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People wanted to say the jets targeted a market and then a hospital full of people wounded in the earliest strike it comes as russian launches a diplomatic push to end the war hosting a new round of talks in sochi the u. N. Is that but the main Syrian Opposition group says it will boycott the talks chalons has more from sochi. Well the news earlier on monday the another group of opposition figures was going to be staying away from sochi really exposes i think the short comings of this Congress Russia has tried to make this as inclusive as possible inviting people and groups from across the syrian cultural religious and political spectrum so the robot is here there are easy these there are sunnis and shias alawite various different political platforms including the moscow platform the rest on a platform but there are a few notable exceptions now those are the s. N. C. The syrian that Negotiation Committee which has said that it will stay away from sochi believing that this is undermining the geneva process the kurdish groups such as the y. P. G. Then or here either they are considered to start on grata by turkey of essentially being shut out of there that they want to come anyway because of whats going on in africa and so this all basically steers sort she towards the moscow and damascus perspective on the syrian conflict the upshot of this congress is likely to be the endorsement of of a new what theyre calling a Constitutional Committee made up supposedly all of the Syrian Government on one side and opposition representatives on the other but if the main groups of the opposition on norton. Here then this allows damascus to essentially say that its the opposition groups boycotting so she boycotting this process off sabotage of peace the big question of course is where the un stands on the of this and whether stefan de mistura will approve of these measures and not allow this to filter in to the geneva process the russians believe that he is on board the left is wait to see whether the u. S. That suggests that its confirmed or not and all the headlines the Deputy Director of the f. B. I. Is stepping down from his post after being accused of bias by President Donald Trump Andrew Mccabe is resigning several weeks ahead of his plan with time and date in march trump has in the past criticized him several times accusing mccabe of supporting Hillary Clinton in the twenty sixteen president ial election weve seen numerous ports as all of you have and any specifics i can tell you none of this decision was made by that of the white house in any specifics i would refer you to the f. B. I. Who i believe will be making a statement later today to see that the white house was not involved in the decision be clearly the president seemed to be involved in Public Relations campaign against. Look at the president stands by his previous comments but in terms of the situation today as i just said weve seen the reports just as all of you have we dont have any specific comments and i would refer you to the f. B. I. For any specifics on the things that are taking place today. Colombias president has suspended peace talks with the rebel group the after a number of bombings at the weekend left seven policemen dead talks have been going on since february to try to end five decades of violence but president Juan Manuel Santos now says his patients is exhausted. People smugglers are targeting range of muslims who fled to bangladesh from me and maher aljazeera has spoken to form the smugglers who say the prize for a girl in the refugee camps is around sixty dollars even if their rescue they often cant return to their families as they dont have passports Rights Groups say the situations got worse with the recent influx of more than six hundred eighty thousand range of refugees to the camps will have more on that and Everything Else a bit later on coming up next though aljazeera looks at the relationship between che guevara and fidel castro two of latin americas most powerful revolutionary icons face to face starts now. Castro wanted she wanted a different future castro want to do is country che wanted International Revolution for a long time those parallel objectives could sit alongside one another and drive each other forward but there came a point when obviously they no longer did that and at that point the relationship and their political project came to you and. I thought on the face. Of ten already now where they are not overfilled well this year well cut through a lot of those who have more blood of love canal simply. By the mali out of they come yet of the. Channel. It will truly go before. Theres a lot of. New openness to look at. But you know more. To know. Already written about but i. Nine hundred fifty five mexico is a sanctuary for intellectuals and political refugees so i dont large until he has found refuge here on this fateful evening of july the night he has plans to meet some cuban friends. The good day the next president if i got blown a walk. There will be sure there is a there of could take a. Minute dont you that you are making that by the dog brain body g. Could be in place example suppose she tells us the whole evolution give us a video of. This to give our need. And people on the ballot believe. In knowing all the people going to. Make here these reports. To give is still