it up and i believe with you know what patty said its political the republicans have a lot of senate seats and its unlikely to do it so the storm continues the battles you know will rage on until the election in my view how much of this do you think is to be the kitty with russia because we Heard Service on to say there was no collusion to this none finds this is just the democrats who want to do for the 26 you know that action side much of this is actually city with russia and how much of this is said to do with the politics of people not liking donald trump. Well theres a little bit of both i mean russia attacked the United States at the core of its democracy and he underscored and underlined that in this report donald trump continues to call this a hoax there is a bit of a gap there in perception of what happened his attorney general and every other cabinet member i know in the clinton im sorry in the white house believes that the russians meddled in the last election but donald trump doesnt believe that so thats one element thats on the side the bigger issue is it doesnt matter fundamentally if you try to obstruct a proceeding a criminal investigation a potentially criminal investigation to look at obviously its i mean i remember covering up president tropper then candidate trump when he was running who said he had absolutely no contact at all with the russians no business dealing with the russian nothing to do with russia at all and we all now know that that was a complete lie that that was a fabrication that that was inaccurate that not only did he have a very dense set of relations with russia but his family did and many of his other retainers and advisers did so so we so there is a case there where people are pursuing something because they were fed information by the person who became the president the United States that was wrong and that that but how much to the American People care about this doesnt appear to be affecting his supporters and his base and the Republican Party you mentioned before this could drag all the way through until the election in 2000 seats when say what are the American People going to make of this fight between the Trump White House and the democratic party. Look everyone is dug in with their view and i think that those look at the next president of the United States will not be elected by republicans nor democrats they will be elected the person will be elected by independents who are truly independent of either party and who have to look at all of this morass of information of theyll be weighing what the president has done perhaps positively on the economy perhaps negatively on other fronts theyll look at this question of the investigation maybe they will be tuned in and understand the dimensions of this and maybe they wont but what i do know is that that the republicans who support donald trump who like his muscularity and who like his pug nations form of nationalism they dont seem to be abandoning him and they dont seem to care about this at all Many Democrats on the left inside washington are bubble here there is much greater intensity of this drama here than anywhere else in the country if you travel the United States its not that people dont care its just the intensity of caring is much less than here in washington now im one who believes that people need to be educated about everything from Money Laundering to understand what it means when you know you have obstruction of justice but but you know that aside i dont think even in the case of Richard Nixon as as Patty Culhane was just laying out he had very high popularity ratings you know this country was enthusiastic for Richard Nixon and he still went and left this not always a function of what the broad American Public may feel on any given day its the question of the wheels of government the wheels of justice and accountability and trying to demonstrate to an American Public that is usually off making you know a wage for their families trying to get their kids through school trying to deal with all these other problems but when there is a case brought to them where the wheels of justice are going we have Committee Hearings investigating and looking at potential mel. Besides by the present United States then the ok the social contract here is they wake up they have to Pay Attention and they look at it and right now i dont think that the numbers are there for that to happen ok a constructive way because the republicans are not holding it ok steve good to get your thoughts there a story that is likely to run on and on but for now i thank you very much indeed. Theres also more still to come on the news hour including serbs in kosovo protests a day after tensions sort following police raids. Legal trouble for the man tips to be britains next Prime Minister. And in sports the governors fail to fire as chelsea beat arsenal to clean the Europa League title. Irans Supreme Leader has reiterated that iran will not negotiate over its nuclear and missile programs with the u. S. It comes after the u. S. National security adviser blames iran for damaging oil tankers off the coast of the United Arab Emirates earlier this month john boltons its not provides any evidence to back up his comments hes currently visiting the u. A. E. Where he said america has been successful into terror and what he described as threats from tehran in the region. While the tension between washington and tehran is the focus of a series of meetings taking place in saudi arabia over the next 3 days cursors Prime Minister is expected to attend a Security Summit in the kingdom on thursday shake up to the bin nasser been called evolve and he will join diplomats from saudi arabia the u. A. E. Bahrain and other countries in mecca it will be the 1st time level meeting since custers neighbors imposed a blockade 2 years ago. Well separately Foreign Ministers of the organization of islamic cooperation on meeting in the society city of sheds at the moments in his opening remarks the Saudi Foreign minister condemning the attack on the oil tankers last month it britain been. Also said the drone strikes on sight the state Oil Company Aramco earlier this month were terrorist attacks yemens who see rebels said they were behind them while theyre locked in a battle in yemen with they say the m. R. C. Coalition that is fighting