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Said in the name the question is why the Regime Forces are entering the area if the Regime Forces enter this area to get rid of terrorism yes thats good but if the Regime Forces enter this area to support or keep the other militias there the no we are against that saladin job that reports from istanbul. Hes made it clear that as long as theyre there focus is aligned with the Syrian Forces which is that the border area between turkey and syria is clear of what turkey calls terrorists which is the kurdish fighters on the turkish soil theyre called the p k k with the crossing the border with syria theyre called by pretty few terrorists as long as theyre cleared turkey has no problem with the Syrian Forces and there is no confrontation but if the Syrian Forces which are coming in and they would be in to if we do the help of the country by the Syrian Government forces will be facing the Turkish Forces because they say that theyre adamant that they will secure their borders and they will clear their borders of all of these kurdish fighters so it is a possibility but it is a wait and see game to what happens on the ground weve heard from the syrian state media that it is not going to be regular syria for Syrian Forces who are coming into our frame it is going to be progovernment militias Popular Mobilization Popular Forces on the ground which were known earlier in the conflict if you remember as they should be who have now been deluded into this into this contingent of Syrian Government forces also on the ground were hearing that troops belonging to the wife and these are kurdish fighters as far as the aleppo area in syria are being mobilized to come and help fellow fighters in a free against the syrian against the turkish government Operation Olive Branch which has been continuing since january and the turkish government says that it is been making steady gains so it is a wait and see policy of what happens on the ground but the Turkish Forces government says that its forces are ready to face off anyone who supports the kurdish fighters who would seize as terrorists. Military sources say that i saw fighters in iraq of ambushed a convoy of shia militia on the outskirts of how we they say that at least twenty five shia fighters were killed in the attack by members of i saw disguised in Iraqi Army Uniforms search and rescue teams have reached the size of a plane crash in iran according to local media there facing amount the fainting mountain facing the mountainous terrain and temperatures of minus sixteen degrees celsius the assman Airlines Aircraft went down on sunday killing all sixty five people on board an internal report released by oxfam has revealed that three of its workers threatened witnesses during an investigation into alleged Sexual Misconduct during an aid mission in haiti the charity released the report after being criticised for its lack of transparency the body of Morgan Chiang Darius now lying in state in zimbabwes capital the sixty five year old former Opposition Leader died on wednesday after a battle with colon cancer a charge that i formed the movement for Democratic Change and was a staunch critic of former president Robert Mugabe sudans president Omar Al Bashir has ordered the release of more than eighty Political Prisoners who were detained last month the families celebrated outside one of the prisons where theyve been held the Group Includes prominent Opposition Leaders they were arrested after antigovernment protests over the rising cost of food turned violent u. S. President donald trump says that hell talk to students and teachers this week about gun control seventeen students and Staff Members died on wednesday when Nicholas Cruz opened fire at a high school trump met victims of emergency workers on friday. The court of arbitration for sport has charged a russian curling medalist with doping alexander lidsky won bronze with his wife in mixed doubles curling at young chang winter games he said to tested positive for the banned substance. Theres the headlines more news on aljazeera after sykes peacoat lives in the sand next. Between november nine hundred fifteen and main one nine hundred sixteen britain and france agreed a secret deal for dividing the Ottoman Empire to the european allies when the First World War and so. Now we can draw. A young british politician sir mark sykes and the french lawyer turned diplomats. Drew borders that best suited their own interests the psychs pekoe agreement. Its cut across a separate deal the british had already made with sharif a saint of mecca to support him in creating a hashemites arab kingdom in return for his leading to an arab revolt against autumn in. The south of anatolia eastern turkey and the syrian coast down so beirut were put under direct french control while basra and baghdad were placed under direct british control. Mosul and damascus were under french protection and called area eight the rest of mesopotamia and the southern levant were put under british protection and called the area being. Jerusalem was designated as an international zone. But soon. After the deal was struck some voices in london began expressing dissatisfaction with what britain had agreed to in the secret negotiations. Hadnt before. Been. Kept apart as to what i thought. What more can just see their figure general hoar could have had but if you were feeling lost and. Given a. Big enough of us you could have a. Few hundred. Man with a what have you hold the year before or think well if we cannot have palestina my government was certainly not allow britain to control my government would take the same view. Could not agree over