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Sitting right behind me ready to talk but we will not chase after you heated words at the u. N. After the palestinian president calls for an International Summit to resolve the conflict with israel. Last minute cancellation the u. S. Says north korea called off the meeting with Vice President mike pence during his visit to the winter olympics. And scientists sent a warning that Artificial Intelligence may not always be a smart idea. And there has been no letup in the Syrian Governments assault on eastern gouda despite a growing International Outcry Syrian Forces are backed by their allies russia bombs rockets and shells have killed at least two hundred fifty people since sunday and the last rebel held stronghold near damascus activists are describing the death toll in the last forty eight hours as a massacre. And say its the highest since a two thousand and thirteen chemical attack on that area eastern good has been be seen by the government since two thousand and thirteen four hundred thousand people are estimated to be trapped in the rubble held on glee. Only a few kilometers away from the Government Center of power the president ial palace in central damascus there are fears the bombardment could lead to a larger a ground operation in a hole to reports from they were. Panic in the streets. As you mentioned the. Fear in peoples faces. Neighborhoods flattened the airstrikes are almost continuous the lot of towns across eastern who are coming under intense fire. Survivors emerge in shock children traumatized. Was. The true muslim girl some four hundred thousand people are trapped in this besieged Syrian Opposition enclave nowhere is safe. The sound of fighter jets in the skies frightens the population. And muhammad and her son the same say they can only hope the walls in their home will save them if a shell or an airstrike hits nearby i didnt we have no choice but to stay in our hearts despite the instruments and shelling out building in those in the streets so they dont have underground shelter. In the u. N. Says the humanitarian situation is spiraling out of control because of what it calls an extreme escalation of hostilities scores of civilians have been killed since sunday and the number continues to rise. There are hundreds of injuries as well doctors are appealing to the International Community to force the government to allow supplies in. We have shortages in medicine and medical supplies because the regime has been hitting this area for weeks weve had to deal with many injuries imagine longer have blood bags. The un is demanding an end to the targeting of civilians but for the Syrian Government and its allies this is a military tactic. They hope that by inflicting suffering on the population they will turn against the rebels and force them to surrender. Eastern as the last remaining opposition stronghold around damascus comments made by russias foreign minister Sergei Lavrov what he calls using the experience in a free and there are causing concern the Syrian Government regain control of the. After months and a full blown military assault that. The main opposition body the Syrian National coalition is calling the latest wave of violence a war of extermination it is also condemning what it calls the international silence. This is not the first Bombing Campaign in eastern. Hundreds of civilians were killed in weeks of bombardment earlier this year many believe the renewed bombardment could be the final assault then of what their. Children inside eastern good to have you social media to play for help everyone who can be on me. As a vision has brought must tough for this is just a good if i can give them phelps. And the children and their. March fifth the children. Before its too late im not from decision. Unicef says its so outraged at whats happening in canada its released a blank statement with footnote saying i no longer have the words to describe children suffering and our outrage do those inflicting the suffering still have words to justify their part beric acts there. Is you know sets regional director for the middle east and north africa and says he did not know how to express in a sad sad us about whats going on in syria the Palestinian Leader Mahmoud Abbas has proposed a new International Peace summit with israel that rolls out the United States as the chief broker and an address to the u. N. Security Council Abbas said palestinians have lost faith in the u. S. Governments ability to mediate abandoning a policy which had lasted twenty five years at a serious diplomatic editor james bay supports the headquarters at the u. N. President abbass presence here was read and carefully calculated normally his ambassador attends this monthly meeting he came himself to express his displeasure at the troubled ministration he suggested its decision to recognize jerusalem as israels capital am to cut funding to the un agency that helps palestinians disqualified it from leading peace efforts instead he proposed a new approach fairly early on. I would call for the convening of an International Peace conference by mid two thousand and eighteen based on International Law and relevant un resolutions with Broad International participation including the two concerned parties and regional and international stakeholders. President abbas left immediately after his speech nothing unusual there in terms of u. N. Protocol he was the only head of state in a room full of ambassadors and had another engagement to attend it didnt stop the israeli ambassador using it to score a point i expected news that abbas to stay with us and have a dialogue