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Calls for an immediate end to the targeting of civilians in syria as more people die in rebel held east and. We are not abandoning our commitment to the Peace Process and we do that then you have to find a new International Alliance palestinians seek a new path to help mediate peace with israel. My colleagues are providing crisis intervention at this time lying down to call for reform students protest against us gun laws. And im firing all the latest from the Winter Olympics and. As canadian dancers tasa virtue and scott moir win their sacking gold medal at the games and a record setting performing. Syrian Government Forces and russian asterix have killed at least one hundred fifteen people since sunday in an intense bombardment Eastern Ghouta the rebel held on plave near damascus has come under increasing fire in recent days local observers believe that the attacks are the beginning of a major offensive the United Nations wants an end to the targeting of civilians in the area it says the humanitarian situation is spiraling out of control according to the union of medical care and relief the bombing has destroyed five medical for. Cities nearly four hundred thousand people remain trapped in eastern guta which has been under siege since twenty thirteen lets take you live now to work as he entered on the turkey syria border after syrias summit in job it is the summer weve had a period of relative calm so far on tuesday whats happened at least in goods. Well according to the United Nations its senseless humanitarian suffering that needs to come to an end since sunday ive seen a Relentless Campaign on from the air and from the Ground Forces off the bashar Assad Government and their allies on this besieged area this is been the worst death toll that weve seen since the Chemical Attacks in this area by the assad regime in the early days and early years off this conflict have been telling us that it is and has been so intense that now they dont see how they are going to survive in the coming days because what is being targeted is not just the rebel positions but everything is under attack and it seems that this sustained attack is on everything that could sustain life inside busy. Including bakeries including food warehouses and aid workers have been think that this particular campaign is also targeting the Road Networks so it is going to make sure that when people are wounded and there are casualties in areas that aid workers done get to and centers off the White Helmets have also come under attack so it is one of the most intense periods off shelling and when did you seen in this busy on play which is home to nearly four hundred thousand people one hundred fifteen People Killed since sunday the sama more than three hundred wounded over the past twenty four hours with medical facilities having being being hit i mean medical supplies were already in short supply in eastern gusa before this latest onslaught workday. Well one of the doctors who i spoke to a few minutes ago told me that they have no idea how to cope with this because their facilities have been under sustained attack by the Government Forces they were forced underground but now theyre running out of those spaces as well as the intensity of these strikes of the basements have become full and they dont have supplies there are doctors who are treating patients with that severe of wounds who are people who are being im pretty to with just basic pain medication which is running out has been so doctors have been seeing that they have to lead their case to the world they dont know why the world is remaining quiet in this theyve been saying to United Nations and other areas of their agencies that this is a humanitarian suffering these are people in their hundreds of thousands who need medical assistance but the world doesnt seem to care. Somebody thinks did some up in the job with their lives in. Gaziantep im sorry. In Northern Syria a progovernment militia reported to be heading to the african region thats where the Turkish Military has been fighting Kurdish Forces aljazeera Stephanie Decker reports. Syrian state television and now says that forces loyal to president Bashar Al Assad will be deployed to a free in. Turkey launch an operation against the Peoples Protection units or y p g who are in control of the province almost a month ago ankara calls the y. P. G a terrorist organization the United States considers the group its most effective ally in fighting eisel. This new move by damascus in africa could mean its allied militia directly confronts turkish troops turkeys foreign minister was defiant you know. If the regime is interesting the it claims. He whitey and there are no problems however if i come in to defend the y. P. The nothing and nobody can stop us this applies to efren as well as maam and to the east of the Euphrates River the developments hence said behind the scenes negotiations the details of which are unclear if the kurds are going to accept the major conditions of the Syrian Regime well decide on that very heavy weapons. Dance artillery rocket launchers will they be exiting the city because a Syrian Regime is. A Democratic Forces to exit the city and to move to the east of the euphrates the kurdish why p. G. Holds the areas in yellow which include the region of the green areas land controlled by the Syrian Opposition supported by turkey and they are advancing on africa and under the Turkish Operation olive Branch President assads government controls the area to the south and the i. P. G. Is territory to the east of the euphrates is where the u. S. Has military bases and personnel on the ground syrias seven year war seems to have entered a new phase with the foreign powers who have long backed different sides trying to solidify their spheres of influence Stephanie Decker aljazeera. John kass apolo is a defense analyst specializing in Turkish Foreign policy for the center for economic and Foreign Policy studies he joins us now live from berlin these Syrian Government allied militia forces was supposed to be arriving within africa in. Within hours we were