the future of palestine when they did their deal at the end of nineteen fifty and they agreed it would have an international ministration but neither side light as a an outcome and the british didnt like him but to kill or because it left the east bank the su is now exposed to an administration that could be governed by who knows who. So the british immediately start to think of a way to get round the sights pito agreement so the facts almost immediately before the ink of falls well short because signature is dry. Talking to the scientists. Visit i Honest Movement grew up in the late Nineteenth Century with the ultimate aim of establishing a jewish homeland in palestine. The jewish lobby was growing in britain and the British Government took its aim seriously. The british might also use the port for the jews to persuade the American Government which included several jewish figures to join the war. Other factors may also have been at play the Zionist Movement itself and its leader high invites. Were political zionists and there aint from the very beginning the ultimate aim was an independent jewish state in palestine there in these early days they didnt say that because if youve only evoked hostility to the project but it but i forgot that wish there was a. Knock and i fancy you be formal had. A fifth also you know shiloh you hold your. In an aggrieved and youre going to wouldnt feel so you to have that show off a bit of thought. Amount of eric or not but theyll make well know theres a sorrier for us you know. For us the human friends you know the last min it couldnt have not be sex because weve got to bottom out of. The long push of the hottest of your new year lets start off with if i knew how to fix. On the second of november nineteenth seventeen the British Foreign secretary sir Arthur Belfour ruutu the leading jewish figure Walter Rothschild just say that his government feud with favor the establishment in palestine of a National Home for the jewish people and would use their best endeavors to facilitate the achievement of this project. A month before the Balfour Declaration the new bolshevik government in russia following the revolution had made public the details of the strikes pekoe agreement as it sought to distance itself from decisions made by its star asst predecessors. Fora product. For cutler a folder can have more idea only a little bit earlier my barely a year old. Her or her. Father had. To fuck up. To fuck up i will india hack because. I sure all believe. It or care at that lee step or a star marta telco shore for all the revelation from the russians came while the hashemites were fighting alongside the british in the levant so they realised the british were playing a double game. Their british also recognised frances right to determine the future of large parts of the area that should be for same had expected to control. For that im sorry software of some of them for after our shop i did forget that keep it. In the in the homeland yes so. If you are are. If your skull is on the. Bust of the other get up on your liver so that. It will be a phase or certainty about on top and not have here along the way youre here a little more for your commute im. Here for the. Unit and as of the a c. Other abio. I was a man called the other let me look at us or walk home with you was it almost a little soul of a lot of hope of course not but we have. The louder. Than others. In one nine hundred seventeen the allies made significant military gains on several fronts. The british pushed into iraq and general edmund allonby let the forces that ultimately ousted the ottomans from palestine. But alan peace continued advance towards the must has caused the french serious alarm he had expected to have complete control of the levant under the terms of the psychs pekoe agreement. With mana done. On his own the accompanying manipulation one hundred m. B. In a lessee tristrem meet there. With money so small is only a key desire may only leadership or live says song of him innovate their own damned topa me yes that i called the minister says that cos they speak oh keeper may send a d. M. Ruah bruiser vidit them in their listen or. Allonby and the hashemites. Took the syrian capital on the thirtieth of september one thousand nine hundred eighteen and within a week prince faisal been interesting had announced the establishment of an arab Constitutional Government in damascus. It was your call we are with. You on the if thats next week or next because our list you just see a lot im with you will serve as an asset my job i will be accommodated gotta find you on a ship off. The First World War ended in stages with the ottomans agreeing to an armistice on the thirtieth of october and germany on the eleventh of november one thousand nine hundred. Allied troops entered istanbul and the time appeared right to implement the strikes pekoe agreement. But the british appear to be having second thoughts as they sought to claim a larger share of ottoman arab territory in the region. The british Prime Minister David Lloyd George met his french counterpart george came on seoul in london on the fourth of december one nine hundred eighteen so. It is over. The office safe. The sacrifices great. For us right now the sacrifice of all perhaps than any office as your joint empire is no more but that was due to your sacrifices mr Prime Minister and for those we are most grateful you will take some tea weakness. No we will have to settle our claims of the air at least six we have a fortune a little over those claims. You would like perhaps that we modify ours we have our own most. You shall have it. And perhaps Something Else other stuff. You shall have that