Transcripts For ALJAZ NEWSHOUR 20180212

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Minister of france on sochi to let the u. N. To supervise the return of refugees to me and mark. Picking up the pieces why a rock says it needs one hundred billion dollars after its battle eisel blessed. To go across the cloud bridge projects in costa rica where reforestation efforts could provide an important lesson for the rest of the world. Investigators in russia say theyre looking at all possible causes as the hunt for clues began why a plane crashes soon after takeoff all seventy one people on board were killed the difficulties investigators face can be seen in these pictures from the crash site near moscow wreckage of the plane as lying in fields covered with thick snow debris and human remains were spread over a radius of one kilometer. More. The answer no their line out with sixty five passengers and six crew on board came down four minutes after it took off in bad weather conditions wreckage was scattered across snowy fields near the village of going over eighty kilometers southeast of moscow rescue teams were unable to reach the crash site by road and walked to the scene. I saw an explosion on the ground and i called Emergency Services they asked me many questions i told them there was a fire it was very visible and i did debris of the plane is spread over radios of at least one kilometer investigators are using modern equipment taking into consideration the large territory there using quite a couple hours to get a view from the air the short hole set a lot of airlines jets took off from Moscows Domodedovo airport early sunday afternoon on its way to the city of or sc in the urals most of the sixty five passengers on board were from the region at the airport their family and friends of those on board the flight began to wait for news with little hope that anyone had survived. We have found a breeze from n a n one four eight a plane and bodies of stupid hymns. Yes the most important thing now is organizing the collection of debris and remains of the big it was by ministry of emergency situations workers. Transport to authorities soon confirmed everyone in the plane had died russia has suffered two major air crashes in recent years in december two thousand and sixteen a t u one five four military aircraft crashed into the black sea with the loss of ninety two people it was blamed on pilot error in october two thousand and fifteen a russian air bus crashed in egypts Sinai Peninsula killing all two hundred twenty four people on board i still said it placed a bomb in the aircraft. Right to me putin has canceled a trip to sochi which was shut jeweled for monday he was due to meet the Palestinian Leader Mahmoud Abbas that now that meeting will now take place in moscow from where putin will monitor the investigation investigators have found a flight recorder from the plane and this will be crucial in determining why this relatively new aircraft came promising out of the sky various causes are being considered including pilots era bad weather conditions well perhaps Something Else really chalons aljazeera. Keep mackie is an aviation consultant and he says finding the second black box will be crucial to the investigation we know that the aircraft wreckage just scattered over a very wide area and this indicates that probably impacted. Rather flat and broke up on a high rate of speed adas the pieces were spread out weve heard report that there was fire on board the aircraft before it crashed weve also heard that the pilot was trying to divert to a nearby airport for an Emergency Landing but none of these things are really concerned what will really do now the investigators will do is theyll attempt to recover both of those flak box they have won and theyll leave the other one to do a complete investigation. Well the first thing theyre going to want to do is see if the aircraft was properly d. I. s its been sitting overnight it might have accumulated a great deal of ice if the ice wasnt properly removed that would have been a very bad fact. If the weather was bad presumably there on takeoff and climbing out if ice was a factor engine ice or Something Like that that should show up in the cockpit voice recorder conversations the digital flight data recorder so that will be important now if there were not thunderstorms obviously in the area so much primarily were going to be concerned with ice they got airborne so of visibility shouldnt have been an issue so theyll be able to sort through the weather things rather quickly as they conduct the investigation britains foreign secretary has arch me in march later on sunset change to allow the u. N. To supervise the return of the head to refugees forced johnson made the play after visiting displaced muslim villagers and Rakhine State and refugee camps in bangladesh jotham says on sunset she is not fully aware of whats happening but she can play an Important Role in ending the crisis charging in reports. The u. Case foreign minister came to see the situation with his own eyes Boris Johnson to a door hinge a refugee camps in bangladesh and met with villagers who remain in myanmars recovering state he thinks myanmar leader on sun suchi does not fully understand the crisis i dont think shes been you know how to cope to to see what we have seen today i dont think it has come through to how the full extent of the horror of what has happened the horror johnson is talking about is what the u. S. Calls ethnic cleansing and the u. N. Says it may be genocide. Seven hundred thousand muslim or hinge i have fled to bangladesh in a mass exodus since august thats when the military of the buddhist majority country began its latest crackdown. There will hinge accuse the myanmar army of mass killings rape and the torching of their villages filmy city thunder and villages yet. And. There is a day most of the violence west of. Me and maher says its military operations were a counter offensive to attacks. Its not known how many people have died in these operations since august but Doctors Without Borders estimates at least six thousand seven hundred rohingya were murdered in the first month