told this time yesterday theyre still not there what do you think is going on and what are they going to be doing when they get that. Well i think International Community should focus on the request to know what the Syrian Regime can do instead or what they will do the same as such forces we know they can operate in any part of the country but they cannot operate in all parts of the country simultaneously and now they have their hands full in east ghouta there is a huge concentration of elite forces like the Fourth Mechanized Division like the tiger forces like the air forces Intelligence Special operations units and we also know that assads forces are also very busy in eclipse so what we are seeing now moving into the city of afrin is the militia force this is not a credible war fighting power that can match the Turkish Armed forces contingent in the area but what they can do is they can make the urban warfare phrase or operation. Of the Turkish Operation really hot they can really make it like bleeding for turkey and they can also use air defenses recent that they captured who are air base and we know that according to the open Source Intelligence they deployed further air defenses in the area they recently downed an israeli fighter so they cant deny the airspace to Turkish Air Force which will disrupt of creation to a great extent i think this is more or less the frame of that we are talking about but are a real bargain the real negotiation is between washington and moscow damascus is not the primary player in this equation just what it want to clear something up here you think that these these. Syrian militia these Government Allied militia are there to fight alongside the kurdish y. P. Cheer not to replace them. Thats a very good question because turkey and syria i think the International Community even the strategic turkey forgot about that but turkey and syria in one thousand back in one nine hundred ninety eight signed the other on the agreement which prohibits the Syrian Regime in all forms to support p. K. K. Or its leading organizations. If the syrian militia if the Government Forces if the Bashar Assads forces fight alongside it why p. G. It is a clear while ation of nine hundred ninety eight other than the agreement and this is actually a clear putting a clear red line in. National defense understanding i think the Syrian Regimes intentions here goal is to replace them at least curb any kind all kurdish autonomy intentions it is in the rest of the you freighters away from the u. S. Coverage generally has to achieve any thanks indeed because a poll of the in berlin here with the news out from aljazeera still to come on the program followed by the u. N. Is accusing the world of failing the most vulnerable. This is the street party people are out in force in brazil to protest against the military well tell you why. It was a bad night for Manchester City and their multipronged pursuit of silverware the details coming up later in the sport. The palestinian president wants to set up an International Alliance to mediate with israel thats the message that Mahmoud Abbas will deliver to the United Nations later on tuesday it marks a step away from a longstanding policy of accepting the u. S. As the main intermediary but smith reports from ramallah in the occupied west bank. Donald trumps promise of the deal of the century turned into what the palestinian president called the slap of the century its forced Mahmoud Abbas and his team back to the drawing board. Has been involved in palestinian policy making for decades he now believes the u. S. Is losing its dominant role in the world in a world that is changing i mean the calculation is not only on our wishes its also on our and alan says whats going on in the world including what israel now practices israel is seeking very much better relations with the russians with the chinese was the indians with the with the japanese israel itself knows that the world is changing and it cannot ignore these other important forces abbas has been telling leaders from Europe Russia china and elsewhere that he wants them to have a role in mediation with the israelis while retaining u. S. Involvement for any new form to work though the israelis would have to be willing to take part with trump at his back there seems little incentive for now the Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu to change tack i doubt that can be and the renewal of the Peace Process especially that the alternative sponsorship will be refused by israel we will witness a period of no process no solution whats a period i mean probably the coming one to two years at least a massive fairly Bleak Outlook isnt it thats right but this is less harmful to the palestinians from continuing with a process in which this sponsor of the United States might come up with a proposal. That can be even more harmful than the continuity of the current difficult and political reality that were living. Anger with Donald Trumps recognition of jerusalem as israels capital came with criticism of the palestinian leadership but depending on u. S. Mediation for the last twenty five years its felt the pressure to come up with an alternative we have no other option we dont want to go back to violence we are not abandoning our commitment to the Peace Process and when you do that then you really have to find a new International Alliance a new legal methods and ways and means of really saving our country from being totally overtaken by the Israeli Colonial project as the palestinians cast around for a new mediation the reality on the ground is that illegal settlements are expanding day by day eating up more and more occupied time is not on the palestinian side but its with aljazeera in the occupied west bank and Egyptian Company has agreed to buy fifteen billion dollars worth of israeli natural gas operators of israels tama under fire from offshore fields will supply a private a gyptian firm with around sixty four billion cubic meters of gas over a decade israel hopes the deal will strengthen diplomatic ties the club uses the millions we need to understand it this who put billions into the