too. Fancy can you read to you for before us you are a little more you know how do we know im on the news of a lot of and exactly how its going to be done but a funny thing with the most from bill graham also with us i had after what i luckily for us you know for our luck for most of them and i was to be had in the sense of the credit as well while there and no sex because in fact. The signs of the psychs pekoe agreements being superseded began to emerge at the start of the peace negotiations in paris in january one thousand nine hundred. Victorious allies were about to impose harsh conditions on the bankwest and the british and french to decide which of the conflicting promises they had made during the war would be implemented. They dont did this my model. Views then they niggas yes you know own plex i think there would be about a day or two on them all this and i bet your best or they that a comedian emetic with a casual source. They are fed a day some days they have sound is read to have been does not solve them. Ive. Said been a benefit and seen. Been know by it and has a more unheard of ammonia cannon and. That head of. There was that out it a one year. In april one thousand nine hundred twenty four main ally is britain france italy and japan met at the san remo conference they created three entities mesopotamia syria and palestine. The french forced faith out of damascus and to complete control of syria britain took mesopotamia and palestine including jerusalem which had been under International Administration under the terms of strikes pekoe. So really its a river we should be talking about if we want to say what is the modern middle east look like and the striking thing is this if britain had been concerned to preserve relations with france right to this to go she asian right through this process they failed because the french looked at sites because they looked to the baptists and they realized that they got much less than they had been promised by the british insight fico we overlook these things but in a sense i think that saves vico reflects a failure of trying to negotiate a happy resolution of british and french territorial ambitions in the middle east britain came up with war and the french never forgave them. France had insisted on mosul in the fight. But had san remo they conceded it to britain despite the fact that it was known to be rich in oil. In the coup of turpin mo command there was towards the car for several ships on the libya and the most old saw is our prayers on that turkish but for the im company. Keo. Know if. It is an. Example. Fronts more territory in the south along just something that is of the or become the iraq syria boundary it got more than it got twenty five percent of any oil that would be produced from mosul even though that was going to be developed as a british concern. On the International Stage the league of nations now created a series of mandates it placed some new arab territories under the supervision of the british and french a kind of occupation in disguise that secret vender the lash of that s. S. If they did thats no good if you need. A limb on that so if you need to first. Ask. The. Ten mil in the course a says it to ten. In the lab that theyre. In theres a b b c said that say that from sauce man that then cut the figure of course a year of the name. The british and the french did overcome their differences in their carve up of the middle east and agreed on concrete borders in december one nine hundred twenty. A joint french British Committee was set up to deal with the matter. With her do it. Learn what hostin or and as a book for and see what. Is going to im sure i dont often. You know bad adored him. And run to we were cattle have been. As well as dividing up the region into three new entities and implementing the mandate system britain and france further split the territories they now controlled. The french divided syria into five states including greater lebanon. Generals have. Offered to go because year for a fugitive known as money be a slave mouth uk. Foreign min. I serve you were it very much for your. Son or own you have now cannot afford and. Syria was divided into the streets of damascus aleppo the alawite state and mount troops. Lebannon would become a republic six years later and. He didnt know that the dollars were a while at the crossing more ok with that they are. For going out of friends and us and they would be different and you have. Well theres the middle east out of the British Colonial office organize the cairo conference in one nine hundred twenty one hosted by the new colonial secretary Winston Churchill it drew another important line within the british area of influence separating the land east of the river jordan from palestine. Churchill came to this brief without any preexisting ideas on the future of the middle east he was in a sense moving as quickly as events were to try and put in Place Advantage to administer to structures that could prove effective in securing britains interests at least cost to the exchequer i mean there had been some. Proposals which simply from the Zionist Organization which were pushing for a palestine being defined in much more extensive terms to include the east bank of the jordan as well but in the end jordan and palestine and it up being under the same british mandate as you know at the end of the First World War and then we simply had an ordering council that has stopped. If you like its first main in one nine hundred twenty eight. When the house she might spilled in their bid to establish an independent arab kingdom the cairo conference created transjordan her scenes elder son as emir. Iraq was created in