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One hundred fifty others the taliban says police were the target. Are you watching aljazeera live from london also coming up on the program. Protestors are on the streets of honduras for the inauguration of the new president who they say stole the election. It was understanding and. One of the richest men in the world the saudi prince been released from detention. And risking their lives to get into europe at aljazeera a special report on the dangerous new people smuggling route in turkey thats attracting thousands of my. Hello thank you for joining us a bomb attack in afghanistans capital has killed at least ninety five people and injured more than one hundred fifty others the explosives were hidden in an ambulance allowing the bomber to get through security in the citys green zone thats the most heavily protected area in kabul the taliban says it carried out the attack and that it was targeting police but most of the dead are civilians from kabul heres jennifer glass. Another day of carnage on the streets of kabul this time the bomb was in an ambulance the driver pretended to be taking someone to a nearby hospital but instead he detonated his device on a crowded street the taliban said it was targeting policemen having lunch but as so often happens here afghan civilians going about their daily lives are among the victims including people lined up outside the interior ministrys Human Resources department. I was in my office we heard the explosion we didnt know what was going on so many people were injured i myself counted at least forty wounded near me everyone was on the ground and i couldnt tell who was dead or who was wounded the street was already heavily guarded with a number of checkpoints protecting government offices embassies a hospital and a school the area is usually bustling with people Emergency Services evacuated offices shops and agencies perceptor blocks can you hear the security vehicles going by. Taking away the wounded and the dead there have been casualties here this is a very busy part of town in addition to the High Peace Council the Anticorruption Commission is also down there just down the streets at the u. N. Mine agency and this is normally a very very busy part of kabul its the Second Attack in the capital in a week taliban fighters battled Security Forces for more than fifteen hours at the citys Intercontinental Hotel in a siege that killed twenty five people last saturday security has been stepped up around the city but it wasnt enough. Police on the army of afghanistan is. Really young its just seventeen or eighteen years old they need more training they need more practice they need more experience but the taliban on the other hand they are very devoted fighters cobbles Emergency Hospital was flooded with patients its a scene thats been repeated many times the president says the uptick in attacks is because of increased military pressure on armed groups and political pressure on pakistan maybe the case but its the people here who continue to suffer the most jennifer glass al jazeera kabul well saturdays attack is just the latest in a renewed wave of violence in afghanistan on the summer twenty eight an eyesore suicide bomber targeted a shia Cultural Center in kabul killing at least forty one people last saturday one of kabuls most iconic and heavily guarded hotels the intercontinental was also targeted the taliban claimed responsibility for the gun battle and siege which saw twenty five People Killed and one hundred fifty guests desperately fleeing including some who used the bed sheets to hang from the building and then on wednesday eisel fighters stormed the offices of save the children in the eastern city of jalalabad four people were killed in that attack and the aid agency announced it would suspend its operations in the country well after the rough is a visiting fellow at nottingham universitys center for conflict security and terrorism he says this latest attack is intended to remind the world of the talibans power. Much more importantly. Get a message out to the International Community will that not withstanding the. Many years of us. On the. Lot. Of the taliban are trying to send out a message that. We. Would suspect. The coming exactly a week after the attack on the who john. Is intended for the audience of course it was a very large collection as reward for leaders and these people are thinking the leader think internationally while there is no military or political or what we do in. Raising. Or. In honduras opposition groups are calling for protests and a general strike to coincide with the president s inauguration them strangers have started gathering on the streets of the but they say they were rag irregularities in the vote count during of embers a general election which saw one over under and then theres reelected over Opposition Leader salvador and as for a lap well john holeman is in the hundred and capital f. Four s. Now we know that president hand theres a study giving his inauguration speech a short while ago whats he been saying so far. Hes still speaking right now but he definitely didnt speak with whats been on the minds of many hondurans which is the division in the country the marches and the protests the big going on the police have just pushed people back over the hill we sort of lost them now away from the National Stadium in the center of the city the central bank where one and this is going to be speaking to many of his supporters will be you can just see some of the day of the battle