alongside yemens governments well lawrence focus it is a retired colonel who serves as chief of staff for the u. S. Secretary of state colin powell joins us now live from Richmond Virginia and if we could 1st focus on the fact that Prime Minister will be attending these meetings do you think this could be a sign of reproach moments in qatar and saudi arabia the other blockading countries. I would certainly hope so but i dont expect that because there is a real divide right now between mom had been sold mine and cutter and its leadership and that divide does not seem span of will to me by sitting down and talking about it particularly when there is divide as cause as turkish troops to be encounter has caused iran to become an even more a close colleague of carter and has more or less operated directly the opposite the way mohamed been solved wanted it operated so i hope that youre right that there will be some positive results but only expect them. But the tensions with iran will be top of the agenda at this me saying what do you think is likely to come out of these talks given the tensions between cuts are on the and the blockade in countries. I dont imagine country to back off of its stance with regard to iran and with regard to the criticisms rather strident criticisms of it and its policies a bio mom had been so among i simply dont see that as reconcilable i would hope that they could work out some of these things because they have essentially they being the saudis destroyed the Gulf Cooperation Council its a Paper Organisation now it never wise for middle but now its almost nothing because of this bitter fight within the ranks of its own members this is not a way to assure security in the gulf and its not a way to present iran with a solid front from as it were the other side of the ocean ok Lawrence Wilkerson im afraid to go have to leave it there but thank you very much for joining us from Richmond Virginia. As serbia is blaming nato and the European Union for a surge in tensions in kosovo after a police raid sparked anger among minority ethnic serbs she says operation in a serb dominated area of course of all sport fury in belgrade where the governments picked troops on full alert meanwhile hundreds of ethnic serbs have held a protest in kosovo as capital. Natascha is there are in statue of kenyas are in north metro feeds are is a symbol of serbian pride in this predominantly ethnic serbs municipality in north and kosovo people are angry over what they call intimidation by prishtina kosovos police of logs an anti smuggling operation in the area the majority of those arrested were ethnic serbs in the last one year something more. Just to the edge of the election of course the police i guess that would know the people would be in. Keeping the peace as much as became of the globe but every single action again causing more damage especially about the use of the 2 serbs and albanians some protesters say police used unnecessary violence question at the sit what you should not frighten children hate people and destroy property as if theyre trying to push us out serbias president has put the countrys troops on full alert as tensions escalate the European Unions Foreign Policy chief called on both sides to resume talks if we miss this opportunity i see the risk of the dark forces of the past coming back and of confrontation even of concert the course of a declared independence from serbia in 2008 after a nato Bombing Campaign backed course of an separatists but belgrade refuses to recognize it matter of it is a divided city over the south of the bear river its mainly albanian on this side its mainly serbian. As a similar picture across northern kosovo when 90 percent of the population also and most say they want to be part of serbia last year the president s of course of own serbia discuss warping territory in exchange for serbia recognizing kosovo a move the worries albanians in north. London them town secure the idea of partition is harmful and it endangered the lives of the People Living in this neighborhood but im sure partition will not happen and this is all about politics christine and belgrade show no sign of being closer to resolving their differences but in a town where ethnic divisions are deep and memories of the balkans war still fresh few people here want a new conflict Natasha Butler aljazeera north Mitrovica Kosovo so come on aljazeera theres no gun no smoke. Only speculation. A legal challenge by huawei against the us decision to put it on a trade blacklist. The daily struggle to survive in pakistan star desert which is facing a severe droughts. And the formula one stars of today bid farewell to one of the elections the sports. Still have a little more Severe Weather coming in across parts of the u. S. Hopefully for no more than around another 24 to 48 hours or so a cloud in the rain thats just pushing its way in cross the Northern Plains up towards the midwest still some lively storms on this little bit of cloud you notice there into texas well see some rain just coming out of that eastern side of texas running up across kentucky through tennessee pushing up towards the ohio valley still some rather lively storms here 31. 00 celsius in d. C. Holts and sticky weather here some of colder behind but the temperature contrast is easing temperate around 20 degrees celsius for thursday wanted to show is still in place there for a california up towards Pacific Northwest these will quieten down and im hopeful by friday things starting to quieten down across the plains theres still a chance of some showers in the deep south just pushing into tech support for many it is going to be somewhat drier and quieter places say 30 celsius in atlanta 30 degrees there also into miami touch with a net across the caribbean lots of dry weather into the the Windward Islands but for the leeward side got some cloud and rain rolling through and plenty a shot was there for the Greater Antilles into the western caribbean. Al jazeera was goes on a roller coaster journey in the wrong and discovered its such an intolerant Refugee Community itself belief and identity. Id like to prove to the world cup. I will be able to prove myself to my columns from friends and myself. Able to play its like a child afghan you know its on aljazeera. This is al jazeera could provide all the top stories for