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I mean this is a lie from london also coming up the program. We know. Theres. The u. S. Secretary of state sends a message to north korea a nuclear pyongyang is not acceptable. Frances expresses pain and shame over sex abuse by priests. And the stock market milestone in the United States the Dow Jones Industrial average hits twenty six thousand points for the first time. Donald trump threatened to pull aid from palestinians any of this month in a post on twitter and he now appears to have gone through with the threat the u. S. Government has announced it will withhold sixty five Million Dollars in money to the palestinians its a move that could prove kind of straw for hundreds of thousands of people in need. Audra is providing Vital Services to the Palestinian Refugee population both in the occupied territories and in jordan. And in. Lebanon. Those services are of extreme importance not only for the well being of these populations and that is syrias you many daily and concern he but also in my opinion and theyll be that is shared by most International Observers including some israeli ones it is an important factor of stability so. If all around well not be in a position to provide the Vital Services and the emergency forms of support that longer has been providing these will create a very very serious problem and we will do everything we can to avoid the situation to work while our diplomatic editor james bays sent us this update this is an important blow because this is the first funding of the year the First Tranche of funding and the u. S. Is withdrawing more than half of it or at least withholding it for now they say that they dont think it is a very well managed agency and they dont like everything that has been doing but clearly a lot of what does is a very important great importance to the humanitarian situation to the Living Conditions of palestinians there is also of course a political dimension to all of this remember that President Trump has said that hes going to come or try to come up with the deal of the century between israelis and palestinians and yet now weve heard him recognize jerusalem as the capital of israelis weve had him now cutting the funding to honor its clear he wants to come up with a deal with the two sides and yet one of the sides i think feels very strongly now that he is not an honest broker. Yes sector state Rex Tillerson says that a Nuclear Armed north korea is not acceptable and is calling for continued pressure on pyongyang and tell it take steps to undo its Nuclear Program to listen it was speaking at a meeting in canada looking at ways to better implement un sanctions imposed on the officials from twenty countries of there to keep less china and russia are absent. The object of negotiations if and when we get there is the complete verifiable and irreversible denuclearization of north korea all nations here today are united on that go we all must insist a full enforcement of Us Security Council sanctions as this is the letter of the law we especially urge russia and china in this matter full implementation is an essential measure for the security of their people and a clear indication of their willingness to honor their International Commitments we cannot abide lapses or sanctions evasions we will continue to call attention to and designate entities and individuals complicit in such evasive actions as we talk was one of those children whose invade cuba following that meeting in rows so very well but russia and china were not at that meeting so what is any progress. While thats a very good point nic in fact russia and china were a quite angry that they werent invited to this session in fact the Chinese Government on tuesday called this meeting here in vancouver illegal well we dont know exactly what grounds but both the chinese and the russians have been adamant that this meeting cannot be a substitute for the Six Party Talks which was the u. N. Sponsored framework to try to get north korea to give up its Nuclear Weapons program as well as a substitute for the u. N. Security council which as you noted has been imposing increasing levels of financial and social sanctions against the government and palin gone because it refuses to let either stop developing Nuclear Warheads or further develop the list of missiles which is how these warheads would be delivered to any other countries during an attack certainly there is the question of whether of the countries that have been invited here the countries that basically provide. I did support to south korea during the war in one thousand nine hundred fifty two nine hundred fifty three actually do you have any new ideas we are expecting a press briefing in the next several hours there might be some insight into what they are planning to do but as of right now it does not appear neck as if anything earth shattering or anything significant that would possibly end the crisis on the Korean Peninsula will be coming out of this one day session by rose thats a picture in. Reporting thank you. To chile where pope francis has expressed what he has called his pain and shame over the countrys Sexual Abuse Scandal it is the first time hes commented on the crisis around a former priest who was found guilty in two thousand and eleven of abusing teenage boys from there a latin america editor you see in human as this. Chilean catholics and immigrants from many parts of latin america spent the night here for the chance to see pope francis up the popes media never you never read them again it was worth it i love this point because he underscores the need for social justice which our Political Parties have forgotten. That this is something larger