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About as in this is al jazeera live from doha also coming up. But America First does not mean america alone u. S. President donald trump declares america open for business but insists trade must be fair. They are making it up that they let me go they were begging me to stay u. S. Diplomats Bill Richardson defends himself after resigning from a myanmar Advisory Board on the hinge of refugees. Bowing to pressure the entire u. S. Gymnastics board plans to resign in the wake of a Sexual Abuse Scandal involving a former team doctor. President obamas warning the turkeys operation against kurdish fighters in syria could be extended to the border with iraq al jazeera has traveled with the turkish army as it continues its offensive to sweep fighters from the region the move risks a possible confrontation with the kurdish y p g militia its a group backed by the United States and nato ally seventy deca and a cameraman jamil bassil have this report from the city of us us. As we enter syria it is the Free Syrian Army flag that flies high here were on a media trip into as organized by the turkish authorities they take us close to where theres been fighting with a y p g a Kurdish Armed group turkey calls a terrorist Organization Turkish forces are trying to push it out of the region of africa the front line is just a few kilometers west of here both turkish troops and the Free Syrian Army are taking part in the night. We ask one of the f. S. A. Fighters why he is involved in turkeys operation for some it seems its personal. With the white b. G. Because they betrayed us and especially because they took over my city telephones ive been displaced along with many of my neighbors for two years living in the camps. Conditions especially now in the winter. What our target escorts are telling us is that the front line with the kurdish fighters is just further along that mountain. Which is over to this side where theres been. What is clear here on the outskirts of city is how much of a presence they are of course supporting the Free Syrian Army fighters and Syrian Rebels that are already taking a large part in this operation that turkey has undertaken against. While we were here two bullets whizzed overhead. And were told. To blame for this. Sort of the you know they shot at us and our tires and stars. And. Was pushed out of here in two thousand and fourteen but life remains difficult as her has to provide for thirteen members of her family she tells us she is. War has now become the norm she says but the. People are used to the shelling and the explosions the young children. But weve been facing this for a few years now were not afraid anymore. There is hardly any electricity here generators are the only way to get light or heat in the winter rain has left the streets with maud. The black paint on this will be for sale. It seems some still dream of moving on from here. The landscape in this part of syria is dotted with tents millions of syrians remain homeless in their own country. History weve been here for three years in the tent has never been fixed because of the run the tent leaks and there are seven people in one tent a situation is terrible. This is a country ripped apart by almost seven years of war millions of syrians have had to leave their lives behind. And as the years go by the war simply seems to change its for the guns seemingly impossible to silence. Stephanie decker al jazeera as ounce syria the Syrian Opposition says it will boycott a peace conference that russia is hosting in sochi next week a spokesman for the delegation says the conference is an attempt to undermine u. N. Efforts to broker a peace deal the decision came as the latest round of un talks wrapped up in vienna without a major breakthrough. What did require. If political will it is high time the diplomacy dialogue and negotiations prevail for the interest of all the syrians they said they think the general. Is being briefed and will be briefed tonight on the outcome of these discussions and then it will be up to him to take to the efficient what will be the u. N. Response to the invitation to attend the. Us President Donald Trump has taken his America First message to the worlds elite addressing the World Economic forum in davos he declared the u. S. Open for business but hes warned that washington will no longer turn a blind eye to unfair trade practices diplomatic editor james bays has more from davos. As the band played President Trump stood somewhat could leave aside the man who founded the World Economic Forum Klaus Schwab his vision for almost half a century open world trade is not at all with the president s America First policy taking the role of salesman in chief trump declared no America First does not mean america alone when the United States grows so does the world american prosperity has created countless. All around the. Trump who has recently as this week has been accused of protectionism after slapping terrorists on imports of solar panels and washing machines criticized other nations for their trading practices we cannot have free and open trade if some countries exploit the system at the expense of others we support free trade but it needs to be fair and it needs to be reciprocal. He was politely received until he lashed out as he always does the media and it wasnt till i became a politician that i realized how nasty how mean how vicious and how fake. The press can be as the cameras start going off in the back. Trumps capitol colleagues seem pleased with the speech of their grade but Nobel Prize Winning economist Professor Joseph stiglitz said trumpet got his