protesters throwing stones Security Forces with tear gas pushing them back in a fairly restrained manner. One and this speaking that what he did speak about is unemployment he spoke about poverty home duras has a big problem with them both and then president and this is first term poverty actually went up in the country he spoke about the youth he spoke about security also he has had success there many of our viewers might remember when honduras was remarked as the deadliest country in the world to have the highest homicide rate and he has managed to bring that down by sort of full frontal operation against the gangs of the martyrs the martyrs going to here in honduras using military police and using the army he said that would continue another result of using the military police and using the army that have been in human rights abuses in the country especially in the last couple of months has been more than thirty protesters killed he said he looking for human rights abuses but you will sort of have to remember he said that there are groups from outside of the country that are sort of into treating with that so this is a bit of an ambiguous response for that. Obviously he begins his presidency with huge questions over his legitimacy yad country parts of which are revolting against him a lot of challenges for him especially when we just heard from you did the list of normal sort of non election related challenges that face the country anyway. Definitely and this can only add to the say a country in which a lot of people question his legitimacy has to be said that the actual protests have gone down from what they were three months ago there are at least tens of thousands of people in the street really that ship seems to have sailed when we got here first thing in the morning on saturday morning there was maybe a thousand maybe two thousand people the election candidate from the Opposition Party salvador nasrallah turned up and he said the only way that they could accept whats going on here is fresh elections thats not going to happen one and this now has been sworn in has the backing of the United States which is hugely influential in a country in which the money that United States brings in the military personnel they have here is a real help one and this is seen as a real alloy by the United States in the fight against Drug Trafficking and things like that so this situation now isnt going to change but as you say hes got a lot to deal with as well as trying to unite this country at the top of the political level there is talk of u. N. People being brought in to mediate that we got that from one of the. Groups shuttling between president one on one hand theres a miser. That they might be bringing in the u. N. People to meet it at the top level but at the bottom where people are angry where they feel let down by the electoral process thats going to be a lot harder to knit together. John home and i know youll be monitoring all developments there for the hours to come for the moment with the latest from the to thank you. The top aide to the barred egyptian president ial candidate some me and none has reportedly been stabbed and badly beaten in the capital cairo hisham dimino was the running mate for a man who was arrested on tuesday accused of incitement against the military after announcing that he was standing in marches election game as lawyer says hes in hospital after being stabbed in the face and having his legs broken in a dispute with three men close to his home. One of the worlds richest men billionaire saudi prince bin has been released from detention and says he would be cleared of corruption charges within days hes been held in the Ritz Carlton Hotel in riyadh since november along with about two hundred others its all part of what the government is calling an Anti Corruption campaign ordered by the crown Prince Mohammed bin solomon how the hawks start reports. Just hours before billionaire saudi prince and waleed bin talib was released from the Ritz Carlton Hotel in riyadh he conducted an interview with the Reuters News Agency from the suite where hed been confined been tile is one of saudi arabias most prominent business men and one of the worlds richest men but hed been held for more than two months accused of corruption in the interview he described the entire situation as a misunderstanding not charges ok just some discussions between the government you know i mean but the rest assured that this is. No protection that we have and were just in discussion with the government on the various matters and i can divulge right now because we are going there to discuss with them the mark perry and his likeness was just one of the many objects known as the prince gave a tour of where hed been detained been tellers arrest in the van that was part of what the government called an Anti Corruption campaign ordered by crown Prince Mohammed bin. The government says one hundred twenty four billion dollars is expected to be seized for more than two hundred individuals a group that is said to include the owner of the n. B. C. Television network as well as several other senior princes observers say the crackdown has allowed in someone to do far more than simply consolidate power i think there are two things here its about money because the saudi. Government is facing Financial Difficulties because of the collapse of the oil prices over the past few years. When mr man is having very ambitious economic plan actually from the kingdom so he needs the cash money in order to carry on with this project but this is not