of violence ive seen nothing like it in my life the hundreds hundreds of villages torched its absolutely devastating and i think that what is needed now is is some leadership some calm but some leadership working with the u. N. Agencies for johnson is calling on me and mark to work with the u. N. And repatriate the refugees dr Rakhine State but under u. N. Supervision me and more has so far blocked un investigators from the region and a high ranking u. S. Diplomat recently quit an Advisory Board saying he feared the panel would whitewash the crisis new reports and photos of mass graves are increasing International Pressure on sochi under a government i believe she can still make a change and make a difference but to do that she needs to show get the agencies in get the refugees back home in a way that is safe and voluntary and and dignified. What remains to be seen is if some cheat can live up to her one thousand nine hundred one Nobel Peace Prize and put a stop to the humanitarian and human rights crisis that continues paltrow dirge on aljazeera. Has president on. Trump has called into question israels commitment to making peace with the palestinians he did it in an interview with an israeli newspaper owned by american billionaire and backer Sheldon Adelson in a rare rebuke of the israeli leadership the us president said he isnt necessarily sure theyre looking to make peace he warns israeli settlements are quote something that very much complicates and always have complicated making peace urges israel to be very careful with the settlements trump also repeats what he has been saying about the Palestinian Leadership he says theyre not looking to make peace and threatens to withhold aid unless they agree to talks Phyllis Bennis is author of understanding the palestinian israeli conflict she joins us now from washington d. C. Thank you very much for your time so. What donald trump said his criticism specifically the settlements is actually a pretty common criticism that a lot of people say does it have any more weight coming from the president of the United States. Well this is certainly different than the position hes taken earlier but i think we should note this was said in the context of an interview this wasnt a scripted presentation its not at all clear that it reflects a serious shift in u. S. Policy it may be that this was part of the expression of concern about the Israeli Escalation in syria that happened over the weekend the u. S. Was not terribly happy about that although they expressed a general statement supporting israels socalled right to selfdefense. But it may have been that theres simply no indication here that this is an actual shift in policy as opposed to again an off the cuff kind of statement from this president which often comes out opposite of things that he said earlier ok so to that point exactly to that point that he seems to often maybe he will say one thing the whole tweet Something Else and those things were in conflict and then its incompetence what the state department saying etc etc. Does that make it more difficult for the u. S. To be. Honest brokers and im using the term loosely in this in this situation when youre not really sure what the u. S. President means at any given time. Well i think what it actually does is clarify that the u. S. Is not an honest broker many of us have believed for many years that the u. S. Has not been an honest broker except in the context you might want to use the comparison to an honest Real Estate Broker who is honest but reflects the interests of one side in the negotiations thats been pretty much the u. S. Position it positioned itself as being in charge of negotiations in charge of the diplomacy but with no illusions that it stood equally for the rights of both sides the u. S. Made very clear u. S. Negotiators of the past have written in their books we acted as israels lawyer theyve said that very explicitly so i think in fact what this does is repeat again and weve seen it before that the u. S. Is not an honest broker in this situation what President Trump spoke of was the idea of a quote peace deal thats very different than peace peace requires at least a modicum of justice that was not on the agenda here a deal implies ending resistance essentially to israeli power that is not on the palestinians agenda thats been the position recently of the Palestinian Leadership bringing it closer to matching the position of a wide majority of palestinian. Civil society so i think what were seeing here is certainly not the end of the u. S. Role as a as an honest broker because it never was an honest broker this is simply a clear acknowledgement of that reality do you expect any blowback from from Benjamin Netanyahu bristling at any type of if this is actual criticism bristling at criticism coming from donald trump. I think we may expect something i dont expect it to be too harsh netanyahu knows that trump remains his his strong supporter but i think that netanyahu is likely to view his own relationship with the further right wing elements of his cabinet because remember as right wing as netanyahu is his cabinet is made up of further right and extremist right elements to his right and in that context i think he will feel obligated to make some kind of a statement i dont anticipate it will go very far he is not about to break with the United States President Trump has made clear that he is more more more officially and and formally pro israel than any other recent president and hes not about to put that risk but i think he will have to Say Something to satisfy his own right wing fillets bennis thank you so much for joining us from washington d. C. We appreciate it and israels Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has vowed to continue military operations inside syria a day after one of its f. Sixteen was shot down by enemy fire its really warplanes carried out a series of strikes on what it says were iranian targets in syria on saturday that yahoo says the operation was a serious blow to iran air fostered reports ostracism Israeli Soldiers collected debris on sunday at the site where an air force f. Sixteen fighter crashed a day