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He attacked began with a car bomb at the door of the stave the Children Office in jalalabad eastern afghanistan the gunman stormed the building for more than eight hours they battled Afghan Security forces while dozens of save the children staff were trapped inside the building was set on fire eventually Afghan Police and soldiers killed the attackers and rescued the staff afghanistan is one of the most dangerous places for children to be born following decades of war insecurity and poverty for twelve years save the children has worked with afghan communities to help kids survive but the attack on the agencys office in jalalabad suggest its becoming increasingly difficult for staff to help afghans without becoming victims of the conflict themselves its quite possible to save the children that would leave afghanistan and the onus is on the Afghan Government to provide security for the latest to to stick on aid workers security show that over the last fifteen years their jobs have become much more dangerous in two thousand and sixteen there were one hundred fifty eight attacks on aid organizations around the world in which one hundred to one aid workers were killed ninety eight wounded and eighty nine kidnapped thats almost triple the number of attacks in two thousand and three south sudan is the most dangerous country for aid workers followed by afghanistan and syria the u. N. Humanitarian coordinator calls afghanistan one of the most challenging and dangerous environments for humanitarians in two thousand and seventeen seventeen aid workers were killed and thirty two injured Doctors Without Borders withdrew from the northern afghan city of could use in two thousand and fifteen after the medical charities hospital was mistakenly destroyed by a u. S. Airstrike and last year the International Red cross which is operated in afghanistan for more than thirty years close to clinics and limited his operations nationwide after seven Staff Members were killed and others abducted now or in a very explosive situation i think where we note the Community Says communities can no longer guarantee all safety and all roxas and thats now where its becoming extremely. Difficult to know. Who we can rely on and thats thats the challenge today more so than in the last thirty years afghanistan is dependent on eight organizations if gunmen were to drive them out the Afghan Government cant support the social Services Programs on which millions of afghans depend save the children says it helps one point four million children in afghanistan and its committed to its work here the organization would like to restart its programs but it can only do so when its short staffed can work safely jennifer glass al jazeera kabul. Brazils Appeals Court has upheld former president Luis Inacio Lula da silva his corruption conviction which could have a major impact on his political comeback a popular politician known across the country as lula has been leading the polls for octobers president ial election but he could now be barred from running the former u. S. Gymnastics team dr larry nasser has been sentenced to up to one hundred seventy five years in prison for sexually assaulting women and girls nasir pleaded guilty after being accused by more than one hundred fifty women including several olympic gold medalists the white house says u. S. President donald trump has told the turkish president. In a phone call to avoid actions in syria that might risk conflict between the nato allies u. S. Backed fighters are already been deployed in the northern syrian town of man big to confront a possible assault by Turkish Forces at the wanderers promised to expand operations towards the town to confront the threat posed by the kurdish y p g fighters member. Hopefully starting from and be sure we will continue by thwarting this game along our borders and we will completely wipe out this trouble from our region trump has also told other one to limit his military actions and avoid civilian casualties turkey has already launched an air and ground operation in the city of a free in because of the y p g presence there at least five thousand people have been displaced in five days of fighting. Theres i dont want to stay with us next up but witness i warn you speed after that i was watching scene but. The goal. Of president number. One im going to get them to sit at the school begin though because didnt put enough must have been done in bed it should be going to get that it could be just going to look good when you could put the case ive got to because hes governing the group. And were going to. Get up enough to come out of this deal will be good if. Theyve been pretty. Good. Hes the man and the vision to put a visit to bed at a lump it appears its going to be you know my goodness somebodys going to be going and going to miss the bush with the big i leave the money not going to leave. This regime hung up and im going to not get upset at the please do Community Number get up put the pieces. Give it a little speech soso. What is school above called. That one bad neck of. The last ten of them and im calling them minimal then and i dont almost always out. To know how it was in india and which in my neck and how my journey and some kids in the room wasnt. Present were muslim run after him and laugh and joke each had bad that he had i dont wish i would and. Now dont i dont post and he got i would know my now and then my moms a warning or not. My mothers shooting would be cool. Because im going to love them its just. Not actually changing. So many for. President or for such a situation if its women who see me. And im sure you know somebody on this note also agree that you or somebody from you mark you or someone when you