unfortunately once again running away the u. S. Ambassador came to the meeting accompanied by the two men President Trump has tasked with leading negotiations Jason Greenblatt and his own son in law jared coercion she said president abbas had a choice the United States stands ready to work with the Palestinian Leadership our negotiators are sitting right behind me ready to talk but we will not chase after you the choice mr president is yours it was a Security Council session full of drama and theatrical but the reality is depressingly familiar this meeting in no way brings any close a resolution to a conflict thats already lasted over seventy years james byrd zira of the United Nations their state Department Says north korean officials decided at the last minute not to meet Vice President like pence during his visit to south korea as you can see when he was there he sat right in front of north Korean Leader kim jong il and sister washington said he had been willing to hold a meeting with her and other officials from pyongyang they were in the south korean city appealing chang for the Opening Ceremony of the renter a lympics meeting would have been the first between senior officials from the two countries that are getting as more from seoul. This aborted meeting was two weeks in the making the cia learned that the North Koreans wanted to meet with u. S. Vice president mike pence while he was attending the Opening Ceremony of the pyong chang olympics it was slated to take place in seoul the following day at the president ial blue house the South Koreans would act as an intermediary but only the United States and North Koreans would be present two hours before that scheduled meeting the North Koreans backed out they were apparently angry because earlier that week pence had said that the toughest round of economic sanctions has yet to come and that the United States would continue exerting maximum pressure on north korea to denuclearize he also said that he wouldnt allow quote north korean propaganda to conceal its human rights abuses north korea was also said to be angry because pence met with north korean defectors now the intent by the United States in having this meeting was not to negotiate or deescalate in fact it was to send it face to face a message to the North Koreans that the United States plan to continue its policy of maximum pressure this comes as the north Korean Leader has invited the south korean president in to come to pyongyang for a meeting moon says that any way that the relationship between the two koreas improves must involve dialogue between the United States and north korea the North Koreans are saying they have no desire publicly at least to engage in dialogue with the United States. U. S. President trump has called for a ban on stocks thats a device that allows semiautomatic rifle to fire at the rate of a machine gun last weeks Florida School shooting sparked for a new debate on gun control but gun Safety Advocates say its only the bare minimum of what the government should do to prevent Mass Shootings how does a castro has more. The bomb scots a deadly threat was witnessed in october when a gunman used them to rain down bullets on a crowd in las vegas killing fifty eight people the call to bamba stocks was swift. But it took until now four months later for President Donald Trump to take action. After the deadly shooting in las vegas i directed the attorney general to clarify whether certain bob stock devices like the one used in las vegas are illegal under current law that process began in december and just a few moments ago i signed a memorandum directing the attorney general to propose regulations to ban all devices that turn illegal weapons into machine guns announcement came six days after yet another mass shooting dominated the headlines seventeen people mostly students were killed in a Florida High School theres no indication the shooter also used a bomb stock in the attack but trumps move to ban the devices now appears to be the president bending to growing pressure. Polling shows the majority of americans think trump and congress havent done enough to stop Mass Shootings and while gun Safety Advocates say banning bomb stops is good they say theres still much more that needs to be done as a motion. To say. May shape everything the day. They. Shot range. The young survivors of the Florida Shooting are expected to meet with trump on wednesday for what the white house calls a listening session expected to join them are survivors of past School Shootings sandy hook elementary Columbine High School and many others. Heidi joe castro aljazeera washington they will park when students and parents have arrived for this capitol to push for a statewide ban on assault style rifles there are set to hold talks a state legislators after floridas house of representatives reject that the proposed ban and it gallagher has more. Last wednesdays School Shooting in parklane florida was one of the worst in this countrys history seventeen people died when former student Nicholas Cruz walked into a school with an a r fifteen Assault Rifle but a bill that would have banned Assault Rifles has already been overwhelmingly voted down in the state legislature giving us some idea of the challenges they will face but these teenagers have been praised for their eloquence and theyre determined to keep the momentum going weve opened doors that i feel like havent been opened before finally our lawmakers are talking were on the National Stage right now interNational Stage action and. You know its the first time that ive ever seen people survive a shooting and then directly after demand change which