a medical student born to an argentinian middle class family he decides to travel across south america shocked by the poverty of his continent he blames american imperialism. With his first wife an ardent communist he subscribes to the philosophies of marx and stalin he dreams of a revolution but hasnt for yet. Really campanella. Memory you know the meeting on. The cement cup on theme put it we dont want to. See the future. Unlike video castro has taken up arms. On the twenty sixth of july one thousand nine hundred fifty three the young lawyer prepared an armed attack on the moncada barracks in Santiago De Cuba castro is determined to overthrow them dictator for consumer but instead unfortunately for construct he is arrested and tried now i must say must say that roams yet how will they face then i will see only this is the last outcome on balance. I mean. This is the moment of a feeling of a plant just. The lady who sort of in the law says why how they want the money as you know that in fact. Fidel castro is sentenced to fifteen years in prison hes granted amnesty just two hears later. On the evening of the ninth of july one thousand nine hundred fifty five for del castro joins his cuban supporters in mexico he wants to set up a new insurrection in cuba as quickly as possible but things really click with the young argentinean and they spend ten hours sharing their revolutionary ideals che wants to free latin america and castro suggests they start with cuba. Has fallen under customs. I took all night we fell and in the morning i had become the doctor of his new expedition to tell the truth after my experiences across latin america that we didnt need much more to release for a revolution against a tyrant. But i was particularly impressed with. His optimism we needed to work to struggle to materialize our beliefs stop whining and fight. The good food of buster Good Daughter and her rich if he then india in as bed do. Short hop. The one thousand and two years. Has joined the ranks of the movement created by castro the m twenty six they train side by side in mexico. Fidel is beginning to set up is organization the m twenty six is looking for funds hes seeking out ammunition weapons and making plans inevitably they come under the Mexican Security forces raid on. It or just a little more. Needed to live hes also more of the on the. Net dosemu more produced. This week you do the. Lady year old mom was in the. Making again say girl. Bond say give up. If you dont get tory. Blue chip it would she do but you should pursue me certainly not the less was if i love if she had guessed what was shoes she had guessed would deceive the that dont let it do to fail. Billy has to give ella a value fairly believe organized to give audience feel. So more of who clearly will forget that he grew their. Knowledge into the new forty. Caesium was firm and i can still hear him say i will not leave you this was his this and he never parted from me. To do that for the ones he cared about his key to the final decision looked around. If you have here to these principles you appear to be so personality and doubts what makes these rebel army an indivisible block. Just three months later in mexico for dell customer and say give out aboard the granma a boat packed with eighty two revolutionaries on the morning of december second nine hundred fifty six in a food blue storm the boat reaches cuban shores even about. Dollars among the whole of x. Difference see that say. Is sinful cannot develop a need to have done that on the. Rolls of film to see. Some for me. That question to many come up it engaged me. For it j h y z like as the means is. Enjoys it dead calm but all his arms are mad brito go sample a dr suryani play. Only a few men survive the own slaughter of the teamsters on me the rebels find refuge in the Sierra Maestra but they meet their leader again. Guess who is the more i wondered the way you feel to this song hes only nine this keebler down t. For the phone see the oh give our here guess whats wrong go sit on the set see get counted reveal the film. Carry it though not agree with that im. Better could go on two years human body well looked me full of men with a two year old pretty cover issue. Will know who i will move to. I mean but he made only me of the. One going to hold it from the number. She did guest will because it doesnt sit down forty give us this one any this is sure to be now he votes he does it just to sit on raw theyve done a good deal with all this ya. In the summer of one nine hundred fifty six almost two hundred men have joined castro and givati as rebel army. In a symbolic gesture of fidel promotes his argentinean comrades to comandante. Their. New fear catherine you can see you can literally. Sit on a little injury even found some border internationalist. Leading his own troops into battle and cheat sets up his first victorious ambush. In the area under his control he starts shaping the Egalitarian Society of his dreams. Troops are told to read and write a Field Hospital is built a rebel Radio Station is put in place give out of the marxist is gearing up. To you if you hadnt got through but shes on simone the z. D. Net thing wont bother you or she. Wasnt interested in political positions he was for. More ideologically driven he was far more obsessed with achieving these ambitions and images of the future that he sought to