earlier while the Investigation Continues the army told aljazeera it had confirmed the plane was struck by a syrian antiaircraft missile the first Israeli Foreign to shut down since nine hundred eighty two. At the border israeli media reported anti missile batteries have been increased after extensive israeli counterstrikes the day before inside syrian territory. Yesterday we learned its hard blows in forces of iran and syria we made unequivocally clear to everyone modus operandi has not changed one jot. We will continue to hit back for every attempt to holler for any blown flick to us this is been our policy and this will remain our policy to show the incident began with the downing of what israel says was an iranian drone launched from syria that had crossed into israeli airspace iran continues to deny the charge the secretary of the National Security council saying the allegations by zionists that they hit iranian bases in syria is a lie we are in syria as consultants we dont have the kind of military presence for them to make this an occasion for years israels government has been talking about a mounting iranian threat on its Northern Borders i dont think we we that we were not to vulnerable but we certainly didnt expect it to happen this quickly so thats why im saying its a wake up call for the future the army knows how to respond. In a way or want to create an escalation. The only way it will create installations the other side wants in this collision israeli politicians have been praising what theyve called a current public reaction to this incident but theyre also aware that it highlights increasingly complex and difficult relationship with russia and its role inside syria israel struck targets close to where Russian Forces are based on saturday. Prompting a statement from Russias Foreign Ministry calling it absolutely unacceptable to endanger the lives of russian soldiers inside syria. This after months of diplomatic efforts to convince russia to help constrain iranian activity there. The one former senior Israeli Military Intelligence Officer the loss of the plane and the extent of the retaliation dont represent a new phase in the conflict rather a reminder of its stakes. In the longer run not the long the arena presence in syria should come to an end and we expect russia and the United States to make sure that this is going to be the end result. Israel says its military response is now complete but this weekend has put the dangers of a larger scale cross border conflict into sharp focus ari force at west jerusalem still ahead in the news hour i i another display of harmony in seoul but south koreas president strikes a cautious note that an invitation to visit the war. Al child soldiers in south sudan are going to get a chance to lead a normal life. And sport speed skating legend makes history at the Winter Olympics. Rockets hoping to raise billions of dollars at a donors Conference Starting on monday in kuwait to finance the rebuilding after the campaign against eisel large parts of iraqs second largest city mosul are still in ruins more than six months after three taken by the government i mean. This is what socalled liberation from ice a look slike to has not only in his family its been six months since iraqs Prime Minister declared nineveh province freed. House is still in ruins so is much of robbie a town. He used to work as a farmer tilling the soil now he plows the rubble of his home and reaps what others have said in his life but. Weve given up hope in returning home weve been displaced over three years look at how our house has been destroyed. And fled when i saw fighters seized the nearby city of mosul four years ago hes not alive more than two and a half million iraqis remain displaced by the rule they have no money to rebuild their lives so they live in tent camps such as south of mosul and then ill be back to the government should recall bread when im supporting six children my parents and a sick family member. These are the people the conference in quite this week must help if its to succeed ejecting i saw from the third of iran the fighters once controlled has left a wasteland human Rights Groups such as Amnesty International blame both i saw and the u. S. Led coalition for unnecessary destruction and civilian deaths the Nineveh Reconstruction Committee says the conflict destroyed three quarters of muslims roads almost all its bridges and two thirds of the Electrical Network unicef says three quarters of a million children in mosul region lack access to Health Services if. The government does not get in there. Like a. War children will be forced to. Be forced to marry early we might see him more young. Iraqi officials come to quite looking for investments and over one hundred projects everything from that great cultural sector to the Energy Industry is on the table and iraqs Prime Minister well he says he needs one hundred billion dollars to get the job done. Its a huge amount of money we know our budget cant cover nor can the notion that its almost impossible thats why we are resorting to investment. Iraq is counting on outside help to salvage itself into a united and functioning state but when asked what commitments theyre ready to make in the quite conference our policy posture has changed since previous administrations remember we used to be in the whole nation building the United States government is not doing that any longer that outside interest may determine whether iraqis thirst for a normal life will never be quenched samis a damn aljazeera kuwait. Or korea silent that delegation has left seoul leaving the south korean government to consider an offer of a summit. The group which included the powerful sister of north Korean Leader kim jong un and its visit by joining south korean president and in a concert given by a north korean are true theyve been holding talks on the sidelines of the winter games on saturday extended away your invitation to president to visit pyongyang has more from seoul. Even as athletes competed on the snow and ice diplomatic developments continue to steal at least some of the spotlight during whats being called the peace olympics the last