is i think something that should have happened in this country a long time ago but its taking kids fifteen years. On tuesday fifteen year old peter wang was laid to rest hed been holding the door open for his classmates when he died in a hail of bullets a military couldnt hes now being posthumously accepted into west Point Military academy on tuesday also President Trump is now pushing legislation that would ban bump starts a modification that was used in the last Vegas Shooting but these students no matter how determined they are will face an uphill battle convincing politicians in this state and across the nation to change gun laws will be extremely difficult but they are determined to carry on with their campaign and plan another protest in march in washington d. C. Theyll gather here by the hundreds on wednesday their voices will be heard but where the change comes will be another thing. Still ahead on aljazeera. These are known me to begin by saying whose story you dont want to eat a machine. Face tough questions from british politicians about a prostitution scandal and haiti. Power and women a new Television Channel defies the odds to deliver a message in gaza. Hello there were seeing some heavy rain over parts of the middle east recently the latest system is edging its way eastwards now taking away that wet weather with it weve also seen some snow over the mountains but as we head through into wednesday well see that wet weather working away from tajikistan in kurdistan a making its way through our marty said a few outbreaks of rain and snow a likely here but even there it will dry off as we head into thursday then the temperatures will begin to recover for us in tashkent we get to around thirteen degrees meanwhile for the west a good deal of cloud hair in that is bringing us a few outbreaks of rain stretching down through parts of iraq and down towards q eight but i think for kuwait mostly here well just see a good deal of cloud rather than too much in the way of rain that cloud there where you can see it on our chart for wednesday stretching through parts of saudi arabia and across the gulf towards iran that gradually edges its way eastwards there as we head into thursday but its also sinking a little bit further south so we could see more in the way of cloud here in doha on thursday and it could just give us the old shower as we head down towards a southern parts of africa theres plenty of wet weather ahead that stretching from angola all the way down into the eastern parts of south africa were also seeing more showers through persons involved way as well the side that we get more wet weather as well over the northern hof of madagascar the southern half is looking a lot drier. More than a century ago britain and france made a secret deal to divide the middle east between them now we can durable. Bartsch what were the last to get facts of this agreement theres a regional set to six because its at those borders were drawn without consulting the people up to that with the. Psychs pekoe lines in the sand at this time on aljazeera. Watching aljazeera and lets take a look at the top stories right now one of syrias last of all held areas Eastern Ghouta has been under heavy bombardment by government and Russian Forces more than two hundred fifty people have been reported dead since sunday. Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas has proposed a new International Peace summit with israel at the u. N. One that rules out the United States as the chief broker for the u. S. Says it remains ready to talk but wont chase after the palestinians and the u. S. Says north korean officials decided at the last minute not to meet Vice President mike pence during his visit to south korea as you can see he sat right in front of the sister of north Korean Leader kim jong un and washington said he was willing to hold a meeting with her and other officials from pyongyang. Violence has reached a new level and the democratic republic of congo a congo aid worker has been freed by kidnappers but two of his colleagues were killed in north kivu aid workers say the eastern border is increasingly dangerous with hundreds of thousands of people fleeing violence and tanganyika province charla bellas has more on. The eastern border of the democratic republic of congo isnt to morrow reports of violence to reach one thousand kemah maces north to south. Clashes between a ugandan rebel group and seize military in the north east has pushed civilians to make the dangerous crossing into canada some are attempting to roll across lake albert one of africas great lakes and a tale of pedals and you know some died of hunger some drowned and the like theres no one to help you theres nothing to eat we surviving in the bush like animals. Now the south east is reaching a Tipping Point where humanitarian disaster extraordinary proportions is about to hit the southeastern part of the democratic republic of the congress the province of plunges further into violence triggering spiralling displacement and human rights abuses the southeast has been plagued by Ethnic Violence but new armed groups are popping up in congo leads in the area traps fighters dont know who is on whose side so civilians are targeted murders abductions and rape a common good i know but they be heated people they cant open their stomachs full moved the guts and left them to die thats how they killing people. In twenty seven tane in eastern mated one hundred twenty thousand people fled into neighboring countries this latest violence has displaced five times that in just two months. The u. N. Thinks the number of refugees is probably much higher but theyre