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Im Richelle Carey this is aljazeera live from doha also coming up. New Parliament Sets for the first time facing the threat of renewed direct role from the trid. Our nations most remain united on sustaining pressure until north korea takes concrete steps calls for tougher sanctions at a twenty nation meeting to discuss north Koreas Nuclear program. And archaeologists make a remarkable underwater discovery in mexico. Agency for Palestinian Refugees has warned that a cut in u. S. Aid will threaten security across the region but not for ministration has announced it will withhold half of the Financial Assistance that it allocated to the un relief and works agency for Palestinian Refugees or diplomatic phase reports in the un headquarters in new york. After years of conflict and poverty millions of palestinians rely on they will be devastated by this announcement or an element of a they should not cut the aid people here are sick and poor and have nothing to support themselves people here cant afford to buy bread so why does the u. S. Say its taking this action it has long been a concern at this administration here under the administration about annorah and how it handles itself and how it manages its money under the un relief and works agency for Palestinian Refugees to give it its full title is one of the oldest agencies in the u. N. System founded almost seventy years ago the u. S. Has been its biggest funder providing money for among other things clinics schools and social services for palestinians beyond the borders of the territory long disputed by palestinians and israelis and neighboring countries jordan and lebanon it is not the Un Refugee Agency u. N. H. C. R. That helps palestinians living in camps news of the cuts to the agencies funding started to emerge as a News Conference by the un secretary general was underway in new york its clear antonio could terrorists was not given advance notice by washington. I mean ive been in close contact with. What you are saying now i was not yet informed so no no official no i mean at all there might be something that i do not know because i mean its impossible to accompany zings by the minute. Until i was informed there was no official notification of the position but it might have happened. There is a political as well as humanitarian dimension to this President Trump has said he hopes to get the deal of the century between the israelis and the palestinians and yet this announcement hot on the heels of his recognition of jerusalem as the israeli capital has alienated one side making efforts to get the Peace Process back on track harder than ever james aljazeera at the United Nations and as chief Spokesman Says the agency is facing a severe crisis ever pledged to do its best to ensure that people arent left to suffer. We are going to be working relentlessly to extend the donor base to find other donors to come in to fill this gap because our sincere hope is that we will be able to maintain services to some of the most marginal and fragile communities Vulnerable People in the middle east we hope that Regional Security reasons to billets he will not be threatened but that has to remain a risk in light of the us would auction so whereas in the burj al gore isenegger refugee camp in lebanon and he sent this update on how the decision or fact palestinians living there. Were all warning of the dire consequences for refugees. Now it has become a reality and people are worried Palestinian Refugees are poor. Neighborhoods and theres really no infrastructure and. In many professions. That is why the refugees rely on. The organization. Already. More than. The country from four hundred fifty thousand the census shows that there are one hundred seventy five thousand. A better life. Living here. To eliminate their right to return because. If. They move to. Third country. Than expected Benjamin Netanyahu is expecting. However. And has landed donald trump calling the actions against his people send. Out clear at the learn here are the sins of donald trump when he wrongly claimed that jerusalem is the capital of israel is a challenge to millions of muslims and christians this is favoritism for the sake of the Israeli Occupation for the israeli crimes for the israeli attacks on our Palestinian People this means that the us has chosen to violate International Law how can we trust is administrator how can we trust this superpower we will never trust them again we will never accept them as mediators between us and the israeli news and barcelona newly elected members of the cattle on parliament are meeting for the first time that some are not at that ceremony because theyre in jail and selfimposed exile or being investigated for the role they played in last years referendum to secede from spain and all trying to slide from barcelona so carl this part of this parliament is on pretty shaky ground right now. Well certainly what this parliament is very likely to do richelle is open another chapter in the political crisis that has pitted the spanish Central Government against cattle and leaders who are trying to push for catalonia to break away from the rest of the spain and right now what the members of the new council are part of the doing is theyre voting to elect the parliamentary speaker and that post really is a key post but it because this is the parliamentary speaker and the seven person