three days have been historic and a high point in interest and relations north Korean Leader kim jong un sister kim jong became the first member of the ruling family to cross into the south since the korean war she came with an invitation kim jong un is asking the south korean president in to visit pyongyang at a convenient time soon if this meeting transpires it would be the first time that kim jong il has met with the south korean president since taking office in twenty eleven president moon says hell begin arranging the conditions to make that visit happen but he stresses that any rebuilding of interest korean relations must involve dialogue between the United States and north korea u. S. Vice president mike pence sat very close to the north korean delegation during the Opening Ceremony he m. A North Koreans rebuffed president moons attempts to facilitate a midi skeptics say that this north korean Charm Offensive is heavy on the symbolism but they doubt that it will result in anything substantive they say this is an attempt by the North Koreans to drive a wedge between the United States and the South Koreans into an advance their own agenda but for now president moon and Many South Koreans are encouraged by the prospect that what weve been seeing could be the beginning of a reboot of injure korean relations. Oxfam is facing new allegations that its staff use prostitutes in the african nation of chad in two thousand and six and follows growing criticism for the way it handled accusations of Sexual Misconduct by its workers in haiti the charity was working in the aftermath of that two thousand and ten earthquake its own investigation led to four people being fired and the resignation of three others u. K. Government is now threatening to withdraw funding from oxfam York State Attorney general has filed a lawsuit against the Weinstein Company saying it failed to protect its employees against disgraced former chief executive Harvey Weinstein prosecutors say the firm and its cofounders repeatedly broke laws by facilitating weinsteins alleged abuses weinstein was one of hollywoods most influential producers before more than seventy women accused him of Sexual Misconduct including rape which he denies the lawsuit has stalled the planned sale of the company for five hundred Million Dollars mike hanna is following the story from washington d. C. Well the new York Attorney general Eric Schneiderman has filed suit in the New York County Supreme Court not only against Harvey Weinstein personally but also against his brother and the company as a whole now the reason for this as the attorney general is because of what he believed was an imminent sale of the company this could result he was concerned in victims not getting sufficient compensation in those within the company who empowered Harvey Weinstein in what i described his predatory actions maintaining their positions and getting some financial benefit out of the sale of the suit details very very closely numerous allegations against Harvey Weinstein in particular but also against the company as a whole for various contraventions of new york code and new York Business practices it makes very clear that there were layers within the Weinstein Company that will well aware of the activities of the principal shareholder and in fact empowered him in his activities the h. R. Department for example received numerous complaints over the past four or five years not a single one of these complaints were acted upon the attorney general also found that senior members of the board well well aware of Harvey Weinsteins it to the to use and they did nothing about it so the suit filed in the Supreme Court already in one party who was going to be attempting to buy the company has withdrawn the offer to buy of needed to be in the wake of this particular suit so the attorney generals apparent wish that the sale of this company will not go ahead until all those within it are held accountable and are held responsible for their role in facilitating the activities of Harvey Weinstein himself. That of south africas Ruling African National congress as Party Leaders are preparing to finalize a deal that will result in president jacob zuma leaving office somas under increasing pressure to leave over corruption allegations a. N. C. Leaders Cyril Ramaphosa says leaders meeting on monday will decide on a swift transfer of power. Monday Marks International Day against the use of child soldiers according to the u. N. The number of children recruited is still rising more than two thousand took up arms and the past three years now young soldiers in south sudan are being given a chance to lead a normal life but some are struggling to reintegrate into their communities morgan reports and you. These moves are not new to john hes been taught how to carry them out for the past two years since he was fifteen he didnt learn the drills willingly johns one of at least seven hundred children forcibly recruited by the south sudans National Liberation movement that is. Going to day. To day life. If. You want to. Do that again but it was. The civil war in south sudan now into its fifth year has killed thousands and displaced millions many vulnerable kids were recruited by armed groups to fight both boys and girls such as thirteen year old sarah. I was alluding. To a long sentence people are only ones tend to think i lived a long time. And i stepped on this it seemed as if photons to the moon out didnt set in. Stone from the. Right groups they nearly all armed groups to prove to children to fight the south sudans National Liberation movement has recently released more than three hundred children but that they were not really forced by their condition abandon first today and now all of us to get up to state to in fact we did not dent because they said that they may be a good meaning to fight does well you see we have decided also as we are now in tones of that the best sort of we decided to release them so that they can go to school. Communities. Nearly two thousand children have been demobilization the past five years but they are being replaced by according to unicef the number of tell soldiers in armed