the only issue the other issue in my opinion here is that hes trying to create a popular base of support for him because all these people are in fact caught up. In tallow his firm hold stakes in Companies Like twitter citi group an apple is estimated to be worth seventeen. Billion dollars his release could potentially reassure investors but analysts believe the timing of his interview with reuters as the World Economic forum met in davos was no coincidence having someone like prince to allow for example speak out publicly as he did yesterday shows that you know the saudis are trying to use him as somewhat the poster child of liberalism theyre trying to appeal to investors overseas saying we realize that what we did and the way we did it with that courage last year we saw completely undermined big Business Confidence and Investor Confidence in saudi arabia entirely has told reuters he expects to remain in full control of his Global Investment firm without being required to give up his assets to the government. There. Malis army says at least fourteen of its soldiers have been killed in an attack on a camp and to book two it says at least seventeen of the attackers were also killed in the army is now back in control of the base its the worst attack on mollys Security Forces in over a year still to come on the program by thousands of albanians are accusing their government to have links to organized the cry and the struggle to piece together the files kept by east germanys notorious secret police. Hello there for some of us in the southeastern parts of china theres been a lot of wintery weather recently fact weve seen a fair amount of snow hair looks fairly pretty i think weve got plenty more snow still to come take a look at the satellite picture we can see this area of clouds here that have been giving us a few outbreaks of rain and snow recently and the whole system is sinking its way southwards and bringing us more more wintry weather as it does say so corn a dollop of snow there for sunday and look at the temperatures its bringing with it shanghai four degrees thats our maximum drops down to three as we head into monday and as that system sweeps its way southwards its also dragging down the temperatures further south to hong kong twelve the maximum thats going to be very cool for us if we had out towards the west across many parts of india and pakistan the weather is dry and fine you can just see a little bit more in the way of travel or just flirting with the southeastern parts of india also affecting us in sri lanka nice showers are likely to continue as we head through sunday the wettest of the weather likely to be in the eastern parts of sri lanka but a bit more cloud will just be just making its way across the southern tip of india further north lots of snow here actually and thats going to be quite a feature of the weather as we head through the next few days here in doha its a real change for us on sunday the winds pick up and the temperatures drop away. At the foot of the book the arrival of refugees is debated and european parliaments. But the journey itself is little understood us. To syrians document the route that is claimed so many lives such info sanctuary to people in power at this time on aljazeera. A reminder of the top stories here on aljazeera a bomb attack in afghanistans capital kabul has killed at least ninety five people and injured more than one hundred fifty others the taliban is claiming responsibility protestors are gathered on the streets of honduras opposition groups are calling for a general strike to coincide with president one of london and this is in the ration and one of the worlds richest man the saudi prince. Has been released from detention in a riyadh hotel and says hell be cleared of corruption charges. Turkish Security Forces say they were arresting more and more refugees and migrants on the land border with northern greece the most popular route had been crossing the a. G. N. But a new way has now emerged that the new route takes refugees overland to to europe from istanbul in western turkey to villages near the border with greece from there the refugees have to cross the wide and Dangerous River every else which is the International Front here traffickers then leave them to walk for hours through forests on the greek side as lawrence lee reports now from western turkey thousands all willing to risk their lives doing it is jungle isnt well load is a gathering point for refugees yet there is all the evidence you need that a significant smuggling operation is based. In the central districts of people from all kinds of places. Fast so there are a trail sri lanka pakistan. May be able to tell you much about their plans but they do spend a lot of time. All the refugees are tried the same thing how the deal is done in the nearby coffee houses smugglers charge up to two thousand dollars. And one day turns tonight some of those smugglers will tell you just how big the trade is. We do three trips a week there are others working too and theres a trip every day in istanbul there are more than fifty smugglers we take forty fifty sixty people a week it depends on time we took seventy five people in one trip these two who are kurdish and syrian former refugees used to smuggle people across the aegean sea to the greek islands but not anymore this is much better. Syria a lot of course the waves are too big and we have worked there and its too dangerous it was difficult at the laundromat is easier. The river border is one hundred fifty kilometers long this vos nothingness