state treasury to benefit the Education Health and social welfare of israel citizens many people did not believe in the gas outline we lit it knowing that it would strengthen our security economy and regional relations. Nonresident fellow at the tar institute for middle east policy joins us now via skype from cairo timothy good to have you with us a previous deal to send gas the other way from egypt to israel collapsed what are the chances of this deal actually coming to fruition. Well assuming that the proper rules are put in place from the inside its very likely that hell go forward that doesnt mean that on the cups once simple minds of the current infrastructure for movie gas misspelt egypt passes food or cyanide which is an area that i see a lot of disruptions in the past partly the reason why the last had to meet the teams before there was an issue with the lack of dont put. But yeah i mean theres a lot of possibilities of Security Issues with something thats sometimes the pipeline as it goes for this. Change gets. Back to. Eat sometimes when you look at whats in this for egypt why does it feel the need to get its gas from israel when it could get back channel gas from elsewhere in the middle east well i mean you know egypt its currently a time towards substations production with the need so i feel probably not mine that that prospect is. Actually quite realistic that said if and subsequently that start. That will eventually returns even in order the next five or six years yeah lets point out we got a live supply of gas coming from israel to be useful for its businesses. Who have been cut off in the past for the sort its not that the opportunity to be next for her yeah sometimes its hard for ukrainians some simply find gas and that its europe. Is something that its and saw it as a way to become sort of a problem for axel gaston hereditary. Some of the many thanks indeed to the coldest day in cairo. The white house says u. S. President donald trump is open to supporting better background checks on people buying guns the move follows last weeks School Shooting in florida in which seventeen people were killed trouble meet survivors on wednesday hes been speaking to leaders in congress about a bipartisan bill to improve checks on people purchasing weapons activists staged a protest outside the white house on monday as a fish i reports. It started as a social media conversation on friday afternoon and became a mass protest in front of the white house dozens of students from around the Washington Area backed by their families gathered to mark this piece of School Shootings in america and demanded argent action to stop them i dont see this as a republican or democrat issue its more life or death really shootings happen every day and weapons dont belong on the streets they dont belong in school or as they belong in war the current. Can be read out the names of the victims of School Shootings in america since one thousand nine hundred ninety s. And when you were caught up in their own thoughts seeing their own emotions. Shootings in america in the past there have been protests in the past but this type of people think something is different but this time change can be achieved. Then came the mass die and students in the grown sending a message that the politicians in action was no longer an option its about the fact that kids are dying American Kids are dying and theyre sitting in classrooms in the crowed the School Psychologist who trained at the school in parklane florida where the mass shooting took place struggling to contain her emotions and her anger like holiness are providing crisis intervention at this time in over fifteen twenty years that theyve been practicing theyve never seen such heartache. Typically we train to fight enter vention support for the action of a teacher or a student and the stories that theyre hearing its like a war zone here the flag above the white house still flies at half staff in memory of the florida victims the young people here know that many of them are too young to vote but they insist their voices will be haired and they will not be ignored alan Fischer Al Jazeera washington. The government in tokyo says that its releasing forty five Political Prisoners ahead of the next round of peace talks with the opposition the west african nation is seen months of protests demanding that the president step down or bring in changes to the constitution a new round of negotiations have been suspended until friday aljazeera have it out over reports after months of a tense standoff that took alis government and opposition parties are finally agreed to hold talks broke up by gun us president not a coup for i do my task is there. To help assist in the dialogue between the various political life. Of this country the talks are expected to last ten days and discuss a range of issues including the reintroduction of the one thousand nine hundred two constitution that placed a limit on the number of times a president could serve two to a popular vote was approved by ninety nine percent of voters in a referendum. A coalition of fourteen parties and president phone yes imbecile ruling union for the Republic Party represented by seven delegates each really did little to show in reality the solution depends on the president and his family who have ruled us for fifty long years they should listen to the peoples demands and they wont be a solution if we dont speak openly and freely to each other that. The two sides will also discuss a political transition on electoral reforms to goodies president phoniest seemed it was been in power since two thousand and five has faced calls to quit since lost in the embattled president took over from his father who had been president since ninety six to seven thousands took part in protests in august demanding political reforms which include limiting president ial times when stating a two round election system and allowing that took unease outside the country to vote since then there have been demonstrations almost every week most rallies have seen violent clashes with Security Forces and at least nine people have been killed many more