groups out on forces has been on the rise since the war in december to fifteen that despite all were inside agreeing to stop recruiting tough soldiers and releasing those already enlisted but even for those who have been demobilized life is a challenge. Many children whove been released have no idea where their families are for others fighting has become a way of life that the biggest challenge is reintegration its a process that takes time to two three years for that child to go back home and resettle we still have more kids to be released so access big thing there we need more kids to be released all real concern is the reintegration of these children so that dont they dont get recruited again john and sara say they dont want to return to the battlefield but they also feel what lies ahead after their past experiences and wonder if they may be forced to fight again he will mourn onto their own young south sudan. Plenty more ahead on aljazeera. Marks thirty nine years since the Islamic Revolution president Hassan Rouhani calls for a year of unity plus. Weve been. Companionship and friendship important to me. Britains reaching out to the more than two hundred thousand elderly who feel empty and isolated. And then support barcelona and to stand beaten in the Spanish League here with that story. By the skyline of the main harbor or off the coast of the italian riviera. It still isnt like deep winter in the middle in the science of china temperature in shanghai is seven and hong kong nineteen thats probably about right but you know the day after so were talking about tuesday the window to change direction or die zeit is would have been hong kong as warmed up to devon in shanghai it is to. Do with the sun i think and i think our culture starts with a fair amount of foreground but it will soon clear then is a good clear stretch its a lovely town the year in Southeast Asia and india china in particular where the sun is out and most of the heavy rain is still down in borneo salue ac java and running into the southern philippines as a Tropical Cyclone his way through mindanao in the next day or so circulation you see coming in otherwise the showers just down here if youre off to thailand or entire normal asia expect it to be fine for the most far even sumatra passing shows is the worst youll get so its the southern philippines to watch out for weather really heavy rain is likely with that tropical cycle and now where there is more rain developing this cloud is active for northern india northern pakistan the hindu kush is going to be rain or snow depending on your height above sea level and its welcomed funnily enough good for Fruit Growers always sort of many in this part of the world. The weather sponsored by cattle and place. From Satellite Technology to three d. Printing and recycled waste to solar powered classrooms africa is transforming young innovators are propelling change Building Communities creating employment and solving problems theyre challenging systems and shaping new ones its about creative thinkers shaping their continence future innovate africa at this time on aljazeera. Discover a willful would winning programming from around the world. Come to make it challenge your perception if you were to design a propaganda system you could not build a better platform then facebook. Documenters debates and discussions this country that was once that the wealthiest in the region what went wrong how did we get to this point algers real. Watching. The top stories for you. From russia theyre looking at all possible causes as the hunt for clues into why a plane crashed soon after takeoff from an airport in moscow all seventy one people on board were killed. And a rare criticism of israel u. S. President has questioned its commitment to peace with the palestinians and an interview with an israeli newspaper he says israels settlements in the occupied west bank are complicating the peace process. And britains foreign secretary has urged me on mars later on allow the u. N. To supervise the return over a hedge or refugees or stance and made the plea after visiting displaced. State and refugee camps and bangladesh. More on that story as a member him joins us via skype from chicago hes a senior fellow at the center for Global Policy and author of the henges inside myanmar is hidden genocide we appreciate your time very much so the assessment. And his thoughts being that. Perhaps is to remove from whats happening isnt really isnt really aware first of all do you buy that and if she isnt how can that possibly be acceptable. Boris johnson is just the lead to. A smith. Over the last few months she has been meeting leader after leader. Hope all of them come of these meetings see that they had a constructive dialogue with or but actually no concrete action whatsoever i was in myanmar i was in bangladesh myself and i could see across the border even while some of those discussions were going on i could still see villages borning i think this meeting with key has been a wasted opportunity by foreign secretary Boris Johnson he has asked me to undertake all an extensive investigation into the decent massacre that was uncovered and from previous investigations that me on maher has conducted and to b. D. s of course hes committed by their own mother to these one investigation in particular and that is the only claim that was on call boards was a saw one saw your story. So this is a level of inquiry youre going to get if i were to advise Boris Johnson i would say that is three things you should have asked for he should have asked for access for the un and to myanmar to undertake an investigation he should have asked with the release of the two going to a journalist and he should have thirdly for their tone of that will hinge was under curfew nines recommendations and unfortunately none of that seems to be forthcoming is it is it possible are you that maybe some of that tough talk with these leaders that have gone there is maybe happening behind closed doors and theyre still trying to i dont know make nice publicly just to not push them as a possible that those two things could happen simultaneously or does the public pressure