sums wrong and doesnt realize that the Global Trading system is already stacked in the us his favor he tried to put a soft spin the fact is the rules of the game have been written by the United States largely for the United States and now for the United States to say that they are unfair to nine hundred eighty s. Theyre unfair to developing countries but to say that theyre unfair in the United States is unconscionable as President Trump left here dav also organizers will be breathing a sigh of relief he was scripted and restraint there was some criticism that there was little new in his speech and no concrete details one veteran davos attendee told me people dont come here to listen to mara largo happy talk james pays out zero davos well as we heard in james reports trump attacked the media while he was in davos he accused the New York Times of fake news over its report that the president wanted to sack Robert Muller the special prosecutor who is looking into alleged russian meddling in the twenty sixteen election particle he has more. Publicly donald trump has often dismissed the investigation into potential collusion between his campaign and russian operatives but there are now reports he ordered the man behind it fired last june but apparently white house attorney dan mcgann threatened to quit in protest so the president backed down trump had his usual response to the news thank you so thank you very much for coming you know kind of stakes. But heres what we do know trump has seemed fixated with the russian investigators it started on march second of last year when attorney general Jeff Sessions recused himself from the investigation trump. Was furious saying sessions was supposed to protect him on march twentieth f. B. I. Director james comey admits the agency is investigating potential collusion between the trim campaign and russia may ninth he was fired and the very next day trump told visiting Russian Diplomats that firing him took the pressure off the Russian Investigation he said something similar im hamra and in fact when i decided to just do it i said to myself i said you know this rush sure thing with trump and russia is a made up story that backfired on may seventeenth the special Counsel Robert Mueller was appointed to lead the investigation and on june eighth komi testified to congress the trumpet asked him for loyalty and to drop the investigation into Trumps National security advisor Michael Flynn that raised the possibility the tribe broke the law by attempting to obstruct justice former federal prosecutor Melanie Sloan says if in that same month he attempted to also fire moeller that could also be considered against the law of course a loop into the obstruction of justice case he will examine the question of what were the details of when trump was thinking of firing him what had exactly happened was it right on top of other events so it would be part of that pattern of misconduct that bob mueller is looking out the president could get a chance to clarify all of this to moaner him self the president says he expects to sit down for an interview with investigators in the coming weeks but it comes with its own risks lying to them would be a federal offense all on its own. Aljazeera washington. Has dubbed over the plan of return of some range of refugees from bangladesh to me and u. S. Diplomats Bill Richardson has accused me in law of trying to whitewash the crisis he resigned from an Advisory Panel sparking a rift with some cheese government has more from young gone. If you listen to government leaders in myanmar this week was supposed to see a trickle of britons are refugees returning to these new Repatriation Centers in Rakhine State they said from tuesday the centers were open and ready to receive but the other country in this equation bangladesh said incomplete paperwork for the refugees is causing a delay no word on just how long some human Rights Groups think its much more than paperwork the fundamental problem is that all these operations and set up these plans and in these negotiations have been done leaving the refugees outside the door and they havent been consulted they havent been talked to and many of the refugees are simply too afraid to go back anywhere near the Burmese Military also this week the launch of a new commission to follow up from a group headed by former u. N. Secretary general kofi anon its members both from myanmar and abroad are supposed to implement recommendations and advise on the range of crisis but even before their first trip to recline the highest profile member Bill Richardson resigned the former u. S. Diplomat described as a friend of leader on song suchi abruptly left after a Heated Exchange with her on her part richardson said that he left the commission because it was a whitewash and that on song suchi lacked moral leadership government officials said that they dismissed him because he was here only to pursue his own agenda the remaining member of the commission rebuffed richardsons resignation saying the maam our government is both serious and listening to the commission will obviously didnt check with first before he made that statement and i think its very unfortunate. He didnt join most of the proceedings. Since two days ago and. In any case it was not the intention. Of the Advisory Board to move the final conclusions this week one member of the kofi anon commission from myanmar gave us his view of richardsons departure and the need for better transparency isnt meant to be recalled which i think this is a little bit of a drawback but we can move on we should take criticism and if there is anything that we need to correct we