leadership body in parliament who really direct the order of the day we will direct the procedural matters so we will give them control of the political agenda moving forward and everything points to the fire that it will be the separatist parties the ones who want to break away from the space that will control the parliamentary speaker position that that is what is really likely to stop. The control of a scene. But lets take a look at a little bit of the background to this. So far the chance of freedom for the prisoners have been ignored as catalonia as parliament to be opened handful of elected separate as politicians remain in jail others fled abroad. Demonstrations we are trying to. Keep we can stay the flame you know but if someone things that. We give up they dont know. The first the members of parliament on wednesday is to choose a parliamentary speaker next a vote is needed for the new head of the cattle government but its complicated madrid shut down this Parliament Last october now rested catalan leaders for rebellion after they held a referendum to break away from the rest of spain in a snap election last month the Citizens Party which favors remaining part of spain emerged as the Biggest Single Party but a coalition of separatist parties seems certain to form a ruling majority. Ahead of the new session of parliament separatist politicians headed into closed door meetings the key concern seemed to be how to press ahead with the goal of breaking away from spain. Obstacles are a constant issue that will have to look for new solutions but we have never rejected the idea of negotiations but the only thing that the Spanish State offices is prison on direct rule of. The ousted catalan first minister. Remains in selfimposed exile in belgium judges warn he will be arrested if he returns to take his seat in the council and parliament. Separatist party say they will try to reinstate the first minister but the pro unity Citizens Party b. Is that would aggravate the crisis last but the separatists parties are used to breaking the law so its difficult to know exactly what they will do next mr puts them on lives in a parallel universe like in the movie the matrix even a mad groups of schoolchildren continue to talk parliament this week to learn how you will make building began a soup weapons and ammunition store none of the guys were predicting what might happen in the next chapter in catalonia as political battle. Now wants members of the Catalan Parliament to chose the parliamentary speaker their next task will be to move on to try and set up the new capital and government choosing the cattle and first minister that is very unlikely to happen today in fact that process could take several days to weeks possibly and that is really where the where the new clash between the spanish Central Government and the flannel parties is likely to be triggered because if once again a separatist leader takes power as the first minister of the capital in parliament and once again threatens to push ahead trying to get catalonia to break away from the rest of spain that is where the spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy said there is a red line that is where he will step in and once again suspend the suspend the powers of the Capital Parliament and once again impose direct rule so really today seems unlikely to resolve what has become spains worst political crisis in more than forty years really what it is doing is simply opening a new chapter in this political battle richelle ok and all life for us barcelona karl thank you. Still ahead on aljazeera and the u. N. Warns of more months some trout to head in somalia with their millions and desperate need at how fast. They can live out of body but they caught the eye wall by the courts of defiance hong kongs prodemocracy leader says he wont be silenced by a jail sentence. How i wish to say the weather quote in town for japan over the next couple of days you see its a rather lively shall is the longest bells if i got a little bit of snow over the high ground this massive cloud thats moving through down towards the southern part of the country well the one hundred millimeters of rain in twenty four hours but this is say that should start to quieten down twelve celsius lousy dry there for tokyo on thursday western parts of the possibility of some showers or long spells of rain for top again it will move through russia skies coming back in behind it temperatures creeping into double figures in the middle of warmer than of late say across the Korean Peninsula so seoul getting up to around three or four celsius over the next day or two so any quite enough across china at present some pleasant sunshine in hong kong at around twenty one celsius what the numbers for the shanghai are recent spell of folky weather now in the process of getting pushed out of the way by increasing breeze but as you conditions will bring some rather more cloud into the fosse out the east of china for friday so do expect it to tell a little grayer with some water the sunshine coming through play ball sunshine the showers across Southeast Asia well obviously i was making their way towards the philippines but secondly as we go on into friday i was there for southern costs elsewhere the usual scattering of the seasonal rains. The controversial leader of his. Turns to. Terms on his alleged extra judicial killings. Only if someone. Needed. To kill him in damascus