spark and organizers calculated four hundred thousand people came to the popes first mass in chile less than half of the estimated one million who attended Pope John Paul the second smash here thirty one years ago during chiles military dictatorship but those were different times back then john pauls mass was interrupted when riot police began firing massive amounts of tear gas into the crowd to disperse those who were protesting against human rights abuses and calling for the popes support which they brought three decades on chileans are still thinking about abuses but this time those committed by the church. Pope francis wasted no time confronting the issue in his first address here at the president ial palace he asked for forgiveness for clerical sex abuses against innocent minors. Here i feel bound to express my pain and shame of the irreparable damage caused to children by some ministers of the church and he said. I am one with my brother bishops for it is right to ask for. Given us and make every effort to support the victims even as we commit ourselves to ensuring that such things do not happen again. It will be many will be holding him to his word because a lot of that has to be corrected forgiveness is necessary but abuses have to be private no matter what the song during the mass the pope spoke of peace before leaving to meet women prisoners on tuesday hes in to move the most complex stop of his trip its the epicenter of a restive territorial dispute by indigenous is a place where chileans are hoping that his message of peace and reconciliation will be heard you see in human santiago. A member of the qatari royal family who said he was being held against his will in the United Arab Emirates has now left the country and is a Military Hospital in kuwait shake up the bin tunney released a video statement on sunday saying that if anything were to happen to him is not at fault you he had denied the allegations saying he was free to leave whenever he chose. The side Led Coalition fighting the hooty rebels and yemen says it will allow for cranes at the port of hood leader to begin operation the cranes were bored with the u. S. Funds will be used to offload basic necessities such as food and medicine. Reports that they cannot come soon enough. Amid the worst humanitarian crisis in the world what could be a sliver of hope these four to donald cranes which are just arrived at her data port in yemen funded by the United States agency for International Development will significantly increase the floating capacity here at the border to ease congestion and improve ultimately improve delivery of humanitarian and other supplies to the people who desperately need it across yemen the saudi Led Coalition fighting who the rebels in northern yemen is promising to allow the cranes to begin offloading food medicine and other basic necessities there have been guarantees before but aid hasnt always flowed it cant come soon enough is there anybody can use when needed by fatah enough to yemen they want to make the best not to use what used to come and you know sort of the majority of the game and. The International Committee of the red cross stresses however that while aid is arriving in yemen its not coming quick enough. In the city of tire is dozens of protesters demonstrated against what they said is government negligence government leaders are accused of failing to control the collapse of the National Currency or protect yemenis from rising food prices the companies that you when you do need is not enough this is a country of twenty seven you even see many different agencies enough fuel and food and medicine for the whole country what we need is for collusion whats the abbey and the let will those inside of fish. The poorest country in the middle east is facing multiple crises the worst cholera epidemic ever recorded and a diptheria outbreak that is spreading quickly in a country with some of the highest rates of malnutrition in the world and where more than eight Million People are on the brink of famine a new report by unicef details how children have been scarred by war and says that since the escalation of the conflict in march two thousand and fifteen three million children have been born in yemen thats approximately three thousand every day unicef says more than eleven million yemeni children need humanitarian assistance just one of the many reasons why few believe the suffering of the yemeni people will end any time soon. So to come here on the program of to make the migrants in Northern Front some level a while so will be no more makeshift camps and counting. Why the killings of fourteen villages and senate gold is being blamed on the illegal trafficking life that you. Hello there weve had some really heavy rain over parts of australia recently mostly over perth here weve had ninety six millimeters of rain just in twenty four hours and it was thanks to a tropical so i claim that disintegrated over this region so a few more showers perhaps are likely as we head through wednesday eventually those fizzling out temperatures though never too bad around twenty eight degrees for the southeast corner its a bit different here the temperatures are on the rise so thirty seven degrees the maximum there in adelaide and around thirty one in melbourne thats for wednesday but by thursday were about forty one in adelaide a very very hot day not far behind in melbourne will be at thirty eight so that southeast corner turning very hot wants more over the next few days its a different again over new zealand you can see this weather system here the spiraling area of low pressure bringing us some very strong winds and some very heavy downpours some places could see up to two