get going. So they are under fail for. Tea. Not too short a pretty. This radical vision of the revolution is criticized by members of the rebel army they are deeply anti communist and fidel has promised them a liberal revolution far from al cheneys marxist ambitions al che is stunned and threatens to leave but castro cant let his victorious champion retire he reassures his friend and pledges his support blinded by friendship l. Cheney goes back into battle. Every. One of. Them. She did against it on the one who double keyed to. I said dr there was a. Point Many Community she didnt guess who it refers. I gave archy convinced you think was due to the sea gilleo he did dont. Know. Thanks to his nonstop political play castro manages to avoid any massive military intervention from the United States a few americans have even joined the rebel army. Who are all fighting together. I was in america i was one of them and you know it was. There was no true animosity who was the cuban revolution coming this way and certainly not feel castro feel castro is a feeder least another communist or. During an interview with american journalist in the sierra for del castro promises he will establish a liberal democracy should the revolution be successful. In our community. In our right. Our right of political. Represent the people. And god. Planned economy field gets to look a million more for sure this isnt a look at the i did put in the film though you know. Oh played we desire journalists a lot dont like getting i guess least if you dont see. The because she guessed who can see the world through our eventual in a on top of the all you do feel like im city i know latino the local. But this is america sis could see as from omara if she had guessed who. As it should be on. This strategy pays off in the summer of one nine hundred fifty eight but east is offensive against castros get real army vales. Castro sends his faithful comandante to create a new front lines in the center of the island castros troops arrived in santa clara the last two t. V. Cops to go before hot on. Evanston. For calls the. Morning. Whether the name was not a better yet an act that you know is she but the. Machine or so by you of course a lot from the from i dont think of. This yank and same only when i was sure somebody who want to buy used it actually. After given his victory in santa clara but is defeated and flees. For del castro take Santiago De Cuba the second biggest city in the country el ches troops will face no resistance when they take the capital city. A loss its marginal now than give argued on yes for maura and yet she did guest who in the final phone could get up put in the mail to even met with the older than to some even near even little of the given. That they only needs to be achieved in the arrives in the city to proclaim the revolution. And being an argentine and there be skepticism about that within the core of the rebel army itself clearly this is something that could be politically very sensitive the revolution is moving from the phase of war politics so one of real politics. On the eighth of january nine hundred fifty nine when the town has been liberated castro marches in in triumph givati remains in the shadow. People cast on. A run a loss could. Go on the school. Measure in yeah in color on brown t. V. s. Surely feeding her all out serious shes going to be in the politburo. For work heres the quote if you get four young good overfeed giving to. This cd doxygen meal said they thought the a deal icky that dooney and extolled in their back as top. Of. Shells. In february nine hundred fifty nine fidel castro becomes Prime Minister his provisional government is even recognized by the United States. Castro is still indulging the liberals but somehow manages to convince che to stay in cuba he promises him and he imperialistic revolution but needs to affirm his power first for del grande sonesta give out of cuban citizenship and appoint seven as military commander ritchie. A female may. That youre the least. Then less the bush ritchie dollar forty of us like a bad idea dont mean live in the rather than. Even we done that bore. No new key cost just as usually exec we did this be of the bad stuff. Accept short and ah bastard go in a day or two should read the one hundred fer. For five months and thats to give otter is in charge of executing hundreds of cubans fidel castro has given al che his most controversial rule ever. See certain moment to moment and. Man you can usually tell in a car when you look over at me move. On and assume or vision dude because you know you have a few but only doria jake at our home in our. Job you. Tell the biased. In the meantime castro secures his power he starts working with the Cuban Communist Party the only organized political entity in the country a shadow government is created with and wrong custom fidels brother both are confirmed marxists who are preparing cuba for a radical turn. In the spring of one nine hundred fifty nine castro begins a triumphant tour of the United States is welcomed as a hero the leader of a legitimate rebel movement. Once again he reassures america of his intentions. I know. We are honest. I look. I have a very clear. Back in cuba fidel begins to work on the first land reform together with castro has designed the basis for the collectivization of farmland the vast majority of estates