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Its for sale should it belong to the local community or a wealthy man or. Syrian warplanes have launched an offensive on the rebel held province of killing at least twenty people women and children are among the dead want to say the jets targeted a market and that a hospital treating people who were wounded in an earlier strike meanwhile russia is hosting a new round of talks in sochi aimed at ending the war the un is there but the main Syrian Opposition group says that its boycotting the negotiations until president Bashar Assads forces and the russian are lies stop the violence the kurds who control almost twenty percent of syrian territory also not attending there the focus of the Turkish Military operation in africa and in Northern Syria ankara says the kurdish fighters terrorists al jazeera Stephanie Decker reports now from the town of killis on the turkey syria border theres just been incoming from syria into turkey we were actually preparing for a live when we heard a whiz over our heads. And then we saw the smoke landing around five hundred meters from our position well the police have now come to inspect the crater this is a reminder of course that this is an active conflict and there are consequences for these border towns these border cities cholas has had rockets and shells land here before also the honey on the other side of the border but people that residents that weve spoken to here will tell you that they are concerned theyre used to it because i saw was here just a couple of years ago along the border and there was this kind of tense situation as well but one gentleman we spoke to yesterday said he was worried and he was ready military wife and children away you could see people are tense and they want us to move on or lets hear now from aljazeera story challenges in sochi with the latest round of talks on syria taking place. Well the news earlier on monday the another group of opposition figures whos going to be staying away from sochi really exposes i think the short comings of this Congress Russia has tried to make this as inclusive as possible inviting people and groups from across the syrian cultural religious and political spectrum so the robot is here there are these there are sunnis and shias allo whites and various different political platforms including the moscow platform the rest on a platform but there are a few notable exceptions now those are the s. N. C. The Syrian Negotiation Committee which has said that it will stay away from sochi believing that this is undermining the geneva process the kurdish groups such as the y. P. G. Then not here either they are considered persona non grata by turkey and of essentially being shut out i dont think they want to come anyway because of whats going on in africa and so this all basically steers towards the moscow and damascus perspective on the syrian conflict the upshot of this congress is likely to be the endorsement of the new what theyre calling a Constitutional Committee made up supposedly all of the Syrian Government on one side and opposition representatives on the other but if the main groups of the opposition are not here then this allows damascus to essentially say that the opposition groups boycotting sochi boycotting this process are saboteurs of peace the big question of course is where the u. N. Stands on the of this and whether stefan de mistura will approve of these measures and not allow this to filter in to the geneva process the russians believe that he is on board the left is wait to see whether the u. S. That suggest that is confirmed or not. To the us where the Deputy Director of the f. B. I. Has resigned weeks before his official retirement date the us president has repeatedly criticized Andrew Mccabe for political bias donald trump accuses him of favoring his rival Hillary Clinton during the twenty sixteen president ial race the cables resignation comes a week after u. S. Media reported that the president wanted him gone the white house has denied having any involvement with mccabe stepping down weve seen numerous ports as all of you have and any specifics i can tell you none of this issue is made by out of the white house any specifics i would refer you to the f. B. I. President wasnt part of this is you making process and we would refer you to the f. B. I. Where Christopher Ray serves as the director which as i said last week and ill repeat again today the president has full confidence in him and has put the decisions at the f. B. I. In his hands life out of washington alan fischer is there so why did mccabe step down early was it his decision or was he pushed for something changed in the last twenty four forty eight hours Christopher Ray who is the director of the f. B. I. Said that he wasnt going to fire mccain he wasnt going to move his position now according to the New York Times down early was it his decision or was he pushed. Well something changed in the last twenty four forty eight hours Christopher Ray who is the director of the f. B. I. Said that he wasnt going to fire Andrew Mccabe he wasnt going to move his position now according to the New York Times across his desk came a report from the Inspector General which talked about how the Hillary Clinton investigation into a private use of an email server was handled was certainly part of that investigation in its initial stages until you recused himself according to the New York Times mccabe was then told look we were thinking of moving year to another part of the f. B. I. Deputy director number two in the organization he saw that very much as a demotion and then said well look ill just go no and retire in march eighteenth as im jus to do and that seemed to be accepted by christopher re certainly donald trump has been attacking Andrew Mccabe over the last few weeks because of his links to his wife obviously because his wife ran for a post