have been arrested and the opposition had only embedded the release of this prison as a precondition to an indigo situations mohammed i dont ill just. A court in peru has ordered former president Alberto Fujimori to stand trial over mass killings committed in one thousand nine hundred two he was pardoned on Health Grounds last month after serving less than half of a twenty five year sentence for human rights abuses during his time in office but the court ruled that the popping doesnt apply to the new case the seventy nine year old is accused of ordering the torture of six farmers by paramilitary troops. Have been demonstrations in the brazilian city of Rio De Janeiro in response to orders by president michel tema for the military to take over policing the government says that its to counter rising Gang Violence but Many Brazilians fear that soldiers on the streets could worsen what they say is Excessive Force used by some Police Forces are now this a force on the front of the armed forces the National Force the federal police the Highway Patrol a called upon by the commander the president of the country for a fundamental concept in the defense of democracy to come but and to defeat organized crime it is not a military intervention far from that we will vote a decree of intervention of the federal government in the state of being additional near or has already had you know lets see ban theres going to be guns what would solve the violence is to arrest the drug traffickers arrest the big ones those white callers who buy and traffic the drugs intervention does not solve the problem of security but on the contrary intervention will kill the poor the blacks and the People Living in the favelas and the workers. Libya is deporting more than two hundred people to new jab its part of a voluntary return program the organized by the misrata Detention Center and the International Organization for migration many refugees and migrants been stranded in libya after the failed attempts to cross the mediterranean to reach europe. And libyas coast guard says that its picked up more than three hundred people theres a water up who are trying to leave them to rubber dinghies the number of refugees crossing. The mediterranean from libya has dropped since july libya has been under pressure from the European Union to stop people smuggling. If youre watching in new zealand good evening it went with the how that will be Tropical Storm gator heads here with the latest on that next all the news. Then a difficult search for survivors under a mountain of rubbish in mozambique. Im wayne hay with a rare look at the second dam being constructed on the lower mekong river as laos pushes ahead with its goal of becoming the battery of Southeast Asia. And in sport to fierce rivals set to meet in a fourth consecutive a lympics final far right here that he sells in around twenty minutes. From the neon lights of asia. To the city that never sleeps. Well state of emergency has been declared across central parts of new zealand as a result tropical cycling the good news is a fun warning has now been issued for the storm but thats not to say that the very strong winds have yet gone away winds gusting as high as one hundred fifty Kilometers Per Hour little signs of those winds weak and waves were talking wave heights of around six point seven meters in places around twenty three thousand properties are currently without power and those strong winds are set to continue for maybe the next twelve to eighteen hours or so center of the storm is actually just to the west of the north island rudi throwing in lots of very heavy rains Farewell Spit seen in ninety one millimeters afraid in the past twenty four hours and moving a little further east woods or southward small has seen one hundred two millimeters of rain in that same period of time huge amounts of rainfall on the other side of the north of the south island two hundred fifty six millimeters of rain here in eighteen hours and with fifty four minutes of these fifty four millimeters of that falling in the past hour or so this is the way he made this new zealands wettest hour on record ramble clear through as we go through the day. There with sponsored by cat time release. A unique poor trait of a small gulf nation living under siege what made this to friends was they targeted sense that pain to be forced to leave would just be all and the gains it has given us the desire to carry on with our lives and be creative maybe of turndowns its not a marriage bargain business. Has become more united. Beyond the blockade at this time on aljazeera. Discover a willful would winning programming from around the world. To make it challenge your perception if you were to design a propaganda system you could not build a better platform then facebook. Documentaries debates and discussions this country that was once that the wealthiest in the region what went wrong how did we get to this point aljazeera. Good said he with us adrian for good here in doha with the news out from aljazeera our top stories this hour the rebel held on klav of eastern. Syrias capital damascus has caught a heavy bombardment from syria Russian Forces for the five people have been killed in asterix taking the death toll now to one hundred fifteen since sunday the United Nations is calling for an immediate end to the targeting of civilians. Tension is escalating in syrias northern are free and progovernment militias are reported to be heading there where turkey is involved in a military operation against kurdish faces turkey has said it would confront the Syrian Forces if they help the kurdish y p g which it considers to be a terrorist group and the palestinian president will tell the un later on tuesday that he wants to set up a new International Alliance to mediate with the israelis Mahmoud Abbas is abandoning a twenty five year old policy of accepting the u. S. As the main into media and. Rescue workers in mozambiques capital say theyre unsure how many people are buried under a mountain of rubbish at least seventeen people were killed when a rubbish dump collapsed onto a number of homes on monday charlotte ballasts