you this hour m. P. s in israel have o. C. To dissolve parliament softer Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu fails to form a Coalition Government in time a snap election will be held in september. U. S. Special Counsel Robert Mueller has made his 1st Public Comments since releasing his report some washes involvements in the 2016 president ial election miller said his 2 year investigation was never going to. And with charges against President Donald Trump but also said it doesnt clear him of all wrongdoing. And cats are as Prime Minister is expected to attend a Security Summit in saudi arabia the 1st high level meetings since of blockades against the nation the kingdom is also holds and 2 other summits to discuss regional issues including rising tensions between the u. S. And iran. Says capsized on the danube river in hungary joining at least 7 people say t. V. Says 14 others were lifted out of the water in budapest and taken to hospital 33 tourists were on board the site simples when it ran into difficulty its annual has been flooding and there are strong currents on the river heavy rain is hampering rescue efforts. Saddams military says its arrested a soldier who opened fire during the gun fights between Security Forces in khartoum killing a pregnant woman and injuring several others it happened on the 2nd day of the nationwide strike testers remain on the streets over the capital they want the Transitional Military Council to transfer power to a civilian lives authority and ron can reports from khartoum on the days events. Tensions on the streets of hot seumas 2 different units of the Sudanese Armed forces shoot at each other one woman died and several others were injured it took place at one of the entrances to the city where protesters have been demanding civilian rule its unclear why the incident took place and the soldiers have now withdrawn the protest movement has issued a statement asking people not to react and to continue with the strike. Khartoum is out and they stand still and the protest movement says it has the upper hand and is threatening more strikes if the Transitional Military Council doesnt come back to the negotiating table. However the ruling Transitional Military Council criticized the strikes saying the army was part of the revolution but i dont know who the ins armed forces are part of the revolution by god we are an authentic part of this revolution and without us all morning rush here would have been said empowered by god im telling you no one would have been able to remove him not was out us a handful of shops and government offices did open but the strike is widespread enough for the organizers to deem it a success the plan today walkout was organized by the Sudanese Professionals Association on behalf of the Opposition Coalition. For the workers who walked out they hope that the military leaders who replaced ousted president Omar Al Bashir will listen to their demands for a civilian led government so he just likes to do this right but were going for more if they dont live without them for the long version. The little dr wanted all the rest so far the Transitional Military Council hasnt reacted to the protesters demands and said saying the protest movement has been infiltrated by anti sudanese elements now thats a charge that the protesters actually deny but they say they will continue their campaign of civil disobedience and strikes the Opposition Coalition will be hoping that the strike gives them negotiating power and that the Transitional Military Council will have to listen and we have talks if they dont opposition leaders say they will take further action such as more strikes for now the padlocks remain firmly closed as do the talks between the 2 parties iran car which is there a hot aljazeera has spoken to a saudi dissidents living in the u. K. Has launched a legal case against saudi arabia on them all doors or sorry says the kingdom taxes phone store personal data. Or from london. Can a milder sorrys mobile phone is new but hes still numb to confidence that its secure if someone wants to hack it still find a way says the saudi satirist after all hes convinced theyve done it before to get everything all my life is in the phone ghanem is bringing a legal case against saudi arabia in the u. K. Courts investigators believe a saudi operator sent him Text Messages with malicious links to pegasus spyware developed by the Israeli Company and so i think attempted by a friend. And he told me this is dead to me this. Has been hacked into should get my phone checked. That i was in fact it had both my phones the water one citizen lab with the investigators hyde park adams lawyers to look at the phone he found 3. Text messages containing links that when clicked on resulted to me associated with n. S. A. s infrastructure. Around him broadcast his satire on you tube his videos often critical of the saudi royal family have been viewed hundreds of thousands of times he says his social media accounts have been hacked before and last september he was verbal and physically abused by 2000000 Central London we have contacted the London Embassy of the kingdom of saudi arabia here for their response to these allegations but as of yet an email and several phone calls have had no answer. These ready tech company didnt want to comment on the case but did say n. S. O. Develops products that are licensed exclusively to government intelligence and Law Enforcement agencies to prevent and investigate the activities of terrorists and criminals who have gone dark and so does not operate the technology and while the technology is used on an extremely small scale it has saved thousands of lives saudi arabia has been accused by other dissidents human rights activists and journalists. Digital spying even jeff bezos the billionaire behind amazon and the Washington Post believe saudi arabia took information from his phone one famous saudi dissident had more than his data stolen when Jamal Khashoggi visited the saudi consulate in istanbul last october he was never seen alive again rory chalons aljazeera london. A section of state mike pump a. O. Has stood by government sanctions against while were calling the company and instruments of the Chinese Government his comments come after the tech giants legal action against washington to have bans on its business