presume you know you basically is a very nice on air out by me what your choice of nice is very nice up with blood oh well. I want to make you come out of this one smile you got this one guy today to help you i thought i had three weeks i was. Going to do. The. Fight bring to the. Fire. Red opening. Up in england. And by the flag raising here when a collaboration with a commanding god of the partially. Made new version to the end of the nation and my life. In the living spirit im going to want to. Morning school. Morning school. Now i want to see that this Election Campaign period and their actions should be taken very very seriously very seriously because if you if everything goes wrong then we are done for the next one yeah if you remember what happened in kenya two thousand and seven two thousand and eight its because of not wanting this not wanting the other and weve lost clashes that can mean there was a lot of suffering people even lost their lives and so let us do the right. You can you know you can sum your society you can serve your community you can salve kenya as a whole youre not going to be a student forever you will one day become a citizen use democracy. Let the best wean the loser. From the wife to go promise yourself that devalues i am going to be there with us and i want to wish you all the best of today thank you so much. The perfect president. May think or say is the one who is mostly this who is deceived and. My colleague can do things wonderfully we need a leader who is strong and even. To us is former us and when we come to the leadership. To lead mostly in our class boys so the they dont want to be ruled by if boys can lead even as dan secondly. Because were all equal. I was discouraged by this some of the ways they told me you know you cant lead since my journey started theres never been that bad. But id say to convince even we go as we can we can we can make. Yeah and im not. When but. When you need me sir that is an eye out thank you and thank you. You see what i meant that i was. Last year you all know that i tried to vote for the presidency and what happened. I really i dont i wanna know why explain need to feel and get emotional because that happened is the boys almost wanted to reach me out they even brought to mind a martyr threatening that if i was elected the president the reach me. And weve been there. So i had to step down its not funny its not fun i had to step down to the to the Vice President and that is when i was elected for the second time the Vice President hours really hard. I was really hot. Like damn what. A load. I knew. She. Was. Really. Going by the. Way. One of. Them so how can a condom lying. In the family. Yes through us through it through you know how different if you take no part of it just some kind of thing you said. Just. For i think. They call us even when it may look that theres a cop is making. I love to make it could be anything but i would not like to see this well let him get it just yet and doesnt that he maybe im suffering from what i want not just against him but to see this well you always knew that in this. So he has if youre pretending a friend does not it does him was that implicit the coming president. Into monday didnt have to. Pay for it and ask even for the teachers to pay for me. Im reading this took a long vision. Because its not looking like a day. You need to write here even supporting this book and going with a friend this book for mommy going and going to document. For. Five. Mama mama made up my. Butt off my duffel. Blue blue. Mother im going to put on the moon theyre doing in the blue. Fifteen and six in the press and notes in the group in a way voice. But. Theyre going to be. Depending on. The road to woman get up really love me and were going to when it. Was oh now with oh now cool again were going to go because the suit got decent want to call it again going to visit me in the. Middle from going because you enter into. Another joke of the elephant up by. The one who gets on with the im a. Good. Im not crazy. I dont like. You know the biggest bets myself no knowing. What because youre willing to go from. Them i. Dont know defeat. Or know. And im fighting for their post or School President school but i mean these are just one thing for this post geez you know you want to become a soldier in the future but not on a soldier but. Maybe youre generally. Going to become someone i had a liver list so thats why im now starting this. Practice and im a practising but really confident anybody. Is going to what was our troops really. Dont want to sack who you know their votes you shouldnt have money. Then when you have. More chances of winning youll get some of my going to look for me what. Your plan is it up in a one dog one of you must be seen in the field of money tomorrow if you. Think you have any sense that one is just. Like if you want me to do im not really did you know that you. Thank you ben i dont think im good at it you can be here listen its ok. Manuel you get to vote i promise that. In my law but it was going to and im going to any but the budget Christopher Walken had him but died sam claflin and you know nuking the living room we were all in room ham and i came to win and the hand and him no more number that god. Will recall vehicle mother issue. That i dont know i passed but youre going to jump on i want to get i lined up to do wont get up will not work he will mold session. You just keep sound. The skin and the whiskey. That was. The area that. Was. The was the it. Was that. Was. Welcome of unit school of one of us in the sun to one not to mix and then that might be happy when im on track to be on a working of the new comer that a son needs another dan rather combust theyd be at always a poem she need not to grow up