reports. This is what hundreds of people in the puto have built their lives upon to rachel ray moved the mountain of waste until it collapsed on top of homes the rubbish buried resistance as they slipped and there was a survivor but his wife and son died and also this lady from this house and these one two three and four. The area that collapsed early monday morning was three stories high risk unsure how many people of barrys. I could only hear screaming from my neighbors there was no way to help even if i was close by there was no way to help there was so much water running down when the trash pile was collapsing it took down the houses family as the children died and. The landfill has been for closure but remains are growing by nine hundred tons a day hes want people to leave because of pollution and talks it fears the collapse has pushed some residents to say goodbye to the wasteland. That is we are packing our stuff because were afraid to stay here otherwise we could experience the same thing somebody by the excavator and also people went to help move the bottoms and were trash we were moving our stuff to go where the government allocates us. Those who live in a dump the only official dump them up who toes one Million People is the size of twenty football fields the citys poor spend their days combing through the garbage looking for food and things to sell. In the last year rubbish dumps have killed dozens of people in the continent ten people died when a landfill collapsed on to houses in guineas Dar Es Salaam in august. Alone slide ethiopias largest rubbish dump last year killed sixty five people and injured dozens. Hundreds of people rely on at only landfill to survive every time there was heavy rain before they collapsed. This was no different when stale thora hes introduced water rationing because of a severe drought then Tropical Storm didnt hit the country the ground was hard and flooding followers in the estimated twenty two thousand homes and public buildings were destroyed as heavy rains shifting the foundations of what people in hellenic call hard charlotte dallas aljazeera. The funeral for zimbabwes Opposition Leader morgan to begin shortly president. Is among those expected to attend aljazeera. Joins us shortly. But first heres her report on how supporters pay their respects in the capital harare. When Morgan Tsvangirai body arrived at the place opposition parties called Freedom Square his supporters called him a hero for defending human rights and always calling for free and Fair Elections this is their last chance to say goodbye mania wont be able to attend the burial and choose to employ had a. Home two hundred kilometers from the capital they say theyll continue his work and prepare for the election in humans. This. Then were going to bed president that. Doesnt hurt the entire leadership of the Main Opposition Party showed up for mondays rally but there is speculation the movement for Democratic Change could split if some key officials decide to walk away some opposition members want the party to hold as bishopbriggs to elect is a Nelson Chamisa appointment at present by the National Council is illegitimate. At the rally there were calls for the party to stick together a Little Kansas city that it decided was chummy so take was. In it to post an article for months so if they needed congress then he should wait for twelve months. And this election is coming and shes going to do it is. For now opposition supporters say they are united and will deal with whatever problems lie ahead after Morgan Tsvangirai has been buried. And her is with us now live from hedda. Whats the atmosphere like the head of todays funeral how do. People. Think that i as a boy they grew up with him the way i was going. To pay their respects a wall raining and people in the village. Someone. That you have heard. And hes resting in your stadium over there i think you have all the i. Q. You still have. People from the ruling party on the can you. Also hear the actual burial. Pm local time. Intimate private back there are only. A few frames when i talk to people they go by and i didnt know some of them when i was a man the right man here im one of the party that he led use of your report a few moments ago that it is now a Party Divided by the way forward for the. Right one man went on stage in opposition to any iraqi leader. Right now youre doing if you really want more than i did i created you not. You want to have a case of kong with. One little leader and. Were hearing this different. Kind of media i dont think a lot of things happening and i really think i was i was managing this in that. They keep. Only on if you like you know you all right so not many thanks did. Zimbabwe. The u. N. The childrens agency says that the world is failing newborn babies with seven thousand of them dying every day most from preventable causes a report by unicef has found that infants born in the poorest countries are fifty times more likely to die than those in which ones you bones in pakistan have the least chance of survival with one in twenty two dying within the first month of life one in Central African republic somalia in the suit and afghanistan twenty seven babies die out of every one thousand the agency blames poverty conflict and weak institutions babies with the best chance of survival are born in japan iceland and singapore children doctors in Central African republic say that theyre facing this crisis because of a shortage of medical staff and equipment will be with Catherine Sawyer shortly is in poem but first heres her report. New life in the second worst country in the wild for a child to be born in the only Pediatric Hospital in Central African republic nasas and sure that babies Little Hearts keep beating of the roughly thirty children born each day in this hospital in the capital bondi an average of two die its a free Government Hospital taking in hundreds of patients daily but medical supplies are hard to come by the hospital is understaffed and badly needs more specialist doctors. Dr goddy chrysostom is one of just five pediatricians in the whole country he says they try the best