Play football for the Charity Soccer game those are the headlines the news continues but first it is the stream the only nation ever hit by an atomic bomb once again braces for the worst. When you see explorers like in japan hundred or three Years Nuclear threat at this time on al jazeera. Jim martin will not do that on the field comical public. Also from nigeria and your also in the stream to the latest installment of maybe the most political entertaining and provocative and yet its Still Box Office is a week ago smashing records and filling it with a view is over or eighty as it has won praise from critics at celebrities and audiences alike and it has also sparked a huge reaction from black people all over the weald this is the. Weak minds of the. World. What happens. To the rest of the white. So this aint your grandmas disney film. As a mostly that cost a brat at that director and a close friend about two hundred Million Dollars and on the african continent view is celebrated this fictitious nation and its depiction as a wealthy on the power. My. My. While many are celebrating the movie it has also sparked wide ranging debates someone talking about the tension they say it depicts between black africans and black americans are theres something about the power that the United States will drive the africa at its politics now misogynists nigeria and into some of his thoughts one of the big talking points you say are the gender dynamics in the movie the women were given really probably their roles in the politics of sort of what kind of itself you know that theres a debate in a discussion question in the selfsufficiency policy whether or not its International Trade with the economy one of the fictional country is i would also look at local politics in a certain type of country which was control how much of the high tech advancement washes down to regular kind of get to be so much in the movie itself it is only so much you can you know fit into two hours but i think the file africans the fact that this how huge scale movie draws a lot of inspiration from real african cultures from if you will get to south africa to kenya i mean for myself as a nigerian that was really good to see on screen. So much to talk about today with me to do is a journalist based in dakar senegal in los angeles that end sensei as an activist or writer cultural critic t. S. A. Is creator and illustrator of kwezi the first South African superhero comic book series and Jesse Holland right here in the studio author of black panther who is the black panther greetings guess the forever. Its so much to talk about and also there will be spoiler alert so if you havent seen this film yet i dont know where do you think is in your ear close your eyes run out the room save this for later. Jesse what has happened with this film its an amazing worldwide phenomenon no one really expected this movie to be as big as it is right now but its taken over the entire movie landscape and changing entertainment in america and around the world forever who are. In is that a goal do you agree i definitely agree i mean all across the continent here is a glorious plaza and not a plaza its roaring its deafening its beautiful and i just hope that we can say this moment from much much longer on here weve got. The Young African she says here the atmosphere was energetic especially one of the major stars the night shes involved the until now both cinemas still sort out the black panther tickets thats go to south africa and. How does South Africans receive this film. When the first record for the whole experience was the fact that africans went to dressed cultural regalia oh something youve never ever. Let me just show you something hand this is. The nih and the piece and the youngest and they dress to impress one of the South African Prime Minister so that when you see this and you see Different Countries across the african continent people around the well son of rice in this film your reaction is was. I actually think its amazing i think its really incredible and super important to number one see the depiction of. Even though this is a fictional you know country a fictional african nation i do think its really important to see the depiction of an african nation as a superpower as technologically advanced i do think its really cool to see people kind of taking pride in their culture and dressing up in their their native garb and stuff to go see this movie i think thats really important and i think that its amazing to see with that is doing for people on the continent as well as our continent africans that live here in the u. S. And as well for for people that are of african descent that want to feel that connection back to africa i do think that thats really important and i agree that it is really a cultural moment that is kind of changing the landscape of moviegoing i dont know if i agree but its an unexpected moment i did have a budget of two hundred Million Dollars. Marvel and disney sunk a lot into this project there were a lot but the marketing campaign. Like i wouldnt say that i feel is this is unexpected. But i do think its super important for people to see i would also say though that as a black american i personally feel like it was needless to say really but i do think is awesome what. Black people around the world are clicking on the film the only reason why i would say it was a little unexpected because were see the place is still selling out were still see people who cant get into it believe me they want your money if they had known they needed more theaters they would have them really so i think its even surprising the people at disney how well hes doing not only in america but around the world. Benjamin sees a says and to say that there is nothing sort of hype im sorry to say they will still be struggling and disenfranchised black men and women and children from the south side of chicago to the back streets to Sandton Baltimore along to the hype has died down chica. I dont think this movie is about trying to seek to change social infrastructure this movie to africa is and its our time to shine and for people like me who are made fun of as a child that the african this is almost like a sweep indication like were finally being seen as cool so this is not about trying to change infrastructures across the world to black people its just saying its our time to shine and this actually i think is a moment that weve been waiting for for a long time but the past i would say three years we have been seeing black culture displayed for greatness this is trying to be. An awful lot of class and sort of you know like an equal beard or color character who have children who are watching this or who are having very entire frame of reference for their entire lives and would be actually are changed forever i think thats the biggest you know top of problem that is the fact that it will get out and our politics are grown up but what our kids get is the cultural representation and understanding what the prop and appreciation up with are in a way thats never been seen before its not im not that large magnitude seven going with you but i think that when you guys agree that this is not for black americans. Im going to go you