in virginia. As a democrat received some contributions close to seven hundred thousand dollars from people who would be considered very close clinton allies donald trump believing that this proves his narrative that there is bias in the f. B. I. For the investigation suggested that he should perhaps leave so elusive mickey was continuing or keen to continue all the way through to march when he would retire until early on monday morning when he was presented with the idea of move or leave and he decided to leave so what are the implications of this on the investigation into alleged collusion between the Truck Campaign and russia. Well donald trump has been trying to build this narrative that the whole thing is a figment of the democrats imagination that theyre very upset at losing an election they thought they were going to win particularly against a candidate like donald trump and therefore they have tried to influence the Robert Miller investigation no dont trump should have nothing to do with this investigation but we nor from various media reports has put pressure on the attorney general has put pressure on the Justice Department hes put pressure on the f. B. I. Hes even fired the director of the f. B. I. And said it was because they he wouldnt drop the Russian Investigation so the mccabe thing still has got some way to plea out no it wont get a great deal of attention come tuesday here in washington even though it probably should but thats because washington the both parties and the president or turn their attention to the state of the union late on tuesday night but you can understand that there will be people who will be asking questions about mccains departure and whether or not this actually does indicate there was a bias in the investigation or whether this is donald trump trying to obstruct justice one more time and many thanks i was there is alan fischer there live in washington islands government has agreed to hold a referendum later this year on liberalising abortion laws the last catholic country has some of the tightest restrictions in europe on abortion its currently banned in all cases except where there is a specific threat to the life of the mother due to pregnancy the referendum is show jeweled from maine peace talks with iran rebels in colombia have been called off because of a series of bombings at the weekend president Juan Manuel Santos has blamed the marxist rebels for the attacks on Police Stations in three cities the breakdown of the year long dialogue comes eighteen months after the president secured a deal with colombias much larger fuck Guerrilla Group out of sons of m. P. s he has the latest from bogota. The decision by president santos to suspend the talks became inevitable after this latest string of attacks in particularly the bombing of a Police Station in a major city by one key on the coastal city of about and yet is seen as the last straw for the government of a situation that has been deteriorating since the end of what had been a very successful cease fire between the government and this rebel group in the last three months of two thousand and seventeen but then the year land started a new offensive in different parts of the country and this latest string of attacks really left the sons those with no option but deciding to suspend the talks these and there are a lot of pressure also by opposition politician conservative politicians here in the country who are asking him and to the talks with the yellin for good in a statement the rebels group to say that they hope that the talks can restart and said they favor a new cease fire but the attacks will continue unless and you cease fire brokered to which. In turn will make even more difficult for the talks to start again. Thousands of workers from the u. N. Agency for Palestinian Refugees have been protesting in gaza against planned budget cuts and follows the us his decision to cut millions of dollars worth of funding to the aid agency in iran calm reports from gaza. This was one of the largest demonstrations gaza has seen in recent months the Union Organizing says thirteen thousand people turned out palestinians are angry that the u. S. Is withholding one hundred ten Million Dollars in funding for the United Nations Relief Works Agency that agency is responsible for Palestinian Refugees some one million in gaza alone yeah agency itself is in crisis mode its introduced austerity measures and warns it only has two months of funding left after that all of us said this is where the palestinian to if you want to fix it it will be no food you know colborne there will be normalized. It will be ignored you case in four of these kids which are looking to be as kids in other parts of the war on palestinian in gaza city but on that seas which is a very very serious situation its some of gazas most desperate the will be hit hardest people like who saw his see who receives unemployment payments from he supports a family of six those payments are due to come to an end if money isnt found by then log on the show and. Stop this project then what kind of going gaza how can i feed my children how can they raise them in gaza not there is no other Choice Construction has stopped and we are on the seats there is no option other than without it there is nothing. Under ross says a humanitarian crisis is coming experts in the Business Community already warning that the gaza the economy is on the verge of collapse now some seventy percent of gaza lou. In refugee camps like this and theyre the ones that are going to be the most affected thats almost half of the population of gaza iran called the gaza strip a weather update next year and i was here at them promises promises photos but still work to see pennsylvania is coal country think of president Donald Trumps Campaign Pledge plus. I you know fever i would bring the blame bring no hearing on their life im getting i want you mighty