they can to keep mothers and their children alive you. See Central African republic us sixteen regions in the or depend on this issue raised again we are in a crisis we. Centers because this attrition is not sustainable. Example arisa cradles her son in a human incubation care system called kangaroo it helps premature babies when there is no incubator baby man diarist tween brother died when they were born arlie zambia has been assured that men die or will be fine but you are is about him and how for the children back home only. Where. My husband doesnt work i do casual work if my children fall that means all the money goes to hospital bills then what. The children here are lucky to get some help the farther you get away from the more desperate the healthcare situation medical aid agencies are helping but even thing can be everywhere Doctors Without Borders and the International Medical corps support this hospital in bria in the north east after months of fighting between rival armed groups the hospital is now not just taking in patients but has also homer dated families that have fled from their homes there are places where the. Groups continue to stand in the way of accessing people but we also have. Funding issues we dont have all the resources that we need. For example for the area of maternal and nato health back in the bungie Children Hospitals kangaroo ward as they call it the new mothers continue to bond with the little ones and hope theyll get to see all the milestones we were hoping to work towards katherine lives and while our report was it was playing we lost our connection to Central African republic will keep trying maybe well get to talk to catherine a little later. Oxfam bosses are to face questions from u. K. Politicians and allegations that its aid workers used prostitutes the British Charity has apologized to haitis government stuff was accused of Sexual Misconduct during a mission prostitution is illegal in haiti oxfams bosses have already apologized to the government in haiti where as we say prostitution is illegal john hendren reports. The regional director of oxfam came to haiti with an apology to the countrys government and to pledge we communicated that to the minister. And weve given as best we can explanations to as to what happened in two thousand and eleven. And we are open to collaborate as much as we can infer the investigations as necessary with the haitian government the allegations involving oxfam staff in haiti emerged earlier this month they were accused of hiring prostitutes at oxfam properties while working in haiti after the two thousand and ten earthquake one of those said to be involved was the n. G. O. S former country director roland van how are myron. It was decent it was just the same as i mean in the lead in belgium on monday in oxfam report dating back to two thousand and eleven was released it detailed allegations of Sexual Misconduct and threats to the safety of those investigating them haiti has warned oxfam its future in the country is now in jeopardy uselessly ive met. Oxfam admits the use of prostitutes by their staff in two thousand and eleven theyve made it with all the evidence they even used their offices for such activities now were working to see if they were corrupt because their report never made it to the haitian authorities this scandal has dealt the reputation of oxfam a devastating blow and threatens to complicate the work of other charities oxfams funding in the u. K. Is now under review and on tuesday oxfams chief executive will testify in front of a British Parliamentary Committee john hendren al jazeera. Mexicos major parties have announced their candidates for july elections with leftists on the rise Manuel Lopez Obrador as the front runner hes a two time president ial runner up promising Sweeping Change for the first time this year independents can run home and reports from mexico city. Yeah but. To some mexican is this is a sign. And of long overdue change its the Campaign Music for an independent candidate for the first time in history those not linked twenty Political Party have been allowed to run in the upcoming president ial race the electoral authorities havent made it easy just to get on the ballot each independent has had to collect almost one million pledges via cell phone from voters around the country. Three out of almost fifty appear to have managed it each has made their name in different ways right leaning Margarita Zavala is an expert lady jaime toward the readers who calls himself the wild horse stars himself as a maverick straight talking rancher and a mandal reals petered a progressive leftist is better known within the senate than to the public despite that he sees this is a chance for independents to clean up politics from the outside wrestling control from parties who become embroiled in corruption scandals and conflicts of interests. Of course theres no worse thing in a democracy than parties like the ones we have now theyve got addicted to money we have to send to rehab for a while so that someone else can take on the presidency and provide a transparent Public Servant administration. But there are questions about the independence ability to do that thats partly because all of the ones that are likely to be on the ballot are themselves career politicians nurtured within the system and partly because none of them are expected to win the presidency the Major Party Candidates so far look much too strong that doesnt mean however that they wont have an impact on the race by taking votes away from those candidates independent candidates may become the king makers of this election. If an independent candy that you know does a good run and gets i dont know between five and ten percent of the votes the question is. Where are those votes coming from and where would those votes have gone if there were no independent candidate. To miss hope that as time goes by things will change and independents wont just be influences but instead fresh voices outside of a widely discredited Political Class able to mount a genuine challenge at the highest level but some likely to happen this election but it