at this time. Theyre watching and these are the top stories this hour. For Palestinian Refugees has warned that a cut. In security across the region follows an announcement by the trumpet ministration that it will withhold the Financial System that it allocated to that body. Catalonia as a newly elected parliament is meeting for the First Time Since last session from spain live pictures right now in the Parliament Building in barcelona some of the members though arent there because theyre in jail and selfimposed exile or are being investigated for their role in octobers referendum. Twenty countries have agreed to push for tougher sanctions on north korea over its Nuclear Program and canada russia and china are not invited to the meeting which they say improving relations with pyongyang. North and south korea are getting closer to finalizing the make up of delegation to the upcoming Winter Olympics the two sides are holding a third round of talks the recent meetings have seen a brief thaw in relations following increased tension over the norths Nuclear Weapons program they discussed the. Of having their athletes march under unification flag during the opening ceremony. The north should cooperate so that the norse participation in the olympics and paralympics not only make the Upcoming Event peaceful but also called tribute to the development of north relations and the establishment of peace on the Korean Peninsula is secretary of state Rex Tillerson says the world must be sober and clear out clear eyed that is about the possibility of war with north korea made those comments at a summit in canada were twenty countries agreed to push for tougher sanctions on pyongyang over its Nuclear Program koreas main ally is russia and china were not at that meeting. Has more from near the north korean border with china. Theres been stinging criticism here in china of this summit with state run television the newspaper editorials criticizing what it says is a cold war mentality asking why the United States and its allies would want to jeopardize what seems to be an improving relationship with north korea right now theres a lot of concern here in china about how the use of naval forces to enforce these sanctions around the Korean Peninsula might play out leading to the possibility of some accidental encounter with north korean naval forces that might escalate very quickly also the possible confrontations between the ships of the u. S. Navy and its allies and the chinese navy and chinese merchant vessels around the Korean Peninsula as far as chinas position is concerned it is implementing fully the u. N. Sanctions but here at places like dandong one of the most important links with north korea of course ninety percent of north koreas trade goes through china it is still very busy with the kinds of commodities and foods and goods that china is allowed to trade with north korea but we are seeing evidence as far as the chinese authorities are concerned of clamping down on some of those activities and businesses that provide north korea money such as north korean restaurants or companies that are trading in north korea but the suspicion is always that individuals and companies are simply changing their names or changing management structures as a way of getting around the sanctions there are reports u. S. President former chief strategist has been subpoenaed to testify and possible russian collusion in the two thousand and sixteen president ial election its understand same panel they are required to testify before a grand jury he met with the u. S. House of Representatives Intelligence Committee as part of its own russia and asked a question on tuesday can really help that has more from washington. The subpoena by Robert Muller for steve bannon to appear before a grand jury is certainly a game changer and marks an escalation in the ongoing probe into trying campaign ties to russia and whether or not there was any collusion its not likely that bannon will testify before the grand jury but what this does seem to indicate is some strong arm tactics by the special prosecutor essentially there may be some sort of deal making in the works where there is with the promise to cooperate another promise that band will not have to testify before the grand jury but it certainly is problematic for the president given the fact that it is an unraveling relationship between the president and his former chief strategist one that has deescalated into name calling not only has steve van in that book fired fury said that a meeting that Donald Trump Jr participated in with a kremlin linked lawyer was treasonous but of course donald trump for his part has alleged that steve bannon was forced out of the white house because he had in the words of the president lost his mind well this certainly could be some motivation for steve bannon to speak rather open and freely with the special prosecutor this is certainly marking of an escalation in this investigation one that the white house has insisted repeatedly would be wrapping up rather imminently but of course has not a former u. S. Intelligence officer has been arrested and charged with allegedly holding onto classified information jerry lee is accused of maintaining handwritten notes including names and details about spy recruits and other cia employees and now lives in hong kong and was arrested when he flew to new york on monday Justice Department says