are made into cooperatives and placed under the authority of the army castro relies and givati to put the reforms in place. The castro appoints cheney director of cubas National Bank this nomination is a provocation for the United States and they decide to block all credit to cuban banks for del castro responds by attacking american businesses in cuba the escalation has begun. By new york. The americans stop all sugar imports from cuba the islands economy ninety percent of which is dependent on its business with the United States is on the verge of collapse fidel needs to leave the whole bit if the us and the only way of moving away from the us for a small country like cuba in the one nine hundred sixty s. Is to move towards the u. S. S. R. This simply is no other way its a practical resolution if not ninety law school book about it lets show he can any could he be sure it appears she met his you know who s. T. U. P. Torah of an early shoot she at this point she he said to take it he had to be twenty so he. The u. S. S. R. Now provides oil to the island in exchange for the children. Via their oil. Party tomorrow and million dollar. Deal about the basis at least in the early years of utes elaph orsino she did get toyed with the need to gash in virginity gash politike the gash. In one thousand nine hundred sixty one for dale castro finally declares he is a communist. And money. Dance of a positive marxism bridge behind the. Foreigner. She was given huge responsibility within aspects of the cuban economy inevitably that created tensions with many other key vins even want to lay should have been given those roles. The same year fidel appoints che minister of industry. Wants to develop his own vision of a socialist country the economy is turned upside down. It was a pawn which modern day venezuela was a stoppage. For over a century this lucrative resorts has divided the. Coast with the Worlds Largest reserves. Charging the impact of industrialization and the legacies of its prominent leaders we shed light on the troubles afflicting venezuela today. The big picture the battle for venezuela coming soon. We have here as if they we know the products of from buying everything that youre doing thats really where the power of the all powerful internet is both a tool for democracy and the threat you believe that any of your companies have adana fide the full scope of russian active measures on your platform in the echo Chamber World of fake news and cyberspace the rules of the game f. King changed there are no precedents people in power investigates this information and democracy at this time. More than seven decades ago a country was split into three big but did anything and now the time bending shouted enough attention all it took was a pan a map and a collapsing empire when the british had to draw a line they pulled its seventy two had never been to india before aljazeera examines the violent birth of india and pakistan and asks what the future holds for these nuclear neighbors. Partition borders of blood at this time. I know im Maryanne Demasi in on the quick recap of the top stories for you now syrian warplanes have launched a fierce offensive on the rebel have province of idlib killing at least twenty people on it to say the jets targeted a market and then a hospital full of people wounded in the earliest strike it comes as russia launches a diplomatic push to end the war in the new round of talks in sochi the u. N. Is also that the main Syrian Opposition group is not worry chalons has moved from sochi if the main groups of the opposition are not here then this allows damascus to essentially say that the opposition groups boycotting sochi boycotting this process are sabotage of peace the big question of course is where the u. N. Stands on the of this and whether stefan dimiss stora will approve of these measures and not allow this to filter in to the geneva process. The Deputy Director of the f. B. I. Is stepping down from his post after being accused of bias by President Donald Trump Andrew Mccabe is resigning several weeks ahead of his plan for time and date in march criticized him several times in the polls to kucing him of supporting Hillary Clinton in the two thousand and sixteen election but the white house says it wasnt involved in his resignation colombias president has suspended peace talks with the rebel group the lead after a string of bombings at the weekend that left seven policemen dead talks have been going on since february to try to end five decades of violence at present one manual santos now says his patience is exhausted. People smugglers are targeting range of muslims who fled to bangladesh from myanmar al jazeera has spoken to form a smugglers who say the price for a girl in the refugee camps is around sixty dollars Rights Groups say the situations got worse with the recent influx of more than six hundred eighty thousand range of refugees to the camps. Eleven Afghan Soldiers have been killed in an attack on a military academy in kabul i still says it was behind the attack fighting lasted for hours after at least five men attacked the academy in the early hours of the morning the army says two of them were shot dead and two others blew themselves up well as you had lines the news hour is coming up in about twenty five minutes time ill see then. In one thousand nine hundred sixty two che guevaras