really need to happen you think to turn a corner. That may be the key issue know all diplomacy is usually conducted by includes doors but this seems to be no action forthcoming this has been going on since september and. Forty go where the border villages are still being burnt more mass caves are being discovered d. H. Opportunity and so none of this diplomacy seems to be walking if its happening behind closed doors or theres absolutely nothing to shore i believe the unc sang suu kyi as an experiment seeming too busy she likes to look busy setting up various commissions and investigations but none of them actually achieve anything shes a very articulate speaker she meets with best and policy makers and she just use them and the reality is as recently we had governor Bill Richardson from Hard Commission and they remember this was a very close friend of unsung suki but hes also a very highly experienced diplomat he immediately that these commissions are being set out by are are simply just a step. He was all he was very public to about why he did this absolutely was very public he lies that was a stepped up these commissions of north order to whatsoever they are designed simply to buy and tow the International Attention moves on to the next crisis and those really enjoy because if you g. s become apparent fetched year with then bangladesh as a major ham im sure we will need to continue this conversation thank you very much for your time irans president has called for a year of unity as his country celebrates thirty nine years since the Islamic Revolution comes just weeks after antigovernment protests in cities across the country. Called on all Political Parties to put aside their differences and look to the future same as ravi reports from tehran. In a state of the union style speech irans president listed the governments successes rouhani focused mostly on domestic issues speaking about things like Economic Growth what iran is doing to address the impact of Climate Change and irans ability to manufacture military hardware like tanks and antiaircraft Missile Defense systems all part of a successful effort he said to have security independence and a larger role in the region you give those out. In the course of the last year we overcame terrorism we achieved great victories ive i saw in the region help to the people of iraq and syria through had good results and the people of the region got rid of evil terrorists indirectly addressing recent protests by opposition groups rouhani acknowledged shortcomings saying the government must do more to resolve what he described as a backlog of Economic Issues show yet the buy on of all the government needs to be more transparent and we need to result banking issues address taxation and budgeting in and correct the economic structure of the country. For the hundreds of thousands of iranians who joined a celebratory rallies thirty nine years later the Islamic Revolution is a continuing way of life ronnie told the crowd that they were the most important part of ensuring the success of the islamic form of government in iran. Elections are the biggest part of protecting the Islamic Revolution people voting in their leaders in parliamentary and president ial elections but when someone is elected the opposition and the youth the elite should respect the choice of the people instead of chanting slogans go to the ballot box. As he often does the iranian president extolling the virtues of dialogue over conflict he said the lasting solution to region wide problems is political settlement and as far as internal conflict honey said iranians should not hold grudges rouhani said victory in the one nine hundred seventy nine revolution was like a train with many passengers some stayed on so now he said was the time to bring everyone back on the train to get. A prominent iranian canadian professor has died in prison in tehran sixty three zero environmental activists say a mommy was arrested last month he was accused of being part of a spy ring police say he committed suicide a claim disputed by his family human Rights Groups say detainees in iran are routinely tortured and killed only six civilians including two children have been killed in Syrian Government air strikes near the capital damascus it taks targeted several towns in the rebel held suburb of Eastern Ghouta it falls in a socalled deescalation zone agreed to by Turkey Russia and iran Syrian Government and russian air strikes have killed more than two hundred forty people on rebel held areas and just the last week the un says some of the attacks may be war crimes and human rights activists known as the iron lady of pakistan has died. Suffered a heart attack in the eastern city of lahore late on saturday and then died a few hours later she was a fierce defender of women and minorities and openly criticize the Pakistani Military intelligence and right wing religious parties the former u. N. Special operator was also chair of pakistans Human Rights Commission and it served as president of the Supreme Courts Bar Association she was sixty six years old. At least eight people have died and forty others have been injured in a gas explosion at a carnival parade in Bolivia Police say three children romanos killed in saturdays explosion in the city of aurora who authorities believe hot oil spilled and burned a hose connected to a gas canister and thats what caused the explosion colombias military has blamed National Liberation army rebels for two attacks on saturday the group known as it was holding a three day national blockade to protest against the governments decision to suspend peace negotiations two bombs went off at a bridge which connects the countrys atlanta coast with its inland theres been no reported deaths or injuries the l. N. Warned colombians against traveling during the blockade president Juan Manuel Santos suspended negotiations with the group after it was blamed for attacks in which seven Police Officers were killed forests all around the world are under growing threat of destruction the World Wildlife fund says an area equivalent to twenty seven football fields is being lost to logging agriculture and development