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To take over policing the government says to counter rising Gang Violence those are the headlines the news continues on. After the street. Facing realities growing up when did you realize that you were living in a special place the socalled secret city getting to the heart of the matter while you activists to live in jail just because she expressed herself hear their story on talk to aljazeera at this time. Hi im femi oke a you are in the stream today political crisis in ethiopia a state of emergency has been declared after the sudden resignation of Prime Minister we ask whats next i really could be a lot if youre joining us live on you tube send us your questions and your comments and ill do my best to bring them into today show. A hectic few days last week was thrown into political crisis it began on wednesday with the release of several high profile Political Prisoners including opposition leaders and journalists and what observers saw as a concession to a street protest movement that has swept the country of over the last three years the following day Prime Minister. Suddenly resigned in what many saw as a further concession but then on friday a set of emergency was declared confusing the picture and leaving many ethiopians wondering what is going to come so joining us to discuss these issues a little solomon is the director of the union of to grahams in north america a civic Order Organization that works for the advancement of peace democracy and constitutional. You are mohamed is the executive director of the iranian Media Network today lemma is editor in chief of the standard adel Senior Correspondent for aljazeera and hes worked extensively in ethiopia we also invited several representatives of the government. To take part in the show but they did it with. Spawn to our quest so if you go now to syria dot com you look up ethiopia so many questions being asked back here if he had to state of Emergency Team point if bans protests in six months state of emergency what triggered armrests in ethiopia the questions go on and on and not every headline is a question rabbit if we go back a week and we look at a set of americans say Prime Minister stepping down what does that mean in this big story that youve been telling us over so long. Yes indeed femi what happened last is. Something that was a surprise to many but again many were not surprised that pile of money was gone all the time and was a bit of a shock to some of the members was a man who. As a placeholder. He took power after the death of Prime Minister melissa now we who was the architect of if you cannot make boom he is from the south comes from the smallest party within the Ruling Coalition which is made up of these hes a protestant in a country that is. Whose population is mainly made up of. Orthodox christians so in many ways he was on the outside people expected during before the elections in twenty two and he was going to go but after the government through so many concessions to those people whove been protesting since two thousand and fifteen became quite a part of them following so many believe. Put on the promise of a limb the. Leadership of time of crisis he was meant to step aside what many overall sources in ethiopia saying now is that the military where we power rests in. Trying to use the process of finding a successor to highlight money and lead to peace with more protests and probably come up with something of some kind of a solution to the crisis the country is facing right now you know mohamed you spoke the words and there are the on twitter because people are saying the exact same thing this is one person which we did and he merely serves as a placeholder in the Prime Ministers office he knowingly accepted his obedient role for over five years and this is why he meekly accepted the arrangement and averred signed it was a matter of drama orchestrated by his quote unquote masters this is what one person says another person remarked on twitter says he was just a symbolic Prime Minister to appease the people he didnt have the Decision Making powers of his predecessor the power is in the hands of the ruling Political Bureau and the coalition that is led by the to gray in Minority Party Majority Party runs the show from behind the scenes when you look at this second tweet here that the power is actually behind the scenes and that a placeholder what do you make of that commentary oh well i dont agree with that actually a statement because as been led by the i. D. F. Which is made up of four member parties from. Thousand people saw after the primary after Prime Minister departure into power and then hes been serving his country. On the partys consensus and then based on the constitution of the country we have joe our on the phone i want to play a little bit what will be only a few video for the rest of us some high profile prisoners who were released last week have a listen you know this guy there is a hundred really it is too big for political one. Hundred Million People to be and. Ethiopia is one large prison i say this because there is no democracy in the country this is a dictatorship we have to change big prison into a Democratic State so what could the ruling party be changing theyve released prisoners they released journalists could this be the road to more democracy in ethiopia or democracy in ethiopia. Thats what the whole getting the week when they started changing the releasing Political Prisoners and liberalizing the but. Right when youre taken on the development of the government and they. Get one hundred. On the other hand they broke their own party have a difficult its the rooted in ideology where they leave one part of tea and one group leads to the dominant that cannot work. In a country of five hundred million atheists you cannot solve a single party dominate every single life economy military and security and expect. They have to. Open up a little. Addition among bodies. But the. Doctors are hopeful. So too are someone who might agree with you as not on twitter says the only way to overcome the crisis in the opium is widening the political sphere and making all political groups in and outside of it hell be a part of that solution sadly by declaring a state of emergency the ruling party showed us it isnt ready for real political dialogue but we also got someone who then would disagree with both years you are and that person who tweeted this is daniel behind me hes the founder of korn affairs and i decide about and this is what he told the stream we got a good christian resistance along. With just you would resemble each other. I dont see what its all other things too much or those things im honest with the students you must do as you should suit and just always used to come to some of the well im going to be i think its the situation. Would. Expect the situations the country to the distance of lives is done without sensibilities as if it enhanced the security of the country is that what were seeing right now whats your view about. I respectfully disagree with that was done and with this regard because as much as i would like to believe that the intervention from the security could play