revolutionary utopia isnt enough to resolve cubas economic crisis rations are put in place prices are fixed cuba is totally dependent on soviet aid. But the government has another reason to worry in one thousand nine hundred sixty one america launches a failed to sea and air invasion against cuba known as the bay of pigs fidel and che are now obsessed with fending off a us invasion in response the soviets send fifty thousand troops to have honor. Yes it will close lose a lot in augusta unique more issues that the zeke mean everybody. Will again artery. In one thousand nine hundred sixty two the cuban missile crisis threatens nuclear war president kennedy installs missiles and you and the soviet secretly Deploy Nuclear warheads to cuba the cia discovers the messiah was after thirteen days of escalation and u. S. Assurances that it wont invade cuba the soviets removed the missiles. Cochair some men then one day looking young if you then are up at three seventy seen. F e l on a from the irish. To our guest hall give a high you know. Three mile is not the plan has in lieu of us left there when the clearly phoneme is have you. Done the pledge as the new version of. The missile crisis really reveals a lot about their relationship. Ever the pragmatist came around to recognizing that there was no fight to be won with the soviet union. Che guevara. Never really swallowed the impact of that event and this is what begins to drive something of a wedge between them politically. While cheney distances himself from the soviets castro travels to the u. S. S. R. For the first time in the spring of maine nine hundred sixty three fidel is awarded the title of hero of the soviet union his visit will last forty days military and economic bonds between the two countries are strong from. Dallas to give our does young animal dani alves so theres a. Deal she did guest who thought they are selling the year i think youll see. In cuba che guevara criticizes the economic path the u. S. S. R. Has chosen according to him cuba needs to follow its own path his stand is a threat to the economic agreements between the two countries the leader of the cuban revolution disapproves of the argentinian strategy castro take steps to reassign l. J. In one thousand nine hundred sixty four fidel appoints him ambassador of the revolution to keep him away from cuba. Legit dunking the bastard and bow then down battle nash keep buff while on. But only. For del now uses l. Ching to deal with the Foreign Affairs of cuba overseas give our is now in charge of advocating the cuban line. But the argentinian soon finds himself playing a dangerous game a sign of soviet relationships a deteriorating chain makes repeated contact with the chinese his goal is. United nonaligned countries in the fight against imperialism. That are all around. And. This approach is a departure from the soviet policy of peaceful coexistence for del castro is no a head of state whose fate is bound to moscow hes therefore forbidden to speak against this doctrine. The illusion that the allies seem to need. Only use of each in this business to. Do due course is huge the guess she on todays american ideal used for joe wilson will let me see that as god it is emily. This that we need to nia. If she did guest hall or for x. It so oh. Give our. Field i thought only for a selfie elliott jr said she had already over says you allow oil alias or not it was killed well this year it got through a lot of us who have more order to bring that up either by the miley out of the family out of the there are several more a channel. On the twenty fourth of february one thousand nine hundred sixty five president ben bella receives chegg about in all jeers the country was hosting the afroasian conference in front of the soviet delegates at che takes the stand and openly criticizes the u. S. S. R. For not supporting the wider guerrilla struggle with arms. So job to critique new prebudget to. Key them are often baffling then one can only imagine that there was under some pressure to now finally cut his ties which i give are at this time he went one step too far i think after algeria it was clear that there was really no political official future future you are in cuba. In march nine hundred sixty five and she is back in havana. Castro himself is there to welcome him. The old cordon is between the two men is obvious. This is their last public appearance together. Get it on give cover dont fail to give a. Good on about why you got the good news can. You give our call that me before. Discredited for his handling of the economy has become a political spectacle castro and givati need to find a compromise. How to go to be punished for that that id shall your kid i wanted to do. Be a seat. Have gone to war you know i would have it on. They only put him in im with you dont dangle bustle. Like i thought. To do moan the. But do you know news media yeah. These are food even to normal movie will. Own. All matthew. Does the missile that he was the. I get a job. At. Least the bits of it i feel that freak is something that i feel to it for good can do better than your national. She did guest who did was teaching religion existed. In april nine hundred sixty five given the midst of a more secretly reaches the congo general mobutu is about to take over with the support of the americans. They are going oh no youre not i said i mustnt go into. Every