hundred millimeters of rain from that system and eventually it will begin to pull away as we head through thursday so the south island will be a bit brighter but still some rain as we head through the day before the towards the north and force in japan weve also got some heavy rain into that mostly in the south its gradually working its way eastwards though by the time we get to lunchtime on thursday it should have cleared away for most thirteen the maximum in tokyo. This. Is a. Young liver treat. To. Get. Any just. Risking it all this time when al jazeera. Again or im out of the top stories here on aljazeera the u. S. Government has announced it will withhold sixty five Million Dollars in money it mocks the palestinians in need it follows a twitter threats by the u. S. President earlier this month. U. S. Secretary of state Rex Tillerson says a Nuclear North Korea is not acceptable he made the comments at a meeting in canada is looking at ways to better implement u. N. Sanctions imposed on the knoll. Pope francis is express what hes called his payment shame over the abuse of children by priests and surely its the first time hes commented on the scandal involving a former priest of abusing teenage boy. The french president has called on the United Kingdom to do more about refugees migrants trying to make it to britain via kell a meeting with refugees migrants and all macros says that he will discuss the issue with treason on thursday thousands were victims from the jungle migrant cali before it was demolished last year Natasha Butler has more from cali. Emmanuel might call began the day meeting of refugees a. State shelter in northern france isnt really. So the same region some regions of the rooms of them later in the port of cali the french president politicians Charity Workers and Police People here are fed up that hundreds of refugees continue to come to canada to try and reach the u. K. Mike ross said he will ask britain to do more to help when he meets Prime Minister to resume a on thursday visit. Better manage the issue of unaccompanied minors reinforce Police Cooperation in cali and with countries of origin and transit on block funds to support important projects for the development of kalar simulating. Police say that more than one hundred fifteen thousand attempts were made by refugees to reach the u. K. Last year now that britons voted to leave the European Union many here say its time to scrap the u. K. s calley border britains border here was agreed to under a two thousand and three franco british deal two k. Accorded allows British Police and customs officers to operate on the french authorities since then things have changed with the refugee crisis and brags that and now many people in cali saying brought the u. K. Must manage its border on its own territory because this adventure courtesy of we need to get rid of this border it will make britain more accessible for the migrants who want to go there so if the border goes it will make things easier here. So its time to move the border the situation in careless becoming unmanageable in terms of security my little girl and i cant go out alone because of whats happening. Mike ross says france will do more to help Asylum Seekers but hes ruled out building a refugee camp in cali and promised to crack down on Illegal Immigrants maya can forty is one of several activists who refused to meet the president shes angry conditions for refugees are worse than ever you know we are adding madhouse and miles and miles of fences and barbed wire in cali and when is that going to stop when it clearly does not work i mean if it diminishes the number of people who are here but but this will come macro will hope that this visit will put pressure on britain to reach a deal for cali but until the certainty of what breaks its means calley status as a symbol of europes refugee crisis seems secure natasha buchla aljazeera kalai of course was a politician has been shot dead in the northern coast of an town of mature which are all of event which he was head of the Freedom Democracy and Justice Party was standing trial for war Crimes Involving the murder of the of Ethnic Albanians in this mitrovica in one thousand nine hundred nine he was shot a number of times outside his partys headquarters by the us says hundreds of thousands of ranger refugees will be repatriated to neighboring men within two years the Bangladeshi Government says a deal was settled this week but theres no official word yet from inlaw and no confirmation of when refugees will start going home more than six hundred forty thousand range of muslims have fled the military crackdown in memos Rakhine State since august last year scott hiatal has the latest now from bangkok. After two days of talks in naperville myanmars capital officials from bangladesh and myanmar have started to talk about the implementation of agreement they reached those two nations on the repatriation of those more than six hundred fifty thousand refugees who fled from Rakhine State over into bangladesh now they say that within two years they want all of the refugees to have returned to work and state now there are discussions over the two days of exactly how to implement that one is coming from myanmar side they are saying they have announced that they have to rate Repatriation Centers that they are constructing in Rakhine State one is ready and will be online next tuesday they say to receive at least one hundred fifty refugees per day nothing really coming from the bangladesh side is how thats going to be implemented but myanmar officials saying theyre going to be ready starting next week now the United Nations has come in and said that theyre concerned about the repatriation process they