know he doesnt really know what this is because you just went to say like you know this is like a really huge moment for you as an african and especially like as the one that was teasing being operated on and stuff like that. Well look here you just said that this is a chance by black americans to try to explore their ancestral identity exactly i think this is a moment that africanamericans can be like ok its not just about a movie i think that you have to go on stage and a great movie i want to assemble to go out and actually have africanamericans exploring their african identity and mastic the continent adopting african names looking its african gift is actually pretty giving up what could be as are getting closer but everybody got started but what about those of us out there have it mean for us that well i do know where to find out if i am here but were fine with our culture and our progress but the american chattel slavery we feel like thats our roots we feel like this is our country weve made our own culture here wonderful people that do want to go back and reconnect with their roots and buy their african culture but for a lot of those thats not something were interested in and we feel like we need to handle whats going on in our own backyard here in america in terms of the cuban of black americans here before we necessarily go back to the continent you know its like our boat is thinking here but people want us to like stop building out water barbeau here to look across the park make we need to worry about our eye for here you know and here you know which you might also how do you want to be treated that you know heres a great thing that this movie is doing its actually bringing about these conversations here as well as around the world just this past saturday i loaded the scotian of over a thousand people who came to talk about black panther and thats this question turned into a discussion of what we as africanamericans can do here in america as well as how we can help other people around the world so its not a discussion is not the movie features african characters with an africanamerican as the taken. But booth question thats going on right now is not just about africa its about africanamericans as well and what we should do here at home and in other places and well let me show our viewers what a fictional country of well come to is like and then ill come right back to you this is what comes from but how to have a look. Back sounds shepards cool outfits from. A much more uniting. Feel about patti but it was equally about the kind of chalice range we asked answer to you know when he should know that wrong becomes ones ive been on since its inception. Its the best kept secret in the world because they have something to. Feel. Natural resource that kind of thrives off of the minute knowledge its very sought after by anybody whos ever come in contact with it like theyre asked to look out for an entire nation indeed also consider that nations place and how they affect the rest of the world to see an african country with kings and queens and warriors its so inspiring its just an incredible world to occupy. This depiction of what can that make an african country. What did you make of fact how to. Get him to talk about a like michael b. Jordan is sitting right there in a sweater vest look like lost tribe ok like michael b. Jordan and like chad with bones in ryan coogler who are all black americans africanamericans because extensively about how they feel like you know africanamericans black americans are laws if they didnt know where thats what youre going to last try you know theyve talked so much about you know we were lost that we need to reconnect and we need to go back and i know that the film was dumped in the film with this kind of respect of course that there are new perspectives but this bias perspective of blacks americans and so i asked and needed that this is what i wanted to go to you know you should because this is a very specific african arnold versus africanamerican tension in the film going to what did you make of what as a representation of a various african countries. I think its a valiant effort number one because many cultures that we boast of them the african continent and to be able to match them up and put them together in one setting and one movie and create this melting pot of a city i think was a triumph and their investment big shout out to the costume designers for the movie going back to the fact that all of the conversation between the disparate community of the Africanamerican Community and africas i think the movie itself. Opens. Up and the conversation they that that takes place but also getting this amazing technological spacecraft landing in there and having this lovely we had an unexpected type of bad luck that the locals over there are having now with african tribes its quite amazing that the value of the that sort of happening i think the draw out of that has to be positive i think conversations with our brothers and sisters in the states has to be a pulse of sense and not to sort of like push back on each other i think thats contrary to it to be expected when you have a celebrated piece like that that doesnt necessarily take away from any one but actually just attempt to bring these people together and tell great african story and we didnt in the american story lets not forget that you know black pencil was created in the space one thousand nine hundred sixty six so. It was a huge opportunity undertaking and i. Think i must say. Jessamy share this if you city dia says everything flows down to black versus black physical fights in this movie the black community a lot better that celebrating this film run many of them but also but as you see that well actually i did not see that because in the past in these superhero movies black communities were even represented at all you barely saw any one of color in the previous superhero movies to the fact that the two major characters are both people of color to me is a bad thing and we have to keep in mind this first of all this is a movie this doesnt represent everything we see this is entertainment but its good entertainment where we can see ourselves reflected not only as the hero but the antagonists which i have to say ive been part of several conversations where all of the hash tag kill mulgrew is right so i mean there are. Killed along im told we. Might be the love child of kill one. You can have this conversation about these two different perspectives in our own community and thats a positive thing thats not a negative thing that we can talk about these things let me just show you here this is a piece you wrote your child grapple with why are africans so enamored with black panther here you are going to see a screening in senegal you are dressed all. The time. For an article that you are writing im impressed but cant understand about the way that women are portrayed in this film let me show a little bit of quit a little clip first of all this is the warrior women of a kind to have a look. The security of the. Character is the general. Represents the. Tradition and the challenge is traditional. Tick how realistic is this patrol oh my. God im growing. I think its