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Of madison this is al jazeera live from doha also coming up a member of the qatari of oil family accuses saudi arabia and the u. A. E. Of manufacturing the gulf crisis to seize dohas wealth. A race against time in the u. S. The senators try to prevent a looming Government Shutdown. Pope francis makes a play to protect the amazon and its people during his trip to peru. Egypts president. Has announced he will run for a second the elections are scheduled to take place in march sisi rose to power in twenty fourteen after leading the military coup that ousted his predecessor mohamed jump ship reports. The announcement was widely expected now egyptian president is but doctors sisi has made it official anesthetic a lot about info to collect you might have been today as a to members of the sausage moments we have gone through and think about the serious challenges that face our home country and the huge expectations and the hopes we have for our homeland i find myself standing confused before my National Conscious as i speak to you with the honesty and transparency we have been used to in our dialogue and hope that you will accept me for the presidency of the republic analysts are hardly surprised by his staying in power to swear that way i think of the elections as one source of it is just a missile or a facade of this committee that would say that he won the elections fed and square and he has significant popular support. C. C. Who swept to power in two thousand and thirteen after a military coup against former president Mohammed Morsi obtained ninety seven percent of the vote in the two thousand and fourteen Election International observers question the credibility of the results saying the election fell short of international standards. Campaign promises included rebuilding egypt reviving the countrys economy and raising living conditions. But almost four years into his presidency many egyptians are disillusioned with his rule concern has grown that it has brought with it a return to the authoritarian Security State that prevailed under former president Hosni Mubarak rendering the tahir square revolution only a brief experiment in democracy. Real opposition to sisi in the march election is likely to be thin on the ground potential candidates have either already withdrawn or seen their candidacy blocked some have blamed an atmosphere of fear observers say ccs tactic is a recognizable one in the region of the mubarak and his message and saddams of the agent has used it to before they would tell the International Indonesian community that they won with ninety percent or ninety nine percent of whatever the percentage of the same time there are no consequences for that so on one end it to bolster that he means that intimacy of the genes on one end and the other and you know there are no consequences for that actions. Ccs rule has been marked by a brutal crackdown on freedom of expression and Civil Liberties economic turbulence and increasing attacks by armed groups human Rights Groups have been placed under severe restrictions and many critics in the media have been silenced. His allies however dismissed accusations of abuses saying his tactics are needed for security in the face of an insurgency in the north sinai region that has expanded to include civilian targets mohammed does either. Because of a royal who was at one time a close ally of saudi arabia says the gulf diplomatic crisis has been manufactured in an audio recording obtained by aljazeera to shake up the love been tunney accuses saudi arabia and the u. A. E. Of fabricating the rift with qatar as a way to seize their neighbors wealth he also says he was under so much pressure from the two countries that he wanted to end his life. Reports. The man saudi arabia and the u. A. E. Were presenting as an alternative to qatar leadership stepped up his attacks on the blockade in countries in a new audiotape shake of the lebanon early earth any a member of. The family says the gulfs biggest diplomatic where it was triggered by saudi and princes whom he accuses of plotting to take qatars wealth by force. As. Well. In the old youre recording the she says he was under so much pressure from saudi arabia and the u. A. E. That he considered taking his own life he also appeared in a video posted online on sunday where he says he was detained against his will in the u. A. E. A claim which the night but two days later. He left the u. A. E. This is the only picture taken of him when he arrived in kuwait his family said his health deteriorated during his alleged detention in the u. A. E. He was told that he can leave to saudi arabia but not to. The end of the day he was allowed. To leave. And he has two daughters with him and it was about twelve oclock at night that. They told them that they have to go to the airport and then the information changed that they are not allowed to go to the u. K. The u. K. Refuses your entry and that is false. And that your daughters can live and you must still stay in the. The little known shape became a central figure during the Gulf Cooperation Council or g. C. C. Crisis when he was first received by king solomon bit of that as ease of saudi arabia media affiliated with saudi arabia and the u. A. E. Portrayed him as the head of the opposition to the qatari government but soon the shade was nowhere to be seen except for tweets attributed to him the recent statements of the shape shed more light on the g. C. C. Crisis that started in june when sandy arabia the u. A. E. And egypt cut off diplomatic ties and imposed a sea land and embargo on qatar the post from shekau the lebanon early support qatar stands for the west is public ated and politically motivated has zero halakhah in towns on in the us where the senate has five hours to prevent