mind you have a bonnet and i mean when i say did daddy i missions in the dark where you know Michael Brown hopped in the car the woman. Or the like said you know well so you can go and got to go up were not always going to go with us so we got to say its not on us on one no its going it. I finish what i missed she wrote us whats up when you are sick to the upside and i know when i saw in them on that one thing it. Was a good. Laugh and i mean it got. Anything going to fuck it. Up and i will have a lot. Of the overhead and. Was i love it you know were going to one day dominick well i dont know what your market is about where this is why this is no dont mind up about sin but when it went up well in the millennium. Now i know so you you get whatever you want to to get thats why youre here today you want to i want to talk to stu say whatever you want to see i want you to ask whatever you want to ask i want you to request of me what you want to put it quick so that i know my colleagues want to thank you bill i want to offer not just you look at this little group look at that yes its out there but you want. Which kind of suits you want to see Something Like that so you are not there to buy your voice i cannot buy you i cannot buy you are your feelings. Do get me right i cannot buy you a few of your feelings quotes i can do is i can make you happy so that when you are doing something which whatever you want to do you can be happy but would you do a little bit of my job the im going. My name is heading on finding four president s mocking my friend jackson hammerless and company. Of com here for a question you are too good to me you need to be very serious indeed yet you somehow some might seem a little to confuse you with this and was sure that things sure show hello plus a really good money my name is had. From from three east on vending four plays days short of a cunt and have come on here before too and to do is home i am so first of all of the stuff to buy. By introducing my in my name as i have said before im not a fan from three is to see six and see more interesting influence you want to name but if you just took them to them and the results are coming john ten this is leading to. But money less money and then. Most of you know me i wanted you to fuck off from from three days to im voting for president and the hope was to come here is to ask for i ended up quitting your voice i thought it was just the love to make your own choice or you know you can select that somebody to be yesterday because after making a video by decision here then after over here after you are going to suffer the consequences because you have made our own choice in selecting a bad person. So for the food of not thank you very much and. Drink plenty. Of going with something little here so that too kind maybe you can move consume of blood to some city. Around. The country you know so that you can see that you know im really im what im really wanting to go do what for me will grow some specie out we shall see i do see two things i do have a puzzle here. That. Kind of shake. That. Was like i didnt like that i was. There was that our father was was. I wanted to work. I got suits from my. Good that but twenty six i think. Its like giving them money or benefits so that they can give you woods and thats its role. Is not. Famous. In our school. How to when he was flung up once against us or any. Similar highly ideal for pop president i did begin year. Rewind returns with new updates on the best of aljazeera as documentary. And the moving story of two young turkmen girls in afghanistan. At last able to get an education after years of repressive taliban occupation five years on what has become of their dreams. Rewind pencils and bullets at this time on aljazeera. Aljazeera. You wherever you are. Personal stories of lebanese villagers on the border with israel at the blue line runs through this period their daily struggles when they go get it which is the forces stop us when we go there that shoot at us out of the right and peaceful protests to reason in the place of the interior means defiance and resistance at this new time its Means Nothing at night and feed of life on the edge of cross border tension lebannon living on the blue line at this time on al jazeera. And i wonder in Taylor Nandan the top stories are now jazeera the aid agency save the children has suspended its operations in afghanistan after an attack on its offices gunman stormed the compound in the eastern city of jalalabad after a suicide bombing outside three of its Staff Members were killed in the attack an resulting siege which is now being claimed by i so this is work that helped children survive and third and be protected and i had still ever completely saddened by the fact that someone would try to stop this its such a violent attack this was very violent it should never happen and of course this is a setback but we remain committed to helping the children in afghanistan brazils Appeals Court has upheld former president luis in us your loot out a syllabus corruption conviction which could have a major impact on his political comeback the popular politician known across the country as luna has been leading the polls for octobers president ial election and he could now be barred from running. A former u. S. Gymnastics team doctor larry nasa has been sentenced to up to one hundred seventy five years in prison for sexually assaulting women and girls that are pleaded guilty after being accused by more than one hundred fifty women including several and then pick gold medalists u. S. President donald trump has warned turkish president richard to one to avoid actions in syria that might risk conflict between the nato allies u. S. Backed fighters have already been deployed in the