ruled unconstitutional it jim brown has more from shenzhen. Few companies could withstand the assault but while ways no wonder part of its response has been to open its doors to the International Media in corporate china but these are unusual and Uncertain Times for the countrys Biggest Technology company now effectively locked out of the us market we believe these sets a dangerous precedent that they its can it calm and our way tomorrow it could be your industry your company your consumers on wednesday the Company Announced its pressing ahead with legal moves to try to scrap a recently passed law that prevents u. S. Federal employees from using waterway technology the trumpet ministration says it could be used for spying because of accusations the firms in the pocket of chinas government the u. S. Government has provided no evidence to assure that our way is the kurti threat theres no gun no smoke. Only speculation u. S. Politicians he said were using the entire strength of the u. S. Against one company while away had anticipated being placed on a u. S. Trade blacklist which effectively prevent said buying components on which its technology is dependent it has been stockpiling parts but those parts will soon run out and whats not clear is what happens if the ban remains permanent when president xi jinping talks about defending chinas core interests he Means Companies like while away whose headquarters each visit did 4 years ago added another important core interest whats called rare Earths Special metals used in everything from magnets to Missile Systems a week ago president xi highlighted their importance when he toured the part of the country where the industry is based yeah a prelude perhaps to a warning that appeared on the front page of a popular newspaper on wednesday quoting an unnamed Government Official who suggests china might use its rare earths as leverage in the trade dispute with the United States chinas currently the Worlds Largest rare earth exporter this and the battle over while way further signs of the collapse in trust between the worlds 2 largest economies Adrian Brown Al Jazeera sions as. Well deborah elms is the executive director at the Asian Trade Center in singapore she says the u. S. Is motivated not just by security but also by technology and trade concerns. The u. S. Has been planning to do something about huawei apparent for some time and have put that on hold pending the resolution of the trade in tariff discussions and the United States appears to have decided that if those trade tariffs discussions are not going to be resolved as quickly as it dissipated then they might as well proceed or with a while a plan and so now the 2 things because of the timing and because the trade talks fell apart and why would brands announce almost immediately those 2 things have definitely become conflated both sides think they have the upper hand so youre youre in a an unusual situation where both parties genuinely believe that they have the upper hand both parties can point to statistics to point that facts on the ground they think support to bolsters their claim when you Start Talking a particular about digital and technology that fact that everyone that has helped nations that is the future of where we expect to be in countries large and small in developing countries were all technology i mean this is how we all actually have a stake in how this is resolved and the unfortunate thing for everyone outside of the United States and china is that theres nothing you can do except stand back and watch as these 2 big parties have this debate between each other and hope that they come to some resolution in the near term because it affects everyone. The front runner in the race to become the u. K. s next Prime Minister has been ordered to courts over allegations he minds of the public during the bricks at Referendum Campaign Boris Johnson claimed that the u. K. Sent 400 40000000. 00 a week to the e. U. Its opponents say the number was false and misleading or brand reports from london that the big red bricks it fastened its 350000000. 00 pound slogan had an enormous impact on the bracks it campaign and paris johnson embraced it enthusiastically sometimes even embellishing it why we said 10000000000. 00 pounds a year in debt to brussels but the battle bus claim that britain sent 350000000. 00 pounds thats approximately 440000000. 00 a week to brussels was demonstrably false as johnson continued to use the figure through to 2017 even earning himself a rebuke from the u. K. Statistics so far to see what we could do with another 300000000 if. The money needed to launch a private prosecution was crowd funded by campaign a marcus ball whose case alleges that johnsons claims had been irresponsible and dishonest amounting to misconduct in a Public Office johnsons lawyers denied the allegations but the magistrate issued a summons johnson himself must now answer the charges in Court District judge coleman decided dunns having considered all the relevant factors she was satisfied that this is a proper case in which to issue a summons against mr johnson for busy 3 counts of misconduct in Public Office if there is a Beautiful Day there has been no response from Boris Johnson or his spokesman but the timing is extraordinary johnson is the current frontrunner to replace to research and if he wins he could find himself as a Prime Minister facing trial. That might make it harder for him to kind of just blow past this one. And also its a very serious charge to suggest that his lies contributed to. The outcome of the referendum and all that goes with that is something that i think you might find quite hard to shake off. Concerns about the character and truthfulness of politicians are not new George Orwell described politics as a mass of lies evasion folly but seeing a politician held criminally responsible for Misleading Campaign slogans would indeed be a startling precedent Paul Brennan Al Jazeera Central London. A judge in spain has jailed the heads of mexicos biggest still maker well as decided whether he should be extradited to face corruption charges in his home country alone so and syria is on do was arrested at the main airport of the mediterranean island of mallorca hes warned says in mexico as part of the president

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