a Government Shutdown but still there is no deal politicians must agree on a bill by midnight on friday to keep Government Agencies funded for the next month republicans hold fifty one seats in the senate but they need sixty votes to pass the legislation on transmat Top Democrats in a bid to win their support but significant areas of disagreement remain heres what the u. S. President has just tweeted he said it was an excellent preliminary meeting with senator Chuck Schumer working on solutions for security and our great military together with Senate Majority leader Mitch Mcconnell and House Speaker paul ryan making progress four week extension would be best White House Correspondent kelly hawker reports. A planned trip to florida to mark Donald Trumps First Anniversary in office has been canceled at least for now instead americas republican president is reaching out to his democratic rival in this summit meeting with an invitation to the white house to try and avert a Government Shutdown we made some progress but we still have a good number of disappointing discussions will continue Republicans Control Congress but its a crisis the white house blames on democrats it appears unfortunately that Senate Democrats are entrenched in forcing a shutdown unlike five years ago when the government shut down for sixteen days this time all u. S. National parks and post offices will remain open loys will not get paid and just like five years ago the military Border Patrol and federal firefighters among others will remain on the job but theyll also not be paid right away yesterday thirty nine thousand one hundred seven the most is going on thursday lawmakers in the u. S. House of representatives passed a short term funding bill to keep the government open but it must also pass in the senate and Democratic Senators are refusing to approve any funding legislation without protections from deportation for thousands of Illegal Immigrants brought to the United States as children with the president come up here democrats believe they have few options given trump announced obama era protections for the Illegal Immigrants known as dr recipients runs out in march based on what we have seen in terms of how the republicans have responded in the past i believe democrats simply do not trust that the republicans will actually move to address the issue. Despite claims to the contrary given twenty eighteen is a Congressional Election year it appears trump sees political advantage in a Government Shutdown if the Public Places blame on democrats. On friday morning he tweeted shutdown coming we need more republican victories in twenty eight teams as donald trump prepares to mark his first year in office unless a deal is reached the anniversary of trumps inauguration is set to be celebrated much like the year started amid controversy kimberly hellcat aljazeera Washington Well political hands joining us now from washington d. C. If i understand it correctly patty there has been some movement in terms of debate and a vote thats going to be happening soon i think well were told that the u. S. Senate is going to take up the bill that passed the house i want to get too much into the weeds here but basically it would just extend the government funding for about four weeks and it would also give democrats something that they have desperately been calling for for four months which is to fund a Health Insurance program that helps inch give health care to low income children and this is millions of children that have been basically put in limbo so republicans thought well well put that in the bill no democrats will have to go for all democrats and said no not so fast we want to see protections for the eight hundred thousand Illegal Immigrants who were brought to this country as children republicans have said thats not going to happen it doesnt need to happen so now republicans are going to put a vote theyre going to vote on the house bill theyre going to do that at ten oclock local time so just about three hours from now and see if they have the votes doesnt mean they have the votes it just means that theyre going to try for this bill and see if they can peel off enough democrats they really need at least nine of them to basically go against their party. So now what were seeing is it does look like if this doesnt pass the minute its going to quickly approach and then youre going to see a partial Government Shutdown which means a lot of employees that work for the federal government wont be able to go to work if it so happy monday so now we see the white house trying to different tact Mick Mulvaney the budget director saying well the deadline is not really at midnight lets listen. I dont think youll be taking care of the money i actually thats why i just said i think i actually think theres a little we did. That for the work you offered or if you should work on i think for me quite a bit more tomorrow. No i dont think it is a very clear doctrine not leaving until the end of your buddy we shouldnt lose sight of the fact that this isnt just a procedural thing thats going on with the Government People are going to be if there is a shutdown not able to go to work as you say and that means they dont get paid and that will cost the country even more money. Well if its a short shot if its a short showed a shutdown studies have shown in the past that the economy is not impacted all that much usually the government goes back and says even the workers who didnt come in you still get paid so the economy can probably was standing couple of days the bigger question is the politics of this so lets keep in mind this is a crisis the president trying created all on his own the Dreamers Program for those children who were brought here illegally that was in place they were protected hes the one who said no getting rid of