northern syrian town of man beach to confront a possible assault by Turkish Forces at the wanderers promise to expand operations to confront the threat posed by kurdish y p g fighters members stumble hopefully starting from n. B. C. We will continue by thwarting this game along our borders and we will completely wipe out this trouble from our region trump is also told are the one to limit his military actions and avoid civilian casualties turkey has already launched an air and ground operation in the city of a free and because of the y. P. G. Presence there at least five thousand people have been displaced in five days of fighting. Egypts president up to fessor sisi has officially filed his papers to run in the president ial election in march it comes as potential rival halley delhi has withdrawn from the race same conditions did not allow for a fair contest theres the headlines to stay with us witness continues next on morning after that. Even the. One up the one from britain president not that im. Ok and i dont i do recall company or not i didnt. Think. I would move to. What. Danny. Is in for. You. And me in the. Amount when someone who can you blame data from. The moment i saw when he said mean to me that when you and i did one combination. Of us and i think it on the farm now we. Just give it just give it a go of it a bit of the static its out a bit of a similar. To the stuff i know that there is no need to guess ive got. My dont. See. Its. Very. Possible but a bit of a skewed look at it and then if i see the guy who got me going to. Happen id. Like to. But leave. Me when you. Say. Look at me but it wasnt him he didnt say this is why. This is. My dad you know then youre dead to me. So you sign a deciding give me enough us to before this happened over the going on over here so you. Were going to. Be here when you go boys. Go in the cave let me just. Go like. A muddy field to see you show them what do you mean you can go see you nobody. Could go i dont know if you. Think about as i forgot to live with that or would you keep on talking about your south cell. Phone any good on which i can and is the most a d. M. And then end up with. A long talk with the media and then youve been. Lucky and i stand up and down and up and no less dainty got enough for. The night and i look and then my love a long way need some i didnt hang my jacket with jaggi jad you were my that you were not drunk was up and then i think. They were way ahead of you know you know. The i mean im a let me end. Up being a comedy have you were and wondered if you dont know. You know nine hundred. Ninety nine nothing on on your menu because you have been under fire to the word go. Most often by. Human dignity because i see you think i mean. That thing you know when. He saw a lot of anger not to me. And. My not my my get on legal muscular. I mean one of the band not mine i tell you out of my body. My man i love that but a woman that overground of a love of freedom of the sea. And i dont want as a band. And i went along we feel with pleasure for letting him. Sound. For what we. See when a united to get on when they would have begun yet. Would they rebuild the movement mubarak to. Form. A madam one of the fellow members of the. Losing my little place you feel. For. You when no. One was the only one you obviously the valley. For this was just you feel. For. Movement in the by. Going up at the hot. Sun. To go to santa monica dont you know whats up. Five. That were not my goal. But what i know. What. I did. On. The film with one hundred hits new businesses. I took a new one and none of my defending this is so much writing my tonight to begin to give us a. Sound. Man i may be pleased to commit to is the kind of says the comedy one. One one one. One no goal was. One no. One hour was one now agao i now is. Often a good as. Well. To. Know well. Wishing. I had five hundred its a little but. Why did he made it and then. The magnitude of the food. That i want to give me. I mean a. Fool if my hands. Now. Oh yes it was and you know i didnt only that a local law and will he got me a phone anyway de da i have issue less than. That why do you want out. And i was you hit it was you was do you feel you the a bank was a thousand feet of the two thousand feet was was you was thousand years was released i. Was on could cost in the hose as you can see put forth a flood of development so these are my developments. Off the hook up to. Elected me alone i was doing was to is is it ok so you give me your what for so that development can be kind of you know how to with sure. Im very often for to benefit them in this good is going to be selected to each other and be suited to be joined today. What is the what will do seven dutta. Was was that was. That was something something that i would say joy you the was a seller yes i was thinking look if you got anything to me. And theyre fun. Youre going to have to have got fifth. I mean. Nothing you know got him going. Im going im going to how lovely how can i go after my family but i know how about i will be talking about going to. Let them alone believe that would you let me go through that you know. Come with. Well you know man i know youre going to be good about my going away or anything like you dont really tell me how much. I make that claim you are not telling us you know me i want to know youre not in going to im going to you know youre getting a lot of i dont want to do it but you have a lot of them want to talk about are you going to let you know that i dont want to get nothing out of your trouble you know what yeah. I know nothing about im not going to have anything to do you know i dont have any money and im not out of my outlook and im. Like im on volumes right now i think im going up i mean if not when i got up i dont