say it needs to be verified that those repatriations are voluntary its very important for that because of obviously the horrors that these people fled that they said they fled back last year that they need to make sure its a safe environment for them to go back into so it will be a slow process at the beginning but both nations myanmar and bangladesh saying that thats going to start to go online very soon also next week theres going to be a new commission with International Members on it for rakhine now this is an Implementation Commission thats going to have members from thailand from south africa and the United States to help the myanmar government implement recommendations from a Previous Commission headed by u. N. Secretary general kofi annan former u. N. Secretary general kofi annan they say theyre going to start to meet and work toward implementing those recommendations from the Kofi Annan Commission its going to be interesting to see how and if the myanmar government takes those recommendations how quickly will come out but right now next week were seeing a lot of Movement Toward the repatriation but it will be very interesting to see just how quickly it actually happens i mean maher saying theyre ready to start receiving on tuesday. President told trump is in Excellent Health according to the white house doctor who has just released results from recent tests tests follow up questions about the president s wellbeing at the end of last year after he slurred his words during a speech i had given the president s medication specifically some sudafed over the days previous and i think that i had inadvertently kind of dried up the situations a little bit more than i intended to and i think that led to very different to take it. Well dr Ronnie Jackson said the president asked for cognitive tests because he wanted to put the questions about his Mental Health to rest he also said the president wants to leave some weights but he stressed that he does have a lot of energy and stamina and quote incredibly good genes. Well there are reports that u. S. President Donald Trumps former chief strategist has been subpoenaed to testify on possible russian collusion in the two thousand and sixteen president ial election it is understood that steve benen will be required to testify before a grand jury ban and was recently quoted in a book saying trumps son son in law and Campaign Chairman met with a group of russians during the two thousand and sixteen campaign describing it as treasonous given how it has more now from washington. The subpoena by Robert Muller for steve bannon to appear before a grand jury is certainly a game changer and marks an escalation in the ongoing probe into Trump Campaign ties to russia and whether or not there was any collusion its not likely that bannon will testify before the grand jury but what this does seem to indicate is some strong arm tactics by the special prosecutor essentially there may be some sort of deal making in the works where there is with the promise to cooperate another promise that bannon will not have to testify before the grand jury but it certainly is problematic for the president given the fact that it is an unraveling relationship between the president and his former chief strategist one that has deescalated into name calling not only has steve van in that book fire and fury said that a meeting that Donald Trump Jr participated in with a kremlin linked lawyer was treasonous but of course donald trump for his part has alleged that steve bannon was forced out of the white house because he had in the words of the president lost his mind well this certainly could be some motivation for steve bannon to speak rather open and freely with the special prosecutor this is certainly a marking of an escalation in this investigation one that the white house has insisted repeatedly would be wrapping up rather imminently but of course has not only the Dow Jones Industrial average post a twenty six thousand vote for the first time in history the peak appears to show a row using Economic Optimism and the president trailed a rose on to his moral. Whether it be here in the u. S. Or abroad the first year of president Donald Trumps time in office has been beset by controversies and setbacks hes one of the least popular president s in modern times with his Approval Ratings in the thirtys to at best low fortys but one area where trump has seen a lot of success is right here at the stock market many people saying the u. S. Economy as a whole is roaring like a Freight Train now the dow is one of the oldest and most watched Economic Indicators anywhere in the world its the weighted average of thirty significant stocks traded on the New York Stock Exchange and nasdaq its been around for over a hundred in twenty years and the dow has reached twenty six thousand points for the First Time Ever shortly after trading began on tuesday and its a signal of the Strong Health of the stock market and the u. S. Economy as a whole g. D. P. Growth is up and unemployment is down the stock market started making gains shortly after Trump Took Office on his promise to cut regulations that hinder Economic Growth and hes done just that cutting hundreds of regulations in the last year and now the markets are responding positively to trumps tax reform legislation which is promising huge tax cuts to corporations and seen as a gift to wall street add it all up and the dow has shot up more than forty percent since trump became president further helping is that crude prices are up to some of the highest prices in the past three years driven up by production cuts by opec and Strong Demand fueled by Economic Growth but going back to the dow and the stock market while