in areas two or more years and dangerous to reach those that make it to tame precampaign tell stories of their escape while among women who are now. I had to take all my clothes off and jump into the river i was completely soaked but i didnt have a choice i was running for my life. The head of the Norwegian Refugee Council says aid agencies are overwhelmed and underfunded the situation is worse now because more armed groups are doing more attacks than ever before. Just outside of town here in been the where several massacres in recent days and therefore more people have fled into town violence began to increase and a some do ya see when president Joseph Kabila refused to step down at the end of his mandate in twenty sixteen now its reached a new level shallop ballasts aljazeera oxfam has revealed that it isnt vesta gating another twenty six allegations of sexual abuse against its staff its Senior Management has been answering questions from british politicians charities conceded that its lost the Publics Trust after aid workers were found to have used prostitutes in haiti in two thousand and ten Barnaby Philips reports. Oxfam senior officials came to parliament knowing they were in for a grilling. In the chaotic aftermath of haitis earthquake how could oxfam have allowed staff to take advantage of such Vulnerable People and when it found out why did it tell the public. My colleagues at the time made a set of decisions as to how public to not all organizations choose to go public at all with hindsight they made the wrong call as to how public to be they should if we were going to if we were culpable which we were. They shouldve been completely transparent everybody knew that the aid sector was pretty rotten because if things got all these people who were abusing women and girls regularly in all countries but nobody not one organization was actually tracking it and doing nothing about it. That shocking they were supposed to be voted people trying to help the world but it would appear not as good you should be indeed some people in toto and ceased to move didnt share our values their views to the trust of oxfam the power of books one in their hands the abuse the trust of the British Public paunchy. And and turned on the people who were supposed to protect them its true the most but hell be deeply sorry for that going to bring members of parliament were told that seven thousand people have cancelled their regular donations to oxfam since the scandal broke but other british aid organizations acknowledge there is nothing unique about oxfams failings. The head of save the children told the same committee that sexual abuse is in the not just a few bad apples this is a systemic problem its laws we have to fix the youth. Is is probably the most effective walters was accountable to the return of the forward to this issue to lose the wider discussion about the role of the youth. Leadership. If the aid dries up charities argue then people in disaster and war zones will pay the highest price that makes the aid industrys credibility crisis more tragic than to be Phillips Al Jazeera london israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is remaining defiant despite being imported into more bribery scandals on top of a corruption investigation place now led to one of his closest advisers tried to bribe a judge into dropping a criminal case in two thousand and fifteen and valving netanyahu his wife and her face is accused of using a middleman to offer the judge help to become attorney general if she closed the case against Sarah Netanyahu is excessive Household Spending on tuesday Police Revealed that her face was one of several netanyahu confidants arrested over a separate probe into allegations of corruption at israels Biggest Telecom Company Last Week investigators recommended the Prime Minister be indicted and two Corruption Cases involving bribery and fraud and yahoo says hes the victim of a witch hunt. Whats happened in recent days is simply total bad as scandalous they bring to crazy fabricated claims as part of a witch hunt against me and my family that has gone on for years but any claim that i acted on the benefit of basic at the expense of relevant considerations is simply unbelted to its core. The second class of concern in the appointment of the attorney general is no less crazy and malicious and never consulted his on this matter you never proposed anything to me on this issue and you know what i dont believe that he suggested this possibility with anyone at the Villa Television station has officially launched and despite efforts by hamas to block it. Says its the First Channel of its kind in the palestinian territory and aims to highlight the role of women and building the society for false reports. Gaza has a new broadcaster from its title sequence its unique selling point is clear will make up the heart of its content and its intended audience its called type t. V. Tuesday is launch day and a big movement for its volunteer presenters that i had. And what were going to start discussing womens issues and try to find solutions for their problems and we will also celebrate their successes. Type is going out on Facebook Twitter you tube and telegraph. A local Production Company provides its facilities free of charge the plan is for programming on issues like inequality and violence but also fashion makeup and comedy down the corridor or the next pair of presenters are running through their lines more student tyler says shes braced for criticism. Society is too conservative they say i should cover my hair and im using too much makeup and i should wear short skirts we need to increase