like somebody here i dont want to look at what. Is. Going to. That i did. Was. I want to stay between ive seen the passion you mean being being made yeah if this were to say it but that. I dont want to hide. Myself that its convicts and i got. To finding it again i dont legally have ways school to give a get its. Its a little bit embarrassing even a bit in the government they president must a bad boy. I said thats not true we had it going and you can lead as you can be displeased. By the students thats why its. Ok. Now what. Was that. How did the whole lets. Go for it. Excuse from i was his man was have a. Form is there i said that your office explicitly have. I pull something oh i promised minutes ill manage to come up with a good here does this look tired and im sure a child everybody enjoy that meets their. For those who are not feeling knocks i say thank you and enjoy the meet over the lunch break to the kind of. Sinking feeling mighty good for the christians present on. The road again. When you call me paula i listen to anybodys wish. Anybody school please im going this is top class only when i want to get shit this is because. I feel like a mission. Thank you so much fun when you want to miss you like you will thank you sunny. Thank i. Moved. Back thank you thank you thank you thank. You. Thank. Goodness. Thank you thank you. Thank you thank you thank you thank you. Folks i was. Cute so now if you. Dont focus only on the sofa i want to. Thank you. Thank. You if you wanted one thumb you and if you put what you think about and maybe put the books of the. Soul words and questions you know what i need from them that i want to be at home that i have for my next to you. My that you know my family as well. To get a much closer to god i. Want you. To ok it is what i was. Going to ok it is going to out. To to the out. Oh yeah i was going to begin my the process of voting on it when you face for i did. This for and please so we want i love when you want to go over with but to anybody would just use your mind not im. Not. Youre not supposed to and maam this is a sick man not nobody should know who you voted for. We have now passed all because we want to know who has good works from this class so that is their counting in ten days. How do you rob. How do you want. Things that i live just how do you found. Mine some of them. That it. Might that means im. Like. How do you. Manage that means im. Not i mean damn i want that. Stuff. That i that you. Cite that i live. The. Life that i live. By that i live. The life that i live. And love. My money in the month. I think that i live. Life that i am. Saying that i am. Saying that i live. Things that i live. Thanks daniel. Thank you that i live the. Way that i live. But. Im going to i telling side saleem has done and thats the one for us from this class how do you get my age my. Mind the end of my god oh eight months you know weve got the president joan you. Intend to put it inside. Of the was. So. That i said perform my duties in accordance to the school goes under glacial so help me god. God god god. God. Oh. Wow god. You must mean you know hoarsely. Tennessee knew it just a nickname than. Some i dont see. Caught. A flaw and i know that i mean just being. Me. Allan as we approach australia today thats friday so the heat is building not if you were but in South Australia in particular where weve had some pretty high temperatures in land in the last day or so of his and big storms south of queens about certain New South Wales into victoria less so in South Australia is probably adelaide where the temps will be rising at their most because its the heat coming out the interior gets here first so high around the thirty thirty one mark the most part which is looking nice enough but were heading i think ten Degrees Higher in adelaide by the time we get saturday or sunday the heats certainly there on the springs were in perth you know gentle on shore breeze its looking nice at twenty five all the rain the partys occasional big thunderstorms is this concentrated stuff in the north should be that it is the wet season it wants to form a circulation but it hasnt yet succeeded which is watch and wait some light showers stuff will spill over into vanuatu for example shot to seems possible to fiji but if you come south of that spot the clouds in new zealand theres nothing that was it has been fairly wet in north island the last few days its not now the forecast is in the high twentys more all of us were if you are there is creeping on shore cloud in south island but its more than occasional showers. And look at the look of the arrival of refugees is debated in european parliaments. But the journey itself is little understood. To syrians document the route that has claimed so many lives such info sanctuary to people in power at this time on aljazeera the nature of news as it breaks the u. S. Cut the funding has cemented the feeling here that the u. S. Is part of the problem and has picked the israeli side with detailed coverage but our German Government insists negotiations are ongoing to secure the release of the girls and hundreds of others. From around the world three decades on chileans are still thinking about abuses but this time those committed by the church. The current tensions between countries along the river nile have their roots in a colonial past eclipse point of view the nine to twenty nine agreement political says because of the new political realities on the ground are increasing the sense of uncertainty over kulu knows the rhythm out there with a need to do to other neat and calm to countries throughout the neighborhood kind of been a feat for the struggle over the nile at this time on aljazeera. This is aljazeera

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