quite interesting i think that what it represents actually of the past not the present there is this dialogue this conversation advocate that before christianity and islam came into africa women were actually more empowered that they haue the roles where theyre actually leading their communities so i think that this is kind of an o. March to africa and also we know that this is the door im allowed to actually looks like the homey amazonian of present day but i think again this is not really representation of what women are holding positions are in today were still struggling to see women in Africa Action take positions of leadership but in its path we do have stories that they did household spaces where they were able to actually control and domain areas such Society Education so i think thats what this is about surrender that because you. Know over. Again for me personally as a black american i dont feel like this is representative of your my culture we can all of whom that kill mongrel girlfriend who he shoots in the head is the only black American Woman that weve represented in the film and he doesnt even have a name severely hazell dialogue we never see kill muggers black American Mother we never really even find out what happened to her yet again getting more into the idea that this was you know purely african representation and that time you dont tell us welcome merican but this is a piece of like amazing radical filmmaking for us when we when its not when were not represented when when its not indicative of our culture even getting into the idea of like you know a monarchy and were you know were born into a monarchy and they represent being you know dedicated to the throne in this the matter here in this country we dont even have that you know that we dont even we dont even stand for that we dont even stand for blindly following a monarchy and i think there was also some classes in allegiance under told in this movie about you know you got. Could be could were going to matter and have value someone else heard from briefly you know do we ever find out how this is affecting regular work hard and how is this technology is this capital trickle may we not have money because at the end we think its all about in buildings and oakland and stuff like that and none of thats really discussed and were just all the person. Slowly around the house so i need a lot of. People i would surrender can i ask you saran for those africanamericans who do tease africans do you think that this movie will make a difference at least their mentality excepting africans as just read a human being. I think that everyone should be accepted as a regular human being i also think that a lot of africans take being teased very personally because they dont understand that teasing and roasting and stuff like that is a part of our black American Culture and a lot of the ways in which we bond with each other is through teaching and roasting as a subset of slavery you know were all poor were awfully within a joke about it this is how were going to bob i think for a lot of africans thats not their culture and a lot of them come here and instead of trying to understand our culture and understand the way that we do things here instead they want us to change then i think a lot of that is also i think youre already complex which we can get into you and i think a lot of ways not to be rude but a lot of because of the bridge and get over it when it comes to being teams in the third grade carrying a chip on your shoulder for the rest of your life and hating black americans but then telling i dont really get all celebratory let me jump in quickly i think its also very important to to to sort of like pick up on the tone of the movie remember this is a superhero movie and its exposing all the best qualities whether or not youre african or whether the africanamerican about to be welcomed quite like tears you love is the fact that its great to repeat not handle and its not in any case and in any case i mean this is a company thats existed before i was and some critics here to visit today its oh its so great that its got like the. And the little bastard child in the story but otherwise i mean these characters were you know were stabbed decades ago i think its very harsh to a two to attack a movie that is adapted from a property thats existed for a very long time for our own sense of grownups remember that this is not these. You know talk market so this may be all kids maybe might draw something more important from this then we would you know were really lucky that it could be so i think so much to give them a crack of what i would have been getting to prosecute the guy i dont want to add on is that you know its hard to make these judgments from a movie. He has been cut down to such a small time period now when you get into the novels when you get into the comic you actually get to explore a lot more of these conversations to chela actually in the future marries an africanAmerican Woman to marry storm its just jealous spends time in america and none of that is hard enough harlow so i mean did you actually get to actually see some of these other questions that were talking about reflected on the printed page its hard to get all of that into a movie thats limited to such a short amount of time we get to see the directors cut but a lot of the stuff were talking about now is going to be included in there and was cut out but if you want more information about that comes up you go to the printed page you want to bring this in i guess because thats got two minutes left and i want to bring in some more thoughts from the Community Check says this film is one of the marked steps in recent times to unite both the african and African Diaspora audiences hope changes will begin from the fanfare around this movie so so many different perspectives everybodys bringing their own perspective your own background to this film i think the bottom line actually though will be money this is a preemie ok doesnt matter what we think is like how much money is this film going to make hes executive Vice President of genesis cinemas and they have been promoting this film big time have a list of what you have to say. Easy. People. Difference. People you see so when you say its money. You know you will then consider this to be. Kind of. Let me leave you have one last thought thank you very much panel has been a fascinating conversation which should go on for a little bit longer so my eyes says that this film gives both africans and children of the asked for a chance to see their homelands in an alternative universe where we were drained of our sources and colonize for decades it is the ultimate fantasy fulfillment so many interesting conversations to be had about a marvel film and i think that is the biggest shocker for me thank you so jesse. We really appreciate your time your comments your enthusiasm we will bring this conversation online well see you at eight eastern thanks for watching everybody. The at. The at. The at the in. Cut down. March on aljazeera. With all potential challengers out of the way egypts president Abdel Fattah Elsisi is poised for a second time in power. 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