awareness to change this after we launched our first primer i received a lot of negative comments on facebook a few minutes later its time for her debut. Just getting to this point hasnt been easy the Production Company behind this project had its launch Party Cancelled on sunday by hamas police who said they didnt have the licenses necessary for a new channel they are challenging that saying they are operating legally and they go to press ahead. In gaza women have to contend with life under the israeli blockade and within a conservative restrictive society female unemployment stands at seventy one percent women with jobs on average about a quarter less than men one recent Study Suggests more than ten percent of females have suffered physical abuse. A woman isnt free to make her own decisions to choose her education the husband she wants or how to plan her family we see this during our work men a dominant political Decision Making despite the fact that there are lots of well educated intellectual women in the public arena. Its a picture those a type t. V. Want to help change by talking directly and frankly to goes as women are a force it guys are twenty six of the worlds leading experts and emerging technologies are warning of the dangers of Artificial Intelligence they say cyber crime will grow and drones will be misused during the next decade emma hayward reports. It is the stuff of Science Fiction or at least it used to be a computer able to master and a chinese boardgame without human help to win every time and a truck drives to Sell Computers umbertos powered by Artificial Intelligence now leading a demick so warning not to put the brakes on ai but that the technology is increasingly being used for malicious purposes for political or financial gain to extort and to gain influence Cyber Attacks on infrastructure as weve seen in ukraine attacks on computers in hospitals manipulation people for example weve seen some. Attempts to manipulate political elections in the us and in europe recently now those are being varying degrees of effectiveness with the techniques we have today but Artificial Intelligence will allow new types of Cyber Attacks that might be more capable than we had before very safe. From health care to walk their machine based thinking is revolutionizing the way we live exposing us to the benefits and the risks the robot here has been designed to pick up these little bricks and put them back on the green mats now this is just a Laboratory Setting but in five or ten years time it could be developed to work on a construction site or support in the design or wouldnt want the technology hijacked the reports authors a calling on governments and the industry itself to do more to protect us from all the pitfalls experts warn of the serious consequences its absolutely right that we issue warnings with ai because the capabilities of the possibilities for it going wrong are absolutely they could be absolutely tragic we need to be able to get to grips with this now ai is clearly here to stay and staying one step ahead of those who were. To abuse it will be a constant challenge and he would. Cambridge. Lets recap the headlines for you on aljazeera one of syrias last rebel held areas has been under heavy bombardment by government and Russian Forces more than two hundred fifty people have been reported dead in the eastern good us since sunday activists are describing the death toll as a massacre and say its the highest since a two thousand and thirteen chemical attack on that area and children are turning to social media for help everyone hook n. P. R. Me we are hearing that as a vision has brought much stuff toward this is just really good to see people can give themselves. And theres a child on out and theres an old fart joke that the children are going to act before its too late im not from decision. Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas has proposed a new International Peace summit with israel at the u. N. Well that rules out the United States as the chief broker the u. S. Says it remains ready to talk but wont chase after the palestinians the u. S. Says north korean officials decided at the last minute not to meet Vice President mike pence during his visit to south korea earlier this month as you can see he sat right in front of the north Korean Leader kim jong il sr and washington said hed been willing to hold a meeting with her and other officials from pyongyang. This president on a trump is recommending a ban on devices that can turn semiautomatic firearms into machine guns it would include socalled bomb stocks which were used in the last vegas mass shooting in october where fifty eight people were killed and the white house says its open to raising the minimum age for people trying to buy the type of rifle rifle that was used in last weeks School Shooting in florida the last seventeen people dead those are the headlines news continues keep it here on aljazeera listening post this next. Hold the benefit of saddam people so bad they see all the outcry. Witness documentaries that open your eyes at this time on aljazeera. This was feel to ask the peace of the people of. Iowa im trying to find the right kind ok now russell you know you dont want to talk of retiring im going to point to among the most closely watched early on with that sense is global diplomacy. Hello Richard Gaisford if youre at the listening post here are some of the media stories weve been tracking this week with five rings two countries one flag if they handed out medals for spinning the story north korea would get the gold july fifteenth

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