is a start john home and i would visit a city still to come here on the news out take a look at this tell me why tennis balls were raining down on a football match in germany. Well again police in india arrested three more employees at a Government Owned Bank over a one point seven billion dollars loan fraud among by a branch of the Punjab National bank was closed off by Police Investigating the case five workers are now accused of helping a billionaire diamond jeweler his Business Partner to access millions of dollars in unsecured loans the bank has lost nearly a third of its market value since the scam was made public the number of reads the number of. Their follow up action there has been taken as we invariably struggle and the government is doing absolutely Everything Possible somalias biggest market has been closed for the past two days Business Owners in the car are protesting against a five percent tax hike imposed by the government in an effort to pay back some of the countrys International Debts i havent seen reports. The streets are usually buzzing with customers but for the past two days shops in somalias busiest market have been closed. And Business Owners in but car market have vowed to keep it that way until new taxes imposed by the government are lifted the sort of want to have today the market has not been closed by the Business People but by the government because they do not recognise the needs of Business People we request the government to analyze our needs and give us respect and reduce the tax so we can work smoothly in the market. The Central Government imposed a five percent tax earlier this month as part of its efforts to win billions of dollars in International Debt relief. And in your shop and the value of the shelf in the market is twenty dollars or one dollar i think theres a lot of people ready to do that theyre ready to do that. Bill to contribute to the effort to rebuild the country and therefore i dont see any any problem but traders say the new taxes stalled Business Trade Union Representatives attempted to negotiate the increase with the finance minister but he insisted it was not optional oh i know. The government ordered us to pay on affordable taxes which other markets around the country do not pay we met the finance minister and he told us in english pay the tax or go to kiss my oh you will no longer be a minister to waltz if he does not respect our complaints well you must. Somalis are reluctant to pay more money to a government many consider corrupt and inefficient especially when they see little being done to improve their country that has been ravaged by war for decades. Many of those battles fought in the heart of a book or a market one of the largest in east africa and an economic powerhouse for somali Business Owners are hoping that closing their shops will pressure the government to come to the negotiating table a middle d. C. Aljazeera. It was. Time for sports his forum thank you so much its been a great day so far for canada at the Winter Olympics and pyong chang ice dancers tessa virtue and scott moir claim their second gold at these games with a record setting performance skating last to milan rouge in their short downs program the pair won with a total score of two hundred and six point zero seven breaking the world record that was set just moments before by Francis Gabrielle of the dia and the only zero four time olympic medalist have only been beaten wants and coming out of retirement in twenty six. Future holds but. It definitely feels like were you include me in the big career and were just proud accomplishments this of these games and the goal was to win two golds. And other gold for canada in the womens ski how height twenty five year old cassie sharp have the two best longs in the final to defeat frances mary martin know who claimed silver usas sigourney took the blinds. But here is a look at the medal table norway still lead with eleven golds followed by germany who have ten but canada is now a close third there are a total of five gold medals on offer on choose day in canada will also have a shot at gold in the womens hockey there are three to the final after beating the olympic athletes from russia five nothing for the fourth successive olympics in the usa who wait them in the final. Day levon at these games and another failed dope tests live any as mens ice hockey player is. Tested positive for a banned substance a court of arbitration for sport has given him twenty four hours to leave the olympics scored the winning shot against slovakia on saturday hes the third athlete caught doping at these games german football fans through hundreds of tennis balls on two on track frankfurts pitch on monday it disrupted their bundesliga match against rb leipsic the protest delayed the start of the second half fans were angry over games being played on monday night the first was also diddley because of protests the home fans didnt least have something to smile about winning the game two to one or more protests are expected later and we spoke to brandis leader writer paddy higgs earlier who explained to us just why monday night football is such a big issue in germany. Football fans in germany are certainly a very traditional bunch particularly in fact frankfurt and they are very much against the globalization of the monetise asian football as they see it as its happening in germany at the moment so i think were going to see quite a bit of this in the bundesliga very much have a push to globalize the brand to bring the gang to places where hasnt necessarily been popular before german football certainly have those itself on the tradition of the of the game and of the clubs and we look at saturdays when they have you know up to five games on simultaneously which you can argue is not the best use of t. V. Sports and that being said i think this move to monday night is at least its hole in the water to see the reaction reaction from inside of germany and potentially the reaction from around the world in the end is the decision between the d. Of p. And the d. F. L. D. Of course represent the top clubs in germany and they in some way