in a holistic. Way or all this is the. Part of the. Whole lesson when i come by the end of that month of a new and four months youll have see that. Just im going to have all the stuff that come to school reaching up by you know smooth and easy proffer you trust. And you clearly are soon. To reserve the. Amount of sheen but if were going to. Leave. Who demanded then. I mean i. Dont create. If you didnt believe. Fidel castro is under pressure. Has disappeared and rumors of an assassination by castro in cells begin to spread. On october third nine hundred sixty five the First Congress of the communist party of cuba begins. Givati is dismissed from the central committee. Era next talk about. Policy nice man. See there. Get me out a lot i will. Tell you he made a speed of it. Without telling and cheney fidel reads his farewell letter in public a letter of resignation required of cuban gillis when they leave on a mission. Natalie guided me at back to munich. When i got it out. From the other matching that. Moment of the last year i was in a Better Company than the salary that. Either revolutionary. Here rushed there. In. Some things and. Then in office on peanuts and then. The twenty men. In yeah. Im calling for. Delap out of the fidel cage in coeur de sade on the very off. The day off. And then. You look and then i mean the whole scope if you dont approve her new. Theme. Gestures and the other youre nobody ever going to. Borrow flow. You can flip the naleo. Ball up at an early. For africa. North korea crashingly three govern. The del castro has orchestrated al cheneys political death he also gave birth to his myth on that same evening the regimes official musician writes the song that would eternally glorify the revolutionary. Murder. In congo el che is sick and b. Pradelle gets him out of the country el che has no where to go he goes on a six month long secret journey after the congolese defeat he wants to join a new guerilla front again. Give our vote on national t. V. If you guess what he said. Lucian of the you know guy saw me on national t. V. You know got the size only party going to form show and sell thank you have all well be on the in this business so well supremo that i mean you should. Castro also understands that the soviets dont want change in cuba fidel needs to find a way out forgive him who is impatient to renew the fight it will be in bolivia fidel may have to face the wrath of the u. S. S. R. But if chase exceeds the soviets will be forced to bow down before his success. Let me see can i see a fair in the insect. Come back and say also this is when you know that he initially. He thanked the syrians that there isnt enough. I think fidel castro will sit up has shown this he has shown to give our body actually you know met with the pope who can defy p. Design these old shoes in the shop. Clandestinely che prepares for his mission for dell lets him choose ten men the cuban leader assures everyone the operation is well planned. Not being taught by norman ok i dont want to like an able late. Model this year will come along great every well you know america no. Longer kate cary im going. To nominate going out on early in the fall of one thousand nine hundred sixty six l. J. A royal is in the Political Capital he moves to a rural area designated as a starting point for the insurrection. Will leave years only go by a lot that only he can tell you have a lot of form i live aliasing with the four by a python sort of go yell about deal there are a compass you get a compass you know tie content all of a formality like and oh yeah all my life i thought it. Was all done you know so and of just. Said that i will show what i have yet chamblee. Castro promised che the support of the bolivian communist party. In the jungle givaudan receives the partys secretary general money among hey. Scorsese. Sit opposite in that you needed as they like any edge of she says it upset you know it please him and vote on and so on and the. Money or man he has already warned the soviets about his presence in bolivia nothing goes as planned. No i am on my merry seen or like robert a bottle michael me the. Mario morning were going to kill bill miller who went to come only. Mountain the a move now or not the name of communication. After young. Allow van ownership on power would come as you do have walk on the wish to a pretty movie well if you get. Not only shown it done by made one. Wrong damo say no may even montero he adds how about a year at the back end of a bad deal about this and we should quickly bash your quote but whether about always said they are the show run them we dance dub him why are. You. Delhi belly poor. Project wireless it on barely a chair. Contact is lost with the full heaters with castros decides to send regis debris to meet l. J. The young french philosopher is close to castros regime and has just published a book calling for armed guerrilla warfare. And martial. Can i see an eccentric passport yes our they were your leave cant go to see me in good the lame like that up they could be they were a landlord all in good part of their old home but i so moved by here fifty soon wont by a thousand or so more by seen from the main thought i was and how do you mean it up there he called it the go dig this or that youll eat it if you dont get to resell he said there was a new loan piece ones that end up as good as what is