every minute in costa rica and our middle activists are fighting back and he gallagher has their story. Few places in the world can boast the kind of biodiversity found in costa ricas forests youll find unique species and unique climates but deforestation is taking its toll over the last seventy years about eighty percent of costa ricas forest has been lost. To clough bridge nature reserve researches and volunteers of fighting back weve got the river that in just a few short years theyve replanted and re grown large parts of this rain forest and the results a promising when we finally captured a jaguar on the camera trap he was hired by big cat that was a huge step forward when we walked through the areas that we planted in and you see the tree is large enough to make it on its own in the forest is changing and thats a huge step easy. To get there like biologists from around the world now come here to study what this kind of regeneration can achieve the return of species once lost to agriculture and logging is for many i dont forget a bill experience im sure there is you know Success Stories in other countries and other places but having you know what i experience it firsthand here for so long for sure its going to be something that i look back on to tell people about you know it works. The tower bridge reserve is now an example of what simple techniques patience and preservation can achieve a country wide shoot to progress is being made its astounding to see what fifteen years of we growth can look like and according to the United Nations report station is the best way to combine Climate Change and its something costa ricas done very effectively through various incentives and Government Programs theyve managed to reclaim almost a quarter of what was lost. Costa ricas rich Natural Heritage has long been a draw for students and tourists alike but this nations reforestation if its stand as a testament to what can be achieved at a time when the environment faces its good. Challenges and you go look at aljazeera at the reserve in costa rica. Talking to the people who cite those volunteers about how theyre. A big. Id estimate two hundred thousand Senior Citizens in britain have not had a conversation with a friend or relative and more than a month and more than half of those over the age of seventy five live alone u. K. Correspondent Barbara Phillips has a story my wife died about two and a half years ago and i. Read. Another has to give almost love john who is ninety had felt increasingly isolated the death of his wife left a void weve been married for sixty five years so obviously companionship and friendship important to me. The solution arranged by a charity was for john to give a room to poppy a twenty one year old student she helps with shopping cooking going for walks its mutually beneficial most importantly they like each other in simplest terms i probably wont be able to afford to live where i am if i wasnt working and living with john as a young person all the conversations we have i come out learning something new hes had such an interesting life. Loneliness is subjective individuals and societies feel it in different ways but says this expert its impact on health can be measured having predisposes Health Conditions so theres been a matter that looked at showed that it was bad for your health. Today people that are more likely to get Heart Disease and start. Their early onset of dementia earlier if you. Like to Many Mental Health issues amateur depression suicide cocktails in care homes an unlikely mixture but another simple idea bringing young people into care homes for the elderly in britain three quarters of older people say they feel lonely almost half say t. V. Is their main companion but on these evenings everyone reaches out to everyone else. And. Make. Light loneliness itself the benefits of a scheme like this are very hard to quantify but engaging in conversation between generations makes almost all of us feel good it creates understanding it strengthens the ties which hold society together. Often comes with feelings of shame but it is part of the human condition and on evenings like these some people discover that they have more in common than the thought of the phillips aljazeera london. Lets find out whats happening at the Winter Olympics. Thanks very much a seventeen year old has become the youngest american Gold Medalist at a Winter Olympics since one nine hundred twenty eight raed jarrar claimed an unexpected victory in the mens slopestyle snowboarding elise home in reports. If you would have known the name red to run before these Olympic Games but the teenager produced the run of his life in the mens slopestyle snowboarding event and at seventeen he became the youngest olympic snowboarding champion ever was it was crazy it was really wild to me that i have first place those. Jogging canadas Mark Mcmorris won the bronze medal less than a year after he almost died during a training accident the twenty four year old fractured his jaw pelvis and left ruptured he spleen and suffered a collapsed lung all the emotions are definitely positive today just being here at the olympics is a huge feat for me and being healthy is feel so good once again. Dutch speedskating great sven crammer became the first man to win three golds in the same speed skating event at an olympics the thirty one year old climbing the mens five thousand aces yet again. Fans of biathlon was stunned when french tamasin for cut the world number one missed three of these opening five shots and would finish eighth in the mens ten kilometer sprint no one more stunned than germanys peppa who took home the gold. France didnt finish day two entirely empty handed purina phone won gold in the womens moguls those are just crazy i mean i really realized just one day youre lympics and in you. Know new lending james and there was a really great fit in. Drummer of the day care. Im in the mens thirty kilometer ski at line seaman heads down to go with last in the early stages have to think floored in a collision. But the norwegian recovered to take the lead on the penultimate lap and well go home and just era. Germany are top of the