point out in the state of how volatile are already fourteen people have died in the last month. By the springtime flowers of a mountain lead. To the sun snowfall on the winter story. And i there certainly has been cold over the southeastern parts of china recently in fact for some of us has been a fair amount of wintry weather these pictures are from chung ching showing the beautiful very cold conditions weve had there and the snow has gradually been pushing its way south with its fizzling out though so not really anything left to it as we head through tuesday but it certainly has built in that cold air look at that hong kong as a maximum nine degrees very cold for us and for hanoi were only getting to eleven and if you think about some bands that see whats happening on wednesday because on wednesday is still staying very cold for many of us and this time though we more in the way of clouds and rain as well so really not feeling too special across this region atoll a bit further towards the south and the very heavy rains that weve been seeing over the philippines have now cleared so for most of us there is a lot of sunshine around still some showers yes but not as heavy and prolonged as the rain that weve seen thats what were going to expect over the next few days then some fun shine but also some showers there will be more showers over parts of java some of us here are saying a pretty wet picture at the moment more heavy persistent rains still to come were also being somewhat weather over sri lanka recently as well still more shall. A likely hit but weve also got another weather feature in the north thats been bringing a fair amount of snow and it looks like another ones on its way for when. The weather sponsored by qatar airways. The current tensions between countries along the river nile have their roots in a colonial past eclipse planted in the nine to twenty nine agreement both are closed because of the new political realities on the ground or increasing the sense of uncertainty over clooney as the rhythm out there with the need to do that and when you can call it the kind of peace through which the male voice can be defeat the tempo the struggle of the night at this time on aljazeera. Are again the top stories this hour on al jazeera syrian warplanes force an offensive targeting the rebel held province of killing at least twenty people wanted to say the jets hit a market that a hospital treating people who were wounded in the earliest strike the Deputy Director of the f. B. I. Has resigned ahead of his official retirement date the u. S. President has repeatedly accused Andrew Mccabe of political bias the white house has denied having any involvement in the caves departure of colombias government has put peace talks with the rebels on the whole after a string of bombings killed seven Police Officers over the weekend president Juan Manuel Santos blamed the group for the attacks on Police Stations in three cities. More than twenty Million People in brazil are being vaccinated against yellow fever following an outbreak of the disease a Public Health emergency has been declared after at least fifteen people died in the southeast stays of me in the past month stories about reports. This is the largest forestry serve in an urban area in the world mighty border in the state of south is where an early the locust son and her son died of yellow fever a few weeks ago. My oldest son is devastated they were together all the time hes not even coming to our place because hes suffering a lot he was planning to write his kids he left us here. Anderson did not want to get vaccinated and i leave this says he started having headaches and then his complection turned yellow the doctors didnt know what the problem was until after he died brazil is fighting a yellow fever outbreak that has already claimed dozens of lives at least fourteen of them here in mighty border a massive campaigns now being launched to vaccinate People Living in high risk areas against whats considered to be the worst outbreak of the decease since the one nine hundred forty s. Leni says yellow fever was for years in there making only certain areas of residual but things have changed oh well the store will do them. A few environmental studies noted impacts in forests but the mosquitoes predators such as frogs and dragonflies were extinct the mosquitoes then managed to migrate to this person brazil. And its not now just in remote areas but also in brazils major cities this is befehl power also when its been temporarily shut down because of the already found one that monkey that was not from the sioux but lived in the surrounding area infected with the yellow you very very mean that the virus is already here and thats why the government has stepped up efforts to vaccinate People Living in the area hundreds of other monkeys have already died across brazil in the last year as the virus has spread but in so paolo and rio they generate they are not enough vaccines for everyone if i jean could not protect her family she said i want it was really busy when i arrived people were queuing for five hours and they told us it was over no more vaccines i have to come next week in my the other members of andersons family have been inoculated yellow fever has already left this family shattered the governments priority is to prevent the virus from causing even more deaths. Money poured out brazil. The u. S. Military is changing its guidelines for the use of wireless gadgets following revelations that fitness tracking apps can disclose sensitive military positions the global heat map of routes used by runs and cyclists posted online by fitness Trucking Companies strong reveals the outlines of u. S. Bases in war zones around the world. Donald trump is preparing to give his first state of the Union Address on tuesday one of his Biggest Campaign promises was to bring back the countrys once thriving Steel Industry