it Congress Figure it out so that is put this in congresss lap it also goes to show the bigger political point is lets think about this voters put President Trump in the white house they put republicans his own party in charge of the house and the senate they sent the message that government is broken or so and theyll tell you theyre sick of this they cant even pass a budget thats like when you say you have one job for congress you really have one job and its to pass a budget and this continues to happen so there are some pretty high political stakes here and that to the least for President Donald Trump lets think about just how this is going to look if the government shuts down partially at twelve o one that will happen to land on the exact Year Anniversary of his inauguration where he came to office and said he can fix things hes a deal maker and if you cant make this deal well thats going to call into question his biggest selling point to his core voters it also is going to coincide with another womens march to protest against donald trump so though of one more thing to protest against and its going to cost the Republican Party he was planning and he should have been in florida right now and it is a private club he was going to have a fundraiser get this if you pay one hundred thousand dollars as a couple you can have dinner mar a lago or if you pay to fifty you can participate in a roundtable discussion with the president the United States he wanted to go to his resort he wanted to golf he wanted to celebrate his a year in office and if he did if this doesnt happen well thats not going to happen paddy for now thank you very much indeed. Still ahead on aljazeera turkey escalates tension along the border with syria after days of threats of action against kurdish fighters. And as Donald Trumps First Anniversary in the oval office nears we take a look at his record on Climate Change. Through triangula raveena. Tandon on can free to use and if any should go on dylan. Right at the depths of winter sir of course is warming up in the village china is not quite what you might expect in the forecast of eleven degrees in shanghai fifteen hundred twenty one in hong kong it shouldnt really get any warmer but it profitably will in for example hong kong twenty two degrees an onshore breeze humidity thats enough to lift the cloud into producing rain in some parts in the middle of china is just not quite how you might expect it to be a problem or normal weather is is the showers around both malaysia and more especially into the easier occasionally big shasta touching the philippines still theres a massive cloud thats just walking towards Southern Vietnam might even catch sudden thailand and certainly were talking about in the lazy here that you do get rain this time the a bit thailand should really be lucky and dryish weather and except for the south i suppose thats true so in indonesia if youre such a casa or youre in bali expect whether it is daddys the rising this time the bone dry though in india and indeed in sri lanka not much is moving we see some clouds rolling across the hindu kush that might stir the atmosphere i do hope so but i dont think it will still poor air quality in the Northern Plains of india of course as you might expect it to be temperature wise up to twenty one by day in delhi it gets cold at night but for the sas and you are in the thirtys just. The weather sponsored by qatar and peace. Aljazeera explores prominent figures of the Twentieth Century and how rivalries influenced the course of history steve jobs a much better market troop build up like fan stuff bill made software what it is today will change the world to high tech visionaries breakthroughs inspired the digital revolution jobs and gates face to face at this time on aljazeera. Youre watching aljazeera a reminder of our top stories this hour egypts president of the fatah elsisi has announced he will run for a second the elections are scheduled to take place in march on the armed forces chief of staff something on and has just said he will run as called for state institutions to be neutral towards all candidates because of the royal who was at one time a close ally of saudi arabia says the gulf diplomatic crisis has been manufactured and an audio recording obtained by aljazeera to shake up the love bin ali autonomy accuses saudi arabia and the u. A. E. Of fabricating the rift with qatar to seize the neighbors wealth. U. S. President donald trump has met top democrat Chuck Schumer to prevent a Government Shutdown both described progress but schumer has said the areas of disagreement remain the senate has until midnight friday to agree on a bill to fund the Government Agencies for the next month. Turkey is mobilizing thousands of Free Syrian Army rebels on its border with syria as part of a military operation for. Threatened against Syrian Kurdish fighters known as the y. P. Jean based in the town of baffling turkey classifies them as a terrorist Organization Im going to fears the establishment of a kurdish code are along its border the army has intensified shelling enough rain in recent days and says a ground assault could happen soon the spokesman for you the un secretary general antonio good to have is warning against increased military activity in the region weve seen the reports of shelling in africa and we reiterate our call on all concerned parties to avoid further escalation in any acts that could deepen the suffering of the Syrian People all parties must ensure protection of civilians at all times under any circumstances and Stephanie Decker has more from an taqiyya. The situation around the fitting is heating up there is been an increase in shelling from turkey into africa and also hearing reports that around fifteen thousand Free Syrian Army fighters these are the rebels inside