medal table after two days of competition with three golds the netherlands are in fact and australia joining a list of old medal winning countries after victory and them and. Eleven gold medals are up for grabs in the biafra on these games heres peters to take you through the events history and technicalities skiing and shooting seems like an unlikely combination for the Winter Olympics the roots of biathlon or in hunting techniques used by scandinavian countries and was contested between swedish and norwegian militaries in the eighteenth century in one nine hundred sixty it debuted as an official a limb pick event so how does it work well with a rifle strapped to their back the competitor will do lips around a Cross Country ski course these laps will vary from two and a half to four kilometers and at the end of each loop they stop take that rifle off their back and shoot are targets that are fifty meters away there are two types of required shooting one is standing with targets that are four and a half metres wide all lying on their stomachs shooting at targets that are not as big now if you miss a single target you are paralyzed in some even so that means you have to do a one hundred fifty meter penalty loop before continuing on the race in other events its a one minute punishment overall race distances in individual events vary from ten to twenty kilometers in duration and depending on the distance that means racing from twenty minutes to over an hour there are five separate mens and womens events in pyongyang and naturally the first across the line takes gold. Extreme cold weather at the olympics has been a talking point of the games for athletes but spectators and thousands of volunteers are also affected we wellings reports on what goes into making the game run smoothly if a good lympics is based on the infusion of the hosts in the Winter Olympics in p. R. China where to be judged a success. By the fifteen thousand volunteers cheerful in extreme conditions approaching minus twenty degrees working long hours out of ten of them over in their twentys and simply wanted to be part of chungs big fortnight. Enjoying being a volunteer yeah sure because you know weather is a. Really Good Opportunity to participate in this special forces hours of standing in the cold means the uniform logistics need to be perfect the not a many have politely registered their complaints to the games organizers the hours that we were a little bit long its nine hours per cent and. There were a lot of problems with the transportation another issue to hit the games is an outbreak of the norovirus there were over one hundred cases around the olympic site mainly affecting security guards but now sport is finally starting to take the spotlight after the extraordinary Political Developments between south and north korea to define the opening of these twenty third winter games and korea could dream of a gold rush. Sports events. Is a. Public support on the first day of competition who. Are the gunman. In the mens. Short. Straw and. A nation is already gripped by television footage for those in the olympic park its a memory for life. Im very proud that south korea managed to hold the reports again after thirty years i came here to make good memories for my daughter. Im very happy to see the olympics in the flourish. Despite the omnipresent a little marketing flavor the games have with. Korean charm amazing people the games and i think these guys. And the people can remove the big chill at the climate. Barcelona house stumbled for a second straight week in spain they were held to a draw by taffy a late effort by luis suarez failed to get through the keeper while barsa star player leon massey was below it was only the fifth time this season allowed Legal Leaders fail to score they remain unbeaten though with that result barcelona as leader of the top sits at seven points with Athletico Madrid in second defending champions around madrid are seventeen points behind Manchester United suffered a surprise to fade away at newcastle in the English Premier League matt richie scoring the only goal in the game to lift newcastle out of the relegation zone United States second in the table sixteen points behind leaders city. Yes they were yes they were but. Sometimes you want to act that looking we just state of mind and after the one you are seeing newcastle day is they fought for their lives and i think thats a beautiful thing in football liverpool are third in the standings after two know when over southampton roberta for menial and most were the scores both in the first half. And thats all your support for now more later and well continue to update you on the Winter Olympics and the meantime visit our website aljazeera dot com a complete up to date wrap up of news around the world thats all for me for this news hour. Next with the rest of the days news on the other side of. The Marshall Islands holds a toxic legacy from years of u. S. Military nuclear testing. As the sea levels rise when one east investigates the threats this followed posers at this time on al jazeera. The roots of the sting problem. Is the name of the rich. Regular music is really going to. A very young age. But i feel that. Just. Because. Thats the be rather than. Especially for a good thing this is kind of all the right. Questions and freedom of expression and people you know all the. Students. There goes its amazing the need to do this. On the streets. And its. Wild swings for Global Stock Markets look at whats going on and why it matters how women in twenty eighteen are still fighting for equal rights in the workplace us sheryl is defying expectations but will it make life difficult for counting the cost at this time. We understand the differences and the similarities of cultures across the world. So no matter where you call home Aljazeera International bringing the news and Current Affairs that matter to you. Aljazeera. A grueling search for clues begins after a russian plane crashes minutes after takeoff killing all seventy one on full. Blown down job of the soldiers here on live from doha also coming up president

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