mesopotamia with his teens younger son face some f. King faisal had been a commander in the arab revolt and was the deposed king of syria. If you look at their arms territorial definitions the day they were zones and visits in psych speak that cuts across it. But the actual bamboo has to be drawn i suppose for iraq after sykes pico the first wall would have been shortly after iraq being created in one nine hundred twenty was the young the French Convention of december one nine hundred twenty. In istanbul capital of the former Ottoman Empire. A turk successfully resisted foreign attempts to define the turkish speaking lands he led the turkish war of independence and repelled the greeks italians french and armenians. To Church Uniting the country and didnt you turkish republic was proclaimed in october nineteen twenty three may go about. This up. But it take. These that hes. In the last is there any god. Does not sound concept that if. He. Doesnt. Get a good day was it doesnt that. The Syrian Revolution in one nine hundred thirty six finally brought about a french accent and unified the country. By the end of one thousand nine hundred forty six iraq lebanon jordan and syria had all gained independence. British and French Forces left but now there are sometimes differing views as to whether the borders the two powers true we see the root cause of the problem in the arab world has experienced since its very hard to blame. Regional problems in the Twentieth Century on the ways in which the borders were drawn the the most you can say if there is a original set to say. Is that those borders were drawn without consulting the people who have to live with them and for never securing the buy in of those directly involved the borders with themselves to prove unstable at the scene have a calm do well i dont know some trick with a Mission Estate there i mean there will be a common human of whom. We have got to be like in the whole let me of a hundred. Come if a month about how well. A canadian minimum here much of what. If i did the u. S. And i went for coffee for the north money i would have a bag that. Had been my we dont want us that is you can equate that as a scandal and more all the wrong mon. You dont want it no more him than stay at the. End of the lead and youre so it that i dont look also at the island. Was there this scene so been at war cerny and want to know that there is because he had lost it. In part two well ask whether the superpowers of the twenty First Century have ignored lessons in the week looks like speak home and start to create more division in boundaries in the middle east than ever before. The way we communicate is what defines us. You dont always has been. As innovation in technology continues to shape our lives. Pioneering content creation and distribution utilizing Cloud Technology and artificial intelligence. The future thats never seemed closer than it does today. And what lies beyond the horizon. Takers to one frontiers the future of media leaders summit. Limitless possibilities. I was always telling you how famous he was going to make thats how he presented hello my name about it without. Northwest representatives kind of. Teacher pretty cool. I said you were a member of that we had this special meeting about dale and he said no. Thats not the topic and you immediately this is a cover you know piece on the city aljazeera investigation footballs world of silence this time aljazeera is a very important force of information for many people around the world when all the cameras are gone im still here go into areas that nobody else is going to talk to people that nobody else is talking to and bringing that story to the forefront. Hello again adrian from going to here in doha the top stories on aljazeera Syrian State Television says the progovernment militia will join us backed kurdish fighters in a free and within hours theyll Work Together to repel a turkish offensive turkeys foreign minister says that its no problem if Syrian Forces enter a free but warns of consequences if they support kurdish fighters you know sydney. The question is why the Regime Forces are entering the area if the Regime Forces enter this area to get rid of terrorism yes thats good but if the Regime Forces enter this area to support or keep the other militias there the no we are against that military sources say that i saw fighters in iraq of ambushed a convoy of shia militia on the outskirts of how we judge they say that at least twenty five shia fighters were killed in the attack by members of eisel disguised Iraqi Army Uniforms. Search and rescue teams have reached the size of a plane crash in iran according to media facing mountainous terrain in temperatures of minus sixteen degrees celsius the asks about Airlines Aircraft went down on sunday killing all sixty five people on board. An internal report released by oxfam has revealed three of its workers threatened witnesses during an investigation into Sexual Misconduct in haiti the charity released the report after being criticised for a lack of transparency on accusations that its director in haiti used prostitutes. The body of morgan shanghai is now lying in state and zimbabwes capital the sixty five year old former Opposition Leader died on wednesday from colon cancer charge that i formed the movement for Democratic Change and was a staunch critic of former president Robert Mugabe. Sudans president Omar Al Bashir has ordered the release of more than eighty Political Prisoners who were detained last month their families celebrated outside one of the prisons where theyve been held the Group Includes prominent Opposition Leaders u. S. President donald trump says that hell talk