which has seen significant job losses in recent years shabba tansey has traveled to rural pennsylvania where support for trump was strong in the twenty sixteen election to see if the president has kept his promise. Pennsylvania hadnt chosen a republican president since one thousand nine hundred eighty eight but thanks in part to support from Rural Communities where the Steel Industry still clings on donald trump flipped the state in twenty six to the collapse of the industry was devastating but u. S. Steels clapton coke plant remains the largest coke plant in the u. S. And at the local John Mclaughlin explains that it was to safeguard the plants future but he voted for trump under every president weve taken a hit republican democrat and the trade agreement both parties have to agree to it i wanted Something Different donald trump was clear when he was campaigning were going to bring hell back. And trump won here because of his stated opposition to trade deals that lead to a block of cheap imported steel and his pledge to investigate whether the u. S. Is reliance on steel imports is a threat to u. S. National security but a decision on that may still be several months away the white house is reported to be split on the issue at the claire de niro hall theres disappointment not least because while the white house has a tates steel imports have soared i thought it would have been done in middle summer make a decision but overseas they know this might become an artist dump and even more will are jones didnt vote for trump were still flatline like not i mean since the election but then he never trusted trump he was willing to retain some hope that hasnt yet been justified im not sure other than you know money but money. Now for the top. Several times over the last year and all trump has touted his job creation skills only for job losses soon to fall or the most infamous example is the carrier factory in indiana carry well never leave but since then hundreds of workers have quietly been laid off from the plant as jobs moved elsewhere one of them from ski is the president of the Clinton Branch of the united steelworkers who seems to be his nature you know saying. Theres still hope in the moment valerie but having been failed by both the democrats and republicans in the past if trumps words turn out to be empty they say its nothing new but you have to remember one thing weve been promised a lot of things over the years nobody has ever come through with the progress has been pledged to revitalize communities here in the mom valley with ambitious plans to refashion them as hubs for twenty First Century jobs but by pledging to return them to a heyday not seen for seventy years for many here it was worth a try however improbable. Zero the moment vali pennsylvania. More than one hundred migrants have been rescued off the coast of libya after they became stranded trying to cross the mediterranean in dangerous sea conditions the countrys coast guard said the group which included women and children were brought to a naval base in tripoli for medical treatment and will later be transferred to a Detention Center in the city in kenya the head of the Fire Department in the countrys capital has been suspended after a fire left thousands homeless at least four people died and more than fourteen thousand others lost their homes as the huge place swept through the language state area of Nairobi Kenya media reports of the five faces seen ran out of water soon after arriving. Cape town is on the verge of running out of water the south african city is just seventy one days away from having to shut off most of its water taps due to a severe drought people there are blaming the government as they count down to whats been dubbed day zero on the twelfth of april Victoria Gate and there are reports. Out on the streets of cape town over a week to crisis these protesters say the government should have prevented the city is completely mismanaging the water theyre not getting the leaks cannot be using the placing the pipes they holding out what the many devices that they know are defective and that but no plan this brings theyre not allowing people access to so they are strangling the water supply reservoirs have been full for more than three years because the hasnt been enough rain. The city is limiting each household to fifty liters of milk to a day thats the quicker than to one full blast with eight people in the house up till now weve managed to bring up with the consumption from one thousand kilos lead to spur a month we put all the down now last month it was a killer and we are doing a little bit more in order to bring that for the dome to get it in line with the six p. That will come in on the first buffy bootie from south africas move to minister says Climate Change is to blame for the crisis she said everyone to cut back that water heats it is therefore important that our loses leave the plants introducing what happens. The Agricultural Sector has made a commitment to make sure that they exploit enough. So that then there is that the petition to the realities of clementines Scientists Say the city has made significant efforts to deal with the crisis the time has been very successful and with a was a demonic program which began in a round about ninety nine and the remarkable thing one program is that it has managed to climb the dumond on what a despotic group a city with growing Economic Development and population city officials who already people who would date there were the date when taps are expected to run dry that day is now april the twelfth nine days earlier than previously expected it appears that Desperate Measures to conserve water are having little effect victoria gating be out is there a swollen river saying is now threatening towns further downstream from paris heavy rain is flooded in bank was forced road closures and cancelled river boat cruises in the french