syria supported by turkey are mobilizing towards the east of affluence and this is all in line with the political rhetoric thats been coming out of anger over the last week or so the last voice added to that the Defense Ministry on friday saying that the operation would happen that there should be no delay and that turkey had no choice but to rid of what they call terrorists along this border all of this very significant player is russia and this is why weve seen the chief of staff and also the turkish head of intelligence in moscow on thursday also told continuing on friday to try and see whether russia gives the green light why is that will russia controls the airspace over a free and also has troops on the ground in that area its all about politics its incredibly complicated and youre seeing different players now carving up trying to carve up different areas of syria expanding their spheres of influence it is a very very complicated situation we have talks coming up in vienna and in sochi and certainly it doesnt look like anyone can seem to agree on anything at the moment Lebanese Army soldiers are found the bodies of nine Syrian Refugees who froze to death trying to cross the border into lebanon they died during a snowstorm in a mountainous area near a Border Crossing six others were saved but one later died in hospital almost patrols are looking for other refugees caught in the storm arrested two syrians on people smuggling charges. Pope francis has met perus president petro publicans in skis he wraps up a south american tour earlier he called for the protection of Indigenous People while visiting the hard to produce amazon forest the popes condemn the exploitation of timber gas and gold in the area he said native put of humans have never been more threatened and urged the government to recognize the culture. Mario sanchez has this update from lima. Where the pope visited one of the most devastated areas in the planets its a region in the amazon in the Southern Region of the mother the else in southern paid to a region where gold miners have devastated this area by doing gold mining in this area but the the pope who it was also very critical not only of gold miners but he said that larger interests meaning companies are contributing to the devastation of a area of the environment that he said large interests want to lay their hands on and gas on petroleum is for gold and he said he urged these communities to protect the environment and he also condemned it that is illegal gold mining is contributing to the Human Trafficking in the in that area is there are thousands of girls that are being forced into prostitution theres a slave labor also there so the the pope urged the native communities to defend the their culture which in the end means they will be protecting their land they will be protecting. The environment that the pope will be in until sunday here in beirut and he will be holding mass in a religious celebration in the Northern City of tokyo but on sunday before he holds a massive religious celebration where a million and a half people are expected to attend there will be a protest of critics of the pope who say thats the pope and the vatican are not doing enough especially the pope not doing enough to stop the sex abuse says so and we among thirty man in the church in his first year in power President Donald Trump has stripped away many obama era environmental. Policies as in unspent last june that the us would pull out of the potus agreement in twenty twenty minutes with world wide disapproval and left the us isolated and as nick clock reports from paris it was followed by a series of climate for late to disasters in the United States from devastating how to to wildfires. December two thousand and fifty the Paris Agreement is forged a historic moment twenty years in the making. That final accord agreed here in paris was a momentous achievement and a unanimous play with a hold of the a bombing is then things changed the United States will cease all implementation of the nonbinding paris accord we dont all trumps efforts to strip away the Environmental Policies that was created as a did not end that hes pushed to bring back mining jobs with as he put it beautiful clean coal hes opened the way for offshore Oil Exploration and his means to dismantle the u. S. But then climate disasters have careered across the United States residents of california where rico and texas will need a reminder that two thousand and seventeen was unusually cruel property and livelihoods destroyed on a massive scale. From harkens to wildfires the u. S. Was struck by sixteen climate and weather disasters in one year with losses according to one report exceeding three hundred six billion dollars we need to be careful not to attribute any one of these events to Climate Change per se its pretty clear that Climate Change is increasing the odds of extreme weather and events like those weve seen recently hurricanes wildfires etc ive not seen any real indication that the president is necessarily cognizant of that as cities and states have stepped into the federal void in the us to say were still in the Paris Agreement were here where were not going away on the International Stage and president macro affronts make planet great again. Just this week macro a ceded to the demands of a long standing environmental protest and abandon plans for a new airport in western france in december he has to the one planet summit to raise finance to fight Climate Change donald trump is looking at this Climate Change issue as much more of a domestic politics issue than an actual scientific and National Security problem which he should be but in mandarin my coins definitely filling that void since the United States is now not a leader on Climate Change any more double trump has recently said