without a doubt it is seeing record gains it is mostly benefiting the rich and well connected millions of americans are seeing no or very little effect from it or only one third of the bottom fifty percent of wage earners have stocks in many ways this is a search thats a lot about the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer. Police incident of take us to demonstrators protesting against the soaring price of bread hundreds took to the streets near the president ial palace and called to munchies the police also used backers to control the crowd before making arrests days of nationwide protests started earlier this month when new Government Economic reforms caused bread and other prices to double. In senegal soldiers are targeting rebel hideouts is investigate the killings of fourteen villages shootings and stabbings are thought to be connected to the trafficking of timber from protected forests in the south of the country this is really confused and disoriented. Days trying to remember how he ended up here in this hospital bed with a bullet wound to his neck. And yet his brother cherno presses him for answers do you remember who shot you he asks did the killers look familiar. But theyre only remembers running for his life because he was among twenty villagers cutting down trees in this protected forest in southern senegals kosmos region when massed men rounded up the villagers ten were shot dead two were stabbed to death and one was burnt alive another victim was found days later half a dozen more were wounded. But. I was just taking a little firewood for cooking i took a little not a lot but i guess someone doesnt want us there is a mouse is located between gambia and guinea be south its a protected natural reserve filled with centuries old rosewood and teak trees. The high value timber is illegally trafficked in neighboring countries again because former president. Gambia became one of the Worlds Largest exporters of the precious would most of it went to china. And the chinese buyers are not in senegal but operating from gambia and going to pursue the responsibility lies with governments of those countries to cooperate but they dont so the trade is booming villagers corrupt government officials and separatist rebels of southern senegal are accuse of being behind the trade and for the last thirty years the forest has been a hiding place for independence fighters. Peace talks are dragging senegal accuse them of trading timber to fund their rebellion. An investigation is underway to try to find out who is responsible for the killings in this statement rebels in gaza all say they have nothing to do with this meanwhile the senegal army says its pounding rebel hideouts in what it calls a clearing operation now many in senegal support this operation but some in the most fear that this could lead to undress. Twenty men have been arrested so far. And his brother are in no hurry to return home Nicholas Hawk aljazeera to car. And all the stories that were covering including our top story there the u. S. Cutting funding to the u. N. Agency palestinians aljazeera dot com is the address lots of comments and analysis to. Show the headlines here in the u. S. Government has announced it will withhold sixty five Million Dollars in aid money earmarked for palestinians it follows a twitch of threats by the u. S. President earlier this month could be catastrophic for hundreds of thousands of people in need diplomatic editor james bays has more. There is also of course a political dimension to all of this remember that President Trump has said that hes going to come or try to come up with the deal of the century between israelis and palestinians and yet now weve heard him recognize jerusalem as the capital of israelis weve had him now cutting the funding to under a its clear he wants to come up with a deal with the two sides and yet one of the sides i think feels very strongly now that he is not an honest broker the u. S. Secretary of state says a Nuclear North Korea is not acceptable and has called for continued pressure on pyongyang and to take steps to undo its Nuclear Program Rex Tillerson was speaking at a meeting in canada which is looking at ways to better implement u. N. Sanctions imposed on the north officials from twenty countries of their two key players that russia and china absent. Pope francis has expressed what hes called his pain and shame over chiles Sexual Abuse Scandal it is the first time hes commented on the crisis surrounding a former priest who was found guilty in two thousand and eleven of abusing teenage boys in a sauna in South Central chile. The site he Led Coalition fighting who the rebels in yemen says it will fall cranes at the port of her data to begin operation theyll be used to offload basic necessities such as food and medicine the cranes were bored with us funs bangladesh says more than one hundred fifty thousand reinjure refugees will be repatriated to neighboring minima within two years as part of a deal agreed by the two countries there is no official date for when the repatriation will begin and concern remains for the safety of the ranger once they are returned on tuesday the Dow Jones Industrial average has raced past the twenty six thousand mark for the first time in history the peak appears to show a rise in Economic Optimism. Throughout europe today the top stories stay with us risking it all coming right up to. A year in power americas controversy over president continues to polarize opinion. In a week of special reports aljazeera examines his impact at home and around the globe. Donald trumps first year on aljazeera. The lead guitar player rivers there now amazonian

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