should do that and if there is nothing wrong we should prove it by facts and figures and in order to do that the basic fact is that you need people to go to that area but that hasnt happened or kind remains heavily controlled by the military humanitarian groups the un and media are still not allowed free access to recount so refugees hoping to return have to rely on limited information to make a very important decision got harder aljazeera younger. Well u. S. Diplomat Bill Richardson has told aljazeera he resigned from the ranger Advisory Council of his own accord theyre making it up that they let me go they were begging me to stay the National Security advisor youth on that last night i was there. What they said was that in public statements that i was pursuing my own agenda yeah my own agenda was basically follow the kofi annan recommendations do something about the refugees stop the human rights atrocities release the two journalists that were detained because freedom of the press is a bedrock of democracy and a coffee anon recommendation of finding out whats going on yeah i was outspoken and unsung suchi my former friend well i still respect or didnt want to hear that that this commission was a whitewash she doesnt want to show moral leadership because shes afraid of the military the military has enormous power there. She says theres a separation of Constitutional Rights between the military and her she doesnt want to offend them she doesnt want to take them on but she should say to the military were in a terrible mess stop these atrocities allow these refugees to move forward dont do mass graves find ways to stop the Human Rights Violations shes unwilling to take on a very powerful entity and thats the military still ahead and aljazeera tromps with nowhere to go by saddam seekers in kallio offered new hope but with a promise to process them stick. Plus a country divided we look at the challenge ahead as the president of honduras begins his. From brisk north in few months. To the warm trend groove tubes of Southeast Asia. However weve got more cold and snowy weather for central parts of china temptress in shanghai no higher than around four degrees celsius not too bad in hong kong around ninety degrees southerly winds here but a fair bit of cloud of strong to just make its way through further north a cloud somewhat thicker the snow continuing across northern parts of this area of disturbance to the south of that system rather lively downpours which stretch their way down towards northern parts of vietnam and thats a rather large downpours making their way towards the philippines over the next president is not see bad logic clear and sunny was unpleasant conditions there but quite a scattering of showers through much of Southeast Asia showers longer suppose of rain set in for a loose on as we go through saturday some big downpours here scattered showers across the region heat of the day showers as one would expect at this time of year thats an ongoing feature as we go on into sunday notice the weather whether theyre into a central and southern parts of the philippines by that stage but it makes its way across thailand and s. Easing over towards southern parts of the bay of bengal where we can expect to see some rather wet weather pushing its way towards flanker so theres the cloud here and i will continue to drift further west was slank a seeing cloud in bright and telling rather damp to the southern parts of india. The weather sponsored by qatar and nice. To see re exposed prominent figures of the Twentieth Century and how life already influenced the course of history was the cuban revolution communist or wakefield castro is a feudal east another coming east just really into this country chiming to the International Revolution became a point when the relationship came to an end the icons of revolution who changed the course of latin american politics. And fidel castro face to face at this time on aljazeera. Youre watching or does it are a reminder of our top stories this hour the Syrian Opposition says it will boycott a peace conference that russia is hosting in sochi next week but this isnt came as the latest round of un talks wrapped up in vienna without a major breakthrough. Donald trump has told the World Economic forum that the u. S. Will not turn a blind day i. E. To unfair trade practices on insisting the country is open for business the u. S. President also stuck by his America First message. Plans to return raw injure refugees from bangladesh to me amar in doubt after a falling out between a u. S. Diplomat and the inlaws government. Frances president Emmanuel Mccollum has promised a more efficient system to process Asylum Seekers in cali but so far is little evidence that that that is happening the port city has seen more young people turning up in the hope of crossing the English Channel to the u. K. From california gago has this report. Playing for time in calis industrials a place where Asylum Seekers have flocked to in the hope they may escape the limbo they face day in day out while theyre here they are trapped many of them but if the months sleeping rough wherever they can you have snipping without any food. In the rod maybe we could sit here because distant because its. Just disturbs us. This is not life its not life because living in the forest we have. So this is the place the location where one of the few just to be sure point was supposed to occur on thursday afternoon as you can see authorities are there and theyve stopped it from happening and thats unkind a lot of anger from those who gathered here to be able to get some food. For months the riot police have