to students and teachers this week about gun control seventeen students and Staff Members died on wednesday when a former pupil opened fire at a high school in fort lauderdale. The course of arbitration for sport has charged a russian curling medalist with doping alexander crucial netsky won bronze with his wife and mixed doubles curling pyong chang winter games ill be back with the news out for you in little over twenty five but its been a lets get you back to six peacoat lines in the sand. The league of nations mandate for palestine came into effect in september nineteenth twentieth three. It stated that the allied powers had agreed that the mandate to be responsible for establishing quote a National Home for the jewish people. Join us. A sissy only bertie. Minh as youll. See your comment there will be a local what them your would be for as the. From manhattan must learn the skill would be. Just some them feely would be for the skiing were. Going to a little beautiful as the inman. Men or rope mineral c. E. O. Im not the cause. I think that sign is diplomacy it was brilliant and in a way manipulating. British feel and ties submitting. Failings at the same time because this fantasy of presenting the jews in america as the key to whether or not america would participant in the war and by presenting exaggerating the power of the jews worldwide. In the coming years palestinians would fight several campaigns from demanding independence from britain to trying to stem the tide of jewish immigration to palestine. The movement culminated in the revolt of one nine hundred thirty six which took the form of strikes and armed resistance. Data from a lot of build. Up the latine mannish or muslim merely bill could double a bit of the brittany would lit on a. Warm or cool meow to be yeah i love it as the and bad i should. One takoma article out of the philistine. Summer list im not a visual who beautiful skinny model comes on a Wild Card Team who cared a lot to be another actor and because of that i mean the seine out of that you could have a lovely little bit on it a moment well of the eye then out a look at our blog of the run and how to. We are all capable of your reply me you must still be of mogul haddocks of uni and the british crush this revolt the zionists werent Strong Enough at the time they didnt have the military capability. The british brutally put down the arab revolt and its arguable and i would argue that palestine wasnt lost the nine hundred forty seven forty eight it was lost in the late one nine hundred thirty s. When britain would put down so far only the arab revolt and destroyed all palestinian military capability. The british mandate in palestine and did on the fourteenth of may one nine hundred forty eight as it ended David Bengurion declared the establishment of a jewish state to be known as israel. The same day the armies of five arab states moved into the former british mandate the one nine hundred forty eight arab israeli war lasted almost a year the first of several subsequent major border conflicts. Is really settlements beyond its recognized borders have also continued israels expansion. To a total from the going to allow him. To do this really. Matter but war must look at the cyrillic very clear let it wash woman out of your own be a lord when youre in shock not a lot of them. Any Hossam Heather said are fairly young but the amount of rain began but. How ticket has been amended as though he. Were going to go on huckabee dont need your dirty history been learned yet the militia were unified the house of navarre martyr the elenium has been so and blew all how did not a lot of them welcome a liver like if i had a cigar supply. The balance of power has remained in its wheels favor in one nine hundred sixty seven it expanded its borders in the six day war to include the west bank the gaza strip the Sinai Peninsula and the Golan Heights usually only comes meat illicit meat elf was told in a sort of really you would be. Feed there till. You started and talked about. A serial sunni muslim were how the kernel cause. Is that done why you know if it doesnt have the full of people could such a critical cause medical bill bugs. And john minimize the hail a comma bill is a philistine here but the fool could well with the early obama and then most of my billion dollar a. Lot of the workers of you were in the lemme tell you that one at the end dont know if it was the new with the israeli you are those people in israel today like president rivlin who call for a bi National State they ask they insist. On. Civil rights for the palestinians and human rights for the palestinians equality for the palestinians in terms of economic social and cultural issues etc but not political. That these days will remain the state where jews would have the upper hand politically speaking and that by National State would be open to jewish immigration but not the palestinian immigration i mean what kind of test that is going to be it is going to be as i say the South African state without the South African solution. Like palestine iraq has also been affected by the legacy looks like speak of. In two thousand and three a u. S. Led coalition declared war on iraq believing it to possess weapons of mass destruction and aiming to oust president saddam hussein. However the coalition did in taba clear Recovery Plan for a post saddam iraq and six tarion and ethnic armed west seriously destabilize the country. To. The invasion other areas were intermingled sure so he lived in the same areas there were marriages in fact in the early years. Iraqis insist that never they were too closely. But the sledgehammer smashed the society. Or. Did manage to