he may yet stay in the Paris Agreement should the deal become more favorable but many say that hes never been able to articulate a criticism of the agreement that actually reflects what it says that would no doubt be huge relief should the u. S. Decide to stay within the paris accord but who knows which way the white house wind may blow. Aljazeera. U. S. Vice president mike pence is on his way to the middle east for a three day trip to discuss moving the American Embassy in israel to jerusalem decisions provoked International Anger pence will go to egypt jordan and spend two days in israel where he will address the parliament the palestinians have made it clear hes not welcome alan fischer reports from washington d. C. Americas Vice President flies to the middle east with the country still facing International Anger over its controversial decision to declare jerusalem israels capital and all the protests may not be as furious or widespread mike pence will find there is still deep seated resentment at the american position typically these trips are about. Trying to demonstrate support for u. S. Priorities in prerogatives in the region and you know demonstrate how close we are with our allies and demonstrate how close we are with israel and demonstrate that we can come to some kind of compromise with the palestinians its a big show these trips are ostentatious for a reason. But the practical kind of nuts and bolts of the trouble ministrations approach on this issue is a known failure donald trump made his controversial announcement last month it is time to officially recognize jerusalem as the capital of israel. A more number of sites had previously been identified it could still take several years for the switch to go through pence will first go to egypt where hell meet with president. Other senior figures of told them theyre not interested in seeing him from there its on to jordan and the face to face with King Abdullah finally he will be in israel for two days where he will meet Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and president reagan revelant the palestinians have snubbed the Vice President s visit you cannot meet people when theyre insult you when humiliate you when they ignore you when they sided with your enemy you have to particular the message we are angry we dont accept. And this is cannot continue should not be hypocrisy this is hypocrisy if we need to we are not honest on some mike pence is traveling to the middle east to convince everyone the u. S. Can still be an honest broker in the Peace Process the. Believes as a selfproclaimed deal maker he can still pull something together pences visit will test the new waters alan fischer washington the russian president has braved subzero temperatures for his traditional january dip Vladimir Putin to cough is thick coat of boots and a chilly minus five degrees centigrade for the icy plunge jumping into a hole caught in the frozen lake in northwest russia its part of author talks christianity celebrations remembering the baptism of jesus buddha is known for his exploits in the wilderness but this was the first time he publicly took part in this ritual. And this is all just here these are the top stories egypts president of the federal c. C. Has announced he will run for a second. The elections are scheduled to take place in march the former armed forces chief of staff sami anon has just said he will run and has called for state institutions to be neutral towards all candidates a qatari royal who was at one time a close ally of saudi arabia says the gulf diplomatic crisis has been manufactured in an audio recording obtained by aljazeera shake up the law ben ali autonomy accuses saudi arabia and the u. A. E. Of fabricating the rift with qatar to seize their neighbors wealth. U. S. President donald trump has met a top democrat Chuck Schumer to prevent a Government Shutdown both described progress but schumer said areas of disagreement remain the senate has until midnight friday to agree on a bill to fund the Government Agencies for the next month the white house budget director Mick Mulvaney expects a deal to be reached in the next twenty four hours i think it will be taken care of the money i actually thats why i just said i think if you think theres a really difficult. Thing for. If you think for me writing for tomorrow. No i dont think anybody really. Needing until the pope francis has met perus president petro public who is in skis he wraps up his south american tour earlier the pope called for the protection of Indigenous People while visiting the heart of perus imus in the forest the pope condemned the exploitation of timber gas and gold in the area he said native peruvians have never been more threatened and urged the government to recognize their culture turkey is mobilizing thousands of Free Syrian Army rebels on its border with syria its part of a military operation threatened against syrian kodesh fighters known as the y. P. G. Based in the town of a fleeing the army has intensified shelling enough seen in recent days and says a ground assault could happen soon Lebanese Army soldiers have found the bodies of nine Syrian Refugees who froze to death trying to cross the border into lebanon they died during a snowstorm in a mountainous area near the Border Crossing patrols are looking for others caught in the storm and arrested two syrians on people smuggling charges and those are the headlines the news continues here on aljazeera after inside story life and. The u. S. With holds aid for Palestinian Refugees the trumpet ministration says the u. N. Agency responsible for the money needs reform palestinians say they are being punished for defying the u. S. Over jerusalem so with humanitarian aid being used for political blackmail this

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