f. B. I. Agents searched lees hotel rooms in two thousand and twelve and found two books but the notes. French police have raided the headquarters giant like tell us over the salmonella. Scandal i tell us has recalled milk powder from eighty three countries after it was revealed its factories were contaminated with that bacteria the companys own test discovered the contamination in august but the firm failed to take action more than thirty babies in france were poisoned with children affected in greece and spain as well. The un has warned that somalia is facing a deepening humanitarian crisis with the prolonged drought expected to continue well into this year an estimated six Million People are in need of humanitarian assistance across the country. Armed conflict and consecutive poor rainy seasons have led to the crisis earlier we spoke to vincent li who is the un humanitarian coordinator for somalia he says people need urgent assistance to cope with the loss of their livelihoods. We have more than three Million People who need assistance on a daily basis the same same three million we need to. Stop production growth. Or market their produce coming to survive on the farm in these over the last four years progressive. Dick with reams. Of bridge system to be going into this year there will be very unlikely and i mean the which means three and four will be in this the second rate of it a c. D. S. Program is displacement a very very many who have been displaced from their homes. More than a time two thousand together over the smaller than two million a fifth of the population was. Displaced away from their home this is fuelling suffering it is feeling the humanitarian need and the. Ways to survive and that need assistance and thailand in a story and prosecuted for insulting a sixteenth century king has had his case dismissed so. Question the official account of the kings role in an elephant more than four hundred years ago thailand has strict laws to protect the monarchy eighty five year old scholar welcome the military courts decision refuses to apologize for disputing ancient history i stand by that effect i stand by i didnt choose. I dont stand by those who have. And what i. Used to. Do just to pass i didnt want you to believe me i get them. Right through as a historian as a school and thats all i have to pakistans opposition parties have come together as part of a mass demonstration in lahore to call for the resignation of the chief minister they accuse of being complicit in a two thousand and fourteen incident in which fourteen supporters of a rival Political Party were killed hyder is there with the details. A massive show of strength by the opposition parties who have rallied behind professor side of the party found i wanted a very who was just there for over one hundred thousand over the border. Back in grade before did read the Police Open Fire i did had four days ahead to do it all there are tens of thousands of people getting ready for need to get a ride from the radio when a ticket party is it a major down by the Opposition Party to try and force the parades or t. V. With their soundbites ready all because of the brother of their did qualified Prime Minister of pakistan with their large ready for what tacked on good options roger had already facing a major road they truly party had suffered i thought it through debated you and i be opposition thereby they gave their dad one day job. Or they wont pressure on him to die but it will be aborted to take the weight of the Opposition Party that a bridge to continue to build up the momentum to force the provincial government to resign. Whats not to be the Worlds Largest underwater caves has been discovered in mexico and its around four hundred fifty kilometers long a team of archaeologists diverse found human bones and pottery from thousands of years ago scientists are hoping to piece together a clear understanding of the ancient mayan civilization. Reports. Deep underneath the state of kuantan a ruined north east mexico near the sandy beaches of kent kuhn the tourist resort on the caribbean coast scuba divers explore what they say is the worlds longest and largest underwater cavern the feel youre. Stretching for three hundred forty seven kilometers the freshwater caverns are known as sea noted this all hosts. The maze of underwater channels is not only extensive but also deep up to one hundred meters in some spots. On the sea and to see not these muscle meaning of the scene there are about two hundred underwater caves in the secretary a system which we thought could be connected but we were not sure of that so now we know about the collection and the flows of water while the way the city put them into the way. Scientists think the kids were used as a source of fresh water during the ancient maya civilization divers began exploring the mayan aqua firs in the one nine hundred eighty s. Mayans considered the cave sacred the portal to talk with the gods in north down a northern me a mother yourself it gives us a wonderful perspective a new understanding of how the leaders of the ancient settlements and how the ancient mayans developed it allows us to understand more clearly the rituals and the pilgrimage sites and finally the great pretty his spine example means that we know of which run along this cave system. At the peak of their civilizations in the six to ten centuries millions master culture mouths and the strong to me