sanction this move and they represent the clubs so in essence they represent this decision in some way to such despite the fact that were going to see i think quite a few more protests particularly from some of the more traditional clubs dortmund shug up on track frankfurt as we saw last night and i do believe that this is going to change things in a hurry and i think we saw last night with the with the scenes that happened and what happened with the frankfurt fans everyones union and in the end it was i guess at least from a out from a view as you point to deal with access to the london article. Manchester city may be sixteen points clear at the top of the English Premier League but theyve been knocked out of the f. A. Cup by thirty or Wigan Athletic it ends their pursuit of a trophy quadruple city had defender of fabienne delf sent off just before half time and we can took full advantage of goal from will great giving his side a one no when theyll play southampton in the quarter finals. Chelsea will be hoping to maintain their record of keeping barcelona striker lino messi quiet the teams are getting ready to meet in london on choose day when the last sixteen stage on the Champions League resumes messi has failed to score in any of his eight previous games against the reigning premier League Champions byron munich are aiming for their seventh straight quarter final the germans are at home to Church Champions to top their qualifying group byron have won their last thirteen games in all competitions. For all. We have to focus on tomorrow we have to face the european top team because they won their group they have great names great players in their team they have quality in. Their tactically very strong so we should be aware and try to be. And we need to do with a good result here at home. And thats all you support from back to you for many thanks indeed now the first down of the mekong river may begin to generate electricity earlier than expected the controversial. Is in laos on the communist government there says that it needs to project the projects to improve its economy wayne hay was given rare access to the site. This is one of the most unique places on the mekong river just before it flows from laos into cambodia it disperses becoming eleven kilometers wide and creating thousands of channels and islands the mekong is the largest inland fishery in the world but in this part of the river those who rely on it for food and income Say Something is changing because the number of fish is decreasing to cheer it seems like they might be staying deep or for some reason i think there is too much noise in the reef or. Something part of the answer could lie a short distance from where fish is in one of the channels a dam is being built as the lao Government Works towards its goal of becoming the battery of Southeast Asia while china operates six dams on the upper make on the dawn so hong is just the second being built on the lower reaches both are in laos and the government has plans for at least seven more this is a relatively small project but is attracted some of the strongest criticism downstream from laos cambodia and vietnam both of which had been calling for a moratorium on the construction of dams on the main stream of the mekong river will seeing what laos is doing cambodia has given up on that now and is forging ahead with its own plans to build at least to do. On the make kong one of which will be in the province just across the border from here. Neighboring countries had criticized last for not being transparent enough about dons a home and the potential trends boundary impacts its being built on one of the only channels in the area that fish can migrate up and down stream year around seventy. So abstracting my question now would mean. And depletion of the fish stuck in the whole region. The developers and the government say theyre widely and deepening other channels to allow fish to swim through theyre also conducting daily surveys of fish stocks in the area which they say arent being adversely affected. Internationally where you put a book company to study and. Resell subsidies that have been shared i would stake honda. Is leading the race to harness the power of the lower make kong and generate income its a race that opponents now acknowledge they cant stop and can only hope to slow it down wayne hay aljazeera kong district southern laos. Finally hundreds of people in greece of pelted each other with flowers to mark the end of the carnival season the socalled flower wall is held in the csail town of aleck city every year people who live there and tourists are encouraged to quote lose their civility as carnival celebrations and the orthodox christie of observance of lent begins the custom is believed to have the originated eighteen no one in defiance of the towns then also been ruthless. Thats it for the news waiting in the wings. To be here with the days top stories in just a couple of boats ill see you work for them. As a partisan issue. We headed to Jerusalem Bureau covered Israeli Palestinian affairs we cover the story with a lot of intimate knowledge we covered it with that we dont dip in and out of this story we have a presence here all the time apart from being a cameraman its also very important to be a journalist to know the story very well before going into the fields covering the United Nations and global diplomacy for aljazeera english is pretty incredible this is where talks happened and what happens here matters. At the scene for us whether on line what is american sign in yemen that piece is always possible but it never happens not because the situation is complicated but because no one cares or if you join us on sat there are people that there are choosing between buying medication and eating this is a dialogue i want to get in one more comment because this is someone whos an activist and his close to the story joined the global conversation at this time on aljazeera. The u. N. Calls for an immediate end to the targeting of civilians in syria as dozens more people die in rebel held Eastern Ghouta

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