been a regular presence here as are the standoffs with my words desperate to escape. Some hope perhaps has been provided by the joint treaty signed by the french president and the british Prime Minister last week. A particularly important point of this sound horse three to will be to subject of minors this treaty. For all those in a position to cross the child to drastically reduce detail limits from six months to thirty days for adults from six months to twenty five days for unaccompanied with minors. The treaty is intended to improve the management of the border on both sides of the English Channel but there is little evidence as to how it will be done and whether it would expedite urgent asylum cases to reunite them with relatives living in the u. K. For those working on the front line of this crisis the expectations have led to rumors that Asylum Seekers only need come to cali to get to the u. K. And thats led to large numbers of people turning up here i do feel people have false hope because of this misunderstanding and because theres been no effort to explain any of the changes theres been no effort before on to explain to people what asylum entails in france despite the challenges the young the desperate try to find any way they can to reach britain no matter how dangerous the police attempt to stop them climbing on to lorries bound for england but they still take the chance any risk they feel is worth it to leave. Behind a life in france that hangs in the balance sunny diagonal aljazeera kalai. There are reports that several prominent saudi businessmen have reached financial settlements with the countrys authorities as part of an Anti Corruption drive led by crown Prince Mohammed bin solomon the group is said to include the owner of the n. B. C. Television network. As well as a former chief of the royal court and a former head of the countrys Environment Protection agency. Quite how long this is about to sworn be sworn in for a second time as president of honduras his opponents accuse him of electoral fraud and continue to protest against him despite the complaints and saturday hell begin another four year term home and reports. In honduras the top twenty percent own more than half the countrys wealth many of the rest live like neftali and you hania just about surviving in a shack. Inequality is an age old problem poverty is on the rise the majority of hondurans dont have a steady job despite a College Education neftali can only find work selling ices he makes three cents on each one with that is a commemorative everything sometimes we eat sometimes we dont thats literally how it is the situation with employment is really difficult there are no opportunities. These are the issues the president won and this could result in his first term and will now face again at the start of his second but mr manders also has his own problems there were serious irregularities and suspicions of fraud in the elections which he recently won many hondurans dont support him. Two months of protests have left more than thirty people dead. We have come out as United People before the world to tell them that the government stole the election discontents increased again in the run up to now and its his swearing in how is the president and this administration going to deal with a country in which many people dont recognize him as the legitimate president. Of the president has called for a National Dialogue he sent letters to x. Candidates of other parties the church Civil Society and businesses to sit down so we can build our country and put new ideas on the table. And there are things to build on the president and this is invested in Infrastructure Projects ripped. Ties with International Lending rule denies ations and reduced crime in what was the worlds deadliest country outside but war zone but the issues that helped stoke the protests remain. These protests are about the needs of the population a population which is dying of hunger a population which doesnt have a quality education a population in which if you are not enrolled in a Political Party you dont get help the. President and is now has four more years to tackle those problems and unite to divide the country behind him john home and. To use ago. When as well as opposition leaders have condemned the supreme courts decision to block their coalition from registering in Upcoming Elections the courts ruling comes just days after the madeira dominated constituent assembly announced that the poll will be held in april thats months ahead of schedule critics say more do it always depriving people of a free and fair election. Starting tomorrow and on sunday were going to come out with a more force with more will to defend plurality and political policies of venezuela thats what i would personally first just this Political Party to get at the service if were going to sway the ins to defend this industry and to defend is as an instrument that can rescue democracy and freedom. As monitoring the story from want to say in argentina. These latest tit for tat expulsions really symbolize venezuelas growing isolation not just in latin america but in the whole world they this week expelled the spanish ambassador in caracas accusing him of interfering in venezuela as internal affairs the Spanish Government has now responded denying that its doing that but saying it will continue to criticize what it perceives as human rights abuses in venezuela it also comes in the wake of the European Union applying sanctions freezing assets and prohibiting travel for seven senior venezuelan officials all of this comes in the aftermath of the constituent assembly the government