as well as building hospitals and sporting arenas and theyre credited with creating calendars and discovering chocolate. Mayans abandon their cities around one thousand years ago when spanish explorers arrived hundreds of years later they found most cities overgrown. This discovery by divers deep underwater may shed more light on what happened above so long ago. Aljazeera. To approach him ocracy activists have been taken into custody and hong kong over their role in protests and two thousand and fourteen josh along with announced the three months in jail for contempt of court while the along with dave and four and a half months which i just declined to release them on bail while that appeal is paying considered to make up holland as in hong kong. Not to. The sixteen being sentenced today are going to jail thats joshua wall and rafael wong both prominent leaders of the twenty fourteen prodemocracy protests the rest have been given suspended sentences or fines joshua long was defiance before going into courts think i will go all the way but they. Really have to do is if we need to face a prison sentence westfield going to fight for democracy in the future the charges stem from the two thousand and fourteen umbrella occupied movement when one of the protests sites not the main one was being cleared by police payloads had ordered the area to be cleared and according to the judge joshua was wong rafael long and the rest of them had resisted the Police Clearance and this is in criminal contempt of the courts while many skeptics are questioning why its taken so long to sentence them particularly since they had pleaded guilty from the start joshua long rafael long though how political ambitions for joshua long hes facing other charges that hes already been sentenced to prison earlier in august hes currently out on bail fighting those charges. And member of the country royal family who said he was being held against his will in the United Arab Emirates has now been released chika dela bin ali all funny has left before kuwait on sunday he released a video statement saying that if anything were to happen to him qatar would not be at fault he had denied the allegations saying he was free to leave whenever he chose. So sending two billion dollars to prop up yemens currency and says its just herman to alleviate the suffering of the people you know many reale has lost half of its value recently against the u. S. Dollar prompting the government to ask for a cash infusion from the saudis a coalition of countries in the almost three year long war against the fighters who are backed by regional rivals iran and when you get a moment visit our website to keep up to date on all the news that we cover here on aljazeera its al jazeera dot com. This is aljazeera and these are the top stories the u. N. Agency for Palestinian Refugees has warned that u. S. Aid will threaten security across the region and follows an announcement by the Trump Administration that it will withhold half the Financial Assistance that it allocated to that body and was chief Spokesman Says the agency is facing its most severe crisis ever to do its best to ensure that people arent left to suffer. We are going to be working relentlessly to extend the database to find all the moves to come in to through this go because all sincere hope is that we will be able to maintain services to some of the most marginal and fragile communities Vulnerable People in the middle east we hope the Regional Security regional stability will not be threatened with the risk in light of the us with. Catalonia is really elected parliament is meeting for the First Time Since last years vote on secession from spain but some of its members are at the ceremony because they are either in jail and selfimposed exile or being investigated for their role and octobers referendum. Twenty countries have agreed to push for tougher sanctions on north korea over its Nuclear Program after a summit in canada russia and china were invited to the meeting which they say could jeopardize improving relations with pyongyang. To prodemocracy activists have been taken into custody in hong kong over their role in protests in two thousand and fourteen russia long was sentenced to three months in jail for contempt of court while rafael long was given four and a half months the judge has declined to release them on bail while an appeal is being considered. Pakistans opposition parties are joining forces to seek justice for the deaths of fourteen protesters killed in fighting with police in two thousand and fourteen thousands of people are rallying in lahore to call for the resignation of the chief minister should wash every word they say is to blame. And police and france have raided the headquarters of dairy giant like tallis over the salmonella scandal the firm has recalled powdered milk from eighty three countries after it was revealed its factories were contaminated with bacteria the companys own test discovered the contamination in august but they did not take action those are the headlines news continues here on aljazeera after inside story thanks for time to keep it or. The palestinian president has to suspend recognition of israel as a further expression of palestinian following Donald Trumps decision on them but one of the consequences off cutting ties with israel and the palestinians have. The says inside story

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