a role in calming community to you know a country of one hundred meaning who have just been told that their Prime Minister is resigning out of the blue and who have been left disoriented was a face off a regime collapse as much as i would like to believe that this security could be playing a role in calming the. Structure of our security is such you know its made in such a way that its brutality is considered to be a calming proctor we have seen that over and over again not only in the last three years but since to stop issue until the current government there is no. Security has been functioning within punic team and have a talk recurrent of brutality if you parents know about even the smaller gatherings of protesters could turn into an imaginative and bled shade because the security cannot restrain the sense now under the state of emergency the security has just been given a blanket permission to search to stop and to to do whatever whats included in the state of emergency and said i knew we expected to restrain it some so i highly doubt that and its nothing struck a chord so i respectfully disagree was done it a little actually jaunty speaking the country has been through a crisis in crises since two thousand. I believe three major factors about archly. Contribute to disease crises in the country which lead to political my legs in the country right now the first one is the lack of consensus view. When political actors in ethiopia Major Political actors for example we can take a nation building some of them. Which is. Right now currently employed in ethiopia some actors are. Nostalgic of the previous regime which was. Which was in ethiopia before nine hundred ninety one and on the other hand we do not have in our green on the status of the capital city i believe. This issue so the second factor is. We have. Made a transition political transition since one thousand nine hundred one but the government failed to uphold those promises after the ninety nine to one political transition to open up democratic space includes see. Of all political actors and the third one i believe is the crisis was in the ruling party within the ruling party if you are the if so this led us to this. Political malays we are in right now everything is a protest so im just thinking here one of the things the state of emergency has actually done is stop the protests so at least trying to stop the protests what are you hearing from the romo perspective about the pet impact of the state of emergency. It has absolutely no impact whatsoever because the federal emergency did not stop last year at gloucester for nine months right while the in the. City the protests erupted now after almost two hours after it was declared the state of emergency where no below it could be seen people of continue to ignore it the government does not have the ability the legitimacy even the military muscle to control the region regional offices the regional. Security forces the police are not always the Central Government the Central Government can not implement this is that of emergency it is meant as a tactic to commit people into staying inside into the middle. And i dont understand why they need a state of emergency there is no violent confrontation it is a man mile and thirty nine violently with no one. To kill. Quietly there was a rice paper we are killed and then there was a displacement of people and so. People were targeted because of their ethnic background their property their properties destroyed. Saw all these factors actually i know that i agree the state of emergency has its own cost but its not as expensive as lack of peace so the state of emergency actually can hold the government or the ruling party if you are the if to accomplish its promises when. Its promises when the executive party the executive committee of the ruling party. Has been taking a. Meeting which lasted for seventeen days so if it helps the ruling party in the government to do all the decisions that what that was made during the meeting saw i believe the state of emergency. Implementing those promises i did i hear you i take your point but i want to hear this one consider this perspective this is too wide for us and he sent us a video comment. Have felt the brunt of this we are twenty seven years and are fighting for survival m r s nicholas from the land senior population and a second class citizens in their own country instead of opening up down in opening up the political space. Has declared a state of emergency again the state of Emergency Needs to immediately the solution can only come ethiopians are part of the conversation and how to create a democratic ethiopia so sedately weve seen strikes in a couple of americas cities what is it that protesters want. Well it depends on where the protest desplat up. Even if you think people do have. Questions that have been relegated to the back at the expense of. The politics in there so it depends on which area of the protest to split up so there are romo people who have their own questions and theyre damn high i do have to say in their own question a day should go to their house an average and a consul people to have their own questions so. If this is i can relate to the results of the question of the people that have not been addressed by the ruling party for the last twenty seven years its just that they are supporting their software the grids assist from my lad to ministration to the question if i had to take to the question. Self id ministration which is in trying to question but which has been passed by by the Central Government over and over again so its a lot to chew until five questions are flaring up everywhere you go and the people have high data and thats thats why theyre coming up to the streets with their questions and questions keep on growing today we found it was. Yes please go ahead i think that is one of. The reasons the peoples demands are very simple they want discrimination they want equal to politics they want democracy they would a Good Government but these government sees this part of domination of a group comes from six percent of the population. Political power economy security. And exile. The. Problem is that its a group of people who want to be part of the post and they want to have part of the pie but no willing to assume the other to do continues. To maintain the imminence and his money that would be. Now i want to add now where we are no longer. There a year. Its really i know people. Say that. The demand from the public has to be listened by the government and that has to be answered but the problem here is people who live in the western countries like who have the media are hearing the violence in ethiopia right now theyre actually propagating information that can instigate violence clash between people we have a lot of. I cannot i dont believe you because i can not only problem with you there is no independent media i dont know. Agree with your idea we we need to have inclusive politics i know that there has to be kind of let me just add something because i know you know i have a monitor so i see today and i see mohammed actually smiling when were talking about independent media in ethiopia so i think theres a