instigate a conflict once a conflict starts theres a predictable cycle of violence that explodes i com i think primarily with three main. The first is to support the administrator on. Jerry brahma. In what he is doing in this transitional period for iraq. If you look at the history of modern iraq since two thousand and three you might say that no leader has come through whos been able to settle iraq and govern with the consent of enough of the majority to bring iraq to a stable condition and to Political Security and of that of the latter uk by the head of Foreign Colonial the had what i ate daily but emma you saw the whole erratically and that here lesson. Well is to her i know you had a clean limit and if you were there glad again when at many youre not really. The call my letters i was when she i was from the first yeah. Well here and there he is in the me she has the malay whatever in the letter then one is a while back then youre. In that. You are rude. To model for hardage that he doesnt every kid can attest to that even with really. He a limb. And then the home just what i mean. When my dad bought him a card with. A two commander two out of the. Iraqi resistance to the u. S. Occupation increased as the thick terry and killing. The country fell deeper into chaos causing some americans to call for the division of iraq it was almost as though they hadnt studied the lessons of the post sykes pekoe periods. So fail to convert our. New. Era. But tool a them with a by the. By the valley so for timely i started seeing how to start of. The start at the. Cli. That. Here was that area. The storm. Probably. Sunni leaders in iraq began to warn against the intervention of neighboring shiite iran into internal affairs of their country. They feared a sectarian war which would lead the country into a spiral of violence and arguably Meek Division the only option. Iraq when youre confused. Why didnt the man when the mob kind of here on my idea the iraq war here i mean. What i meant. To know which and that if you only use a million but i thought he has such an ear when brady are. Here why the libby has a job or if its not part of year. Someone ab initio. Was in. Sofia what do you do what he. Did why. Did you hear all of this. And what. You. When i saw it dang it i. Want to get them all what has it all when im the one whom it so will hold. Them out im so ill you dont want to see the old boys yet what i meant to believe it i dont like you to bury it that was that the new im all in the woman has havent yet it all had me to democracy that all how muted to feeling the able to see that it all the markers you need that i hope and those they let me have this to us so that the horde. The kurds managed to achieve autonomy in the kurdistan region of iraq in two thousand and five. Their Political Leadership is now pushing for a referendum on independence which could mean drawing new borders within iraq. And it is true that brocky kurds are quite happy. Where they are in their own. Enclave as it were but the United States continues to look for iraq which is integrity and not divided into three truckie it. And them to. The whole court. I mean. That weve been. Are by do what. Werman how. And. Of that can. Feel like to have a. Model. But sex pekoe say akun. Become. The threat of division has also emerged in modern syria. The Syrian Revolution began in march twenty seventh. The government of president bashar assad responded by a fierce war against all opposition with far reaching consequences. It represents a major challenge facing the International Community and twenty sixteen. The situation in syria was exacerbated by the intervention of both russia and iran and their support for the Assad Government against the rebels. Who are dealing. About of the. Iranian people and you have to do muslims sure you have to sort of look like you. Were mad at the fact the strategy not said let the far north. Korea you know where i mean death for analysis and no he in your. New fools. She has is that them bottoms bumpily one of them going to come to you of them or if theres another in the holocaust and that would dockery the milat in gone nuts will be in class and me accordingly i imagine if that east would have me out by the end you know and there was a somewhat m. B. E. How good it is for what im being on as a sick individual could win him oakum i just threw in a can in what will be able to record as you all that he had already sauce that suja just on him. But out of a taxi. The u. N. Stopped publishing the death toll in syria in twenty fourteen and the numbers are now thought to be much higher than official figures. When russia and turkey a conflict on the side of the Assad Government in september twenty fifth when it began bombing opposition held areas and has become a major player in the ongoing crisis. Arose yet there were no home and shows as robs. Us of kabul and nearly half of that any and the whole. Yeah. Sure are you low you can. Be in for. The conversation starts with do you have a boyfriend youre very pretty and young you feel unsafe threatened you think about how to react what do i do if this gets worse now mahdi army uses a new service its called lal dr its for women passages only and drawn by women drivers pull for some extra features like a panic button and twenty four seven monitoring of drivers. Five countries. Four days. Three thousand konami tents. Two generations. One by. Syrian refugees on the so real danny to sweet. On the bright side. A witness documentary at this time on how dizzy you. This is aljazeera. Hello im adrian for getting this is that he is out live from doha coming up in the next

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