a million gallons as well have been here with the dude salaries to know although he too would be rigorous about possible from the monkey because he did many pretty good eighty u. T. C. He says cuba after a short stay with sugar via the Bolivian Army arrests regime is to blame several desert has already been captured american rangers come to support bolivian efforts the search for o. J. Is on. The move to eat you. In hell for del continues to play a complicated political game as give out a situation deteriorates rapidly the first of may nine hundred sixty seven he proclaims the era of guerrilla warfare portraits about che i put up all over the plaza the lot of lucille she asked why thank come it there on stands he cant thank you misha how can they say thank you ask. Them as he can and by the law yes this the media succumb to how far. For the soviets this is the last straw kosygin chairman of the council of the ministers invites himself to have. When castro is paid a visit from those agents shortly after the lancet has been in america and heard from johnson just exactly what america knows about guitars operation an hour on it they are with it he becomes equally unhappy and tells fidel in a few words to hold back to not continued support of ours operation in bolivia rude. Jokes. For america shown in cultural economic doctrine. But issues im. Not. Trying. To come in repetition. So if. Youre single bullet castro wanted to say once it has a different future castro wanted his country che wanted International Revolution for a long time those terrible objectives could sit alongside one another and drive each other forward but there came a point when obviously they no longer did that and at that point the relationship and their political project came to an end. In the fall of one nine hundred sixty seven Bolivian Special forces look at cheese count. On the eighth of october after three hours of combat he is finally wounded and captured. The next day by order of the bolivian president Nestor Givati is executed. And workable and you see it. Said if he had him full numbing. The amount of things she. Said if he had in california. That night though there are none that i have a lot of impasse up. As che becomes immortalized in customs cuba and the run the war. But one thing that i. Together a good father and castro have tried to tread an impossible path between the United States and the us i sold out in the cold war chessboard cuba was just a poll. Or was able to remain in power until his death in november twenty sixth. And cheney now a martyr continues to live on as a symbol of the revolution. Hello there what a relief that whole weather has now cleared away from melbourne on sunday we got up to thirty eight degrees very very very hot but then this weather system worked its way across us and brought in our fresh air so again its not going to be too hot as we had to choose day maximum temperature in melbourne just twenty degrees out where theres a quite a bit of rain around that mostly over the northern parts of over the northern parts of queensland across the Northern Territory and into parts of Western Australia very heavy downpours have been seen here and were also seeing more of that spread across Western Australia now as well as a very heavy rains here as well and thats going to stick around as we head through wednesday so lots of wet weather there and that links up to that system thats pushing across the southeastern parts of australia sydney also in the fresh air as we head into wednesday our maximum temperature just twenty one degrees now over towards new zealand weve got an area of High Pressure in charge at the moment its fine its drawing its also rather warm as well were looking at a top temperature in christchurch of thirty degrees really very warm there own choose day this weather system though is gradually galloping its way southward and thats going to bring some of us some very intense rains as we head through the next few days it starts on wednesday in the south island and then gradually pushes its way eastwards for all of us. Current tensions between countries along the river nile have their roots in a colonial cost from egypt point of view cannot attend nonagreement political victory for the new political realities on the ground or increasing the sense of uncertainty over cologne as the rhythm on oh there was a need to do that underneath the old politics the countries through which the male voice kind of been feet or the struggle over the nile at this time on aljazeera. The nature is news as it breaks the us cut the funding has cemented the failing head that the u. S. Is now part of the problem and has picked the israeli side with detailed coverage that our children government insists negotiations are ongoing to secure the release of the girls and hundreds of others. From around the world three decades on chileans are still thinking about abuses but this time those committed by the church. Which has never given this risk. But nothing can stop them in their tracks chasing the American Dream escaping poverty but the eagle route is their only option and their hope for a better life can lead them into trouble braving tough conditions gambling with the law will put their lives in danger just to hurt them the mosquito the destroyed one al jazeera. This is aljazeera

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