knowledge that. There really has made a decision during its executive Committee Meeting which lasted for seventeen days and prisoners are released right now Political Prisoners and then i think actually one of the four member parts actually called for all parties to participate in this. Political process i believe this. Which is one of the member parties of the if has called so the regime is now starting to open up the space release Political Prisoners. From east say and make a change and later running out of time in the show and let me just show people what youre thinking here on your twitter so there is a seven hundred small t. V. Business have been part of but if youre going to thaw. As part of a political reform move to Foster National unity we hear your perspective let me just show you something behind me here when watching it during the whole of the show this is supporters the secretary general the roma Federation Congress and theyre in a dam or this is the roma region and this is that the area the community here celebrating his release but mohammed i want to play a little clip from you from a stream episode in november twenty sixth and this is get you read or he was at the time the Communications Minister for the ethiopian rawling party and this is what he said about what do we do now and that was almost two years ago have a lesson there has to be by the way this is a matter of survival we cannot afford. To who are way out of on past. Us if we fail to address the grievances of the public in a manner that satisfies the grieving right we have to to create become isms whereby people can vent their frustrations in a manner that doesnt affect us the ability of the country and then the survival of the country will be we bad sticks again it was the protests that brought us to that show protest that the shutdown last week how much progress as a feeler made my height. Well you can say that a lot has happened in terms of progress in ethiopia and particularly in the Development Field as well as the corner if europe is one of the Fastest Growing economies in africa just a few months ago it became the biggest economy in africa but when it comes to the issue of the six freedoms freedom of speech freedom of the media and. This is a huge problem if you appear and the government has been. Done before trying to use the same tactics it has used over the years and in this era of social media its quite untenable to be able to use all these tactics that have worked for you in the past but might not work for. The moment one thing that. My my my friends have not yet released which i think is the elephant in the room is the issue of ethnic friend of lism. Taken with the bug nearly thirty years ago when if you appeal was divided into ethnic based regional states which has resulted in today people paying more a little to the Ethnic Community sauced then to the state in the nation of ethiopia under a federal flood because the region out of the night has caused its own flag and its own identity using its own language not only in schools but also to govern themselves but i think has really. Is a pissant of the problem that is unraveling and so have it im glad that you brought it up because actually several people on twitter are discussing that very issue and want to know if thats going to change one person says if i could reshape abolish ethnic identification it gives me World War Two shippers to be quite honest integrate it the opiah old. Religious sectarianism and ethnocentrism behind by strengthening internal cohesion of the people with the political system at any cost on the other hand though the opposite view deleuze says i strongly believe the system of federalism is the best panacea to our multiethnic nation so deadly you can see theres there is a divide online on whether or not that is the answer or whether or not it should be discontinued what do you make about. Well this is a this is a very complicated much or to address very short platform like this. To begin ways there is no such thing as. Federalists in the course situation does not say that ethiopia is a federation and its a country of more than eighty its the city groups so by definition it is course itself a federation and its ethnic i ring german discourse. Much to any credit federalism. So im not saying that there is a problem in the arrangement but most of the problem when its from an icon tree where you have. Eighty ethnicity groups the majority of them being their role and being one of the most marginalised want to run a system whereby you have the economy the security and other basic pienaar sort of functioning country controlled by a minority does not blood sweat it doesnt cause when even a democracy a country and ethiopia is just practicing that kind of Bold Decision that they took in one thousand nine hundred one but it has not been pasted none of the provisions that are included in the constitution has been properly implemented so far so it is a constitution that tries to acknowledge that the country is a mess to its in the country its not a country thats dominated by one language one flag one to city that its like it used to be before christ so i agree stuck with the politics got in the way of sure and the politics botched it so we have not tried to apply that as an excuse or live. As i was born a decision you know was let out is taken in one thousand while mom made a list of all ameneh Mohamad Abdalla time has its run out were at the end of the show or on line i think seems well we will continue this conversation we can i will see you. Thats a watching. The sky they should be no borders up here. Only horizons. As an airline we dont believe in boundaries we believe in bringing people together the worlds better that way. It is a rowing football of us to go where we need to go to feel with things we want to fail. To see the people we want to see. Thats why well continue to fly the skies providing you with everything we can and treating everyone how they deserve to be treated we do this because we know the trouble goes beyond borders and prejudice. The travel teaches compassion the travel is a necessity. To travel is a right for all remember that this world is full of ours to explore. And its a strange thing for us to be a part. Of our ways going places together. A unique poor trait of a small gulf nation living under siege what made this different was they targeted. Their pain to be forced to leave would be all and their gains by this and that it has given us the desire to carry on with our lives and be creative may be all turned on its not a mothers part of business. Has become more united. Beyond the blockade at this time on aljazeera. More than a century ago britain and france made a secret deal to divide the middle east between them now we can draw a much. Much more to where the last thing effects of this agreement theres a of original sin to sikes because its at those borders were drawn with consulting the people after that with the. Psychs pekoe lines in the sand at this time on aljazeera. The u. N. Calls for an immediate end to the targeting of civilians in syria as more people are killed in rebel held east and go to

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