might feel safer to the traffic is than the sea but its still hugely dangerous on the greek side theyre a forest of mountains the refugees call the jungle the wild boar and wolves up there being eaten is a genuine concern. The smugglers drive the refugees to tiny depopulated villages where they hide out in abandoned buildings. In this amulets the farmer said the army had captured refugees each of the last two days this man tried it and failed his face hidden as he was still in fear of the smugglers muffy though its like nothing exists here in total darkness you might be attacked by wild animals in the forest anything you can imagine could happen to you it makes you paranoid we werent allowed to put any lights on we were following the smuggler we got to the river and they pushed us into a dinghy. Even in daytime the wide river valley is treacherous in the winter water is everywhere and wasnt difficult to find signs of life discarded belongings and supplies at night time navigating a path through all this even before getting to the much wider river would be terrifying we had already seen images from the greek side of those whose attempts to cross the course and their lives either from drowning or hypothermia and everywhere we drove up and down the river especially the places where greece feels close enough to touch the turkish Security Forces were there but virtually nobody else well that hill is greece the Turkish Military say that last year they caught a full fifty thousand people trying to cross the border in places like this as a thousand people a week and its exactly the same as what the people traffickers told us given that this looks like one of the most important border crossings for refugees in the middle east trying to get into the European Union and because its so bleak and so remote the same surpassed everybody by. The turkish Security Forces didnt reply to our requests to film with them but the state agency released these dramatic pictures of the soldiers at work defeating the darkness and capturing the group trying to escape the European Union likes to see this sort of thing he sees all through all the new from europes battle against the refugees or insley aljazeera and the Turkey Greece border and you can see the second of lawrences special reports on the refugee crisis on sunday as he reports from the everest river in northern greece on accusations that the greek police are using violence and intimidation to stop refugees from crossing thats something that this mr employees of the Saudi Construction Company oh share are demanding their salaries its been almost two years since they were paid air which was forced to close last summer was owned by the family of lebanons Prime Minister saad hariri and is it a hoarder reports from beirut the employees have now become political bargaining chips. But are has lost almost everything he returned home to lebanon from saudi arabia after working for the Construction Company saudi oshie for twenty two years it was a good life now this attic is his home his children are all he has left but since he was laid off last summer taking care of them is hard Mohamed Mahmoud and syria are in an orphanage didnt just lose his job he is owed around sixty thousand dollars the company was in financial trouble before it closed down last july tens of thousands of saudi oshie employees didnt receive their salaries for two years. With some of the. Even my wife left me because of the situation ive had two heart attacks and i havent been able to afford to buy medicine for five months when i came back from riyadh i only had twenty dollars in my pocket. The Construction Company employed more than fifty thousand workers three thousand five hundred of them. And many of them spent. They have been holding protests hoping to receive their payouts eventually. Were demanding our rights but im not hopeful because this has become a political issue and not a humanitarian one. Forty years ago by the father of lebanons Prime Minister. Amassed the. Saudi arabia before he was assassinated the preferential treatment the company enjoyed a few years ago it wasnt because of oil prices and reduced saudi government spending. And. Government is believed to the company billions of dollars. The company is indebted to. What happens. Prime minister could affect his popularity months before the election but the stakes are much higher. Flooding of the river say in paris is getting worse levels are expected to hit a peak by sunday six meters above the normal level this follows weeks of rain with overflowing waters engulfing riverside walkways. Thousands of people in albania have been taking part in protests against the government in the capital tirana theyre calling for the resignation of Prime Minister a. B. Ramas a Center Left Government accusing it of links to organized crime al jazeera as of me im anti is in tirana. From the Early Morning hours people from. Gathering here in the center of capital tehran in an under government protest accusing the government of links to the organized crime and calling for his resignation the opposition has been preparing for todays protests for a month blaming the government also for the lack of Economic Development which according to them is the main the reason why so many old binions are leaving the country on the other hand will be a new Prime Minister has told for decided not to respond to opposition that legations political analysts here indeed all must say that there is no evidence that the Prime Minister is involved in organized crime or you that the libyans