capital around one of the half thousand people had to leave their homes the river picked up five point eight four metres on monday high water levels are expected to remain for the coming days with fears that that may extend into coming weeks german carmaker volkswagen has come under fire from politicians in the public for part funding tests in which monkeys and humans were exposed to toxic fumes a report says the german car maker ordered the studies in twenty fourteen along with time b. M. W. Germanys government has called the tests unjustifiable. A remote scottish island is up for sale in the governments deciding whether to give the local community the right to buy it rather than putting it on the open markets Land Ownership in scotland is a sensitive issue with a few wealthy people owning half of all private land as part of the phillips reports from the government wants to change that. In a distant corner of the British Isles i drove through a wild landscape to find an Island Community that is dying six hundred people lived here on in the Nineteenth Century now there are only six including the owner has decided to sell it and rebecca whose children are at school on the neighboring island of maui she fears a new owner could force her family to leave a final blow in the long decline of this community my husband grew up here in our whole lives are invested in this and myself my system of to live in years and in belton a prayer business and our children are very happy at the local scale and i think it would be devastating for us. Is littered with empty houses some long abandoned some recently far from jobs and services this is a difficult place to survive but the remaining islanders supported by people want to buy believing they can repopulate it make it viable backed by scotlands government which has new powers to change the pattern of Land Ownership being to change from the present situation where a very large proportion of very few people. To the benefit of local communities theres an opportunity under the wonderful legislation in scotland for actually to make a difference. Grab it with both arms the old jamie howard use family have lived here for seventy years believes the community underestimate how much investment all the needs better his land agent told us to find a buyer on the open market if were trying to get investors here we dont want to put barriers in the way we dont want to frighten them by saying if you are here well the community or somebody else may come in and stop you we want people who are leaving europe with these like it or you dont. Were leaving your we want to encourage investment into this part of the world but donald who runs the little ferry to bow sees the proposed Community Buy out as elders last chance speak. So. Like him today typical. Olver is just one tiny island but the conflict of interests here between local community and landowner is one that resonates through the highlands and islands and through scotlands history scotlands government seems inclined to give the island his time and money to match the elders price its intervention being watched far beyond all the Barnaby Phillips aljazeera in the scottish highlands. But terry with us Adrian Finnegan here in doha the headlines on aljazeera syrian warplanes have killed at least twenty people during an offensive on the rebel held province of it lip wanted to say that the jets targeted the markets and then the hospital full of people who were wounded in the earlier strike it comes russia launches a diplomatic push to end the war hosting a new round of talks in sochi the u. N. Is there but the main Syrian Opposition group says that it will boycott the negotiations the Deputy Director of the f. B. I. Has resigned weeks before his official retirement date the u. S. President has repeatedly criticized Andrew Mccabe for political bias donald trump is accused mccabe of favoring his rival Hillary Clinton in the twenty sixteen president ial race the caves resignation comes a week after u. S. Media reported that the president wanted him gone but the white house denies any involvement. Weve seen numerous ports as all of you have and any specifics i can tell you none of this decision was made by that of the white house in any specifics i would refer you to the f. B. I. President wasnt part of this is you making process and we would refer you to the f. B. I. Where christopher a serves as the director which as i said last week and ill repeat again today the president has full confidence in him and has put the decisions at the f. B. I. In his hands in colombia peace talks between the government and rebels have been called off after a series of bombings at the weekend president Juan Manuel Santos has blamed marxist rebels for the attacks on Police Stations in three cities the breakdown of the year long dialogue comes eighteen months off the president secured a deal with colombias much larger fuck Guerrilla Group ottens government has agreed to hold a referendum in may on liberalizing abortion laws the majority catholic country has some of the tightest restrictions on abortion in europe its currently banned in all cases except where theres a specific threat to the life of the mother pregnancy and well the one hundred migrants have been rescued off the coast of libya after they became stranded trying to cross the mediterranean in dangerous conditions the countrys coast guard said the group was brought to a naval base in tripoli for medical treatment. And those are the headlines ill be back with more news for you in a little over thirty little under thirty minutes here on aljazeera right after inside story next. African Union Leaders have been holding a summit in the ethiopian capital corruption conflict and funding for the fifty five member bloc tops the agenda become the a you bring in much stated reforms this is inside story

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