controlled constituent assembly in venezuela saying its going to organize elections president ial elections before the end of april the opposition is very much excluded from that its either splintered its leaders have gone into war position or theyre choosing to boycott the elections so despite the huge jump popularity of president Nicolas Maduro of venezuela it does look he is confident he will win those elections saying hes called them to fight what he says is the threats from imperialism meanwhile the Economic Situation in venezuela continues to deteriorate the International Money Monetary Fund in the report says its predicted inflation the hyperinflation in venezuela this year is likely to run into a staggering thirteen thousand percent which is almost impossible to comprehend for the average venezuelan hundreds of thousands continue to migrate from the country almost on a daily basis going around latin america and in europe and the same time the United Nations Childrens Fund unicef has said that it believes that malnutrition among venezuelan children is growing it doesnt have the statistics to prove that since it cant gain access to them but it says its going problem indicative. Of the disastrous state of the venezuelan economy. The u. S. Gymnastics board has agreed to resign after a former team doctor was jailed for sexually abusing female gymnasts the u. S. Olympic Committee Told the board to go after it was criticized for the way it handled decades of abuse claims that a nutter is serving up to one hundred seventy five years in prison for assaulting young gymnasts under his care separately a u. S. House panel has announced it will investigate sexual abuse in organized sports dion estabrook has the details. Well this was a major housecleaning and now the usa Gymnastics Organization has to replace its entire board that includes about twenty people which also includes representatives for the athletes it has twelve months to do this the u. S. O. C. Listed some other demands but this really was the most important one if it doesnt get that team in place then it risk losing its authority both the u. S. O. C. And the usa gymnastics have been under intense fire since the nasser scandal broke out about eighteen months ago and the fallout from this scandal is really far from over were were also hearing that the governor of michigan is calling for an investigation as well as the attorney general of michigan is calling in for an investigation but see the boss the u. S. Secretary of education says her department is looking into this and were starting to see fallout on the campus of Michigan State university where nasser was attached the president of the university has stepped down already today the Athletic Director said that he was retiring so he wasnt forced out but he was stepping down so the timing is very curious so all of this is far from over been a lot of scandal over this and the fallout is expected to continue about one hundred thirty women at Michigan State university have filed lawsuits against that school. This is all just you know these are the top stories the Syrian Opposition says it will boycott a peace conference that russia is hosting in sochi next week the decision came as the latest round of un talks wrapped up in vienna without a major breakthrough. What does require. If political will it is high time that diplomacy dialogue and negotiations prevail for the interest of world syrians and thats a distinct regional until a new which is being briefed and will be briefed tonight on the outcome of these discussions and then it will be up to him to take the decision what will be the un response to the invitation to attend the sochi meanwhile turkeys president richard Tayyip Erdogan is warning that its operation against kurdish fighters in syria could be extended to the border with iraq the turkish offensive to push fighters out of the regions been going on for more than a week its increased tension with the us which supports the kurdish y p g militia in trying to secure parts of northern and Eastern Syria donald trump has told the World Economic forum that the u. S. Will not turn a blind eye to unfair trade practices when insisting the country is open for business the us president also stuck by his America First message plans to return range of refugees from bangladesh to me amar in doubt after a falling out between a u. S. Diplomat and me im on his government Bill Richardson says he resigned from an advisory role to leader Aung San Suu Kyi when he feared that a hinge of crisis was being whitewashed the u. S. Gymnastics board has agreed to resign after a former team doctor was jailed for sexually abusing female gymnasts the u. S. Olympic Committee Told the board to step down after it was criticized for the way it handled decades of abuse claims Laurie Nasser is serving up to one hundred seventy five years in prison for assaulting young gymnasts under his care. Vetted opposition leaders have condemned the supreme courts decision to block their coalition from registering an Upcoming Elections the courts ruling comes just days after the madugalle dominated constituent assembly announced that the poll would be held in april thats months ahead of schedule critics say madieu is depriving people of a free and fair election. And those are the headlines the news continues here on aljazeera ofter inside story in about twenty five minutes both. The parting shots at me and more as leader from a veteran u. S. Diplomat Bill Richardson says she lacks moral leadership and resigns from an international Advisory Panel of the door hinge a crisis

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