have many reasons to protest the protest is also considered a test of support for the main opposition democrats who suffered a landslide lost in the last parliamentary elections. And the political scene could make a bee in your throat European Union more difficult granted the e. U. Candidate status in two thousand and fourteen and hopes to launch negotiations this year however during todays protest no incidents reported and Police Security was tight near the main government offices where the rally took place. In germany a ten Million Dollar project to reassemble the socalled stasi files has been abandoned because of inadequate equipment the top secret documents were amassed over forty years by east berlins communist police and they were shredded after the fall of the berlin wall they have a chain of reports on the sometimes painful stories from some of the recovered files its being called the worlds biggest jigsaw puzzle six hundred million bits of paper are now having to be put back together again by hand there is still fifteen thousand bags of them to go through an urgent search is now going on to find sophisticated new software to try and cope with the task without a cutting edge computer scanner it will take many decades to finish victims of the secret police might now go to their graves without ever really knowing these missing pages of their own lives and says it is at the Police Looking into your own stars efile is something very personal i felt to myself it allowed me to regain some control of my past of the relics of communist rule beyond the iron curtain in berlin can give those include of what it was really like to live through those dark hears these archives contain some of the names of the collaborators and files that have been successfully pieced together men like could not schmoke code named jack who spied on fellow Border Guards all informants had to make a handwritten avowal of loyalty i pledge to support the ministry for state to curate in in in the service of its great tasks regarding the protection for to vacation of east germany with all my power this is a stars expenses receipt showing payment of seven thousand five hundred and garion foreigns to an informant here a photograph of an undercover surveillance operation. And this a letter of commendation for a senior spy code name shefa stationed abroad is reward three hundred german marks and a bronze medal the stars izo unshown house and prison in east berlin is now a memorial its been estimated that nearly one in six of the population of the german democratic republic collaborated with the secret Police Thousands of lives were torn apart by the stasi and nothing can put them back together again but nearly thirty years after the fall of the berlin wall the victims might find some painful comfort in finally finding out the name of the person whose betrayal put them behind bars thomas is now a tour guide in the prison where he spent more than two years in the cells for trying to escape to the west. For many there were situations where people were surprised learning that maybe even their best friend was an informer that happened rather for some people want to know about this but others dont. Have to they stole two years from my life and this will have consequences until the very end of it some lives and of a David Chaytor aljazeera eastern belin. Now lets take another look at the main stories making the news here on aljazeera a bomb attack in afghanistans capital has killed at least ninety five people and injured more than one hundred fifty others the explosives were hidden in an ambulance allowing the bomber to get through security in the citys green zone thats the most heavily protected area in kabul the taliban says it carried out the attack. You can hear the security vehicles going by. Taking away the wounded and the dead there have been casualties here this is a very busy part of town in addition to the High Peace Council the Anticorruption Commission is also down there just down the street at the u. N. Mine Agency Opposition groups in honduras so calling for protests and a general strike to coincide with the president s inauguration demonstrators are gathering on the streets of the capital they say there were irregularities in the vote count during novembers a general election which saw one of londons number is reelected. The top aide to the barred egyptian president ial candidate sami and than has reportedly been stabbed in the face and badly beaten in the capital cairo Egypts Interior Ministry says he was injured after a dispute related to a car accident one of the worlds richest men that saudi prince i will leave been has been released from detention and says hell be cleared of corruption charges hes been held in a hotel in the capital riyadh since november along with about two hundred others as part of what the government says is an Anti Corruption drive. At least fourteen soldiers have been killed in an attack on an army camp in northern mali eighteen others were wounded in the assault by armed men in the city of timbuktu this is the worst such attack in the west african nation for more than a year. Thousands of people in albania have been taking part in protests against the government in the capital to rada theyre calling for the resignation of Prime Minister eighty iran was a Center Left Government accusing it of links to organize the cry. Coming up next its people in power with the story of refugees finding safety in china. Its become one of the defining themes of all

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